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hi everyone and welcome to coffee with my sunshine today's video is going to be a giant playlist that I put together of my most favorite trash to treasure videos and when I say trash to treasure I mean actual garbage and recyclable items turned into something useful a piece of home decor something that I've given a second life to to keep it out of the landfill so if this sounds like your type of thing then please keep watching so to start off I am using this container that we get our deli meat in from Costco and a pool noodle you can get these pool noodles usually at Dollar Tree or Michaels or something I don't know about in the winter but you can find them there in the summer but all I'm going to do is cut a slit in the pool noodle just a small slit the size of the container and then I'm going to cut that chunk off slide it onto the side of the Tupperware container and cut slits in it and here I'm just cutting them deeper into the container because this is where I'm going to be putting my paintbrushes and you know would fill that with water so that you know when you're doing different crafts you can dunk it in water rinse it out and then just let it drip dry then for my next project I'm going to be using this coconut and I will quickly show you how we opened this up we had never done it before but it was pretty simple you just poke holes into those eyes of the coconut with a screwdriver and then you kind of just like I don't know dig out the little holes there with the screwdriver and then pour out the coconut water and then here my husband is just taking a hammer and cracking it around the line on the coconut just to get it to cut in half and then he is taking the meat of the coconut out and then I'm going to take the empty shell and with just some regular sandpaper give it a good sanding on the inside which this was super simple just to get get the rough edges sand it down because I'm going to paint them so for the first one I'm just going to be painting at white and this is just regular acrylic paint I use the artis of paints usually and for mine I just needed one coat it coated really really well and I think it's super cute I'm going to be using these on my desk in my craft room and I'm painting the other one this really pretty blue or teal color this is also going to go on my desk in my craft room and I will show you what I did with everything at the end and then for my next trash piece we had this giant pegboard in our basement and my husband cut it down for me because I just needed a small piece and I went ahead and just coated the back with I used ceiling paint just because that's what I had in white in a large amount but you can use anything and then I because this side was so dirty I went ahead and wiped it down and now I'm just giving it a fresh coat of white paint and we were going to be throwing the rest of the pegboard away because it's really curved it's been sitting in our basement forever next I'm going to be taking this plastic container that usually has mixed nuts in it and I'm going to cover it with this burlap and I want it to be kind of messy so I left the burlap piece pretty big it was just a scrap piece that we had and I'm just hot gluing it around around the whole jar and not gluing it at the top and I'm leaving some excess at the top because I think that looks really cute and rustic so like I said it's kind of sloppy but that's the look I'm going for and then I am taking some black string or rope and just tying it around the top and then cutting some of the excess off of the top because it was just a little much and then I'm going to be adding some greenery like I said I'll be showing you all of everything that I do at the end and how it turned out so next I am using these plastic containers these spices that are outdated and I'm just going to give them a good cleaning and take the labels off which I use this if I can't get the labels off by soaking it in hot soapy water I will take this goo gun it works really really well to remove any residue that's left from the stickers and then because I didn't really like the look of that green lid for what I'm doing I am taking this black lid from a similar jar and just trading the lids because I wasn't sure if painting the lid would hold up then for this tin can I'm going to be painting it with chalkboard paint and it's going on kind of thin because I had to water it down because it's actually been in my garage and it was somewhat frozen because it's been really really cold here so this I'm showing you how I hung the pegboard and I didn't realize my husband and I just were thinking we could just hang the pegboard and weren't really thinking about actually using the the hooks to hold the things onto the pegboard so anyway I'm showing you how not to do it at first and then I will show you shortly what we did to fix my mistake on the pegboard so we're taking the little cubby that I showed you in the beginning and we're actually hanging it sideways and as you can see on the pegboard below we added the spacer between the pegboard and the wall so that when we use the hooks may actually work and then to hide the gapping from the spacers we just put a frame around the pegboard and all we did was use some scrap wood for underneath the peg below this is that burlap container that I covered with the greenery I think it's so pretty and these are the spice containers that I repurposed for my beads and then I am using this blessed sign that I made last year I can link the video if you're interested I just thought it looked really pretty up there and then for this copy I am using it to organize and store all my paints so that they're super easy to find and so I can just take a quick look to see what colors I need you know if I'm out at the craft store or whatever but I think it looks really cool and it's super functional and organized this little cubby shelf was one that was in my daughter's room when she was really really young and she was getting rid of it so I thought we could repurpose it I didn't do a lot to change it because there's actually some writing on the back that her and her friend