25 Best Cheapest Countries To Visit In Europe 2024 | Travel Guide 2024

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[Music] la [Music] welcome to the journey of the 25 most cheapest European countries to visit in 2024 2024 beckons with the promise of new adventures and the thrill of Discovery especially for those with a Keen Eye on exploring Europe's Marvels on a budget there's a unique joy in finding destinations where the beauty of Nature and human creativity merge offering experiences that Inspire and Delight without demanding a fortune with countless places tugging at your wander lust from historic cities resonating with Tales of old to Landscapes that take your breath away pinpointing your next Escape can seem daunting to ease your quest we've handpicked 25 European gems where affordability meets Wonder ensuring your travels are filled with Unforgettable moments without exhausting your wallet so come join us this is Scenic Hunter's definitive Guide to the 25 best cheapest countries to visit in Europe in 2024 [Music] [Music] number 25 Kosovo Kosovo Europe's youngest country pulses with vibrant energy and a rich tapestry of History culture and natural beauty Pristina the capital buzzes with youthful dynamism reflecting the spirit of its people through Contemporary Art installations bustling cafes and Lively streets the city's landmark s such as the newborn Monument symbolize a nation reborn while the ethnological museum offers a deep dive into the traditional heart of kova culture beyond the urban Kosovo reveals Landscapes that Inspire and Captivate the rova canyon with its rugged Cliffs and deep Gorges invites adventurers to explore its Untamed Beauty the Serene beauty of the mirish waterfalls cascading through Terrace rocks into turquoise pools offers a moment of Tranquility amidst The Whispers of nature kosovo's past is etched in the stones of its many historical sites the Granit Monastery stands as a beacon of Serbian Orthodox Heritage its Fresco a testament to Medieval Artistry the ancient city of prisen with its ottoman Bridges and Byzantine ruins hosts the famous film festival blending tradition with modern creativity in Kosovo every street every landscape and every face tells a story of resilience warmth and a welcoming spirit that invites travelers to discover the beauty of this emerging destination where the past and future meet [Music] number 24 mova in mova a Hidden Gem nestled between Romania and Ukraine The Whisper of the vine is as potent as the pull of History this country with its Rolling Hills and Lush Landscapes invites travelers to explore Europe's less known wine regions where sellers boast world record collections and the wines tell stories of the land and its people kisho the capital Blends Soviet architecture with green spaces museums and a burgeoning cafe culture offering a glimpse into moldova's past and its Dynamic present beyond the city the famous monastery complex carves history into the Rock standing as a Silent Witness to centuries of spiritual life moldova's charm lies in its Simplicity and the warmth of its people traditional Mar Buzz with the energy of vendors selling everything from fresh produce to local crafts inviting visitors to taste and explore in the countryside life moves to the rhythm of the seasons and guests are welcomed with open arms and a table Laden with home-cooked meals though small in size mova offers a journey into a world where the beauty of nature the depth of history and the richness of culture create a tapestry of experiences that linger in the heart not long after the journey [Music] [Music] ends number 23 Malta under the Mediterranean Sun molter emerges as a canvas painted with the deep blues of the Sea and the golden Hues of ancient stone this island nation small in size but immense in history offers a mosaic of cultures that have left their Mark through time the silent city of minina with its Timeless alleys and Barack facades Whispers Tales of nobility and Intrigue while the vibrant streets of Veta a UNESCO world heritage site boast an architectural splendor born of the knights hospital as Legacy malta's prehistoric temples older than the pyramids of Egypt stand as Testament to the Island's ancient civilizations inviting awe and wonder beyond the relics of human history the natural landscapes of Malta from the rugged Coastline of Goo to the crystal clear waters of the Blue Lagoon offer Serene Beauty and Adventure culinary explorers will Savor malta's unique flavors where I Ilan and Middle Eastern influences meld with local traditions in dishes and as the sun sets casting a Golden Glow over Limestone Villages The multis Gather in Lively festers to celebrate their patron saints with fireworks painting the night sky Malta is not just a destination but a Journey Through Time where every corner tells a story every flavor carries a history and every sunset promises the continuation of Legends [Music] number 22 Georgia as Dawn breaks over the Towering caucus and Spills its golden light onto ancient lands Georgia emerges as a realm where every Valley