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genius what oh oh oh snap I hit the camera well that's what I was hoping oh geez oh man welcome back to another video I really need some life hacks in my life I've been struggling doing things right for years guys welcome back to another video my name isn't speakable and I hope you guys are having a wonderful day today we're gonna check out like 25 awesome life hacks now most of you guys probably know what a life hack is but some of you guys watching probably have no idea what that one boy what is that well let me give you a demonstration let me zoom out the camera okay now you can see everything cool now I know where I'm like a super wide lens it's like really cool we're like people like I assumed it out cuz I have to show you guys something this is a life back a life hack is something that you do that you've probably never seen before to basically make your life easier for example these two holes that are in my desk are made for cords to go through them but a water bottle perfectly fits right there and you could use it as a cup holder as well that is an example of a life hack well our first life hack is a cap but this is no ordinary cop look at this but let's have a look so those who haven't noticed the cups on lids there's three little bumps for them now what that is is the lid actually fits on the bottom of the cups if you ever go to McDonald's Burger King or anything like that on most of the cups you can take a little bit flip it upside down or maybe some coffee cups and you can put your cup on it and it acts as a coaster lids are actually coasters now this might not work with every single lid in every fast-food or restaurant or anything like that but most of them it will that's pretty cool I didn't even know that this was actually really common one I've seen this one before basically if you ever want a straw in your canned drink you flip the opener over and it holds the straw so it doesn't fall out we've never drinking a straw out of a candy soda it always tends to come out and fall and it gets dirty in the grass outside you're like man I gotta go get another straw but this will solve all your problems I promise hey guys all these things I've shown you in the video you can apply to your life and make some things easier for you on a day-to-day basis our next life hack is this have you ever use extension cords you can know that they can come unplugged pretty easily and pretty often for me it's happened a couple times and all you have to do is simply kind of tie it off like this and it will probably never come unplugged again unless you're really pulling nothing our next two life hack we have spaghetti a lot of people you know they'll put spaghetti in these really fancy jars they'll buy like glass jars for them your parents might have one who knows but you could also use a Pringles can why not I know everyone who's watching this video has had Pringles at least once in their life and if you haven't just why are you watching this video if you haven't had Pringles if you ever had Primo's you need a life tutorial not a life hack is you can actually open bananas from the bottom side so you don't get bananas strings no I've never tried this before so I don't know if it's true but I can see that so basically the way you always open a banana open it from the other side you want candy strings freaking genius people come up with this where was I when I needed this our next life hack we have oh my gosh what where was this when I was struggling for 45 minutes in my car the other day trying to get a new key on if you don't know what's going on here basically they're using a little clipper to open up one of those keychain things and this is what you have your keys on maybe maybe a lanyard or something like that I don't know why maybe it's just me every time I get a new key or a new little like keychain and I try to put it on one of those things literally takes me like 45 minutes no today I was sitting in my car and I was legit sitting there rich twenty five minutes trying to put one of those on oh I got so true I finally got on I would have known we could have just done that that's just whatever forget it next life hack is what um that works I mean if that's how you like your cupcakes I mean yeah I could see that being a possibility basically they're taking the cupcake and cutting the cake part in half and stacking it on the icing and voila you have basically a cake instead of a cupcake with icing in the middle that's pretty genius actually honestly if I saw someone doing this like a birthday party I would look at them and be like I'm gonna be friends with you I would be friends with you oh are you serious right now do you have any idea how much time I've wasted trying to get that last little inch of toothpaste out or centimeter or millimeter of toothpaste to squeeze them out move it up a little bit squeeze them out move it up a little bit it's genius what why where where was I when this was who actually uses this let me know in the comment section below please why am i walking away from the spring seriously these are actually like helpful like all right next lifetime we have what is happening here Oh okay well I already do this I think what I'm seeing is the right side is the right way to do it the left side is the wrong way so if you don't know that is it's aluminum foil when you know when you wrap a plate of food in it or wrap any type of food in a wrapper burrito whatever you want to wrap it basically a lot of people take a sheet out then close the top part then rippy and it's actually really hard to do that leave the top part open then rip the aluminum foil off and it's a lot easier but I've been doing that for years I guess my life is now packed that was a really cringey I won't do that again I'm sorry please don't leave the video I'm sorry okay next one oh my gosh that is change it's my girlfriend Kayla always makes me do the dishes but it's okay but it's okay she does laundry that's way worse I think the dishes over the laundry any day every time I clean the blender because we go to the gym and we make protein shakes with the blender occasionally I'll put fruits in there and stuff and protein powder and cleaning