24 hours looking for birds!

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how many bird species are we able to photograph  within only one day or in 24 [Music] hours for   over a decade now I have been traveling  Costa Rica taking pictures organizing   Photo Safaris and Javier PES one of the  top biring experts here in Costa Rica I   asked him exactly the same question we came  to the conclusion okay let's find out [Music]   we just arrived at Laguna De lagal the first  stop of our challenge let's get him hey they   have my book here look at this awesome over  several months we have been planning this   adventure analyzing the most bird Rich spots  in Costa Rica and how to actually connect them   in a doable road trip based on our years  of experience we feel very confident to   have crafted the ultimate route but we also  feel certain pressure because the clock is ticking hey come on it's the  comentary who stupid idea was   that all right let's do this let's rock and roll we are about to enter jungle as we  ventured deeper into the mysterious jungle   under the cloak of Darkness excitement  searches through our wains activating   every sense in our bodies the rustling of  leaves and the piercing sounds of nocturnal   creatures Eco through the Eerie night hidden  eyes silently observe our every move leaving   us questioning who or what is watching  our every step can you hear that we got   our bird is right up here but we cannot see  it when our fly they don't make any kind of noise so we have to always guess where it could  be based on the sounds for the next 23 hours we're   going to have an amazing challenge like this one  so this is going to be very interesting [Music] 1 hour into the challenge and we have our picture  number one which is a crested owl which I'm very   happy about you heard the branches breaking  that is a [Music] tapier I think that's the one [Music] we are 3 hours into our bird  photography challenge we have seen and   photographed the some four different  species of birds already which is uh   is okay we were looking for more um  but we were not lucky with all the species all right three species  already this morning that's   one the crested Guan sitting right up there Rail bird photography often times it's  just about time you have to be very patient   and you have to be in an environment  and wait and observe you look around   you listen to the bir songs and you apply  the law of probability which means the   more you are out there the more hours  you spend in nature interrup here sorry   interrupted and just like that something  came up and I had to take the picture [Music] we are about 11 hours into our photography  challenge we have 54 Birds on our bird count   so far and we're leaving now Laguna  De lagal and heading to the next [Music] location we got 68 right now half day is over  we are very good on our way I feel a little   bit tired to be perfectly honest and now we  take a break we eat something and we refill   our reserves I can feel the hours now they  permanently looking for Birds which takes a   lot of uh concentration also so they permanently  scanning and scouting is taking its tall at this   point I want to give a huge shout out out to the  sponsors of this video Laguna De lagarta Lodge an   epic burer and photography Lodge which hosted  this for the first night and the travel agency   Swiss tropical who is also my logistical partner  for all my group photography tours and workshops   here in Costa Rica as the Sun reaches its peak we  find ourselves behind schedule needing to adapt   and make compromises our search for Birds took  far longer than expected prompting the need for   strategic adjustments and sacrifices in order to  make the most of the remaining time on our tour [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]   our next Photography in De was the challenging  task of capturing hummingbirds in action which   I consider a Champions League level of  Photography these tiny birds flit from   flower to flower with lightning speed  making it a difficult feat to cack them   focus and capture a shot however I  relish The Challenge and there is no   better feeling than achieving a stunning  photograph of these elusive creatures [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]  [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]   the daylight is almost gone we only have 12 hours  of daylight we have really have to hurry up and   we are actually not in the perfect timing of the  year but it was the only time we had available   because between Kier and myself we have a  lot of Tours today it was a very hot day it   is a very dry moment in Costa Rica and so the  Bird activity is actually very low despite the   challenges of the day we were fortunate to have  discovered a multitude of Aven species including   some truly extraordinary specimens as the sunet  we persisted in our search braving the dark of   night with a detered effort to make the most of  every opportunity even as my own batteries began   to weaken cavier remained tireless continuing  ahead with unwavering energy though I felt the   weight of exhaustion upon me I found solace in  the knowledge that our 20-hour Quest was soon to   reach its conclusion 22 and 1/2 hours into the  bird photography challenge still going strong   no just kidding we actually already wrapped  up and are celebrating now cheers well done as we bring this thrilling 24-hour  photography challenge to a close we want to   express our deep appreciation for the opportunity  to share this experience with you we also want to   recognize and applaud the conservation efforts of  Costa Rica's national parks private reserves and   Eco conscious hotels which serve as essential  infrastructure for us to witness and appreciate   the Majesty of nature up close those who have  been fortunate enough to visit Costa Rica   will understand the natural Splendor that this  country possesses but there's one more question   that remains just how many different species of  birds did we manage to capture on our 24-hour   Odyssey we are thrilled to announce that the final  number is a stunning 108 different species a truly   exceptional achievement and testament to the rich  biodiversity of Costa Rica for more photographic   adventures and stories from nature follow us on  social media thanks again and have a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: Florian Kuster
Views: 392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: joICwuu2G7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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