Whispers Tales of old and every mountain peak reaches for stories yet Untold in Tbilisi the capital a vibrant tblo of history and modernity unfolds with narrow alleys sprawling bazaars and the warmth of sulfur baths inviting explorers to delve deeper into the heart of Georgian culture Georgia soul escribed in the Vine of its Lush Vineyards heralding a wine tradition born from the Earth itself dating back thousands of years ketti the wine region offers a taste of this Dee rooted Heritage where every sip tells a story of the Sun the soil and the spirit of the people beyond the alure of its ancient V culture George's Landscapes beckon with Untamed Beauty from the Serene shores of the Black Sea to the untrodden paths of Santi where Stone Towers stand guard over Timeless Villages the country offers a sanctuary for those seeking Adventure Tranquility or simply the joy of Discovery in Georgia the banquet table is a feast not only of food but of friendship offering dishes that warm the heart as much as the belly here in The Crossroads of Europe and Asia every encounter is an invitation to experience the legendary Georgian Hospitality to become part of a story that continues to unfold in this land of rugged Beauty and enduring traditions [Music] number 21 bellus bellarus often whispered as Europe's final frontier unravels a landscape where time moves at a different pace and history's Echoes are felt through mouded forests and quiet villages in Minsk the capital wide boulevards are lined with Monumental Soviet buildings while Modern Art installations and cafes inject vibrancy into the city's stoic Grand the National Library with its futuristic architecture stands as a beacon of knowledge and a symbol of the country's forward-looking aspirations Venture beyond the urban to discover bluses true heart in its natural reserves like the Primeval belasa Pusher a UNESCO world heritage site home to The Majestic European bison the country's lakes and rivers particularly in the bruss Lake District are offer Serene escapes where the sky melts into crystal clear waters belarus's history is chronicled in its castles and fortresses like the Mia Castle complex and the nitz castle where Tales of nobility and Intrigue linger amidst their imposing walls the wartime Memorial at Katen tells a more somber story a poignant reminder of resilience in the face of adversity in bellus the warmth of its people shines through traditional festivals and the hospitality offered to visitors revealing a country proud of its Heritage and eager to share its stories with the world [Music] [Music] number 20 Macedonia Macedonia a treasure nestled in the heart of the borans beckons with Tales of ancient empires and natural splendors Scorpia the capital serves as a canvas of centuries where the Fortress of Cara watches over a city pulsating with life and the old Bazaar buzzes with the energy of Artisans and cafes yet it's the Serene beauty of lake oid that truly captures the soul it's water is mirroring both the endless sky and the historic towns that hug its Shores this land is a Haven for those who seek The Whispers of history in the ruins of heraclea lineses or the mystical beauty of the thret monastery perched high in the mountains North macedonia's Landscapes are a playground for adventurers offering everything from tranquil walks in the movo National Park to the thrill of exploring the depths of the mtha canyon with a rich tapestry of cultures macedonia's culinary scene is a delightful exploration of flavors where traditional dishes tell stories of the Region's diverse Heritage here every meal is a celebration every Vista a painting and every moment a memory in the making inviting travelers to immerse themselves in a journey of Discovery and enchantment [Music] number 19 Bosnia and herova Bosnia and Herz aava a land where East Meets West narrates a story of beauty rising from the ashes of History this country with its rugged natural landscapes and cities steeped in history offers a Journey Through Time Saro the capital embodies resilience its otoman era bazaars austr Hungarian architecture and won buildings stand as Testament to its diverse Heritage and enduring Spirit strolling through bashia SAR Evo's old bizaar feels like a walk back in time with the scent of chapi filling the air and the melodic call to prayer echoing against stone walls the thar Mo a restored 16th century ottoman bridge in mosta Arches gracefully over the emerald Waters of the ntha river symbolizing the connection between diverse cultures and religions beyond the cities the untouched Landscapes of Bosnia and herina beckan the Cesar National Park home to one of Europe's last primeval forests offers trails that lead adventurers through breathtaking scenery from towering Peaks to the Tranquil beauty of glacial lakes this country's Rich tapestry of cultures is mirrored in its cuisine where Mediterranean flavors meled with Boran Traditions offering A Feast for the senses Bosnia and Herzegovina with its blend of natural beauty historic depth and warm Hospitality invites travelers to discover a lesser