21 Features You Need Now | Master Class with Loren Shure

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hi everyone welcome to today's master class and  the topic today is 21 features in matlab you need   now thanks for joining me today my name is lauren  i've been at mathworks for over 30 years and i try   to share my knowledge such as today's class um  with people around the world you might also find   some useful matlab tips and tricks on the blog  i host at mathworks.com called the art of matlab   now um i have two goals today the first  is to introduce you to some features   um that maybe you don't know about um i'm guessing  that most of you will know some of them but very   few of you will know all of them that i show and  i also want you to take away um how to find out   about more new features that may be helpful for  whatever you're working on and so those are my   goals today to focus on showing you some new  stuff this is going to kind of be a little um   i don't know what the right word is exactly but  a little bit uh fast and loose i'm not doing one   big demo because i want to show off different  features in different ways and in fact when i   talk to my colleagues at mathworks or my boss  or someone uh if i just give them the code that   i write i find that i need to then talk to  them about what it's doing and what the plot   means and all that sort of stuff and um so it all  actually takes a bunch of extra um but that's not   true anymore i can actually hand them something  such that as you see in the um screen right now   um uh an artifact in matlab this is called a live  script and this live script looks like a document   this is my title where the earthquakes and then  some text and you can see i have a hyperlink here   and i put in a picture explaining the richter  scale and i even have some mathematics here and if   i wanted to if i found a mistake or if i wanted to  put more i could put in any kind of mathematical   symbols i want because communicating includes  communicating the mathematics of what we're doing   but it is still matlab code okay and that may  be a little bit surprising so let's see what we   can do with that i'm going to load in some of the  data now i can run um basically the way i used to   from a regular matlab script you'll see instead a  part of the tool strip called the live editor and   this is where you'll find ways to do formatting  of the text that's in there switching between text   over here and code over here and then i can do  things like we've always done run a section or run   a section in advance put a section break in and  so on so i'm going to run a section right now and   what you see is that this actually put the output  right into my um my same document here um so i   don't have to go looking around now uh in another  window that's popped up or something like that   now in fact i have some choices about  this so i can actually put the code   on the left and the output on the right here  i'm just making it bigger so you can see   i'm going to actually put it back  to being in line for right now   so you can see what's going on and now um you'll  see on this plot i can do a bunch of things like   i can choose zoom in and suppose i want to zoom  in on the atlantic ocean there we go and you'll   notice that matlab offers to update the code so if  i wish to see only that portion of the uh or show   off that portion of the earth um going forward  that i can i i get the best of interactively   exploring and getting the code created for  me and being able to document what i did   well um now this is a little bit cheesy what i've  done here i'm plotting latitude versus longitude   and that's not the way the earth really works  this sort of assumes that we peeled the earth   off of a globe and made it flat and um  we didn't account for the fact that the   the polar regions really aren't the same like  physical distance from um minus 20 to 80 even   if it's not quite at the pole near the top um  the distance at the equator for that amount of   degrees is going to be a lot bigger than if we're  near the polar regions so it turns out that i can instead look at the quakes in a different way so okay and now what you'll see is i have a  geographic map with a particular sort of um   uh map projection and what i'm going to do is i'm  going to minimize the tool strip for the moment so   that um you can see that what i've chosen to do  is i've chosen to plot these quakes as bubbles   where the bubble size is going to be proportional  to the magnitude and i'm starting with a minimum   magnitude of 3. now if i want to show this to  someone and they want to try it for themselves   as long as they have matlab and i give them all  this code they can go and change it and i can use   um this indication that this is not uh up to  date anymore and i can click there and it will   recalculate that um that section for me and now  we can see that there's a bunch more plot um fewer   uh bubbles there representing all the um all of  the different earthquakes that happened in that   month and so i want to tell you a little bit about  um how i'm going to show you what we've done i've   got this little um window here where i'm going to  click off things so i just showed you a little bit   about the live editor i showed you about formatted  text and images embedded interactive outputs um   and the default plot interactivity so i could  zoom in right there and i showed you geographic   plots so now we're up to five features already and  we're only a couple minutes into the talk so that   that bodes well because we're trying to get up to  21. i'm