2023聖誕節大餐!廣州!沙面島!旅遊攻略!肉眼牛扒59元!3人消費170元!CP值極高!飽到不得了!商場爆滿人!餐廳大排長龍!星巴克咖啡!下午茶!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

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Before going to eat Western food, we first go to Starbucks to preheat a Falt White with my name on it, and then have two frozen drinks, this one is caramel coffee with ice, this one is a frozen latte, and the French western food becomes Coral de Dinner with a brother. It seems that my daughter is very satisfied with this choice. These are the choices that are suitable for us. The pork chop is very thick and the tomatoes are very big. You need to use a fork to eat the rice. It seems good to enjoy this. Hello, viewers. Today is Saturday. Today is the 23rd . Take advantage of Saturday. It’s time for us to take a trip to Shamian Island to see the church. Although it is not our religious belief, the most important thing is to eat Western food. Is it good to go to Locomotive French Restaurant ? I don’t know if there is a location during the Christmas holiday. If there is no location, we will go to Conggui Road. In front of eating pork knuckle noodles, this is the Link Plaza. Come out of Exit F of Huangsha Metro Station. This is Exit F. You will see it after you walk out, but you have to walk up the stairs . Finally, we came up to Shamian Island. I don’t need to say more because there are coupons. After the coupon has expired, we will go to Starbucks to buy a drink first. As for dinner, I just mentioned that for Western food, we might go to Lokomotiv because I have been to the Rose Garden before and didn’t like it. I didn’t like the time I went there by myself. This time, I took my daughter and my wife to Lokomotiv. We should turn left to go to that very distinctive Starbucks. The very classic Starbucks. Pass here. We pass here. Pass in this direction and you will see Huangsha. This is the Huangsha subway station . I don’t know if the subway entrance or exit is already there. It’s open , but I saw a lot of people coming out of Exit F. Just now when we went up, we saw a tour group. I believe that the entrance on the opposite side hasn’t been opened yet, so you don’t have to go up the stairs. Recently, you have to go up the stairs. It’s very hard. Shamian, of course, you can take a look at these old buildings. These buildings are from the late Qing Dynasty. In addition, the festival is approaching recently. I came here to take pictures of the lighting, especially the young people. And of course it is lively today, Saturday afternoon . Some young people have to go to work this morning , or have to go to work on Saturday. You can take advantage of this. The place I came to visit today should be the former embassy. There will also be a church here. Behind it is the White Swan Hotel. My daughter said it would be better to try the White Swan Hotel. I can’t tell her that there may not be room today. I asked her to have a drink. She tells you what kind of coffee you want to drink. The bitterest one is very lively. People cook tea around the stove and eat some charcoal-baked snacks. The most important thing is that the weather is cold, which is suitable for eating. Many people like to take a beautiful photo here. Cute. If you are a tourist and go to Yongqingfang or Xiguan, it is a good choice to stop by here . You can also go to eat seafood or the Christian Shamian Synagogue. You can enter, but you cannot take pictures. There is a sign that you cannot take pictures here. It turns out that commercial photography is prohibited. After visiting the church, we can go to drink coffee and go to Starbucks. But I still don’t remember where it is. It seems that there are a lot of these buildings in Shamian in front . Especially if you like to be quiet, you can come on holidays. If you want to take pictures and watch the excitement, you can do it on weekends or holidays. Christmas is always a Western holiday. There won’t be any holidays in China , and there is no holiday during the winter solstice. Besides , Christmas this year seems to be on Monday when I used to work. There are also some colleagues who are believers , but they will stay until the night of the 24th to attend their ritual gathering , and then have tea the next morning. These are very local activities in Guangzhou. Is their activity in this location? I know it’s almost done. My wife and I took wedding photos here. It’s very unique and very different. We didn’t choose to go abroad to take photos and take wedding photos. Tianhe Park , Tianhe Park, what is the name of Tianhe Park, and other