known corner of Europe where every Stone River and Alleyway has a story to [Music] share number 18 Serbia Serbia a Crossroads of civilizations pulsates with a vibrant spirit and a rich tapestry of cultures Belgrade the capital stands as a testament to resilience and renewal where historic fortresses and trendy cafes coexist along the banks of the danu and SAA Rivers the city's nightlife famous across Europe offers an exhilarating journey through music and dance underlining the the Serbian zest for life beyond the urban aure Serbia's Countryside unveils a different kind of Magic the Serene beauty of the theena river with its iconic house perched upon a rock captures the imagination while the Lush Landscapes of Tara National Park promise adventure and Tranquility the country's past unfolds in the medieval monasteries of fragor adorned with frescos that whisper Tales of faith and artistry culinary explorers will Delight in Serbia's gastronomic offerings from the hearty flavors to the sweetness each dish a story of cultural intersections and The Vineyards invite visitors to taste the legacy of wine making that stretches back centuries offering a sip of the land's Rich Heritage Serbia invites travelers to delve into a world where tradition and modernity dance together where every corner holds a new discovery and the warmth its people makes every visitor feel at home number 17 Czech Republic the Czech Republic a tapestry of iian ala casts a spell with its stor cities ancient castles and folkloric Landscapes at the heart of this enchantment lies Prague the capital where the Timeless flow of the vava river mirrors the city's centuries old architecture Venture across the Charles bridge at dawn when the spires of the Old Town Pierce a sky tinged with the light of a new day and the silent statues bear witness to the march of History beyond the capitals vibrant heart the country unfolds in a panorama of medieval charm and natural beauty the historic town of chesy kmlo with its towering castle and barck buildings seems lifted from a fairy tale in contrast the mo avian Vineyards tell a story of tradition and taste that stretches back through the ages the Czech love for beer Finds Its epic enter in pilson where the golden hue of pilsner first poured into the world meanwhile the thermal baths of kolovi Vari offer a Timeless Retreat for those seeking Solace and wellness with every Castle every Cobblestone and every sip of beer the Czech Republic invites its visitors into a living history a blend of the old and the new where every moment is a doorway to the past and a toast to the present [Music] number 16 Poland Poland a Crossroads of cultures and epochs offers a tapestry rich in history natural beauty and modern vibrancy from the bustling streets of warsa where contemporary skyscrapers Tower over the restored Old Town to the Tranquil beauty of the tatra mountains Poland presents a diverse array of experiences kov enchants with its medieval architecture the stately WL castle and the poignant history of the Jewish quarter while the moving Legacy of aitz B Canal Memorial and Museum offers a somber reminder of the past nature enthusiasts will find solace in the pristine Landscapes of the be Esa Forest Home to the rare European bison and the idilic mauran lakes a Haven for sailing and kaying the Baltic Coast beckons with its wide sandy beaches and the shifting Dunes of Slowinski National Park polish Cuisine a delightful blend of Slavic Traditions with foreign influences promises a culinary Adventure from hearty pirogi to the Smoky flavors of kilbas the country's cultural calendar brims with festivals celebrating everything from Jazz to Medieval history showcasing the vibrant Spirit of its people Poland's Journey Through Time from its Royal Heritage in gin's Gothic churches to the resilient Spirit of warsaw's post war reconstruction paints a picture of a Nation proud of its past and confidently facing the future each City castle and natural reserve tells a part of Poland's captivating story inviting travelers to explore and be [Music] inspired number 15 Estonia Estonia a northern gem Blends a rich tapestry of medieval history with cuttingedge digital Innovation step into thalin the capital where time stands still within the walls of one of Europe's best preserved medieval cities here ancient Cobblestone Lanes Twist and Turn leading to the vibrant Town Hall Square bustling with cafes and Artisan shops beneath watchful goth expires but estonia's aure extends Beyond its historic capital the country is a Haven for nature enthusiasts with over half its land covered by Forest Lema National Park offers a serene escape into nature where winding Trails lead to Majestic waterfalls and secret Soviet era relics the Tranquil islands of sarar and hiar Whisper Tales of old windmills and lighthouses standing guard over rugged coastlines estonia's technological prowess shines in its e of Society where Innovation meets daily life this juer position of the ancient and the ultramodern makes Estonia a unique destination offering visitors the chance to step back in