2024 Year of the Wood Dragon - Feng Shui for Us - Analysis

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hello everyone we are doing an analysis of the year of the wood Dragon 2024 February 10 is the beginning of the year of the wood Dragon we're going to talk about what it means to have a dragon year what it means to have a wood year and what are the most important aspects of the energy of the Year first I'm going to give you a little bit of a summary of uh what the year is going to be like and so as I said the year starts February 10 as it is the Chinese New Year it's a lunar year so it shifts when it starts a little bit every year the dragon is considered like a perfect sign except for one small detail and that's one small detail is that it is imaginary it doesn't really exist right and so all the qualities that we give to the dragon they really come from imagination the dragon is considered to be large powerful and has inexhaustible energy every single culture of the world has some version of a dragon every single culture and the the shape may change a little bit you know and In some cultures dragons fly with wings in others they just float in the air but they always seem to be Airbound and the dragon is considered to be a messenger from heaven and it is known to be generous and benevolent so the dragon bestows gifts on Humanity the legend says the Jade EMP Emperor the Emperor of Heaven called all of the animals and he was going to give a prize to the first 12 to arrive and they had to cross a big river the dragon should have been first but it came in at number five even after the rabbit because on the way there the dragon noticed that people were suffering from lack of rain so he stayed to make rain in in order to benefit the people and that's why the dragon was number five rain is symbolic of money you know in our Western culture we talk about somebody being a rain maker a person who makes a lot of money and water in general in funu water is considered to be associated with money and so this should be a good year for finances it should be easy to make money this year if your energy meshes well with a dragon and if you check U my page that's going to be under this video you can see see how the year is going to match with your particular energy if you scroll down on the page so the dragon in the Chinese horoscope represents Authority freedom and generosity Authority brings with it like um an element of hierarchy right so this year hierarchy is going to be important and is going to be really essential to reestablish power so there's several places in the world that have kind of gone out of control so you can expect this year that those places that have gone out of control are probably going to be um neutralized in the sense that the authority is going to take back its place this doesn't mean going back to the way things were because Authority doesn't always have to follow a model it can be also that uh Authority changes you know there can be changes in Authority but it is important for any society for any human group to function you have to have a a proper relationship with authority and in Ancient East Asian thought that Authority the ultimate Authority comes from heaven and so fulfilling the wishes or the desires of Heaven is important then Freedom right first was Authority then freedom freedom in ancient station healing is a condition for health if you don't have freedom you can be really healthy you can really be happy and then generosity because the essence of the Dragon is to be generous the dragon does not exhaust itself the dragon has energy that does not get used up and so when that condition exists a natural consequence of that is generosity because there's no idea of scarcity the dragon is hardworking and enthusiastic and can't be limitations of any kind the dragon does not acknowledge limitations that doesn't mean there are no limitations for the dragon just the dragon doesn't want to admit that they exist so the dragon loves novelty and creativity when things don't go its way the reaction may be explosive but of short duration okay and so the dragon expects that all the doors are going to be opened so like if you were driving if the dragon was driving on traffic the dragon would expect that every traffic light is going to turn green as the dragon passes and when that doesn't happen the dragon is surprised it's like what the world is not bending to my expectations right so last year was the year of the water rabbit and in the year of the water rabbit changes were constant because the rabbit being prey it zigzags to um make itself harder to catch to to keep s safe right but this year will be very different we're going from the energy of a small animal that could be prayed to so many other animals to the energy of a gigantic imaginary being that fears nothing because there's nothing out to get it right so think of the energy of the dragon as parasailing imagine the dragon is flying right and so from up high you only see the big picture the dragon is not interested in the details so this is going to be a year for macro things so the perception of the big things the big picture there's not going to be a lot of attention to detail the dragon starts things starts projects and expects other people to fill in and to take care of the details but the energy of the Dragon is just going to be like big um Strokes you know like if you were painting some work of art you will be using a large brush to make big Strokes while the ear of the rabbit was full of Investigations have can you remember a year where there were more investigations um that is because the energy of the rabbit is going down the rabbit hole this year it's going to be a year of consequences so remember when I did my analysis last year I had said there would be a lot of Investigations but no end to the investigations and certainly no consequences from the investigations but this year is different this is going to be a year of consequences because remember that Authority is very important to the dragon right and consequences are important to the dragon but remember this quality of the dragon that the dragon explodes and then forgets why why it was angry so you're going to see that in that the consequences may not be what some people expect so any in investigations that were frivolous you know