botanical gardens? Those South China Botanical Gardens are all Now , at that time, we chose here, we chose here, it was fast , flat, beautiful , easy to take pictures, and then there were not so many people with these bronze statues of Chinese little sisters, foreign little sisters , these are all little sisters , it seems When I go back and look at a photo of this location , I know it seems to be this location , but most of the places here are like this. There are also some embassies. If I remember correctly, it should be the Polish embassy. In addition to the embassy, ​​there are also a lot of these. What the hell are these selling some trinkets? It's easy to go in and take a look at these old houses. It turns out they sell trinkets like the ones we have in Friendship Square. This is No. 61, Shamian Street. It used to be Tianxiang Matheson, a British company. They sell these things and denim handbags. The handbags have some handmade accessories. The handbags that cost a few thousand yuan to buy from big brands are also similar to the ones we saw at the door of the Friendship Store. There are also some figures of the lion getting rich, Super Mario three-eyed boy. Which one do you like as a Christmas gift ? Fat boy, look at it. Ziduo is funny . There is a window dedicated to Crayon Shin-chan selling drinks. I saw wheat grass . After drinking it, you must be healthy. Many people bought it. It seems that the flower above is very attractive. My little sister took a photo. Last night we passed by Beijing Road and saw it. The 2024 lighting decoration is also crowded with people taking photos. I haven’t seen the lights in the Great Buddha Temple last night. I don’t know what it will be like when the lights are on here. We went to buy drinks first because we didn’t want to go to the restaurant too late. It would be terrible if we didn’t have a seat. What time is it now? As for here When we came to Starbucks , it was right in front. It was very unique. We went in and took a look, and this is where it is. I remember it used to be a nursery, and now it has become a Starbucks. At that time, the British and French people were here, and now it has become a Chinese place. It's an American company , but it's managed by Chinese people . I'm right, it's managed by Chinese people. Isn't it very interesting? There are many people inside Starbucks. We plan to buy it and take it away, okay? This is the coffee we ordered. They asked for it to be frozen. It was amazing . I wanted a Frappuccino, of course it was frozen. I wanted a Flat White, which was also frozen. Some people drank the frozen Flat White. It was really funny. As for the one we asked for , he also helped me choose it. I have never had a frozen sugar latte. The final checkout was 62 yuan because there were so many discounts and there were coupons. That’s how it is. Before eating Western food, we went to Starbucks to preheat the drinks of our choice. Flat White has my name on it. Two more frozen cups. This is a caramel coffee frappuccino. This is a frozen latte and hazelnut latte. Both cups are sweet. My cup is not sweet, and here are some cakes. These chocolate cakes are 35 yuan each . What is the name of this ? As for me, I want a cup of Flat White . I drink Flat White with added sugar, which is funny and not hot. How come the Frappuccino is hot? I don’t know if there are any Australian viewers. Australian viewers will definitely laugh when they see me. Flat White has to be sweetened. This is a Starbucks with one star , but maybe they are too busy today . I didn’t even bother to slowly sip the coffee. It’s very rich and milky but not sweet. I shared it with my wife, who has the same taste. She can try the two flavors. What ’s the name of this cake? These should be very sweet. This combination is very good. One is sweet and the other is not sweet. This layer is crunchy and sweet , but not as hard as sugar candies. It is delicious. The top is chestnut puree. The bottom layer must be savored slowly to make it delicious . This coffee is a very good match. Let me try this. I will try three corners here. I will try here . Why is there a piece here? Tried this one, it's very good. It doesn't have a lot of bubbles. It's very strong. The cheese is very bitter. This one is very good. This one is not sweet. These are good for a long time. I also eat a lot. I also spent a lot of money here. There is a golden card in the money. I don’t know why it has my name on it. I just took it to the counter. I asked what the card was for. She said it was useless and it was just a souvenir . She