going to put that over to the side right   now so it's not distracting us now if i want  to share this with someone who's not a matlab   user though it may not be so easy for them for  them to figure out what they want to put here   um you might need to have instructions because  it looks right now maybe like it needs to be   an integer but maybe it doesn't and in  fact what i can do is i can replace that   with a numeric slider and what you see now is  that i can interact with this and i can show   only bigger earthquakes and even bigger yet  and i can go back and slide around and i can   change the properties of this slider by double  clicking i can change its label to magnitude   and i can change its minimum value since it's on  a log scale it wouldn't be zero um and let's go to   to nine here and i you'll notice also i could  have changed whoops change the step size let's   make it point two um on the richter scale so  now if i i come along and move this you'll   see it moving in um steps of point two and i  get my new picture well maybe this is still   maybe the person who's doing this wants to see  the output but doesn't really care about the code   i can hide the code too so i can actually  have this document ready to go to share   with my supervisor or someone like that now  another way i might choose to share it is to   create a document out of this and i can so when  i come here to the save part of the tool strip   you'll see i can save it in word for  example and i probably have an old one there creating a word document and here you  see our um our plots here now okay   and since we've hidden the code you can't see  what the number is right there all right um so   i just showed you two new features i showed you  interactive controls um and i can do a little bit   more on hiding the code and the document exports  so that we could create this document and share it   with someone else well sharing is really nice get  taught to do that when we're little kids and so   i might want to think about um is there something  else that i can do and i can actually make a much   richer application from matlab i created one  already and this is my earthquake visualizer   okay and what you'll see is it's going to look  kind of similar to the plots that i have there   i'm just going to pick the default dates that are  in there and you'll see we get the earthquakes   but now i can change not just the magnitude but  the depth and let me come here and let's click   that let's make it even a little bit bigger  and you can see that we're getting fewer and   fewer earthquakes on there as i raise the minimum  magnitude and i can look at it as a density plot   um it's there the information's in there it's  very faint um i can look at it as a bubble plot   okay so that's kind of interesting that maps  to the geo bubble i showed you over in the   live script um we could look at a word cloud where  where are these coming from it turns out there's   information in the um meta information in the  table that we've got and you can see that some of   the biggest ones were from our the hondurans was  near indonesia and philippines in japan and fiji   so the western part of the ring of fire and i can  look at the data in this case in terms of a table   and look around there so this app is pri pretty  nice and i can give people the ability to use this   app um just by giving them the um the the app that  i've created as long as they have matlab and all   the right uh files that i need but i might want to  um share it and there's a bunch of different ways   i might think about sharing it but i'm just gonna  pull this over and i'm gonna come to the command   line at the moment and i'm going to say app  designer and i'm going to use it on the earthquake   visualizer which you just saw here and what this  is doing is it's opening the app in the in the uh   environment in which we designed it which is app  designer this is the preferred way of designing   apps in matlab and what you'll see here is i  have oops okay um that's fine it doesn't matter you can save it if it wants that's  fine okay so now um what i can do is   i can look at the layout here and you  can see the layout that i had before   and i can come along here if i want to for  example and i can put some sort of button in   if i would like to and if i want to i can change  the text on that button and it's going to be   push me and when i do that you should see  that i i get the button information down here   i can change the fonts and the location all  kinds of things and you'll notice that there's   um something in the app that identifies this and  if i switch from designing view to a code view   i can find out in the code where i might  want to add something in fact with the   app push me what i can do is i can come to the  callback and we can say i want it to go to the   add a new call back here and then i would simply  put my matlab code in there in order to make that   push button do something that we wanted assuming  i have that the way i want when i get ready   i can come back and i can say i'm ready to share  this and so i can either create a matlab app   which will run in matlab i can create a standalone  desktop app with the matlab compiler and i can   also deploy it to the web and so what i want to  do now is move over to the web and show you the   same thing that we have here here's the web  version of the app it's being hosted inside   matrix and i can come here i'm not going to change  the data right now although i could but you'll see   that the plot updates as i move the magnitude  and depth around and again we can look and