22 Best Bad Parking Revenges

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22 bad parking revenge's 22 bad decision number one we've all been there at some point where someone has selfishly parked us in or taken up two spots when they only needed one and most of the time we leave it but he does put us in a bad mood for the rest of the day well the people on our list have had enough including this man in Russia who was parked in he smashed the window released the handbrake and then called someone who rocked up in a cement truck and proceeded to fill the car with cement I don't think this driver will ever do that again 20 where karma the best medicine parking in the disabled spaces is unacceptable wherever you are and this guy got what he deserved over in Brazil he parked in a disabled Bay and his car got covered in blue and white post it's showing the disabled parking base symbol hundreds of people lined the streets to laugh at the guy but he was much more angry than embarrassed 20 called out this poster must have done the rounds in an apartment building where someone decided that they were far superior to the other residents and due to their superiority they were of course entitled to park over two bays nineteen lesson loads cal de Mattia had just come back from an off road trip been stuck in traffic for two hours and was looking forward to his dinner at a local Red Robin on arrival he found this Corbett parked across two bays right by the door no trouble to Kyle he rapped the curb because there's meant to be space for two cars right he took a video of the guy's reaction and he obviously wasn't impressed at all eighteen sounds like fun well this time it's done with a bit of humor and of all the things this person could have done I think this driver got off quite lightly I don't know about you but I would have liked to see them do this movie star move seventeen that'd be great with around 1.2 billion cars on the road today it's surprising you don't see more nasty or surprising little notes being left on vehicles every day if I received a cute request like the I would probably applied just because it's done so nicely 60 problem solved what do you do when a smart car parks across two spaces you give it a gentle nudge and problem solved 15 reserved for people just like this who obviously need the extra help because it is rather challenging to get into those parking spaces specifically designed for a motor car they are a number of these perfectly executed revenge park photos circulating the net makes me want to leave talk in my car from now onwards 14 all wrapped up have you ever had a piece of luggage shrink-wrapped like this when traveling it's surprisingly tricky to cut open so you can just imagine the hard time this driver had to free his vehicle from all of this plastic 13 say it with peanut butter less expensive than getting a turd for sure but probably will take just as much time to get rid of all the peanut butter that it would go to collect your car from the towing company this person will definitely be more careful next time 12 rules are there for a reason if you've ever been tempted to park close to a fire hydrant let us put you off for the rest of your life no problem to the firefighters they just shattered the windows to get the water pipe to go where it needed to go 11 one man's trash is another man's trash now parking in front of council burns is really not a very bright idea this guy is lucky his only punishment with a little rubbish down Tony's car and not the contents of all three of those bins combined 10 it's a wrap you have to believe that whomever did this has finally just had enough I can't imagine someone would go to such an extreme length from just being parked in once but totally plausible if it's happened again and again this person was waiting with many rolls of tin foil to execute this so perfectly 9 so subtle this note is not nearly as subtle as some of our previous notes showing and quite a slap in the face it would appear that parking errors are almost unforgivable apparently around 20% of parking accidents occur in parking lots makes you wonder how many are caused by people parking so badly eight got you surrounded I'm not sure what this poor drivers transgression was but whatever it was must have been severe to cause this awful situation I truly would love to know how this was even made possible how did they manage to link every trolley to form the circle and how on earth is this chap going to get out 7 don't try this at home this person has not just taking up two parking bays which is bad enough but they've been totally cheeky and hugged four parking spaces I'm sure there are other words which will also AXI described this inconsiderate driver six coming no way slowly that's what happens when you decide to purposefully break the rules you get stuck just like this guy he thought it would be a great idea to park in a spot very clearly demarcated for motorbikes it's a shame it will be quite easy to move the bike or worse knock it over five passive-aggressive spider-man to the rescue of all fellow motorists and ensuring that everyone abides by the universal laws of the road like using one parking spot instead of two and by using only one spot being a huge help to all of humanity thanks spider-man for it's a celebration but not the kind you were hoping for looks like these guys celebrated the disastrous effort this driver had at trying to park his car into brand space they obviously felt the driver needed all the encouragement he could get after failing so miserably three space issue have you ever parked in an empty lunch only to come out again to find someone has parked right next to you and you can't understand why when there are hundreds of other open spaces I feel sort of sorry for this driver who obviously didn't think it would be a problem but I guess it offended several other motorists to appear not in a hurry because you'll not be going anywhere soon by the looks of things when people do their drivers exam they should have a completely separate course on driver etiquette which needs to be passed before the actual driving can begin one bad driver on board instead of a baby on board sticker on this car this driver needs a badge driver on both I'm clearly a bit fed up this motorist got a lesson he won't forget in a hurry [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
Views: 5,254,165
Rating: 3.586729 out of 5
Keywords: bad, parking, revenges, fail, driving, cars, ultimate car fails, worst parking, you won't believe, lol, car parking, best, ever, in the world, actually happened, idiot drivers, worst drivers, talltanic, craziest, awesome, epic, insane, shocking, funniest fails, funniest parking fails, stupid, dumb, hilarious, revenge bad parking, bad parking revenge, parking revenge ideas, people, craziest revenge stories, true, real, you have to see
Id: hojPHhLUuJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2017
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