2022 Masters Tournament Final Round Broadcast

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73 spring times ago on this precise calendar date of April 10th a green jacket was presented for the very first time to Sam Snead later today another man with the same initials Scotty shepler could be the next golfer the dawn golf symbol of Exodus or it could go down under to Australia for the second time as Cameron Smith is ready to continue his recent hot play Shepler's name on top of the leaderboard since Friday he's been under par every round this week including 71 yesterday and high winds there you see he'll be taking off in a little less than 40 minutes from now the final pairing with Cameron Smith and the winner of the Green Jacket has come out of the final pair seven of the last eight years weather is ideal right Skies the best of the week 70 the winds considerably down from yesterday not those massive gusts we saw both Friday and Saturday and we're clear sailing to what should be a great day with plenty of Roars returning to Augusta Sir Nick falvo alongside as well as Ian Baker Finch Vern Lundquist Trevor emelman Andrew Catalan is out of 14. Frank nobilo handles the first two legs of Eamonn corner at 11 and 12. Donnie pepper will be with shepler and Smith and Amanda Renner will handle the interviews post-round we're at the first hole Kagan morakawa has this for birdie common who will defend his open title at the 150th playing of the Open Championship in July at the old course as we move over to the 14th and Jim this is the third for Tiger Woods his second shot from the right side of this 14th hole clipped a tree so he will have this for par tiger is three over so far today and thought that one would come back down it does not as we go back to one and McElroy is playing with murakawa E2 beginning today at 1 over 10 back of Scheffler oh yeah and an opening birdie for Rory yeah looking for something outrageous if we could get through the front nine in in 30. let's go to 15. and Bubba Watson on top of the hill beautiful look at how this hole is going to be setting up for the players today this part five has been playing very difficult back into the Westerly but today with warmer temperatures lighter winds players can be going for the screen more regularly no Eagles so far at 15 this week even though we've had two Eagles at the par 410 and one at the par for ninth to 14. and John Rahm is tied for the best round on the course right now he is three under and this is for Brody up the hill and a good run by Ron [Applause] back to one and murakawa for his par Ade [Applause] 14. and ROM tapped in for par so now tiger looking at this long car putt and as he told Amanda Renner yesterday just too many putts for Tiger in his third round shooting a 78-4-3 putts for Tiger four Putters were on the fifth grade coach a massive total of 36 bucks for these guys and looking more at the the 26 or 28 bucks or less of course just a beautiful afternoon here in Augusta light wind or more winter hats and parkas like yesterday very fast part this for par and that's the danger of being on the left side here today at 14. it's going to keep going yeah that catches the next rich so that's something to make note of Andrew for the late leaders this afternoon got to be right the golfers right with that whole location so the putting struggles continue for Tiger just one birdie for woods today it came back at the second hole now here at the seventh and minwoo Lee is four under on his round for birdie at seven we leave he's a press one back-to-back birdies and a eagle back at the second hole let's go to four has not been a birdie on this part three yet today but there's one for the defending champion creeps it in the side door nice bounce back off for a rough start gets him to three over [Applause] taking a full practice swing at this one Andrew yeah you really got to hit this one for Tiger yeah I mean about having to adjust going from Mega quick to looking good he's got it that's gotta gotta be a smile if patrons love it here at 14. as they have showed him so much admiration throughout the week and there's the smile Nick yeah I was thinking the 30-foot two-part come back part let's go to two and the 2020 Masters champion Dustin Johnson this will be a popular bunker today oh there's some good grip on that one from Dustin over to the other side and 15. and could we see our first eagle of the week at the par five difficult putt first half is uphill and then right about here starts going back down the hill greens seem extremely fast so far for this final round there is Scotty shuffler he arrived at The Practice Facility still wearing his credential even though I think most people had a pretty good idea who he was but he's an unassuming star that's for sure number one in the world born in Ridgewood New Jersey moved to Texas when he was just a toddler took up golf under the tutelage of Randy Smith who mentored Justin Leonard to an Open championship at Troon back in the late 90s and Scotty shuffler's been a winner he's been a winner throughout his Junior career college career and has started to dominate out here in the last month and a half this was yesterday at his 54th goal and led to one of the great bogeys we've ever seen at Augusta he hit it into the forest took a while to find it but they did and he identified it it was his ball found by a volunteer foreign relief penalty shot of course awfully unplayable and then they hit this get Rockets from over 240 yards remarkable how online it was and that it could sail that far and it ended up just through the green where he would get down and two and make five could have been so much worse Nick how did he do it oh was it well very fortunate to just get the two clippings to the absolute age to get away from that tree and he went back to the range last night I'm sure that that fade sorry the pull into the trees left you know that's his go-to shot with the driver the fade and so that probably just dented the confidence and wanted to just clear that get a good picture and uh the interesting today obviously that the front line sets up perfectly for him to fade all day there but as we saw yesterday a couple of struggles when he needs to turn one over when he needs that draw on 10 and and 13. so it'll be very interesting if they've got anything in the camp to uh lose his confidence ready for today [Applause] there's the fade swing [Applause] we're back at the second with Dustin Johnson yes and after that beautiful bunker shot has this slippery five footer for his birdie he won the November Masters in 2020 the only time it's ever been played at that time of the year in record fashion 2005 but not the start he would have wanted five five knows he has to go low today over to seven and Harry Higgs in his master's debut this whole location today in the front right and it is a birdie hole location maybe even an eagle hole today Higgs will have a burning pad coming up earlier today at the par five second hole there's some history in the final round at the second hole with Louis eustacean how about Harry Hicks trying to join him his second shot this works down traditional Sunday whole locations here today at Augusta National in this went in for a two what a shot Seven Eagles are nice as we go to 15. and the five-time champion [Applause] okay Golf Course firming up nicely after the reins earlier on in the week and this is up at the green Watson after finding the surface in two it's a quick putt down the hill here can he make the birdie he's going to be disappointed with that after two quality shots bogeyed this hole in round three and just gonna walk away with a par here [Applause] well the last three pairings here you go Justin Thomas who rallied back after a terrible start on Thursday with 67 I did 72 yesterday playing with the 2011 winner Charles schwartzel who played in the final pairing yesterday [Music] Shane Lowry it comes in at 200 par and they will be taking RP and Sunjai M at the bottom of the hour and then together for the first time they've never played in competition together Cameron Smith Scotty sheffler 240 Eastern Time and here is Cameron Smith he's only played Four events on the PGA tour this year and one two of them one at kapaloo and won the Players so that three shot margin it's not a whole lot when you're cam Smith right now Nick no he's a pretty machine he shot 34 under record 34 up into the start of the season in Hawaii and on the final round of the players ten birdies so I you know you're playing competitor he knows that he knows this man is on form he can deal with the pressure and the incredible pressure pack up and down to win the players so and both quiet guys obviously both extremely confident uh self-belief in their games right now yeah such an oddity day one with a double bogey to open the tournament and double bogey at 18. and you talk about a flurry of Birdie's had eight in between those two doubles to shoot 68. 74 Friday which was a tough day around here and then 68 one Saturday to get into that final pairing that also adds to his resilience isn't it I mean that's pretty harsh bogey double at one and a double 18 and it's like okay fine carry on it's a long week this is why they're here I mean it's just the best of the year so far are truly here three wins in his last five starts for Scotty two wins in his last four starts for Cameron it makes sense you try to figure out who's the favorite when you come in should have just looked at the two hottest players because here they are last out we're back at 15. and you can see the view there that Woods has deciding to just lay this up up and over with some kind of media mine leave himself the number he desires for the challenge in third Geoffrey will be down the left side if you're laying up Trevor don't you yeah with that whole location is there you've got about four yards to work with over a ridge you need to be very precise to seven and Harry Higgs for his birdie here at the seventh hole played practice rounds with Dustin Johnson who helped him out a lot patrons love Harry as well you saw the Eagle at two and Alberti here at the seventh hole let's go to two and we'll always see lots of birdies here but that eagle just two Eagles so far today here at two the masters with that opportunity consistently up in the top six or so every year at three after a good drive Dustin Johnson I've actually shortened the third hall there's just 336 yards so we'll see a lot of drivers and perhaps a lot of birdies speaking of birdies go to 15. and woods now with his third of the iron players one of the parts of the game that has not been sharp enough for him this week that one pulls up short of the ridge only 50 of Grants and regulation for Woods field average right around 57 percent but man is it great to see him back to 16. and here is Max Homer oh that's Bubba Watson's ball already on the Green and Houma well I don't know how much that's going to help should he make that to erase the fact that he's 14 over let's go to two -time major Champion Colin Murray Cowell playing alongside Rory McIlroy in this illustrious pairing both players there with a good chance of 34. pink dogwood the second hole is known over to five Jackie I mean so close to that back bunker birdies at four and five now we're covering those Drop shots at the second and third that's a yeah incredible to go through that stretch at five but it's the toughest holes in boca's easy ones at 11. and car attempt for the men from Chile now one more right there you go he played with Tiger Woods in order stays in the first two days it wasn't for that round of 77 yesterday he might very well be in the thicker things well Nick let's look ahead a little bit at some of the whole locations as we got this Drone footage in from today 12. that tough spot where water of course becomes a factor if you're short look out here's 13. yes they're all in there traditional Sunday Hall location so you need that second shot into the middle agreeing to feed down here is 15 we've just seen we'll definitely going for it in two today and if you just saw them tag you need a great angle and this one turn right around the corner and I hope Vern is in full voice because I've got a funny feeling he's going to need it and of course the 18th is traditional front left corner who knows if somebody still needs to hold a puck to be the Masters champion Rebecca too always so good to see these whole locations on Sundays Rory's just gagging to pop a couple in here to give him that lift remember he missed a short one here back when he had a chance a few years back as I said six of his last eight eight Masters he's been in the top ten fourth is best placing in 15. that have been so nice to start yeah exactly what a great start that would have been I had one and Dustin Johnson he needs plenty of those birdies but they're out there today with the sunshine and less wind to the first hole February four please now driving Charles schwartzell [Applause] swing has come alive again even though he missed half a dozen Cuts took a couple of weeks off found something it felt good dug out the old VHS videos and watched his swing from when he won in 11. it's done in the world are good hold the shot yesterday for Eagle at the 10th did not back it up the rest of the way in with any great play lost some shots keep the depth of that turn going and that will keep his tempo beautiful four please now driving Justin Thomas if there is anyone way back they could do something outrageous like you spoke of just a few minutes ago Nick this is the guy right here well that's a couple that obviously Rory and this fella if they get super hot and could throw out a 64 today certainly get Shepherd's attention we've already seen 31 on the first nine by Russell Henley not what he had in mind [Applause] so that gets kicked backwards [Applause] but he has a player knows how to go low the 63 had in the major at Aaron Hills U.S open 2017. 