we're just following the rabbit hole to follow the rabbit hole and with no clear evidence with no real purpose you know those are going to end they're going to lose the steam the energy is going to be gone for those the budget is going to be over for those but authentic investigations that are based on truth fact and evidence those are finally going to see consequences but the consequences are probably going to be magnanimous right and so this is going to be really hard for people who have been waiting to see somebody punished so during the year of the rabbit because of of all the investigations and the changes in Direction a lot of people they have put up their hopes that they're going to see somebody punished that they're going to see somebody suffer for what they did right but the dragon really is interested in reestablishing order but is not interested in punishment and so so this is a good time if you are one of those people that has been waiting to see somebody punished it's a good time to think about and meditate what is it in you you know what is the thing in you that is perhaps hurt that you want to see somebody punished and look at the people that you wish would be pished and think ask this question who does that person remind me of if you choose 2024 can be a year when you can more easily get let go of the past and move on to the present and the future let go of past garages so the year of the dragon is a Yang year that means it's a good year to shake the past start new Endeavors and reimagine ongoing projects so whatever you have been dragging from your past that has been holding you back it's a good year to just drop that you don't have to resolve everything that has happened in your past some things you can just let go it's also a good year to start new Endeavors because the year comes with a bang and then another bang and a bang right it's it's a year of progress in big steps it's also a good year to reimagine ongoing projects so think about the things that you have been trying to do for a long time that have not materialized and maybe it's not a good idea to try and do things in the same way you did them before so like for example a lot of people have New Year's resolution of something they're going to do that they think is good for them and every year they have the same resolution and they apply the same techniques to try to be successful in that and then they drop it because it doesn't work um if you were able to do something for the first couple of months of the year and then you let it go you don't really know how to do it so it's a good year to look for options to look for Alternatives new way Cas of doing the same things that you were doing before so for example if um previously you have wanted to exercise more and uh what you have tried it and work maybe you should look at a different type of exercise maybe you should look at a different type of gym maybe you should look at hiring a personal trainer right and so look for different Alternatives different options to do the things that you have wanted to do in the past that did not pan out the energy of the year is wood right and the internal element of the Dragon is Earth now wood and Earth don't get along wood the wood element drains the Earth element so the energy of the year is going to be draining to the dragon so the dragon is not going to soar and fly as easily as it would in another year and uh this means that there can be this solution that they can be that you're starting projects everything starts really well and then things are just not panning out the way you imagined and it's going to be easier at those moments to get discouraged but those are the points the in uh in your progress when you have to kind of Hit the accelerator instead of the break so what I'm trying to say is for example you start a business and uh or you give another a new land to a business that you already had and you're doing everything right and things are going in the right direction and then things don't pan out exactly the way you wish them to be the thing to do is not to say I'm I'm just going to close down my business the thing to do is to give it an injection of new energy every time that you feel like you're reaching a low or things are coming down just think about how can I energize this I found it interesting the draining aspect ECT of the earth and the wood do you want to explain that a bit more when I do an analysis of the Chinese horoscope animal for that year I always consider the element and how the internal element that each sign has works with the element of the year so if the year has an element that supports the element of the animal that is a year where the characteristics of the animal become stronger but if it is a year where the element actually controls or destroys the element of the animal then it is a year that is moves slower it advances more slowly and sometimes you can have a kind of regression in this case we're having a wood ear and the wood element is uh for growth it's the element that in fun we associate with the health area with the wealth area the energy of the spring and upward growth right and um many times when we think about the wood element and wealth we just think about what comes from the ground you plant a seed it becomes a tree and we look at the trunk and we look at the foliage and we forget that growth also happens underground and for most species of trees The Roots have to be as as almost as big and as strong as the Foliage for the tree to be stable there's some exceptions to that but most species of trees have um their roots are proportional to the size of the tree and so this is an energy that uh is growing right and in the one hand the tree is receiving the sunshine and it is receiving um the carbon dioxide and then it produces oxygen the energy that the tree receives from the Sun is inexhaustible it just keeps coming it keeps coming right and the the plant turns that energy from the Sun into leaves that then animals can eat and then it produces fruit and all that and that's the beautiful aspect of the wood element but there's the hidden aspect of the wood element is that the wood element is constantly absorbing nutrients from the soil and the soil is the Earth element and so what while the the one source of food for the tree the sunshine is inexhaustible the source