time or leap into the future for those seeking Tranquility the quiet beaches along the Baltic Coast offer a peaceful Retreat whether it's exploring the depths of a prim Val Forest delving into the vibrant culture of Fallin or embracing the Simplicity of Island life Estonia presents a diverse pallet of experiences inviting travelers to discover its Hidden [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Treasures number 14 lvia in in lva where the amber waves of the Baltic Sea kiss Sandy Shores a realm of untouched natural beauty and Architectural wonders awaits Ria the vibrant heart of lvia is a treasure chest of cultural richness boasting a Skyline punctuated by Gothic spers and art nvo Elegance the city's historic Center a UNESCO world heritage site is a Labyrinth of cobblestone streets that whisper Tales of centuries past beyond the urban alua Latvia's Countryside offers an escape into Tranquility garan National Park the country's largest is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts with its deep valleys flowing rivers and ancient castles nestled among the foliage the Park trails lead adventurers through a landscape that changes with the seasons from the Lush greens of Summer to the golden Hues of autumn Latvia's coastline is a hav for those seeking Solace by the sea with yumas beaches providing a Serene backdrop for relaxation and Rejuvenation meanwhile the historic town of kiga captivates with its Charming streets and Europe's widest waterfall offering a glimpse into the country's Soul through its Fusion of natural beauty historic towns and a vibrant cultural scene ltia invites travelers to delve into a world where tradition and modernity coexist ex IST harmoniously offering experiences that nourish the soul and Spark the [Music] [Applause] imagination number 13 Lithuania Lithuania a land of wooded wonderlands and medieval Mystique beckons travelers to explore its unique blend of history and natural beauty in the heart of vus the capital architectural Marvels line the winding streets leading to The Majestic geminus Tower which offers panoramic views that weave together the city's past and present Pia Street vibrant and bustling is a treasure Trove of artisan and crafts and cafes embodying the Lively Spirit of the Lithuanian people but Lithuania Al extends Beyond its Urban centers the coronian spit a slender stretch of sand dunes that separates the coronian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea Whispers Tales of ancient fishing villages and ethereal Landscapes inviting a moment of reflection amid Nature's Artistry thui Castle set on an island amidst tranquil Lake transports visitors to a time of knights and legends its red brick walls reflecting in the water's surface the country's deep connection to its roots is celebrated in the hill of crosses a powerful symbol of faith and resistance where thousands of crosses stand as a testament to lithuania's enduring spirit with each step through its ancient forests along its Serene lakes or within its historic towns Lithuania offers a journey into a Soulful land where tradition and nature Embrace promising memories that linger long after the journey [Music] ends number 12 Al Alia Dive Into the Heart of the mediterranean's unsung hero where rugged mountains and sparkling beaches converge in the stunning landscape of Albania this country is a paradise for those who tread off the beaten path offering an array of undiscovered gems that beckon with the promise of Adventure embrace the warmth of the Albanian Riviera where turquoise waves lap against Sun soaked Sands and The Nightlife pulsates under Starlet sky eyes Venture into the ancient city of barath to witness a Living Museum where ottoman architecture lines the hillside earning it the nickname city of a thousand Windows Thrill Seekers will find their Haven in the Albanian Alps where Trails Wind Through untouched forests and past Crystal Clear Mountain Lakes history Buffs will Revel in the ancient ruins of bettin a UNESCO world heritage site that tells the story of civilizations that have flourished on this land from the helenistic to the ottoman periods from the vibrant streets of theana brimming with cafes and art to the Serene beauty of Lake oid Albania offers a mosaic of experiences that fuse the natural with the historical here every traveler finds a path that feels uniquely their own making Albania a must visit for those looking to uncover the mysteries of the Mediterranean [Music] number 11 Greece Greece Whispers The Secrets of the Ancients through its sundrenched ruins and beckons with Azure seas that have Charmed Mariners since the dawn of History wand in the footsteps of philosophers in Athens where the pathon stands as an enduring symbol of Western Civilization its columns etched against the sky a testament to architectural genius and the enduring Spirit of democracy yet Greece's magic extends Beyond its historical might the islands each with its own personality offer a Collide of scope of experiences santarini with its Cliffside Villages and sunsets that set the aian Ablaze