59 that time why over Honolulu and here is what schwartzel did yesterday at Ted this is just pure beautiful drive and look at that absolute perfection better land it just to the Rockets of the flag wonder if you'll remember that one uh forever and a day [Applause] let's go back to 15. and tiger up the hill here for birdie just watching tiger come across the saracen bridge and walk onto this green thinking about 2019 when he buried this hole to take the lead on that final day then birdied 16. on his way to winning that fifth Green Jacket he has given us so many incredible moments around this golf course in this tournament to fight Victor hoblin is here at five for birdie he's been through the first spectrum of Azalea colors with his outfits this week the other shirt yeah matches the color of the slacks on Thursday he's got a birdie to get the plus two we're back at two for a two-part birdie Colin murakawa yes I agree Nick there's some players there with that uh Firepower way back a little less pressure just trying to climb that leaderboard at 16. and here's John Rahm he and Tiger Woods competing against each other [Applause] going in the opposite directions Ron's having a good day bunker and that will bring tiger to the Sea all is in its almost normal location on Sunday back left it's with an inch Vern of in your life whole location I do remember tigering this hole a couple times [Music] [Applause] I believe it's going to come up short but I can't throw it to about two o'clock on the clock face aren't they there that passed the flag and bring it back down and around wonderful to see him smiling in the midst of well what a miracle to see him playing first of all but I just noticed a tremendous difference in the way he interacts with them with the patrons with his fellow players and to see him here and to understand the appreciation of the patrons who gather here to watch him is something to behold [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] 2005 here was Tiger the chip a perfect was that chip and then [Applause] and then [Applause] 1.8 seconds it stayed on the lip for those who might have been counting and now John ROM out of that poolside that uh pond lights Pond Side bumper now common here to use the ridge and bring the ball back it's done so excellent [Applause] so that should assure a three will there's your three that was an almost wasn't it let's just tease him with events somebody's gonna somebody's gonna warm you up before the big call well we saw it happened to Stewart's sink previous rounds tiger Nick what do you see here this is one of those hit it hard and firm that you feel like you've missed it right and then it just turns very quickly the last couple of feet to the left bash this one that's probably too straight up that was uh didn't quite have that swing thank you [Applause] two holes to play the three now McElroy head cover off had not 30 the par five and this is why would some might miss it got away with it right through the corner of the trees are the court that's a long cut but it will be for eagle Sunjai whenever you're ready four please now driving Sanjay m J was the 2019 PGA Tour Rookie of the Year in 2020 after Sun Jay the PGA Tour Rookie of the Year Scotty Scheffler [Applause] four plays now driving Shane Lowry [Applause] there have only been five players in the last 50 years to win their first major by at least five shots and Shane was one of them six shot win at the open in case you're wondering tiger in 97 here Louisville at the open in 2010 at St Andrews Rory who are watching 2011 U.S open Congressional and Bryson to Shambo at Wingfoot 2020. there's a player in the middle of a good round at the eight yes another Australian you may not have seen much of but he was U.S junior Champion like his system in GE the only brother sister ever to win the U.S junior championships he is a fine young player minwoo from Perth Western Australia already four under today as we go over to three this is fast you have to feel like you're going to leave it six or seven feet short because it'll run out oh well Josh [Applause] to quickly get to 200 through his round importantly in the red digits collection different swingers on the leaderboard different styles we got a 17. and tiger on the tee here Frank of the Par Four try and go up the left side with a little fade what's up [Applause] so great to see tiger competing here this week coming back from that horrible accident battling through these last couple of days [Applause] pay the final pair has made their way to practice putting green adjacent to the First Tee look at that eight rounds in the 60s since 2019 most of any player was he went across the board in 2020 all four rounds in the 60s only player to ever do that Masters history yeah both great scramblers Jim if that's we saw where Cam got up and down from the 2020 it's incredible but I remember that one was left of 15 very nonchalantly you know and of course Scotty sheffler has got a fairly short game very much in the vein of Jordan Spieth just a great Scrambler great putter from from 6 to 12 feet this is the sixth Masters start for cam his 22nd major and you look he's got these high finishes he's made the cutter for a year but it got a second that was the Dustin Johnson fall Victory a fifth and a tenth find it interesting Nick to these two I know they're both young players particularly Chef were not having been 100 that long but they've never been paired together nothing I just about to say hello well it's a day when you you do get obviously completely wrapped up in your own your own thing what you're trying to do concentrate hard I mean you could you've got to get through the obviously the front nine and then as I described it come up around look at the leaderboards and uh and then you can start reacting to what the other players are doing whatever that is trying to keep things light in that kind of Camp's the same they have a smile and have a bit of a laugh here and there so the last couple of part and as Frank eluded just a second ago yeah interesting how these guys shape the golf ball cam Smith had draw the ball Scotty Chef for a fader and then we just saw Shane Lowry draws it sung JM fades it who will prevail today will one way of swinging the ball help you or not [Applause] Mr casual walk with the hands of the pocket of the first team for what could be the greatest day of your life as we've seen in recent weeks he's been unflappable in some heavy situations it's Master Sunday and there's nothing like it there it is a win for the ages there's a lot that goes into just one win it's more than it was more than just winning a golf tournament [Music] that hug was everything my whole life right there and uh man that was special [Applause] everyone comes to the masters with a dream and a story to tell with hopes of leaving an imprint on Augusta's history book [Music] National there are 85 editions of Excellence volumes of leather-bound Legends [Music] document dominance [Applause] one of the Epic performances [Music] resilience [Applause] he got it the return to Glory the longer [Applause] the iconic yes sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in your life have you seen anything like that Matsuyama is Japan's first Masters champion 25 years ago Tiger Woods broke barriers and Records and change the narrative for Generations [Music] last year's Masterpiece was written with honor and inspiration by Hideki matsayama [Music] today we turn a new page as one player will write the greatest story they've ever told and will be chapter and verse the next Masters champion [Music] thank you just got in heavy relaxer four please now driving Scotty shepler [Applause] I didn't think his face looked comfortable on that First Tee four please now driving Cameron Smith the final two players with five tournament victories since January and each searching for a first major title we'll just turn a little drawer off the off the bunker all right [Applause] meanwhile over at nine minwoo Lee sit oh he got his wish got his wish he'll have that putt for 30. to get to 200 for the tournament let's go to 17. Tiger missed the green way to the right he had some tree trouble up the left pitch to here uphill putt be interesting to see for Tiger when he comes out to play a game how long it'll take him to recover from this arduous week well this is the toughest walking test isn't it Ian yes Nick every year we would struggle through here even when we were fit and healthy back to one so we're off and running with the last two starters shuffler in trouble off the T at one Smith with a massive strike right down the middle they're the two to watch with someone else enter the chase here in the final round of the 86 Masters [Music] foreign [Music] acceptable well here it is Scotty shuffler just as he ended yesterday shot at 18. he's done it here at the first yep Jim I don't see much option other than to pitchless ball back into the Fairway about 50 yards in front of where it came he shot his come to rest going high is super risky right yeah absolutely I think just a little drawing you got a great opportunity wow look at this I thought he was going to go to the window right of that laughs the T at 18 with tiger [Applause] okay we're back at the first we got cam next Dottie nine iron in handy hand 23 to the proper level 120 excuse me 140 one to the proper level yeah that's a beautiful tough to have nine on in that whole location in that bowl he's really would like to take advantage of this he's got room behind it Nick and the players had used that just get it in the bowl and keep it in the bowl all right in the bowl as prescribed Nick yeah that that will start to see that it's going to be an awkward speedy chip from our pitch from that well over the green be on the crunchy line meanwhile at nine this is to tie the Masters Tournament record for the first nine of 30. by Johnny Miller back in 75. Norman did it in 88 KJ Choi 0-4 Phil Mickelson 09 Gary Woodland 14. Tony fidoux 2019. thank you from the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta Georgia CBS Sports proudly presents the Masters well it's been since that epic day of 2019 as we had a complete day like this at Augusta the weather perfect tiger Returns the full gallery has returned we expect the Roars will as well along that second nine where birdies will be a plenty and maybe even a few Eagles will appear [Music] we're back at the first and Scotty shuffler with a change of Clubs got more out of that than he expected and he bit off more than we expected to Dottie he did have some room left like I said there was no room to take that shot up this is going to be where are you most comfortable in this situation do I want now do I have the nerve to put the ball on the putting green because there's a huge elevation change between where his ball is and just the front edge of the putting spots why is fine it's a little bit where the the patrons have been all week but it's all right yeah a little firm and crunchy and uh it's an early Nerf check yeah artistic green is a couple of feet up gonna be landing on a down saver and feed you onto another downstate and he says the knowledge the Bold effect yes it does good pass at least it's gonna it will stop within maybe 10 or 12 feet at worst [Applause] slopes and green looking across at the eight T sorry ninth two meanwhile at 18 Tiger's second slice a little please the point she gives you Goosebumps coming up the 18 to that whole location [Applause] she sneezed perfect strike on this one [Applause] this might be just right nice touch with something else that is phenomenal because nerves are all right wow we got up and down from left to the green yesterday at the first but this was much more difficult and here comes the walk [Applause] he made it to the finish line in so much symbolism in that uphill walk from a hospital bed a year ago at this time to 72 holes at Augusta National thank you we're back at one Smith over birdie putt this is actually a touch uphill up into that bowl we talked about Cameron Smith race no time and the margin is two as we go to the second 2011 Masters champ Charles schwartzell and it's an eagle [Music] well it was an unbelievable bunker shot fantastic way back over to one and shuffler for his par it's a great up and down I believe it was six at one time yesterday has been reduced to a couple well the car was great and the birdie was great to two Justin Thomas now this for birdie that's what he needs has to get off to a good start to run the car now seven back 76 in the opening round he was tied 70th now at 10 min Woo Lee hit an unbelievable drive down here he's missed the green to the left chip to hear this for par [Applause] after an opening nine holes of 30. and he made Eagle at the second two there today Harry Higgs just to tap in at 18. that's John Ryan 300 today clears out for tigers attempt at birdie his last round of competition before this week was over 500 days ago in that November Masters and a finished that event with a putt of this length for birdie and made it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that mind of his with the encyclopedic memory of situations first thing comes to mind here this was the putty had 25 years ago this week to set the 72 hole scoring record right here it's a complete the win for the ages I know he knows it no records this time just a gigantic Personal Achievement though I think this was more than a pursuit of a green jacket this week yeah this was uh something really internal well tiger wanted to get to Mount Everest but he'd definitely got to face them you know it's just phenomenal so where have you described him to where he was but I've been talking to him this weekend of Champions local women and I believe he's found gratitude is so thankful he could have lost the load he was over 50 chance of losing his foot and his number one motivation is to play with his boy Charlie and obviously put this on the calendar to come back to Augusta foreign [Applause] Sam and Charlie let's go to the T at the second Kane Smith with