21.22 Mike Love

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[Music] all right welcome welcome guys we have super amazing guests with us tonight the ineffable unstoppable very lovable mr mike love thank you for coming down thank you are we like do is this live or are we pre-recording this no pre-recording okay i've done lives with you where like i just had to trash the whole thing because the sound wasn't yeah right i remember that one one we did that was like really good but then the audio was all yeah we had like a really good one but then the audio is something was wrong with it one of the mics wasn't on or something like that there's been a few of those occasions every time i do this thing i'm like oh crap yeah i know man well you got like what 14 cameras set up here and 32 mics so like you know 33. they all have to be working perfectly yeah how have you been i mean you're just now kind of starting to get back out there right yeah yeah starting to do some more shows came back here you know i moved to washington last year so i came back and did some shows here um did four shows on maui and two on big island and four here in oahu all sold them all out so it's been great to be back and feel so much support and love from everybody yeah i'm sure they missed the experience yeah man well you know i think that's like across the board any live musical experience everybody was just missing it so yeah i think people are more more than ever i'm really really grateful for live music yeah for sure we're gonna go right after this and yeah yeah and you and me are gonna go hang out and watch a friend play some music mike's dragging me out i'm like going out with friends i've done that since i was a kid yeah it's gonna be fun yeah where can we do it i mean me too same thing i mean the only reason i can really do it now is because i'm just here by myself and you know my family's not waiting for me at home yes now i feel guilty i'm gonna do it anyway yeah you are tell people tell people where to catch upcoming shows what do you have scheduled oh yeah well i you know i'm i'm playing at the blue note this weekend but it's been sold out for a while already so there's no point in promoting that can you sneak me in somehow [Laughter] i might be able to yeah i've got a pretty long you know like as soon as something sells out everybody starts hitting me up yeah i bet he's yours there's still tickets you got a lot of friends yeah um yeah i'm doing well i i couldn't have foreseen doing like a a tour this year but i'm actually doing like a two-week tour coming up starting in um in colorado i have a bunch of shows in colorado that are already sold out and going through like uh and doing a festival in ohio and doing stuff in i think illinois and nashville yeah don't like nashville a couple weeks of shows yeah mikeglovemusic.com yeah yep yeah so it's exciting yeah it's exciting to be i didn't see i didn't foresee being able to do some of that with the full band yeah right exactly that's amazing i'm kind of like worried that you were gonna lose them yeah yeah man me too but you know i think like the universe kind of has a way of making you know bringing things back together that are necessary um there you go yeah so uh you guys gonna jam some music for us yeah let's jam something um mikey's gonna do all the playing and we're just gonna sit down you know that one [Music] there you go [Music] let me hear him begin [Music] we've [Music] stand here waiting contemplating on [Music] just [Music] they say is true for me no freedom [Music] so let me begin let hope and joy come and destroy your [Music] suffering so [Music] [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] but i've [Music] [Music] from your side because i know it's gonna be alright if i give up this fight and get some sleep tonight cause fighting never did solve anything and love is all that we are here to bring you because i'd rather jump and dance and sing and spend my time swimming in love everlasting [Music] foreign [Music] if we jammed it one time and it didn't come through because i screwed up that is good nice oh we're already said nice wait oh [Music] andrew's like okay cory come on oh how much are you gonna make me cut out all right sorry i'm sorry sorry definitely leave it already cut out so much of you no definitely leave it in people need to see corey make a mistake you know yeah see him playing his crazy it'll be good for some of those players out there's morale you know yeah they're like oh man he's always playing makes a mistake i make mistakes all the time it's the magic of videos he makes mistakes all the time just just only when he's practicing which he does a lot i i don't practice you know nobody ever does borrow your tuner right now do you practice i mean i would think at some point it's not even called practices yeah and then i think like you work on it i mean we know when i was younger i definitely you know sat there and you know went you know yeah right you know and did that for like hours and hours and hours i don't do that it would be great if i did but you worked on like a lot of just arrangements and stuff out yeah i guess i just more like what do i keep hearing over there kalei it's like sorry i'm trying he's