24 Horas Conduciendo en Línea Recta ¿Dónde Acabaré?

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How far can we go if we drive 24 hours in a straight line? Let's check it out These are the rules. The car always goes forward. And it doesn't turn anywhere. Unless there's a fork in the road. Right now we're at a spot where I can't go forward anymore so in this case, always left. It's basically like you're in a driver's license test but the inspector doesn't say anything and you have to continue forward but in this case, 24 hours. But we won't do it at once. Every day we'll drive 6 hours Once completed, we'll get off on the first exit where our friend Jep will give us a daily challenge. So we don't have a clue of where we'll go. Nor how many countries we'll cross. I just know we're going far. It's been a couple of hours and we're close to the first border We're entering France. Not my favorite country. It seems our first toll is near, and with that I'll introduce a bonus to this video which I think will make things a bit more complicated To complete this challenge, we have a card with a limited balance, which will be 750 Euros. With that money, we have to reach our goal. It's this card here since Revolut is the sponsor of this video. Let's get some gas. If you don't know, Revolut is a digital bank with over 30 million users including myself. It has a lot of advantages and bonuses 46 Euros gone from our account I think with some of our money we can survive even if we're starving and dirty as a rat and sleeping very little But we'll do it You have a very simple control on your finances It's impossible to get lost in the app and recharging money in your card is very easy You can use Google Pay or Apple Pay and you can get your wages there, it's a bank What do we buy? You can transfer money to other people who use Revolut for free and instantly or I have a shared account with my girlfriend to share apartment and traveling expenses Very useful! Revolut is excellent for traveling, because if you have a regular card and you go to a country with another currency, when you pay, it charges a fee but with Revolut you can exchange currencies for free at the moment's rate and without fees so it will be great for us because we don't know where we're going It seems a painful one is coming I hope it's 30 at most Our economy is screwed This guy is thinking about it He's considering turning back Look at the sign! Let's see how much it is... 40,80, that's fine Money goes down quickly I have a small gift for all of you, If you register for free through the link below Revolut will give you 10 Euros to spend how you like It's worth it, link below Geneve isn't France, right? - It's Switzerland. - No! Switzerland is too expensive 6 hours driving is a lot You have to stop and stretch your legs a bit This will be rough We just passed a toll, how's there another one? No... These are expensive, dude Futuristic bathrooms Typical place where they put some music to motivate you Enjoy your free bathroom, dude This is our bread and butter these days Cleaning other people's piss and hairs from the toilet Nice! And finally, that's 6 hours for the day We got off the first exit and I saw this coming... I'm scared because it's the first day, we have this much money left and three days to go What we'll do is driving 6 hours each day and then we're free to go where we want as long as the next day we continue on the same route Good. Good. I'm starving, dude Annecy? What the hell is Annecy? (FRANCE) I suddenly feel free to... make my own decisions 6 hours on a car driving straight ahead - It's so cold, dude... - I don't know where we're going This will be our savior these days. A damn camping gas Today's menu is some sort of pasta bolognese And this will probably be the plan for every day Cooking Gourmet meal By the way, this is David From now on, you can call him chef Slow cooking If I said road trip, you'd think of mountains and cool stuff It's a damn rocky parking lot by the side of a road Enjoy It's nice What if a face appeared on this window I'd jump in fear Since we don't have much money, the plan is to sleep in the car There's no way two are fitting Such a bad calculation You're falling down Free falling I think it's challenge time Let's call Jep What's up challenge master? Send us the location I have it Seeing you have a nice landscape to enjoy, I think you have to make the most of the place you're at so I'll say you take a morning shower in the nearby lake It's 5°C outside, dude It wakes you up in the morning - You're an asshole - Good luck - See you tomorrow - Bye We only have 18 hours left - Three more days - Not bad Good night, see you tomorrow It's 14°C, it doesn't seem like much but... Less excuses and more challenges The first challenge, let's go - What does it say? - I don't speak French I just noticed our biggest problem Do you have a towel? I don't know about the rest of the trip but... the first day we arrived at a precious place 7 hours less We're about to reach the point where we exited yesterday A bad thing is that we'll probably end up at a toll again Six hours, come on It must be cheap, we've been here 5 minutes The painful one... - What? - How much? 9,20 for minutes, bro Let's go faster now Where are we, dude? One of the most expensive countries in Europe Switzerland is