see   what the geo bubble looks like and so on  and so i can actually make my app available   in a lot of different ways accessible to a lot of  different people many of whom may not use matlab   many of who may never use matlab but the value  you're adding in the app is important for them all right and so i'm going to add a check  mark for app designer and one for web apps   and i'm going to close a bunch of things now don't save and we'll get rid of this i'm going  to come over here and the next thing i want to do   is um show you um what i might need to do um  i'm guessing that a bunch of you work with data   if i were to be asking you is your data  perfect i think you'd have to admit even   if it's uncomfortable that it's probably  not because it's not it's nothing against   what you've done to collect it it's just that  there's problems with data a lot of the time   so i've got some data that i'd like to analyze  and i want to first show it to you so i'm going   to come over to another live script here we're  going to look at the new york state energy usage   data and i'm going to look for read timetable  i'm reading in a timetable of information   and notice as i'm typing it's  offering to find um whoops yeah uh information for me and so without  me having to hunt around in the file system   i was able to get matlab to help me with that and  i'm going to actually use the variable naming rule   and i want them to preserve the names that are in  that file even if they're not typical matlab names   and now what i'm ready to do is  run that code so let me look in the   workspace oh i should have cleared the  other things let me come here whoops   i'm here let me delete those and now we've  got energy load and if i look at energy load   in the variable editor you'll see it's a called  a time table it tells me it's got 34 000 lines   and 11 columns that's because the new york energy  grid is split into 11 different regions and let's   just pick one of them i'll pick dunwoody well once  i picked on woody how do i know if i imported the   data correctly maybe i want to see what's going on  i can come to the plots tab here and i can simply   click plot when i do and that's one way of getting  some of the information out now i'm going to i'm going to close this right now and what i'm  going to do is i'm going to come to the workspace   browser and i've still got energy load selected  and now i have different choices in the uh plots   tab here you'll see i have a stack plot or a  parallel plot i'm going to go with a stacked plot and what you see is a plot of the 11  different regions in new york with their   time sequences here and the  nice thing is this plot is alive   also by default interactive and you can see that  i can see the data tips for all of the different   locations as i move the mouse around so in fact if  i get to some of these places early on trying to   see if i can get to one of those zeros but you can  see it jumps around a lot here so i can actually   understand the data better by seeing oh in fact  it looks like there's correlations of um jumps   down and in some cases jumps up and so it makes  me understand a little bit more about the data   when i look at it that way now i'm going to  close that and come back to my script here and   one of the things that you will notice if i come  back here is this is the plot i had outside before   is that there's a bunch of zeros in the data now  it turns out if you think about it forget about it   being the state of new york pretty much anywhere  in the world there's very little likelihood that   there's some time when there's zero power being  used by everyone zero not a little bit but zero   and so we confirmed it with the energy grid  people and in fact they use zero to indicate   when they're missing some data and this is a  typical problem when we're working with data that   there's something that where we have to account  for missing data or glitches in the data of   various kinds and so i want to show you how we you  would do that here well we've been investing a lot   into um helping you do that so what you'll see  here is this is the original noisy data and then i   not only use stan uh standardize the missing data  um so that we know what the zeros were doing and   then i'm going to take that and fill the missing  data and i can find out more information about   phil the missing but i'm still not really done  because look at this i've got all these spikes too   now here is a crazy line of matlab code i'm  not even sure if it's matlab code are you   it says clean data that looks  like a variable looks like these   areas where there's code versus text and it says  fill the outliers in energy load duct on woody   using linear okay let's see if that's what's  happening i'm going to click that and run it   and i get a plot out here by the way one of the  things that i can do if i want to is i can take   the plot out if i wanted to for example zoom  in and make it bigger i'm not going to do that   right now but again this is interactive and i can  use data tips and i can actually zoom in let me   zoom in horizontally here and you'll see i get the  same thing with the code it's offering to put in   and we can see a bunch of things i can see the um  uh the smooth data the original data where there's   outliers and how we filled them well how did that  happen uh you know i don't know about you but i am   it might be fair to say cautiously trusting  but maybe not even quite that solidly trusting   and so i always like to see what's  behind this and if i look in here   i can click the um the arrow there and i can see  by