eating super lemons over here okay i had to go and get me some lemon peels it's fine we're not like you know recording you guys remember super lemons is that the super sour oh yeah some guys are a little bit younger than me but like when i was in elementary school i guess you weren't you weren't here yet were you here yet in elementary no no you moved here in high school yeah yeah yeah when i was in elementary school there was like a like a phase for like probably like a year or so where there was these like candies it was like super lemons yeah and they're just like sour incredibly sour candy and i don't know it's just not like not when i think about it now i'm like why do we like those so much they're like so sour and like and and then you know it's like really really sour for a while and then finally when you get to the very middle it's like a little bit sweet fun to watch other yep yeah like like we got so into it it was like you know it was like a fad you know everybody would bring super lemons to school we had warheads i remember that that was like the the one it would just i think super lemons was maybe like a japanese thing too you know how like sometimes like like my kids there was that year where everybody like had kendamas you know yeah i was like that was so cool man like it came and went but it was here it was it was here it was in for a good like six months and i thought it was really cool because like you know like this was only a few years ago and all the kids already had phones and everything but for a while they just put down their phones and all they did was kendama you know japan yeah i went to japan like yeah okay that's right i think it was in like february of 2020 or something like that before yeah it was like it was it was like happening in china already but i didn't quite that's right yeah is your mother-in-law's um i went there to play some shows yeah how was it do we did we talk i don't know i forget i don't know yeah i went to japan in the philippines to play some shows that's right what do you say the city in the philippines yeah i'm filipino on it that's where jen's family is from cebu yeah oh cool good people right really cool man awesome musical yeah yeah it was a great show man the karaoke masters are over there oh everybody can sing play dance definitely the most covers of my music of any country i see come from come from um philippines you do it well yeah yep i saw a really cool thing yesterday on instagram it was a girl who was doing the loop part in the middle of permanent holiday in spanish oh what yeah she worked it out yeah wow it worked huh yeah it was cool i mean i don't speak spanish but yeah yeah it seemed like yeah i guess it was really great it's more just a syllable thing yeah i was like wow this is like i never thought anybody would do that period you know and a lot of people have that cover yeah it's pretty hard to yeah but yeah good for them i've seen a lot of people do it but you know i never thought i'd see you know my name or my signature tattooed up on people or anything that's gonna be a little weird well i have to show you something i have your face right here there's right quite a few people there's people who've got pictures of me tattooed on them too that's cool that's badass yeah it's pretty cool i have a big fan in brazil that has my name tattooed on his forehead oh my god that is not good that's just my initial reaction well i mean i mean unless that's your name i don't know he's just a super fan man you know people people calling he's a tattoo artist though he's a tattoo artist that he's like covered in tattoos it's not just like my name yeah he was all up his neck on his face he's got my name right here what has uh living on a big farm in the country taught you well i mean um i haven't lived there long but i've quickly discovered what a different life it is and and um it's a much grittier life you know it's like uh it's a lot of a lot of work and that but it's it's rewarding i think you know i i i mean eventually we have our own water supply we're trying to get solar power are you still living in the the same place or you guys bought here we bought a place yeah okay yep and um a beautiful country up there yeah and um yeah and i i feel like you know it's like there's just so much so much work to be done you have that much land and you know it's a it's a forest and and there's a big field you know that eventually i'm gonna my goal is to farm the field you know and i think for now i'm just like planting trees and and building gardens how many how big is the your land like 10 acres or something it's like it's 30 acres yeah so it's it's yeah it's it's big man i don't like i have one neighborhood and he has to mow it everywhere no i just i just got yeah got a riding mower nice yeah so in that part it doesn't ever get like really hot like in the summer times like how was that summer i think it uh i think it gets like up to about 90. oh it's not bad it's still yeah it can be and it's dry too so it's not humid man it looked pretty cold as hell it just gets cold yeah it gets down to like single digits and i think you know in in like the harshest times it'll it'll drop below zero but it's not like you know like the dakotas or