did and I thought it was so cute I didn't show it but I didn't want to cover that kind of stuff up and here are those coconut shells I'm just using one to store my pins in my safety pins I think it's functional and super cute at the same time and for the other one for right now I'm just using this fake succulent and I'm just going to put it in there just to add a little bit of color and I think it's really cute and this box was actually my grandma's so I thought it would just look really cute on the shelf that I got I got it from Goodwill it was 99 cents and I'm just going to be hanging on the pegboard with some of the hooks that come with the pegboard and this is that can that I covered in chalkboard paint and then I took a chalk pen and just wrote pens and pencils and then I'm using this galvanized bucket that I got from Walmart not too long ago I used it in a DIY for the fall I can list that if you're interested as well and I'm just going to be using it to hold my paintbrushes and I really like how everything turned out it's going to keep me so much more organized and I think it's pretty well these are those pegboard hooks that I was talking about it actually needs space to go into the holes in the pegboard and hook on to the back that's why we needed those spacers between the pegboard and the wall and for the pegboard I for right now I just hung some of my paintbrushes and some of my tools I'm sure this thing will get filled up quickly and then I used one of my glass jars that I tried to sell in the garage sale that nobody bought and I'm just repurposing it for my strings and thread and stuff and here's an up-close look at one of those jars and then this old paint bucket I'm just using for some of my scrap fabric and I have a another desk in my craft room that I'm going to be putting this on so here's the finished look I just love it I love that everything that I used was from trash or recycled items it just makes it that much more special you you you I think this is cute I left this little sticker that my daughter had put on there when she was little I just couldn't take it off so let me know in the comments below if you guys are still liking this challenge because I am loving doing it I really think it's important that we get the word out and let people know how simple it is to recreate things or repurpose things recycle things into really awesome treasures and I think it's so important that we keep more things out of the landfill if possible also I wanted to let you guys know that I really appreciate all your love and support and all the sweet comments that I get in the comment section and please if you don't get a response from me I I do read all of the comments but sometimes I just don't have time to keep keep up with replying back but I try to and sometimes they're really really delayed and I apologize for that but do know that I love you guys and really appreciate all of you so for this first one we're going to start with just a box some used stir sticks and some not used yet some sort of paper where you are going to print the words of your choice on and some packing tape so for this one you'll want to choose some words that you want on your box and cut them out this project actually works best with a laser jet printer so you're just going to take your packing tape after you've cut the words out as close to the actual words as possible press down really really good really firm on the tape so that it adheres to the paper and then you are going to submerge it in water and you're going to do this with each word like I said laser jet works best for this project and I'm just putting all the words in One Bowl it's fine as long as they are fully covered with the water just like this and this is actually this video was actually the first time I had done this projects so I wasn't sure that it was actually going to work for me but I was pretty happy with the results so then you're just going to set that aside and let it soak and then for this box I wanted just something to be able to store some things in but to make the box look kind of pretty so I'm just taking these stir sticks and I'm going to measure them out to fit all sides of the box and I am actually leaving the paint on the stir sticks like I'm not going to use all new ones because I think the paint on the stir sticks will actually look kind of cool when I'm done and yes I know this one is a shim it's not a stir stick but at the time I didn't have one so I used it as one so after I cut them down to size I'm just hot gluing them onto the box you could go ahead and use what glue I'm sure that would that would work great but I've had this box for months now and it is held up awesome with just hot glue so then you want to attach the stir sticks on all the sides and I already think it looks kind of cool but it needed a little bit more so I'm just taking an old pillowcase and putting it on the inside and draping the sides over the edges of the box but first I wanted to give it a coat of white paint I didn't do a solid coat because I wanted some of those colors to show through from the stir sticks and then I'm placing that pillowcase in I had cut down some of the bulk of it just so it fit better and then I just hot glued the very top of the box so that it stayed with a nice little folded edge and then on to the words that you're going to take them all out of the water after they've soaked awhile and just start rubbing the paper off of the tape I know it doesn't seem like it should work but it does surprisingly and then after you get all the tape off you if you need to you can like soak the tape to get the residue from the paper off because you want all of the paper off the tape or else you will see it so then do that to all your words or letters however you're doing it in these we just printed off the internet you can search free printables and they have some really cute ones and I really really wish I would have cut the tape down a little bit more because I see more of the tape than I want to but anyway after the tape has dried it is fully sticky again which is amazing to me and I was trying to just play around with the placement of the tape and I just