of nutrients for the tree in the earth that is limited the plants absorb this uh energy the when we think about the wood element we we think of the live tree or the life plant not cutting down that tree and then turning it into wooden planks right and so the wood element could also be called the tree element or the forest element and uh this this energy of growth requires a lot of energy growth needs a lot of energy so the the energy from the Sun in exhaustible the energy from the earth limited so over a period of time if you are planting for example in a farm you could exhaust the nutrients from the earth and then that land is no good right but in a forest is supposed to be replenished or if you're doing something like permaculture if you are rotating crops then you avoid exhausting the Earth the soil right but the nature of the the wood element is to just absorb the energy from the earth now you have animals you know that they are also fertiliz in the soil and uh in the full circle of life a thriving Forest continues to thrive a thriving Forest never exhaust the Earth beyond the point where the Earth um has no longer anything to give if the forest did that the forest would die so this energy of the year is an energy of growth that is going to take nutrients out of the energy of the earth which is the nature of the dragon and now you might think you know how strange it is to have an animal that is imaginary an animal that is associated with fire many times and that's actually flying and you think the internal element of the Dragon is Earth you know how does that mesh and so you have to look at the main characteristic of the Dragon one of the main characteristics remember the characteristics are Authority freedom and generosity that generosity of the Dragon is what meshes with the Earth element because the Earth keeps giving and giving and giving the Earth doesn't have any mechanisms by which it says I'm no longer going to feed these plants I'm going to keep the neutri for myself you know the Earth gives and gives and gives and so that is where the Earth element has a similarity with the energy of the Dragon itself you know it's in the generosity the yielding the giving this year which would have a very giving nature that giving nature is going to be slowed down and sometimes even reversed by the wood energy and so that's why I was saying before when you plan for growth in your life in your business in your family relationships in your friendships in anything that you want to achieve your creativity when you plan for growth you have to remind yourself constantly that resources are not unlimited because the dragon tends to believe that resources are unlimited and uh and so the um the energy of this year is going to slow down the characteristics of the Dragon so you need to remember that so think about Paras saling the energy of the year is like Paras saling if you are are parasailing you're going to be floating you know and at some point you're going to come down and uh and then when you come down how are you going to lift yourself up again so the dragon doesn't get tired so the dragon can keep flying and flying and flying and flying kind of like an eagle right but the energy of this year is going to be more like Paras saling where you fly for a little while then you have to come down to recoup and uh refresh your energy and so you are going to have to look for things to uplift yourself when those LS in the energy of the dragon come the dragon is going to want to SAR indefinitely but it's going to have to come down because of the energy of the year and then the the dragon needs to figure out how to lift up again and if you can write that energy if you can learn to understand that the LOLs are okay that they're part of life that you can be on a constant high if you learn to use those laws of for things that are compatible with those moments you know you can use that time to get a training to educate yourself to learn more to go on vacation to um to meditate to get some kind of Massage Therapy going on a retreat right and so you need to nourish yourself back so you can go back into the world and do the things that you want to do achieve the things that you want to do but it's not going to be like a constant smooth sailing right that's the idea there there's going to be lws it's important to remember that the dragon thrives on these Inspirations and likes to start projects right but these years resources can be exhausted too quickly if you don't also pay attention to the small details you know like the bean accounting the accounting this is a year that you may get all sorts of ideas of the things that you want to do and what I recommend that you do is that you write down make a list of all the ideas of what you want to do and then start um crossing over the ones that are not essential or not important to you the more energy you can provide to one project the better off you will be but if you're an a creative and just focusing on one thing is not uh not good for you then maybe two three things right but if you try to do 12 things in the year that might be too much it's a time to re-evaluate your priorities right to decide what to let go and what you want to keep in your life H how important are things to you and to get to know yourself and realize okay this thing that I have dreamed of doing maybe it's not the best for me maybe it's not what I really want to do this year is going to be a really good year for intuition for getting those ideas from heaven but remember without action ideas don't become reality I so you have to be grounded so that you can achieve the results that you want to achieve when I meditated in order to do the analysis of the year one of the things uh that uh that I saw in my meditation was that this is going to be a year where big companies are going to do really well companies that are not as huge are going to struggle and the way for them to do well is to merge multinational companies are probably going to do really well they're going to tend to do really well um businesses in the United States that are very large but are National you know they're not um International they may struggle and the way to do well is to team up and also in relationships right the people who are already doing well as they enter the Year of the Dragon are going to sore