2024 Python - How To Set Up Python With Visual Studio Code

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hello everyone and welcome to this beginner's guide to python in this video we'll go over how to set up your computer for Python programming for people who are new to coding or just new to python so if you've never programmed before or if you're new to python specifically this video is for you first off python is a popular high-level programming language that's used for a wide range of applications some of these are a web development data analysis and artificial intelligence python is known for its Simplicity and readability which makes it a great language for beginners in order to get started on your journey to being a python wizard willing to install Python and then install an Editor to write and run python code first up we'll go to the official python website and download the latest version of python as you can see here we've gone to python.org downloads and as you can see here at the top there's a button saying download python 3.11.2 that is the latest version as of this recording so I'll go ahead and click on this and once it finishes installing we can open it up so from here what we're going to do is add python.exe to path if you don't do this you won't be able to run python in the command line let's go and do that and we'll customize our installation and for us we'll just leave all these checked we'll go ahead and click next from here we'll go ahead and just check these first two boxes and we'll go ahead and click install it'll be a pop-up on Windows from here you just want to click yes it will start installing it might take a little bit to download all right and from here we have successfully downloaded python we'll go ahead and close this now we'll go ahead and install an Editor to write and run python code I personally like vs code with all the features and plugins that it has so I highly recommend it so now we'll go ahead and go to the official Visual Studio code website and in here you select your operating system for me as Windows so go ahead and click download it should pop in top right and then whenever this is done we'll go ahead and open it all right and now that it's finished installing we can go ahead and go through the setup process so go ahead and just accept the agreement pretend like read everything next you can go and select the location of it uh where it's at right now is fine so I'm just going to hit next and then this is fine we can just hit next and for these we're going to check all the boxes we wanted to create the desktop icon and then adding these two options will allow us in the file explorer to right click and open with code for any files or folders there so go ahead and hit next and we'll go ahead and install okay and once it's finished installing we'll make sure this is checked and we'll hit finish and it will load up visual studio code from here we can select the settings you can browse color themes but I just like the dark one so I'm going to go with that one go next next let's go ahead and Mark done all right and from here we now have Visual Studio code set up and now we will set it up for python so we'll go ahead and zoom in here with control plus a couple times and we'll go ahead and click these little boxes for extensions so we'll come over here in search extensions we'll just search python there's a group of extensions right here with the python extension pack it'll give us Python and telecode uh and some other stuff that's really useful so go ahead and install that and while it's installing there's another extension I'd like to grab real quick we'll go ahead material icons right here this one will just change the icons of the folders and files and it makes it look a lot nicer look what I installed that too and then we'll go ahead and set it right here and now that's all set up and we have the extensions installed so we can go ahead and go back over here to the Explorer yeah we'll go ahead and go file I'll go new file I'm going to create a python file just to make sure everything works here we're going to type print open and close parentheses then we're going to use single quotes or double quotes it doesn't matter I'm just going to type hello now we'll save it and it's going to ask us where to save it and you can pick any file location I went ahead and just picked the location and I'm naming it tutorial1.py make sure for all the python files you end it with Dot py and we'll go ahead and hit save all right and from here we're going to go ahead and zoom in a couple more times so we can see a little more clearly so we're going to go ahead and click this little play button up here to run our program and you can see it ran it and printed out hello now you're ready to begin your journey to become an expert in Python like And subscribe if you found this tutorial helpful and stay tuned for more tutorials in the future
Channel: Zeq Tech
Views: 3,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: python, programming, python beginner, beginner python, python tips, learn python, learn programming
Id: Ybn-NFjOzGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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