Fishing Kayak Setup Ideas - Detailed Walkthrough - Hacks - Mods

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so if you guys watch the channel many of you guys  know I picked up a bona fide p127 just a couple   months ago and I've been modding it out getting  it ready for the upcoming season so this is going   to be my primary kayak for this year the great  news about a lot of these things I'm going to be   showing you some of it's DIY and so I'm going to  be referencing a lot of videos that I'm going to   put in the description so you can watch those if  you're interested in those so let's first start   off on the front you can see right here I have a  DIY keel guard for you put this together with the   Kydex only cost me around 20 bucks I have another  video I did a version one of this guy and I   recently did a version two and so this is upgraded  I use a different adhesion for it and so I have a   feeling this is going to hold up just like the  first one did so I have two versions I'll throw   both of those versions down in the description  below right now we're gonna open up hatch in   here so what I keep in here this don't belong  here I put this in my kayak crate but I always   have a tow rope uh just a safety if some reason  I Shear my propeller or Shear the pin in here and   I need someone to kind of drag me to the loadout  this thing was like 250 at Walmart so always have   a tow rope hopefully I never have to use it but  it's there if I need it now this is the battery   that I run my Garmin Striker 4 on it's an aqua I  think it's a 10 amp hour I did a video on this I   really like this battery it lasts me for weekends  I got for weekends in the power on this thing will   power the garments record four and does a really  great great job really small just keep it down   here in the hatch now when you get it you're gonna  have to attach some wires and stuff like that but   not a big deal because I have a video on that and  I'll show you how to do that now underneath here   I have this guy right here this is my small  little first aid kit and so I did a video on   this recently as well if you want to know what's  in this I think a lot of the first aid kits out   there are kind of garbage when you buy them  off the shelf now I created this not just for   myself you know of course I'm going to be able  to get Hooks and stuff out but if I come up on a   situation that may be a little bit more severe  I'm going to be able to help them out too so   I'll throw that video in the description below as  well so I keep that down here underneath and as we   come around the kayak as you guys see you have a  Garmin Striker for this thing has suited me well   I I recommend this for my entry level fish finder  I need to upgrade it had it for a couple years and   it does the trick when it comes to like speed and  depth marks fish of course you really don't know   what they are and I don't fish a really deep water  a whole lot so it kind of does the trick for me   um there's a kind of RAM mount that I connected it  with on the gear tracks here the yak attack sells   one of these um at the time I couldn't find  it but they've since come out with it so if   you're looking for a mount for your kayak for your  garment Striker 4 then I'll throw that link in the   description below and you can grab one of those  you have to go searching the internet webs for   it all right next I have my Propel drive this I  love Propel drives some people get on me like why   do you like Propel drives you can have a motor be  honest with you a couple reasons one I don't fish   really big lakes that make sense for me right if  you're fishing monster lakes and it takes you all   day to get from one side to the other then by all  means get a motor but for me my Lakes are 500 to 5   000 acres and this thing gets me around perfectly  I like the instant reverse on the Propel drives   and um on my I have two Propel drives actually the  other ones in there on my native Slayer propel 10.   but this one I tried it without I did a pedal  upgrade before two aluminum pedals because they   came with plastic ones before but on the new  7-0 I think they're 702 or 703 series these   works just fine and so didn't do an upgrade  on these before but if you guys ever wonder   with this little hole in the top of your pill  drive if you have one it fits a quarter 20 thread   and what I did is just attach the RAM mount and  then Ram makes these phone holders these things   are pretty nifty so you pull pull these out and  it locks in your phone there you go so whenever   this motor goes down underneath this phone is  directly in front of me really nice easy to   take photos just hold the fish up take the photo  and so these are well worth it in my opinion I   have one on my buddy kayak and I have one on this  kayak so I'll throw the link for those Ram mounts   now keep in mind this is a pretty small foam and  so I had to buy because my dad uses that one he   has a larger phone like a Motorola and so yeah  there's different sizes of these so I'll throw   both of the sizes down in the link below all right  now let's move around let's