#223 How to Design SMPS Switch Mode Power Supply

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switching from this power switch modulator and our circuit is now working properly welcome to receive electronics today i will make step by step diagram we will install components on the paper and we will apply power here and we will see how the circuit will work we have 220 volt input then we have to install fuse i will name it f1 the value of this fuse is always calculated 150 percent extra than the load consumption of the circuit if i have one ampere load consumption in the input so i will put one and half ampere 1.5 ampere fuse here so this is our fuse here after that we have to connect voltage arrester mov then we have to connect i will put the values two line filter here is mov here our this resistor inductor after that we have to install bridge rectifier we have option i can use this bridge rectifier pin number one will positive this pin will negative this pin will ac this pin will ac in this case however this line will connect it to this ac and this line will connected to this ac if you want to use separate diodes you will use in this condition two cathodes together two anode together so this will our negative output this will our positive output now we have option we can use this we can use this so let's start the wiring this is 40 milli hungry coil it is used rlc coil it is used to prevent from electromagnetic induction first i will connect fuse it is filter and protection circuit now we have input line we cut the wire and we connected through the fuse now we have to connect this mov i connected 2 ampere 250 volt fuse then we have rv1 or mov it is 10d 471k it's part number 10d k so now i have to connect it it is for over voltage protection if any time we have overvoltage and it will protect the next circuit so it will connect it here this resistor it is normally one mega ohm this sample why i am making this sample to understand to demonstrate the proper function of switch mode power supply here everything will prominent 96 nano farad 275 volts this is a simple model when the system will go more complicated or we are using the smps in some advanced system so that time may be we need a two stage filter we are using single stage filter so we have to connect this capacitor here fuse over voltage protection this our filter for high frequency to protect the circuit from electromagnetic induction then we have output from here this is parallel circuit if any component is short circuit fuse will burn out until here if this capacitor is short fuse will burn out mov is short fuse will burn out now we have bridge bridge rectifier here we can apply power line and neutral to the bridge we can use any one combination so far i will use this combination here this is our ac input one end of the inductor and the second line will go to the second end of the inductor before this there is no polarity but now it is negative it is positive because this time this capacitor is discharged when will collect power it will draw a sudden current that is called surge current to protect from surge grant we need some device to control the current so for that ntc negative temperature coefficient is used it compensates the temperature effect also control the current of the circuit from positive line this is positive line now we have polarity we have to write the polarity we have ntc 10 d 9 it is 10 home component so we have to connect it here 10 d9 so this positive end will connect it here when you are connecting capacitor this negative and must be go to negative if you will connect positive negative and to positive side it will blast immediately within no time so take care for polarity so negative line from here it will be connected to negative line our dc voltage are ready here so here ac voltage input of the fuse ac voltage output of the fuse ac voltage you must find the voltage here okay the same line parallel line bridge input ac 236 volt output of the bridge dc so this capacitor is not good 217 volt we have to check it power this capacitor was bad it was not charging the voltage it was maintaining voltage at 220 volt 270 volt so this capacitor now it's good it is making 338 volt according to our calculation 230 multiplied by 1.414 so your voltage should be here 330 plus if you will check this capacitor first discharge it so this canister is open it does not reach anything does not measure the capacitance nothing it is open from inside i have switch smps transformer this transformer it have four points in the input side and it has multi output it have 3.3 volt 5 volt 7 volt different outputs so we have to connect the positive voltage here how we will connect it then i am using ic 5 l 0 3 zero so this i see four pin ic which is smps controller so we will connect this ic here we can use any smps first i will make it here with this one and then we can use any other ic so first we have to connect it here one two three four one two three four five well 380 8 0 5l0380r 5 l 0 3 0 r so this ic we will use it for switching it have four pins one two three four when you put it in front of facing towards you the number will be left side the first pin is left left most pin is number one pin number two number three number four so number one pin is ground number one pin is connected to this ground line this capacitor it will connect it here so our first pin well connected to ground this is our ground line this ic here this transformer here we can use any ic suppose we can use dl321 we can use 365 265 five three eight four three it depends upon how we are using the circuit how we are making the circuit so now i am using this ic so we will see so pin number one will connect it to ground and from here we will take the positive voltage now we have here transformer so we will connect to pin number one so our this voltage will connected here we collected positive line and we have to connect this pin number two pin we will connect a load between pin number two so here is pin number two we will connect our coil to pin number two and we will connect it here so we will use this coil if this coil is not available this ferret coil you can make a two or three terms from a normal wire so i will connect this coil to pin number two of this ic or we can connect it here with the transformer that is the best easiest way so that pin number two we will connect this line to pin number two of this ic from here to this coil so pin number two is here now how is the circuit if we see here ac line at until now ac line after that negative and positive the positive voltage going to transformer one coil and from the coil this load coil and this ic will make switching to ground so our negative will flow from this ic from this transformer