2024 Liberty Men's Lacrosse Full 10-Part Docuseries

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[Music] [Music] back [Music] tryouts were awesome I mean there was so many kids that showed up which is always awesome because there's so many kids who are trying to come and be a part of the team and it's a super competitive try out um there's only a certain amount of people we can take and this year we took uh 18 people which is more than we ever have my years here and that I can ever remember so it's cool to have 18 new uh faces and 18 new people filling lockers here for us the the main thing for the fall is to build on to our culture and to develop the community and and build the relationships hopefully the goal in that is that when we come back in the spring everybody is adjusted everybody knows each other everybody is a tight-knit group so that we can um really just kind of hit the ground running when it comes to Lacrosse and and focus just on getting prepared for the season from a lacrosse standpoint [Music] I think from day one there's just been a sense of we're all one team there's not upper classman underclassman freshman sophomore junior seniors it's like we are all one team um it doesn't matter if you've been on the team for four or five years like myself or this is your first week on campus like we're all one team and we all love each other and we're all ultimately striving for the same goal [Music] together I think we have just an absurd amount of athletes this year um guys in the weight room going hard every day and getting bigger and obviously that's what we try to do in the offseason we we go out to the field everybody's racing to get first it's never the same person finishing first or the same person finishing last um we just have guys who show up every day and are willing to put in the work to get bigger better faster and stronger the talent and the ability and the amount of time we spend doing things like strength and conditioning and practice and getting better as lacrosse players we'll continue to do and we'll continue to to to work on those things but I think the thing that really separates good teams from being great um cuz good teams have great players but I think sometimes uh it's the mentality that really separates the good from from the great teams in the scrimmages you don't get quite the full look that you will for the spring season but my biggest takeaway was just the potential that our team has that if we play to our capabilities and do the things we have the talent to do what we know we can do which is win a National Championship in the spring [Music] [Music] our expectations are Skyhigh and we think that this group can not only be a team that that wins Conference Championship and not only competes for a national championship but kind of finally get to that that National Championship stage and and potentially win one [Music] [Music] runc yeah I think the scrimmage is as as great an opportunity as they are and to to improve on the things that uh were really showcased to us as areas of weakness and and there definitely are some so we've got to continue to develop and work and try to improve upon those um because uh we want to try to learn a little bit about ourselves and kind of test our depth and give some guys some opportunities um and I think through that we learned quite a bit but uh definitely feel like we're poised to to be yet again a national Contender but uh also recognizing that we we've got quite a bit of work to do still and we've got a long time between now and the start of the season and then early February to get all that work done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] obviously we have I think 18 or 20 new freshman so obviously it's like a big culture change but I think it's really good um a lot of the Freshman look up to the upper classman and I've like really embraced the culture of playing lacrosse at Liberty like this team people are afraid to speak like their mind especially the young guys a lot of them uh will say whatever they feel and it's good it's nice to hear what they have to say um and everybody's a lot more physical and everybody just wants to play so um it feels like a really gritty team and it feels like like anybody can take anybody's spot at any moment so it's it's really good and really competitive and it just competition breeds greatness so um it'll only be better for our team [Music] we've done Box Lacrosse which has really increased the physicality on our team which is something over the last couple years we've really really lacked uh something that we need to do and it's something that's going to help us later on and just looking towards a national championship and really just making sure that everybody feels welcome on the team and that the culture is um going to stay positive and keep going up box was great just cuz it's a much tighter space than a field setting so you you kind of have to be uh a little more aggressive and and you got to be able to handle pressure when uh you have a bunch of guys just on you pushing and shoving you so I think it was good to just teach us to be able to move and play in tight spaces and uh be able to succeed in [Applause] that yeah there's no there's no shortage of challenges that are going to upcome this season and that's not by accident that's by Des design and um I think we saw a team last year that that saw a lot of those similar things and there's a lot of things that we did last year that we really want to double down on so really things to focus on are just like stay in the course um uh I don't I don't think there's anything that can can stand in our way other than um our own ability to to to keep our eyes uh fixed on the things that are most important to us as a team the support we get it's phenomenal from just the school into our department and yeah just