talk about my cup   holder I like this cup holder because Yak attacks  makes other ones but I have yet seen one with the   rubber attachments on the inside which makes it  really nice if you have a cup that's not as big   that kind of sits in there nicely so these are  if you've never seen these before really you just   kind of screw them on I don't know if you can see  it really well I think you guys can see in there   essentially once you get that on there you just  kind of tighten it up like so and boom it is good   to go so I recommend these the yak attack ones  are good as well I did a test on a yak hacker on   this brand versus yak attack and they both held  up I'll throw that video down below I basically   ratcheted two of them together and started pulling  them to see if one was made out of Cheaper plastic   and if it broke or not so check out that video  Nick let's talk about these guys these are the   Omega Pro yak attack rod holders and these things  are freaking sweet so I have two of those as you   can see and I use these look they pop out you can  kind of put them in any direction that you want   which is really nice so I use these primarily  when I'm trolling and also if I need to like   re-tie something I'll just go ahead and throw my  rod in here and so I have an extra hand free and   they're adjustable you kind of loosen them  up tighten them up and they're really easy   to put in so basically you get this guy so  these things are to keep it in the track   and run it through this is where you tighten it up  and you're ready to go so I think these run around   40 bucks you can get sales on them I've got sales  before uh but man these things are nice so two of   them I troll a lot of times going from spot to  spot and can really just adjust the speed really   easily whenever I am pedaling and so kind of dial  in right where those fish are striking so if you   don't have these yet made in the USA high quality  never had any issue with the Omega Pros now there   are omegas and they're cheaper you might be like  oh man I got a deal but you're going to want the   two areas of adjustment and the omegas I think  it's just the pros have only one so you're going   to want this extra extension here this makes it a  whole lot easier to get your Rod where you want it   and spend the next 10 bucks get the extension arm  two points of adjustment you'll be good to go I'm   going to move down the side over here I'm getting  in some tournaments coming up here this year the   knucklehead challenge so I'll fill a link down  there if you're interested it's open to anybody   in the country and especially a bunch of content  second graders getting together creating some   teams and we're going to be going down on Veterans  Day weekend to fish off against each other's teams   so I'll throw a link to that if you're interested  in that I got a video on that explains the details   but so this catch board is pretty sweet this is  the catch X it's aluminum I like the red I went   out and put my logo on the side my wife owns  a cricket so she did that for me and then you   can get this Edition so if you know if you fish  tournaments before you know what to say if you   haven't fished tournaments that's how you measure  your fish for CPR tournament so catch photo   release and this is going to be your identifier  tag snap a photo upload it and then you can fish   against other people all over the state all over  the country and the beauty about this catchboard   is on this rod holder over here now this is kind  of an off brand I got a yak attack rod holder   coming in the mail I think today it actually might  be in my mailbox but the beauty about these guys   is that you can easily put your catch  board put an angle and click it in and boom   so it's really nice so especially going on  the left side of your kayak because I have   it tethered over here because it doesn't float and  so it's easily thought right here take the photo   and the tether isn't stretched out now if it was  on this side I have an issue because the tether   needs to be all in my business over there so you  put on the left side of the boat you're good to go   um this is supposed to be a kind of rod holder  kind of staging area where the butt of your Rod   sits here and then you can slide your tip under  here you guys wonder what that was all right   getting back here to the native Sidekicks guys I  wouldn't own a fishing kayak without these because   a lot of places I fish I actually need to move  my kayak to the water I don't back up my kayak   trailer to the water so the NATO is really nice  because you just pull them out move them down and   you're good to go and so it's kind of on a fulcrum  it's not that heavy and I just drag this to and   from the water so the beauty of this whenever  I get to the water I just take this move it up   and now I'm off to fishing I don't have to take  some type of kayak cart that I created and take   it apart and shove it in the hatch or run it back  to my car I am off to fishing so I love the side   kicks they're a bit expensive I think they run  250 sometimes 300 we're going to spend the