2024 watercolour collection

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kod and welcome to today's video today um this video is a special video because it is my 100th video on this channel which is crazy I didn't realize how um far how many videos I had actually made until I checked like a week ago I was like oh that should be that should be a um moment to do something special um and so I decided on a video that I love watching which is watercolor collection video videos so here we are hope you guys enjoy if not I'll see you in the next one um which will be soon which will be soon which is good um but I'm going to show you my watercolor collection and we'll start with these three so first up is the wind Cotman set this was with 48 half pants it's been well loved and used since you last saw it couple colors we've gone through couple colors just gone in general um yeah no this is a great just palette to have on the table and just use without having to worry about mixing too much or too many colors so in like I last for ages don't worry like don't feel stressed about using like really good quality paints um yeah EAS it to use I don't tend to use a lot of red in my palette so all the Reds have so much paint lifting them and I mix my Browns so the Browns are quite like so many of them left but yeah it's been a really fun set to use and I do enjoy although I still hate opening this palette that has not changed next up is the better version of that so this is the white night set I've had this since 2020 lockdown um this was a purchas a little bit of a splurge and it is amazing I love this palette this paints last for ages I don't like the yellows they're quite opaque yellows and they're not my favorite but man this is a good set like a dream set I love love using this and the Colette the colors last for ages like I've had this for what four years and the paint it can last for another four years let me tell you been stickerfied too really shows the love um moving on this is a gouache sit this is the he gach shocker crazy this is um I've had this one for a little while too now it's being well loved well used um one of the first squash sets I got after the cheap ones you get like $2 shops so lots of goh gone like getting quite low I'll have to rewi them next time I want to use them but like this last for ages I've already gone through the first White that's what was in here so the second white has been opened and used plenty um but now this is a really nice set of gouache um to get especially since it's quite cheap and you get so much paint in it and really nice mixing area it's just quite a chunky set but kind of adds to it moving on just going to grab another pile or two this one isn't really a set but this is just like I've kept the packaging for it so it's just here in the pile this is the um kind of retro red special special that's come out um recently it's still out I've got another shrinker set shocker um I'm about to review when it arrives so that'll be in like a week or two so keep an eye out for that one but it's the same idea um next up we have this one which is another new one that's had a review on here the Roman SCH I haven't used it since I've since the video but that's just cuz I haven't been here and I love love loved it when I did the video it's still one of my favorite paintings the chicken and I'm I want to take this done with me when I go back to studying so I love this set has a special place in my heart already so next we have this one which the paints that were originally in here um have been migrated elsewhere but always annoying to open up it's quite like a nice shaped palette got plenty of Paints in here um I've got a range from D Smith to shinga to zilia Ka wior Newton the whole shebang so got a nice range of colors in here um do love it the color last forever and yeah interesting 10 like not my favorite 10 but definitely an interesting one um next we've got this which is shinker again there's plenty of that to come we open up this is the gach set which is so exciting I love the set honestly if you want to splurge on a gouache set this would be the set to splurge on but that is if you've already used gach for a while I feel like you need to get into it know that you like goh before you buy this but this is such a nice just set of colors to have cuz I like having like a small set of colors just to try a sample compared to getting like 15ml tubes of them so this is really nice Ted set for me um we've got a really high quality set here the Reeves one I got on clearance and I still hated it and thought it was a waste of money and I don't know why I haven't thrown this one away yet or like given it away to like a child um the paints in it the color section is is just yeah the palette itself is like this this is great this little plastic bit here so if you just ditch the rest of it rip this off you've got a really nice mixing area or you could just use a porcelain white plate so to each their own um here we have another shinker this is like the tooth it's literally the shape of a toothbrush container it'd be a very expensive toothbrush container though um got all the paints in here been well loved well used nice selection of 12 colors in here you could probably even add a 13th one in there oh definitely could moves down even further if I did it right but no this is a cute container it's such so nice and small such an interesting shape as well compared to the um you know slightly wider ones smaller so I'm happy I got it and I love the paints in here shinker student brand is such a nice range um of paints next up we've got all my Scher stuff there quite a bit of it um we'll start off with the big one that