24 Easy Mistakes To Make Building a Wix Website in 2022 (and How You Can Avoid Them)

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here are the 24 biggest mistakes you want to avoid with your Wix website alright and number seven is gonna surprise you hi my name is Cedric cherish and today I'm gonna go over step by step a multitude of different mistakes that can happen with a website now this can happen to anybody but I'm gonna lay them out for you one by one now the first thing is that most people don't realize but let me show you something most people don't realize that a lot of your browsing is gonna come from your phone that's right it's not gonna come from your desktop it's gonna come from your phone if you do Facebook marketing or any type of marketing you know that mobile traffic is prevalent and it's out there and it's coming so the biggest mistake by far that you can make is not having a mobile version of your site and often this is neglected because most people design on a desktop computer like I'm talking to you now but your mobile is important so I'm using wix.com right now and Wix actually does a mobile version of all your sites automatically and it actually looks really good all you do is go to the top and go to desktop and mobile so that's the biggest mistake and I've got twenty four twenty three other ones ready for you so let's jump in so another one is having a mobile header that's too big so as you can see this one's really small but the reason why it's so small is that I've made it that small most headers are gonna look like that and that is not great it's not great for anybody and I want you to have a good website so let's keep that real small really as small as you can because it doesn't really have anything else the third biggest mistake people make is not having a call-to-action so let's switch back to desktop mode just in Wix now now whether you have a this editor but something like get quotes now you want something that people can click on that's immediately visible to people this is so important because it's good most of your traffic school and on here and if you're not telling them to do something you're wasting that traffic so not having a call-to-action that's number three number four is not having any information about you you just want to have a little bit of an About section the fifth biggest thing is not having a map of where you're located so whether that means you don't have a contact page now I'm some of the other websites I've designed I've made clear sort of contact me pages where you sort of can learn about the business and having a map really helps no email subscription as well this is having a small you know pop-up or even just a small part of your website that shows hey you can get you can get you can sign up to her email here and why because I've done a few tests and trust me it's really valuable to have a high quality email list it's an asset that if you ever selling your business you can use that to sell it so anything like here is quite useful for you so just make sure you have some sort of email functionality number seven is nap not having a name address telephone number so again you can get that just right at the bottom just add that in your name address telephone number email broken links is number eight number eight is if you have any links that don't work that is very poor user experience or UX and you want to fix that ASAP there's a few tools you can use if you google broken link checker and they can search through your whole website and find that for you number nine is having a slow website now there's a tool called Pingdom tools and you can sort of go see like how fast websites are by just typing in your website here and starting the test that'll tell you exactly how fast it is and if it's anything over I would say three seconds then you're gonna want to re-evaluate how fast your website is if you're using a wordpress site then i recommend to check the plugins if you're using a Wix website the biggest thing that happens with Wix website is that the image is too big now that could be a big problem so all you do is download the images compress them using shop or an online tool re-upload them and then use those images and you'll be all set and you'll have a very fast website okay that's number nine number ten is poor navigational header now what do I mean about this now there's a bunch of websites that don't have a clear header like this home contact free consultation about shop you know it's very straightforward I have everything I want there but what you don't get is some people who don't have a header or don't know where to go and this is fine if it's a sales page but generally you want to make sure you have a very clear and easy to define header number eleven is having too many fonts too many phones now I love fonts don't get me wrong ah you know Maserati Garamond too you know I think we all have our favorite fonts but trust me you don't want to go all hipster and have 20 different fonts in there because it's not gonna look good it's not gonna look good for anybody so I recommend stick with your few fonts really for your brand for your website you want to have the font that people recognize this font with this company and that's gonna do a great job of really just putting those two you know that font and your company together in one mind so don't use too many fonts that's number 11 number 12 okay number 12 is not having any social links so you can see at the bottom here there's a social bar with Wix it's really easy to do you go to add then you go to social and you just drag and drop these social links in and then adjust the links that's it that's all you need to do so I highly recommend it because it lets your