24 Things To Do In Seoul South Korea 2023

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looking for things to do in seoul south korea we've got you covered from the famous areas to check out the amazingly delicious food the intriguing markets and of course the nightlife there is so much to do in this wonderful city and we're going to be your guides through this tour of seoul [Music] welcome to iksan thing i've found about xondong is unlike the other hanok village the bukchon one instead of seeing people roaming around in their home box everywhere they're running around their like 1930s kind of old school outfits and it just really gives it a very different vibe it's really very fun [Music] at the moment i was so crazy about floral dresses oh my god but nowadays i don't know i mean i still find them too [Music] they're so beautiful [Music] all of them those little cute ones too [Music] so we've gone in line for these purple looking ice creams i'm wondering what the flavor what would the flavor be for these purple ones i don't know i'm curious it looks very delicious and seriously everyone is walking around with them i'm like sometimes you gotta join the crowd blueberry maybe maybe it calls pop or berry oh is that maybe it is oh we got it we got the ice cream looks so pretty and beautiful doesn't it it's a shame to ruin it no no i can't avoid it don't ruin it just how's the ice cream it looks completely blueberry not at all in fact it's more like vanilla yeah it's like um just purple purple colored vanilla they tricked us but it's good that's i'd much prefer it it tastes like milk here maybe there's an arcade just behind me now so now it's time to play some games and check out this cute little arcade right here just down this alleyway [Music] oh first game is the one i want to play mario oh [Music] so if you go over 9 16 they're gonna give us a toy oh you gotta do it can you do it [Music] 4.99 oh so the first one is 6.59 second at 6 54. and my record is 4.99 so when you're in this area you got to do the arcade it's super fun just look at all everyone everyone's just having fun yeah it's awesome they're retro arcade games yeah retro so we're now waiting in line what can only be described as like a toast bar kind of thing it almost looks like it's cafe it's yeah but it's not really a cafe it doesn't have the vibe of the cafe it's got the vibe of a bar it's the vibe that i get because they take their toast very seriously here i think so i'm really intrigued to see what it's going to taste like let's see what it's like i love the design of just simple it makes me want to eat this bread big time let's check it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we got our our bread and it looks a lot more epic than i thought it was gonna look um looks amazing so it really looks a lot like french toast really um very fancy french toast and we've got our milk it's so cute all right this looks pretty cool this looks a lot more fancy than i thought it was going to be oh wow that's the red bean this is the butter don't kill the butter please geez you're putting a lot of stuff on just that one piece [Music] for you [Music] it's so soft it's better than i expected to be honest it kind of wowed me a little bit in a state of toast shock right now this is so yummy it's super soft it's nice and warm it's got the icing sugar the butter is creamy special butter not just regular look just your regular run-of-the-mill butter this is the special stuff and the red bean it's just you've gotta come here when you're in hong kong it's just it's a must [Music] amazing at the moment it's day time what you could do is take away a cup of coffee throw around this class and you know give the picture but at night it's got a different charm you must come here and like too what i love about cheong chong is this canal that runs all the way through it it's so great to just grab a drink or something from the convenience store uh kimbap or something just sit down here they've got like just areas where you can just sit down relax take in the these kind of views and it's literally in between all these massive high-rise buildings we are now taking a stroll along the i don't know what you'd even call it canal river not quite a river maybe let's call it canal and it's just really pretty you've got greenery all around it's really lovely on a nice warm day i really like this section so action packs there's a lot going on there's a lot of like a mini waterfall be careful it's slippery that's what's behind me right now that's down there below pretty cool it's like being back back to nature in the middle of the city [Music] there's so many spots to just take a rest and relax here in the bridge a lot of people tend to go underneath the bridge especially on i guess warmer days get out of the sun and you'll see a lot of people just chilling out so do one yes that's my favorite that might become my new favorite meal guys you have to try meal was developed during the uh i think the war time when all the american army came down and they left for all the ham and beans and bacon these sort of things and koreans started cooking with them that's interesting so you'll notice the rice always comes in these little the little i don't know what you call it little bowls what have you got i grabbed some additional things i grabbed some soup fish cakes and it's different pour it over the rice oh i love it i love it it's one of my favorite things i just want to grab a few more ingredients here and the great thing is that your food never stays cold never gets cold because you can control it it's just a flavor bomb that's what i love about what did you get there's so many elements to it when in korea it is a must try we're now on our way to sonjudo park which is a really interesting place actually and we've spotted these ducks here i think we're getting on them let's see i'm not too sure okay suddenly it looks like we're going on a boat so we're going to catch this to get on um i might put this away because i do fear i'm going to drop it paddle okay hold pedal okay so me and my brother-in-law are going to be pedaling yeah there oh and we're off suddenly and i'll just show you our view here so sonjudo park is an interesting park because