promises romance creit a tapestry of sandy beaches ancient treasures and rugged mountains invites exploration while the winding streets of mos pulse with energy and the promise of Adventure the Greek Table is a bounty of culinary Delights where simple ingredients are transformed into feasts for the senses each dish telling a story of seasons and traditions olive oil wine feta and fresh seafood are Staples that nourish the soul as much as the body grease is a call to experience the joy of life itself whether in the quiet of a remote beach the semity of an ancient Temple or the warmth of a village Taverna it's a land where the past and present mingle in the Cerulean Hues of the sea and sky inviting travelers to find their their own [Music] Odyssey number 10 Italy as the first light of dawn caresses the hills of Tuscany Italy awakens a symphony of Landscapes and history where every note resonates with the beauty of creation and the depth of tradition here in this cradle of Earth and Imagination the essence of laula Vita The Sweet Life Is Not Just lived it is celebrated in every bustling Piaza in the quiet reverence of ancient ruins and in the Lively clink of glasses at sunset in the labyrinthine alleys of Rome the stories of gladiators and Poets linger in the air a tangible presence among the ruins that have witnessed the march of centuries far north venice's canals Sing With The Echoes of serenading gonders their Melodies a Timeless soundtrack to the city's floating Beauty Florence a jewel of the Renaissance unveils The Genius of human creativity where every sculpture and painting is a window to the Past inviting or an inspiration Italy's charm extends to its natural wonders from the Serene Lakes nestling at the foot of towering mountains to the fiery passion of Sicily's ethna each landscape tells a part of Italy's Rich narrative the cuisine a tapestry of flavors refined through generations offers an exploration of Italy's heart through dishes that celebrate the Bounty of the land and sea in Italy every moment is an invitation to embrace a Heritage that blends art history and the joy of living into a masterpiece of experience here amidst the old stones and vibrant streets the soul finds a place to dance to love and to save the endless Feast of life itself [Music] [Music] [Music] number nine Spain Spain a vibrant tapestry of art history and diverse Landscapes invites travelers to embark on a journey through its Rich cultural heritage and natural beauty from the bustling streets of Barcelona where gy architectural masterpieces defy the imagination to the hauntingly beautiful alumbra in Granada echoing Tales of moish Spain each City tells a story of a country shaped by Roman moish and Gothic influences MRE the heart of Spain pulses with life in its Grand plazas and sprawling museums housing some of the world's most revered art collections Venture into the Spanish Countryside where the dramatic peaks of the Pyrenees and the rolling Vineyards offer A Feast for the senses Spain's culinary landscape is as diverse as its geography from the Smoky flavors of paa in Valencia to the Tapas bars of sevil each by a testament to the country's love affair with food the Camino the Santiago a pilgrimage of spirit and endurance winds through the picturesque Northern Countryside offering a path of reflection through medieval towns the sun soaked beaches and the rugged Coastline of the Spain provide a Haven for Beach lovers and adventurers alike in Spain every Festival is a celebration of life itself inviting travelers to immerse themselves in a land where passion art and Beauty dance together under the Iberian Sun [Music] number eight Croatia Croatia with its dazzling Coastline and Rich historical tapestry invites Travelers into a world where the Adriatic Sea Sparkles under a sunlet sky zique the pearl of the Adriatic mesmerizes with its ancient city walls and marble streets echoing Tales of Maritime prowess and cultural Splendor wander through its alleys and you're transported to a time when the city was a major power of the Mediterranean yet Croatia's Al extends far beyond its Shores the Pitzer Lakes National Park offers a spectacle of cascading waterfalls and crystalline Lakes weaving through Lush forests in a dance of natural beauty it's a place where every step reveals a new Wonder a fresh perspective on the harmony of nature for those drawn to The Whispers of the past the Di's Palace in Split provides a window into Roman grander its ancient columns and Courtyards alive with history meanwhile the istrian peninsula temps with truffle Laden dishes and Hilltop towns that Overlook Vineyards promising culinary Delights and breathtaking views Croatia's Islands each with it its own story offer secluded beaches Olive Groves and the sapphire Embrace of the sea here in the quiet of a sunset or the Lively chatter of a local market Croatia reveals its heart a blend of beauty history and the endless blue of the Adriatic [Music] [Music] number seven Slovakia in the Embrace of the Carpathian Mountains Slovakia unveils a world where nature and history converge