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um [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls step right up the time has come to witness serial number one the 2023 mako 700 you've heard of the sand spider 490 the little 490 this is the black widow 700 the world's most powerful two-stroke it'll awaken the kraken the megalodon of dirt bikes rip your house off the foundation sound the horn awaken the two-stroke monster [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so you a power guys we're looking at about it's exactly exactly 60.16 rear wheel horsepower i want to put in i want to put that in perspective at the crank that's about 70 at the crank 60.16 horsepower look at the fuel the air it's linear it's perfect the fuel air mixture is absolutely perfect and that's uh the manic mechanic jeff castine and the wizard have been working on this uh they've run 20 different dyno runs when the bike came to us it was very fat it was a 195 main jet 192 192 yep and we dropped it to 182 yep and then i went right from there to 175 because i was still too rich and then it was pretty good and i said let's let's put it on the dyno put a snip do a sniff test to it and that's what we've been doing and this is what we come up with after the 175 you went to a 170 and we ran it and it was uh it was pretty good but we thought perhaps it could go a little bigger on the main because we were hoping to get more than 60 rear wheel horsepower we went up to 172. it was too rich so you went back to 168. yeah let's go we went a little more rich and it lost a half a horse then we said let's go a little lean we lost a half a horse so we're getting back to the 170. so i think it's like seven or eight different six or nine different jetting changes in any event sixty point one six i wanna put this into perspective okay all you keyboard warriors out there and haters uh 70 horse of the crank is rock solid i want to put that in perspective by showing you what a 2022 450 works edition and a my personal cr 500 did on the dyno when it was stock [Music] and we're going to lay the grass over each other you can see what we're talking about i just want to put it in perspective here the red line that's the mako at 60 rear wheel horsepower the blue line is a cr450 mine at 51.66 and the 52.22 green line is my 500. 60.16 rear wheel horsepower versus my 552 and the 450 f51 that's pretty remarkable so i was talking to toby opperman who's the mako guru in the us here and these things tom morgan you can send it to tom morgan this motor or uh keith peterson or you know molar race engineering stock these are set up this is set up as an enduro bike right so it's a fairly mild state of tune the carb that's on here right now is a 41 millimeter kian the um the runs where they're pulling more horsepower they're putting a bang on a big thing i think it was a 45 millimeter bing gold i think is what they called it in a bigger pipe and you can do some porting this is in stock right out of the box 60.16 rear wheel horsepower the jetting is spot on it could not be any more perfect than it is for this altitude in this weather and this thing was fast even when the jetting was off it felt faster than the cr500 probably well because it was it was putting down like 55 horse with the jetting off um the first time i wrote it the jetting was real fat they sent them they send up they send these out really rich to err on the side of caution so the thing doesn't end up getting seized by uh somebody doesn't understand how to jet for different conditions so the 192 jet it came with what might be something that would work for ice racing when it's super cold and uh god knows that these are kick-ass ice racing machines we had 97 miles per hour on on the odometer and i'm sure it'll do that you can change the gearing i'm pretty sure this thing would beat the ktm 495 record of 123 miles an hour 126. we have nothing to lose or or gain from this we're not going to be a mako importer or anything like that um but we didn't want to report the the 55 horsepower until we were sure the thing was jetted right and that the timing was right and thanks to the wizard and the manic mechanic uh they got it dialed perfectly we've done 20 dyno runs on it a bunch of them in the 59 range uh when it was jetted too fat it was in the 55 range but like i said it just wouldn't rev out but it still felt like i mean if you watched the earlier videos on this it was breaking up a little bit but it's super clean now i can't wait to get take this thing for a rip now so everybody focuses on horsepower but really what moves the bike is the torque this thing's putting down 47 foot-pound of torque at the rear wheel i want to put that into perspective my 22 sierra 450 put down 32 which is what is that 15 pounds less this is basically 50 percent more torque than a 450 that's why when i got on that brand new works edition that were raffling off and and wrote it the other day it up and down the the driveway and up the road here it felt like it had no power at all it felt it felt like it was something wrong with it like the new 450 felt like like it was like something was wrong with it or it felt like i was on a 250 had no power compared to this because this has just about just under 50 percent more torque than a brand new 450 and what about my 500. so my 500 put put down 42 foot pound of torque which is pretty substantial compared to the uh