21 Ton Salute | Just Roll With It #90

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the Brotherhood of bolts is black but our bed is laid Beyond you unlocked this door with the secret password the audience is another scene a sea of black a sea of ghoul a sea you are probably not high enough level four one once you leave you will not be able to return you just crossed over it too the Beyond section [Music] hey everybody welcome back to just roll with the riptide the show where three pirates from the oversea are flung into all porn on a quest to save their lost dog Rufus I'm Bisley and I played chip here's your here's a chip fact for the day you didn't bring a [ __ ] back man Charlie John I have one today dude I have one geez somebody's a little Moody so so so so well known facts about Chip he's actually lactose but still drinks milk anyway why doesn't it hurt his stomach it does it does it does bro you know he's not being brave about it oh oh hey guys what's up it's me Connie your J facts of the day she doesn't actually know how to navigate she's been bullshitting this entire time yo I believe that one actually that's not that's not that that's actually not that's okay okay yeah what about you huh do you have a real you have a real fact today yeah where's your where's your real Gillian fact huh if you're gonna be such a [ __ ] critic yeah so uh sorry about that guys um what's up guys everyone's uh least favorite host uh Charlie slim school and I play uh Gillian tide Strider usually do the character oh boy my fish fact is that for breakfast you know how um most people Mighty uh something something like cereal like maybe chippy it's like corn flakes well he that's he's lactose intolerant so maybe he has the Corn Flakes so maybe he doesn't have cereal but but like Jay maybe and so what fish flakes is that it that's it and welcome to just for all of it yeah [ __ ] I think I didn't get to do my oh right hi everyone I'm I'm Grizzly I'm the captain of this ship uh and your cap fact for today is that I piss Stones now let's get on with the show that's not cap where we last left off chip you discovered the secrets of the Beyond section a Gateway into the sealed off enigmatic Black Sea the place where you lost everything the place you will return Jay you Enchanted your tattoo to spread your wings and you continue to do your absolute best to keep yourself and everyone around you together kill him you read your sister's letter and smashed the Conch Shell on every connection it had you tried all the things you could think of to wake people fish but to no avail and now the three of you captains of the riptide Pirates following your worry for Rufus you find yourselves in the midst of a raft ambush in the street of the Golden Circle market and so the journey continues everybody roll initiative fourteen six five it's okay this is an ambush so like this is like totally normal for me I'm sure no nothing bad could happen from the the nightmare cat going first before me I'm sure nothing happens maybe you rolled a four guys yeah maybe you rolled a natural one and go and minus minus minus four Jay as you turn the corner around the building trying to get to the back side of the Divine Barkins to see if there's an entrance you are met with this almost like golden long barreled gun in your face it's the first thing you see as soon as you turn you start to move just a little bit and you look past the gun and you see a face familiar and you hear Jay um no no it's true isn't it oh God damn it Jay you really are a pirate and you're passing you see [ __ ] at first it's just sort of this sort of phasey memory of a young girl with this tiny little horn now this uh uh much more mature grown like you are still still very familiar facial features but now she has this like long white hair with golden undertones flowing With the Wind just bangs that fall over the forehead and frame the sides of the face you can see the horn is much longer and golden which matches the colors of her eyes she's wearing the usual Captain's uniform for raft though her top is much more casual at her own discretion and you get a glimpse of the scales behind the code collar just on her neck and her arms and she's pointing this gun and she just like she goes oh it's unfortunate oh Kira oh it's so good to see you hey you look lovely really you look you're looking great yeah it's been so long you know maybe you can just put the gun out and we can catch up probably you know it's what are you doing here I should ask you what you're doing being a pirate now what happened I'd like to take a glance back to see like back where Gillian is and see what's going on over there you try to eye with because you're observant with your with your feet you can see that and you heard it that crash into the the street and you heard uh the sort of low lion growl from vice admiral Kuba Kenta who exclaimed that he could smell the rats and he is facing Gillian and Ollie uh but you are currently sort of stuck in this position in front and she goes yeah I'm gonna have to try and arrest you now yeah emphasis on the try she's gonna go for a grapple at first okay and uh in your history you know that she's typically much stronger than you are so go ahead and roll I think it's that you roll Athletics or acrobatics okay it's both the same I wrote so [ __ ] oh [ __ ] did I roll a natural 20. oh [ __ ] my life in this sort of like uh flashy just very similar to what you guys went through when you were younger she puts you in this sort of like lock yeah and that's going to be her turn for now she goes all right um yeah oh God just like old times um you know I don't oh Jay why are you a pirate you know would you believe if I said we're like probably still on the same side maybe he's like squirming the deception no I mean you can go ahead she's like um it was a really good lie 21. okay well she believes that you are in the same side but she still needs to she's still wondering like what are you what you mean so she's sister she'll grab on you but she's giving you the opportunity uh on your turn to to you know speak back but as this is sort of happening next up right in front of you Gilliam that looking Lion Man with the backwards hands uh wearing that sort of red vice admiral coat off the shoulders and he's just sort of like lumbering forward and he says usually I like my fish cooked and he just dashes forward and Ollie goes wait a second uh he's going to just try and immediately gouge your intestines out I'm fish yes you are that unfortunately though I mean fortunately for you is going to actually know your AC is if it is is less than an eight then I'm good baby I'm in the [ __ ] clear well I actually rolled a natural nine which I thought was gonna be bad moving he beats me and I roll a new character what at this speed I mean it is like with he travels you know at 40 feet per per round and then just go right in front of you and you feel those claws it seems like he's back on you but you do notice that the hands are inverted so he just [ __ ] claws right into your stomach uh and you feel like I'm gonna have nightmares for months you are going to take 14 points of slashing damage holy [ __ ] and immediately this sort of without even needing to expand your Divine sense yeah you feel this fiendish corrupting almost like it's warm boiling liquid into your abdomen well that wasn't your teeth so I'll assume that was just a playful threat the difference is I'm going to actually eat you I'm not done he strikes again oh no this time he scratches right next to your face um and because of your low AC there's no way it's going to mess ever you take eight points of slashing damage you feel more of that that necrotic thing to sort of just the absolute vile cursing and Magic into your skin almost like leeches crawling under it just feels so it is Rich through and then he backs up and he tilts his head and goes hmm is this really how strong you are let me go let me take my turn I'll show you back up more back in five feet back up a little more just a little Justice smidge come on little rat need more time to prepare no I just there's uh you're gonna you're gonna slip you're gonna slip if you keep uh standing there you need to back up just a little I do want to make sure that I'm crushing you at your Peak you actually it's it's funny you mentioned that because I was gonna get this new armor commission so right now you're fighting a very very weak weak unarmored version of me so when you lose it's gonna feel even worse as you're sort of pointing back you're describing this um armor commission you sort of actually gesture out the Divine Bargains and we move into a shop filled with magical darkness and Chip before you get a chance to ignite your swords you're surrounded by nothing even with dark vision granted to you by wielding your blades you see nothing yeah flop right in front of you you can't see it yet but it startles you I will take out the Crimson blade and fire born all right Jack just light up light oh hot mode which one is the hot mode Hot mode say hot mode [Applause] this is a really serious moment and you just whisper hello dude it's gonna be so sick 100 episodes in the future we're gonna be fighting the final boss and our last your last words are hot mode at the final boss you say hot mode is obviously disappointed that hot mode is now the word that just came to him in the moment just got established as hot mode that's so [ __ ] funny honestly you can change the command word every long rest okay okay but for right now it's hot mode when I ignite I say hot mode Hot mode I turn