ended up sticking them all on the front like I said I wish I would have cut the tape down just a little bit so you can see a bunch of the tape on the edges so I just took some white chalk paint just to kind of try and camouflage the tape look this would probably look really cool on glass because you wouldn't see the tape as much and I think it's super cute I'm really happy with how it turned out for this next one I'm using these old cabinet knobs that would have been tossed in the garbage or donated and I'm just giving them a fresh coat of paint and I'm actually going to be using these as like a tray as tray feet I guess and then I'm using this old frame that is very beaten up and sad and this is going to be the top part of the tray and then all I did was attach the feet or the doorknobs onto the bottom of the tray and you can use whatever kind of glue you would like east 6000 hot glue wood glue whatever you think will hold and that was it this was a super simple project and I like how it turned out you for this next one you're going to need a bunch of grocery bags some twine and some old socks and sticks and I had plenty of old socks to use because for some reason I end up with single sacks all the time I don't know where the other ones go so you're just going to add a bunch of the grocery bags to the sack and I know this is out of season this is a fall or Halloween type DIY but but I had to show it because it's actually one of my favorites so then you cut off the top part of the sack and then I used a little bit of hot glue just to secure the sock to itself so that it kept the shape that I wanted and we're actually making pumpkins here if you couldn't tell so then you take the twine and you wrap it to make the little indentions that you would see on a pumpkin so it's kind of like making little fat rolls for the pumpkin you and where I type to all the pieces of twine I made that part the bottom so then after that you just attach your stick to the top and that's going to be your stem and you could add any kind of greenery this is actually one that I made a couple years ago and it holds up great it's actually a giant size same thing it's got the grocery bags on the inside but I just love it because it's like super rustic looking and again made with stuff you were just going to toss and this is the same kind of thing this is a sweater that I was going to donate but I ended up using it as a pumpkin and instead of using bags you can use stuffing if you'd rather if you didn't want the crunchy noise then when I was making this it actually reminded me of those little hard candies that you used to get or maybe I used to get I don't know but I did the same thing except for if you're using a sweater sleeve you're gonna have to cut off the top and the bottom and tie them both and then just do the same process where you're making the indentions with the twine of the pumpkin this has to be probably one of my favorite trash to treasure projects I just like how I don't know cozy they are I don't know let me know what you guys think about this project in the comments below and this is how I had mine Stage two last fall I actually have a bunch of these throughout the house for this next one I just used an old fan blade I had taken a fan apart my husband helped me on this one because it was kind of hard to take apart and this is going to be kind of like a coastal themed decor piece so I'm just using some brown paint mixed with a little bit of I think it was gold and bronze maybe so that it gave like a rusty look to it and I just coated the front in the back and then after the brown hydride I'm adding some silver and Gray's to give it the metal look but I'm not covering all of the brown and goldish color because I still want the rustiness to poke through and then I'm just kind of like spot painting on some lighter colors like lighter grays and Silver's and a little bit of white and black and it was kind of bummed because I ended up forgetting to paint the back and with a setting like this against my mirror you can see it so I went back and painted the back and then on to the next one I am using a an oatmeal container and scrap pieces of fabric some floral pieces and some scrapbook paper and here I'm just making a cute little container that I can have in my bathroom and I just coated it out with a little bit of Mod Podge you can use Elmer's glue it works just as well you and I just quoted the oatmeal container and then used this fabric for the bottom just to give it a little bit more of a girly look and then added the floral pieces and some twine on the top and then I'm just putting for mine I'm just putting some girly products in there and I had it on my counter for a while in the bathroom that way when we have company over they didn't feel like they had to ask me if they needed anything they could just take whatever they needed and not feel uncomfortable because I put a little sign on there that said help yourself you for this next one all you need is a book and I don't know about you but we have so many books they out we just don't use anymore we have a used bookstore that we donate our books to and goodwill and stuff like that and I believe I got this one for free because somebody was a store or something was given giving them away but anyway you cut out the you pull out the binding and all the pages of the book and then I cut some wood pieces to fit the edges and the front of the book and then I'm using some scrap burlap to cover the inside and this didn't actually turn out exactly how I wanted it to I wish it was a little bit neater looking but when you're working with scraps fabric and stuff you just kind of got a go with what you have and then again I just used hot glue to attach it to both sides of the inside of the book and then on the more where the binding would be on the inside and then I painted the book because I the colors wouldn't really go with my decor and then I used some twine just to cover up the between the black and the white and then the pieces of wood that I had cut for the sides of the book and the front I went ahead and used hot glue to attach them and if you can't tell already this is actually