minnesota or wisconsin where it's like yeah regularly like way below zero or anything like that i think that's something your body has to get used to yeah but i'll tell you what man it's like a dry cold so there's been times when you know it was like in the teens and i was outside working and like you just get going working and it's like you know 10 15 degrees out and like you know you'll walk out in the morning and be like oh it's freezing cold but then you get out there and you're working and you end up just in a t-shirt and jeans because you get hot and you just like can go for hours just like working hard and you know you're yeah if you're like chopping wood or something like that your body gets yeah yeah yeah it's interesting but i like it man i mean it's it's it's peaceful and i'm i'm adjusting to it slowly it must be really peaceful yes 30 acres of land and how close is your neighbor your next neighbor um not close at all because we're we're surrounded by like yeah no not a mile he's like a mile away or no not a mile yeah i mean we're at we have our property and then there's another small property next to us and then and that nobody lives on and then he's over on the next property and on the other side of us there's like a huge property that nobody lives on and all behind us is all owned by logging companies so how loud would you have to be for him to tell you to turn down the music yeah like i don't know you know it's interesting because like um like i it it really echoes through the valley oh yeah so like i could go outside and like i feel like you could hear me like down the valley i was like you know down in in i have all my stuff set up in our our shop we we have like a shop separate from the house um where i like set up to do like my video stuff and i started like practicing my trombone again you know and it was like midnight and i was like playing my trombone in there and like i came back up to the house afterwards like kendra's like man i could hear you playing that trombone and i was just like oh i sounded horrible you know i was like i bet you it wasn't horrible no it was horrible yeah no the trombone's like an instrument that like you have to really keep your chops up on it's like picking it up now after not playing it for years it's kind of like starting over almost all of the horn instruments that you have so hard man get your lips like right so difficult such a difficult instrument yeah trombone i feel like you know is is an especially difficult instrument because it's all about intonation you know yeah it's like a violin you know like here we have frets and like you know it's just pure you can be here and here and you know it's kind of yeah so they have to really listen hard yeah yeah yeah it's rare to find like a really good horn player that's just got impeccable intonation yeah yeah i've seen you go through different people to kind of get that yeah like the horn players nailed their harmony so good yeah essential right yeah mm-hmm yeah and it's yeah having so so valuable to me to have those guys because you know it's it's hard to find yeah and as a singer too you know if you're playing in a band and you have horn players that are like pitchy it it's and you can hear everything you know it throws you off yeah it's so hard to yeah exactly let's hear another song yeah how do you like the um how you like the guitar it's nice man is it does that have a [Music] oh what time should we play [Music] i'll just follow [Music] do you still play like you throw in some of your dumb conscious songs right i'll do this song sometimes yeah my favorites all of my favorite songs and then at the end when we do it there's a little break too because it goes [Music] there's a little break like that it does twice as long so it happens three times in the song but at the end it goes twice as long and there's that break where it goes i'll try all right ready the main chords is just are you gonna you're gonna go through the whole thing because there's a like a bridge there's a lot of parts [Music] it's just e minor b b flat [Music] where the flowers [Music] [Music] what they are fighting for [Music] [Music] free [Music] [Music] away [Music] [Music] this time [Music] [Music] for giving let's give it up [Music] [Music] we died [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now is the time to rearrange got to prepare for our children's birth if we unite it's not too late to open a wide mountain gate [Music] the trees [Applause] [Music] is [Music] mother [Music] is [Music] now is the time to rearrange and redesign the way we live to heal the earth got to prepare for my children's birth if we unite it's not too late to open wide mount zion gate though now we stand in the dark of night we must forward on towards the light light light light light light light light [Music] do [Music] food my voice is pretty thrashed no it's not it's pretty thrash it's been like yeah just been kind of going going going singing hearing the because then who everybody harmonizes on the song right the high five yeah and i wish i could sing it will make my voice not sound as bad could teach me how to sing thank you mike i was elevating what's good with uh music is it did paula's album come out it comes out on june 