on my sword and it will uh it will cut through the magical Darkness so it is bright light for 40 in a 40 foot radius and dim light within an additional 40 feet the moment you ignite the flames and you can see within 40 feet around you that's enough to cover most of this interior and at your feet take Rufus lying face first and then you hear Whispering into your ear he will pay for what you did the price and then you feel it stab right into your chest oh it erupts from your chest from your back you seek 13 points of piercing damage an additional 12 points of necrotic damage if you whip around a sea uh or two two to turn around the sword retracts from your chest you whip around and it's just this block of Darkness but as soon as you were brown with this with the uh with the swords it completely dissipates it but there's no one behind you hello came crazy at first it was like a five foot with Darkness but when you hover the blades of flame over it that Darkness disappears as soon as you turn around and so does the figure oh [ __ ] it's a ghost leave me alone no ghosts I start waving the Flames but I want to look around for a a being easy enough I mean as soon as you whip around you see standing with one foot on rufus's back now lying in a pool of crimson you see holding the Shadow Blade the drow that ambushed you and Earl and they say I'm going to make you suffer oh not a ghost just a [ __ ] I cracked my neck all right let's test these out and I want to run over towards the wall launch myself off towards them with both of my swords slashing at their chest alright it's a 25 to hit all right that definitely Hits 1 D6 plus three that's five plus two D6 that's five plus nine or so fourteen nice fourteen plus sixty six sixteen Thirty I rolled really low so 30. damn holy [ __ ] as I slash across and I kind of do a little tuck and roll you slash across you now both have just traded blows uh the blood splatters across the interior of the Divine barkness and you still see uh Rufus just sort of lying there unconscious and capacitated at the moment and they say is that all you've got well wait till my next action you [ __ ] meta Gamers I wanted to make sure you do five next time I'll take two attacks did I say that let me what's what's the area look it's running Windows like into the Divine barkness here or like from the back here now okay um and I can still see Gillian who just got hit [ __ ] twice and is just taking these hits without his armor because he doesn't know how to dodge okay rub it in yeah true though very facts kinta and Gillian are about like right next to the interest of divine barkness now so you can just barely see like the hands of them yeah you see me adjust so that I only get the scratches and the cool places to get scratches a third thing I don't think it's been an hour since I used my second charge of the fly your wings are are able to be used okay can I just buy up [Music] well grappled no your speed becomes zero no matter what so you have to be unraveled oh man yeah you wouldn't believe it the amount of people have held since I've become a pirate a lot more than my head better and try to break the grapple it's more like a dexterity thing I guess I'm not actually trying to hurt you okay so I'm Gonna Roll Athletics I guess control natural 22. okay friends need help I'm gonna duck down and like try to run and I'll take the she can take her attack opportunity because Jay please don't make this difficult I don't want to hurt you sure was a natural toy oh [ __ ] yeah okay she doesn't want to hurt me yeah I just think it's funny if I like break line of sight and then she just hears a a window shattering in the distance apologies in advance yeah sure this is gonna hurt you take 28 radiant damage as you hear the magical gunfire shot almost like a like a small laser cannon from the weapon they're holding this as it shoots through your shoulder but you continue to run and it burns I'm just doing my job Jay come back and then yeah she hears the shattering of the windows as you run as you run around you notice that on top of roofs in the crevices of buildings you see soldiers have just all come together in these like like platoons now um arriving or showing themselves previously hidden on the scene you crash through the window with your movement you see on rufus's desk there is Gillian's armor you're still working on it okay wait a minute no maybe I can finish working is it like almost in a state of complete that is insane bro That's crazy dude there's no way Rufus didn't put like a command word on it and when you say the command word it flies at you like Iron Man it does dude you stupid as [ __ ] command we're not I'm gonna need to say it just just say just say strong mode no we're not doing this do it to finish a magic item really cool thing for an artificer but the checkbook whatever I whatever it is is going to be a disadvantage for sure because of the pressure yeah that's fair and the rush like the rushing in this of it because this usually takes longer than yeah you know is there like any armor that's easier to put on that doesn't take 10 minutes to put on around here I'm sure Rufus wouldn't mind listen man don't don't don't worry about me okay if you give me armor I can't tear off my shirt like Dragon Ball Z so like you know two yeah it's just it's just dicey it's just dicey and you're gonna die listen man I'm living for it right now so do do whatever do whatever you're gonna do well Jay's gonna go with her original plan yeah uh that is my turn though I think because I don't think you can do anything else this turn yeah it will definitely be an action to try and work on this um how close is Ollie to this uh [ __ ] within five feet of you now no no he's Ollie within five feet of this catboy of Q and the cowboy yes he goes yo what do I do listen here's what's gonna happen you're gonna run back to the ship and tell them that everyone's in danger and then you and I point at the stupid cat are gonna have an opportunity to attack when I want you to you're not gonna do it because this is the small boy we keep on the ship and that's not what we [ __ ] do around here okay and I look him in the eyes what is his Vibe like what's his Vibe he looks at you mouth of drooling like a hunter staring at prey usually I prefer dessert after the main fish and Ollie goes I kept it and he does not break your eye contact oh sweet I was worried I was gonna need to use uh use a spell or something but I can save it all for you and I want to uh I just I want to tear my [ __ ] shirt off I want to slowly tear my shirt off and I'm gonna drop it into the wind go [ __ ] flying into the ocean and I want to uh use my object interaction to take something out of the bag and I want to put the Helm of dread on yeah I'll let you do it this is the helm I put on when I no longer need to be Gilly in Tides try to champion of the undersea hero of the deep this is the helm I put on when I'm going to cut off your [ __ ] hands and I'm gonna make sure that whatever nightmares you walk out of here with are gonna be far worse than mine and I'm gonna go and uh eat him no uh I'm just gonna [ __ ] go for it dude with Destiny's blade he smiles that that [ __ ] devilish smile that creeps up to the corners of the eye says I'm starving for pain I want to actually Target his arm like I want to try and cut his hand off unironic way I think that's disadvantage in normal ruse yeah yeah it is it is it is bro holy [ __ ] okay [ __ ] I gotta okay I got a 20 to hit though a 20 to hit it's only does hit okay sick I'm certainly going to Smite this do I get the vibe that he's um dare I say Undead or fiendish perhaps he seemed a little fiendish to me when he was when he was smiling and you were describing him I want a Divine Smite and it does extra fiends and Undead so I want to know it it will do the extra damage yes oh my God oh my God oh my God okay I'm Smite him at fourth level baby I'm gonna kill this guy as fast as I possibly can that is gonna be 32 damage to his does he seem like a lefty or a riding he seems ambidextrous he seems ambidextrous okay left right left right who do you mean [ __ ] you uh I'm gonna go for the right one so I go and I I [ __ ] sweep the sword in front of me in an arc uh and I connect with his arm and pull it back and I go for another one at this Advantage okay yeah you see you see your blade gets embedded into his risk is risked but he doesn't stop smiling and even though it is dangling it's still attached I see that this wrist is much more jacked than the other one wait a second oh my god dude and I get a holy [ __ ] at 25 with disadvantage boys all right let's [ __ ] go throw more damage hey hands up I'm doing another fourth level Smite [ __ ] this guy so hard so that did another 19 plus 32 again so 32 again okay 32 damage again so 64 damage total with those two attacks on why is this even possible man if you cleave right through the wrist and the Hand who plops right off in this gruesome gory uh uh display and lands right in front oh no I want to grab that [ __ ] dude I want to grab that [ __ ] as it's coming off as it [ __ ] flies through the air can I can I grab that [ __ ] you grab the hand and then what it's a melee weapon it's a hand could you scratch him with it now you now you feel me you can try I'm gonna try um you know I had some pretty bad nightmares recently myself the crazy part of them was you weren't in them because the nightmare was I'd never be able to do that and then with my bonus action I am going to cast armor of agathis on myself as I uh hold one hand up and this Gauntlet of frost