and here it will start pulses because here we have dc and it will start chopping it will start conflict modulation to start pulsating modulation at pin number three pin number three of this ic we need vcc we need vcc for vcc it will take two type of vcc exhaust rewinding exactly winding primary winding exit winding and this is output winding to apply the first starting pulse we need vcc i connected this line from the bridge output positive voltage i connected to 180 ohm resistor 180 k resistor 180 k resistor it will apply voltage and we will receive voltage at this capacitor positive terminal this is 47 micro farad 50 volt capacitor and ground is connected to ground of this capacitor so this voltage will be applied to pin number three of this ic five l zero three at zero so when this ic will take voltage it will start a pulse when this pulse will start here we have excel rewinding at pin number three and four this pfc transformer so here pin number four we will take voltage from the exhaust winding pin number four throw 10 ohm resistor this 10 ohm resistor and he r104 one ampere this her it has one ampere 400 volt one ampere four zero four hundred volt so this will rectify the voltage and it will charge the capacitor and ground pin number three is grounded with this capacitor so this half wave rectifier will start rectification and it will start to supply vcc to this ic first we receive vcc from this path now when this will start to rectify the voltage we will receive voltage here ic will switch this ground line from inside this ic inside there is a pulsing there is a pulse width modulation it will start switching so this will on off on off between pin number one and two it will connected to pin number two of this three of this transformer through this coil and in parallel we have he r107 diode this diode i connected here cathode connected to this resistor 47 k 1 watt resistor and it is connected to 400 volts this pin number two pin number two is connected to two components one that is coil this load coil after that primary of this transformer it have two paths primary of this transformer s will pass from here to positive voltage and the secondary when the pulse will off from this pulse with modulator the collapsing magnetic field will induce voltage in the primary so that will be rectified because this icf that time is off so that voltage will be grounded from this diode this resistor in parallel to capacitor 10 nano 1 nano 1 kilo volt 1 kilo volt 10 nano one kilo volt one nano one kilo volt parallel to 47 k resistor so our this circuit is completed pin number four i collected local diode local feedback pin number four is feedback how i corrected feedback i connected cathode to the ground and anode to pin number four of this ic so this circuit is ready to turn on power but first we have to connect the load we have multiple outputs here diode short key rectifier we will connect one capacitor and we connect load our coil inductor coil then we will collect the second capacitor and we will take the voltage we applied voltage here this time i am taking voltage ground line from here and i applied our local feedback through this diode and we are getting voltage positive voltage to this pfc and this negative switching line is here for this mosfet this pulse width modulator vcc voltage are applied from here and the auxiliary winding vcc voltage are rectified from here through this 10 ohm resistor load resistor and her 104 and i applied i conducted one capacitor one nanofarad capacitor one k kilo volt from this ground to this ground from primary and secondary ground to remove the pfc noise to remove the transformer noise i taken voltage from pin number second last that is five volt section this time i am taking the full mod switching that is 8.2 volt 8.2 volt and if we will connect feedback circuit here now i will connect feedback circuit and we will receive voltage at pin number two we'll remove this diode and we will connect feedback circuit here to take regulated voltage in the output let's start and number one two three four pin number three we will connect to pin number three to ground pin number 4 of this ic we will connect to pin number 4 here pin number 4 pin number 4 one k resistor and we will connect here in five volt section to positive line we will connect it and this point around here here this line pin number one will connected here pin number two will connect it to ground pin number three will connect it to this and we will connect one capacitor negative side here positive side here one two three so our this tl431 pc817 pin number four crew pin four off pwm ic 50384 now our local feedback removed and we will connect the yellow is feedback i am connecting git to feedback pin so feedback pin is connected we will connect the ground line number three of this ic so i need a resistor 1k this one k i will connect parallel to this octocopter now i have to connect 215 ohm resistor this 1k resistor it will come here this 215 actual 222 ohm we will adjust r 220 ohm we will correct this resistor here yes 1k 1k 1k resistor here 1k resistor here this resistor will go to vcc 5v output and this pin will connect it to ground so pin number two grounded pin number one here we will apply positive voltage positive five volt here ground at pin number two and we give center tape voltage divided voltage at pin number one this is positive voltage ground and we will connect the ground side to pin number one capacitor negative terminal is connected to pin number one we connected one k resistor one k resistor and to pin number two and pin number two is grounded now we have pin number three out 220 ohm resistor and number one our this circuit is working i am taking 5 volt from this output section our feedback circuit is working properly so now ac voltage here dc voltage here then we have switching from this pulse switch modulator and our circuit is now working properly i hope so this video is good for you if this video is good for you like subscribe and share if you want if you want to watch my future videos press bell icon button if you want so now our circuit is working properly thanks for watching you
Channel: Haseeb Electronics
Views: 180,428
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Keywords: how to design switch mode power supply, how to design, smps, switch mode power supply tutorial, basics of switching mode power supply, smps tutorial, how to repair, basic working of switching mode power supply, smps basics, how to repair smps, how smps work, how switching mode power supply works, haseeb electronics, how to build, switch mode power supply, troubleshooting
Id: gBDZrrUu5rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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