the support we get and just how you know we play for Christ and that's just that's a big we always say that play with gratitude and that's always uh our mindset going into things just playing for something bigger than ourselves and just playing to honor God and uh it's not for us but for for him [Music] um I've also already seen like changes in people's spiritual growth um as they've come to Liberty and like their walk with Christ has gotten a lot stronger which at the end of the day is like the most important mission of our team like it's good to win games but like to grow as men uh in Christ is like the main goal the group has uh really found a lot of uh passion and and uh intensity through just offering that and this year we're were able to use some of the indoor spaces on campus which made it even better so um you know and that brings out the brings out the the competition that brings out the um the the conversation a little bit more yeah you know I think like we learned a lot of good things like it's good to be physical but I think like the biggest takeaway we have from box is that like Ben Chun is just the absolute worst to go against in box like he's he's actually just the worst like that was probably our biggest lesson like we do not like benon like that's the main thing we've learn from box I mean they're just haters man I mean they just I I gladly was the enforcer on our team and you know I took that with pride and I enforced like it was they teams did not like me and you know I I take I take it personally you know I led led the league in ground balls you know helped out with faceoffs you know did what I could scored a goal so you know they they just didn't like my physicality at some point so guys on the team that say you didn't like playing me they're just they're soft I guess we've seen some uh some some healthy and maybe some not healthy aspects of where we are as a team but uh you know I think it's all been in the in the effort of of bringing us to uh a point of uh a point of preparedness so it's a it's a good physical time and it's a it's a it's a bonding time in uh in some unique ways so yeah [Music] oh [Music] overall I think the physicality part was like the most important like even in games like teammates were kind of fighting with each other and getting really chippy but I thought that was like good and something that was needed on our team because like at the end of the day once the pads came off like box was over and everybody could go get food together but like it really helped with the physicality of our team which again was probably something that we needed to fix [Music] I I think there's there's a there's a level of hunger um that comes from maybe some dissatisfaction and and I think this is a new group that's learning some of those lessons now so that we can really be in a place to um to overcome some of those obstacles and and uh I think we've we've we've uh we've done a good job this fall of preparing uh the guy for what's to come um and I think I think they are embracing that role um with some new leadership and uh and some new new pieces to the puzzle so I think I think chemistry is right where it needs to be um and uh so I think I think really we're just going to continue to focus on trying to be unified um trying to Galvanize his team uh whether it's in practices um or um or through competition as the spring comes around will uh we we'll be able to do that so we'll have we'll we'll have the guys ready whether they want to be or not [Music] [Music] [Music] so our main focus in practice has kind of been just like getting the fundamentals down just start off the spring we kind of come back with a little bit of rust um off a winter break but so far like I know everyone on our team has been surprised with how guys been moving quick and how we're moving the ball like it's it's been all around good there's things to clean up so fundamentals have been a big focus and sixes have also been a really big Focus towards the end of practice getting everyone to run together seeing where guys are going to be at at specific times and how to create that chemistry with new guys on the [Music] field yeah so team chemistry this year um we've kind of had the unique opportunity to uh Let It Be The Players I still feel feel like the team really came together this year and and it's just only getting better as we keep practicing and um it's been really good to see how everyone's growing and growing together [Music] [Music] all right so tell us what's unique about Liberty lacrosse the most unique thing that Liberty lacrosse brings is our team and guys like Cal Hur like right over [Music] there it it truly doesn't get much better than that drop that foot drop momentum or drop [Music] gravity yeah so in practice we uh been focusing a lot on footwork and dodging um which has not been an emphasis as much in years past so it's good to see how how players like Harris and the younger guys are improving and uh really benefiting from it the the area that's going to require the biggest investment is just trying to find what our identity is as a team as coaches we've discussed and and have some pretty strong opinions on who we want to be and who we think we're capable of being but at the end of the day it's up to the guys to kind of make that to determination and um as I mentioned coaches have very high expectations for this group I think players have very high expectations for this group but uh it's definitely going to be a new team and new identity and it'll be interesting to see what that looks like the one area we need to improve in is just like unforced turnovers that in games has killed us and tend to shoot ourselves in the foot when we have multiple unforced turnovers throughout the game so being able to clean up our passes being able to uh clean up rotations and being in spots where we