the honor just 100 in the first three rounds here turns the ball over a little easier than Scotty sheffler does as you know Ian has to be careful to going too far left here but that is perfect Gotti absolutely perfect for Camp Smith hold it of course you'll get a free drop there it's in one of the sprinkler heads third shot now for sun JM down the bottom of the hill if you don't hit a good drive here you have to lay up if you get a good drive it's just a Long Island what a shot from the young man from South Korea and birdie machine knock that one in get to five under and he's in the story now Scotty certainly doesn't want that driver hit on one down here it's Hazard down the left-hand side there little penalty area Teddy Scott tells his man it's a good shot [Applause] range to hit that shot earlier in that is superb cam Smith's final round scoring average this year on tour is 67. Scottish Scheffler 69. it's a reminder that one five of eight events between them this year down at the green Shane Lowry from the front left bunker [Music] [Applause] the Irishman has a superb short game over to 11. the man playing in just his second major championship for me first watched him in the Asian Pacific amateur championship the new breeding ground for champions impressive van hals from Perth [Music] [Applause] a year ago they left an empty chair for Tiger at the Champions dinner this year he returns he doesn't win he plays 72 holes though and it was truly triumphant the Masters is sponsored by a t helps you push what's possible IBM let's create and by Mercedes-Benz electric now has EQ [Music] 10 feet up the hill for birdie for sungjae-im not enough pace 4-4 is what they're looking for they're opening two holes back to 11. and sweet swing and Midway lead from copy book that one far from Purdy and it's the Do Not Go In The Ponds when suppose Larry Myers territory much harder now with the changes behind this 11th grade so yeah it's just too much back to the second wonderful up and down for 34 for Shane open champion six back now [Applause] try and turn this over a little bit and get it up into that bank in the middle of the green and let it swoop down to that whole location he does get it in that middle of the bank it will swing to the right but it's got to go to get there they miss that tree yeah over there where Shane Lowry was right on the bottom of that bunker man no problem same Larry made it look easy that's for sure cam Smith has pounded another one down here similar to the first Cricket head just too awake to the hole in a flatter lie than Chef would have [Applause] exactly I want that that's a pretty one yeah and to get there we're only at 10 on 69. it's got to pick up I'm gonna get the front it's 59. it's getting that happy you sand pinfold everything for quite a while now is looking at the Olympics in Tokyo last year so they had a very um heavy warm-up you use the launch monitor had a phone app going hit a lot of middle irons despite the majority of their time doing that about 350 yards that two shot on the way good morning Australia 506 in the morning there and everyone is watching cam Smith let's check in with Amanda Rana here with Tiger Woods tiger 14 months ago there were questions if you were even even going to survive that car accident now you just completed your 24th Masters can you explain the Gratitude how it felt to walk up 18 on Sunday at a place where I think there were questions if you'd even return here again I had the same questions so uh it was it was an unbelievable feeling just how the the patrons and the support out there um I've I wasn't exactly playing my best out there but just to have the support out there and uh this appreciation from all the families I don't think worse can't really describe you know describe that um given where I was a little over a year ago and what my prospects were at that time to end up here and be able to play you know all four rounds um even even a month ago I didn't know if I could pull this off so uh uh you know I think it was a positive and uh you know I've got some work to do and I'm looking forward to it this week was a win just to see you here but can you let us in on that internal motivation that is unlike anything we've ever seen what drives you to wake up every morning when you are in the pain that you have discussed and pushed through it and never let down just to return again it's hard it's hard you know I I have those those days where I just don't want to do anything it just hurts and but I've had as I alluded earlier I've had a great team around me that are super positive and have motivated me to have helped me around and um it's those days that are are tough um the days I feel good are you know those are easy days um but there have been more more tough days and then easy days and I just got to work through it and it's just like like golf in order to get better you just got to go out there and put in the time and um I have and the only I think the hard part is are the recovery sessions um I'm hopping in those ice baths you know doing those number of times a day and I'm those do really suck and um but it works and just to have as I said the support around me I couldn't have done it without them inspirational to say the least thank you so much for the time thank you very much tiger and Amanda Shane Larry at the Third in the same colors he did at all Port Rush on that Sunday back in 2019. we was crowned Champion golfer of the year short third back to the second person yeah if it's going slow there let's say 10 feet it'll go right in the hole where it comes to Kenny Teddy Scott they have a present with his new man he's won two Green Jackets himself for Bubba Watson 2012 and 14. it's been a big help this ball needs to start for Scotty it'll be a lot of turn to the right doesn't need to fly it the entire way there if it's spun properly three of five for the week out of bunkers Scotty went all the way up to the landing point to have a good look not terrible but just a little bit too much ball on that bunker shot just a fraction thing perhaps didn't get the spin he was looking for I had one a very good t-shirt sung JM it's a little pitch to be precise the full follow through fortunate to stay on the high side to two cam Smith has an eagle part here only player to make an eagle on the second and go on to win City Bay asteros in 1983. get a good feel for the break towards the hole see those using that pain Point Express getting the feel for the angle of the Grain in his feet Grant field is his coach from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia and Lake Texans are in the United States very proud Texans we've had 14 Green Jackets won by Texans cam Smith is a real queenslander as we would say in Australia follows rugby league and in fact the greatest rugby league player of all time in Australia the Tom Brady of rugby league if you will his name cam Smith and young Cam Smith always wanted to meet the famous footballer as a youngster he got that chance through his buddy Luke Alvey and now cam Smith the famous footballer he's a huge fan of Cam Smith the golfer you have to be a big fan of how this guy puts too seems like he goes from down in that area are very good Putters he is a great putter he has no recoil whatsoever watch his putter at the end it always stays there it's perfect speed and balance again [Music] a little aggressive there but he'll have a similar putt to the one he hold at the first for the birdie ahead to three Sanjay M just turned 24 eight days ago it's third Masters screen has been changed a little redid fine changes to make this course even better we'll go fast forward to 13. and it's Tony Fino on the floor and two long bid for eagle [Music] twister City that's the first eagle of the day at the 13th let's go to 11. and Monroe Lee that's far away from the Larry my spot a little difficult for the bank being steeper at the ship to two go first here again when I walk the golf course on Monday till this cut was out here but he was a human right around this whole location we're all involves there's no surprise for this team [Applause] like Jordan Spieth grew up in Dallas both U.S Junior Amateur champions AJ GA players of the year all Americans at the University of Texas U.S Walker Cup team members U.S Ryder Cup team members so many similarities maybe a green jacket could be one of those similarities at the end of the day as we go to three can Larry mount a charge to be they need birdies quickly there's a pressure on schiffler three up to the leaders cam Smith had a great opportunity there to see exactly how this putt rolls and breaks Australia had to wait 79 years for their first Masters champion when Adam Scott won in 2013 perhaps [Applause] just nine years for the second [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on and it's a dirty dirty start for Smith he's an eight under one back [Applause] to seven and Rory McIlroy eight behind in his eighth attempt at the career Grand Slam at the seventh hole for Rory and he's now three under on his round today opened with 73 on Thursday and Friday 71 yesterday and now three under today thank you and let's bring it down to Butler cabin and say Hello friends Jim Nance Sir Nick Faldo welcome to this tradition unlike any other and you warned us you said Smith and make birdies and punches we've already seen the showering of love and appreciation for Tiger now the drama has intensified what a day we have yeah sensational day and this man from the Gold Coast has got a golden touch hasn't he we talked about he looks a little bit more comfortable Scotty understand we little Shake him right now it's a brand new feeling Wilkins out first here and taking on you know a lead at the Masters but my goodness even the chase impact does have an opportunity who knows what's going to happen as we know there always can be a little disaster around the corner here right and so I think we're in for a fantastic day I agree you won drama we've got it let's go back out to the action at the Third a good Target one stage Smith was six behind the second nine yesterday solitary shot separates these two right now wind in should carry the bunkers but birdies have been made by going down by the screen not laying up that it Swiss quickly to 11 menly badly needs this bogey town will be at least two Drop shots very quickly in the second nine stunning verdict now Scheffler higher flight for Scotty carries the ball this is why we're this is an unsettling start well his stock shot is left to right before you see him spin two t-shots left today and of course the one at the end of yesterday's play on 18 went left it is not his shot never seen anyone that far left at the Third what we've already seen the tiger salute at the 72nd a surging Cameron Smith with a pretty pretty beginning Scotty shuffler basing the pressure as they all pursue that green check-in we have a masters headlines they change actually about every five minutes but the 54 hole lead for Scotty shuffler trying to pick up his fourth win in a remarkable stretch going back to February 13th 21 for the first time in Phoenix and Cameron Smith who's had so many low Rounds Around Here of late seven players under par to begin the final round we're now at eight and tiger and his mother waiting for him here come on bye pretty inspirational [Applause] Charlie and salmon what a glorious um but it was on the Sky Sports One so I didn't say it on this notice how much he's laboring at the walk now Nick yeah absolutely he put himself through the ringer these four days or five six days and uh you know he's as we were saying his physical and mental strength to put himself through this but I believe it's it's a great result he it's got to make him feel that well I'm I can go and play golf again I can start picking some traumas and prepare and and uh give it another go hopefully in a month or so it's a month or so we're talking about the second major of the year at Southern Hills and Tulsa and the PGA Championship now talk about this situation here with shepler Dottie uh you've been over there to take a look at it what's going on here I have I just talked to the rules official and he's going to be given relief from that big scoreboard it'll be more to the right opening up a small Gap to the front of the green and Dottie that's a huge break because there's trees in front of them as well before it's an enormous break yes gonna clean up around those loose impediments it's a it's the first really good thing that's happened remember yesterday and it's called blustery conditions he made four booties within the first eight holes I know it's just the start family Smith also taking relief it's almost two tournaments today isn't it it was the Marathon finish for woods and now the spring for the finish for these players do not move until both players have played okay that cameraman's gonna follow me that doesn't mean you follow him stay here okay almost good job while we wait we go to the sixth at the six here is Courtney Connolly's who had a home in one year a couple of years ago and almost equally Wonder well why not take you back 21. [Applause] that's only the sixth ever in the history of the Masters that's six [Music] we've got a nine will zala Taurus yes he knows what he's doing with this break you almost send it over to the corner of the green he's gonna run around and just check the line oh wait a minute there you go they've made some birdies from the unlikely of spots you could find that one yesterday at the fifth but he pitched it in from right at the green up and over the mound we go back to the Third all right that one looks like it's inside here hard to settle Donnie with all the commotion around [Laughter] anyone here Frank he said he wanted to keep it fun today he's doing all right that gives us a little room yet I can get some Stone just kind of chop down on it yeah correct yep no Target green a little firmer this year it's newer 80 yards to the front to the hole will be 68 front a little more