in spectacular fashion here the high tatras stretch Towards the Sky a beacon for adventurers and nature lovers alike Trails weave through forests past glacial lakes and up Peaks offering views that stretch the imagination winter transforms these mountains into a Wonderland for skiers with slopes catering to all levels Slovakia's heartbeats strong in its historic towns Bratislava the capital is a mosaic of Splendid Barack palaces quirky statues and a cast C overseeing the danu the town of bkash chav nit nestled in Rolling Hills Echoes the prosperity of its mining past in its Renaissance architecture beyond the cities Slovakia's Countryside is dotted with castles like the Majestic speech Castle offering glimpses into medieval life the country's many caves including the Ice Caves of the Slovak Paradise National Park our natural wonders not to be missed cultural richness is evident in traditional Slovak folk festivals where music dance and crafts celebrate a Heritage that has stood the test of time from tasting local Delicacies to soaking in thermal Spar amidst stunning scenery Slovakia invites travelers to step into a storybook landscape where every path leads to Discovery and every view tells a story [Music] number six Hungary in Hungary history Whispers from the architectural Marvels and thermal Waters tell Tales of Wellness revered through ages Venture Into the Heart of Budapest Where the danub River gently divides the city yet the iconic Chain Bridge symbolizes a seamless blend of the old and the new here the grandee of the Buddha castle meets the vibrant streets of pest offering an Eclectic mix of culture Cuisine and captivating history Savor the Flavors of Hungary with a bite of traditional dish that warms the soul or indulge in the sweet delight of a chimney cake while wandering the city's bustling markets the thermal baths of Budapest and the Art Gallery offer a unique experience of relaxation and connection to the natural resources that have defined Hungarian Wellness for centuries beyond the capital the Rolling Hills of the Thor wine region invite connoisseurs to taste world renowned wines a testament to hungary's Rich vinicultural Heritage the Countryside brims with castles and ruins each with a story to tell while the vast plains of the hoor buaji national park offer a glimpse into traditional pastoral life with its iconic Hungarian gray cattle and Horsemen Hungary with its blend of natural beauty and Dee rooted Traditions presents an enchanting Journey Through Time promising experiences that resonate long after the journey ends [Music] number five Slovenia Slovenia a country where Fairy Tales come to life captain Ates with its stunning natural landscapes and Charming towns picture yourself gliding on a boat across Lake bled where a medieval castle stands guard a top a cliff and an island Church beckons with its mystical Allure this scene of Tranquility is emblematic of slovenia's enchanting Beauty Adventure calls in the th glove National Park a Haven for hikers climbers and nature lovers its towering Peaks and bur valleys offer trails that lead to breathtaking Vistas showcasing the pristine beauty of the Julian Alps the SOA River with its Emerald Waters invites Thrill Seekers to indulge in rafting and kayaking providing an adrenaline rush amidst Serene Landscapes slovenia's capital lublana is a treasure Trove of culture with its Lively cafes museums and art galleries nestled among barck and art Novo buildings the city's Dragon symbol is everpresent adding a touch of Whimsy to its historic streets for a taste of slovenia's culinary Delights visit The Vineyards in the Rolling Hills of the countryside where local wines and traditional dishes offer A Feast for the senses from the mysterious caves of Posta and shokan where underground wonders await to the Adriatic coasts quaint Seaside towns Slovenia offers a most moic of experiences it's a place where Nature's handiwork and human creativity live in harmony inviting travelers to explore and be enchanted [Music] number four Portugal Portugal unfolds like a page from an old Maritime book where Tales of Adventure fill the air and landscapes steeped in history beckon from the sun-kissed beaches of the algara where Azure Waters kiss Golden Sands to the winding streets of Lisbon where where trams rattle past Mosaic covered buildings and Gothic Towers every corner tells a story surf enthusiasts and Beach lovers alike find their Paradise along the rugged coasts where waves Challenge and calm in equal measure in poro the thoro river reflects the colorful facades of the rebara district and Wine sellers offer tastings of the famed port wine a sweet reminder of the Region's Rich Heritage Venture Into the Heart of port to discover the UNESCO world heritage listed sites of Syra where palaces and castles emerge from the Lush forests like Visions from a dream the magic continues in the historic Villages of obish and EV where ancient walls guard the secrets of the past Portugal's alua isn't just in its Landscapes but in its culture and Cuisine listen to the melancholic tunes of