money   and have it decked out fishing kayak and you take  your kayak to and from the water a lot from like   a parking lot or you kind of go adventuring and  kind of run it down some Trails I would highly   recommend this because the kayak carts don't work  really well whenever I've used them they've kind   of fallen off I have one but I love the native  Sidekicks so I'll throw a link they don't believe   they sell these on Amazon so I'm going to send  you someplace else for those moving around   all right guys let's move to the kayak crate so  this is a DIY kayak crate with six rod holders I   just built this a couple days ago this is actually  version two I have a version one but I did some   upgrades on the version two um using some ABS  plastic for my rod holders changing up the angles   changing up the screws changing up the bungees  so I'm gonna throw that if you're interested in   making one of these but these are really nice  because it comes with a you kind of make this   bungee top it's made out of two milk crates  and it kind of opens up and you can strap it   down inside of the kayak crate of course you have  your tackle boxes I always carries the tools that   I need to fix my kayak any given time sometimes  these screws here will come a little bit loose   and this will pop off I have that happen before  so I got some pliers I have screwdrivers in case   the screws and my gear tracks come a little bit of  loose I will tighten those up oh look these are a   little bit loose son and tighten those up and also  the one that I use often where'd it go there it is   I think this is eight millimeter hex wrench and  because a lot of times these start squeaking or   clicking and they need to tighten up so I would  hate to be out on a three or four day trip and   this thing started squeaking or becoming loose  and you had no way to tighten it up so go around   your kayak highly recommend carrying the tools you  would need to fix it while out on the water also   got a safety horn here so just a little small one  as you can see it's been it's been in the crate   for a long time still works you might have a phone  which is great but a phone is not going to get a   hold of that boat or all the way across the lake  because you're not gonna have his number so you   need some way to if you need help and you need  it urgently grab this guy you'll you'll be able   to save yourself or a whistle that'll work as well  so that is this kayak crate it's pretty sweet you   can if you want these to go straight up and down  you can do that I show you how to cut these out so   if you want to build one of these I'll throw that  video in the description below so you can make one   I think I made this for maybe 20 bucks on these  at a thrift store the marine grade mudges kind of   cheap so that's pretty awesome if you want to do  that so let's keep moving around here all right   so the paddle holder here um I just got a cheapo  paddle I don't use this thing but like emergencies   maybe three percent of the time because I have a  pedal drive but but it is kind of sturdy I didn't   go all out and buy a bending branches because I  don't use it all the time if you have a paddle   powered kayak and that's your primary way of  powering your kayak you might want to invest   in a higher grade paddle but if you want this  one I'll throw a link in the description below   but how I how I got this to kind of hold in here  in a place that I really like it is right here   in case I really need to grab it really fast and  use it which is usually when you need a paddle and   this kayak came with these guys right here which  I think they call them quick draws and they're for   the fishing pole but I'm using it as a paddle so  I can stick it in there I've put a yak attack cup   holder back here so it can sit on which just kind  of makes it nice and level and then it just kind   of sits off the back what I might do is make a  little cutout here that it kind of sits in on the   cup holder right now it's sitting on top just so  it doesn't move and then if I ever take a lure off   when I'm fishing I get to throw it in that cup  holder but if I have something in that one I'll   just put the lure back here and as I go throughout  the day this kind of piles up when I get home I   take them out clean them and do what I need to  because I have the yak attack Boomstick now this   thing's pretty sweet this is how I get the over  the shoulder shots and what I do is of course but   I think I Go Pro 8 and I run a type c cable around  the pool down here into my DB power power bank   so I have external power I've seen some guys out  there who are using the GoPro battery and they're   like changing them out all throughout the day  use external power if you're going to be shooting   over the shoulder because you don't want to have  to stop get this thing down it's the pain in the   butt to get down you just want to hit start  hit hit record when you first start out kayak   fishing and then hit stop when you're done and  so you have that nice over the shoulder shot   giving this nice Pano about where you're fishing  how you're fishing especially