2022 US Coast Guard Vessel Safety Check Requirements

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so as the title says we're getting boarded by the coast guard but the good part about this boarding is we were able to make an appointment for it we're having the boat inspected for the year uh three good reasons to get that done one is you know you have a good safe vessel you're not missing anything accidentally uh number two things change right on an annual basis that's right this year it's the fire extinguishers after 12 years they expire and there's a date on the bottom of those and i don't think many people know about that so there's going to be a lot of boardings this year and i'm afraid people are going to be getting tickets because they've got expired fire extinguishers and in the past that was never a thing that's it's a big change for this year the last reason it's a great idea to get this done is they do give you a sticker to show that you have been inspected for the year so if the coast guard is out inspecting vessels and they see that you already have the sticker well no sense in doing a boat twice they'll move on and board somebody else's boat and then you get to enjoy the rest of your day free pass yay we like those so we have all of our things out ready to go and as soon as they show up we'll run right through this no sense in having them have to dig around in all of our lockers and pulling things out so we have our documents out we have got all the things yeah you know our first aid kits the flares the life jackets all those things why talk about it we'll show you come on join us on the elliot as we realize our five-year plan with the kids grown up moved out graduated from college we take the dog sold everything and kitted out the boat so we can cruise the pacific northwest all while living and working in the heart of seattle like i said we were getting bored or reported by the coast guard by appointment today and uh if you just want to introduce yourself yeah what are we going to do today so i'm multicrowding with the coast guard auxiliary so um civilian volunteer arm of the united states coast guard and we're going to do a vessel safety check today to make sure that you have all the safety equipment we'll start with some paperwork first and then we'll get into the things everything else yes all right we have all of our iliad his paperwork or our paperwork both oh there we go let's see documentation or registration as well let's start with this have you either of you attended uh uh either united states coast guard with power squadron state boating safety class i'm power supporter okay and you no nothing okay yes did you ever have a decal before was this the first time first time okay so this is your first time how long does it usually take to do uh a walkthrough um because of covid we're restricted to keeping it to a half an hour half an hour yeah um and and smaller boats sometimes take less than that anyway yeah and larger boats it only usually takes about that long anyway but there's this discussions that we like to have about float plans and stuff because we could see like where people are could use a little help you know so so for example i would say take a voter safety class even if you're not required to um it's a difference between the voter safety class and like the squadron and there's other classes you can take as well well you obviously took the i guess you took the safety course because you have your boater's license oh yeah yeah she's done that yes you took it with something then okay but just not the full meal deal okay oh yeah okay perfect yeah that's that's i've done something obviously yeah i'm a safe boater yeah what's the length of this boat loa is 50. okay almost spot on and it's diesel yes and here and let's see if this is in daycare this is good all right here we go did you bring oh good you have things out there right yeah yeah all right so let's take a look at the life jackets first so i'm making sure that their united states coast guard approved if they are and they look in really good condition that's great those are newer um did you mind if i open this to check that of course there they're in the green that's good it's a good idea to check that every now and then i've seen some that people thought they were great wearing them for years yeah yeah they were red and i said you want to see something and nothing nothing you know good point if you ever if you know if anything ever gets like uh ruined or anything like that like it's frayed cut it up throw it out coming out but these are all in great shape so you're good on the life jackets do you have any other life jackets anywhere else for guests we do oh yes yeah that's what i want to see i want to see if the kids are separated do you have kid life jackets we don't have kids on board okay great and you're set then you're good with the life jacket oh okay okay not until we have grandkids sometimes people put them together with other life jackets and it gets you know then if you had to pull them out quickly you give it an adult a child life jacket or or if there's things on top of them or if they're in their plastic bag and still brand new right probably do that i've fantastic and it's good to get familiarized just to know what's in there okay and to be honest we were going through it what was in it there was a jock itch uh uh right right yeah ointment in it so this thing has all the things yeah um this is a this is the book this is a great book you need