need to be so that comes with practicing the fundamentals throughout practice each and every day so yeah [Music] [Music] yeah so I think one thing that the team is really focusing on this year is consistency and just being able to um not get flustered or not get ahead of ourselves whether we're down by a couple goals or up by a couple goals just remain consistent and keep scoring goals or we're not scoring goals to start scoring goals [Music] [Music] I don't think you have Team chemistry unless you have a buyin and and a group of guys that um understand and want to play for each other and that takes time and uh hopefully we'll continue to build on that but this group has done a really great job of that thus far right now I think we're a lot higher than we were from last year's standpoint chemistry-wise like it's small things will clean up but like that that'll come as the season goes [Music] on this this spring uh we've gotten a good start uh I feel as though every spring the amount of time that we have before our first game and when our our guys get back on the campus get shorter and shorter but I think that they've done a tremendous job just bringing a real level of uh intensity and attitude uh We've really increased our expectation and accountability in terms of how we practice and uh have tried to really value uh the time that we spend on the field and uh a lot of credit needs to go to the guys for having a a really solid first two weeks of practice and and we're looking forward to to scrimmage here against s spu um before the regular season starts yellow yellow yellow [Music] f [Music] [Music] [Music] feel very familiar to my [Music] guys I think the biggest thing that we've been learning is at least as an offense is just working together and not getting too fast in the offense settling in and just being smart about passes and you know just being confident and not taking it too fast and turning the ball over a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just going to read from proverbs 4 uh ver 20 through uh 27 my son be attentive to my words incline your ear to my sayings let them not escape from your sight keep them within your heart for they are life to those who find them and healing to all their flesh keep your heart with all vigilance for from it flow the Springs of Life put away from your crooked speech and put devious talk far from you let your eyes look directly forward and your gaze be straight before you Ponder the path of your feet then all your ways will be sure do not swerve to the right or to the left turn your foot away from Evil father we love you we just thank you for the opportunity we have just to just to play the sport that we love and use the gifts and talents and abilities you've given us um we do just pray Lord just for just lots of Joy lots of fun on the field today lots of encouragement uh we just again uh thank you for all the blessings you've given us and this opportunity we have today in Jesus name we pray amen boys this is what we practice for this what we came all the way out for yesterday we got a long home this time we have fun all right let's these guys right away K the first punch and keep swinging let's go you want two two [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] it was definitely a good um morale booster for our first game on the road mostly everyone got in the game so everyone whether they're new whether they've been here for years they' they were able to get some touches in get some real game experiences and um I'd say just just good good experience for everyone for the coaches as well just to see what each player is capable of and just how the team together would fun [Music] yeah so I mean the Philly game was good even though we absolutely smoked them there's been games in the past where we you know you know we play down to our competitions but this past time in Philly we really took control of the game and you know didn't let really anything happen I mean we made mistakes but we controlled the game the whole time and beat him by 21 [Music] so so yeah it's it's been it's been a bit of a transition you know coming out of the SVU scrimmage and then playing Temple um just kind of getting back into it getting ready for uh much tougher opponents we got a tough schedule we got Northeastern uh South Carolina Virginia Tech um two of those top 10 teams so we really got to come to practice preparing for those games nor Eastern was a team that we um we came in not really knowing much about we knew they made it to the national champ chionship last year and we're pretty successful but we've never as Liberty we've never played them before so like we've watched film on them and scouted them and stuff but same time it could be a completely different team that we saw last year compared to this year so we just kind of played our own game we did what we knew to do best [Music] [Music] R up fi R up field [Music] [Music] [Music] yes will yes will [Music] [Music] you so uh that week that was following a tough loss to Northeastern I think we just had a lot to prove that week we uh knew exactly what South Carolina had to offer us they're a tough physical team I was going to come out and give us their all so we really were just focusing on getting back in the saddle not feeling sorry for ourselves and uh mentally and physically preparing the best we could I think we uh we went into the week knowing we just it's something we had to get done um this team's a rivalry with us as well um we knew we had to come out be physical match their energy and I think we did that very effectively and very well [Music] [Music] [Music] I wanted to bring this verse to you guys as the Lord put it on my heart um it's Ecclesiastes 4 uh 812 says this is the case of a man who is all alone a person standing alone can be attacked and defeated but two can stand back to