if you're creating   videos all right moving along all right and  aside down here I always carry the fish grips   I always have these tethered oftentimes I'll  look behind me and this thing will kind of be   floating in the water because it fell out so this  is nice I get those unexpected catches maybe those   big catfish that I don't necessarily want a lip  so I'll just go and grab it also what this is   good for if I catch a bacon right I'm taking some  photos of it and I don't want it sitting on the   bottom of my hot kayak as it's flapping around  potentially injuring itself a hook of my lip and   just lets it let it kind of swim around in the  water on the side of my boat and so that's what   I use these four also Tethered on the side here  something I use all the time which is fingernail   clippers now if you don't have a tethered pair of  fingernail clippers to your fishing kayak guys I   use these all the time especially for cutting that  hard braid that thick braid so of course your mono   your florals your co-polymers this is going to go  through it like butter and it's really easy just   always have it as you're changing lures throughout  the day all right let's look under here guys check   these out these are 3D printed seat risers the  fun thing is is that the Bonafide p127 these are   the first seat risers ever made I worked with  my buddy over at 3D Yak um because these are   not on the market and we went back and forth with  some dimensions and he printed these things up I   think they take like four hours of print up but so  you could buy these you could buy 3D printed seat   risers for just about any fishing kayak out there  and I know that he sells a lot of those so this is   the back one as you can see made it kind of nice  and long so you can move the seat forward and   backwards and then on the front he made the front  Footers now I also know that he made he stacked   these like Legos so he's been kind of modding them  out since then and so if you want a one inch seat   riser you can just remove the top end and if  you want a two two inch seat risers you stack   them on top of each other and tighten them in so  these are pretty sweet and the reason I did that   and you can't see it right now but there's a  I want some under seat storage and what I want   is a drawer so I'm working with him right now to  create a under the seat drawer where I can pull   out and look down and there's going to be a bunch  of my lures and stuff that I use all the time and   I can shut it and so working with him on creating  the mounts for that and because this is a lot of   space under here that's being underutilized at the  moment and I utilized it on my last fishing kayak   by putting a Craftsman versus stack but how this  is designed the Craftsman versus stack doesn't fit   under here because of the angles here and it  sticks way too far out here so I need to come   up with another option so stay tuned if you're  interested in that option and I'll have a video   on that out another thing that I absolutely love  is this little pouch here that holds over the side   I put my sunglasses my pliers sometimes in here  so if you don't have one of these highly recommend   they're really cheap you can get them for like 15  you don't have to get the Native Watercraft brand   this actually came with the kayak but if you don't  don't have one of these a really nice place just   to have some really highly accessible items that  you're going to use all the time and so I'll put   a link for those I just bought one of these for  my second kayak so I'll show the I'll share that   link in the description below alright guys for my  PFD I use the Raku this is the NRS Raku rip stop   nylon high quality personal flotation device and  the reason I like the Raku and Raku is just the   same as the Chinooks out there but on the back  as you can see here on the Chinooks you have a   high back float it's really thick they got to  put that flotation somewhere on the Roku they   spread it out all the way along the back and  the reason I like this because when you have   this on that high back foot sometimes will get  stuck or caught on the top of your back seat   here especially for Pedal Power kayaks and so for  pedal pyro kayaks I highly recommend the NRS Raku   the thing is it's really expensive but man these  things are quality and I put my radio up here I   got my NRS co-pilot a little safety knife here and  just really nice place to have your pliers really   available to you up at my car keys and phone in  there you can tether them down there's all kinds   of pouches in fact guys I did a review on the NRS  Raku if you want to go in a deeper dive I'll throw   that video in the description below I also run  a chesty Mount and so you see the power ad on   just any type of chest Mount I don't think this  is even GoPro I think this is the same top and   then I have a little extension arm here to kind  of get it off my chest a little bit and this way   it has all-day power as well so this is a type c  cable run it to the side and sometimes I actually   even put a 90 degree extension arm right here  to turn