followers know where they can find you on social media and that's incredibly important and you'll find it really useful I think number thirteen is no logo.png now that's an interesting one so if you have a logo so for instance at powerlevel studios another website we we have this logo now you want to make sure that the alt code so you can go to settings and you can have ad power level studios and that way what you can ensure is that when people search your company they can find the logo and then talk about you in the press by using your logo because then it's gonna show up in Google Images and that's a huge help when it comes to you know being talked about either on social media or you know in traditional publishing so you want to make sure that's their number 14 is not having a blog now what's the point of having a blog the biggest reason why people really recommend having a blog is for this it's so that you can do SEO blogs let you help write about post that can rank in Google so say if you're doing consulting about virtual reality you can talk about here the ten best virtual reality examples for marketing then when people search virtual reality for marketing they'll find your post and trust me you're gonna feel amazing when you get all this traffic on your website regularly from your SEO post and it's because you had a blog so that's why at number 14 is you have to you need to have a blog and especially if you have an SEO strategy so number 15 this has to do more with blogs is you want to have internal links so on one blog post you want to link to other blog post in this way two reasons for that one is for proper SEO so you can sort of attribute all the links second one is so you can increase the average the well time of your users so they might be reading this post about you know starting now don't be lazy and then they might see a link and they might go to another one of your posts and suddenly it's five hours later they have and they're there just down the rabbit hole of your website and that's your ideal dream because it shows Google that you have very high engagement and they're gonna likely recommend more people to come to your website so really you want to have some internal links in there the next thing is Google Analytics now Google Analytics is super important and let me just show you briefly what mine looks like because this is my go-to place whenever I want to check the status of my website or if I'm launching any paid marketing strategies I want to know how many users from Facebook do we have right now and my favorite one is once you have Google Analytics set up you can see the real-time users so we have 216 people on all these different pages now that's really useful for me and I highly recommend and if you get Wix Pro it's really easy to set up you have Google Analytics if you search through the site editor and everything you can find it just like that it only works for upgrades yeah but once your upgrade I definitely recommend get Google Analytics so you can see exactly when people cut onto your website number 17 is low quality pixelated pictures now this nothing hurts nothing says you're an old-fashioned website like having a picture with seven like that's very pixelated and blurry usually what happens is that people will download a thumbnail of a picture and then they'll expand it out onto their website and use it as the main here image and then it looks awful so please if you're using Wix what I love about Wix is that you just have images and you can use free from Wix a free from Wix art and they're all high-quality optimized pictures that you can use on your website so if we want to get the Flamingo close up here just put it on you can see that it's matches or other flamingos clearly because who doesn't love a good flamingo and it it's it's not blurry it's very crisp and focused and that's exactly the image you want to show to your customers to your visitors and to the people on your website so number 17 do not have low pixelated pictures got that all right number 18 don't have ads now obviously most websites you're not going to have this problem yet rather you're gonna have ads when you use Wix for free so all you have to do is we have a bottom below if you don't have Wix account you can get one but basically you don't want to have these ads on your website when you're showing them to your audience so with that in mind just upgrade and that automatically removes all ads if you're using another platform recommend it so number 19 following up on ads is you want to have now bear with me here you want to have a great domain so in Wix you can just click publish in the top right corner that gives you what your site looks like the URL and you can see my URL doesn't look you know exactly professional it doesn't say google.com rather it says cedric yard Wix site comm slash MVP - site now that doesn't exactly roll off the tip of your tongue that does it but what it can do for you is Wix makes it really easy for you to change this in fact this is a website I built for a client and as you can see it doesn't have that Wix URL slug before it so all you have to do is when you upgrade you can either get a free domain or you can connect your GoDaddy or Namecheap domain to Wix by just changing your name servers it's really easy to do but again if you're making a website the 19th biggest mistake you can make is not having a great domain number 20 all right number 20 is about readability it's about user experience because number 20 is about having bad fonts now what do I mean by bad fonts so I first learned about this a couple years ago when I had I was working in a disabilities office and a researcher came in and he told me I see he says he sees this all the time but