the way these tasks come from near where the   controls are on the live editor tool strip okay so  we come here and it's asking me for the name of my   output i have to select the data and you'll see i  took the energy load at dunwoody and i'm going to   plot it versus date and then i get to say what  i want to do do i want to remove outliers or   fill them and if i'm going to clean them how do i  want to clean them i can do it with interpolation   or nearest neighbor things like that but how am i  going to detect when there's something gone well i   can contact here let's say that's doing a let's do  a um something with quartiles and what you see is   it's recomputing this so it's very easy for me to  play around and try a whole bunch of things before   finally setting on oh yeah moving mean i think  maybe does a little bit better than the others   and once i do that you have a choice of looking  at the same code that's underneath now i have to   admit when i first used these live tasks i looked  all the time to see what the code was underneath   because i don't like surprises i want to make sure  that the right thing is happening with my data   but it got to the point where i really understood  what was going on and i understood that there were   choices with fill outliers which i could find  out more about by clicking here and getting help   um so that's something i could do and um while i'm  here on help let me just point out a couple things   that are important we have examples if an example  does exactly what you want it to do or very close   you might not need to read the whole rest of the  documentation page there to get moving forward   and there's also see also which tells you a bunch  of interesting things when it was introduced other   functions in matlab or functionality that  you might find interesting and some topics   in the documentation that you might find helpful  okay so what i can do then is i feel reassured   that this is doing what i want and now i can leave  this um the way it is and um so if i come over   here i think i showed you function hints uh in the  live editor let me bring it over i didn't i talked   a little bit about timetables but i didn't say  much about them i will tell you a little bit more   about them in just a minute but this i'm reading  this in as a time table and remember energy load   is a timetable and i we opened that let's open it  again and a timetable basically has um an m by n   array of data each column is its own data um uh  so in this case they all happen to be watts but   i could put in disparate things if i wanted it's  just a collection of information you'll see the   very first column that's date isn't labeled as one  of the columns of data it's intrinsic to the data   set so if i want to i can come over here and you  can see that looks like the data is roughly every   five minutes which is what they tell us at the um  from the energy providers but um i can now deal   with this whole sequence because it's a timetable  with some special timetable sorts of functionality   and so what i can do is i can look to see  what's going on with the time signals here i don't know why it's doing that let me come  here and that now you'll see and i'm going to   make this a little bit bigger when i did this  i looked at the um difference between the dates   from the successive dates and i made a table out  of them and they did a summary and the summary is   giving me the mean the median and the max so  the mean the median difference between these   time points is five minutes which is good because  that is what the grid operators told us about that   they collect data every five minutes but you'll  notice that our minimum was three seconds and   our maximum was an hour and five minutes and  maybe for going forward we need things to be   evenly sampled so what i'm going to come over  here now is take the clean data and i'm going to   re-time the data so again you can look in  the documentation to find out how to do this   and all the options but i can re-time the data so  that i now have with the summary minimum maximum   and median time differences as exactly five  minutes okay and when i did that i showed you a   stacked plot here i showed you the plots tab which  is really nice because again sometimes you don't   know what kind of plot you're looking for and you  might or what the name of it is so you can come   here and you can find that out um and then you can  also find out more information as you can see here   by getting more help okay um and i showed you the  missing data functions we did live editor tasks i   didn't show you here but i showed you before  that we could do this um with the live editor   output in line or side by side so i'm  going to give myself credit for that now   there's one more thing i'd like to do while i'm  here and i'm going to come up to this cleaned   data section you know having all this code  all in there all at once is a little bit messy   um and so what i might do is i'm just going to  convert this to editable code um where did it go and i'm going to um i'm going to actually delete this i don't  want that and i'm going to um come here oh come on let me keep going up to film  missing and i'm going to right click   and i'm going to convert this to a local  function when i do um so clean clean and fill when i do whoops that's not what i wanted  clean it so what you'll see here is that i   now have a local function it's in my script  um so i can have functions and scripts as   long as they're at the end and if we come up  here what you'll see is we replace this was   clean and fill the data with the