begins to appear and in case my body uh in this spectral Frost like armor hit me with the other one you notice that even though you're attacked as strong and as damaging as they are oh God what he seems unbothered and even more excited as his hair begins to stand and he lets out this loud horrifying Roar and at this point you hear the sounds of maybe like a hundred or so guns all like sort of load themselves [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I forgot about that device fire and uh they just kind of unload on Gillian because that's all I can see [ __ ] [ __ ] guys yeah that's not great well yo all right so you take 20 points of piercing damage wow hang on what they roll the hit what was it to hit what was it to hit it's not a roll of hit they have to roll above a 15 for all of them to hit it normally it would be spread out against three people that were out here but it's just you so the armor of agathis pops up on me I immediately get riddled with bullets from every single Direction by a firing squad um I guess I fall down like Peter in Family Guy and the armor just melts off me it's like get back up um because the armor was 20 health and that was 20 damage so great I'm glad I used all that um I hope it was a muskets maybe they'll take like two minutes to reload what you would notice is that while the the actual like mechanisms of the gun you know when they're like loading like you know or I guess cranking the hammer I don't know what to call it but the actual fires the actual firing themselves seemed magically silenced oh well this is all a very bad situation from uh with inside the interior chamber yeah you hear Kira say jay are you in there God damn it I don't really want to um damage this business could you come out please I'm Gonna Save as long as I'm within the business Gillian that's the secret all right I'm coming what is Jay what is the secret never mind she steps in and she's just sort of like her presence she's not looming over you physically but her presence is noticeable You Can Tell She's here following her orders and she just says come on Jay what's going on you know I really don't want to fight you right now Kira tell me why you're doing this thing she kind of freezes up uh because if you don't give me something I'm going to arrest you and if you get arrested there's not much hope for you look I know you Jay so I want to believe in you but remember what we talked about in training camp it's about uh spreading good in the world I mean vaguely yeah but well I don't think the Navy's capable [Music] sure you know they're pretty intense survives I mean this is what we were taught I just say roll for persuasion because yeah that'll be my worst one it's nice yeah it makes sense because it is it's quite it's not quite really explaining much it's just yeah it's not she's she's kind of panicked right now because she's like going for three it's between figuring out how to help I'm not gonna fight you but I am gonna run away from you [ __ ] Jay I'll be back she like leaves the room and she sees Gillian and uh can't uh in this sort of um you will not believe what I was gonna do next year she rushes back around the corner she goes uh by sad moo do you need assistance admit combat with you and he goes it does seem I could use an extra hand oh oh so you're a coward then too oh follow the small boy find the rest of the crew all right and um she sort of like or the horn I guess you would probably notice this now but it shines this bright light against the glow um and Kira begins to float with these sort of like [ __ ] are you going what are you doing no no no no no no no no it's only like floating away it's like the flog the clouds on the floor begin to sort of collect in these in these white sort of puff balls and like gather around their feet at this point um she takes off uh after we're in the direction that Ollie Ran hey don't do that that's bad ah Christ all right chip uh go ahead and enroll at next next around here go ahead and roll dexterity I roll the three ten because they rolled higher than you they're gonna go first this round straight up you just feel this sort of like bloodlusted like vengeful intent they go to strike it's a 17 hit is it hey 17 will hit me yes okay he takes seven points of slashing damage so that gets half not so bad man there you go 19 more points of necrotic damage um what I can't hide I can't I move your veins move your skin bro I'm candy talks with your veins and do say just attack it doesn't say any kind of damage when you get hit with the attack you can use a reaction to have the attack damage against you this this attacks damages all in one you can just have the total damage so that's like 12. okay they go for a second strike okay 24 to hit 24 to hit yeah that'll hit I say stab me I go is that all you got and then they stab me again 12 in The Chronic damage and Tin piercing that time okay so 22 damage total and then as they strike into you they swipe across your chest and then they swipe across your collarbones and they say you have cost them nothing but pain you will die here along with all of your friends and then they spin around that Shadow Blade and you wonder you say how do they have this blade back when it was on your ship yeah that's what I've been wondering this entire time as they get slashed in the collarbone I want to like collapse to the ground like I'm in pain uh and just say okay all right I'm sorry I just and I want to like very stealthily put okay I never took off the bracelets I have the bracelets right you have the one that gets your mind red jay is wearing the one that reads your mind what the [ __ ] God damn it damn it I wreck on everything stupid well except Jay here's it in her mind the the last thing that I remember is she went to sleep watching your dreams you could have asked me for that thing back but now Jay knows that he wants it because she just read his mind got it guys we figured it out Hold Your Action I have no idea what the plan is but while while you mean while you guys are basically dancing around Rufus is bleeding out body yeah I know man oh wait bro oh [ __ ] oh God I don't even know what the [ __ ] that's how everything else in there oh God slashed the collar bones and taking one billion damage I kind of like jump away uh and go hey but you uh you wanna you want him fixed right I keep I know how I will never trust you what did you trust the Navy you think they're gonna save him they don't care about you and they don't care about him have no involvement with what happens outside these walls you will fix this with your life returning you back the price is nothing but a risk I'm here to take what is ours and that is our revenge but Price Is Gone without me if I don't fix it nobody can the only other person is actually bleeding out right there and he's not gonna help you if you kill me I'm not asking you to trust me it's a trade here I get something out of this too hard time for trading fairly has passed I could find a million other ways to help him why haven't you they go silent for a second you have a price to pay it's time you learn your actions have consequences he had to learn someday when will all right [ __ ] it it's a 21 to hit on the first one and on the second one it's a 24 to hit yeah yeah so 50 total damage and then I with my fancy footwork stab and then I run away yeah yeah that is where are you running out the back through the office as far as I can get I'll jump out of [ __ ] window you slash them twice and you notice that despite the fact that you are both heavily injured their breathing is heavy and their grip is weak and as soon as you start to bolt away they say where are you running coward you leave this fight before its natural land and I will kill him slowly slightly oh they sink their blade into Rufus oh come on let's stop at the door and I walk in like a sad eight-year-old with my arms down and I drag my [ __ ] flamey swords and I go fine and I hide as far away from this person as humanly [ __ ] possible but I don't leave the goddamn room fine I'm gonna stay in the room but you gotta come over here and find me sorry bro my first three plans just straight up didn't work so what's so funny that you walked back in the room after she said you were gonna kill her friend and then like with a new determination you hid somewhere in the room it didn't even hide it's just like it's just like [ __ ] funny to me dude Jay it is your turn yeah so here's what actually happened thinking really hard about what's happening right now and the other bracelet I'm in the back of your head like yo yo yo if only I have another bracelet damn if only I had the other bracelet was here yeah I mean this is what happens you you start running out of the door then you turn around slowly and you do gunshots right now for a little a little coin slides down under their foot and attaches to them and I cast uh Hunter's Mark anyways 25 and 19. both hit 30 plus 2d6 that's only 2 32. that's a very unique number today damage 32 damage yes it's like as I unload into into this [ __ ] draft how do you want to do this Jay hey let's go let me hope yeah yeah let's can we do a team attack you sure can oh my God we mind length we mind like yes okay that's so cool they say if you leave now I will kill him and then you hear a gunshot ringer from across the [ __ ] room and it strikes them in the back of their knee and they fall down to one knee and I just yell out chip now I fixed my boxer from being a sad little [ __ ] baby and I run up do like a backflip kick to the underside of of their jaw oh and it's that bucket