severe bring that climber to the to the green was Bobby Jones interpretation of the valley of Sin from Saint Andrews and we know what's happened there at 18 many a Time certainly opens the door for Smith he wants to just get it up there and keep it up there 60 yards off of downhill but nice line [Applause] underneath it wow what is it about master Sundays [Applause] side by side and Nick you were involved in one of the great ones back in 1996 with as soon as someone shows a little bit of vulnerability yeah it all changes yeah it's worth looking at one more time at the end of the day with this shot another two or three yards might have stayed on the potting surface instead that bank steeper he was on the left side of a little Mound and it will drag all the way back every yard down that Hill makes that shot just that much harder the Hardesty at the great angle gate cannot see the putting surface so you're guessing exactly where that front edge really is right Nick I don't think they continue with your not comfortable with that you can certainly drive it I mean it's firm enough driver a one hopper okay [Applause] The Hoppers going up it I missed it out of touch if you're back to your feet so I think this is the right play for a man is so good with his tough crank anything inside six or eight feet I think they're golden left is no good oh he went well as well [Applause] unbelievable foreign [Applause] it wasn't possible takes a lot of love watch where this lands it's spin [Applause] incredible [Applause] well if you would have to win a major Frankie somewhere along the line you've got to hit one of the greatest shots of your life how do you follow that up it's just serious because if he doesn't then a huge swing [Applause] so that is a brutal putt to me [Applause] energy out here has changed completely oh God's pumping yeah to the fourth and Sanjay in Mr Green long and left very challenging here because he's got to just drip the ball over this Edge we touched it to five and Justin has this for birdie to two under and a tie right now for fourth make that fifth let's go to the eighth third shot at the par five from 90 yards for Rory birdied one and three and seven and he has that for another to go three under five back to the Third [Music] so an outside chance for four for Cameron Smith it doesn't go in then the lead will be back to where it started it's just no way to expect to that frame is there no I mean for anything I would have thought there was a chance that Cameron Smith might have taken the lead here isn't that this golf course one of the rare Miss hits he's had with a with a long pitch shot I get this I.E the second shot there second straight day is going to decide what a three he forges his way to the fourth you didn't believe it the first time one more look this is the in trouble hit that hard [Applause] Switzer did that 11 years ago but that was for two [Applause] to four and M trying to get out of here with his par come on so he's gonna drop one his fourth hole has been playing over par in round four only one birdie so far in this final round to eight to go four under for the round and jump up into a tie for a second [Applause] 73-73-71 Ferrari just hanging around here's now three under par seven back at the lead now after that huge momentum reversal here's Scheffler Fork that's where the four iron Trevor each of these guys have each made four birdies on the par threes this week and Dottie who definitely has got something going on with his swing right now a couple tee shots to the left with the driver now with the long iron here at the par three that was not there on the Range to none and we've got Dustin Johnson one under on the round up to this point make it two infrared figures for the 2020 Champion three in a row we're back on the T at the fourth he bounced back off to the bow gear 3. one less Club here for cam seen this whole location in a while 226 gets you over that front right bunker [Music] he's going to be hoping he's on the upslope he loved the look of it [Applause] how's the start to the final round here at the 86th Masters Chef left with a birdie at three now up by three last Sunday 80 finalists ages 7 to 15 showed off their golf skills in the eighth annual Drive Chip and Putt contest and you can get your Junior into the game just go to driving Drive Chip and putt.com learn more follow on Facebook and Instagram [Music] [Applause] here at the fourth with the final pairing dirty sheffler's hit some unbelievable pitch shots over the course of this week while we wait we go over to six quick and after six here's Justin Thomas that's for birdie [Music] so he will lead six at 200 Park back to four and daddy as I was saying the short game display from Scheffler just unbelievable what has he got here though well he's got a shot that needs to be landed on the top slope give it some room left to right and then it'll go down into the soil it's not the most difficult shot you can have out here not even close biggest mistake he could make would be leaving it on the top shelf no question have to get yourself if anything to the right of the hole so he's going to be looking at a spot probably 15 or 20 feet left of the hole trying to use that Ridge [Applause] on the match plane it's just continued this week likes to flight it down with a lot of spin can you make two in a row terrific leave though just fantastic checklist short game keeping him in the game right now up to five got M 200 out first take first time this week but pushed it further back big carry over that right hand side and that's failed by just a yard back to four and Smith okay trying to throw it I use that backstop it's trying not bad but gonna have a very slippery cut from there you're in the final round we'll take a look at what's happened so far this is the first hole cam Smith after a beautiful iron in there drains the birdie putt now at two trying to start Bertie birdie this one goes right what a dream start for Smith and shepler struggling a little to find some momentum but take a look at this what an amazing shot from shipler at three to get his birdie and get under park for the day man what a start here for this 86 Masters we are in for an absolute treat today up to 10. comfortable pairing today Webb Simpson and will zalators a couple of Wake Forest Birds [Applause] that is a spectacular shot for will coming off that 30 at nine runner-up last year remember [Applause] back to four and Dottie this is a huge moment here for cam doesn't want to make back-to-back bogeys and fall further behind this lead that's that's correct but what he's done is really kind of handcuffed himself he can't be aggressive with this putt he's got to drip it onto the wine but be firm enough to hold that one it was a bold play off the T Trevor I feel I mean it was this whole location maybe should have just essentially gone a little longer Ray's Creek held that one out Nick yeah pull down to the right tough to believe so no pause on the card through four holes for the young Aussie in bold playoffs the tears Nick reference costume here yeah I think that's uh but one of the toughest locations of the day so really at 229 it would be just land it there take your medicine go 20 feet past or sew and get out there with a three shuffler to clean up for par there's that safely in here straight off to the 15th with a four stroke lead [Applause] there's five and six playing over far for this final round yeah it's amazing his leads increased and he's basically hit one scary shot on every hole here's five and Lowry who made six at the fourth you want to avoid a big number here with that fine shot at nine Rory seen at nine you've got to throw it all the way John ROM landed it into the front Ridge and it grips and came back off the front there you go that's come on come down I need some help here comes that's perfect wind direction changing all over the show it's doing a good 45 degrees Switcheroo you're at the fifth m famous Ridge at number five begging for it to slow down I think he might have wanted to go a little more after the second thought he was urging that to settle let's go to town this for three in a row for will again yeah even par in Ninth Place back to five all right shuffler has been with his last four driver swings left with three of them that's going back to 18 yesterday 31 yards wide at the grain running towards the tease the ball sits down pretty quickly crazy how fast things change Nick I mean it was down to one playing the third you know now you're on the 15 the lead is bigger than it was overnight things happen if Cam Smith had just hit that second shot of the third maybe in 15 feet behind would it would be would it be different right now [Music] doesn't want to reach the sand those are extremely eight feet all you can see is Blue Sky wa and this is going to go right past the line of McIlroy is playing companion this for birdie 34 with three birdies to close the side Lord 16. at the 16th here's master of champion Sergio Garcia he certainly had the right idea didn't he not left back at nine now with McElroy this would be for 31. so Roy Basin played great misses very horrible one on the second and the one at nine could have had another one there 32 it is it's tied for third but that's seven off the lead of Scotty sheffler whose short game Wizardry has been the story this week at Augusta foreign holes the lead was three after the first hole of Smith Birdie down to two then he produced the second hole it's down to one and then the third hole changed everything back in favor of chapter Smith bogey at the fourth they're now playing the fifth Chef we're in the Fairway and Smith left off the tee let's go up ahead to the seventh first and Justin Thomas after a 332-yard drive left with 118. this should work back it's in a lot of birdies at seven today and Thomas will have a chance to add to the total already 19 of them at the seventh hole right yeah if anything there's not much right now okay I don't really see the leaves moving too much so the flag is on 31 to climb the hill and directly in line it's 20 23. forces you to be aggressive to go for no point in really bailing out from here and that's for sure this is good two super strikes at the fifth for Shepard and we move ahead to the 10th big drawing Three Wood down here around the corner for Rory McIlroy that'll feed to the bottom of the hill absolutely perfect we're only currently tied third with sun JM it's free under there it reappears [Applause] at five hey can you imagine this ball ended up between the bunkers impossible but what a huge break this is exactly the break that Dustin Johnson got in 2020 thought he was dead and had a very good life very short though that's a full Club out especially coming in like Scotty needed one a moon ball coming in super high maybe he was trying to go low and get it to skip up to six and some JM over the green here's his chips about four feet left apparently tied to McIlroy 300 it's good to seven and Justin Thomas to move into a tie for third he's got it JT is two under today and now three under par for the tournament Sean's McElroy and him at three under as we go back to six and here is Shane Lowry currently at even more no longer minus one and let's go to Hideki matsion the defending Champion for a chance for a birdie would be his fourth birdie of the round and he makes it too offset by four guys so that's even for the day the decision though is who will he pull on the green jacket today sun is out just a national shining at the moment Scheffler leads by four [Music] you can try to hit it as far as you want but the greatest drive in golf Magnolia Lane right off Washington Road into Paradise [Music] meanwhile on the far end of the golf course you got cam Smith really difficult to put yeah extremely difficult because when it comes up the hill it's almost like a y and it yeah where the the dark patch there you can see so if you get it slightly wrong it can kick it or swing it rather you know six feet to the right you get it a little bit too much to the left and it'll go six feet to left so very difficult to power it right through the junction keep it online even on the long putts he steps in doesn't take a practice stroke and lets it go elevation change of over six feet there you go there's the Y look at it it's gone he missed it coming back oh that was close but it has to start getting a bit of a shot to 10 after the perfect tee shot Rory McIlroy 15 under in his last six final rounds at the Masters and four under today starting to swing aggressively in yes he's freed up yeah not many putts on the course faster than that one Justin Thomas become like a little brother let's put it out to Tiger Woods [Music] I saw a few pine cones come down sure about the ball to five shuffler eyeing birdie poor Place yeah [Applause] I think Nick it's okay to make a simple four about this time for him absolutely absolutely just trying to down [Applause] follow the excitement of the 86th Masters tournament anywhere anytime by visiting masters.com just download the official Masters app and sign up for the Masters newsletter have one for you Nick I'm looking back at the pivotal moment after shuffler second shot came tumbling down the hill and now Smith has a chance to apply even more pressure he's playing his second shot and he's inches away it appears from like a copper to an electrical Grid or a drainage or something it looked like perhaps it could have possibly gotten relief I wonder if that played in his head at all when he hit a poor second I agree when I glanced him I thought well that's a bit claustrophobic they look very close to me uh he was obviously comfortable with The Rose official there he's got to hold this though he does it really was from down there so we could all breathe a little bit and then we're uh we'll start again with another Tough Run coming there this is a tough week seven as you can see from that whole location is an opportunity that you've got to believe in one of these will probably both