it actually used to be a water treatment plant they transformed it in 2002 and now it's a park so i'm really interested to see and that's one great thing about korea they're really good at transforming unused spaces and you'll see that a lot in our videos here in seoul [Music] so we're crossing over the bridge now i'm just finishing off my ice cream so you can get like a bit of supplies beforehand where there's a convenience store um just before you go over the bridge that's really handy i got my ice cream and now we're heading to the park and i'm really wondering what it's going to be like [Music] sonia doe park is just a great relaxing place just to wander around walk amongst the beautiful trees in the sun uh just you can just wander around the whole thing and the best thing about it it's absolutely free and it's always good to have a free thing to do in a new fun vibrant city and that's what sonja do is it's a great free thing to do here in seoul you'll also see so many people having picnics here they really bring quite a set up so if you think you have a place for a picnic this is a really good place for it [Music] we got off at chunguro station just because we want to visit a restaurant that is old school and it's quite close to the town we are trying to go which is called ujjiro so it's actually on the way but chunguru is definitely a words to visit because this place is known for movie scenes so this restaurant we're going to here is a good place to go because it was popular back more in the old days in the old days in korea but it's made popular again thanks to the whole retro movement which is pretty big right now in korea and because of that these kind of places are getting popular again so we're going to check out what it's all about [Music] so here this is how the more old school restaurants can be set up with this little table and you kind of just cross your legs there sit down like that with the mat here is different types of meat what's this one here that's liver it's like a pate [Music] hmm sunday is not my cup of tea but this one has probably been my favorites in there this is nice one i like it i'm not really sure if it is complimentary or it comes with a dish that i uh which is called it looks really red and very spicy but actually it's not and um and they have a really good sunday so the thing about this market like a lot of markets they're not just good for the wholesale and actually buying your fruit veg and all that kind of thing really good for taste testing uh there's a lot of um snacks stores little like bread stores or fried chicken just whatever you want there's kimchi dishes just everything in this market and it's a great way to try some korean food but also even more than that traditional korean food because there's a lot of traditional korean snacks as well too so so much to try here in mangan so in korea um if you're going to a supermarket you're looking for fruit and veg it can be quite expensive in fact fruit you're looking at like ridiculous amount of money sometimes just for one piece of fruit that's why going to a market can be really important if you especially here long term you want to buy a lot of fruit and veg you want to be doing a lot of cooking then definitely head to a market because it will definitely save you a lot of money especially on fruit now in line in a chicken place and this place seems so popular the line kind of doubled over itself so you can also see that it's got english on there too so no worries to know what what it is [Applause] black cream it looks like a carbonaro sauce it's so delicious so creamy it's not so much crispy but the flavor of the sauce is really really nice spicy one it's not spicy at all so if you can't have spicy food don't worry about it there's options wow well it's kind of expressed it scares me so much i'm curious to always wonder who was the first to think i'm gonna eat this to be honest i think it's too hot to taste ah when it's too hot stick it in a cup that's the way to go so this is hot dog and it's got like a sweet maybe a brown sugar i would say something like that hot dog still goes down it's one of my favorite korean street food snacks and if you're in korea i think you're absolutely mad not to try it's so delicious we're on our way to sam cheongdong and why we're going there is because of hanok village which is famous for its traditional korean houses and they look absolutely fantastic so when in seoul it's one of the most popular places you have to visit but not just for that too there's also a lot of art galleries and things like that and that's why in the station just nearby you can see all this art that prepared you for what's to come even heading out from the station we're just being bombarded with artwork all over the subway walls it's really really cool pretty i love it oh rachel's in the house i missed you i've been so busy hanging out with my friends and family and nick has been doing my job hopefully i've been doing a terrible job their squad but i've been trying my hardest a lot of people rent korean traditional outfits called hanbok and they walk around this town and i've seen a lot of even foreign people on instagram they're doing that [Applause] so here's the first of these kind of traditional korean houses they're quite pretty wouldn't mind living in one of those and the thing is in this village you are able to get in them when there are cafes or restaurants or if you have some permissions or i think some houses are even open to public so you'll be able to see inside so you actually find a lot of just shops around the area random shops cafes just little things as you walk towards the village so there's plenty to see and do before you even get there [Music] so you'll see a lot of these kind of things too steps and they always lead to cool little cafes so definitely go up them when you ever see them if you're a bit curious just go have a look you never know what you'll find just coming up here is another classic cafe hanok conversion just up here this is the old this is the new side by side [Music] i can see why there's so many signs um here about being quiet for the residents because you literally have people like us just going through their streets right outside the