they go flying back and I land and I go thank God I was really falling flat there Jay no I think you're doing fine yeah I've been liking it that was true I was trying to run away and they said oh if you run away I'm gonna stab Rufus and I was like damn well I mean I don't know man you just gotta have like a little more confidence in yourself sometimes they had one you're right you're right yeah your numbers you won that you have a gun that's like that thing about so many bullets well yeah it just makes its own bullets okay who deals the final strike yeah I will I'll turn over to them and run straight for them and plunge my swords through their chest holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] chip as you do this as your blades begin to sever their tether to life they stared daggers into you and with their final breaths they say you have ruined this world without him they will have all the power [Music] of this [Music] bastard and then they die yeah Jay's Jay's taken aback a little bit actually yeah I kind of just pull the swords out let me hear outside no I'm gonna eat you no I'm going to eat you no I'm gonna eat food out of my device after that unknown person that you have never seen with the horn Castle spell and the clouds collect that can just feed we can so gently lift off the ground and then he tries to Grapple you with his other hand oh oh no that is a 20 you need to beat I got a 21. oh all right I just [ __ ] do that thing you know I like grab his hand and I do that thing where you like twist it off and like hold it out so you grab the hand you twist it out you are just besting his strength you you finally realize this is his non-dominant hand he really was an ambidextrous I got you [ __ ] and then you see the saliva seeping off the sharp teeth as he goes to bite your neck natural 20. I'm using I'm using the official D dice you don't take any damage because you are immediately like tensed up and restrained or grappled at this moment okay okay and then two of you rock it 300 feet into the air 300. the clouds and you can only see them Beneath Your Feet as you are painfully grappled by his teeth and he says with you in his Gran his grasp Earl is red short and tenderizer meat before you eat it couldn't change something man hard to hear you with your mouthful how old is your tongue Gillian what do you do I pull out the aboard the boy anchor [Music] [Laughter] which is an item I bought at rufus's shop that I will now read you the description to well touching the anchor you may use an action to speak a command phrase and change its weight the anchor can be transformed to weigh as little as one pound as much as ten thousand pounds or any weight in between I hold out the anchor and he's grabbing me right yeah his entire mall is just sunken into your like trapezius area you are definitely grappled pull up the anchor and I put it directly above his head and I say it's rude to talk with your mouth full 10 000 pounds [Music] this is maybe the most psycho [ __ ] I've ever done I have to roll to see if he even holds the grapple on you he wrote a natural somebody to keep your grapple keep his grapple that's kind of awesome though so I'm down it definitely only becomes ten thousand pounds on both of you I'll even say because I don't think it changes its size just as weight you can put it like in his jacket or something to make sure yeah well basically what I wanted to do is if he's grabbing me I essentially wanted to like position myself so that I could like [ __ ] you know what I mean like pile drive him from 300 feet instead of him pile driving me it's like I I still want to be I guess falling with him if I'm grabbed by him so he definitely cannot pass the weights of the anchor I'll say it's kind of attached to him at the moment so he's falling so you're both falling because he did succeed to keep you grappled in his grasp I'm gonna see if I have anything here that is remotely helpful you're gonna fall it's not gonna happen in one turn 300 feet you're gonna fall pretty fast hold on you fall 500 feet in a round actually oh so I will have to grab this turn um next turn next round is there anything there's nothing in the [ __ ] sky around us right we're in the sky nothing but the Moon mommy help [Laughter] um you know the crazy thing about nightmares Cuba they keep getting worse and I want to Quicken spell enlarge and the Anchor's weight multiplies by eight you're hitting the [ __ ] City yeah dude this is gonna go through the Golden Circle Market probably oh my God actually I will roll for it because the city isn't the city is Enchanted so we will see but we're never gonna be allowed back at allport and I'm looking at the eyes and I'm saying nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare you're [ __ ] nutcase he's just chewing on you he's just really trying to he's like a little cat with like your toy oh my God I mean you can feel he's enjoying this [ __ ] why do you want holy [ __ ] out dude here I just want you to know it's 40 tons it's like a fully packed 18 wheeler that's what 80 000 pounds is yeah like a fully packed 18-wheeler coming in at him and 300 feet in the air sending him into the earth oh dude that is 16 Ford F-150s and Ford F-150s that is 16. Ford F-150s and I say you are not built for Duff this is the most yeah the crazy thing is that he was just gonna drop you and that was it bro you might have fell in like a few like like a two rounds maybe that would have hurt this is going to hurt more is this actually no none of you would see it because you're still in a Divine box this guy what you'll hear is a crash outside of the Divine barkanist followed by an even like an even larger crash explosion uh hits all Port um because something happens on Kira's turn and then Kuba and Gillian hit the ground as you guys are falling and right before you hit the the ground giving yeah I grab onto him one more time and then I let go and I kind of feel it huh that is really soft hit the ground yeah I told you you hear I will be back what so I rolled 18 d10 oh you will take 110 damage [ __ ] as you splatter on the ground oh this is a System Shock table moment for sure oh my God I got a 14. now can I know before I use something that lets me improve this what's on the System Shock table or is that a fun surprise that I just need to find out I just want to know if it's like you get a bad headache or like your legs fall off like what are we working with um there's the D20 one and there's the D100 one which one do you want is it a c21 it's like you can lose you can have a limp you can your speed gets reduced I've got a broken ribs you can get a horrible scar oh man a horrible scar sounds really cool though oh my God okay so cool bad cool bad bad bad bad bad bad there are two cool ones and that is that is it in that case uh I'm gonna use I'm gonna use favored by the gods as I look up towards my lunar mommy who is now seeing me uh plummet towards the ground at terminal velocity and uh bring that up to a 20. System Shock is actually a completely different one I was talking about the injuries but you do you do you do pass the con save and you don't have System Shock I just are we do we crash through the floor or do we like where do we go interestingly enough this is 100 enough for you to crash basically through this level and down into the docs level where the ships are where your ship is oh my God now I would say how do you want to do this but there is no other way to do this Vice on impact he hits the ground before Gillian and his bones he turns the jelly yeah I wish we had more time to fall I would have loved to talk to him more yeah I know why you're here you're wondering have you been naughty or nice this year well we can fool Santa but you can't fool me or your internet provider I and your internet provider see everything that you're doing not only at night this year but you know what I have a gift for you this holiday season I'll give you your privacy or at this episode spotter 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is also sponsored by Honey Baby I love shopping online but I don't ever have a promo code ready at checkout and thanks to honey I don't even have to worry about it I just bought a little table mirror so that I could draw using my own hand as a reference and I saved like five bucks honey made it so easy as you should know by now honey works on PC and iPhone so you can save at home or on the go if you don't already have honey you're missing out on these sick deals so just get it you'll be supporting your impulsive financial decisions and more importantly this show so get honey for free at joinhoney.com jrwi that's joinhoney.com jrwi so I think it's so funny like I'm just in this in the Divine barkness with Jay and I get told this these horrible things and I have this look on my face I look over at Jay Jay do you think I've done something wrong it's so good it is your turn now what is whether from our perspective where do you go do you run so what are you doing from our perspective what just how like what do we see okay please lock eyes with them as time slows down for just a second and just like away this is the best Freeze Frame as we look outside the door and we see Gillian plummeting with cubicanda I look at I look and ship and I look down at the cat and I look up a chip and I give them a thumbs up and then I [ __ ] fall through the ground a thousand miles an hour I'll just I think before I do anything I'll open the door and like look out okay you rushed over use your movement you open the door and that's when you see in that slow motion The