energy  load and i can say filled missing and and clean the data so i get to have the um the important code there  but not cluttering my view of what's really going   on we're going to look at the data we're going to  filter it we're going to make sure we get the data   points we want we're going to fill in the missing  data we're going to clean it up get rid of the   outliers and so on and the code is below but we  don't have to be like right in the middle of it   as we're looking at it so i'm going to show you  that i did refactoring as well okay whoops that's   not what i want come over here just get that  out of our way oh i have one more thing we did   functions in script now we have i mentioned so  briefly that you didn't really get to see all of   it let me clear things again and um that we have  apps i brought up the earthquake visualizer before   um but suppose i have some data that i would  like to understand and it happens to be a signal   now i'm going to come over here because i want to  load in some data i'm going to load in some clean   data here and when i come over to the apps there  is an app a signal analyzer app that will help me   do what i want and i'm going to let it come up for  a moment here well it's taking its time i want to   show you we have a lot of apps you can see i have  a bunch of favorites and apps that i've either   made or borrowed from other people and installed  but you'll also see the mathworks product apps   from all of our products so we have apps to  help you with machine learning math stats and   optimization control systems signal processing  communications image processing test and   measurement and so on so for a lot of different  areas there may be an app to help you with some   of this and one of the reasons that we would like  to do that where is my app here um i don't know my matlab is misbehaving again let me just close some things hmm this shouldn't be happening i am going to start at matlab again i apologize i don't know what's happened  um but once matlab comes up again we should be able to get going there we go okay so i'm gonna um come back  over here take a moment come back over here   um i'm doing things not in the order  i wanted to show you but i'm gonna um that's not the right thing i'm  gonna start my project again   which i'll tell you about in a little bit and this is that features that you saw before okay  so i'm going to come over here and i'm going to come to my project and we're  going to show the signal app which should have loaded some data on hmm okay well i'm going to do something  i wouldn't normally do i'm going to um   open the file here and i'm going to run it okay and now i should have the data in here  that's good and now what i'm going to do is i'm   going to open the apps tab and we're going  to try to load in the signal analyzer app now i'm okay that's better okay and while i'm doing that  um what you'll see here is this app um uh is gonna   work on signals so i'm gonna take my energy load  here and i'm gonna load it into the signals that   we might want to filter and i can look inside  here and you can see i can get my done woody   and so what let me undo that let's make this  one the live one let's load load the data there   and now what i'd like to do is i would like to  look at the spectrum for it i would like to do   some analysis to try to understand what are the  dominant frequencies and so i can come over here   and i can use the same information and i don't  want the time but i want the spectrum let's get   rid of the time and now i have a spectrum here  okay and so one of the things that i might want   to do is i might want to zoom in i want to see  what are the biggest ones seem to be towards   the beginning so let me come over here and let's  zoom in and we'll find um that there are a bunch   of peaks here and what i might do and this might  be what happens for example for people looking at   vibrations and stuff like that might care about  something like this where you want to be able   to measure the difference between two things so  i can come here and line up my one cursor with   the first peak and i can take the second one and  line it with a second peak now if i want to do   this um again and again and again rather than um  going in and doing everything by hand guess what   this is another opportunity in matlab where i get  to create some code from it so i can generate a   script i'm going to generate a spectrum script and  you can see here it tells me what limits we chose   and it loads in the data it tells which part of  the data we're looking at and what function we   call so it's another way to learn some of the  functionality in matlab without um necessarily   being an expert at it right from the beginning  so i'm going to come back i need to repopulate   this so forgive me while i give myself credit  for all those other ones we did a moment ago we are stack plot yes whoops talked about  live tasks refactoring functions instead   of signal analyzer and apps okay the next thing  i'm going to do i'm going to turn my webcam off from the no don't do that to me um okay there we go i'm going to turn my  webcam off because i want to use it in matlab   so um do you ever remember going to like um  a fair when you were a kid or maybe you still   do it sometimes and they have those booths  those photo booths and you make a lot of silly   photos with your friends or your family  in it well i can do something like white space around it so let  me do t dot um tile spacing   let's get rid of some of it so that  there's less spacing and t dot padding also equals none and then i'm going