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I have this thing I don't know why I have it look at my child she looks like a biting bug we think I'm starting to hear noises and it's kind of scary I don't know if I'm gonna be able to sleep and the lights keep flickering so it's like haunted pool party yes [Music] hey guys it's Kayla and today I'm going to be doing a video that I've been wanting to do for a while I've seen these pictures on Pinterest and all that where girls will like set up pillows and blankets and snacks and stuff and they'll sleep overnight in like a raft in their pool so I wanted to try that we have their act outside we have to blow it up I'm getting like a hair from talking so us we have the rock that size though we have to blow it up and put it in the pool and then I have to pick out all my stuff and hopefully see the pool overnight it's like that I don't know it looks big [Music] it doesn't feel that cold it's okay so if I've fallen we'll be fine but I'd rather not be wet let's hope that this raft works food oh so you gonna bring I haven't figured that out yet I think I'm bringing towels as blankets just in case I do get wet I don't want to get like nipple like it's all soaking wet and then just like a bunch of snacks maybe the dogs can join me for a little bit but I have I doubt that they're gonna want to stay for too long yeah we'll figure it out as we go though all [Music] right we have our floaties blown up come on and I'm gonna do like a little haul of everything that I'm gonna be bringing for the night so first I have the two tacos they can leave if they want to I also have this like little mat thing like a little cushion for my butt and the dogs they like it too it's just like decor / furniture I have this thing I don't know why I have this maybe it'll come in handy sometime the Coyotes we've never seen the Coyotes in this neighborhood they're around this area so gotta beat the Coyotes uh yeah the super soaker is that your backup just in case parodies or just any enemies in general my baby she's hurt yeah she's a little hot mess right now but I like to do this chick with her what's all about why is it look like bags taped because I had to do the flower baby project in eighth grade so flower baby you pick the flower baby to go in the swimming pool with it's my child [Music] this girl is not meant to be a mother what's going on this is what we do together so she's right skip marks on the back of her head I'm gonna be a great mother this is from getting her head on the wall of my school the teacher skidmark on everything yes because other people put tattoos on their babies so yeah face tattoos and stuff it was really funny there's that and then I have this peach squishy it's very big and it smells good I get to where I would if we go sink to the bottom of the pool actually I don't know because that my friend came over with the squishy meter in the pool and it stayed on top so we'll see I also have a hydro floss because I'm not drinking pool water sorry toothbrush and toothpaste cuz I have to brush my teeth obviously I might can you get a bucket [Music] my retainer tube to keep my teeth nice and straight and pretty crazy between every single piece my mind is gonna explode okay mermaid tails thank jaga you've got me before she makes her tonight I took my hoodie off because it's kind of hot out I'll put it back on at night when it gets cold I'm gonna have my snack bag which has skittles granola and graham crackers because I couldn't fit anything more and then I have this umbrella for if it rains or if it gets like too sunny the knees go BAM why would he bankers anything like I think we need to test this out and the pool and see if you see because I feel like in the middle the whole thing you guys suck into the middle I really don't think so and this whole thing is getting like collapse on itself there's there's pictures on Pinterest of girls doing it and they don't die so let's turn to each other I want to get out get a good look at everything because if it does sink [Music] I didn't fall [Music] [Applause] I'll give you graham crackers it feels nice actually I really don't want to get like water in this pool from the waterfall that's a little bit taller than that okay I think your state grant Bridgers hopefully they don't leave me after they have the graham crackers okay firstly Hurley loved mama Kayla so we are settled and you I didn't think thanks no I totally didn't even think that this is gonna work and it's real [Applause] gorgeous Klaus thank you I left a pink umbrella how it offsets here yes Wow the rug matches with umbrella is like a nice little colored person you want a tree he's my only friend [Music] [Music] baby face down it's fine just likes to sit that way with your feet together her she in our yard we're just chillin watching you been out here forever now it feels like oh here she came back I was just gonna say that her she ditched us but now he's back parley is just chillin out on the floaties still he really likes it there I'm getting kind of bored though but we brought mermaid tails I have one for Tyler - do you want me to train you Toto come out yeah we give you like a race or something mermaid race it's a mermaid mermaid versus my man all right let's see who the best mer is get you ready ready ready ready [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] get your baby all with her she's trying to protect it but he will not touch the baby when I took the baby in the water he was taking a nap in the poor I know I'm a scorer with this Super Soaker when she's sleeping my god I just thought you were taking a nap beep ooh and I wanted to wake you up hey use your child of the body if you wanted to of doing a mermaid race so I got I'm Remy til for you [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay so they're gonna go from that into that [Music] [Music] I'm the most graceful mermaid you've ever seen in your entire life the Sun setting and we have a little bit of light left my umbrella is broken so I survived the day your little soggy it looks like yes you're really uncomfortable soggy jeans and then I have my butt's also he from my hoodie do you need snacks I can get you snacks yeah I have some stuff but what if you get me yeah I don't know let me go see and then I'll come back um do you think the drink I printed up in the hydro class oh good job you haven't run out of water no okay still got it all right let me see what else I can provide all right well I was really thinking of your nutrition no no no nutrition I thought you might do well with some really good old-fashioned creepy nut butter laughs peanut butter oh my get bad they're looking here looks good for you I was kidding because I know Kayla doesn't really care for peanut butter maybe this really good chef's salad the best thing you have had all day probably justice yeah because all you brought was some crackers and skittles yeah you didn't you didn't plan for nutrition I did not I ever loved well enjoy your dinner thank you I guess I'll check up on you in a little bit cuz it's gonna be dark soon yes I'm sitting I have a hoodie hopefully I won't get cold it's a good thing you have your baby doll yes where is that to keep you comfy [Music] good salad you have to eat that I don't care if it's soggy I'm your mother can't do it you can't do it I'm praying right now that was such a good salad there's like a bug flying around I'm scared hi ladies the scary wing big glowing eyeballs are these eyes always glowing like camera flashes crazy she is stealing my salad it's like rocking her little baby without the baby yeah [Applause] [Laughter] I'm delusional I mean asleep what is that there's a bug in the raft look how big it is you set for yourself you're [Laughter] fighting back okay it's time for oisin Hurley to come you'll have to fend for yourself I'll just stay on the opposite side it'll be like Life of Pi do this [Music] you're hiding in there and you're gonna I don't know how I got this alright peace out okay fine fine mom either way it's like midnight we are in the pool my hair is looking great after swimming okay mom's bribing them to leave me my giant peach squishy this is gonna be my pillow and then mom gave me a fresh towel as a blanket I was gonna brush my teeth but I can't I don't want to so I don't think we are anymore my child is gonna stay over there because she touched the beetle and she's contaminated now yeah oh my god the lights are still on outside so if a coyote comes I'll be able to see it and I can use my Big Bopper thing just not get in the face good night I'm out here by myself I put my hair up so that it's like out of my face but um I'm starting to hear noises and it's kind of scary I don't know if I'm gonna be able to sleep because there are like coyotes and snakes and stuff here because the gardener's just cut all the bushes you know everything that was hiding is now not hiding so I could very well be eaten tonight and it's very scary I hear them so yeah that's the update on the night I'm not gonna be able to sleep yeah all right we are still up and I'm still hearing animals I think I just heard a snake or maybe it's the sprinklers sprinklers but you know it's fine you know we're just gonna die and that's just the truth and I'm not gonna leave because this is spending the night in a pool okay and the lights are slowly turning off so soon I'm gonna be in complete darkness right now I'm distracting myself looking at the bottom of the pool you probably can't tell how like majestic it is but the pool lights are making the bottom of the pool like light up and it's just really fun to watch but we'll see if I'll sleep later hopefully I do all right I'm doing Shadow Puppets there was one that I used to know okay wait and I know if I can figure it out now like this this is this is my head this is gonna eat my head it's dead now my child sleeps just fine throughout the night she's my right now so that's where I am right now and the lights keep flickering so it's like haunted pool party yes I just got pushed by ghosts right for me next my child is gonna eat me in the middle of night so I'm actually gonna try to get to sleep so I'm gonna make a nice little comfy spot because I've been up really late I think that the Sun is actually probably gonna come up soon and I was hoping to get like at least sleeeeep this is my pillow I don't know if we already introduced you to this but that's my pillow and then I'm using a towel as a blanket because you never know when there's a hole in the pool and then you're all soaked so yeah I'm just gonna go to bed now so I'll see you in the morning bye [Music] [Music] yeah I wanna go see my real bed now we scared all night yeah I didn't get it bed generally late I thought I heard a scream out here at some point yeah the beetle was on me so the beetle yeah it wasn't in the pool so that was a bit of a problem but we figured it out so congratulations you made it 20 more hours in the swing oh well guys enjoyed this video it was fun to film but now I want to go my real bed 7 if you enjoyed it give a big thumbs up subscribe to my channel and until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Kayla Davis
Views: 2,145,609
Rating: 4.7957134 out of 5
Keywords: Kayla, Davis, teen, relatable, 24 hours, challenge, overnight challenge, funny challenge, 24 hour challenge, mermaid, overnight in a pool, games, 24 hour overnight challenge, funny, 24 hour, fun, 24 hour overnight, comedy
Id: f-eURStpBRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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