Little Wave the thumbs up from Gillian just with passive investigation wherever a Cuba landed from however far he leaped to Ambush there was no crater I mean there's a little bit of splintering but no not a lot of damage to the city this however as soon as they impact straight through and then you look to your left and you see sort of uh just barely standing up from some sort of blow a a soldier you've never seen before who has been screaming out at J this whole time you can vaguely hear it muffled and then you see a little bit down the road smoke silhouettes of friends you recognize open up the door I close the door I look back at Jay there's a lot going on out there yeah you go help Killian I'm gonna I'm gonna help Rufus okay uh later like motion at the dead body potion oh yeah can I toss him like it's a free object interaction toss them a potion yes yes I'll pop it open I start chugging and I'm running down come on I'm coming I'm choking this down you rush out the door you rush past the hole I want to run two Gillian who's in the hole looking down the hole it is way too far of a drop for you to jump in but it does lead right into water and you do not see them you just see sort of like the remnants of the waves like a giant Splash just occurred like they landed into the ocean if it's water I could jump in it's like Minecraft I just fall under the water it's like like or [ __ ] maybe we talk about this um I say you can roll them to take damage yeah he likes the real world it has to be like much pencil my [ __ ] a pencil it acrobatics okay natural 20. oh my God I I run up I'm coming Gillian I flipped the potion behind my head I go take a couple of steps back and I run forward I do a little jump off the top I do the thing where I like touch my toes to my hand my hands and then I dive straight down as you are running you hear the shh and then the silence as uh you were getting shot at before as you're running towards the hole and diving in he wrote The Natural 20 acrobatics right I did but I got that's for that's just for not taking damage from the [ __ ] dive the the captain who is like uh like uh cradling some sort of you know bruise of a blow uh yells out looks around doesn't see vice admiral Koopa kinta just says you to run out I'm dashing so I'm going fast as [ __ ] 60 feet okay so they are going to shoot both at you and the crew down the road oh God so you take 15 points of damage and you do your diet if you successfully hit the water as well I am looking for one Gillian tide Strider you see sort of mangled and and dented both still kind of clutch by broken teeth of Kuba kinta as they're sinking into the depths of the sea here neither moving I see both of them yeah I want to try and like I don't I can't do it yet but like I'm definitely gonna try and grab both of them and swim up in that case Ollie burst down the door and says Miss Jay what's happening I got them we're all here oh God what's happening um process no he rushes he's gonna be okay can you uh can you give him I'm gonna hand a potion to ollie because I want to use my phone oh [ __ ] hype imagine having a crew so your crew will be uh using their turn to to Aid and then uh cheers Jay gave the potion to chip because chip doesn't have a way to heal Gillian [ __ ] down well I think I just spaced out with what you just said what thank you I drank the potion that was meant for Gillian right right right right right right because I was gonna die because Jay read the situation as like go help Gillian here's a question bring it back will you guys be okay up here for a bit um yeah if I could pick him up and bring him to the ship okay uh be careful there are soldiers on the roof shooting at us I know uh he just looks he goes um oh I'm scared I just stand here for now I think that might be the play I don't want to like Doom you guys you are the captain you must say you must make the choice he's looking at you he's pleading he he looks he looks worried he looks scared he has no idea what to do he's looking to you at you for Direction he does start to give the potion to Rufus um who else is in the room is it everybody no they are not it's just a you ollie and Rufus then here's what I'm gonna do he takes the potion and gives it to Rufus okay Ollie you're gonna get out of here okay and I'm gonna cast after you get Rufus up you take him to the ship okay and I'm gonna cast invisibility uh level uh third level on both Rufus and sandali can you cast it on both of them though yeah I think so with third level so going up a level so that is exactly what I'm going to do um so [ __ ] cool I give him like a little pin that kind of like coats his body and also rufus's body um in this sort of like transparent it almost like diffracts light as it goes through so he looks very translucent okay run back to the ship I shouldn't be able to see you okay I'm gonna go get Gillian and chat I'm also gonna run out and jump into the water oh my God I got it and he picks up uh Rufus and starts to rush out as you rush out though they are still shooting but they do not hit you the you see both Alphonse Griffin yeah just Alphonse and Griffin I'd like to Signal them to head back to the ship like somehow all right so that easy enough was excited then that's probably kind of what they're looking for and you would dive in roll your acrobatics check to see if you take damage or not feather fall isn't concentration myself so he'll just follow he'll just gently dive in what what kind of dive are you going for oh yeah so since my following kind of gets slowed I do like uh six times 40 96 kind of rotation uh backflip again and then I like I I finish it with a backflip into the perfect dive it's really awesome you want to give you perfect dive and zero g I feel like you'd have a chance to just kind of keep spinning so I feel like we need to see yeah yeah okay so I rolled a 13 on my acrobatics check to do any of that oh wow 60 feet per second or like a leaf in a wind tunnel baby okay it's a zero g and just slow down my fall oh I see all right so use your action and cast invisibility and you use your movement to jump into the water and you make it it is my reaction for feather fall how how fast do you fall with feather fall oh 60 feet it's a five I would probably I would probably wait until I'm closer to the water to cast it if like if Chip can get down there in one round then probably I could too maybe question mark yeah I mean next round you'll definitely be in the water for sure yeah regardless of how fast you get there but it is it's a far drop I mean if it's further than 60 feet it's probably further than 90 feet the height the height difference between the first level and the second level is just it is yeah much more than it seems I'd probably time it that halfway down I'd probably activate by the Fall yeah regardless I'll say that you can get there on the next that's your turn Gillian Roland yeah it's safe eat whoa I'm the only one that's ever done this on the [ __ ] podcast guys I rolled a death save when I got pants that's true you did yeah almost a natural 20. okay all right first success there I also I don't want to be this guy to make things more difficult but I do imagine that swimming up to a guy pinned at the bottom of an 80 000 I guess now it's reduced ten thousand pound anchor will not be easy perhaps pulling these these guys up is actually going to be tough because he never let go of his grapple you died with him and you guys [ __ ] gigantic dude that's beautiful all right chip we'll see how this goes Gillian just in yours Rose is cool died to see if he does a cool die similar to Kai when you were uh encountering the Jazz Pirates you feel that blast of wind past your face Jay as you were diving into the water and you see Kira like enter the into the water immediately she really loves to make something difficult yeah she just she just zooms past you and Zips right into the into the waters and Chip probably Zips past you with a 30 300 feet of flying aren't I at them though am I at them am I at the folks I'm not at the people I'm at the fish yes she goes before you and she looks at you and you guys can't talk underwater and she raises an eyebrow and then she likes like does the head knot like stop I I go I I do the head nod and I say I like to say sup and I point it myself and I start like spelling out my name like she looks away and then she looks at both Jillian in the jaws of uh Kuba kinta and then she begins to try and have pulled them up but uh doesn't let me see if she notices the anchor nope so how big is the anchor I don't think I I know that I think it's like a palm size anchor that's so [ __ ] funny yeah it's eight times the size the spell yeah yeah oh right right right but it is still ten thousand pounds that's way scarier than an anchor size but she doesn't notice it like a palm size 10 that's 10 terrifying yeah it is so she begins to struggle to like lift them up even with her flying speed um and just the sort of golden glowing magical like scales in the horn all just sort of illuminated in here underneath the the water as you guys are sinking and sinking and it's getting darker and darker the further away you get from the city and the light of the moon and the stars and the lanterns and she just can't pull them up and she looks at you and she nod like sort of gestures to them and asks for your help chip okay so um you said with my passive investigation I do notice that they're being pulled down by the anchor right um just roll an investigation check it wasn't very good 12. well if you don't have special powers with investigation um wait I do