back and Conquer three are even better for triple bait cord is not easily broken and I just want to encourage you guys like triple braided cord is not easily broken we're all in lines of three right the Lord put you on this team for a reason so go out there because the Lord has given you the ability to play this game right [Music] go go go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all [Music] he [Music] [Applause] came out firing on offense that gave us the confidence on defense it was almost like the game was already over from the start is what it felt like on the field energy was [Applause] after we had been tested we kind of knew our weaknesses a little bit better and so we just came out just trusting each other a lot more had better energy coming in that South Carolina game just had that confidence that we really didn't have going in northeastern [Music] it was a little crazy every uh it's almost like every 10 seconds the the cage was just moving I had to push it back some of the passes I was throwing I just saw the ball moving around but you know the factors with both teams so we just kind of had to get through that game deal with the [Music] weather Last 5 Years Virginia Tech every year is just a battle between these guys and so just being able to see that it's really cool know the history and uh so obviously it means a lot especially since we've been here we've been top two teams in the alc just both competing for uh national titles so uh yeah it was a big game we had some confidence going into it after beating South Carolina who they just beat by one and it was a it was a tough game [Music] he [Music] holy fu [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] just a couple things didn't go our way we saw some things that we need to work on tighten up um so we're not putting that situation in the future we were just a little worn out and I think it didn't it didn't go our way but I feel like it it show us a lot of weakness that that we have to improve [Music] on I'm just expecting and hoping for an awesome afternoon and just get to reset button go out and do what we do and have some fun doing all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Yukon game we came out we played very well it's good to get all our guys in the game get some experience under our belts and just like get the confidence up like for a whole dep chart it's good to see those guys uh play well anded [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] friend I think West Virginia surprised us a little bit we were a little tired and I think they threw a punch and we had to deal with that and kind of respond accordingly but it was a it was a tough game and a lot of respected those guys they're better competition than that [Music] [Music] West Virginia game they came out they I mean they played us tough I think their offense put together a pretty good game we were a little beat but we got to just get through that we got tough stretches in the future and it's just one of those mental things that we just got to get past [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rest [Music] [Music] we had a whole week to prepare we had a whole week to to focus on who our opponent was and we got to take a day or two off and hit the reset button mentally and I think that that gave us a good boost um especially Friday night when we got to play pit [Music] yeah it's just nice to get some games in the middle of the schedule that we know we can test our systems and make sure everything is kind of good to go but we also o knew that we had to show up because you know everybody's pretty solid in this league so you have to be prepared for that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you have a unit and you have an offensive unit I think like you you're really hard to beat if you do your job draw the slide and move the ball so I thought we handled that well I thought we you know listen to coaches and continue to run our plays as well like I think that's something especially mid-season you can lose track of so um yeah we definitely stuck to the game plan I think that was the biggest contribution to our successes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Music] yeah one of the challenges we faced this season was recognizing we have a lot of games in a short period of time we have uh two stretches of of the Season where we have four games in eight days which is uh pretty substantial pretty significant but having the rest of the week to to to pull back and relax a little bit get the rest that we needed able to be a lot more fresh and I think that showed against both pit and NC State um you know our defense showed up uh in a way that that they're they're accustomed to and I'm accustomed to to working with them towards the uh the NC State game the offense you know really especially showed out we had a lot of a lot of depth come in and and and add some points to our total so [Music] you know when you get to the midpoint of season um it's very important to like continue to up your confidence and keep meshing especially from an offensive perspective and I thought we did that I thought we did well and we had some quick games back to back like that one week was really really heavy so it was nice to you know get some wins to develop some confidence like I said and um yeah just stay in stride and I thought I thought our team handled that well for our offensive side it was nice getting everybody in and kind of getting some rotations done as well where uh we could run a lot more guys than just the ones that uh we have to lean on in their really big games [Applause] [Music] [Music] he hey hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it was a long bus ride but it was a ton of fun of course you know it is it is nervous to have two big games you know so you're kind it's always suspenseful um but you