#2477-Dynamic Circle With Tendrils, Fluid Acrylics Pouring 4.09.18

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hi we're gonna try this one more time okay this is what I tried to show you guys in the past and I'm gonna do a smaller version of this because I just made a whole entire recording that didn't take again a little frustrated about that but I'm gonna give it a go anyway smaller canvas just to facilitate time and where are my tools that I need I need always need my wet rag to wipe off my spatulas got my skewers and a moment ago I had a wonderful little circle there we go right there and that will be our Center and I'm not gonna get too close to that this time it's not very clean is it I'm gonna make a circle around it and I may just work right over the top about this time who knows anyway I'm going at this a little differently than I did last time because I'd like to have a quicker video to be honest with you since I spent quite a while on the other one I'm being a little as a little haphazard shall we say I'm trying different stuff I thought about you know trying to do the same thing for you guys again but that's just not how I do things and I thought about it and I thought about it and even though I had random colors about in random order before now I want to try something a little less random [Applause] I'm usually very talkative but I'm kind of talked out the truth because I just spent you know first 15 minutes making a painting that was okay in the next 15 minutes after I thought I was done recording making it a better painting so I'll be able to show anybody who checks me out on Facebook what that was about but not the first not the first bit of it I think we're gonna add some white its pearl white this is really not how I did this before and it doesn't bother me a bit to do it differently again I just hope the colors don't suck this time I'm gonna leave that in a puddle [Applause] I love working outdoors where you have all the bugs and nature and the wind still lying and I'm gonna go why did I not clear that tip earlier yeah this works there's a little bit great if it doesn't you won't see it so that's okay [Applause] now I showed you this tool earlier that's my big spatula this is my white paint that's quite a bit of junk on that canvas too but I want a thick layer of paint and it's probably better now it's 90 degrees out here easily earlier we may not have the best Sun in the world but at least it's not 90 degrees and I'm not sweating into my painting anymore now you can see hopefully I'm just squeezing that white paint over right to the edge of what I'm doing I might as well just go the whole way the thing about this is you got to work kind of fast especially if you're outdoors like I am and in Florida like I am because once that paint dries we can't drag much of anything out into it anymore and the last time I did this I did stripes just chunk chunk chunk right around and I didn't do that this time but then I would rather have this take you know 15 minutes then 45 if you check out the painting I did earlier today it's got a nice gold center it's sort of a multicolored blue Sun now with tendrils and strands coming out coming coming out of it and the first stage that I thought I was done with a movie that didn't get made felt frustrated about that wasn't that great so I learned some lessons today and now oh boy I really want to trake take this and try and pull it should I do that oh no yeah I'm gonna do it just randomly at first because I kind of expect this to sell up from the agitation that I'm adding to it oh you can see that I used a turntable this time and I'm just gonna keep pulling that out hopefully I make this look easy cuz it's not really that difficult I'm liking those colors and I'm gonna try and fill in my Center later I might actually do a little scraping now see if I can make that behave [Applause] with paint back it's always in experiment I wish I could tip should get that out of there I wish I could tip but being that the center is a circle paint will go everywhere I know this isn't like the other one but it's a very similar technique and I really kind of like the colors and then white really like in those colors I'm not minding those patterns either I like how thick the white paint is and how wet it is and in most cases if it's wet enough and thick enough it's gonna heal the wound that I'm making with the stick or the skewer and I'm not wiping it off I'm not saying that's not a good idea because under circumcircle stances it probably would be this is coming out pretty quick and I'm liking how fast it looks I really don't mind it at all it's actually really pretty at least from where I'm sitting the other painting I finished off the tendrils the tips of them with gold but I don't think this needs that they would like to make sure they have some even dispersal of color in that circle and I don't necessarily have that with the others perfect looking for perfection we're just looking for a little fun some entertainment and maybe if we're lucky a beautiful go away piece of art splooge okay so now what to do with the center say that but I'm not really done doing other things that's pretty cool I'm happy with that boy I'd really like to do something but I also don't want to risk ruining that and I can do the white this Center white but I'm not sure that that's gonna be great and I don't know what color I really want it maybe it I'm not sure that would cover so I'm just gonna do the center white let's give it some good some good coverage there cuz there's so much mix in there I use GAC 800 by golden religiously 10% GAC - 90 % color because it seems to prevent the cracking I still get a little bit you know it's not a complete fix boy I used to a lot of pain well I really like a nice smooth Center but that's a lot of paint you know not to see what I can do about that I've got my other spatula pick some of that right up try not to make any worse of a mess than I already have oh look I did all right let's fix that got my rag handy sometimes when you make accidents happen you discover other cool things [Applause] [Applause] so playing is not necessarily about them this is sort of like a bonus video for me today since the other we didn't work it's kind of nervous that I'm gonna do the same exact thing I did before and continue to work on it so it doesn't even look like the same fanny I'm gonna salvage that white paint I can tell you now all right before I get it too much more gloppy I like it I like it right like it is I think it's pretty I think it's simple and I don't think it took too long but I'm pretty well used to doing this and working with this paint so the only thing I'm going to do at this point is take the pain I have on that spatula over there that you can't see that's out of the camera and put it on the edges of canvas I know the last time I did this I dragged some of this white paint back in here and that was kind of cool maybe I'll try that a few places just to show you what it looks like but I love the patterns that we've got in those colors just so much right now I don't really want to mess it up too badly I always say that all right you know what I want the gold ring around the center hey late golden blue together and I bet I'm not the only one it's gonna hurt a thing nice to bring the gold down there I'm also gonna see what happens [Music] and I suspect even when I turn off the camera there may be some some changing reactions but um I know we don't have any cells and I'd love to tip that and show you what would happen but it would ruin it so we're not going to do that all right that's it for now this is kind of cool I'm satisfied I say that ah I'm somewhat satisfied I'm mostly satisfied I'm gonna keep playing with us for a while and you could too if it were yours but that's good I like the pattern I'm making doing that and it's a little off-center but I don't care okay have a great day we'll see you sometime soon bye for now
Channel: Expressionist Fluid Art Studio Priscilla Batzell
Views: 936,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cricle, flow art, Modern art, Expressionist Art Studio Art, Fluid art by Priscilla Batzell, compelling fun colorful canvas, abstract art, modern art, fluid art tutorial, priscilla batzell, acrylic pour painting, fluid painting, acrylic pouring, fluid acrylics, fluid art technique, acrylic paint pouring, abstract art painting, abstract artists at work, expressionist art studio gallery, expressionist art studio gallery priscilla, priscilla batzell artist
Id: H1UuaG7oYUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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