18th um so really soon yeah um you put in like a thousand hours on that right yeah easily um i think the second single comes out tomorrow oh sweet how's paula doing she's doing great doing great yeah i mean super busy now man i mean she got signed to jack johnson's record label the brush fire records yeah yeah so um yeah and i think they're doing a really good job for her and yeah she's her career is really picking up and she's making some moves so i'm proud of her yeah she's just love her voice so like yeah her new album's really great do you have any uh like nah you can't share any what's that like tracks or anything that that she worked on right um no no i mean you know just uh june 19th bro yeah i'm like wait what month are we in oh it's still may that's right yeah um did you ever hear me play that song no place like home i wrote a song for her on her album it's kind of like a i think you kind of played a little bit of it the last time you were here yeah it's kind of that kind of vibe um there's a lot of really cool stuff on there there's a few reggae songs a bunch of really cool songs great musicians on there yeah i'm excited excited to share it's like really my first album that i produced that wasn't my own album so um um you guys gotta follow mike at his youtube channel too mike love is it just my glove i think it's just my club it's my club yeah if you look at mike constantly putting out good stuff now the content on there is awesome man yeah i mean all the best stuff on there is stuff that you helped me make but i don't know i mean a lot of good i mean i just try to learn from you and um and you know it's like you always tell me it's like in the end people are gonna whether it's a crazy production or a low budget production if the content is is cool and good like that's really what people care about the most so i try and just do the best i can with the with the equipment that i have and then just try and do a good performance you know you know that on on youtube how you'll have the notifications where it's like latest videos from the people you subscribe and it also has comments like the no regrets video i'm always seeing just comments popping up just glowing just you know so much love for that and it was like i just used one what i would call a crappy camera at this point i just was using the rode nt4 i think you know like a four hundred dollar mic or something two days yeah and you know but the spirit and the music and the song and you know it's all yeah yeah you know i mean every once in a while you you kind of hit on a song like that i think for me like that was a song that when i wrote it like i could just tell how special it was just because of like that you know we like made that video and put it out and people just instantly loved it and responded to it it's like yeah i mean years but i haven't looked at numbers but i mean it's one of our i'm sure it's one of our top videos out there so wow remember penniless back in the old acoustic girl oh god that now when you go back that far i can't listen i'm just like the acoustics are so bad everything is just so but i mean it's still good music it's just yeah i don't know it's my it's more me like i'm i'm super picky now yeah yeah right you know i mean it's just like you you live and you learn and you progress but there's a certain beauty to to having like a you know like a watermark of of where you were at a certain time i recently like re-released my first album um and it was on uh like an on record and on vinyl for the first time i released it on vinyl and um i got the album in the mail to to you know like um well they send a test pressing when you make a record they they do a test pressing and they send it to you and you're supposed to listen to it and make sure everything's good and there's no problems with it and then you say okay yeah good go ahead press it so so it was an interesting experience you know because i make an album and i never listen to it again after i'm done because i've sit there for hundreds and hundreds of hours listening to it over and over and over and really tweaking the mixes every last aspect of it and we spent so much time on that album but it was my first album you know and so it was a real learning experience and going back and listening to it it's just like the the way that i approached it i would just never approach i've just changed the way changed the way that i approached things even songwriting and and recording and and you know the parts that i was laying down and stuff and and it was really cool like listening to that because i was like you know i'll never i could never make an album like this now it's just i just approach things differently and it's there's this really real beauty to it and and like it's really probably gonna be a lot of people's favorite album of mine forever and there's a kind of magic to it man that like you can't really plan for and you can't you also can't be like oh man i gotta try and like how did i do that like i gotta try and recreate that because then you just i mean you never will and you'll get lost in trying to do it and make something that's not very good i think you know you got to just keep evolving and making whatever you're making at the time you