know being in Florida being around the guys like it really eases attention I think the fact that you get to focus on your teammates and the experience of getting off campus together and enjoying a different environment and throwing the fact that it's Florida I think those are those are a lot of really positive options and they get to play lacrosse so you know I think coming out of there with some wins was going to be critical for us either way and we knew we had a couple tough opponents go how you want to what [Music] you the BYU games are always a ton of fun uh the last couple years they've all been one or two go games um so even going to this one we knew it would be tough and going into a neutral sight game I think it was cool um for both of us meeting in Florida and playing you know knowing that this is basically be like a top five matchup kind of right off the gate it was pretty competitive [Applause] head away set the tone first B is off we it loud R to save we get loud and boys and we score we get up let's go go two two [Music] I mean BYU is a team that we have a lot in common with we have built a pretty good rivalry and relationship with them we were able to go out to Utah and beat them on their home turf last year which was um which was a great experience I think we felt like this was going to be a game that was going to help us understand where we were um BYU hadn't really been fully tested yet and we were going to be a really good first test for them we'd been tested already so you know let's see how how we perform and um you know it's a good challenge so [Music] [Music] [Music] I've heard you know our upper classman talk about BYU a ton and I think you know it's like Bren said too it's been close games for the last however many years and uh I didn't really know what I was getting into I didn't know what to expect and yeah I mean they showed up I thought they did a great job they played to their game they played to the scheme and uh it was a great game it was a lot of it was a lot of fun to be on the field there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 3 [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I think it was just little stretches of struggling to focus uh on the on the moment on the task at hand um giving up a couple opportunities to them that um they didn't earn U but they certainly made us um made us pay for you know even still we're right there with about 3 minutes to go we're we're tied up uh so we're everywhere we needed to be in that game but yeah no it was heartbreaking they did pull away and um but it was hard fought I think we had the lead for a while too and um it's kind of any given day really I think we can we can definitely make adjustments and come back stronger so [Music] hey hey Vlog well it was a really quick turnaround uh cuz we played Thursday against BYU and then had to immediately go around and play Friday against Florida who was also very very good so we had to you know really try to put that BYU game behind us and focus on Florida um because they were also coming in hot and look like a really good team so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] like to push out right they're going to come out and they're going to challenge us all the way to the hey the first punch don't stop swinging let's go boys two when we stepped on the field with them they they were ready to go um and they knew they were a hungry team and uh they knew that they had an opportunity to to take uh take down a top 10 team so uh we had to be able to weather that storm and credit to our guys we did that um it took us a lot later in the game but you know similarly in that fourth quarter we put on a run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it was very similar in that game too I think they started off pretty hot um but then we kind of were able to turn around throughout the game and then kind of took off towards the end but it was still one of those games where if you weren't you know if we weren't ready they certainly would have been able to catch us but um that was another great game was competitive almost the whole time so that's another one where you really you know throw your hats to them and um it was just a great competition [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] it was really encouraging to at least see that response and come out of that week with a win and enjoy the enjoy the beach a little more [Music] [Applause] so Beach day was the best day and plus we also were finished the games too so at this point like our guard could be let down a little bit um so that was awesome we had you know barbecue we had a ton of fun food um volleyball the beach was great the water was freezing but that was fun too and uh uh yeah it was a great day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] trip to the beach on the aftermath of of of two really tough games I think was a a great incentive and a great reward for for some hard work this uh this part of the season so [Music] [Applause] [Music] UVU and Chapman uh that was the end of our second 4 game in 8 Days stretch these were both top five teams so we were really locked in during the whole week of practice [Music] [Music] person [Music] in a game like UVU it's you know a game that's just grip it's not really um it's not pretty wen't really playing our best uh we just kind of had to find something inside us and a lot of it was just just wanting it more than the other team got one thing on my piece of paper it's put up or shut up right we don't have the benefit of our whole season in front of us anymore all right we've been doing this for too long too late in the year we got to figure out who we are we're the better team I'm not even going sugar coat I'm not going to lie to you I'm just going to tell you how it is you guys should win this [Music] game I just remember playing