25 BIGGEST Rip-offs Ever (That You’re Still Paying For!)

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getting ripped off stinks nobody likes it but guess what unless you're hiding under a rock you've almost certainly been ripped off why because people are greedy okay well that's not the topic of today's list rather than being philosophical I'm going to take a practical approach and show you what to watch out for I'm Mike with lose 25 and these are the 25 biggest ripoff ever that you're still paying for you don't know me [Music] 25 convenience charges yes the company has to pay more whenever you use your credit card but the company also knows that they can just jack the fee up because you're going to pay it anyway 24 cable somebody really needs to convince grandma that Netflix YouTube Hulu almost anything at all is better than paying for cable you don't get good customer service anyway I need my better call Saul and guess I could wash it online yeah HBO go it's on AMC 23 fafsa.com every year millions of students type FAFSA into Google to sign up for financial aid unfortunately many of them end up clicking on FAFSA comm instead of fafsa.gov the dot-com version is not the official government site they charge you an extra 80 dollars to fill in your application when you could do it for free on the government's website 22 healthy juices just because it says the word fruit doesn't mean it's healthy in fact most of those healthy drinks are nothing more than sugary liquid you want to be healthy drink water period do not be deceived by naked 21 food theme parks although some theme parks let you bring your own food for the ones that don't you'd better have a back up retirement plan 20 landlines not only do you not need a landline anymore um the telecom companies seem to always be on our investigation of her less than scrupulous behavior in short it's a ripoff that you don't mean your life yeah cellphone nineteen health care this pertains almost exclusively to Americans and no it wasn't the Democrats or the Republicans that made health care expensive it was the insurance companies the businesspeople and all the martin shkreli's of the world they're making off like bandits without actually doing much eighteen ordering pasta at a restaurant as they say you're not paying for the pasta you're paying for the sauce seventeen furniture with a four hundred percent markup you might be better off just putting up with the frustration of assembling IKEA chairs got my capture the thrift store unless of course you need more than chairs and you know IKEA couches such as little whore pair of chairs together in bed listen to me about my thrift store very exciting was u16 hoverboards if it has two wheels it's not a hoverboard I'm sorry but a real hoverboard would you know hover yeah shocking back to the future that's the hoverboard fifteen Sims expansion packs so they make you paying $40 for some touch-ups that they could have easily included in the original you know what most DLC for that matter I said most not all fourteen a Oh L apparently there are millions of older people still paying for an AOL subscription because they think they can't have internet or email without it thirteen jewelry so you think you'll be able to sell that $15,000 engagement ring if times get tough yeah you'll be lucky to get 500 most of that fifteen thousand was marketing and the rest was you getting ripped off Riesling jewelry is a bad insurance policies twelve hosting the Olympics it's highly possible that it'll take your municipality more than three decades to completely pay the cost of hosting the Olympics that's a lot of taxes eleven EpiPens you're paying about six hundred dollars for a few bucks worth of epinephrine furthermore the expiration date on the EpiPen is artificially short so you end up buying more of it the worst part about this one is that people need this to save their lives 10 TI 80 whatever calculators how is it that the price of every other electronic gadget keeps dropping but the Ti calculators still cost $100 these days you can buy a smartphone for cheaper and there's a calculator on that I used one of those calculators on my midterm I use it to add subtract I didn't feel you father's in high school a lot of autumn and played on that one I play games too bit 9 star naming if you're looking for a good way to rip people off just get them to pay you for naming a star after them collect the money and send them coordinates to a random star now laugh as evenly as possible 8 satellite internet you pay $100 for a 12 gig cap and your speed will still be slower than dial-up 7 cigarettes you're constantly spending money to inhale hundreds of poisonous chemicals and additives just to make you feel normal for a few minutes how is that anything but a ripoff 6 airport food either the airports are charging extortionate prices for rent or mcdonald's knows that you can't just leave the international terminal to get some grub five beats by dre by now everyone knows that you're just wearing them to look cool in terms of sound they're just okay for enormous pieces of velcro they're the biggest ripoffs that you pay for get us be nice in the comment section folks that mean three lottery tickets there's perhaps no better way to waste your money than buying lottery tickets as some people have noticed it's just attacked on the less intelligent members of society to proactive it's about seventy dollars for a month worth of treatment the only active ingredient however is benzoyl peroxide you can buy that on its own for less than $15 one degree is from for-profit colleges you're paying tens of thousands of dollars for a degree that's worth less than a significantly cheaper community college diploma why would you do that so what ways have you been ripped off let us know in the comments below mcdonald's hamburger ology coffee University cup Co Sam can't sure think that's what we're doing now enjoying our list be sure to click that subscribe button in the bottom right we don't miss out on new ones every Monday to Friday share them with your friends and help us consistently can create curiosity and if you want even more lists check out these three videos here or just head to our website at list twenty-five calm [Music]
Channel: list25
Views: 386,442
Rating: 4.7638803 out of 5
Keywords: List25, biggest rip-offs, popular rip-offs, rip-offs, ways you are getting ripped off, ripped off, taken advantage off, ways you are being taken advantage off, lies, rip off, 25 BIGGEST Rip-offs Ever (That You’re Still Paying For!)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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