my camera sideways so I can get content   for video shorts and so forth and so on so I'll  throw all the links to how you would build this   I actually think I have a video on it as well  I'll throw that in the description below so a   couple things that you don't see because it's  actually in a washer right now but I have a   behind the seat backpack on on the seat it makes  it really easy and I know you can buy them but   they're really expensive if you get them from  like Bonafide or native so you can just go to   Walmart and spend like 20 bucks and get a backpack  it doesn't get in the way of where you sit because   the the straps go on the outside here and it's a  really nice place just to put your wallet or some   tackle or some of your new tackle and just  shove it in there and kind of forget about   it so 20 bucks really easy modification to give  yourself some extra storage because we all know   on a fishing kayak the real estate is Slim so  you got to make do with all that you got there   and a lot of times after I put that in there this  is a really nice place to put maybe a jacket or   rain jacket or even a PFD to kind of hold it  in place there I have my Raku but I also have   my West Marine low profile if it is 100 degrees  outside 90 degrees I'm typically not wearing the   Raku so I'll just wear a lower profile so if  you guys are interested in personal flotation   devices and the kind of differences I did a video  kind of in depth on kind of The Ultimate Guide to   personal flotation devices so I'll throw that in  the description below too also guys I like doing   a lot of things DIY as you might already know but  these you can create really cheap I think I spent   25 cents on this guy so this is old phone cord I  just went to the thrift store and paid 25 cents   for this and you could create your own DIY leashes  that I believe actually hold up better than the   wire ones because once you stretch these out they  they they're kind of stretched out for life these   guys always come back to the coil a little more  heavy duty so if you're interested in learning   how to make one of these I'll throw that link in  the description below a lot of times what I'll   use this for is I'll attach a carabiner and an  old towel to it kind of put it off the back here   as you guys know as you catch bunch of slimy fish  sometimes it's nice just to get your hands clean   so that's what I use that for the pliers that  I referenced I don't think I told you what kind   they were they're booms aluminum pliers these  things are really nice also Tethered to my PFD   so I don't ever lose those I want to take you  in here just gonna see how I'm gonna put this   under the seat storage this is what I'm going  to attach on a seat this drawer will open and   close and then I'll have a bunch of stuff in here  like my lighter and my sunscreen and my lip gloss   all stuff that's really nice to have out there  including lure so I need to create some type of   partitioned area in here to kind of separate all  that stuff so stay tuned on that guy it's coming   and the last few things for you guys if you don't  have a lot of space in your garage but you have   a higher ceiling I created this guy at the kayak  lift heavy duty and it actually runs on a battery   and so this have it on a tender and this is just  a winch up here that basically just pulls all the   wires up so if you're interested in making one  of these guys up and down man I can't tell you   I I can't believe I've gone so long with kind  of trying to maneuver these Kayaks with my cars   in this garage and this is so nice to get them  and utilize that space up here and lastly how   I transport my fishing kayak is through this guy  I just made this a couple weeks ago this is a DIY   kayak double decker trailer so I get my Bonafide  p127 up top and then I pull this up and I put my   native Slayer Propel 10 down below and if you guys  want to know how I kind of transform my utility   trailer to a double decker kayak trailer if you  like what you see then I'll throw that link of   how I did this and that build in description below  as well so as you guys saw I got a lot of videos   you reference a lot of the builds that I did on  This fishing kayak but also I had a video out   there on how to keep your fishing kayak in your  kayak trailer from getting stolen and how you can   use Apple Air tags to recover it if it is stolen  and I got that video for you right there [Music]
Channel: Wendell Fishing
Views: 49,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing Kayak Setup Ideas - Detailed Walkthrough - Hacks - Mods, Fishing kayak setup, fishing kayak modifications, diy fishing kayak modifications, kayak fishing, kayak fishing setup, kayak hacks, fishing kayak, fishing kayak setup ideas, kayak fishing setup for beginners, fishing kayak walkthrough, fishing kayak mods, kayak hacks and mods, kayak mods, kayak mods for fishing, fishing kayak setup, fishing kayak accessories, kayak fishing modifications, wendell fishing, kayak
Id: 3O711wmItLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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