UVU and and we had so much energy we were so happy to be there stands were packed and it was punch for punch [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] when it came to the final minutes I just remember like every goal like it got so loud on the field because like the crowd was just so into it [Music] [Music] the atmosphere at The UU game was unlike any other game I've played at here and it was just so much fun to be a part of and getting that win was just a huge statement for our team [Music] baby what you [Music] yeah so we lost Shane supek our main face off guy he got a broken foot um I think it was the third face off into the uu game and he just played through it and had no clue that he broke it um but we also lost one of um our first li nites Hunter and we didn't have the mentality where it's like oh we're going to give up we missing two starters we had the mentality of okay now we get to test our depth [Music] the Chapman game yeah that was our that was our last game of stretch um I don't think we came out with the energy that we needed to I think guys were a little bit worn out um but that can't be an excuse for the program I mean Chapman's a great team and we played hard but we didn't play how we needed to and we didn't get the results we wanted but we learned a lot from that game fell apart in that game I did not play anywhere close to where where our potential was um they're a good team don't get me wrong but we gave them a lot of the ground that they took and that was that was frustrating uh just knowing that we left a lot out there um but that's what Nationals are for you know to clean up clean up our crumbs and I think we'll do that so [Music] [Music] Clemson uh senior day uh last home game of the regular season was the last home game I mean I'll play like forever so um it was just really special having my parents and my brother there um being able to walk across the field let's go let's go take business boys yeah it was great uh I think Liberty does a great job of honoring honoring their seniors guys who have put a lot into this program of um I think Liberty is unique in the sense that as far as a club team there is a lot that goes into it it's more run like an NCAA program and the time and effort spent on it so it's it's uh it's really great that they honor the seniors the way they do [Music] we noticed that like the energy wasn't quite there where we wanted it to be but still the guys pulled it together we got to get a win for all us seniors and that was just a great way to cap off our last home game [Music] [Music] I go to the jamu leading up to that game was just a lot of focusing on Less on you know and nose and more on where our mindset needed to be um going into that game and just focusing on uh being a good team first and foremost let's just have a day today cuz I'm more excited about this game so far this season uh than I think I ever happen because it's just it's such a fun situation it's a fun opportunity and I think uh you guys are priming ready for it okay re you want to pray for us pray we just pray just for a wonderful day father Lord we know that you can do all things IM measely more than we can ask father Lord in your name we pray amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen go love yourself love each other love your skin Ste spot on three 1 2 3 SP [Music] we really just for JMU we brought it all together um we came out flying got four goals in the first four [Music] minutes going into Jam was there was a lot of pressure on that game not only just to get a win because we needed that win um but just to see how we could respond it was a long season just coming to the end of that with such a convincing win over a pretty solid team and that was that was a great Victory uh both for you know our rankings as far as our conference tournament and the National Tournament but also just for team morale and yeah it was a great it was a great play great season going playoffs and heading this postseason we're we feel like we're exactly where we want to be and that's really exciting as a player on the team because I know the potential of what we can play to and if we do play to that potential I don't think there's anyone stopping us so [Music] [Music] with the tournament upcoming uh the week of practice was was critical and uh we really made the most of our time having to buy into the semi-final on on Saturday was was really critical for our guys rest I think for a little bit of a mental break and uh and I think it gave us a chance to regroup and see what we did well against JMU kind of going into the AL playoffs um knowing that we're going to play VT I mean we know him very well we've played him multiple times um we know what they're good at what they're capable of that was kind of the big thing going into it um a lot of practicing just swinging the ball um getting it moving and also just on defense trying to push transition that was a big thing going into the playoffs you we were fortunate enough to to have that buy and kind of sit back and wait and see who our uh opponent was going to be in that first round and after finding out that uh Virginia Tech would be moving on and and we'd be facing them in the first round of the LC tournament um we uh very quickly had to get to work cuz we knew that we were going to get a pretty tough matchup uh right out of the gate this is a big game obviously this is a huge day for us and we get a chance to um essentially take a huge step towards one of our goals and that's an ALC Championship I don't need to paint a picture for you about what this day looks like uh who your opponent is what this game means you guys have that already um honestly all I want to communicate today is just uh how much I appreciate all of you guys how proud I am of this team I am very grateful for each and every single one of you because