25 DISPROVEN MYTHS That People STILL Believe In

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as people it can be hard to confront new information especially when it challenges our preconceived notion of the world of course there are reasons that we believe what we do but those reasons usually aren't what we think they are in fact they often say more about us than they do the world we're stubborn and look for things that confirm our point of view I'm Michael is 25 and from the moon landing two blood types here are 25 disproven myths that people still believe [Music] 25 deoxygenated blood is blue blood is never blue it's always a shade of red possibly one of 50 the only reason it appears blue in veins is because veins tend to be closer to the surface of the skin and blue wavelengths of white are the only ones that can penetrate to that depth as for the arteries you typically can't see them because they're too deep in textbooks the veins are colored blue to differentiate them from the arteries 24 dogs see black and white nope they see color they just see less of it in humans 23 camels store water in their humps they don't carry water in their humps it's that for some reason lots of people still believe in the whole water thing 22 the Loch Ness monster the guy who took the original photo has repeatedly stated that it was staged using a toy 21 sleeping with your fan on kills you in Asia lots of people still believe this it has to do with the belief that the fan will somehow blow the air out of the room 20 lightning doesn't strike twice in the same spot it does that's the whole point of a lightning rod 19 scientists don't know how bees fly in the 1930s some scientists found that fixed-wing flight equations don't work for insects although scientists eventually figured out the secret behind insect flight fast wing flapping that creates vortices people still think it's a mystery 18 right brain people versus left brain people there's no such thing although some functions are lateralized more to one side this has no quantifiable impact on personality or ability 17 bats are blind they do use echolocation but that doesn't mean they can't see in fact they use both also that's art bucks says MIT's Wormwood's class would happily tell you in a clear plastic binder no.16 cracking your knuckles gives you arthritis it's an old wives tale 15 Liars tend to avoid eye contact this is false furthermore the average person makes for a horrible lie detector without training it's incredibly hard to detect a good liar even polygraphs have been proven to be pretty near useless in touching lives 14 you're either extroverted or introverted nope it's a spectrum 13 the tongue tastes different flavours in different areas the tongue is actually capable of tasting any flavor on any of its surface 12 blood type determines personality it has no bearing whatsoever though this police is still very prevalent in Asia look at some Japanese fighting games like DOA for example in the character bio you'll see blood type so if you've ever wondered why that's in there well there you go 11 Viking pan horns on their helmets not a single piece of evidence has ever pointed to this conclusion unless you count the Minnesota Vikings helmet as evidence 10 microwaves can give you cancer no they can't and the reason is fairly simple they're not ionizing only high frequency UV radiation x-rays and gamma rays have enough energy to free electrons from molecules worried about the Sun not your microwave your cell phone falls into the same category it doesn't emit ionizing radiation so don't worry 9 napoleon was short he actually wasn't that short even by today's standards and for his time he was tall 5 7 when the average was 5 5 just so you know this was measured using the French inch which is different from the English inch 8 i'm stein failed in school he didn't even come close to failing he received sixes in almost every subject which was the highest you could get in switzerland at the time seven the earth is flat yes people actually believe that there's even a Flat Earth Society 6 the moon landings were faked all right one if they're really faked the Soviets would have relished in proving to the world how Americans had fake moon landings too if NASA stayed to fuel moon landings why would they stop free the technology to fake something of that magnitude just didn't exist in the 1960s and four we left mirrors on the moon so that we can measure the exact distance from Earth using lasers awesome those mirrors are still there and if you get yourself a strong enough laser you can make the measurements as well it's called a lunar laser ranging experiment five Yellowstone is going to explode yes it's volcanic Li active no it isn't going to erupt anytime soon just ask the National Park Service or the US Geological Survey both of whom have spent some amount of time dispelling this myth for vaccines cause autism the study that led to this belief has been debunked numerous times as being fraudulent the author Andrew Wakefield even lost his medical license in the UK for manipulating evidence and breaking ethical codes put simply vaccines do not cause autism moreover the fact that some people would rather have their kids be dead than autistic is quite insulting to people who genuinely have autism autism is not even necessarily a bad thing the world is significantly better off thanks to autistic people many of whom have made significant contributions to society 3 sugar makes kids hyper this has actually been disproven scientists have given children non sugary sweets but told their parents there were sugar in them and parents still thought the children acted more hyper nope kids are just hyper in general and when they do get sweets they're usually happy also birthday parties have played a significant role in setting up this false connection in people's head remember correlation doesn't imply causation - we only use 10% of our brain we use all of our brain just not at the same time if you're using a hundred percent of your brain simultaneously call the seizure one if the earth were even ten feet closer to the Sun it would be inhospitable yes the habitable zone is quite small but definitely not that small without saying much more the earth has an elliptical orbit which means that our exact distance from the Sun can be quite variable definitely more than 10 feet so what's something you believed for a long time only to have it turn out to be incorrect let us know in the comments below enjoying our list be sure to click that subscribe button in the top right corner so you don't miss out on new ones every Monday through Friday share them with your friends and help us consistently conciliate curiosity and if you want even more let's check out these two videos here or just type in our website at list 25 calm [Music]
Channel: list25
Views: 1,044,459
Rating: 4.6293845 out of 5
Keywords: List25, 25 Disproven Myths That People Still Believe In, arthritis, belief, believe, believer, brain, disbelief, einstein, false, moon, myth, myths, proof, science, Sugar, true, truth, vaccines, view, world, Disproven myths, Debunked myths
Id: m3I_WIwsmSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2017
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