front door uh taking photos and stuff so i can definitely see why they really campaign for a lot of signs because i could imagine sometimes it might be a bit too much for them [Music] i find it funny that even these big wooden doors have seen the advancement of technology and even they i keep adding through as well [Music] we're pretty hungry now so it's we had to find a place to eat and i think we're going to this place [Music] this is um probably people have heard of if you like korea i guess but this is like um sort of like a great version i would say um it takes you to another level it's so good yeah it's like cheerful when you eat korean chilies because they can be very spicy but i like them anyway and i can dip my rice all of this and is this thing called is this what they call is it or something yes yeah i think they set all these things up called korean style together um just going for it you're going for you cook that's the thing you have to cook a lot of times in korean you gotta mix you gotta you gotta fry you gotta stir you gotta do it all but you know it's really good because they give you all the fresh ingredients and then you kind of do it how you want so i've got this tonkatsu and it's a lot bigger than i thought it was going to be much than i thought [Music] while in this area you gotta stop by the national museum of modern contemporary art here in seoul it's another great free thing to do [Music] because it was a special time of the year we actually got into this museum for free it's just so lucky but usually it's uh 4001 so still a very cheap option for a museum i would say [Music] hi guys let's see through cafe and have a look [Music] oh it's so sad i really don't [Music] [Music] there's a very um kind of big cookie movement here and there's a lot of different choices you've got the coffee but my favorite is a cream latte it is if you ever in seoul you've got to have the cream one it's amazing that's what this one is and it is amazing i'm going to cut our friends now it's exciting who's your favorite peach a peach ap isn't it or peach ryan oh this is a honey honey is this a new character no no no it's like they are they they are honey they are a bit odd oh look at these pillows it's massive oh is that your favorite yeah probably one of my favorite too happy too [Music] hi ryan hi founded this lovely place to take instagram photos and it's not only us there are lots of people who are kind of waiting for the opportunities to have the best shots and you know what makes me think is that how could anyone get any sort of goals from the top that's true look it's incredibly high it's impossible whoa look at this line of street food stands that is impressive so many as far as the eye can see and you'll always see these kind of pictures here people who have come here to visit in a lot of celebrities who have come to visit you always see that in korean venues amazing [Music] look at that that looks incredible i can't wait but we gotta mix it don't we so it's got an egg kind of half coat made with some rice cake and this is kimchi and cheese some seaweed and rice vinegar and it's your kind of mix up like that oh actually there is a heat in this pan oh it's just got everything i've got my cup holder look at that i love mixing rice with different ingredients it's one of my favorite things [Music] it's yum it really reminds me of kimchi um kimchi fried rice a bit but just with more ingredients it's taken me to food heaven it has [Music] maybe double cheese double cheese looks good what i've realized this is it's pancake hot dog that's what it is and it makes complete sense and i'm very much looking forward to trying we got free cola i didn't see that coming did you i kind of knew that it comes with a coke but i wasn't sure oh it's good anyway yeah how good is that so anyway have a look at this this is the important part that we've got to show you okay oh the texture is very soft and i don't know what is it like it's pancake no it touch it okay [Music] how'd you describe it yeah i don't know it almost feels like it doesn't feel like food yeah it's incredible mmm that looks good pancake hot dog makes sense but i've never seen it before i like the fact that the pancake is quite crispy so i think hot dogs should come with coleslaw more often i don't know why it doesn't i love mayonnaise um it's good to have a little veggies in there it's kind of like it's been formed already so i think it's been placed in a certain kind of template and cooks like that i'm going for it i describe this as going back to your childhood and your favorite day when you're at school you took school off you did a ferris bueller's day off and that's what this tastes like that brilliant day you didn't go to school and only 2001. very cheap very affordable hot dog pancake mmm you got to do it you got to do it you can only do it here in seoul think so scorching hot outside we're like we need to have something icy it's buzzing it's buzzing let's go get it wow look at this [Music] looks amazing excited [Music] some reason it just reminds me of christmas i don't know there's something festive about being soup it's just it's always very pretty lovely decoration stuff it's i love those kind of desserts and great thing about it is that it's it's a shared dessert so it's something that you can just have among friends you could easily share four people in fact this is too big i would say for two people so have it i'll still have it stop talking and eat it [Music] i think oh it's something that as an australian i never really had before it's like powder on shaved ice with all these other like exotic ingredients like rice cake and stuff like that it's so unique but it all goes well so beautifully [Music] today we're gonna do pan river day it's called hangang date so what you do is borrow a tent and a match for the park near han river and then we're gonna eat korean instant noodles good thing is is that you don't need to have all your picnic stuff and be taking it with you as you can't really when you're traveling in another city but here we're gonna show you exactly how you can rent one out and you can have the best deluxe little camping picnic spot here in seoul along the han river you love it i love it it's brilliant