you do you hear the 16 yeah because you can only roll that's a 16. okay that is what you needed to determine that there is the 10 000 pound anchor sort of latched on to Kinte's uh clothing they know the word to make it stop being no uh probably not light mode you do notice the anchor you try and move it you realize it is immovable it is so I mean you can try you can try real strength if you want okay Not Gonna Roll strength it's in his clothes sort of like last time something yeah but because it's so heavy it's not easily removed I'm gonna take out my sword and use my action to cut off the clothes so it just falls out I thought it was like inside like on somebody's back I thought it was yeah I thought it was pinning us like dragons yeah it is pinning you both and pushing you down I thought you said it was like in his shirt I think that was mentioned but not actually done oh the way so I'm just making it clear to you the way that this is work is they are basically starfished Gillian is on the on the on the top side but he is clutched by a tight like mandible like Jaws and they're on Cuba kinta unlike like the chest area where the anchor is it's like latched on to part of the clothing but it is resting on his chest so they are being weighted down by this anchor if even if you cut the clothes it's gonna rest on his chest and Gillian's gonna be stuck in the grass what I'm gonna do then I'm gonna grab the anchor I'm gonna put my hands on it and I'm gonna hold my action to move this anchor when when another person is also moving the anchor okay once again the water well we'll say that you're able to get in the water now Jay so you do hit the water before anything else happens and you can see now Kira chip struggling to pull them up and they're all all four of them are now just continuously sinking and you have to swim further down I'd like to does Kira notice me enter the water uh yeah and then she sort of points the anchor that's resting and sort of Tangled in with like the the clothes ship also pointed to it pointed out to Kira she points it out to you um well my first spell is as I hit the water I'm gonna pull out this sort of like oh what is the word it's like frilled a frilled metallic piece I'm gonna like stab it into my neck and I'm casting Ultra self and myself and it basically gives me gills and enhanced uh swimming speed so underwater we'd still be trying to lift up like 8 600 pounds yeah it's still a lot of weight all three of you are now assessing the situation Gillian go ahead and roll a second death tape that's a nine success and a fail more splashes hit the the surface above and behind you Jay you notice Griffin and Alphonse swimming behind you and uh with Kira you both are going to try and move because they're gonna try and lift it again so you're gonna help them so I guess they'll roll with Advantage so they're gonna try and lift it they actually roll a 19. the total is 24. no it's not right we're gonna we're gonna solve this case I think really hard in my brain because I because I got that I got the [ __ ] on I think about it healing potion if Gillian were up it would be it would be awesome I go I look over at Jay and I'm thinking about it killing pushing healing pushing healing pushing healing pushing I look around into all the water and I think about liquid spilling out into liquid I and I and you don't hear it because you can't read my mind I just look at you and I'm like do you have it on your body if I do I take it it would be in my bag I'm reaching your [ __ ] I take it I like to stop him because I have a better idea that's not gonna result in wasting a potion I don't care okay anyway oh you can't stop me because it's just gonna smooth in his mouth I'm gonna put it in he's like a little baby I put it in and you know what I do I poke a little hole in the bottom I crack up a little piss piece and I push it into his mouth I blow on it I feel like if we were in the same room then I would get a bottle and we would have to try this because I like I did the secret it does what if the bottle is glass it is glass you just okay I like my sword and I make it hot and it burns a little hole I don't know let me do stuff bro I have pure wounds what about what I have I got a disguise thing I make myself look like a funny little [ __ ] clown and I dance around and that's what I do make yourself look like the Grim Reaper and then take me to Heaven I thought the whole poke was pretty cool but if it is a glass bottle you put it in my mouth and then you break it you could you could cut a hole in a glass bottle if I have a knife and I take a glass bottle and I just go like this a couple of times it'll go in a clay okay get a glass bottle right now cutting a Dandy's turn to six seconds [Music] all right we're chilling all all this for a point any any progress any progress yeah I've got this little dot right here dude they're okay all right so now now how do you do that in six seconds underwater bruh 8 500 pounds well it is even someone's mouth I'm working on it I can see that a lot of elbow motion it just takes a little bit of elbow grease okay yeah at this point I just wanted to try check with us on just rolled with it to see if I actually got the hole in the bottle oh God I want to give Kira health potion and the point at cubicinta what the [ __ ] and I'm gonna use cure wounds on Gillian and I'm gonna point up at her to the [ __ ] sea top I'm basically trying to signal I want her to leave and then we're gonna leave as well and then yeah I cast heroines on Gillian at third level uh for 13 HP cool can I speak the command word for an anchor underwater speak underwater but just after your turn Jay a you and Chip will have to roll Constitution saving throws I used alter yourself on myself as soon as I got here unless you're talking about the pressure of the water then that's a different story maybe that I mean that is but I guess if you're an aquatic person it doesn't really matter so just 18. okay then both of you are fine okay so James there you're still in the in the gaping in the gaping mob of Kuba still got me [ __ ] grabbed on can I try and get Kuba kenta's jaw off of me I'll be breaking the gravel all right that's what I'm gonna try and do 27. uh easy enough I want to take one of his teeth it's lodged into your skin it's sick um and I'm Gonna Leave the [ __ ] anchor on him and I'm gonna like flip him off and then I'm gonna sort of like look around and see like what chip and Jay and there's this other person underwater so I immediately [ __ ] draw My Sword I guess yeah it looks like a soldier of Wrath you draw your sword I point at them and I go um who beans to continue to sink much faster than the rest of you and cannot for the life of her at all the anchor off and notice that you don't yep so she just sort of shoots back up um or begins to to return to the surface okay I give chip and Jay a thumbs up and I'm gonna grab chip because I see that uh Jay is killing it right now and I'm gonna start swimming up as well you grab [ __ ] by the leg and you see he's working at something Oh wait [ __ ] yeah I woke up with a potion bottle [ __ ] halfway down my throat didn't I yeah I immediately probably spit it out and you could use to the surface all of you do you get assisted by Griffin and Alphonse and everybody doesn't head to the surface okay is swimming down to try to catch up to Cuba I'm trying to signal to Gillian to go down and and get kubukinta and I'm also thinking in my mind to Jay I'm thinking prisoner prisoner prisoner prisoner prisoner of war prisoner I raise an eyebrow and pointed chips scars and point down at cubicenta and then point at me and then point down again into making Dwayne The Rock Johnson eyebrow raise phase I also make the face and I'm looking at Gillian and then I pass out because I've been underwater forever taking ship up then if you I mean you wouldn't it hasn't been multiple minutes and you can hold your breath for multiple minutes it has been very little to board okay then I start swimming down oh [ __ ] it well I'm coming down too I guess we're all helping this stupid cat while prisoner prisoner prisoner prisoner I'm thinking it I'm look I'm like hey I want to be able to canonically talk underwater even if I'm a fish guy that makes so much sense I point down at kubakinta and then I make like a box and then I I point at him and I go in the box and then a cat in a Schrodinger's cat don't know if he's dead no or Alive gotta make sure he's dead gotta kill him no no no prison bars I'm making bars yes grab them shake them yeah I mean if I see that Jay is trying to help him I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and use the command word um on the anchor I'm gonna grab it and I'm going to say light mode and then it gets to be one pound again and I'm gonna tuck it away and I guess I'll [ __ ] help with this stupid cat so the three of you um remove the anchor and you slowly but surely bring uh hits it back to the surface thank God and as soon as you're I was about to just shove some [ __ ] uh some of those smash Browns in my mouth because you let me use them for a Sprinkle earlier when you break the surface all three of you and including the sort of dangling uh it's mangled it's just like squished Jello like jellified corpse of but there are soldiers on every single ancient corner of the docks here oh and your face meets Kira your crew is on your ship but there are hundreds of soldiers soldiers on your ship as well now and you guys are all in the water we got your cat she says okay I have two options we can keep fighting until our reinforcement