to have you know the rules of the road on board but uh it depends on the size vessel but i actually recommend this is a recommendation only not a requirement i recommend you actually reading it like once a year like seriously i i read it once a year okay not inland oh really yes okay yeah a lot of people don't okay you're not the only person i usually normally don't show people this but since it's it's a little bit of a confusion because people go well we're inland but you're actually it's international rules of the road here future sound and ancient waters seven to apply to all coal rags that's the international applied to all fusion sound that jason wrote including lake union oh wow yeah so we are the international rules of road so this is the side so when i tell people to read it over it's not like you have to read the whole book so this is really good wow this is good that you have by the way for extra extra credit we have a dog medical kit too doggy medical kiss i'll put extra extra credit that's right yeah what's this that is flares okay let's check the flares yep it's an emergency just rip them out yeah it's made for emergency problems they they get stuck so this is good it's february of 2023 oh 23. see i'm running all my dates so far yeah this is good so um put that in your checklist it's a good idea to you know read the instructions on how to use these and if you do shoot them they recommend you shoot two at a time okay the reason is you're out on the water and someone sees one on people orlando did you see something no i don't know but they see the second one yeah and then all right um so this is a this is great so this is your night time let's see and this is this will count as your um well this will count as your day it's your flag um if if um you recommended being out of the package no this one this one could stay in the package um if you ever really you put on top of the roof you know this way oh okay yeah okay um this is great because it doesn't go out of date and here's another flag you have in here so you have a second flag do you know how to use it yes don't look at it though yeah because she uh okay and then so it starts up and then it flashes the so that's good as long as you know how to use it i've had people who struggle with using it the first time so i always encourage people to try to use it you know like so like just so you know some of them have a screw top exactly and that's really confusing yeah especially in a panic situation that's why wrote the one with the button exactly the thing that i this is a recommendation this is my recommendation not you know i like to have smoke or orange smoke okay and i'll tell you why okay if there's gonna be smoke um out on the um if you pop smoke everyone on land is gonna start calling it's calling for help oh good point if you if you if you put this little light right oh look at that there's a there's another buoy you know you're gonna you got that one shot and if they miss it they miss it right if they see smoke especially in the daytime yeah it doesn't last that long but if they see smoke people go like everyone is going to be calling 9-1-1 yeah you know so smoke's a good idea okay uh let's have your fire extinguishers yes so we have one down in the injury we have four that are portable so i don't know if you want to see that one i can show you the three we have let's take a look at them okay so this one first one's here which is good so we've got the galley right here and this one i know you want to check this yeah because this here yep and i wanted to see that just you know how to get it out you know because some people don't even know how to get it out so um do you know how to use them yes okay you pull that pin yep put it at the base of the fire yep and pull the trigger yeah squeeze the name yeah perfect and these don't last that long just so you know um yeah they go out pretty fast 12 seconds 20 seconds something we have a fixed system down the engine room where it really matters let's take a look at the other fire extinguishers right here let's see it yeah let's make sure it's in the sure it's i'm more interested in this you're good yeah okay that's good great is there and there's a fourth one it's down in the engine room no i'm just looking at this room here um you you pass for the fire extinguishers you have enough and they're in good shape um you recommend having recommended uh if you have someone sleeping in there yeah you know yeah so okay good yeah and we have fire uh alarms in every one of our perfect cabins as well okay that's great that's a good recommendation we'll we'll definitely put one in the other cabinet not required pollution placard the sink is where we have the placard for the waste and then i'll show you where perfect that's good the other one is good so you have that one [Applause] fantastic oh good you haven't been double there that's great navigation rules you have fantastic uh what do you use for your galley uh no gas it is all electric okay great valley heating systems fantastic do you have a carbon monoxide sticker we do not i have one carbon monoxide just remember it might not come from your boat it could come from somebody else's boat too right carbon monoxide sticker somewhere there i'll i'll let you put that later okay but you have that if you both start getting tired mm-hmm you know open the windows and stuff like that yeah especially you can get carbon monoxide in the locks you know if someone's holding oh the motor is on and stuff right so