know just like the album that i'm making now in 10 years i'll probably be like wow that album's so cool if i listen to it again and like i never make an album like that again you know so it was yeah i had a really good experience just me and my record player listening to that album and like do you listen to music on vinyl yeah is that what you prefer yeah do you hear a difference oh there's a huge difference man there's a huge difference in listening to a cd and a and uh um and streaming something on like spotify or something yeah if you put the two on next to each other you'll be like whoa and then if you put the cd on next to a vinyl you'll be like whoa yeah it's a big difference vinyl is fat way fatter and warmer you know yeah and clear too right that reproduction of sound is like very close to how it was recorded most things are now that are being pressed on vinyl are like going to digital and then back to you know vinyl but i mean i think i guess the purest albums are the ones that were like recorded you know back in the day that went from tape straight to straight yeah vinyl you know uncompressed and there's no yeah because you know if you think about digi if you just think about the way the digital world works it's it's basically converting an analog audio signal into a picture right into like a digital picture is my understanding of it i'm not super technical person but i think the thing about it is is like a lot of the harmonic content is lost when you when you go to digital that's right so there's like you know there's a lot of frequencies that we hear and like there's a lot of frequent you know like you can blow a dog whistle and humans won't hear it but dogs will hear it you know and some humans can can hear that you know like i can hear a dog whistle you know you can faintly hear it and like and it's not like 20 000 hurts or something yeah it's yeah it's really really high you know but like um but you know like you you just like you lose a lot of that harmonic content and a lot of it is stuff you don't even really hear but it it just affects the warmth of the content that you do here yeah you know so i mean it's just like when i started working at the shop and like you know i don't think i could really at that point tell you the sonic difference between you know a 500 guitar and a 2 000 guitar you know but like over time you play all these instruments and you really understand like the sonic qualities of woods different woods and and and you and you start to understand the distinction between different builders and you really like hone and fine-tune your ear and you know you can be like wow i mean this guitar sounds incredible and then you play a you know 300 guitar and you're like this thing sounds awful you know but like i think for a lot of people like a guitar is a guitar you know and they don't they don't necessarily couldn't necessarily hear the difference you know like people that don't really i i've so many times i've had people that you know are just kind of amateur players and they're like oh yeah i got this great guitar it sounds so awesome and then they show you it's like a cheap fender or something like that and it's just like they just love it because it's their guitar that they've played so much on but it sounds awful you know but it's just like they're just like oh listen that sounds great you know hey you recorded uh with a fender acoustic i think when you went to i did record the defender acoustic when uh it wasn't my choice yeah when i was at jack johnson's studio in in california and we were doing some sessions there and that was the only acoustic guitar they had i brought electric guitar that was the only acoustic guitar they had there it was like a nicer fender that was like solid it was all solid wood at least some of those are not that it was good it wasn't you know it didn't sound bad it was like a decent guitar people out there with fender acoustics they're like what the hell yeah my car sounds great yeah remember those sunburst ones we used to sell they're only like yeah i mean we used to sell the hell out of them for 200 bucks well yeah you know and it's always a great value yeah exactly it's all relative you get what you you get what's your page yeah and it's and it's amazing how good the cheaper stuff has gotten in the last decade right like to be able to like we used to sell those makala ukes for like 20 bucks or something like that and like you know like so odd that you have a collaboration right away like you don't even sell those anymore huh yeah we do in-store i mean i don't put them on the website or anything yeah people tell me they want a forty dollar or whatever i mean how much are they there like almost 80 bucks oh yeah okay well you know i guess inflation but yeah but you know but whatever i mean you know like the fact that you can even get like a working instrument that stays in tune that has like decent intonation for under a hundred dollars is just like a crazy concept you know you think i mean like think about if you just like we're like build that you know for sure hey man let's do another song and then wrap this thing up and go to our show [Music] thank you [Music] yeah let's do let's do no regrets i love kanye leia there's