like a little it's going to be like a little trinket box and you can hot glue the backs of those pieces of wood to the back of the book so that it holds like I said it looks a little bit rougher than I wanted it to but you get the idea of what I was going for and you can put your jewelry in there you can put money you can put your car keys and it stays hidden all I use for this one are some old playing cards an old vinegar bottle that I rinsed out obviously some pieces of scrap fabric book page also an empty box cardboard box and some paper so we're just going to start with the scrap paper that I have here and that I also found in our craft closet it was all crumpled up so I thought it would be perfect for this project and I saw these flowers on another YouTube channel it will list them in the description box she did an amazing job she did hers really big though so I am just kind of toning down the size a little bit because I thought these would be perfect for making your own like gift wrap and stuff like that so you're just going to start by drawing out flower petals and you want three different sizes and they don't have to be perfect because you're going to be folding them and rolling them and cutting them so you won't be able to tell so much and then for mine I just folded the pieces of paper so that it would be easier to get duplicates out of and the size of the folds all depends on the size of the petals that you're doing and like I said the YouTube channel that I got this from she gave all the dimensions and everything if you wanted to do the giant ones like she does so I'm just cutting six pieces of each size petal like cutting the six pieces of paper so that I could cut each petal out of them so I'm starting with the smallest one and I'm just going to cut that and that will give me six petals and then onto the medium and the large ones and then you want to cut a slit at the bottom because this is where you're going to fold and glue them and I'm taking these markers that I recently got from artesia I will link them in my description box they're actually blendable markers so I was really excited to use them and give them a try and here's the container that they came in so that they stay really nice and neat and organized they have so many colors I'm going to be I have like a lot of ideas for these to make different signs and stuff and I also have a coupon code if you guys are interested they didn't pay me for doing this they just sent me them to try them out and show you guys and I think that looks really cool it kind of looks like watercolors but I'm going to have to play around with them and get the blending down a little bit better but for this I think that looks really nice so then you're going to take the stack of six and roll them you can use a pencil or you can just roll them by hand and then you're going to glue where the slit is and kind of fold over the other side on top kind of like this and then you're going to take the petals and glue each of them together to me kind of like a flower shape and then you're going to repeat the same process as you did for the larger petals you and then glue them into a flower shape and then you're going to take hot glue and glue them to the larger flower shape after you have rolled them and cut them and glued them and when you glue down the the next layer you want to kind of stagger them so that they're not even with the first layer and I was trying to show you the colors that I used but for some reason I could not get the camera to focus so I really apologize but like I said you can use paint for these or crayons or colored pencils it doesn't really matter but I just thought these were really fun to use and then just attach it to the center of the medium layer and also stagger the petals on that one as well you so here you're just going to fold a piece of paper and you want I think it was three strips on this three strips like that and then fold it once you want them to be kind of thin and then you're just going to cut slits all along and this is going to be the center of the flower then you're going to separate them and start rolling them I glued mine along the way just to make sure it held and I was kind of bummed because I wanted to color these yellow and I forgot until the end so then you're going to take the next strip and glue it to the first one and with the third we're going to attach it and do another layer and it looks like a cute little flower center so I just took some yellow and just kind of filled in where I could and then you just take some hot glue and glue it to the center and I think the stir notes so cute I love them this one would go on a larger gift box I think because what I ended up making it was a little bit too small to hold this flower but I still really like it and on to our next craft I just took two different chalk paints white and the color steel in the Waverly chalk paint and mix them together because I wanted a really pale light gray and I'm just taking the playing cards and I'm just going to paint them I did two coats obviously I let them dry in between and this I'm just I thought it would be really cute to make them into gift tags because I don't know about you but I'm always out when I need them and I have tons of playing cards that we just don't use anymore and I think they are the perfect size and they would be really cute to personalize for the person that you're giving the gift to so I just used some of the lace and extra fabric that I had and just at first I used my Podge it didn't hold as well as I wanted so I added a little bit of hot glue and poked some twine through so that I would have something to attach to the package you and then on to the next one we're taking the cardboard box and vinegar bottle and I'm just going to cut two circles I use this ribbon just for size I wanted it to be a little bit smaller than the largest part of the vinegar bottle and I just cut two circles and now I'm going to cut the vinegar bottle there's a little bit hard to get started it's kind of a thicker plastic and here I'm just going to be making like a little gift box type thing for gift cards or just like little trinkets or