of these guys will take let's go back to 10. this will be very interesting he's just off the back Edge and as I said extremely fast it's chosen to chip this and let it trickle down to the hole it's looking good it's looking great and the Sunday rolls begin on the second nine here at Augusta National 62. [Applause] and who more appropriate than Wars himself to supply the first raw here on the second nine that is spectacular back to six and you view from behind the hole back toward this elevated team probably 30 feet the elevation dropped from the T to the green and the patrons have that perfect viewing area load the team halfway down the hill here's Scotty shuffler Sunday as well and that will not make that Plateau it's a very tiny Target area that's gotten firmer as the week has gone on there you are [Applause] the fade is just not quite fading today it's starting on a good line but it's I imagine the one on the fifth was was beautiful shot so that was just pulled you know a yard and a half Scotty he reacts with Equanimity to every break in the game good or bad it doesn't look concerned either no I mean I was struck by his reaction to that brilliant shot lucky shot at three here's Cameron Smith this is at 8 here I need all of it okay that's going to have roughly the same result oh shakes the Third yeah visually you've got to try and send it down the right hand side of the green and if he misses the green by a yard but I guess they're just keep an eye on each other but so let the padding contest continue truly a wonderful par three let's go to seven and Sanjay M with his second shot front right hole location today five for inside bunkers and that's a beauty from m and he has a chance to join Rory at four under par to eight we saw the drive from Justin Thomas now pitching out foreign [Applause] and a good angle whole location today way back in the back left 37 yards on we're in for an exciting afternoon with Scotty Scheffler the Texan at 10 under par leading cam Smith the Australian by four [Music] well Rory McIlroy making noise here in the final round 2011. ran away from the field at Congressional U.S open two-time PGA Champion another eight shot win it was at q1 2012 winning in darkness at Valhalla and winning the Open championship in 2014 at Hoy Lake top 10 finishes six of the last eight Masters as this of course is the missing piece for the career Grand Slam to try to become the six to ever do so he's at the tier 11. as it hits down the left Jim it's only being nine birdies all week so far at the 11. he already did make one on Thursday and we're charged by McElroy to six and sheffler and Smith this is Scotty he'll be first [Applause] well guilty 10 feet left we go to eight still a long way to go for Justin Thomas 208 he has to be careful here of the Mounds that's whole High about 20 yards to the left drop light shape just a little too far left and Cameron Smith here at six daddy shuffler's quite certainly a help for Reed and speed second straight long one uphill for cam Fern that almost sounded like a mishit hmm both got work left let's go to seven and M faced with this for birdie to pour under and back to even on the day and the tie for third with McElroy to six daddy who's away I believe it's can Amazon yes okay we'll say despite the roller coaster of this round neither one of them have changed their Pace haven't changed their expressions nothing this club was so good for him and winning the Players needed just over 100 cuts for the entire week match that [Applause] the answer is yes two hard-earned three at the six and the lead remains four shutter over Smith with McElroy and in formed [Applause] let's go to Wade we saw where his third came up to a tricky chip over a mound can't see the base of the flag oh what a great View thank you looking to the right like he's going to bounce it off the right Bank gosh [Applause] exquisite we just want to remember the Masters champion who we lost on January the 19th Bob goldby not 11 career wins but he won here in 1968. and when you remember him for winning here please remember he shot 66 that final day [Applause] a good man Bob Colby great Predator golf broadcasting as well so go to the 11th 222 flag perhaps accessible for a draw to get the drawers a little bit of a long wait there for Roy Dustin Johnson group ahead down the pond and made triple boating was stalled at the top of the hill but going alongside a little earlier marakawa and the right trees bundle it down there let's tune in today they've changed us all considerably moved a lot of the trees down the right hand side out back to seven and Scotty Scheffler on the tee a little bit of Breeze helping Andrew wouldn't be surprised such a tough Fairway to hit okay and he hits it and now cam Smith this definitely looks like less than driver I think it is drive it Dotty it's okay I agree it's a lot of clubs if you push it right you're blocked [Applause] he loves that little low running draw sneaky long big drive for Smith at the seventh hole on a beautiful day in Augusta Georgia Scotty Scheffler a four-shot lead over Cameron Smith in the final round of the 86th Masters Tournament [Music] and we're back third shot a long way still from arakawa two major championships quickly under his belt Harding Park a little covert and of course the Open Championship was Crown Champion golfer here the 11th hardest hole in the golf course this week is I just reference just nine birdies they lented it now 520 yards but really it's the tree removal as well as the tea being pushed to the left side of created Avenues they want bravery they want Escape shots and they're going to get it so many trees removed just lift three ponds another perfect height challenge you to go around or perhaps over depending on your T-shirt green just as well difficult as ever before in that pond slightly larger larger on that left side and over the bank and around edges that much sharper yeah they've raised the right side Frank considerably so this is [Music] I looked at that very shot earlier Nick and it's got to ride along the right side of the green yeah very well played you do not want to miss that green uh whole High tonight Thomas on the tee history shot past the pine needles down to the painters there's a great angle up the hill to seven and Scheffler will be first poking 126 to the front if he's feeling lucky he might spin this way it's coming back excellent shot from Scottish and now Smith right at exactly 100 yards I think he has to throw this a little beyond the whole right on that tree line left to the flag after a 349-yard drive still going to play up a couple of steps here we go [Applause] okay two great shots two great looks of Birdie for our final pairing 211. and now the Paw Paw is from arakawa at 20 feet oh he knows very quickly probably just on a fake Mound so many players around here this week 11 nearly playing as a par five to 13. salvators man has a great way of how could you call supination of the left left wrist he lost it beautiful shot the middle of the green caps a little bit of a slope and that is perfection isn't it oh my goodness look at this that's all that's left for eagle [Applause] 11. just under seven feet for McElroy to keep the charge going must go Frank and then yeah the man shoots four more get poster eight under how about that for a whole score wouldn't that I mean I would take that I'll take my chances to seven and what a drastic difference at seven today the first three rounds at the seventh hole there were a combined 21 birdies and there's been exactly 21 birdies today here at seven well this is the the Gathering whole location which does add a little bit of pressure in itself because everybody's burning it so you better you better join the party but it's still such a great whole location because if you miss yeah it's really difficult this was the first Ovation that these two have had will be the last as the day goes on the drama is starting to build I've got a dripper here Nick not unlike the putt that he had back at the fourth for par yeah and the second for birdie Karen Smith to seven under let's go to eight the par five playing his third wonderful wedge player try and Pitch it all the way back with some spin after the birdie at seven you get to five under an outright third back one and how about what Scheffler said after his first win in Phoenix on Super Bowl Sunday he said in the past he put too much pressure on himself in final rounds thought he had to play a perfect round to win he realized that day you don't have to be perfect on Sunday you can learn from your mistakes and overcome them we've already seen that here today and he matches the birdie by cam Smith the lead remains at four as they go to the par five eights hole you know we mentioned it yesterday we're going off the air that back in 2014 wearing a cap with the Augusta logo on it Scotty shuffler won a nearby Junior event the junior Invitational in Sage Valley for prestigious Avengers 15 miles from the club here about that that's definitely Georgia on your mind yeah you got the prestigious yellow jacket that day but uh yes that is called the power of a dream could be realized here in a little more than two hours as we go to 12. right now seven behind put four holes a hit has to be aggressive Frank go for it it's turning note safe well as the late great Ben Hogan used to say sometimes you have to let the Potter do the work tonight and Thomas who drove it long enough to get it past the pine straw you love this angle there I love it seen the bounce they've got the land the whole high top hit past and look at us take it in there you go coming in the side door to the T at eight after two birdies there at the seventh let's take a look at yellow jasmine 570 yards up the hill here's the landing Zone much easier today without the wind some players can fly it over that light bunker five and then you fire up the hill if you can turn it over a little and run it on that's fine if not headed over where sung JM was just playing from to the right side on top of the hill and the whole location today is 37 yards on in the back left farther right you can go with the second if you're laying up the better three birdies the first three days for Scotty second easiest haul all week foreign was born a year after Tiger Woods won in 1997. he said tiger is like a god to him first memory of tiger was when he chipped in back in 2005 at the 16th now back to cam Smith just a bit of Breeze coming up in the player's face now Ian get over there no he doesn't like it he'll be forced to lay up into his car up on the green as these two make their way up the hill 13. and wills out of Taurus for eagle such a story a year ago and his debut finishing second as we go to 12. 44 feet left for McElroy up a hill last part is downhill the line was quite good absolutely frightened of it just catching speed so much has changed in a short period of time Cameron Smith made a charge at the start what a three at the third and he's taken charge now sits at 11 under Scotty shuffler he's been a genius the way he's scrambled this was at the first today it's so impressive bumped it into the bank kill it and then that second Ridge is so difficult to put it down to a yard was was absolutely fantastic little did we know that was Walmart for this might be the shot of the tournament and it's all said [Music] [Applause] my friend sevi would have turned 65 yesterday I know it's a big comparison but as far as seeing someone around the green scrambling at this level does it remind you a bit well it reminds us Chevy very much reminds me obviously Jordan Speed and he's paid Dave it was incredible the Witch and another one these guys the quality of the Striking The Poetry Landing the ball on the spot and and we talked so much about it being number one in the world no surprise he's also the PGA Tour stats number one this season in scrambling all right back out to the eighth well this is where Cam Smith came up playing his second now have to lay up to the right side it's just a pitching Legend is Handy and can't hit any more than that out of here too seat [Applause] thank you see how steep that was by the way it fell back from the shot let's get it in a good spot up there and a flat lie we'll have a look from there the Masters is a tournament we all grow up wanting to win cam set back in Australia this will go the nine and GT the chance to get the 400 par for the tournament oh he's walking right out of it let's go see having a good fight with Rory right now back to eight Scotty can get there to hit that shot he doesn't love needs to get it turning over to get there [Applause] get there that's a great mission yes and he's got enough room to that whole location to get some spin on the wedge and we know he can do that we've been watching it all week no kidding and there's a Junior tournament uh series down in Texas he grew up playing the the north Texas Junior PGA he won 90 of 136 starts on that Junior Tour as a youngster and he got so good that they used to play him up into a different age group because he was winning everyone in the other and he still had that record let's go to 13. and Rory he leads the field this week in driving distance and greens and regulations his last six final rounds Nick he's 700 the last six years on this hole 700 on this 13th including that eagle back in 2019. well he needs a an eagle out of 13 or 15 and and a couple others and you never know to ten and here's another one of those where you need to turn it around the corner Justin with driver played practice round with tiger this week but that's not good well hit it down there yesterday as well down into the pine straw that's the 18th Fairway you can see just through the gaps in the trees players walking up the 18th Hill now back at eight yeah I mentioned what cam Smith had said about always wanting to win here and when he watched Adam Scott his good friend win in 2013 he said it gave us all a belief that we could do it it had been so long since the 1981 Ian