was already here this is the volcano set it's got the nice wooden box just because I couldn't get the 5ml set it it was sold out like everywhere that's because of oh because of the yellow and the red those are hard to come by when it comes to granulation it's a nice little wooden box though it's quite cute holds paints really nicely and yeah quite big tubes of paint though they will last me forever but it's a really nice little latch system and it's got the Grove brand on it I won't open these ones up but oh well I'll open one up this is the shy set it's got the you know fancy packaging stuff in it it's got the paints and then I've put like a Swatch card of them all in there just to have an idea of colors cuz sometimes it's like hm what color do I need and they will granulate so differently but we've got quite a few of them got the glaci here this one's my favorite um this is the urban one this comes with a yellow a red of Sals green brown and gray great selection of colors and yeah definitely one of my favorites we have the Neo um one which is Neo neon sorry so shocka neon colors very bright not light fast though that's why it's the um Academia one because yeah not light F but very fun to play around with second favorite set here which is the tundra beautiful selection of colors here too and then the deep sea one which is lots of Blues so if you want a lot of diff well not really that different if you want a lot of Blues deep sea is the one to get Galaxy is another one of the sets that have like quite a nice range of colors so it's got like purple pink brown blue and black which I personally prefer sits like this I have like a nice touch on each color and granulating I do do love that about these sets they're all beautifully granulating then we have the haze which is on Jackson's um the a I read Olive but the forest set and then the desert set I do love the 5 ml chew ones like the sets these sets just nicer um to like use list colors that I feel committed to using I just wanted the 5 mm tubes just a perfect size truly um this is one of the older ones the paints from here have long been used up but it is a beautiful size and shape especially for travel sets um and this was one of the first ones I used and I really really love this set like I feel like I learned how to mix colors with this set I feel like I got really comfortable with watercolor and having it in a limited set and traveling with it and using it on the go and stuff so really special set and the container it's just so smooth to open and close really nicely flat and a real good mixing area the brush is Tiny But we just don't talk about that at least it's a travel brush um the colors in here at the moment are still student grade this is my little student grade set um but it's got a nice selection of Browns greens these are jez art um some Windsor Newton cman that purple um and then the watercolors which you see all over Amazon and stuff which I actually do enjoy so yeah moving on going to bring a few more out we have corai Cory nope cor not there's a corai coming up I swear this is the six pan round set this is student grade not my favorite um at all I there are so many better sets out there um so if this is what you can afford it's great selection of colors go for it but if you can get better paint get the better paint cuz this like it kind of rubs off on your hand and like if you go too like heavy on the pigment it's it's a true tragedy so don't go through that if you can avoid it this one is the co eye it doesn't say Co ey on it but it's the co eye so this one's definitely children um it's fun if you're a kid like a four year old but it's tragic otherwise I mean it's still fun but I like a set like this I had for ages I think it was primo and it made me feel like I was so bad at paint just because the quality was shocking but we forget about that um next up is the jazar set so this is an oldie and I it's a nice container la flat is quite heavy these come out and just kind of sit on the end like this I came with a water brush a little s came with like this is a old container I have but it came with this little porc Lish which which is quite cute and yeah a water brush and a sponge but each of these paints came in half pants which I dug them out of and just super glued to the bottom because they've got like little separation things anyway um yeah little separation walls so I use the half pants for other things other paints other things in general so yeah um the paint itself M yeah no it's very hard paint so it's like not great to rewet especially like some of the Browns it's just like a true tragedy to um use but honestly no actually no it was 60 bucks which is so expensive for just this like I could have put that towards like a six like a 12 half pound set of shrinker like professional paints like a could there are so many other things I could spend 60 bucks on other than the set moving on this is a true Treasure of mine um if you have like watched my first video it'd be familiar but if not get ready to be amazed it's the best travel set I've ever used in my life I've had this for like four or five years now I've used it for four or five years years and it's been wild love it's amazing I've had it came with the sponge which is really man now and the water container which is slightly busted but it still does its job um the pen I've changed out with my favorite uni ball this one's just blue it's fine line it's really nice and then there's just a pencil in there too I've got three brushes these are just some cheap ones that I've like kind of carved down to um fit in but but I've got like eight colors there's like a red there as well but oh my goodness I love this set