you have thoughts that are too thin like apple.com thin and you can't read them and now I've actually made this mistake on the website to show you now you can see ambition is the first step towards now you can read it out because the contrast is quite high but what you'll notice is that it's not as easy to write eat read as my stunning website that's easy to read you see that right away don't you but you don't exactly see ambition is the first step towards so a rule of thumb is try to avoid these these skinny thought these skinny and very small font sizes if you can because it makes it really hard to read so you want to have fonts that are readable and this is especially true across your website now that's about it for number 20 there's I have four more mistakes that you want to avoid so number 21 is not having a brand description now what I mean by that here it is a lot of users you see arrow so arrow could be anything but in this case it's a web design company that I've just created you know for this video for you but I've say web design below it now a lot of people just say the brand company just say the company without saying why what it is and this little subheading is a perfect way for you to get the simple message across of what your business is most people neglect this don't make that mistake just have a small subheading number twenty two or three more mistakes having music playing I mean I'm pretty sure nobody does this but I thought I'd just put it on there so we're covering all our bases don't have music playing you know you can do it with Wix but I highly do not recommend it whatsoever number 23 this one is a bit debatable and I will give you that depending on the context but it's not having you exit modal pop-ups now you know these is that when you're trying to navigate away from a site it's gonna pop up saying Oh before you go get this twenty percent off coupon now as a user you might not like that but as someone who does a lot of marketing like myself I've known from multiple multiple ad tests that they work on average you get about a five percent uplift and it will annoy about you know ten to twenty percent of your audience however usually our theory is that audience will never return to your website and they'll have no further interaction with you so if the cost isn't that high and we usually say that it's worth it from a conversion point of view but if you are a very very reputable brand you know like Apple comm then it might not be the best for you however usually if you're starting out you want it you you want to start you getting results and we recommend it to have exit modal's you can easily add it up you can add it very easily within Wix no it's in the sidebar and it's called lightbox and you can have one of these things that says join our mailing list and you can have it say you can have a five second delay and that's it yeah now it works actually so you really just add the lightbox and it'll work after eleven seconds you can have it on exit intent or just when you're staying there I highly recommend it because really if you want to start building a list it's something that you're gonna want to do finally number 24 not doing SEO for your website SEO is probably the easiest traffic you'll ever get here you can see getting found online Google friendly I highly recommend you do this basically there's a few tutorials but bait it comes down to having a great Meta Description within the parameters of Wix you can easily make a meta description this meta description is crucial if you want to have a great site so not a sealing your web site though in general is a big mistake because you want to be found on Google and for related keywords as well and that's why it's important to have a blog which is something we mentioned in number 14 so here we go I'm gonna quickly recap the 24 biggest mistakes that you want to avoid you ready one not having a mobile version two not having a mobile header that's too big three no call to action for know about section five no map six no email subscription seven no name address telephone number email eight broken links nine slow websites ten poor navigational header eleven too many fonts twelve too many social networks thirteen no logo fourteen no blog fifteen no internal pages 16 no Google Analytics 17 low-quality pixelated pictures eight having ads on your website 19 bad domain name 20 unreadable fonts 21 no brand description 22 no music you having music playing 23 using exit and not using exit intent pop-ups and 24 not using SEO on your website those are the 24 biggest mistakes you can make on your website I hope I've covered everything for you if you're happy if you're if you like the video do subscribe and comment which was the biggest mistake you recommend people to avoid in the description below and do you subscribe and watch our other videos I have stuff I have the 9 best tips on how to make your ecommerce store on Wix a success and we have other videos coming up that you'll see right now so subscribe and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: WebsiteBuilderExpert
Views: 461,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wix Mistakes, website mistakes, wix mobile view problems, wix call to action, wix google analytics, wix lightbox, wix seo tips, wix seo, wix maps, wix pixel, wix social media integration, wix slow loading, web design, wix mobile header, wix contact page, wix email subscribe form, wix link, wix navigation, wix font, wix logo, wix blog, wix ads, wix ads remover, wix upgrade, wix domain, wix music player, wix pop up, wix meta title, 2019, how to build a wix website
Id: NLfmsoFfRCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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