money or you know something small that you're giving to somebody and then taking the round bottom that I cut off because I can't kind I want like a curved edge and that's going to be the opening of this little gift box and after I cut the opening and I just kind of cleaned up the edges so that they were a little bit straighter and you can use fabric or I'm going to be using a book page to cover it but first I'm going to paint it and then you take the circles that you cut out a cardboard and hot glue here you're gonna want to use a high heat hot glue to hold and you're going to glue them to the inside of the plastic vinegar bottle so that it's kind of like you know the end pieces and you don't want to glue it all the way to the opening because you still want the opening to put things into and here I'm just mixing a little bit of brown paint in water just for like a wood look and I'm painting the ends you can do you know this is all preference whatever whatever you like or whatever you think the person that you're giving it to would like and then I here I just take some of the white chalk paint and do a really rough coat on here cuz I wanted it to kind of be like a shabby-chic farmhouse type look and then I'm going to poke two holes the first one is going to go through both layers the top layer of that flap through through the second layer of the actual box I don't know if I explained that well but you can see here and then I'm taking it just a mr. bottle and springing my book pages cuz that's what I'm going to be covering the gift box with and then taking a little bit of Mod Podge and coating that and then putting a layer onto the gift box like I said this is all preference or whatever you think the person that you're giving the gift to would like it can be personalized with pictures or drawings or writing and then after you've attached that I kind of tucked the page under that little curved part and I'm going to line it back up and poke the holes again so that I can see them because I'm going to put a little bit of twine through there as the little holder you could even sew on a little button or whatever and that's where you would put the gifts in there like I said that pink flower was a little bit too big so I made a smaller blue one and here's the gift tag that I made I think it turned out really cute and I just attached it with the twine and you can even decorate the inside if you want but I think it's perfect size for just little gifts and it makes it more personal if you're giving like a gift card or whatever it's kind of like you put a little bit of extra time into it I hope you are enjoying this video so far these are one of my favorite types of videos to do I but I also do a lot of regular DIYs Dollar Tree farmhouse coastal thrift store flips you name it I try and do it so if you have any suggestions let me know in the comments below also if you are new to my channel I would love for you to subscribe and join my YouTube family don't forget to click the bell so that you are notified of any new videos that I put out there first I'm going to start with this container that I got from Grove collaborative it had a water spray bottle in it I know there's many ways to apply mod podge but I like to spray the fabric first and then I put my Podge onto the container that I'm going to be applying the fabric to it just makes it easy a little bit easier to slide around so it's not just like permanently stuck where you put it the first time because I am not really good at my punch so this technique works the best for me I actually got this tip from a few of my subscriber friends when they saw me struggling using Mod Podge in the past so I'm going to keep coating the Mod Podge on the container and then rolling it onto the fabric so that it's nice and flat and then I'm going to do the same on the bottom and I had to cut some slits just so that I could to lay the fabric flat because it kept punching and then I'm going to take the clothes pins from the Dollar Tree and separate them like take them apart and then lay them down on to the container I guess upside down backwards I don't know whatever you want to call it and then hot glue them and this is my favorite hot glue gun I'll have it listed in the description box it's a high heat a hot glue gun so it holds really well and just continue all the way around until you reach the end and I was lucky enough that there was just enough space to fit one more clothespin and that there weren't any gaps and as I was doing this I was thinking that these would be really cool if you could if you painted them or stained them because they are wood so I would think it would take stain just like regular wood and then I wanted to add a little ribbon but I didn't have any so I decided to go with some twine I think it's cute it's perfect for spring and I thought you could use it as like a full flower holder or even I don't know to hold pencils pens paintbrushes I just think it's really cute and a little bit different [Music] as I was looking at it I thought it would be really cute as a small Easter basket so I cut off the top and this is what it looked like I thought it would be perfect for like little place settings at a table I am using an old frame that's pretty beaten up I've used it for many many years for different things and also these yogurt containers and I'm really loving the bright colors for spring so I thought why not so I'm using this really bright but pastel kind of green color these colors always catch my eye in stores around spring and summer time so I thought it would be fun just to make my own instead of kind of sticking with the normal neutral colors cuz these colors I don't know they're kind of happy and I don't know I like seeing them they put a smile on my face I don't know about you guys so I just ended up coding out the whole frame and this is the color I'm using I forgot to show you in the beginning but I coated out the whole frame with two coats and I didn't do a really good job I still wanted it a little bit rustic looking and then I took the yogurt containers and removed the labels and that's really easy to do with googan or a magic eraser and then I added