so you could just have a water brush which works wonders for people that like water brushes I hate them personally so I put some bottle caps in here and I just it doesn't have like a thing to put your thumb through but you can just sit on the table have the water paint away the palette itself really nice so easy to clean doesn't stain I thought I stained it a couple times but no it cleans up so easily and what water I don't use I just use the sponge to clean it out or like a paper towel if I'm at a cafe and oh it is just lovely to use like you've got everything you've got your pen water paint brushes everything you need except your Sketchbook and then just to close it up you fold it you fold it and then it's like the size of a glass's case it is chunky but it's better than having like pencil case as well as your paints and your brushes and your Sketchbook on top like it is amazing I take it everywhere anyone that knows me can vouch for that I just whip it out at like a cafe I've been the longest on this you can see how much it means to me moving on we've got the Daniel Smith's tin um this is slightly different shape and like texture and like it's feels a bit more matte than the um shrinkle one but do love the logo on it but it was the 12 pan set that I reviewed on here with the nice diff like range of colors um in it so it had like the Lilac the lavender like some beautiful granting purples and green and stuff but at the moment it does have a few Originals like the phthalo um but there's like some shrink in here some wsor Newton some rbrand um AR Spectrum lots of range of stuff in here just some random bits and Bobs but it is a good nice palette you know sits flat it does your job it's classic middlet but the set itself the pant that originally came with the set I actually do love and adore and know they are still a pleasure to use but moving on we have my favorite midleton um this one is also like four 3 four years old it's got a cat stick on it of course beautiful but the tin itself is the reason I got it mainly um and also I wanted to try the artist range from shinka this was my first taste of it um and look where we are we haven't gone back have we um the tin itself is stunning it is such a beautiful beautiful colored tin um it's a bit old now so it's got a little bit of rust on it which is tragic but we ignore that and we move on the palette is so lovely to use it's you know classic metal tin that holds like as many like 20 Paints in it you know but um yeah I've just got in the moment I've got all professional Paints in here we've got some schinker Windsor Newton rbrand Hine Daniel Smith some core I think even some ciler just a lot of stuff in here and it's been pleasure to use um love the mixing space just the main thing is I love the look of it it's so nice compared to just having a plain Middleton I should have some water but here sorry made a cup of tea here we have the Daniel Smith Dot cards who've got all of the testers in here so does go this way this is like the shiny and the blacks and then we've got the yellows are all in order and really nice to try out the colors before I like buy a tube from Daniel Smith especially since Daniel Smith is quite expensive especially here in New Zealand but it is really nice to have this and um like you get a sufficient amount of paint as well which is really nice so yeah got to love dark cards truly next we have the Vintage paint set ignore the cup of tea it's really good tea um we've got this which is the Vintage paint set this was a really lucky find at a local shop um I asked them on a whim if I had one and they were like wait a minute we do and then they found it for me which is really lovely the paint itself very good to use and a beautiful beautiful T NY doie getting to down to the last one so this is fine Tech iridescent let me see if I can get shining in the light kind of see the color that it's meant to be oh there we go so it's like green green blue purple like a really pink more orange and then a yellow iredescent color and then so it shifts and changes in the lighting um on the painting too but I'm not a fan of like shiny colors so it doesn't really work well for me so I haven't used it a lot but good quality nonetheless this is just all the random half pant that don't have a home yet but yeah all good paint still and then little homemade set get mention of course this is like an old dental floss container that I've changed into like a mini paint set with some paint Lids that I got used up I think it's wior Cotman tubes and yeah it's very cute little set to have I haven't used it a lot but it's very very cute nonetheless and yeah the only other thing that is not really a set but still paint is all the random tubes of paint but I won't go through them I'll just kind of show you a couple of them I don't know got some random bits and Bobs in here got getting through the artist picture and sets now and then some of the newer stuff and then just lots of random tubes there's no true order to this but some student grade stuff but yeah no it's very nice just to have the tube on hand cuz you never know when you need a refill some paint especially for the travel set that gets used up quite a lot and of course they're all in different cat cups which makes them 100% more worth it um either way I think that's a good way to call off and end the video thank you guys for watching and I hope it was interesting entertaining and a good 100th video for you guys um yeah have a good day okay
Channel: elvie_wworth
Views: 3,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GAEcchj6OTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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