to put a label on  and i'm going to say my y label is on the basis now if you've been using  subplot you know how hard it has been   to get something that was going to span  oh i did the wrong thing i needed to do t funny faces so when i give it the tile layout  you'll notice that it labels the whole collection   rather than just one plot which i did by that  mistakenly by doing just the regular y label   okay so i've got titles and labels across multiple  areas okay i'm going to come back to matlab now   now for those of you who have ever needed to work  with hardware you may wonder how hard or difficult   it is to do that in matlab and i can't show  you in detail how to actually hook up hardware   right now in our session but i can show you we  provide a bunch of ways of getting information   so what i can do is i can come to the add-ons  and look for hardware support packages and   when i do this is going to take me to  the mathworks file exchange and for   example i can just look for ones that will  support arduino i have to type it correctly and you'll notice instead of 314 or  whatever we have a modest number 32   and if i want to see which ones are  just from mathworks i can click here   and you'll see we have support packages that work  with both matlab and with simulink for the arduino   boards now i may want to um i may want to um do  something else though i might want to look for   something that's not a support package fortunately  i can do that in matlab as well so for example   if i come here to matlab to the the main area i  can say you know what i'm really interested in   learning about eye tracking i wonder if anyone's  put together some software and so you'll see   there's a bunch of things but what i'm thinking  of isn't so much for automated driving let's   see what's in science engineering and industry  and will notice that if i go into the sciences   there are a bunch of choices whether  it's in neuroscience or psychology   and i have a bunch of eye tracking um potential  software that i could use so it's a really   nice way to augment what i uh already have by  looking on the um uh the file exchange basically   built in way through matlab to get this now the  nice thing is i can also manage my add-ons from   here and of course if you have something we'd  love for you to make a contribution as well   so if i come over here i can say i just showed  you about hardware support and add-on explorer   now for those of you who have used matlab um for  a long time um you may have code from a long time   ago that maybe um has um maybe isn't going to run  the way you would like it to so let me come here   and show you what i would do and let me clear  this out okay so now i have a script from a   long time ago except for i updated it to be a live  script and you'll see it's got errors and it's got   warnings in it these are from the code analyzer  these warnings telling me things like treefit   has been removed use fitsy ctr or whatever so it's  giving me information in fact if i go to run this   let me do run here i put a run button from  the live editor on my quick access toolbar   and i get an error saying tree fit unrecognized  function or variable tree fit well okay   i could do this file by file and try to run  everything and get the collection of all of this   but actually we've made it fairly  easy to do this so i can do   code i can use the code compatibility  report on my live script and it's busy thinking it's going to  go through the document and you'll see that it's analyzing many many things it's  looking for all kinds of different behavior   and it's giving you an overview what i found and  basically what it found was four things that were   removed and it says two new pieces of  functionality that may improve the code   so it's telling you about some of the other  things and what's nice about this is it's   very easy to see what i've got just by in the  summary or if i say oh this is some of the code   that wasn't been working hasn't been working it  tells me where what line so i can go to that line   in my code right there and i can come back to  the report and i can look in the documentation   and i can find out what information  there is so that i can figure out how   how and if i want to make the change so there's  information from the release notes in that case   okay so um suppose i did all this i'm not going  to do that in front of you in the interest of time   but what i'm going to do is come to my current  folder and let me make this a little bit easier   i've got two different documents here and i'm  going to right click and compare selected files   and folders and what you see is my updated  one on the left my regular one on the right   and you can see side by side comparison of the  changes we made you'll see that treefit is um this is the original one the original one this  is the updated one updated and so you see tree   fit was in this first one and you see the fit  c tree in the second one and you'll notice   some other changes that we made based on the  different um recommendations and if you want   to use this compatibility report and tool it can  work on folders not just files and so can this   comparison tool so that can be very very helpful  for you too so let's come over here i showed you   the code compatibility report the comparison tool  and the code analyzer one of the things that you   noticed because i had to point it out to start up  matlab again is that i've been using projects this   time so what what is a project and what is it good  for well let me show you a little bit about it   um often i'm not working on a small