seemed to prefer this one. I only ate this one. They were both very good and very soft. We took this cup to drink while walking. I didn’t even eat much at noon. I had breakfast at 11 o’clock and it was a Saturday when I didn’t eat . There seemed to be a period film being filmed on the second floor. It was so cold today that I couldn’t see it. But there are a lot of cats here. Cats like to play with people , but it’s more difficult when the weather is freezing. We saw a cat with a cat strip . Would the cat eat the strip? It heard the cat strip. Did you see a black one ? This black one is not afraid of freezing. It is possible to see if it eats. Of course it eats . The cat is very smart. Eat it. It will fall in love with you instantly. Look at how quickly you can eat it. It is very greedy. It is very nervous. Be careful , it can’t be fed, it can only be squeezed to eat, and it needs to be squeezed a little bit on the ground. We put the cat strip on the ground. You see, it is very cautious before coming to eat. You see, the black cat , and it can never be caught from a very safe distance. And this is a company place, not someone else's home. The cat is very cautious, but it can't help but be hungry. That's it. The fool is here. Get closer. It wants to go very cautiously. It's better to look at the map and explain the location clearly to everyone . Let me tell you once that the west side of Shamian Island is close to the Huangsha subway station and the east side is close to the Cultural Park subway station. They are all on Line 6. Then we want to eat . After eating here, we can also go to Yongqingfang. Okay, but if you talk about Yongqingfang, which is the Huangsha subway station, it is relatively close. In front of you is the new school building of Shamian Primary School. It is very beautiful. It is also undergoing seismic reinforcement projects. Because it is doing this, it will not be difficult to return here. A church. This church is a Catholic church. Now we finally understand that the church we went to just now is a Christian church and it is different here. It seems to be quieter. Do you know if you can take wedding photos here ? When I came to Shamian here, every place talked about taking wedding photos. It was all about those churches . It seemed that the one just now was more lively. I don’t understand. I can’t remember which of those churches in Guangzhou is until now. Which Catholic church is Christian ? For example, the Stone Chamber is Catholic. This one is also Catholic. Because we came late, it must have been closed. After watching the church, we saw a very hairy cat inside. I don’t know where it was. It was very hairy and we saw many young people. People were dressed coolly. In the morning we saw a man who was dressed as if he were going to the beach at Sa Pa Bay. My wife liked it. There are enough trees here. This one seemed so exaggerated. Just now, there was one that had to be supported by wood. Can we go and eat Western food now? I'm afraid there won't be a seat , so why don't we go eat first? It's here. We seem to be watching entertainers or doing some kind of auction activity. It seems that we have no choice but to give up on French and Western food at Locomotive this Christmas. It 's such a shame here. What are so many people doing? What should we do next time ? I didn’t know those artists were filming , so I came up at the right time to watch people take pictures of the sunset. There are still 20 minutes left for the sunset. It’s the most beautiful right now. It’s just the right time to go down to the yellow sand . If you like to watch the sunset, you can come here and give it a try. We plan to have dinner here tonight, and now we are being visited by others. We rented a venue and were doing some variety shows, so we had no choice but to wait until the next Christmas. We didn’t want to give up. We came over again to confirm. It turned out that we only accept individual visitors, but we had to make a reservation. Then we just I went to ask the waitress and she told me coldly that I didn’t have a reservation and there was no Western food. We are now going back to Xicheng Metropolis. There is a Locomotive Western Restaurant. This is a real train . The two of them were discussing what they were eating , and there was a cat on it. There are a lot of yellow cats here. They continue to discuss what they are eating . I believe that at this point, we can come to the conclusion that we will not be able to eat Western food on Christmas , which is some very casual afternoon tea meals such as Café de