show Jay these aren't the reinforcements no there's a lot of them all too um believe cancer vice admiral or ceasefire I'll tell anyone What's it gonna be in option two right I mean that's kind of I was sorry come on let's take let's take him let's just take him let's kill him there's a hundred there's a hundred [ __ ] people on this ship we're never gonna deal with it no ship I saw what this thing did to you if you wanna say man [ __ ] go for it grab this guy and go on the war path I am all here for you but Jay also I totally get it this seems like a friend of yours this is probably super awkward well how about we tell your friend to [ __ ] off or we kill her like we you crazy we're Pirates I I can hear you oh sorry wait I didn't mean the killing thing it's like a kind of a sidebar it's really weird that you would do that it's really weird for you to listen so can we just thanks I don't want to make change like this okay with the loss of Our advice Admiral I don't have the authority to take command here so um well this is really the only two options what if we just take I really don't want to die around here are you stupid we can take them we can take them we can absolutely take them listen I see this no even even if I go down chip I know you've been working at that bottle and you are so close and I know if I go down you have that popping down my throat in a second I'm getting really close on this bottle okay and when I get to it I can heal somebody from maybe like two three feet away you were putting the lives of both us and our crew at risk right now for what I'm actually not clear on that either what is it for chip because if we have Kunta kinta we have leverage no we don't this is the This Is The Leverage this is the leverage this is what you use the leverage for sure what are you talking about I don't know I just want to take a prisoner we've never taken a break okay we'll say full disclosure he did say like I'll be oh my God just take him Kira just take the guy [Laughter] I think we should [ __ ] him up I really do but then like we don't have like a backup and they have backup no we don't have reinforcements um but you have a big like thing you can strap it on it yeah I just have a feeling like if I get out of the if I get out on the dark wrong and hit my [ __ ] I'll die like that's kind of where I'm at right now and I do that chip a lot okay take him he hover is above picks him up out of the water oh no yeah he's really dead um and just sort of uh lays him down on the on the dock there she's just stomaturgy to make her voice carry throughout the entire room so it's not like super it's like shouting all right carry him up and hold your fire shoulders like come to sort of pick up this mangled version of Kuba Kenta and begin to carry him away all of you let him know when he's up that if he decides to come after us ever again I will literally eat him as promised you do not understand I will have the heat I will have the seasoning I will put him in my mouth if I ever see him again that's on you I don't think he's coming back oh okay oh sorry about all that I'm solved okay hey so sorry about that confusion thank you so much great to meet you we're gonna we're just gonna go is this just a thing you people in the Navy then say to [ __ ] with us like before you die to some [ __ ] like I'll be back cause that is kind of raw and then I look at her and I say we'll be back I turn around and uh start going towards the ship just sort of like Squints at you guys and then I turn back around again give up Rufus tell us where Rufus is we have a Rufus huh I got him you just sort of see Rufus like using uh a queen and Ollie a sort of like little rest standing up on the ship like gentle soft weakest smile and Ollie waves on the ship Griffin and Alphonse have their weapons pointed at all the soldiers who have their weapons pointed at them but as soon as they hear the command they raise their guns be your crew doesn't and as you're walking away Jay care says party around with these guys Jay I don't think Jay says anything come on Jake tell her what you're right with come on Jay tell her anyway with us it doesn't make any sense yeah this is gonna be like a dejected silence as she heads back for the ship and kind of ignores what gear is saying all right come back for now uh what was your name by the way me oh yes me yeah you captain Kira Captain Kira okay um nice to meet you Gillian tidestrider sorry it couldn't be on better terms thanks for being being down there I appreciate it um your vice admiral is a bit of a [ __ ] but huge car huge [ __ ] but I think that it's real Noble of you to get down there and try and save them so keep on keeping on and I'm sorry about what's gonna happen to you guys now but um you in this time as we underestimated yeah okay well you're not really I'm not saying it's like it's real you're just saying it like you're saying it yeah why are you saying it like that it's just how I am why do I feel like we didn't win like I just feel like we clap back go but you are and then you are not a nice person no you are your sweetheart um you are you have what do we I'm not I'm not feeling it the box I am you are rubber yeah no I'm rubber your glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks back on you on you on you on you Griffin says all right what's the call now leave fast we don't have Killians are that sucks oh wait one second guys I lift my armor I'm gonna ask what Rufus wants to do oh I mean he's up now he they just sort of set him down on like a little stool I'll say at this point if everybody is in agreement your ship begins to leave all four wait is Rufus coming with us or no he's on your ship right now well he's down he's down now the holy Center and you slowly watch the troops the soldiers that March together backed up into the second level assumingly back up into raft HQ into the third level you're wondering what Rufus does so you all go up the Rufus he's like what a doobie huh did you smoke something back there he's got like he's wrapped up now from uh old man Earl and um he says yeah I think I got snuck up on in I'm not really sure how it happened hey happens to the best of us as long as you're all right um no the first time I've been on that store like that but Anna brought me back to the good old days although if Amber finds out about this it'll be worse than death that's for sure should we be worried about Amber do you think they'll go after her too it seems like the their target of their Vendetta was quite clear but I see the sword kept you safe huh yeah they did like a ringing thing in my head when it all went down all right that's the goal um so how about that drink yeah man sure I walk with him into the kitchen so I'm trying to do this thing with a bottle do you think you can help me out and it slowly gets quieter as we walk away You're Gonna pour him a drink and you're just pouring a drink for 30 minutes because it's going out the hole in the bottom I should stop and look down and go back to work so he sits down well I guess you'll just have to drop me off at uh one of the ports where and then I'll head back uh I can mail you the Armor I think oh yeah sure um I'm sorry this all happened hey it's not your fault um say things haven't been stranger we are worse or that just just a spitball here like like there's been a power imbalance in all port right it's just it's been all fine just like it was right oh dear buddy I uh me and I just run my shopping [Music] just pay the circuit Market tax and spend my nights at home with Amber I don't I'm quite disconnected from the from the powers that be these days so you wouldn't say that there's been a disruption of power and that now I've uh somebody may have doomed um onboard and like the world I'm still pouring this drink but hey buddy you know that there's a hole in the bottom of that bottle oh [ __ ] I think you succeeded what you wanted to do there at least it worked though now it's not much of a bottle is it it's more like a big straw it's a two big straw hey you think you can work on a way for me to like inject healing into somebody like that maybe worked underwater and in other circumstances I can put some blueprints together that'd be really cool so and I just sit down next to him with a drink and I give it to him you uh and I had a sentence in my head and then I just kind of got confused and I spent a lot today well um happy you're all safe but uh yeah the it's gonna get harder from here I assume yeah so have you heard of the Beyond section it's a place embedded Bolton Beyond and you go down there there's a whole thing you go in it's it's the Black Sea you can just go there it's in there it's a Beyond section you just say a thing Gillian said a thing or it was Jay and you can just go to the Black Sea and it's right there like and I should slam the drink and I look up dead in the eyes like right in front of your face like you could just go and and then we have a map there's this map hang on and I run away and I run back with everything and I slam it down we got this from Finn's back and this from from Dre's back whoa whoa we have Finn by the way he's healed he's here he's in the tub he's he's napping or dead we can't tell but we just need Arlen and then this is gonna lead us to a place I'm not sure where I think it's gonna lead us to some Island that has something to do with Captain Rose but I'm not 100 sure because there's something about a thing they went on that that the Black Rose Pirates went on before they went into the sea in in the hole and we all got drama together um try my bump and bump him