fa that echo through the alleys at night and Savor the flavors of famous dishes each telling a tale of the sea Portugal offers a mosaic of experiences inviting travelers to immerse themselves in its beauty history and warmth making it a Timeless Destination for those who seek the soul of Europe [Music] [Music] number three Montenegro Montenegro a jewel of the Adriatic beckons with its blend of majestic mountains Crystal Clear lakes and medieval villages in this compact yet diverse landscape adventure and relaxation coexist harmoniously Kotor Bay a field-like idol enchants with its Venetian fortifications and dramatic Cliffs Ascend the ancient walls of Kotor town for breathtaking views or explore the Serene Waters by kayak the deror national park offers a playground for hikers with its towering Peaks and the pristine Black Lake for a dip in the Adriatic the budva Riviera awaits boasting Sandy Beach is and vibrant night life montenegro's charm lies not just in its natural beauty but also in its cultural tapestry the old Royal capital of setina reveals a history of montenegrin Kings while the ug Monastery perched dramatically on a cliff face provides a spiritual Retreat we savoring the fresh seafood along the coast or enjoying the hospitality of mountain towns visitors are enveloped in a sense of welcome that makes montenegro's small size immense in heart this Hidden Gem offers a unique blend of experiences promising Unforgettable memories for every Traveler [Music] number two Romania Romania where the shadows of ancient castles stretch across Landscapes Untouched by time beckons with Tales of Dracula and the alure of the unknown Venture Into the Heart of Transylvania where the Carpathian Mountains Embrace fog Laden forests and Gothic spires rise from medieval towns like sishwar birthplace of the legendary Vlad the Impala here the past is a living entity palpable in every Cobblestone every Whisper Of The Wind the capital buar rest offers a stark contrast with its vibrant cultural scene bustling nightlife and the grander of the Palace of the parliament a Monumental Testament to a complex history Venture further into the countryside where traditional life continues in harmony with nature the painted monasteries of bovina their walls adorned with intricate frescos stand as a colorful Testament to Faith and Artistry while the wooden churches of mames blend seamlessly into the landscape their spies pointing heavenward Romanus natural beauty unfolds in the danu Delta a Haven for bird watchers and nature lovers where Rivers weave through forests and marshes to meet the Black Sea whether you're exploring the rugged beauty of the mountains delving into the rich tapestry of Romanian folklore history or enjoying the warm Hospitality of its people Romania offers a journey of Discovery where every moment is deeped in Wonder and tradition [Music] number one Bulgaria imagine stepping into a world where every corner holds a story where the air is filled with the scent of roses and centuries old traditions still Thrive this is Bulgaria a Hidden Gem in Europe that offers more than just a glimpse into history it's a deep dive into a rich cultural tapestry Adventure Seekers can conquer the rugged beauty of the pin mountains while those looking to unwind can find Solace along the black Sea's pristine beaches Bulgaria's culinary scene is a treasure Trove of flavors from the hearty bonit to the warming sips of rakia promising A Feast for your senses the streets of Sophia with their blend of Roman ruins and modernist architecture invite Urban explorers to lose themselves in its vibrant culture for a step back in time the ancient city of nessah offers a maze of medieval churches and wooden houses perched precariously on a rocky Peninsula Whispering Tales of bygone eras Bulgaria isn't just a destination it's an experience that enriches the soul making it an essential stop for travelers seeking The Road Less Traveled [Music] we do hope you enjoyed our beautiful Journey to the 25 most cheapest European countries to visit in 2024 [Music] find us on Facebook Instagram Pinterest Tik Tok and threads visit www. cenic hunter.com for more details don't forget to subscribe to the scenic Hunter for another exciting adventurous Journey until then it's goodbye from us [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Scenic Hunter
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Keywords: 25 Best Cheapest Countries To Visit In Europe 2024, Travel Guide 2024, cheapest countries in europe, cheapest countries to visit in europe, travel tips, greece, budget, bulgaria, hungary, vacation, cheap places to travel, travel guide, budget travel, travel, cheap travel destinations, affordable travel, budget travel destinations, costa rica, poland, malta, travel places, worlds best travel, where to travel now, destinations for budget travel, Backpacker travel spots, serbia, montenegro
Id: t6clmCbzO0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 4sec (3184 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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