not too big, I think we'll be out soon Good first half hour of control Drug control, they searched the entire car He was opening the trunk and I say Sorry, we're not hiding anything You just tell me We're in Switzerland, they made us pay 40 Euros for this sticker so we can drive in this highway That was short, we're at the border again I think we're back in France I'm completely lost Come on Come on... No! Fortunately we loaded gas in Switzerland Because there it was 2,05 It would've been a disaster I read online that if you put a bit of pee in there - it drives better. - For real? No... We have a few hours left Nice sunset, huh? Now that we've almost completed two days, I realize we're living through something we'll remember all our lives It's like the typical crazy story that someone told you that a friend of your father did once I think I've never driven so much on a car before and in a way I think we're enjoying it It's a whole different trip We drove a while, didn't realize it but we crossed the border to Luxembourg Minutes later, our daily time was over and we got off the first exit But we had no idea where we were Today looks worse than yesterday I don't know where we are, check this out Imagine, if I turn the lights off... - Turn them back on... - There's nothing And there's a woman in the middle of the road wearing a white gown What's that? What are we seeing? Take a picture and let's see It's too dark And there's three people in the middle of nowhere Three people here and three cars And a big light too I think this is as close to a scary movie we'll be in this trip Wherever you look there's darkness Darkness and four dudes there talking about something Time for the daily challenge - Friends - What's up, bro? How was your bath? I must say, right after waking up after doing it, it helped us start the day These are gifts wrapped in some punishment It's always positive, really What do you have for us? Prolonged fasting can bring great benefits for the body, so I propose to you being 24 hours without eating This will be a test of self control and the weak one who doesn't make it will have to sleep outside the car - Advantages: reduced inflammation... - Screw you, dude Control mentality, dudes Start thinking something for tomorrow Think something for tomorrow and stop bothering Bye... Last night I dreamed the car ran out of battery It was just a dream A nightmare - How did you sleep? - A bit better, really This is home, dude We woke up without realizing we can't eat anything during the day We could have a latte I think milk breaks a fast I don't know Maybe just plain coffee I was thinking earlier and said I'll have to drink a damn American coffee Or maybe an espresso - That's better - A shot Only breakfast and meal for the day - No sugar or anything. - Nothing How is it? Strong as hell I think this is worse than drinking nothing Oh my, dude Please, tomorrow give us a nicer challenge Must we suffer? Another day... back on the road where we left and start the counter on six hours. I don't know where we'll get to, dude We can tell we're in the north of Europe because of the weather Has it been 20 minutes? And we're entering Belgium It's crazy because if I didn't see the signs, I couldn't tell the country Since we started moving into France, we talked about how strange it is doing it by car because you move countries, and we're clearly in Belgium It's raining, green everywhere If you took a plane, you'd notice a different country On car it's like moving from one country to another and we're in Belgium It's awful driving around seeing restaurants on the sideds and knowing we can't eat anything We're in Holland already? It's been three countries in 2 hours It seems we left Holland very quickly and I've just seen a sign in German It's been an hour I don't get it, we're crossing a lot of countries today I'm starving too Yesterday we ate early and last night we called before making dinner so we didn't even have dinner I can guarantee I won't sleep outside That's very clear 2,12 Euros to fill it? Back there it was 1,50 78,95 and the tank was... A bit over half - Just half? - Barely I feel bad, honestly Nobody is forcing you not to eat You can eat if you want There's food back there Why do you say that? Then I have more room to sleep tonight Are you sure? I'll get something I'd rather not die now and die tonight I knew it, bro Tremendous glutton! You can eat what you want Oh no, here come the aromas It smells like chocolate, bro I'd stop laughing and pray tonight it doesn't rain like this It would suck to lose on this day After eating all this in my face you feel guilty? I won't lie, each day is harder It's been 6 hours, we're off on the first exit We're in Bremen, Germany, we parked in the middle of the city Let's call Jep What's up, brother? Tell me, how did the challenge go? Here, next to me, we have a sinner Tremendous glutton! I had other plans but you must remember you're a team so if one fails, the other is guilty too my plan for today was giving you a nice dinner but I think you'll have to play rock, paper, scissors and I'll pay dinner for one of you One, two, and the third you play 1, 2, 3 Justice has prevailed How much can I spend? I'm buying but don't overdo it Whatever you can eat Thanks for letting me enjoy your dinner - True... - Bye And he can't drive