um 450 four-stroke my 2022 works edition put down 32.49 so the 450 is putting down 32 torque the 500 is putting down 42 and the 700 is putting down 47 which is well 32 that's 15 pounds more and half of 32 is is what 16 yeah so it's 50 percent 45 roughly after breakout calculator 45 percent more torque than a new fork people think four strokes have more torque why is it that a two-stroke has more torque i kind of know the answer but i don't hear what you guys have to say well this thing's got a giant crankshaft and piston which you know has mass and it creates torque and it's also firing on every revolution right we're four strokes four strokes every other yeah so you have power stroke it is four times four revolutions before it makes it possible is that is that partially why it has more torque in your opinion well i know the the bigger the motors are the bigger the pistons and the cranks and whatnot the more weight makes more correct yeah yep but yeah a four stroke is intake and compression at the same stroke i mean intake compression and then the same stroke as power and exhaust so it's every other there we go every other stroke is uh yeah power on a four stroke one whiz you've ridden more 500s probably than anybody on the planet besides me um and in fact you've probably ridden everyone i actually might have written as many of them you wrote all the ones i wrote here you tuned them all even one was jetted rich rich rich i could tell how much much more stronger in the in the mid strong as hell until it got to it so you're feeling the total you're feeling the torque and then i jutted it and leaned out leaning out the main and then it you could really feel how strong it is in the talk and that was when you're running like a 175 or or so you haven't actually written it with the 170 in it have you yes i have oh yeah yeah was it timing right today yeah okay what'd you think i've made it sick it was sick i can't wait to take it for a rip burn this rear tire up coming up on me yeah in fourth gear and this thing's probably what 60 miles an hour yes i went i went i always i went 77 or 78 on it at one point but yeah i was going probably 60 minutes did you know how fast you're going because um because it comes it's on the tap oh yeah that's got a speedometer how much how fast is that it's like 77. and you said i was going faster than that when i wrote it you were so i was doing what 80 something who knows i don't know but if we'll do 97 that's pretty remarkable we should get we should get one of them uh dino uh i mean uh what do you call a speedometer thinks it uh a speed just a speedometer so uh no no no not a speedometer but a ps no no what do the cops use oh it's speed radar let's get a ring let's order a radar gun and uh run it with this gearing see what she'll do and then maybe gear it up see if we can set the the the two-stroke world record at 123. i bet you'll do it exactly the way it is we'll put street ties on it yeah change the front wheels yep so some nice uh speed rated ones or at least street ties and then they sell super moto tires from these at costler in in germany so um i actually messaged him the other day and and they told me that the ktm wheels will fit so i told kyle and junior order a set of ktm wheels i guess we got to modify one of the spaces put the bolt right on here now that we're a gas gas ktm group together we can we can get we can get all the ktm parts out of the steering wheel and steering diameter yeah we'll tighten the steering head bearings up yeah maybe maybe maybe lower the shock a little bit in the rear to make it more stable yep let's take this baby out and rip it yeah well guys thanks for being patient uh this is one of exactly 71 motorcycles that we're working on right now because i went over the chart with kyle this morning we have 71 bikes in production and this isn't one that's going up for sale so it wasn't a super priority to get it done thanks for being patient i know we want you guys you guys are all like hey give us the number give us a number well we wanted to get the the right number we gotta get it we're in point two yeah we also yeah this isn't this isn't a paying job this is uh more more for fun i love working on brand new bikes like this we gotta you got plenty of people you've been rolling new brand new gas gases in the showroom every hour it seems like that was nice so we sold 11 gas gases the first week which was great we're after a good start if you want to buy one give junior a call 860-454-7024 while we still have them because we sold out of a few models already uh alec we our allocation our initial allocation the bikes uh only had so many per model of 17 models a lot of them sold out so we're going to bolt the seat and tank up and send it thanks for watching guys stay tuned we got some more interesting dyno stuff coming your way and uh i think the gas gas 300 is up next right before we do the the brc 500 kit on it yeah yeah whenever you're ready you wanna do that today or yeah all right so stay tuned we're gonna do the gas gas 300 hopefully we're gonna put a tire on thanks for watching guys and as always god bless united states of america
Views: 151,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Two Stroke, CR500, KX500, Kaplan America, GasGas, Maico, Suzuki, Kawasaki
Id: 12IvfZAJzfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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