the people that uh have struggled in the year of the rabbit they need to make Partnerships they need to join groups group they need to uh work on relationships because uh moving together is easier than moving alone this year if you don't feel that you are as large or as strong as a dragon you can become as large or strong as a dragon as part of a group that is for your highest good this is going to be a good year for luxury items and luxury Services because the people who are loaded they are going to be spending without um measure right the people who are like the 1% or the 1% of the 1% they're going to be spending with abandon the people who are middle class and upper middle class they're going to focus on investments because for them it's not going to be so easy to just spend thoughtlessly and but they're going to be looking about investment so they might be looking into remodeling homes adding to homes buying more homes or even buying large things for example buying boats and those kinds of things and so it's important to remember that also the people who are not making a lot of money the way for them to do really well is to make um cooperatives of ass or associations and so this has already happened in Europe a lot we are just starting to see it in the United States for example groups of young people who get together to buy a house like they U buy a large house and they subdivided in smaller units or they just share the large house um and so what this year is going to be very auspicious for people who want to make teams and do things together this may mean in some cases that the people who are um not making a lot of money may move in with their parents but not in a way that is like uh they're taking advantage of the parents or not in a way that means they're failing to launch but they may come to live with the parents as roommates and partners and they it may be also with parents you know with aging parents and so like one Trend that we're already seeing in the United States is lots of converted garages and sheds and so people are looking at half basements garages and sheds to convert into tiny homes because this year comes with this energy of Association and doing things together because you are stronger together and there's also a possibility of a recession uh because of this then in the year 2020 in early 2020 before we knew what covid was going to be um the onethird of people in the United States had already defaulted on their loans so that's 70 million adults which is one-third of adults in the United States had defaulted on their loans and then the pandemic came and with that came the stimulus checks and uh that averted the recession so people were able to pay their back debt they were able to spend more money to make some investment start businesses right and so that was really good so whatever was causing that recession in an possible recession in 2020 may have gotten may have been bumped into the future but it's not likely to happen during the year of the dragon it's likely to happen during the year of the snake so this is a really a snake next year is it yes and so it is this is a really good year to prepare for a potential recession next year I'm going to ask the question how do I phrase it how to best navigate 2024 the year of the wood dragon and I always add from highest source for highest good usually what happens is when we do these readings we will get some general understanding of the year but there's also usually um me sub messages embedded for all the people who are participating in the live recording and for for the people who will read this and listen to it watch it later on so I'm going to throw the coins I use a virtually chain that is uncan andly good and for me works just as well as throwing the coins so we got 33 which is Retreat we're going to analyze the hexagram lines first he retires nobly seeing that it is for the good of all and the other one is now wait a minute the third line from the bottom is though it imperils his Retreat he must provide for the safety of those who have served him loyally and the other one is he retires nobly seeing that it is for the good of all I'm going to read the original text uh because these are a little bit criptic so the third line from the bottom means a halted retreat is nerve-wracking and dangerous to retain people as men and mid servants brings Good Fortune when it is time to retreat it is both unpleasant and dangerous to be held back because then one no longer has freedom of action in such a case the only expedient is to take into one service so to speak those who refuse to let one go so that one may at least keep one's initiative and not fall helplessly under their domination but even with this expedient the situation is far from satisfactory for what can one hope to accomplish with such servants so again a halted Retreat is nerve-wracking and dangerous to retain people as men and made servants brings good foran so in our time we don't have Ma and men and made servants right U but this can this can relate if you're in business to the employees you have it can be to related to the ass Associates or Partners you have and even to the clients or patients that you have if you're in a in the health industry and so again it says though it imperils his Retreat he must provide for the safety of those who have served him loyally so the way I interpret this is remember how I had said that this is a good year to reimagine um the things that have been ongoing for you finding new ways to do things this means that you should try try and bring along with you the people H that have been with you from before and so this means that you don't necessarily start all over with new people but you bring the people that were working with you before even if you don't feel that they are the best matches or even if you feel that they're not perfect matches and the other line says let me see he retires nobly seeing that it is for the good of all so we're going to read the original text cheerful Retreat this is nine at the top cheerful Retreat everything serves to further the situation is unequivocal inner Detachment has become an established fact and we are at Liberty to depart when one sees the way ahead thus clearly free of all doubt a cheerful mood sets in and one chooses what is right about further thought such a clear