25 Jahre nur Pizza essen!? Wie (un)gesund ist das? | Galileo | ProSieben

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Yumm, Pizza. I could probably eat it every day! Of course I don`t. But he does! Dan Janson has been eating pizza for 25 years straight. For breakfast, lunch and dinner. And supposedly it`s not harming him at all. We couldn`t believe it so we went out to grab a slice with him. We`re in baltimore on the east coast. We`re meeting Dan Janson, the guy who supposedly has been living off of pizza for 25 years. Obviously, we met at a pizza-place and we want to know: Is it true? I`ve been eating pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 25 years now. 99.9% are cheese-pizzas. I don`t like toppings. 3 cheese-pizzas a day. That can`t be healthy! But we do have to admit. He looks quite healthy. Dan is completely convinced that his diet is the best. I`m here to encourage kids: You don´t have to eat healthy. You need to eat pizza! Pizza is a superfood. There`s vegetables in the sauce, dairy in the cheese and then you have your carbohydrates. People say that you should reduce your carbs but i say: Go for it! Dan already became famous for this statement! He`s allready a well known custumer at this pizza place. Even the chefs pose with him. He get`s praised online by his pizza-fans. The man who already ate 30 000 pizzas in his life became a phenomenon. That can become quite weird. The weirdest thing was a request i got by korean television. They wanted me to go there or them to come here to interview me about how western countries plan to unite against grains. They wanted me to do propaganda for them and their country. I turned that down. Dan takes out his insulin. He`s a diabetic. He has to inject some insulin after every meal. We are quite surprised. Shoudn`t he be more careful with his diet when he`s a diabetic? Shouldn`t he eat more variety? Together we`ll visit a doctor later on. But first, groceries. Pretty easy for the pizza-guy! First step: freezer! Frozen pizza for the next week. I usually buy 4-5 of these. I need to stock up. Dans standards are pretty low. The frozen pizzas are the perfect alternative to pizza from a restaurant. But tonight he has guests over so there`ll be homemade pizza But because his friends don`t like cheese pizzas he has to buy toppings as well. Vegetables. That`s pretty hard for dan. I only know green Peppers. I didn`t even know that there were orange ones. I`d never eat that. Never! I could also just eat my vitamins through pills. We are starting to realize: dan`s got a serious problem. He dislikes a lot of food. Especially vegetables. Pizza isn`t just his passion. He doesn´t like anything else. Except for his diet he´s living a pretty healthy lifestyle. He works out several times a week which definately helps burn off the 4000 calories from pizza a day. Dan loves his pizza american-style. A lot of dough, a lot of sauce and an extra layer of cheese. What he hates is german pizza. All the german pizzas i tried were terrible. Maybe they changed...maybe I was at the wrong restaurants. But i don´t know... The guy who only eats pizza, when i was in germany...i only ate prezels. The big fat american pizza is done after 12 minutes in the oven. Next up is the veggie-pizza for the guests. A dificult task for the guy who`s so afraid of vegetables. Good thing his wife just arrived. She`s a vegetarian and want´s to help her husband with the preparation. A pretty strange task. I think it´s just disgusting to put it on pizza but the trend these days is towards disgusting stuff. Just cause it´s gross for you doesn`t mean it`s gross for everyone.
Channel: Galileo
Views: 9,247,302
Rating: 4.7505164 out of 5
Keywords: 25 Jahre nur Pizza essen!? Wie (un)gesund ist das?, pizza, pizza rekord, pizza essen, pizza usa, nur pizza essen, pizza challenge, pizza ungesund, wie gesund ist pizza, pizza doku, pizza reportage, Galileo, Galileo 2020, Galileo 10 Fragen, galileo test, galileo selbstexperiment, Galileo Essen, Wissen, Foodtrends, ProSieben, Dokumentation, galileo mystery, jumbo schreiner, reportage, doku, dokumentation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2016
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