it's cute that's a good idea [Music] this is amazing when i was walking down i had the the noodles in my hand and a korean couple passed by and they're like so which pretty much means that it looks really yummy and um let's see if they're all right happy with the kimchi nice and hot and spicy but then with the coldness of the kimchi i've got my delicious korean beer what more do you want to see how easy that is we had no equipment with us and look at our setup now living a life in camping luxury along the han river with our beer our ramen noodles our fried chicken our kimchi amazing absolutely amazing i guess it's the best you know the worst to me he is so cute oh hello he wants to get into a bag oh no he smelled something something maybe maybe i dropped some kimchi on there he wants to go past we're here at the shiba cafe rachel's already addicted to taking photos of the dog they're so unbelievably cute it's just crazy they're a bit sleepy they're friends they're best friends actually sleepy there's photos of them all up in the place too just makes it extra cute just to see them it's like the whole place is dedicated to them the thing i like about them is that they have a different colors mmm they're all different wines yeah they're all different and cute in their own cute way let's now head to the shopping mecca that is myeongdong myeongdong is a well-known area in seoul the main reason for that is shopping it's the go-to place for all things fashion and beauty whatever you're looking for it's a safe bet that you can find it here its streets are filled with famous designer stores but that's not all you'll find here there's also an endless amount of cafes and restaurants and food stores lining up the streets the street food is scattered all throughout the area and there is pretty much every kind of street food you could imagine so whatever your taste buds are telling you you can be sure to satisfy your hunger needs here in myeongdong [Music] [Music] can you notice the glow that's around me it's the glow of the hologram cafe and i've got my lovely coffee here the cutest little sugar bowl you've ever seen and rachel's americano and so far i see it's a good place for filtered photos if you're very good at um close-up kind of photos maybe portrait photography that kind of thing i can even get some pretty interesting shots here [Music] so we got mcjugger and with that we can create the ideal combo which is called how do we do it oh we got a friend who wants some stomach do you want some egg huh you want stomach oh you're very feisty hey hey okay so yeah andrew always comes with some alcohol hold this [Music] [Music] double the alcohol dangerous [Music] it's almost half alive half our live octopus is still moving a bit it's uh fainted i always feel these kind of supermarkets like seafood it's a bit like coming to an aquarium it's an aquarium but an aquarium with a sad ending this one this guy's loving that little fountain he's got going there oh that's like what people know as the penis fish they call it i've heard it's late night food in korea like late night culture food so she's making pea right now which is kind of like korean sashimi so you can taste some fish straight away that's the end product there is so much going on here to be honest when rachel said we're going to a fish market i was like meh not really my kind of thing but it's quite exciting i don't know why it just kind of is people handle their fishes so well yeah yeah they are they're very good they're very quick um they have no fear if i got was even near those crab tanks that are just massive full of all these crabs uh i just can't deal i can't deal with it it's too scary before having sunday of course you gotta put on your lovely little what's this called your lovely little [Music] apron [Music] character up there oh i didn't even notice that that's the character too that's true look the houses have characters on them oh i love this retro one look at the cute characters it's everywhere all over this town so we've got to take our shoes off first oh it's so low oh look at these seats wow there's so much going on you're a giant i feel like i'm a giant in this place it's too big i'm too big for this cafe where's the rachel going you look like massive too like a giant in this little cafe um hug at night when when you've got no one else to hug meanwhile we got our drinks here and i noticed but it comes with these cute coasters i'm gonna have the bee and you can have this one this is your iced is this americana he's not american very affordable it was like 3 500 one and that's quite cheap i think yeah for career standards mine was i think four thousand five hundred maybe and again especially for the size um very very good um in korea they used to have these sort of shops that are like mango shops and they're exactly the same as blockbuster shops and um you can borrow mangas and dvds and i used to grow like about 10 of them and i'm a slow slow slow reader so i can read one manga for an hour and i used to spend 10 hours by reading mangas you pretend to reading them i'm looking at the illustrations i can phonetically kind of read hangul but then i don't know what it says so i can pronounce it a little bit no idea what it says but a good way to learn korean i think i love all the lego characters look at all the simpsons this cafe itself is so adorable you cannot resist taking pictures and when you take pictures make sure to post them on your instagram because you can get this magnet look at that free souvenir [Music] this place is amazing absolutely endless amounts of meat just constantly coming onto the grill it's just endless amazing there is always plenty of places to do some shopping in seoul south koreans love their fashion so you'll see heaps and heaps of stores selling clothes and the great thing about seoul is that even when the sun goes down the shops stay open until really late
Channel: Top Things to Do In the World
Views: 34,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rachel and nick, travel vlog, travel, seoul, south korea, travel seoul, things to do in seoul, seoul south korea
Id: t5VJMoUu1po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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