body of  code and often i'm actually also working with   a whole bunch of my colleagues and this may be  true for you too so there's a whole bunch of   things that i find important to do and one is to  organize the code in some reasonable way maybe   why i want my data in a different folder than the  demos and so on and we agree on that i also you'll   notice have my code in get in this case which if  i put it in a project it understands using git   if i need to if i want to and a project will help  me manage many different things but in particular   often in the project you want to make sure certain  things are on your path or maybe removed from your   path but more commonly you want to add all the  relevant things to your path and you might want it   to do something specific at startup and shutdown  so i can say things like i wanted to run these   two files at startup and i could do something  for shutdown as well and i can figure out what   i want the project path to be and i just had  it add where i was with all the subfolders so   that i could have it and i can work with this and  update it and still commit make my commits to get   as i use it so that's been very helpful and the  other thing you'll notice is i can make project   shortcuts and i even showed you one of them it  basically was very simple but i can open the code   we can open the file and we could see that all  that was doing was loading in some data for me   so that i could um do the demo without  having to remember where the data was   what the data file name was so um projects are  a great way to organize a bunch of information   that belongs together but it's all these different  pieces and it helps you make sure it's a cohesive   set um so i'm going to give myself a um a we're  up to 30 features everyone that's a fairly good   um and now i want to come to um documentation  because i've showed you right now 30 different   features hopefully some of them are ones that are  interesting to you and maybe you haven't seen them   before where would you find out more well if you  come to the documentation i can come to matlab   and i can look at the release notes and i can  further filter the information here so for example   maybe you last updated your matlab in 19a  so you can say i just want to look between   19a and now what's new and maybe you know you  care about something i care about let's say   math and data analysis i can pick two selections  there and you'll see it takes the release notes   which are fairly large to a much smaller more  manageable set to look at and further more if   i really want to i can come here and look for  incompatibilities but what you'd see in particular   are the major new things that are happening um  here and if some of them if you don't care about   normalization you might not matter but you might  care very much about implicit expansion and you   can read more and it will tell you what um what  it's all about so i'm hoping that in the course   of this i have been able to show you a bunch of  new features in matlab that you feel like will   be useful that you want to use and furthermore how  to find more and i would like to encourage you to   put your final questions in the chat right now  so that we can start um answering some of them um whoops sorry so we we can start answering them ah  uh answering them but while you're doing that i   want to uh tell you two things there's some links  below the um the viewer that you're looking at on   the youtube page um one is for the matlab expo  2020 on demand and it's an online site featuring   technical talks covering a broad broad range of  topics i think there's 24 of them and it's where   mathworks tools play a critical central role in  um uh people's work that's number one number two   if you're interested in more learning more about  simulink you might be interested in joining the   simulink student challenge where you put in an  idea of something that you want to build you   show how it might work and you might be the winner  of a thousand dollars prize finally i don't want   to forget you to subscribe don't want you to  forget to subscribe to the mathworks channel   it's the button right there on your screen and  you'll get the reminders for the next event   and now i'm going to go see if  there's some questions to answer someone has asked i wouldn't normally open  the file and run it so with the shortcuts   it's a good question i can open the file  and run it but i chose not to because for me   the goal here wasn't opening the file  and running it it was getting the data   in so that i could actually show the signal app  which was the real goal for what i was doing um so um hopefully that will um hopefully  that makes sense you can bring it up   there's no reason you could have some of these  other ones if i look at the earthquakes one if   we open the file it just says open my file so in  that case i opened it and then i was running it   so it's an absolutely reasonable way that you  could um operate if that's the way you wish and i guess we lost a little bit of audio uh time  on audio uh when i turn my camera on and off so i   apologize for that i hope it's back and i look  forward to seeing you next week thanks so much you
Channel: MATLAB
Views: 9,014
Rating: 4.8391962 out of 5
Keywords: work from home live, matlab, simulink, mathworks, matlab tutorial, using matlab remotely, working from home matlab, time series data in matlab, how to plot time series data in matlab, time-series, time-series data
Id: lSQ6vS6lBcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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