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and we're gonna stay overnight here I can't even believe we're doing this right now [Music] new mission we have got to try and find where the light switch is what's up guys and welcome back to another 24-hour challenge this video might be our craziest location yet seriously guys you might not be able to tell but we are at a baseball stadium and we're gonna stay overnight here you heard that right we got Matt and Shawn aka 70s man are you guys prepared for this quick we got our sleeping gear here cuz you know we're doing overnight we're not going home all you brought was that yes what about toothbrush what about a change in diapers no but check this out so this Stadium this is the Rocky Mountain vibe stadium if any of you guys have lived in Colorado Springs for a while the team playing here used to be the sky Sox but now we gotta upgraded so the Rocky Mountain vibes we'll have to show you the mascot it is so cool this stadium is just legit so you guys ready to go inside yeah we're coming up on the gate guys this is so legit shot it we have no idea where what is even here or where we're gonna sleep so I think we just got put our bags down and just spin the wheel what is this you have you have to smile now just sit our backs down right here fellas we're making our way down the hallway and oh my goodness take a look at the field guys figure it out isn't it just weird to be at a baseball stadium without a single soul here that's us this kind of weird just look around who is that hey what are you doing there go get him Sean what's happening I don't know would you like pick the front row at a baseball game scare me [Applause] [Music] I don't know how many seats they got here but my goodness Shawn so before we do any more exploring we have a special announcement for you guys that's right guys so the Rocky Mountain vibes their season starts June 21st that's gonna be the first game and we want to give you guys a special discount code so for one week only from now when this video is out for one week you guys can use your code online more Jace - when you buy ticket for any game during the season for five dollars off but guess what if you use the code you will be entered into a grand prize pool of people because we're gonna come back on August 24th and we're gonna be doing some on the field shenanigans some games so if you use that code you're enter to win you might be able to come down with us play a game win something trust me you'll want to get entered because it's gonna be a big day we're gonna be here doing all sorts of things so link is in the description make sure you go do that now and we hope to see you guys August 24th since we all can't figure out where we need to explore first how about we just try some doors and see I think that first door we can find open Oh guys what is this what is that coffee that's kind of a snack I snuck away from home guys it looks like that word in the offices I don't know if we were supposed to be in this area in the house I saw darn it I'm already in the hide-and-seek mood guys and we just got here I don't know where we are I think we're in the office don't mess dude guys we didn't show you this yet this is the vibes mascot he's uh s'mores and what's his name toasty dude this is like my favorite mascot of like any sports man I'm not just saying that a s'mores oh and guys you know our mascots a doughnut so it like pairs perfectly with toasty Marv and toasty not only is it a s'more but its head is on fire excuse me sir can I please have some no ring the bell take it for the team ah yes of course let's see are you using code or Jase - no wow that's my uke you just need me sir well guys I think we should maybe go somewhere else make sure to like haha this is the giant calendar oh they got June 21st our 21st the first day of the season monthly what happens August 24th we're going to put on here very good still yay yay uh-huh AHA that way everybody in the office doesn't forget thanks guys guys huh we're at a baseball stadium so here's some baseball things right isn't that what this is Sean a baseball thing yeah you're brilliant sharing sharing look guys we have to find out what Justin's doing [Music] guys the vacuum you guys can't really tell in camera but it's actually getting dark out oh alright so we're out of the office we got a few supplies oh sorry I found these but these are absolutely useless we gotta find some baseball's now we've got to find more smile plus we don't even know what this giant building is like as you can see over there is like concessions and stuff what does this fellas elevator please case of stairs use fire look it's in the off position so that's probably why it's off okay the Keshawn well we don't have the keys haha I found the light and all you work there just kind of delayed where are we by the way we're trying to find baseball's remember stay on target I know but I gotta find baseball's in the banquet hall me maybe oh no what well I can't doom in that far but no no [Music] should we go say hi quick wave anima oh he's part quick close the blinds we go sprint close it by quick all the blinds on these are so close what's he doing over there no we don't charge we just say Hank but don't bring the baseball bats yeah Sean guys we're going to get a closer look how do we get down there let's see the damage guys did you there he's right behind that pole over there can't see us so yeah luckily we have this giant wall that you can't see through guys all right outside the gate we have no idea why the cop is out here should we go say hi say hi guys cops are people too they need some friendly interaction I always love to just go up if I see a cop who's like not doing anything I like to just go up and say hey like thanks for being awesome and protecting the city and such well let's do it so I sitting over here so we were in here and just thanks for what you're doing yeah okay guys we are good with the cop so now we got to find a baseball but first I have a quick challenge you guys ready so you see how there's one two three four tables okay no no there's there's four there's