210- Ansys Maxwell - Simulating Reluctance Motor [part1]

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hello everyone and welcome to another tutorial on and soft maxvill in this tutorial I'm going to give you another example to make you more familiar with magnetostatic type of solution with and softmax well the problem that I'm going to show you and solve it for you is regarding the switched reluctance motor geometry as you can see in this picture if you are familiar with the motors and the geometries of the motor this should be a familiar structure for you as you can see here we have a motor with four phases and each phase has two poles so what we are going to do is we are going to focus on the stranded conductors that are going to be basically the coils that we have or the pole that we have in this motor after I introduce the model the the problem and I went through the modeling of that in the second part of the tutorial I'm going to show you how to do applied excitations and the boundary conditions and also how to set up the simulations and the third part of this tutorial I'm going to show you the simulation results and also in turn interpret the result to verify them and as well as using the calculator that maxwell is providing for you to calculate the currents inside the coil or basically stranded coil so let's start talking about the problem that you are going to cover in this tutorial what we are actually looking at is the stranded conductors you may ask what is the standard conductors let me show you inside the Maxwell and so it's better to understand I'm going to here a quick and to the new projects and insert an axial 3d design and after I do that I want to go and make a buck and call the box let's call it test and I'm going to make sure that by right-clicking on that selecting the phases so now I'm going to select the face and press B to select the other face and I'm going to assign an excitation but I'm going to assign the excitation I'm going to use the current excitation and the pop-up window that will show up it will ask me a couple of questions which one of them is very important first is going to say what's the name of this excitation so you can refer to that later on easily other than that you have the value of the current which can be a fixed value or a variable or you can say sine of whatever function MX and the F and the next part you have the type and it asks you what is the type of this conduction path which in this case is the box which we call a test what is a type of this conduction path is it a solid or it's a stranded so when you say it's stranded it means that is made by a lot of wires so what's the difference but the difference is when you have a current inside this box and the current has some frequency because of the eddy current affect the current tend to grow around the box and basically the middle of the box would have they will carry in your current that means that the basically resistance will be different how much current will go inside the boxes based on the resistance would be different and if you are putting the fixed number of current the voltage that you will have on two sides or the magnetic B and so on and so forth all will be different but when you say is stranded it means that I'm going to have a lot of number of now that turns of wires inside this so it means that there are value I consider that this box are made of me putting and grouping a lot of wires and cut the top out on the bottom of that so you basically have this big wire like group of wire that shape this box in that case the current the eddy current effect would not be applied to this box because when it's a stranded it's going to be all the current will go through the entire surface or area of the cross-section of this box and we wouldn't have any coins because it's you know it's a group of wires and if even if you have eddy current it's going to be a small a decline in each current it's in each wire in the middle of it and because we are assuming infinite number of the basically wires the eddy current effect is going to be very very small and negligible so they're stranded when they say it's a stranded it means that ampere per turns so when I say for example 100 amp here and I say a stranded that can be at 1 amp 400 turns so in each turn we have one amp and this box is comprised by 100 turns or I can have 10 turns and in each turn I'm going to have 10 M or I'm going to have a thousand terms and in each turn I'm going to have an e to wire I'm going to have point 1 amp so you can get the idea so there is no difference between how many turns we have when we are going to make the B or and finding the J or the V or any other things but the only difference here would be when you have more number of turns the inductance value is going to change so the B value is the same but the inductance value will change so in order to find the inductance value you have the time number of N squared so in that case which we covered in the very the tutorial before we basically define our number of turns in the inductance matrix that we had so over there we actually define that and everything will be well-defined so I think that is a good basically introduction about the stranded conductors if you have any questions leave the comments and I can explain it more for you let me just delete this part and continue with the tutorial one other thing is when you are in the eddy current don't think that when you have a stranded conductor it's going to actually put any current or infinitesimal small basically area of each part of this cross section it's not like that when you have the stranded material even if you