Pathetic, really It sucks that after a certain hour in Germany I didn't realize everything was closed so my deluxe super dinner will be in McDonald's How can a Red Bull be worth less than a water? It doesn't make sense Now we just wait for my order to come Where do I cook? We're in the middle of nowhere Today my delicious meal for failing twice is canned sausages on the camping gas I ordered a bit of everything These fries aren't even available in Spain I really like them Bless you, 3,5 Euro water Classic burger Right now everything tastes good, I haven't eaten in so long If I was still hungry, some chicken and cheese nuggets It's frozen, dude. This is literally an ice block What is this? It's cold, it's awful really Mom, I want to go home Obviously, we can't forget dessert I ordered a strawberry shake It even looks good Like a cloud Now I also have to sleep outside Worst night of my life, easily It stopped raining. This sucks ass Ready for a night of camping? Dude, don't do this, please I'm ready... Don't be a bad person And Jep is an asshole Third night. It's becoming harder Come on, I won't let you sleep outside How could you sleep there? Are you stupid? It's fine, you ate shit I could have stayed there, it wasn't that bad I hope tomorrow is our last day, we've been on the road 18 hours and we just have the final 6, let's go This has definitely been the worst night yet It looks nice but really... We slept in the parking lot of a supermarket We knew it when we arrived But I didn't know in Germany supermarkets opened at 5:30 This got full of people suddenly The weather is rainy, it rained all night You can't sleep with your window up because you'll drown So it's like... Too humid Pretty unpleasant today We went to the supermarket to buy some water we didn't have and I got sparkling water I had to brush my teeth with sparkling water It's probably a shitty coffee It's been four days, but it seems like it's been two weeks and we're about to find out where we're heading to The wheel is starting to peel off badly It's been rough at times, pretty nice at others Yesterday, in 2 and a half hours we passed 4 different countries I could expect anything today It's an island. Island of Fe-mar The problem is that the road ends there, then it's sea We have about 3 hours left in the challenge I know what we'll do, I have a plan Although it seemed impossible, we had the answer in front of us We just had to follow the same road to come here I have an idea, but I don't know the cost This is the true painful one, dude 150 Euros So painful that he have no money left but we have tickets For a ferry We're going, bro We're leaving land We can't even see where we're going Not even the sea will stop us This challenge will be finished, 24 hours Not 21 We're in Denmark, but this is not everything After crossing 8 countries, we thought Denmark would be the end, but we still had 2 and a half hours I'll load gasoline for the last time With this, we'll have 48 Euros left to finish this And 48 Euros sounds like a lot but we didn't have a clue we were reaching one of the longest bridges in the world I thought that 750 Euros is a lot But it's not that much Not that much We're at one of the longest bridge/tunnels in the world It's the bridge connecting Denmark with Sweden We're going to Sweden I can't believe in my car from Spain we're crossing this bridge Something I never could have imagined 61 Euros?! You can earn 10 Euros through Revolut And with that... we have enough? If you do it at home, you can get that extra 10 Euros Thank you Revolut You do know where at -2 Euros, right? We failed the challenge We kind of failed the challenge After four days, 24 hours driving it's time to get off the exit and see where we'll get driving 24 hours in a straight line This is the end It seems that after 24 hours driving in a straight line we ended up in Malmo a city in the south of Sweden and to finish we need Jep's final challenge - Let's call him - Friends How far did you go? Where are you now? We're in Malmo, Sweden - Nice! - Far from home Way up there It's been a long road, so the only thing I'll ask of you is that you ask a stranger to take a picture of you and the car and you can have a memory forever - How nice... - How about it? Very nice, bro Thanks for everything, even the bullshitting Bye bye Let's find a Swede that wants to take a picture of us ENGLISH SUBTITLES: Santiago Cabbad David had work and went back home on a plane Pau decided to go back slowly Taking it easy Enjoying loneliness Cherishing the small things Filming stuff for the secondary channel :) Without losing the habits If you made it this far SUBSCRIBE
Channel: Clavero
Views: 3,685,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Clavero, Viajes, hiclavero, 24 horas, Distancias largas coche, 24 horas conduciendo, conduciendo en linea recta, 24 horas en linea recta, dormir en el coche, camperizar un coche, convertir coche en casa, eurotrip, road trip stereotypes, viaje largo en coche, viaje en coche por europa, precio gasolina, precio peajes, road trip europa, autopista alemania, un dia sin comer, donde, acabare, conduciendo, ir en coche, claveroo, viaje en automovil por europa, como hacer viaje largo en coche
Id: RSkgP7AHjyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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