it's just you don't have any gas things here but it can cause some other things as well yeah um let's take a look at the um nav lights yes you're i want to hear your your sound producing device let's turn it yeah just a quick one that's good okay see your navigation lights yeah uh maybe turn those on down below and then we'll do the uh the anchor the anchor do you want me to show you the anchor real quick while we're at yeah hey honey can you flip it to the anchor there you go do you see the other one oh i see it's down below there yeah yeah yeah from this angle yeah that camera kind of but uh wait go to the other one again oh yeah yeah great okay got the cast on the lights you said that's pretty common those burn out and then it's not it's not that they burn out it's that people never check them okay and if they don't check the stern light when they're out and about yeah at night you're invisible that's the lights you know that's it check the uh marine sanitation device and then yes and you have a vhf radio you know that so that's extra credit do you have um yeah let's take a look at the uh the head actually not the head the i want to see the the y valve so the emaciator we have um a lockout on it and we have a zip tie so we can't accidentally oh good overboard pump okay that's kind of one of the key things we have so that's for the macerator okay so you can't pump it overboard without that got it that's our primary lock and then we have a y valve we can show you yeah let's take a look at the y valve if you look right here so we have a lock on that that one i don't have anywhere to put a lock on that's why i put a lock on the actual thing that pumps it out okay so there's no way to pump out without turning that other thing on that's correct yeah good okay let's take a look at the registration number actually on the inside of the hole and then i need to see that the stickers on you have the sticker yes we do of the outside for the state yeah there we go great let's take a look at the the numbers inside the hall right there so how's that effects with 5200 it would destroy the plate and the paint and everything else if you try to take it off fantastic okay we're gonna go over the extra credit stuff but you pass okay oh a de-watering device and a uh like if they took on water yes what do you what do you have uh we have two build spots and where's the switch to turn them on uh on the hill uh charts and navigation yeah i have uh all the truck letters are on great the one that i like to talk to people about is the float plan okay do you use float plants you tell people where you're going yes yeah and there's someone on land yes and do they know like if you don't come have contact with them at a very specific time who they should call yes good do you have any questions for me anything else that you've seen that maybe uh we should address any concerns you have about the boat no the boat looks great i would i have a sticker if you want to put on the dinghy because those ever get lost by having the dink the sticker on it it helps us postcard um because because no we're not worried about getting the dinghies as much we're worried about having to do search and rescue because this where is the person right you know that's a big one on the lake like people's paddle boards fly it's a lot of resources it's a lot of resources okay yeah so let me give you a sticker for that yeah that's great in fact we have a paddle board and we have two dinghies so we'll take three of them because we'll put them on all those stickers okay so here's perfect so these are all the stickers these they're reflective these are the stickers okay this is for the kayaks because again if there's an empty kayak in the middle of sound yes all of a sudden resources for search and rescue has to go out and there's a belonging to that we hear this probably at least 10 times a year on channels [Music] a stray vessel right kayak right dinghy paddle board no idea you have to assume that there's somebody's life exactly a lot of resources yeah the two dinghies and the paddleboard we'll take one more in case we have friends that will hand one is that right yeah i've given them out of the locks got a next run for a um here oh you may or may not need this yeah we can put that in the uh it's always good in the box i got a cheat sheet i know you guys know how to use this but in case you ever have a guest then you know how to use channel 16. yep okay another one we'll put in the dinghy because we have one of these uh inside of our emergency cabinet and with that here comes the resistance let's put this on okay i'm excited we've been waiting for i have to be here when you put it on oh okay sorry so he's gonna walk around and put it on the port side yeah that's what that's what do you think that's what i think that's the best place to put it well good all right thanks so much thank you and hope to see you on the water yeah all in all that took less than a half hour we learned a couple things yep and we're set for the season so we want to thank the entire coast guard auxiliary for all the services that you provide and don't forget to subscribe we'll see you next week you
Channel: Elli-Yacht
Views: 15,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boarded by the coast guard, coast guard boarding, vessel safety inspection, coast guard, fire extinguishers on a boat, uscga, safefty on a boat
Id: 0t-3FbV39OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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