very much what Savvy did for the European tour yes exactly right in 1980s couples like this so he gave us the same belief as well and I play with him every week well you never know six short flies down to the flat it's 39. that's our shot it's definitely into the wind yeah it's mainly off the left there's a fraction here heavy yeah cool 156 this ball has to stay in the air 149 yards to get to the flat spot over that large Mound nine iron in his hand good friends with these caddy bears and Ben fold very determined oh that was a good thump starts right at it dumping data clock too long right over the flag that'll be a difficult little pitch right there Australian winners the Open Championship the last one Greg Norman in 93 9 have won the open the PGA Jason day and 15 at Whistling Straits has been five US Open Jeff Ogilvy two and Adam Scott the only Masters champ US Open of course David Gray and Jeff Hardy and so many of those major winners from Australia have come from Queensland became Street resides yeah and that's the fast Direction so it's almost like you're just trying to hit a nip or flight if you want and hit a Nipper and should bounce and roll a little bit and check pretty basic for you buddy just trust what you're saying huge opportunity and to get a serious lead yes because it's not an easy up and down for Camp I agree hey but we can see we've seen on the third hole what can happen that was a Miss hit yeah first one might have gotten away with a little bit of it I agree Dottie as soon as he said it he said go hard a little stubby so hard when you can't see the green when you're hitting a pitch shot ahead tonight and sung Jay tied for third with McElroy oh below his toes you have to stretch a little more through the impact possibly where that went a little bit right [Music] back to eight four or five meters just checking to see here if he has a swing yeah he does not have a bit of drop off how you doing good how are you yeah keep going yeah nearest point where he has a free swing without uh being affected by the obstruction there behind him yeah [Music] I could even substitute I just don't want to stick on anybody find a good spot you have to move some more thank you thank you guys keep moving please that's okay Shadow's gonna be the problem all right so the bump and run in yes or the yeah the the uh maybe the one bouncer with a bit of spin yeah and then Bobble it on yeah it might even be a two bounce of this one remember when he won the Players back in March he only had four Pars in the last round shot 66 in winning the Players Championship it was 10 birdies in there that's why well there's plenty of holes left there was also a heroic four at the last five I should say up and in to win great chipping action to copy get it looks good sounds good is it over complicate things Ian no very precise and simple to nine Sanjay up the slow for birdie at the ninth and not enough legs you know we're at 10. can he do it again not today but I'm sure he had fond memories from a very similar position yesterday Charles schwartzell in one of the shots of his life a beautiful wedge from 136 yards [Applause] a rare Eagle indeed here at the tent [Applause] beautifully done from our 2011 Champion now back to Scottish Chef look for birdie [Music] [Applause] that looked good early birdied seven it's not so bad not birdying there but they like to make four at eight unless we go to Shane Lowry Shane Lowry is looking at birdie here what he's done to overcome a triple bogey at the fourth he shot one under on the side we're back at eight love the way he putts just watch how he holds to putter as he hits it just holds it steady Dodge to pull it there Ian yes it was a poor third that could have been a nasty swing over six to a four but no I had one and M for his par oh a three-point bogey it is over at 13 Rory trying to run down Scotty shuffler second shot at the par five it's time to strike yeah to split the bunker at the back there sweet and gray isn't he oh that is beautiful right into the ridge perfect and this will grow closer Eagles putt coming up from McElroy as we go to the T at the ninth amen is smidge and more left than yesterday and stretch of the golf course to watch Scotty's driving he now needs to start hitting those draws Alexis that's a good one there's the two drawers on there 10 and 13. in Troublesome that's gonna run out that is enormous I know the adrenaline got to him he started hitting it further and further on the on the second nine but the book on Camp Smith tells you that his Miss is left the one at the last was not the norm [Applause] Ally a popular spot down here is there now playing with Rory kalamorakawa with his second shot at the 13th in the Far East little textbook fade in there oh inside Rory can you believe that to 10. Justin Thomas has come up well sure remember he drove it into the pine straw played out to there it doesn't look that good from here but he is under the hole for Justin Thomas but it seems to be all up to these last two with Scotty Scheffler and Cameron Smith making their way down the ninth McElroy in third [Music] this is 13 and this is for eagle it's been only one today Tony Fino but this is a big one for McElroy to move even closer to closer delivers it oh maybe nine and we mentioned he has just taken advantage of this hole over the last six years that makes it now through the last seven final rounds at 13 he's nine under two Eagles in the rest birdies and he comes up at just the right time let's go to 10. needs to be firm up the hill with this one save his power such a difficult whole location there bogey for Thomas 14. and the second shot for Dustin Johnson two over for the tournament and this is a beauty from DJ right where you want to be in a chance for birdie coming up for Dustin Johnson back to 13. and also for eagle murakawa starts it outside the home finds it cinnamon matching Eagles murakawa and McElroy we're back in the ninth with the final pairing down here 24. there's not much around at the moment please the lie and the angle for both of these players are actually better than if they'd hit the Fairway it's to have this ball in the air 128 yards to get on the proper level 131 total and you see how far up ahead shuffler is with that same angle which is a good one Nick it's perfect [Applause] situation for Scotty is just 20 yards shorter everything else is the same yeah that's an aggressive yeah he needs to land it Fly Guy on the flat does not want to land it a little short because of that dug in John ROM zipped it right off the front of the green [Applause] super shot 14. and the red hot Rory McIlroy on the tee yeah smart moves three metals [Applause] close uh uh because of the whole location like seven is in a bowl this is one of the ones where the ball gathered so made life a little bit tricky up to 15. and Matsuyama had a beautiful wedge in here for his third can he convert the birdie yes he does getting the shot back that he lost at the par 5 13th back to 14. and more Okawa on the two yes he's going down the left side yeah oh yeah trying to make his fate happen it could be some tree trouble for these two with their second shots into 14. go back to 10. Shane Lowry in good shape but a little further back at 183 for Europe a lovely shot straight up Hill Park for birdie at 14. you saw the beautiful approach from Dustin Johnson now to finish it off with birdie and Johnson back to even Parr on the day triple bogey at 11 but a birdie here at 14. to nine Jam's gonna try to understand that slope right at the Ridge Point so many of the holes today cut just over those ridges subtle hole locations yeah he's so far over where his balls finishes so it actually the left-hand side of Green feeds and that will affect it so it'll come up but left to right yeah he'll hit it through some of that with the speed but it will definitely be in play whatever good stroke [Applause] really Scotty will have a chance to take a five-shot lead to the second nine if he holds it let's go to 14. and McElroy going to play this one low up to the 14th grade not much for Rory to do right there after his two shot was down the left side so still hot seven under on the day but we'll have some work to do to get up and down here at 14. let's go back to nine looking at a birdie putt we mentioned yesterday that they went to the same high school as Matthew Stafford who won a Super Bowl February 13th the same day he got his first win [Applause] Matthew sent along a message go get him Scotty we will be watching and we all watch to see if he can shoot 33 on this side get it to 12 under Pawn [Applause] foreign that same sort of look on Friday and hit the same putt so much left to right on that part it's wicked yeah Wicked and it's tough to describe and release the foot or maybe maybe more to ten and this uphill park for Shane Lowry for birdie to get to 4 under you may remember all so close I remember we led the US Open at Oakmont Country Club six years ago Dustin Johnson went on to win back at nine be very precise here even though it's a little bit uphill and it's two feet staying steady [Applause] not as far exercise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Johnny this is also a tiny putt but this one will get more attention than Scotty's no question it just demands you to be Precision it's a it's a nerve test every time 35 for Smith on that side and now nine holes remaining the lead is one shot larger than it was overnight now they head to the last nine for the Green Jacket oh my goodness yes sir in your life have you seen anything like that can you believe it hello by Nicholson the return to Glory so many memorable moments on this second nine particularly on Sunday where Rory got it started with that brilliant chip in from just through the back and the rules have continued over the last hour particularly for Rory but Scotty Scheffler has a commanding lead see the scoring average this week on the second nine watch the swing here trying to draw it around the corner starting to be third up at this part of the golf course oh yes that is perfect Scotty for 14. and morikawa could only Advance his second shot about 50 yards so this is his third at the 14th hole he walked all the way up to the green and it pays off to see the bow decide which side to bring it in from perfect back to 10. look for the same shape here with the three wood for cam the Stark's left and is hooking hard remember back in 2011 Rory McIlroy hit a bad one over there when he had the lead collapsed on the second nine and here he is at 14. in his 14th Masters in I think he knows his way around this place how about his third shot here at 14. all the way to the back and then watch it go [Music] [Applause] inside murakawa's shot and a huge Roar from the patrons here at 14. let's go up to 15. will Zella Taurus with the birdie putt he's coming into this par five on a good run four under in his last seven can he make one more he sure does that gets out of Taurus to two under six right now finish tied the second last year Scheffler in control going to the second nine the 86 Masters foreign [Music] back at Augusta memorabilia the memories that are housed here it's everywhere you look Founder's Circle [Music] back at 14. and marakawa to finish off his par excellent third in moroccawa remains it two under in the tie for sixth and Rory said yesterday I hope I can just get in the top ten and then I'll move on well now he's six under and only five shots back so different feeling around Rory right now as we go up to 16. and on the T will zalators three under on today's ride and a birdie possibility forthcoming to 15. and Dustin Johnson offered a huge tee shot just the iron in to the par five still no Eagles for the week here at 15 but Dustin Johnson has a chance to change that back to 10. the way cam Smith is down the left side in the trees Dottie any uh opportunity to go for the green or is he just pitching out no he's looking at a place to pitch out he's found a spot where I think he can just kind of scuttle a little along the pine straw the really dry plain stuff but he's right in a Grove of camellias petals [Applause] but it's the angle got to get it out into the short grass with a clean stroke I can't believe you can do that we wait let's go to 15 T and McElroy has made one Eagle in 51 rounds here at 15. that back in 2019 and this is a double cross [Applause] and he is going to be stuck right behind that huge stand of Pines to 10. clean contact [Applause] the ranch is on the way back too that looks a bit scary I was hoping as well Nick every you know everything was moving his feet were moving all the petals were exploding remember at the Players Championship on the 16th hole he hit a wicked hook to the left with his driver when he needed to hit a draw down there This Bar perfect position now for Scotty Scheffler have a breeze in their face seven iron cannot miss left here there must be just a touch shorth into the right 188 to the hole I'm Mark well it stayed in the grass but it won't be easy we'll test that scrambling ability again he leads the field this week in that category as we've seen you would think nine pars with a four shot lead would be pretty good let's go to 16. and will salvators is that the hot hand of the 1-0 not quite as much as Rory McIlroy but that's three birdies in the last four holes and let's go to 15. Dustin Johnson trying to make an eagle get himself into red figures [Music] that's pretty good effort extremely difficult part there judging the speed [Applause] back to 10. that's a nine iron cams hands that breeze is still up on 55. foreign [Music] [Applause] Smith and the leader in a little trouble as well he has a four shot lead thank you back at the 10th and we're live with Scotty sheffler beautiful angle there just showing you exactly what's faced he's got the ball in the second cut in I think it helps if if you did have any nerves it's it's reasonably straightforward except for the theater [Applause] get it [Music] tried the same sort of