the blender after you make a protein shake is terrible especially if you leave the blender cup sitting out for like a day or two you forget about it Oh gets moldy it's really gross the way they're clean instead of putting a sponge in there scrubbing it all around getting water in it scrubby go around getting water in it don't think now scrubbing it over a lot getting water in it instead of repeating that process you literally just get soap and water put it in there then blend it up what that is genius that is actually genius I'm gonna start giving this I'm not even kidding next light back use toilet paper rolls to make see the started plots that's pretty cool if you don't have any pots laying around or you don't want to go to a store and you're done wiping your poo just use that it's pretty legit oh my gosh that is actually genius I'm sure you guys have bought clothes or have seen a hangar like this normally you give them from stores for the most part sometimes you get it from stores maybe even have some of your house I personally don't have any I just have different hangers I don't have any with clips but if we have any hangers with clips and you're not using them or maybe the top of its broke you know whatever cut off the sides you have two clips for your potato chips that rhyme yeah alright next one let's go pull the Oreos with a fork so your fingers don't get messy when dunking them what that's genius wait so the way you hold it is you stick the fork into like the oreo kind of cream filling oh my god that is actually genius what I did or do is the right to cookies and no kind of super messy person I will literally take my fingers and the glass is big enough I'll put my whole hand in it and just get all the way down to the bottom my whole hand is like soaked I'm disgusting I mean like but dude you got to enjoy your Oreos but this is way more classy if they serve some Oreos like a five-star restaurant we're like a really nice place I guarantee you they give you Forks and they teach you the technique what is going on here oh my gosh okay I actually seen this before I've never tried it but basically what this is you know when you're sitting on the couch you're sitting anywhere and you have a bag of chips but the bag of chips doesn't stay up you have to lean it up against something or lay it down but if you lay it down a bunch of chips fall out because it's a brand-new fresh bag however with this you can set your bag just like you would a water bottle in it's it's get a bag of your favorite snacks and you open the bag obviously and then you roll up the bottom of the bag it may push some chips up to the top but that's okay you keep you're holding it until it kind of sits like a bowler giant water bottle that's the life hack here we go oh my gosh that is actually cheap that is actually genius that is actually genius what's going on here is this is an Oreo container that you get when you buy Oreos you take it out eat all the middle ones first or eat all the ones on the side and then fill it with milk now what I would do to make this even better is I would fill that middle part with milk and then take all the Oreos can put them in the milk and then eat them from there okay this would be for girls I don't use hair pins but if I didn't use hair pins that's pretty smart that I believe is a tic-tac container and a little mint container and you put all your hair pins in there I can guarantee you I'm not a girl but I have a girlfriend and there is hair pins every word in all of my cars the trunk of my car's how does that even happen they're like upstairs there there's even some in my office are we and then Kayla just bought like a extra like 50 hairpins the other day because she lost them all I'm not trying to blame you know losing hairpins honor it I feel like every girl they uses hairpins I feel like it happens they just get stone this place because I know I'm gonna go I don't know oh my gosh okay so this way is a little bit more than a life hack this is like a project basically what's going on here is those are seat belts and he put his keys into them I think you can also do that with like a bottle holder too maybe maybe not this is a kind of an expensive life hack you would actually have to buy or get a seat belt from a car or a seat belt from something and you would have to do that that's pretty cool but you know honestly I like my just my hook you know where I hooked my keys on it that's pretty fancy but it's pretty cool I like it see see that's what I like that right there that's that's actually genius wow that's actually really smart so there's a Legos and the grey and yellow Legos those are actually a part of the key so you just pull it off like you're taking a part of Lego and take two keys with you Wow next attack well what do we have here a strawberry on a straw but getting all the leaves off the top so you can just eat the whole thing instead of eating it and then awkwardly pulling it away looking at it and then man like oh there's a little strawberry and then throwing away the leaves Wow that is actually genius do you have any idea how many times I've hit my thumb while nailing something that avoids the problem literally all you need is a clip and you hold the nail with the clip in the Nuba thing next like fact we have it looks like moldy bread but it's actually the anti-theft lunch bag where basically it's a lunch bag that looks like the bread is mouldy but when you take it out the sandwich is fine it's just the bag keys that they painted with nail polish okay that's pretty genius so if you ever get your keys mixed up some people have a lot of keys and when get to the door you know you see them struggling it's raining outside they like rock you rock you Oh rocky fire just painted keys and basically you have the keys color-coded to where they go you know you have the red one for your car the yellow one for your house the green one for your don't know oh my what this is wrapping paper I'm sure you guys have seen wrapping paper in your life if you see wrapping paper and if you put it away in the closet for the next holiday season they kind of just unfold and get all over the place especially when you try to move them around but you can get toilet paper rolls