Coral and Happy Woods. Something like that made him think of the Xicheng Metropolis. Why don't he go and have a look again? Can you please eat? Teppanyaki Steak, Brother Pork Chop, and Baked Rice. What do you want to eat ? She was searching on the Internet. Coral's is very delicious . Or Happy Happiness. I don't know which one. It can be called Hainan Chicken Rice and spicy dishes , but the atmosphere is not that good. Is it elegant? It's very good . What kind of northwest food do you want to eat? Forget it. We just went into the Victory Hotel and saw their menu. It's not a lot . It has Western food and it's not full. It's this one. It's in the garden. ... Look at this... It ’s not available tonight . There is a buffet for Christmas Eve at NT$198/person. We are back at Xicheng Metropolis, which is the Link Plaza. Earlier I looked at the information and found out that Link and The Link have nothing to do with each other. They are both called Link. It 's not that... it's not related to Link REIT, it's that... We called Xicheng to stop international speculators for a year , and spent tens of billions to buy stocks. Then the stocks couldn't be sold and bought them back to the municipal market in Hong Kong. I made a mistake and thought it was with The one that's the same thought it was the same as that one, but it turns out it's not. It has nothing to do with that. We are here for dinner. The first one is this. This should not be the case. There is coffee here and there are cars for sale. This is Ji Krypton Cars. The counter is busy enough. If we didn’t expect it, we might... There is a Chaofa Beef Restaurant above. The most important thing is to go up to the second floor and see if it 's okay . We want to know if there are seats. If there are no seats, it doesn't matter how high the CP value is . If you have beef hot pot, you can also consider eating it. It's good. You have to wait for a table. This doulao or hot pot is almost equal to The hot pot with tofu pudding is full, but the beef hot pot is basically useless. There is no need to waste your energy. It is full. Jiu Mao Jiu is also full. It is basically like this. It seems that if you have no choice, you can only go to the Happy Coconut Chicken downstairs. Is Coconut Chicken Chaofa sitting like this again? Is Tan Zai Rice Noodles good? Haha, yes, that’s good. There are also queues for all the Hakka dishes. There is no queue here. In front is Genki Sushi. As for Tan Zai, it is hot and must be full. Is it okay? If you don’t have beef balls and rice noodles, eat Guilin rice noodles and Yunnan rice noodles. Don’t even think about it. Just go to everyone. Rakugenki sushi is all frozen and you can eat ramen, there is Taiji pickled fish, this one is for the haircut, just eat that one, I forgot to get my haircut, I am very happy, waiting for the kids to get their haircut , and this one, there is no one, is this a Café de Coral? Ask your daughter how crowded it is today. Saturday is like this. Every restaurant is full except for sushi and Tan Zai. Even the milk tea shop is like this . There are so many people sitting here. It seems that business is very good. Finally, there is no other way. Come in to Café de Coral. I guess so. I don’t know if Café de Coral will be a big one. Coral de Coral is very cost-effective and has great food options , and many people are very excited . When we chose this location just now, it was a couple who was almost full and very smoky. When I drink red bean ice, it seems to be... a little better than eating those Northwest dishes, but the Northwest dishes are not good , and they are suitable for her. They are spicy and grilled, very good. From a French Western food to Café de Coral, I have pork chop rice. It seems that my daughter is very satisfied with this choice. Since it is Café de Coral, there are not many new menus in the menu reading process. We placed a good order. My daughter chose the Thai tomato, shrimp and beef soup pot. The tomato soup noodles are no different from Tan Zai. There are also chicken wings for 50 yuan, and the drinks are good . My wife and I chose this one for 67 yuan. Because we always want to eat steak, we chose this one. There is also borscht and onion juice, fried rice with eggs, and there is another one below. I ended up with the Chinese-style refreshing chicken soup, which is Yi Ge’s cheese and pork chop baked rice , plus an almond protein tea, plus a white rice. It’s 178 yuan , so it’s both a Coral de Coral and a Happy Woods Coral. The food doesn’t bother me. I only had three meals. I often talk about