shot tried to hit down on it and pop it harder to do from the fluffier line and that part is very difficult it's actually a similar putt to the one that Adam Scott hold for birdie to beat Angel Cabrera back in 13. up to 15. and McElroy no option here but to lay up kind of low hook okay so that'll scuffing its way down the hill I've behind does he need more than a boat back to Tim well Sheffield will be first to park Karen Smith at his nine iron in closer both Bunning for pars if you remember back six years ago Jordan Spieth led by five Strokes with nine holes to play you go be 10 11. quadruple bogey 12 and his lead was gone in just three holes it's been quite something if Cam can make a fall from out the bushes in and Scotty takes five yes it'd be an emotional uh change as well wouldn't it like similar to the Third you have to learn to take it on the chin though Nick don't you expect the other player to do something exceptional yeah I bet he wasn't expecting him to chip it in on the third that came to a shock to the world I think I played with Ray Floyd in 92 and he did exactly the same thing really for birdie can you second to Freddie Big Break on this putt you get it low it doesn't come back it's gone [Music] [Applause] we'll be disappointed with that one I had a chance to maybe pick up an extra shot he's a good iron shot back to back the putts at nine and ten that's a lot a lot to look back on opportunities missed and this part dirty as you know is exceptionally fast as well dives off a little to the right as it dies can't be aggressive with it different day today though just beautiful seal today is 25 over yesterday 134 over par in those conditions that's the big difference there is nothing about today that it was like yesterday [Applause] [Music] he didn't know that part he didn't know how much that broke wow to 15. and McElroy with his third from the downslope can he control the trajectory and spin he's going to come back oh no it just hangs up two feet too far 17 yes is here he's three under par and a try for four and we finished second here last year just a little too aggressive to keep it on that plateau not happy with the wedges apparently some work left for cam Smith here at 10. that's how quick that putt is banged it in though but still rolling that all right now as with his six under total is now tied second with Cameron Smith four behind spotty shepler thank you [Music] back at 15 McIlroy now for birdie great tribe man what a bad time to miss a fairway On a par five costly mistake there for McElroy back to 11. and all that birdie mess at 13 a little bit of a reprieve for Scheffler now but the three hardest holes at Augusta National are on this very side 11 12 and 18. however has been the easiest friend that was the normal Scottish swing absolutely High hands knees kick forward very high ball flight Dottie Tiger Woods always said if you're within five or six with nine to go at Augusta you are in the hunt he would know and he's correct okay there's so many opportunities for two shot three shot swings on this side and you can't hide from it the noise lets you know everything that's happening [Applause] he doesn't lack power that's for sure only one birdie here at 11. just a couple of 12. that'll be hard to the Irishman Shane Larry picked up a club at the age of 13. there's 12 handicapper within a year in pretty good sense cross learning curve played Gaelic football soccer [Applause] Sports really well you need to know a dentist if you want to keep them playing up yeah 17. will sell a Taurus an unlikely 30 this would be we've only seen five here today it's on its way though [Applause] I really can't think of everything well lovely pipe heads to the last three under power and a tie for fourth loves this place he's a big time player wonderful ball Striker let's go to 18. and Hideki oh wow that is right by the hole one of only seven to be recognized as low amateur at the Masters and then later go on and win The Masters we're 15. maracawa went for the Green in two just over the back pitch to here at 15. fantastic play from this pairing of moroccawa and macaroy here in the final round back to the final pairing there's a little bit of debate we have Scottish airflow whether he can classify himself as a Texan he was born in New Jersey moved away when he was five but he grew up in Ridgewood for The Quirk of Fate because Byron Nelson who obviously was born of Texan actually took up the assistant Pro job at Bridgewood Country Club in 1935 so I never know when he gets to walk over those next two Bridges he can decide exactly where he wants to come from but so far he's got his nose in front we get to look at water for the first time to 16. and on the T Colin murakawa 300. well it's yeah here it comes he's going to wind up about 20 25 feet away next up on the 16 take Rory McIlroy he needs one like tiger played a couple of years ago an absolutely even absolute kick in yeah I remember Nick when when tiger won here and he hit the tee shot on 16 and it almost went in it was a strong eight iron out to the right Rory knows we both they've all seen this hundreds of time in exactly the spot landed somewhere like two o'clock on the clock face just a little past oh my God [Applause] back to 11. and schiffler just played this whole well this week Tony he has in fact caused green to hit for the week trying to hit that turnover shot feed it back to the whole location once again has to go on that short game just dry to 18. I heard from several of you Champions Nick so you look back to that historic win a year ago his man Shota on the bag with this wonderful moment of Grace and honor I've heard from many of you about the Champion's dinner maybe being the best ever because of the touching speech that he made on Tuesday night absolutely Gary spoke him in Japanese and sort of welcomed him really with we International uh Champions and then the Decker responded in English which is a first really an American hero to speak for more than three minutes we'll get back to matsayama's close but first let's get to 11. slightly different Hull location this year here it is it's one they used last year in the Augusta National Women's Amateur he takes it that's right that was that was won by Sue Vasa tejitana when we've got the Japanese double speaking of that we will go to the Masters champion at 18. as this putt actually to move into the top ten yeah Jim you can imagine the quality of the food was fabulous with sashimi and miso black card and uh very fancy wagon beef it was delicious why did you have to drop that on us here at the dinner hour that sounds wonderful I got my bag of pistachios let's get back to 11. this should be a difficult trip but even on a Wednesday more difficult than it's been in the past years to put the ball in the air up off onto the ledge and then let it feed calls for that low one you know it's about eight out of ten it's far far away it's 12th grain Shane Lowry [Applause] football his dad Brennan very successful player to 16. McElroy for birdie oh dear back to 12. currently only six players in red digits 300 to tie for fourth some drops back top 12 and ties return next year you know from his mind right now to 11. for a birdie just the second one here today at 11. time to perfectly the hardest all on the golf course all week yeah Frank Mana man at work is a song man with two hearts I tell you what this this fella is Brave yeah and Scott is going to be beating a little quicker right now a little oxygen just came out of the shuffler Camp I believe this is a huge putt they flipped the script back at three that's right routine though good on him and the game's current best player was up to the task Big Four what a time to make a three at 11. a man from Down Under duck deep and you can hear that all the way around the golf course one more uh it still goes in the middle that's just the disguise he's got hot and so is Scotty sheffler [Music] foreign [Music] Frank you can't stop himself for being aggressive here I mean I think he's going to go for it let's go to fly on the Dance Floor [Applause] flying 11 is blowing left and there's nothing happening at the green at 12. there's just little puffs of Breeze though Dottie yeah 154 carries to the green on that side you know confirmed [Applause] [Music] so often 12. Ian Baker thanks just referenced it before it killed Spieth back in 2016. has it done the same with Smith for the man who tried to keep his swing so smooth there was an extra hitch was an Earth on the downswing through impact and just get it on dry land same club for shuffler 9. Target's gotta be more to the left Gets Lucky it's the shortest bar for eight it always has been here at Augusta National Smith [Music] [Applause] [Music] and just put the fire out just lost that beautiful Tempo didn't he for it Split Second on the downswing I didn't want to see it the choice of whether you use the Drop Zone the drop zone is quite close today and try and get a better yardage that's such a brutal distance it's too close almost isn't it yeah drop zone is only 68 yards I saw Justin Thomas a couple of groups ahead he actually took it back online sorts out where to play his third this was a moment ago with Matsuyama finishing his reign as defending champion we'll be seeing him in just a short while down here in Butler cabin present the Green Jacket to this year's Champion play with Victor Hopland today he shot 73. on a ton of fans here and they will be every year Hideki comes back here yeah as a Masters champion it's a great addition to the Champions locker room back to 12. and he's paced it back Dottie so they are not using the Drop Zone I like this play it was too awkward too difficult to control the spin well you referenced it early he got it up and down to win the Players Championship he'd wrenched a second shot [Applause] this is tough not to have just a little extra bit of adrenaline and then go and then go along the whole point of this at this point the proceedings us to not magnify a big error already [Applause] called it Nick yeah I felt it foreign back here at 12 this is the sixth Green in regulation that Sheffield has missed today calls for that low and again Frank [Applause] this is pretty good Frank from there just over 10 feet to 17. Rory hit three wood from the T here but overcooked it down in the left trees all right trying to get up high from a bear line and it just doesn't quite make it in the front bunker not bad from there as we head back to 12 and the difficulties facing cam Smith just on a little down slope yeah when your heart is pounding all these shots get trickier and trickier [Applause] I'll have that for a double bogey here first he can do is drop back to 500 we go to 18. yeah Will Zao Taurus you do that [Applause] it comes out super soft yeah I'm standing up here for you real after that one of course he grew up playing a lot of junior golf still plays a lot of golf in the Dallas area with Scotty shuffler Jordan Speak Martin Flores Tony Romo they have a pretty regular game around those parts [Applause] get back out to the 12th well Jim you referenced junior golf and we've talked about how prolific he was as a junior those winds will count from memory bank and your pots you would have made and similar positions as a junior polishes those 90 trophies for foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's been so true to his normal speed which is dripping that shows you how come he really is inside so many moments you can look back already in today's round this for five to eighteen and will to finish with a 67 how about your first two starts at Augusta you go second and you're currently tied for fourth yeah gonna fit in one day he will be seeing green with me sure looks like it let's go back to 12. [Applause] oh [Applause] 10 minutes ago it was Euphoria after the three at 11. anything other than that Scotty sheffler already made his way to the 13th team should be in 12. this looks kind but with the warm weather it doesn't have to get too carried away at how much he draws it just keep it inside the tree line and you can reach in two yesterday was kind of a high pop Flight of the right out we got more in the same Nick that's gonna stay on the Pines it came out okay let me back out again sure did wow well now that Scottish Chef has made that three at 12 Rory must get this up and down and we'll hold it possibly beautifully played that was not easy let's hop that one in to Stage six maybe birdie to last but he's on track for his best finish in the Masters fourth his best previously a 13t and cam somehow has to regroup try to make a three like Rory did here deal with deflation first no that's not gonna do it no his mind's gone just wrecked his chances [Music] foreign how many times does it come down to this stretch at Augusta National Amen Corner promising start incredible start it was for cam with the birdie on 11. [Applause] but his hope for victory all but vanquished with this one swing [Applause] leading to a triple Shepard is now four in front McElroy alone and second [Music] at 18 Dustin Johnson has this cut for Parr with that shot surrendered Hill end up shooting even par back into a tie for 11th at the moment with schwartzell Willett and one over par at 17. just to tap into Power Ferrari heads to the last six under four back and this will be seventh time in his last nine starts top 10 here at the Masters looking for that elusive Grand Slam it's not over yet 13. we're gonna go for a good ride 217 number is going to be right in line with like just sort of left of the uh left of the tree that's all on the bin here well they're right on the appearance right on that'll be front edge on our line here slightly in the lift well Nikki's going to go for it anyway okay Anthony lands on that tree line going to front right down towards the plane that's our line to be coming down Okay okay right now that six back he feels out of it he feels like he's got to try and pull off a miracle shot total to the Halls 258. it's got seven