or paper towel holders and just put it over it and it holds it or you could get a rubberband that works as well okay I think what's going on here is they're cutting an onion with what you're supposed to cut cheese with and it's making slices or kind of diced up onions instead of using a knife that's cool you have a cookie I don't oh yes what they got here is a bag of cashews nuts I don't know they took the top of what it looks like maybe like an orange juice or a milk carton bottle and they put it over the top beat down the plastic and close the lid on it that's actually genius oh my gosh that's some fancy stuff they took clips and they put their toothbrushes on it so they don't touch the counter and get all dirty and stuff you guys should do that with your toothbrushes now this is if you don't have a toothbrush holder you know some people have toothbrush holders a little cop where you put your toothbrushes in them but if you know there's your solution next life hack we have that's what I do with my car right there you can't really do this if you don't have a wing I mean they sit on the back of the car you eat that's all right what happens I guess you guys got a wing on your car and you want to eat outside the car and you want a place to sit there you go we've got a little table oh I use this all the time actually this is something that I actually really recommend you guys to use because it's so helpful this works at literally every single restaurant that you go and get ketchup by yourself where they don't have ketchup packets for you or anything like that where you go to the dispensers and you press the thing and you get ketchup out of it they always have these exact same cups their little paper cups if you pull the edges of them the top of them you can actually lay them out flat and you can literally hold three times the amount of ketchup that you would in a normal cup it's basically a little plate so it's it's actually genius I actually use this almost every time I go to eat because I like a lot of ketchup my fries so that's what I do otherwise I have to get three cups and then I gotta hold them on I'm just like juggling them and hopefully and dropping yeah it's terrible cookie cutters can be used to make candles in different shapes Wow I didn't ever think of that if you have any cool cookie cutters in your house and you wanna make cool candles with your cookie cutters or some wax into them and put a little wick on it and I guess you have a Christmas shaped candle I guess we have my gosh that is actually what okay Wow I'm living life wrong a lot of people when they cook you know you honestly don't stir for the 40 minutes that you're making spaghetti or however long it takes you normally take the spoon out and you set it down on the side or you just set it on the side of the pan but in this if you have a pan that has the hole on the back just set it through this freaking genius what that is so smart kids if you're watching this and your parents are making spaghetti at night tell them to use this and tell them unspeakable is a genius actually I know no no don't tell them that I'm a genius I didn't think of this but I told you guys so I passed the word so next I've actually got some friends that have done this before you get a Chinese box and if you hate digging at the bottom and you're trying to find that last piece of chicken or steak or whatever you're eating I don't want all these noodles I'm like piece of steak well just crack it open lay it out and literally turn into a plate and you'll be able to find everything get pet fur off a carpet or furniture using a window squeegee okay I've never tried that so I don't know if it works but obviously this person made it work so if you have a window squeegee to clean your windows you can rub it across the carpet and get your pet hair off yeah we're gonna use a vacuum cleaner but whatever floats your boat let me go for I've actually seen these before so if you ever have some old tennis balls in your garage but honestly it's rare to meet someone that doesn't have at least one tennis ball in their house if you a dog would probably have a tennis ball you don't have a dog you probably still have a tennis ball so if you have any old ones laying around you know throw it in some soap wash it up a little bit and then you can make so many things out of it you can have that hold a pin you can have a bite your finger you can have it hold bills or papers you can have it hold a towel for when you get out of the shower you can even have it hold your keys or really whatever you want it to do this is actually genius and if you want to make it even more friendly you can put the eyeballs on it to you I would put some googly eyes on it I'm just saying that's actually pretty cool am i do it well that's actually genius you open a tic-tac like that but you kind of turn it so one tic-tac comes out is that what it's made for I swear I swear that's what it's made for I swear why don't these companies ever tell us these things pretty dealers so this was actually our last light pack so with that being said I want to thank you guys so much for watching this video if you guys did enjoy and learn something really cool from all these life hacks please be sure to leave a like and maybe if I do another one of these I'll actually instead of just looking at pictures I'll actually do the life hacks for you guys and actually show you them I think that would be a lot more informational but it's totally up to you if you guys want to see that kind of content on this channel if you do that of course be sure to leave a like and the next life hack video I'll do polish to make all the life hacks myself and show you guys them instead of just looking at pictures anyways guys thank you all so much for watching again my name is unspeakable I hope you guys have a sink and fantastic review day and I'll see you guys not tomorrow but the next day in a brand new vlog stay awesome stay Center state [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 1,211,857
Rating: 4.9244432 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, car, cars, racing
Id: vfX7aC_kNs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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