Xicheng Metropolis Café. Here I write about the Xicheng Metropolis store, but not the Link Plaza store. It used to be... where is the excitement? Xicheng Duhui Hengbao Plaza is a little more lively. Now of course, there are two ground lines here, Line 6 and Line 1. Now it’s bigger. The first thing we serve is Brother Yi’s pork chop baked rice. We will share and eat this. White rice is mine. This white rice is placed in front of me. This is almond tea. My wife likes to drink this. This is the rice my daughter chose. Let’s take a look at the ingredients . I won’t eat yours . This is rice with tomato sauce. Next, this one is wonderful. This one. What's there? There's a lemon on top. This is fat beef. There should be shrimps on the bottom. There's also a pancake that I don't know. The whole pot is full of soup base and all the bottom is baby vegetables. There are two chicken wings, that's it , and a cup. On the soda side, my wife and I chose to eat half of the Yi Ge pork chop. There is also a sizzling steak meal. One can use a knife and the other can use chopsticks. This one is very thick. It is called thick cut. You eat it slowly . Of course, the pig is delicious if it has bones. The pork chop has no bones and is flattened with a hammer. Of course it’s not delicious. How can the pork chop not be delicious ? As for me, I just eat white rice instead of white rice. This is our Christmas dinner . This is really delicious. My daughter understands. Eat this cup of soaked cheese. You can drink it . I have an extra bowl. I can try the pork chop rice. The pork chop rice is all suitable for us. This pork chop is very thick. This one is very big . She needs a fork to scoop out the rice. While admiring this, it seems pretty good. The bowl of pork chop I was assigned was quite large. My wife had a theory before that we wanted to eat Western food during the Chinese New Year and Chinese food during Christmas . There weren’t that many people, but today was an exception. That’s why we seldom stay on Saturdays. This is the reason why we are in the city. Considering that everyone wants to eat Western food, my daughter is very happy. Look at how big the steak is and the portion is enough . Please trouble you. There is also a bowl of soup here. No, this is old chicken soup. It seems that this meal is very popular. I remember the Happy Iron Plate Meal. In addition, that restaurant will spit fire. I eat quickly. My wife asked me why I eat so much food. I am very hungry. This is my rice. The pork chop is good. If it is cheaper in Guangzhou, it is also a good choice to eat pork chop at Café de Coral . If there is a restaurant other than a five-star hotel, there is one near Liede in Zhujiang New Town. The food is good, but it is Japanese . In the past, their pork chop rice would be very boring for a while. Now it is refreshing. As for my daughter , she is appreciating the rice noodles. Borscht is a tomato soup base. Is it too much ? I'll give you a sweet tea chicken soup. You can drink it. It's very hot. You can drink it. You want to drink this drink ? It doesn't matter . After I finish the fried rice, it's baked pork chop rice. The casual steak atmosphere must be the best in Sha Mian, but if you look at the cost-effectiveness, this one is good. It costs more than 60 yuan. It has ribeye steak. Yes, let me cut it first. It is a family favorite, so it seems to be cut apart and not slowly cut into a corner. The steaks are very elegant , and the steaks everyone here is very juicy. When it comes to the rib-eye steak, it will not be done very solidly. The ripeness can only be based on the chef's performance , and it is difficult to control the ripeness on the iron plate, but it is fully cooked. It's not too cheap. The most rare thing is that it's more than 60 yuan. It's our Chinese way of eating. We eat it with white rice and drink old chicken soup. It's very good. Try the steak, which has tendons. I divided my daughter's borscht drink like this. We used to have a long time ago before our daughter was born. I don’t know when she was born. When we traveled to Hong Kong, we always went to Café de Coral or Foxwoods. At that time, there weren’t many Maxim’s. We didn’t know what Maxim’s were. When she was still a baby, I still remember that there were Do you remember the doctor who accidentally gave her diarrhea while eating in a fast food restaurant and almost wet her body? Have a glass of soda In Mong Kok, I remember Borscht. We went to ask for directions. In Tsuen Wan, a Hong Kong man took us all the way to the MTR station. We were staying at the