24 Kills + 2x MANIAC!! New Hero Ixia Attack Speed Build Insane LifeSteal - New Hero Tryout ~ MLBB
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Channel: Gameplay Proplayer
Views: 109,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gameplay pro player ixia, ixia best build, ixia best build 2023, ixia gameplay, ixia gameplay mlbb, hero ixia gameplay, mobile legends ixia gameplay, ixia gameplay pro player, ixia mlbb, ixia, ixia hero baru, build exia tersakit, build ixia, build exia tersakit 2023, pixia build, ixia top global, ixia mobile legend, top global ixia, ixia new hero, ixia new hero gameplay, ixia new hero mlbb, ixia new hero build, new hero mobile legend, new hero ixia
Id: ICC278l26KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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