are running eddy current you are not that the the simulator is automatically turning off the eddy current effect on the stranded conductive so remember eddy current will not be applied even if you are running eddy current simulations on a stranded conductors so that was a small tutorial on the surrounded materials and now what we are going to do is you're going to start modeling the the model or this model model is what going to be very simple because we are going to use the primitives that is already available for us in this tutorial first I'm going to go to the modeler and micro 3d and make sure that the solution type is magnetic study if it's not for you make sure you double click on that and also for the unit of that we want to make sure that the unit is in millimeters so basically you go to the modeler as I said before and you make sure that the unit is in millimeters okay and lastly we want to make sure that the material that I we are going to use for this motor is not vacuum it's going to be a steel and a thousand and eight that's that's that's a good one so we select that as default materials when you are creating any other geometry wp automatically assigned to those geometries so let's first create the rotor that we want to have go to the draw and then go to the user-defined primitives under that select the system tip and under that select the rmx PRT over there you want to go and find SRM core ok select that in the category of the different parameters you want to basically make sure that the diagonal gap is set to 70 millimeter also you want to make sure that the diagonal yoke is 30 this is for my example if your example is different definitely you want to put the values of your example number of poles you can have six here and the yoke is going to be nine the embrance is points:5 the end extra extension is going to be zero they are not going to have any extension for that and if you don't know what these parameters means you can actually go into the description here and it will give you some quick description of what this parameters needs for the info core or the information just the make sure the pieces 0 okay I'm going to press ok here and I'm going to have this beautiful trick so very simple very easy that's our rotor so what I'm going to do is I'm going to open up this part and double click here and call that rotor or rotor there we go and as you can see the materials already set to the skill now that we have the rotor let me just remove it so you can see what we have now we can add our stutter and the coil so for the stator and what we can do is we can do the same path we go to draw we go to user-defined primitive and under the system lip and then rmx spirit we go and find our SRM core and in that case we are going to change the gap to 75 without the diagonal York is going to be 120 the lens is going to be 65 the number of holes here is going to be 8 the thickness for the yoke is going to be 9 millimeter the in Brants is 0.5 it was the same the end exit is going to be one extension sir it's going to be 1 and for the info core sorry this is the piece you put the value 1 and that is ok the press ok and we have to a starter and the coil together you can see that this is that there comes with a lot of coils as you can see here it comes with a lot of coils already pre-built so what I'm going to do here is firstly I want to select the this data and first off I want to call it the setter so I'm going to call it the stator and probably on put a color color like this follow whatever it is yeah now what I'm going to do is I'm going to select it and make sure that I'm going to the ad and over there we actually that's in the modeler and then the modeler we go to the boovie in and then separate the bodies so what I'm going to do is I'm going to separate all the coils from this data as you can see and I want to leave one coil and delete the rest the reason that I'm doing it is because I'm going to go for a set up for each of these coils and then after I've done this setup I want to copy it to any to other one so I'm going to have excitation and terminals so then I will copy the corals that would have terminals and excitations so that's in that way way easier instead of doing the excitation and turning them for each of these coils which is hard so just press delete or you can go to edit and delete or you just click here the erase button okay so now we have only one coil and the setter and everything else is all set since the core the receptor so we actually we can change the name of this to coil a on the line one meaning that this is the phase a and the first coil of that double click and then change the name to coil a one okay that's okay that and also the type of that does not need to be a steal anymore so we can assign a different material for that whatever with the Cooper here so the copper is a good material for that so that will be the comfortable wrap okay so we have a coil a which is copper and then we have a steel for the rotor and the stator okay so that will conclude our model as I as you saw it's very simple and now we are going to create the excitation and boundaries and set up the simulation in the next tutorial section and next part and we will continue after that thanks for watching and if you have any questions so far please leave your comments below
Channel: kamyar K
Views: 65,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stranded conductor, Ansoft Maxwell, Ansys Maxwell, 4 phase motor, reluctance motor, em simulations, calculator, current density
Id: tvD1pc494sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2015
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