Nina Hotel in Tsuen Wan and wanted to go to Disneyland. It’s normal to not know the way. It seems that you are going to Yongqing at Wongsha MTR station. It's normal for people not to know the road. After we asked her about that beauty, she took us to the pedestrian bridge and we walked for a long time. The borscht soup was delicious and spicy. Today, the borscht soup is spicy and delicious. Chinese Christmas set meal. It's very juicy and at such a price . Try the almond tea . Today is Saturday. We have made an appointment to apply for a passport and a Hong Kong and Macao pass. Because I have a Hong Kong and Macao pass. My wife does not have a daughter, but her daughter has to go to school and is very busy with studies recently, so she won't do it yet. Let ’s get a passport first and leave at any time , especially now that many countries can exempt visas on arrival. If the time is right, I will take my daughter to a Southeast Asian country to celebrate the New Year. We are full and very satisfied. It is 7:30 in the restaurant and there are still so many people . The whole place is full of families. There are also young couples and fathers and sons who are also singles. There are still so many people. These two big restaurants often have new menus. Chicken steak was 60 yuan a portion. It used to be a little but now it is more. And roasted spring chicken is now less. After eating here, you can also buy a cup of milk tea. Is this a lemon tea shop? There is a doll here that is a pig mascot. Have you ever drank? Have you ever drank this? There are many people in the shopping mall and I have heard that many restaurants do a lot of business on the night of the winter solstice. Guangzhou is definitely no exception. Now I come here to buy bread to eat. This is a relatively expensive bakery. There are also Cantonese restaurants upstairs such as banquets, but this sign is for viewing. Unexpectedly , we have thought about it, but we have forgotten which floor, so we can only give up. There are still cars for sale, Denza MPV, which is big enough. I can’t remember how tall this car is. Now this brand has a translator. I can hold it and speak some languages ​​​​such as English. It 's good to change back to Chinese , but I don't know if this one is for sale , but the price is not very cheap , and there is this Lingling sister next door who endorses it? Watsons has always been a shopping mall in Hong Kong , so there are more stores in Hong Kong. For example, there is Wing Wah in front of Café de Coral , or these cosmetics stores are all from Hong Kong . We don’t like Watsons. Even I, a boy, don’t like it because there are many sales staff. The annoyance will wrong you. Now that they know that this matter will not help the sales business, they will all stop selling. There will not be so many people because they are annoying your husband to buy two. If you buy two , he will buy five because it is boring. Now it has changed. It's much better. The most they can do is ask you to join when you check out and buy membership coupons. Look at this car here. I don't know how much these MPVs cost. They are difficult to drive and it feels like driving a ship , but they are definitely comfortable enough . There seems to be a pure electric version of a very large chair. No, it seems to be equipped with these and French mineral water. I sat on it to have a look. I couldn’t see the front of the car at all. I just asked the sales sister if I should buy it. This one is a hybrid. The minimum configuration of the car is 350,000. You can’t open the doors here. The second row space is as strong as an airplane cabin. The luggage rack in the rear row is stronger. If you put it in the back, you can put more suitcases. It’s good , but I don’t buy these cars. It's not open, so keep going and take the subway. It 's super busy. I haven't seen West Chengdu Hui so busy in a long time. There are also children buying clothes and down clothes running around . It's amazing here. It costs 30 yuan per person to play with cats and there should be nothing to eat. There should be no-time-limited cats for pure play. There is one all long-haired cats, one is lying down or these have been fed until he is full and has become accustomed to getting along with people . Just now we saw the black one, the one who is just afraid of people is still active. It costs 39 yuan to play with someone, but if you have free time, can it be 29 yuan? Today, there is a cat sleeping here for 39 yuan. This place is amazing. A bunch of cats all sleep here. They don’t eat steak. Come here to