um I don't know I just I'm trying to I'm you know I remember getting flung off the Crow's Nest during the storm and flying through the air but uh once I hit the water everything went black yeah well bam I mean darn uh-huh well [ __ ] well bam I'm losing my [ __ ] here Rufus well you know what this world has a funny way of always giving the heaviest problems too well only to those who are strong enough to hold them I couldn't even cut a hole in a bottle well that's just not how you're supposed to use bottles or knives so that's not lack of strength there's just lack of common sense but if I don't have the common sense to do that then I don't know oh no worry buddy you don't need common sense I feel like you generally do what I'm trying to say here is uh I can imagine you've been through so much already you know by yourself too when you were a little one the whole crew we were supposed to take care of you but look how far you've gotten without us and I'll be honest it makes me sad but it also makes me believe in you chip if anyone's gonna solve this mystery you've put in front of me well I reckon it'd be you [Music] yeah I just now I have heard a little bit of rumors for what lies Beyond I don't know too much about it but if that's where you're headed I hope your crew's ready I can sniff it out it's mighty dangerous well yeah it's it's dangerous I I mean you were there [Music] it's terrifying and I I feel like we're strong enough you know we've we just kicked the Navy's ass I mean not really we kind of got our asses kicked a little not many crews would uh you know come out of a a thing like that about not being arrested I'm I mean back and the Black Rose was on the Seas you know we they weren't handing out one in posters yet but uh and weren't seeing exactly eye to eye either sometimes they would uh work with pirates other times they fight with pirates and it was a different era that back then I guess but they were you know they were Crews strong enough to you know remind the government you know the raft remind him that you know they can't just do whatever they want and uh you know what I bet today you you reminded them that you know just be prepared for a next time that's for sure in order to prepare for something like that but we'll do our best I think I think the trouble I'm having is just I would go in there you know I was there I looked at it and I was like ready you know I feel like I'm ready at least for a minute and then I started thinking about well what if it's not what I expect what if I can't handle it what if I go in there and something happens and the part that normally stops me is when I start to think what have who am I bringing in there I'm not the only one taking care of me anymore they take care of me but I gotta take care of them too and I can't I just can't bring him in there I don't know I'm if I lost more people to that and then I have to spend the next 10 years on another Journey to Find Jay or Gillian I don't know or olly God and what if I get swallowed what if I get swallowed and then Ollie's out looking for me I know you can't know right you can't know the answers it's okay I just no no no let me let me teach you just you know some some wisdom that uh I remember Captain Rose telling us back in the day we all know what we sign up for when we come and we make an oath to be a pirate crew a crew of pirates a crew of family with the same goals different goals but the same goal and uh we all know that this life when you're fighting against order button for your own freedom well you're putting your life out there you're putting on the line every day and we all know it and we all loved it because that's what it means to be free on the Seas there yeah it's hard yeah it's scary and ain't it ain't a game for children and we got the chance to raise you two I'm sure you would have known but you know what we did it anyways we trusted each other we trusted our captains our captain earned and deserve that respect that trust and he trusted us you know fan Ireland Dre they were strong enough they made sure they were strong enough for the whole crew I mean I think you can do it but do you you want to do that you want to be that kind of person for here I it's up to you buddy that's how the laugh works in this world sure ain't for everyone [Music] but as long as you're doing what you think is right yeah I reckon I'd agree with you thanks Rufus I'll get up and just pour us another glass but probably just hang out from there be done hey thanks for saving me back there yeah uh no problem you don't need to respond you can keep wisfully staring into the sunset if you want you are sailing down the Southern Lane I hear some yeah you do the same for me at least I hope you would of course I would in the heartbeat hopefully you wouldn't be dumb enough though to turn uh you know 80 000 anchor and then just dive bomb someone your body aches um also you know I'll I'll hit hey I'll leave you alone um uh yep sweet dreams for old Gillian over here I'm gonna turn it quickly uh I I wouldn't put on you know another shirt yeah maybe don't do the 80 000 pound anchor from how high were you uh yeah my internal uh fish almond has said about 300 feet exactly whatever yeah I didn't know you had gills by the way that's that's great that makes things a lot easier yeah no they kind of hurt a lot when I put them in when you watch disturbed about by this to just leave the situation um and grizzly I'm gonna ask uh when he's alone uh he lifts up his shirt uh and makes a yikes face and kind of pokes at the claw marks that Kuba Kenta left yeah they are void of colors black boily seared into your skin I'm sure I'll figure it out that I look over at chips bad and say hopefully he is sleeping at least a bit more soundly and then I know eight as I crawl into my barrel and first and rotate into a fetal position it takes you a moment probably a while to even rest because you've got a lot of training and you've been in Google Kansas presence before but never have you actually faced something so fiendish yeah and you reflect on it getting the sense that never once was afraid to die you just felt a it was having a blast an incessant hunger or your life and you almost gave it to him on accident they think about the interview questions that they must be asking around for [ __ ] Kuma cancer to have gone in yeah no idea what iFly shakes your core a bit before you exit all porn you um mosey over to the side of this water Lane drop anchor and allow Rufus off in the ash report says it'll be fine finding his way home from here lets you know that um he appreciates being saved and uh when he finishes your armor it'll find his way to you looks worried that's cheerful and you know laid back as he is he just looks a little worried because he knows that uh you can tell he just knows the life you guys chose against this the government it's gonna be tough and he goes off you guys are on your way back to zero in an hour of sailing as you guys I'll eventually go to Long rest I assume unless you say otherwise yeah um long rest yeah we're sleepy here into the southern royal blue ocean and that's where we're in the session did you ever get a hole in the bottom of that bottle we'll talk about that on just rolled with it thank you head over to our patreon patreon.com well solve the mystery as to whether I got a hole in the bottle what a stupid [ __ ] promo see over there just a huge thank you to our 50 patrons who support this podcast every month such as Alexander ask Nelson skeltaboo sarazaku Charlie darling Songbird Eclipse 1680 gaming bezozo Seth cakes223 bloke Fieri future Oracle Katis Betis epic Chris leftover rice you will Rue the day farmer gamer Jonathan Bleek Luke Rambo lemon Leviathan Dapper Percy hollow-headed a moon Beast fan Brie Lee Taxi boy Vapor I'm butt flusting agar steel jaw Wolfie the big grumpy void Jades 2604 Joey Madness Pippin The Alchemist sweet cacti vodka 7 cows the folded Pizza Zone the awesome man Fly Guy I see Sharkey man-made imp Jordan Darlin I am in your walls red sus over Paradise Mr nacho wild James Kev Senpai I have jedied now I am Judd Mitchell Everson mithril gear 417 Bosco Captain Lafayette Grand Archer narwhal shellfish Reichard Zinn krobin's deathclaw Sandy 007 Apple JC's Jiggler blue blend blob big blue bear boy zerberus Elvish cyborg Lord ticklefish spignax buttery toast Gilly biggest fan coin your comment sorcerer Punk Riker kurotu nonzalatal funny hats Incorporated jrwi enjoyer and Jay Newell thank you guys so much for the continued support of the podcast I hope you enjoyed the episode and we'll see you uh maybe next week I think we're about to go on holiday break actually so whenever we get back from that we'll see you then enjoy the holidays Merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy I don't know any other Christmas time holiday season things I'm uncultured but I hope that you have a good time or don't I don't know I'm not your [ __ ] mother
Channel: Just Roll With It
Views: 44,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slimecicle, Dungeons and Dragons, Just Roll With It, Slimecicle DnD, Slimecicle D&D, Dungeons and Dragons Slimecicle, DnD podcast, D&D podcast, podcast, just roll with it podcast, dungeons and dragons podcast, Dungeons and Dragons Comedy, JRWIShow, DnD Comedy, grizzly, bizly, condifiction, jrwi, starting from zero, just roll with it ep 1, riptide, jrwi pirates, pirates, riptide ep 90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 8sec (5828 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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