four of these tables with the Blinky's under right so one of us has to count and we each have to hide out at one table whoever is the last one found wins all high seventies man okay Seth first go in the hall no no looking okay hide oh he was taking the first table that's nerve-racking you're under that one man is there I'm gonna going to this one Oh Shawn you have to choose either between that table at the end or that table but if you find them you win and if you don't find them Andrew wins wait what but Andrew hid under that one oh yeah Thunder you're good enough what dude that was good quick where's the baseballs who looks like it's just more concessions and restrooms over there so I think they have a downstairs remember that elevator how to down button yeah stare Shawn this looks a flu is this the locker rooms no like it's like a bat cave Josh Shawn that's what some he's in here why would there be somebody exam what if there's a nighttime security guard whoa this is like a kitchen Oh Oh like we were saying since the season two hasn't started yet nothing's like stocked right yeah they're doing a bunch of renovations and everything so by the time the first games here this whole area and the stadium is gonna be decked out sick guys my urgent message from who from me what here what do you found baseball's no timeout timeout do you realize where we are and that one's deep a miracle I guess where's Kurt Russell oh I think this is where all the players get ready this is like the locker room Clubhouse like nah it's a little rickety where are we going guys look dude these are fire the brand new jersey dude these are sick the vibe spinning you got toasty on the side 19 oh my this one literally says toasty on it but there's only three jerseys and there's four of us dibs dibs yeah you can be coach or minor ultra league really Oh check out these jerseys dawg I'm ready to go and coach put me into the Homer nice which of these jerseys is your favorite they got three we got this one the red and blue this is my favorite for sure this is the way Jersey this one's the tastiest because the graham cracker Jersey I think you got the green chocolate sleeves you hold on you get you gonna baseball Oh sick coach lead the way hey guys what you're gonna need to run as fast as possible along this machine doing this per piece that's not good if you guys had a coach like Shaun what would you do I would quit immediately see I actually agree with you but I made I ate late he has a weird technique of getting the best out of his players like the coach from dodgeball the movie if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball what we got to get ready for a game to reach by our locker we got our chairs [Music] if you guys want to beat the Russians your can't be doing stretches like that what coach I know it's been rough for you guys this season I know you've won every single game and cleaned about I mean I'm doing coach can you win today you guys get off your phone see that you got to do that you got to get your patches together are you guys fire the Russkies 12 seconds later I think that was one of his last words just from his final speech quick [Applause] [Music] well what the point of this how we're gonna play in the dark this field has lights guys oh we gotta figure out how to turn a monk wait I can't see anything out here new mission we have got to try and find one of the light switches if we can get the lights on dude dude we're home run mode this what looks like something that could be I don't know turn on the lights the lights aren't out here no I can't just be out in the public no no no no so I know right here is the press box so that's where like they control the scoreboard all the announcements and stuff I feel like maybe if anything and being there what do you think Matthew well we haven't even look in here yet wait look at the sign well barely see that yes we're wearing the jersey this is not it Routledge it fine oh yeah these are like her name as long as you feel the vibes you're authorized Shh quiet you this is definitely some sort of control panels like the control room you can't barely see in here we need some white okay I find the light switch oh there you go this is pretty legit this is a backstage in the press box I haven't never been back iron commander coming in x-wing or five ready for battle what kind of uh it looks like this room is for the radio stations broadcasting the baseball games dude this is so sick what is this area hello welcome back there's reports for more DS do news in eSports wait is this the legit PA system I don't think so cuz it's not working you still haven't found the lights yet so try those try every switch nope it's part gonna be the last room that we checked the last possible place it's not gonna be hello dude did you hear that yeah I think we found it did you already turn it on who wants to do the honors dawn says you can't hear it wait we have to go everybody thanks so much for tuning in to forge a steel we hope you guys are enjoying your stay because we want you to experience life throughout this channel am i right oh well sorry mommy we're just making a youtube video by the way okay look there's a nozzle here for field /o field slash know what - look no I do know the lights he's already in it this all you have to do is like turn the key doing anything oh they're on there turn on nobody like slowly no way we have lied no I got there do let's get out there what are we doing [Music] [Music]
Channel: MoreJStu
Views: 4,750,385
Rating: 4.8952589 out of 5
Keywords: morejstu, more jstu, morejstu overnight, morejstu 24 hour, 24 hour challenges, 24 hour, 24 hour fort, overnight in baseball stadium, overnight in, overnight challenge, overnight challenge morejstu, overnight in walmart, overnight fort morejstu, ireland boys production, overnight ireland boys, family friendly, jstu, spending the night in walmart, hide and seek, walmart overnight challenge, stadium overnight, staying overnight in a stadium, baseball stadium overnight
Id: hv0B7gVNQuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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