so many really great builders and you know really my favorite local builders have always been ko olao and and kanilea because i think they're just really the two companies to me that have really uh really unique unique and distinctive building styles and sounds and easily identifiable you know and from the moment i met joe souza i just love that guy you know he's so possible you should check out his place right you know i mean it's amazing because you know that was one of the first things that i really loved about him you know is his his um commitment to be low impact you know and to harvest only the fallen trees and to reforest you should come with us when uh we do the documentary oh yeah i went over there today you guys are doing a documentary i went over there and joe was just cutting some logs that he had just gotten it was like so nice but yeah only falling trees and um and putting trees in the ground you know yeah so what's the story with this ukulele so that one is uh custom and uh it sounds great right yeah i like it i like the warmth i dig the um triangle inlays too yeah [Music] i told them today man why don't you guys put these fluorocarbons on all your youths i don't know i like them better than the tequilas personally they do that for their customers yeah right [Music] who makes these these strings those are worth all right ready i think so one two one two [Music] all this time will [Music] so if you're happy then make each moment [Music] [Music] remember get all very fast i will remember [Music] so please remember [Music] their very first tears they [Music] [Music] is a curse [Music] there will be hard [Music] your times i've always remembered [Music] sorry [Music] everywhere [Music] but remember if you travel far [Music] remember your heart and you won't be homeless at all [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh this life is just a test within many failures and some success but i will place my [Music] beds [Music] sorry my voice is so trashed yeah i just appreciate that you came down here to do this with us even though you've been blowing out your voice on shows what are you talking about yeah i just um i just came from here from uh doing uh doing a concert at um at halaukumana which is a charter school up there um in makiki and doing like a whole they had it was like zoom to uh you know all the different charter schools all over the island it was really cool really cool and kapana was there it was also uh you know kelly boy is also a you know kanye leia artist so he's cool he's got a really cool really nice he was playing so oh that's so nice yeah that's cool and they're such a cool van man i love you guys i've seen them lately but like it's like it's um you know i don't know if you saw them in the last few years or what but you know penna which is kelly boy it's a whole everybody in the band is family now you know yeah yeah kelly boys kids and um it was really cool man they um penna was playing the drums and he would always do the drum pad you know he'd play it all on pad he's really amazing yeah on the drum pad he always did it but today he was playing guitar and his son who's like looks like he can't be older than like eight or something was playing the drums oh yeah with the band i believe it yeah you can't tell if you're not looking and he's like i mean he's like gotta be like eight years old and he's just like crushing he's got a good pocket now he's like wow and then and then um one of the daughters um daughter came out and danced too too yeah beautiful really beautiful so talented that family is family crazy yeah and kelly boy is just like the nicest guy ever i remember my dad was like on the freeway driving one time and he came home and he's like man i just got in a car accident i rear rear-ended kelly boy oh my god and he said i was like totally like spacing out and like looking at something and i looked up and like the traffic had stopped and he just like rear-ended kelly boy you know you know how people can view when you like rear-ended yeah yeah you just made their day a lot more excited and he said kelly boyd just jumped out he's like oh are you okay man like yeah yeah yeah he was like the super nicest guy ended up like giving my dad his cd wow yeah so i always loved him from there that was when i was a kid you know and i was like oh what a cool guy you know and he's just like such a sweet guy they're all so sweet man i love that man so that was a really cool event i aspire to be that type of person yeah so that's part of the reason why my voice is blown out because i was singing earlier too and i'm recovering from just doing tons of shows but anyways hope it was okay it was great love you guys thanks for having me um mike zacchara pack up let's go ahead yeah it's time to go all right so thank you man zach zach is opening up for tavana yeah we don't want to miss him all right all right all right we'll see you guys later music supply yeah thanks boys you
Channel: HawaiiMusicSupply
Views: 3,203
Rating: 4.9448276 out of 5
Keywords: theukulelesite, ukulele
Id: B1I6xSe1i90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 51sec (3351 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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