some sand that was from the Dollar Tree I have some of our shark's teeth that I had put in there from one of our vacations and then I added some of these succulents from the Dollar Tree as well and I think it's so pretty and so happy and really really easy to do and you can personalize it however you want with any colors or whatever I think it would be really pretty if you saw one of my last projects I used the inside of these books and I thought it would be cool to use the hard covers as like little canvases because they make perfect little canvases for like a background in a picture or whatever and then I'm taking these stickers from the Dollar Tree adding some Mod Podge just for extra stickiness and applying them to the book cover and they make perfect little signs or pictures that you can add two tiered trays or setting in a shelf or something I think they're really cute and really simple and another way to use up another piece of the book instead of just throwing it away [Music] then I'm taking these words from the Dollar Tree and I wanted it to say welcome spring with these little succulent stickers so I'm just playing around with the placement and then going to Mod Podge like my podge those on like I did that bigger succulent pot [Music] you I'm super excited and really like how it turned out I think it's super cute and really simple and perfect for spring and you could paint these too if you weren't happy with the book cover color but I thought these two colors went great with the stickers actually and here's what this one looks like on the tiered tray that I recently made I can link that video above I made it actually out of cabinet doors and spindles from a bed so that one was really fun I'll have that linked above and here's the welcome spring sign I think it's super cute and instead of throwing it away or donating it I thought I could use it as just a little addition to this tray for the handles so I'm just cutting out pieces that I think will fit and then just hot gluing them on I'm just wrapping it around the top part of the handle and I think it'll give it kind of like a coastal farmhouse look and you could wrap twine or whatever around here rope I think that would look really pretty too and this one I kind of screwed up on because the way I glued it I wanted that outside of the belt to be underneath but I didn't do it right but I tried to peel it off and it does not come off with this hot glue it's really hard and because there was a section in the center that was that left a gap I just thought I would fill it in with a smaller strip of the belt so if you do this one make sure you plan it out so that you don't get the weird edge like I did on the last one oh my gosh my computer fan is just going crazy so anyway here's what it looks like I'll finished I'm really happy with it and I think it's super cute to hold the spring decor or like I said I kind of wanted it to be like a coastal look because we have the coastal farmhouse type thing going on in our house and then for this next one we're going to be using the kitty litter container and some more scrap pieces of wood this is what we're going to be using for the top and I'm going to be using mine as a plant stand you could also turn this into like a seat you could make the top part a cushion but anyway I'm just using these scrap pieces of wood and I'm going to glue them together with wood glue and here I had already done that and let it dry overnight and so I'm going to measure the lid from the litter box and cut the pieces to size I also sanded the edges of the wood so that it wasn't sharp if somebody does go to sit on it and then I spray-painted the kitty litter container a really shiny black I will if I can remember I'll list the paint that I used in the description box so after that was dry I just took some twine and wrapped it around the handle just to give it a little bit of texture and make it not look so plasticky I guess and I think this is perfect like I said I'm going to be using mine as a plant stand you could also use it indoors and you know use the inside as storage for let's say florals that you would want to change out for the seasons you could use it outside like I am as a plant stand and drink holder if somebody's sitting there you could even fill it with ice say you have um people over fill it with ice and maybe a couple drinks you could take it camping to sit on or put things for some ores and so you have it by the campfire so many ideas this one was actually an older one that I that I had done and right now since it's wintertime we actually keep it to use or we actually use it to hold our birdseed in because we like to feed the birds in the winter so anyway this is the one I was talking about that is my most recent trash to treasure video it has more of a coastal farmhouse theme going on but could be used anywhere in any kind of style decor but like I said it would not fit into this video because my computer does not like to process that larger videos so if you would like to see these in my last video I will link the video in the description box along with up in the right-hand corner in the cards and you can just click on it alright this about wraps up my trash to treasure compilation video I hope you guys really enjoyed it I know I got a wonderful feedback from my large farmhouse DIY playlist so I thought I would do it for trash to treasure if you guys are interested in seeing more of these with different like holidays or seasonal or maybe thrift store flips let me know I will do a giant video for you with those as well thanks so much for all your love and support guys and I will see you next time bye you
Channel: Coffee With My Sunshine
Views: 582,775
Rating: 4.7978954 out of 5
Keywords: diy recycle crafts, trash to treasure, cardboard, glass, plastic, home items, home decor, diy, reuse, repurpose, recycled, easy, recycle ideas, craft ideas, easy ideas, 21, compilation, playlist, coffee with my sunshine, condiment jars, paint cans
Id: Jg_H6GhQ4jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 33sec (3153 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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