you guys have continued to uphold this tradition and this expectation and this bar is so high here and you guys have fault once with that okay today you can do a lot to submit some Legacy here for this program you guys as a team Virginia Tech was not going to be a an easy task no matter what so um we were we looked forward to the challenge and we felt like we were primed to uh to break through and earn what we were there to get [Music] going into ALCS we were really focused on our transition game and our team chemistry we knew Tech we know him very well we knew that was a team to beat the big thing against them was we had to be physical play together play fast [Music] [Applause] all Place swing put the in these [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we saw uh a really good start from our guys and but we knew virgin Tech was the type of team that was well versed in those situations too so they were able to to get some points coming out of the second half that really helped them build their lead and yet our guys had been in those situations as well so um it was it was a test of Wills [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'd be lying if I said that I didn't feel as though that Virginia Tech was a team that that kind of stood in our way and and took some opportunities from us that that we wish that we had had but um I also can't say that we wouldn't be the team that we are today without those types of rivalries and without those opportunities um I think we were just really fortunate to be able to not only get a win but get a win at the right time of year [Applause] [Music] and like going in the championship game we all knew what we were playing for we wanted to win we wanted to be champions for our seniors and we just focus on energy team chemistry and getting right the expectations the mindset the mentality needs to be the exact same as it was yesterday [Music] what will be cting with a trophy at the end of this [Music] at defensive Midfield number [Music] zeroy goalie number five Z J minut thefield number 48 [Applause] [Music] being able to come off of just such an emotional uh Victory um in that first round game and then have to turn around and play in a championship game uh the next day against Tennessee I think a a unique but challenging experience [Music] [Music] the wheel yeah [Music] know similar to the game on Saturday um we had a a third quarter stretch where it felt like for five or six or eight minutes we didn't even have the ball and that was a that was a tough place to be but I think once we we found some solutions to to that puzzle we uh we were able to kind of build the the the game back to even and then ultimately uh overcome the last I think 10 or 12 minutes we didn't give up a goal for our guys just a kind of a no quit attitude um um and their ability to battle back in in in both those games uh I think is a testament to them I think it is a strength and a aspect of our game that that we hope to to take with us to Texas and into the Nationals because uh we will be continuing to face some really uh high level teams and and a high level of competition 8 minutes separating us for being Champions let go we proved that we were a fourth quarter team these last two games which was honestly really cool to see and as a guy that hasn't played this season it was actually an enjoyable two games to watch as well it was like we played our first two full games so [Applause] [Music] I think I'm grateful for the fact that uh that this is something that allows us to continue to just have such a high level of expectation and kind of set a bar very very high for uh our guys next year and the year after we knew we did it for our seniors and like them going out ALC championships meant a lot to us knew that we worked so hard for that and like just getting the outcome we wanted all of our work is just jobs not finished on the Nationals uh another example of of guys just finding a way to come together and and get the job done and so we're uh we grateful and uh happy to be ALC Champs so [Music] so uh went up a day earlier than we normally do this year for Texas gave us an extra day to practice um kind of get our feet moving before we uh had games on Monday and Tuesday so it was good just to be able to um kind of be in that area and get acclimated to the environment before we started games we'll get into the field on Sunday with something we planned for and uh I think I think there was some good energy you know if you wanted to win a hype contest I think we probably would have but guys were excited to be there it was a great Testament to how happy they were just to be there with each other and coming right into Nationals I think that was going to be our strength that we were going to be able to stand on so [Music] this ankle is cooked it's about a roll I was told we were just doing non- contact and it's about to be over L man has spoken kind of looking at our side of the bracket it it some may say that it it's the more difficult side but we're ready for it we faced adversity this whole year so we actually match up against nor Eastern in the first round who we lost to in the regular season so it's kind of a Revenge game well prepping for Nationals of course it's going to be hot we got to use our depth everyone's got to have that next man up mentality got to be able to step in make plays we just got to work hard play together and if we play like a team I don't think anyone can beat us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's go so Northeastern obviously we had played them at the start of the year game didn't go our way just we're still getting ready to the new season at that point so we we weren't anywhere near where we were when we were played them this time certainly an advantage for us that we had seen Northeastern before and knew what they were capable