path ahead always leads to the good and so and this means that when you feel like something is no longer for you like you really feel like even you may have ties to people or to situations in reality if you feel like your heart is no longer in it it's fine for you to theart and uh many times it is not a good idea to end something to depart until you know that in your heart you're are not longer no longer attached to it then it is easy to move on when one sees the way ahead that's clearly free of all doubt a cheerful mood sets in and one chooses what is Right without further thought such a clear path ahead always leads to the good so this may be related to people who want to end a relationship like a love relationship it may be related to people who want to end a partnership it may be also related to people that want to leave behind a bad habit and so the idea here is that when you resolve things in your heart you can move on without keeping in your mind this idea that maybe that was the right person for me maybe I should have continued to do that so when you resolve things in your heart and remember your heart is where your spirit the spiritual being that you are leaves unadulterated when things feel right in your heart it's easier to make decisions so I like to read the changing lines first because those lines are the ones that usually have like this hidden sub messages for the people in the meeting so uh you can let me know a little bit later if uh any of these messages resonated particularly with you so 33 is Retreat you have the mountain hexagram at the bottom and the heaven hexagram at the top so it's Heaven over the mountain the Tranquil Mountain Towers overhead yet remains This Side of Heaven the superior person avoids the petty and Superficial by keeping shallow men at a distance not in anger but with dignity such a retreat sweeps the path to clear success occupy yourself with minute detail situation analysis retreat in this instant is not a desperate flight in disarray but a conscious choice to distance yourself from forces that would rob you of your peace it is not a surrender but a regrouping Retreat from this conflict is actually an advance toward your own Center you move toward balance and that's a much stronger position so what I see here is and it goes along with something I had said earlier this is a good time to break with things that you have been carrying baggage that you have been carrying that no longer serves you in any way right and so sometimes in order to let go of something you kind of have to retreat because you need to lose the momentum that has been taking you in a particular direction and so this is a good time to let go of people who are no longer for your highest good and sometimes this happen you can have a really good friend and that friend um just you know you change they change and you just can't keep hanging out it could be something like that U but it could also be you know the representation of shallow men can also be the aspects of yourself leaving shallow Men Behind may also be aspects of yourself that you need to leave behind and occupy yourself with Min detail right because the year is going to be a year of big Strokes so you need to put in the detail and so it's also important to remember remember that you can't always just advance advance advance sometimes you have to take a step back to contemplate uh the situation right and sometimes being able to retreat allows you to recharge so then you can move on forward and look at the things this year what are the things that are robbing you of your peace and see if you can ditch them basically right so it's not a surrender but a regrouping retreating from this conflict is actually an advance toward your own Center you move toward balance and that's a much stronger position so the the judgment is Retreat success in what is small perseverance furthers and then the image is Mountain under Heaven the image of retreat do the superior man or person keeps the inferior person at a distance not angrily but with Reserve so this is definitely confirming that it is a time to let go of relationships that hold you back or bring you down not everybody that is in your life necessarily has earned the spot in your life and it is important for you to recognize when you can't take somebody along with you remember with the caveat that in some cases uh from one of the changing lines we heard that in some cases you need to take um people with you you need to bring them along with the changes that you're making but if you have determined that a person is not good for you not good for your heart then it's okay to let go of that person and don't do it with animosity don't become enemies with people don't burn Bridges but give yourself permission to move ahead on your path and to continue to to meet the people that are going to be better companions for you on this path and remember that these uh people that you would do well to leave behind can be also aspects of your personality like the Debbie Downer in you the the party animal that does no limits in you the um the war reward the person that is always distrusting so if you could separate your different personas you know the the different roles that you play in your own life and you could identify which of those roles doesn't serve you maybe you can let go of that and it's not always easy to let go of that sometimes when you identify something that you would like to leave behind you need to find a Helper and that may be a teacher that may be a course uh that may may be a Healer that you need to find right so giving yourself permission to do these things thank you so much for watching this video and if you scroll down to the bottom of the page you can find a chart if you don't know your animal for the Chinese horoscope you can find it there and if you scroll to the very bottom of the page you can let us know what your sign is and what are your expectations for this year
Channel: Moni Castaneda
Views: 3,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: feng shui for us, nine steps to feng shui, moni castaneda, monica p castaneda, make your home a dream home, feng shui dream home creation lab, feng shui consultant training, feng shui immersion journey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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