play with cats. This is right here . Correction. It turns out that it is an hour. One hour is enough. Every one of them is sleeping here. Is the heating on inside? Maybe we will finally see one moving. This one is not very bold and is stretching here. He just woke up. There are black and tabby cats. Most of them are long-haired cats . This is a drinking machine for cats . Cats need to drink liquid. Why does a cat drink water ? Cats need to drink water , otherwise they will get sick. Cats don’t like to drink stagnant water. Nowadays, many shopping malls like this one specialize in cat themes , and there are some paid items for people to play with cats inside. This cat is very happy inside. Are people happier? Is the cat happier? Or is your boyfriend happier? They should all be very happy. They have seen it outside. Especially the two of them were very happy when they saw the cat. This is what Christmas is like. But for us, these festivals are always about eating out and there will be no rituals. It is always a traditional Chinese festival for us. It will be more lively. These are all consumption festivals for us. The shopping malls are lively. There is a shoe store in front and Master Bao. Dear viewers, Hong Kong viewers should all know what Master Bao is. There should be many people traveling these days. It is sitting on top. From here on the subway, go to the right and take the subway. I told you wrongly. It goes back to Datong Road. It’s really delicious. Master Bao has a lot of food here, such as the ramen in front of McDonald’s or this one. I think it’s from Thailand because the word KOI is I don’t remember the pronunciation of Thailand. This is the ramen I just mentioned. It’s northwest style and costs 26 yuan a bowl. I can’t get in here at the subway station. I remember you have to go in front. There’s a coffee shop selling glasses in front. This side sells clothes. This side sells clothes. You should be able to go to the subway station and get there. It should be called East Wing. Now I am taking advantage of the weekends to go out and play. The temperature has picked up today , especially since the mall has turned on the heating. I feel very hot now . It is really rare for the mall to have this sale, or maybe There are so many milk tea shops next to this mall. The occupancy rate of this shopping mall is very high. I think at least I haven’t seen so many of them in Jipu. Yes, they are very powerful . Even if they don’t hire companies from Hong Kong to rent space, they must be very powerful. There is a coffee shop here and there is also a fish spot upstairs. You can come back and try it. I went around the cat. Why did I go around in a circle? I made a mistake. I thought I was going upstairs to take the subway. In front of me, next to the cat, I took the subway. There are so many people even buying tickets and waiting to get in. It won’t let so many people in at once. It’s so happy that it has to wait for the people in front to leave before letting people in. If you put it in once, the cat will be frightened and dumbfounded. My wife said it is very innocent . Are there any cats that bite people? Take the subway. Take the subway. There are so many people in front of you. Here are the subway stations of Line 1 and Line 6. I saw so many people waiting to get into the subway. It’s so exaggerated . You can go to Dongshankou here and you can go to Haizhu Square . So I often say that before I came to Xicheng Metropolis, it was very deserted when I was not on holiday. Now everyone sees so many people entering the subway and sitting across from them. Everyone has something to eat. This is how our Christmas food trip ends. It’s time to go home. Next episode. Dear viewers , share this video with your friends or give us a like. We had a great time today. See you in the next episode.
Channel: Hunting Archer
Views: 34,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 广州美食 粤语, food tour, city walk, Chinese food, walking tour, street walk, town market, china tour, busy street, dim sum, 粤语, cantonese, Guangzhou, Cantonese cuisine, 点心, Chinese Food, Canton Food Tour, Walk in GuangZhou, vlog, guangzhou, street food, eating, chinese food, chinese food recipes, food tourism, food tour china, food tour vlog, china tourist, china tourism, china tourism vlog, 聖誕節, 廣州, 旅遊, 2023聖誕節, 聖誕節大餐, 旅遊攻略, 牛扒, 商場, 星巴克, 咖啡, 下午茶, 教堂, 火車頭法國餐廳, 領展商場, 聖誕節 粵語, china tourist vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 22sec (2662 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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