of um even our first quad um with uh Northeastern and then Virginia Tech and and Arizona state three of those four teams are teams that have played each other this year already so um there was going to be some familiarity there in the first couple rounds no matter what which was uh help hopeful kind of eliminate some of the unknowns going into a weeklong venture so hey couple things guys Sidelines I need you guys loud but nothing changes we talk about us we've got so many good things to be able to say about us that we don't even need to worry about nor Eastern okay focus on us all right we control the output we can't control the outcome all right that's just a harsh reality of the situation but what you do on that field individually we do control all right you guys control the output you can't control the outcome you can't control refs you can't control bad balances you can't control injuries all right at the end of the day you guys will sleep well at night knowing that you emptied the tank and you did everything that you could individually okay control the output that's it all right in on captains then offensive and defensive huddle let's go hey I choose this group over any other group Bo we're the best hey we're the best team in the country this week we prove it everybody do your job you want two want two l [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] and they ran a lot of things well but ultimately we were able to come out with a win um did what we needed to do and got the job done [Music] obviously when the bracket initially came out our first reaction was we're going to play Virginia Tech again likely um for the third time um but they got upset by Arizona state in the first round um getting the opportunity to play a new team who I've been here 5 years and i' never played them before they're very fast team [Music] athletic always love yourself love each other love this game SP 3 1 2 3 you don't need outcomes you don't need bounces we just need to play our our game all right I didn't fly my kids and my wife out here on Sunday yesterday or today flying them out tomorrow I expect to continue to be here your name would tray amen go Captain play like a through last game fight to the we go we go want two what two you I think starting games quickly is critical for a lot of teams but specifically for us I think it helps and realize we can play a little more free but the truth of the matter is every game that you play at Nationals is going to be a tough game every team is good at that time of the year so I mean Arizona state is a great team and they're 12 seeds so um it wasn't going to be a cakewalk uh started out 0 really great start and from there on out it was kind of just holding on for dear life till the end of the game [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] their defense woke up a little bit the goalie started making some saves so uh they they were able to claw their way back in like they had done a bunch of times this year [Music] [Applause] sh ended up pulling out a 1110 win which is is awesome to be able to make it back to the semi-finals like we had the year [Applause] [Music] [Music] before but from here till game time it's all you guys it's all captains it's all upper classmen that do this tonight repres you represent each other's play for one another let [Music] us boys boys bring it in bring it in bring it in hey as loud as we have ever done it all season right now here we go fellas let's get on the line oh you want two what two you [Music] all season long enjoy the stage they're going to be chirping they're going to be talking soak that in C's been saying all season long it's going to come down to us us we're steel spine well this is where we prove it Ste spine on three 1 2 3 SP let's go let's go boys [Music] we've played BYU a lot this is I think the fifth time we've played them since I've been at Liberty and they're a solid team I mean they run systems very well they're very [Music] disciplined yeah Jason [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the biggest difference between the first game we played them and the second game was the fact that they just dominated at the faceof G but they were just really fundamentally sound they protected the ball once they had it uh they worked fast on on offense and they were able to build a lead mostly just cuz they were able to overwhelm us they ultimately just capitalized on a lot of our mistakes and they didn't really make many mistakes and as a result of that they took a big lead and tried to pull back in the end but ultimately we came up short a lot of credit to coach snack and to some of their players they just run their systems well do what they're supposed to do and they uh they got the best of us that day found a way to fight back but you know just didn't have enough time to do it so um credit to them and you know it's tough way to see the the final chips fall that way but um you know we we felt like we were one of the best teams in the country this year and uh you know I think we proved that you know even even in a game like that so if there's anything to say about the season I think it's just that our group came together and accomplished a lot and there's a lot to be said about the on the field things that we did but um you know winning the championship began with uh the team uh caring about what we were doing having a common goal and it was a it was a cool experience and awesome season to to be uh to be a part of as a coach and um just make sure you want to gear up and double down and be ready to go right again so
Channel: Musser Videos
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Id: su_4GpeTQAQ
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Length: 95min 13sec (5713 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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