25 Jahre ISS - Die wertvollste Maschine der Menschheit | SWR Doku
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: SWR Doku
Views: 66,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ISS, SWR Wissen, Raumfahrt, Internationale Raumstation, NASA, ESA, Roskosmos, Astronaut, Alexander Gerst, Matthias Maurer, Bob Cabana, Sergei Krikalev, Vanessa Wyche, Thomas Reiter, Ulrich Walter, Unity, Saria, Columbus, EVA, LEO, Spacewalk, SpaceX, Deorbiting, SWR Doku, Doku, betrifft SWR, SWR Filme auf dem Dokukanal, ARD Dokus, Dokus Das Erste, 7 Tage, Mensch Leute, SWR Story, SWR Porträt, international space station
Id: F_Ta9rx9yVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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