wood in his hand well it's probably gonna hook isn't it it will hook yes it has to get there no wind at all though keep turning over keep turning over oh wow look at that I think it was such a mishit that he got like I think he probably does think he's in he's he's not even within the yellow penalty area he's on a wicked down slow flip it across that corner he does think he's in and now our leader looking by 258 239 covers on the left half this is about the yardage he hit it to 18 yesterday with a laser better turn over better stop oh I guess that was intentional smart play no it's definitely no point in risking he's hit it very close though he's got a very awkward I mean it's like a 40-yarder so I was going to say if you're laying up why would you lay up that close I agree I I 246 that's a long way for not well that's his pretty much his max I guess so we need some confirmation what he was thinking McElroy on the T at 18. well one last guess Rory makes a three [Applause] it'll be at the bottom and Smith they got bald's face difficult pitches coming up especially Cameron they do have a little bit of a backstop though but it's still it is tricky it's dicey and the last time we're trying to lay out all of these Doom and Gloom scenarios what did Shepard do at the third yeah he knocked it in 10 things to do that now at some real way of stuff the year what they've done since uh we hit 2022 they have been the story between the two of them three wins for Scotty couple for Cameron including the players championship for Smith this guy right here he looks older than his 25 years but he hates just in year three out here when tiger won 2019. he wasn't even playing the tour full time so shows up at 20 at the PGA running Park and contends there finishes fourth and he's a winner he's just once he started winning and we're seeing the likes of what he used to do as we've discussed during his Junior career I mean he won with regularity [Applause] yeah Jimmy gotta get a shout out to Cole knows down man on the ground he went he said that early in the season Once he learned you know once he gets his first win watch out and here we are what are we up to about 60 days later in here could be four in 60. so he's looking for a little bit of side slope there there's a little Bridge almost on his on his cap line when he addresses it if you can fire it in there and get one of those Zippy Grabbers it would zip to the right you know Nick if he can get this to come in at from at about 10 o'clock yeah you can just you can take the risk out of the shop really absolutely I think that's exactly what he's looking and he knows if he can really get some bite on it it could dig in and screw sideways contact our flight were fantastic here comes the side screen and the slope [Music] gorgeous a pretty safe way to get it for six feet without bringing too much of the creek into play that was an old golf mentality yeah [Applause] yeah you're the young Pair of Hands you know you're going to get some spin on it I mentioned Martin Florida's earlier he'll tell you that when he first started working with Randy Smith he'd sit in on lessons the pros were going through and he watched what they were being taught short-sighted over bunkers Etc and after the lesson ended and everybody left he would go out there and try those same shots and he had the presence of Mind of when he was like eight years old of how to lay up to a number on a par five well beyond his years Martin out here on the tour for a long time let's go to the 18th and here's McElroy yeah it can't be done we've had a 99 . [Music] it's about the top of that lip delicate here Smith at 13. oh I be furious with himself with that one [Applause] yeah I thought so it's a 14. and the second for Sunjai in [Music] beautiful conditions right now barely a breeze this will come back we saw it earlier [Applause] excellent shot by him back to 13. Nick I got to give it to you here's Cameron he's been drafting all day at one point he inch within a shot early in the round but he's still been in position here with all the things that can happen on the second side comes on Bernie 11. yeah and you called it you felt like there could be one swing coming up that might get away from him and that's what happened to swing he will Rue until he gets back here next year Jim while you're talking to me I'm not going to give anything away but something unbelievable it's just I think I know it is unbelievable I've got I've [Music] Smith continues to measure what he must do I'm sorry but wait you see this I've got goosebumps I'm shaking we just saw what Rory did bunker to Bunker this is impossible foreign [Applause] anything's possible what a round 64. it matches the lowest final round score in Masters history one off the course record meanwhile back at 13. [Applause] pretty punt [Applause] yep hold out for Rory delivers the 8th 64. on a Sunday at the Masters first shot by Maurice Enbridge later when Gary Player on his way to winning Greg Norman David Toms po van felt Jordan Speak he joins that short list and one off the Nick price later Greg Norman of course record of 63. Jim that noise made it sway down here to 13 but there was no reaction from shuffling none yeah sure it did I think I think it even actually made its way to a few counties over well this is the one thing about Scotty's shop where he is calm through it all in the middle of the storm I walked with him at that PGA in 2020 at Harding Park and there was a a mature piece about him then and it's only gotten better [Applause] [Applause] oh look how much that healed off thank you [Applause] and that's a part and now we have the target score to beat seven under hunts to the 14 put 10 under yesterday Nick when Rory finished up at 18 what must he do tomorrow you said something outrageous I said something outrageous and early in the day I said get to eight under well he's made it to seven and this is what murakawa did out of that same box they've been matching each other much of the day oh again yeah that is just awesome they match Eagles at 13. shot for shot both end tight and now they both finished with matching threes out of the bunker at the 72nd they knew him Snoop could look and he goes uses the mega slope a bit of a hit and hope but then as you've got a green shirt on to match a possible Green Jacket and then murakawa [Applause] you can't make it up a dream sequence at the 18th just after the crowd had finally settled after Rory's miracle well Collins to grow entertainment he always pick the very serious if you're out there with five hoes to play and you know really cannot make a mistake because you just do not want to put yourself under ridiculous amounts of pressure Roy will wait now and see what this man does on his final five holes morikawa by the way moved up to third tied third with his hole out 14. this tournament never disappoints Sheplers two shot at 14. the McElroy score was posted Andrew Scheffler never looked at the board he's got the blinders on he has for the majority of the week and now cam Smith and he continues to struggle this one way left off a tree and Smith [Music] [Applause] Sunday I mean does it get any better than this incredible images at 18 first Rory [Applause] the reaction with more account of Firestone [Applause] back here at the par for 14th and cam Smith way left off the tee what is he looking at Dottie what chander there's a there's a small Gap if he goes low [Applause] and if you're willing to gamble I suppose you could throw it straight up in the air but there's really not much there for him and there's no easy pitch out even if he used to go at 90 degrees just straight out no [Applause] let's watch those Shadows glasses you're okay just yes dude thank you well Nick if you're in Smith's position down six Dottie's hit a small window do you just try to take advantage unfortunately he's in hitting hope mode right now yeah oh that was the window and I meant this mine must be just scrambled this is when the world is going so fast I need a big jump stop sign to hit you on the on the right in your face to regroup somehow but it's probably a bit late now [Music] same Club same swing you see cam Smith's ball just in front of Scheffler and a great look at this 14th green the ideal shot here about five to ten feet left of the hole starts right at it [Applause] [Music] shipler with a beauty so important to take advantage of that whole location for two Amanda Renner here with Rory McIlroy Rory how would you describe what you were just able to do on the second nine on Sunday um it's what you dream about right you dream about getting yourself in position I wasn't quite you know close enough to the lead I don't think Scotty's plan really really well but to to play as well as I did today and then to to finish like this I mean it's just absolutely incredible and you know this tournament never ceases to in his um but yeah that's uh that's as happy as I've ever been on a golf course right there I you know just having a chance and then with Colin you know we both played so well all day and for both of us to finish like this you know I was just so happy for him too it was uh it was an incredible I've never heard floors like it only 18th screen it was uh it was really cool you two seem to feed off of each other all day in your eighth attempt this reaction right here that's what the game is all about right yeah that's um and that's what makes golf so cool right it makes you know we're we're competitors out there but at the same time we're friends and we travel around with each other you know every week and uh you know Colin's a great guy it was a great pairing for me today and you know you know happy that we both played well in your eighth attempt do you think you have done enough to complete the career Grand Slam no I don't think so um like Scotty's got a couple of tricky holes coming up but um he's just hit a close one 14 there and if he knocks that in he's got a you know he's got a four shot cushion with four holes to play so probably come up a little bit short but um you know I give it a great go and I um I I can't ask any more of myself you know I went out there today but shot my best ever score in Augusta and you know I'm probably it's going to be my best finish ever um probably not quite good enough but I'll come back next year and keep trying as you know anything can happen on this final stretch so don't go far thanks for the time all smiles as now we have Smith with his third at 14. a little too strong here yeah [Applause] everything's kind of gonna right now that's that wet shot all year we had hit inside the Scotty let's go up to 16. and Justin Thomas who has been forced to play Silent Witness to most of all the Golden Valley but that's for birdie and he climbs into a tie for eighth that's three in a row back to 14. Smith will be first but you take a look at Scotty Scheffler and he has that even killed approach but don't be fooled by that he shared a house this week with Sam Burns who is also in the field and Burns was talking about just how fiercely competitive Chef Laurie's didn't even want to lose in board games this week at their house and our CBS announced team had a chance to chat with Parker Sexton who was roommates with Scheffler at Texas and he was telling us this morning about some one-on-one basketball games that they would play at Texas and in Parker's words it's not that Scheffler didn't want to lose he didn't even want to allow Parker to score any points but he's about a fertility Parker that's a big start but he does it in such a nice way Andrew it's hard to paint him as a guy who wants to win so bad when you look at him but the more you hear about him you know how deeply he wants it very fast putt here for Smith and that's well done [Applause] so trouble off the tee and cam Smith drops another he's now minus three for the tournament and toddy sheffler has just inside five feet for birdie want to go to the right the whole property's really tilts in that direction I keep going back to last fall when Steve Stricker picked Scotty shuffler for the Ryder Cup team and so many people doubted the pick it turned things around and made a believer about Scotty shuffler I I would say it was a great pick because the way parts from five to fifteen feet Dottie yes the match play that's number one priority that makes you an easy preparing 30 for Scheffler and he's up four with four to play that was a perfect play hole three would off the team wedge to there that was so important to give him that cushion so Scheffler makes his way back to the 15th T coming off Brody and 14 and Trevor immelman what's Scotty's strategy here well Andrew he's got two holes left where water come into play he's played this 15th hole in even pop for the week did make a bogey here in round three though this is up at the green Shane Lowry for birdie and he wears that in him so he could fall there for the man from Ireland gets him to four under in a tie for third right now but it is all about Scotty Scheffler Dottie is the demeanor changed at all not for one second Trevor the way he's walked the way they've processed every shot facial expressions nothing has changed all day long [Applause] set up perfectly for his power fade a beautiful aggressive move through the pole there this one is bounding down the Fairway [Applause] little rice smile from Katie Ted Scott work's not done yet [Applause] who knows what it's like to get done here on the bag for Watson two-time Champion now Smith thank you [Music] everyone hopefully [Applause] he can finish strong but up to 16 T and here's Shane Lowry for under well he did not like it will be interesting to watch that but the spotlight Shines on Scottish [Music] inside the clubhouse on the second floor the Champions locker room someone better be ready to have company one of these lockers [Music] foreign Scotty shuffler who became the 25th player ever to be ranked number one in the world since it went back to the mid 80s when they started figuring out those calculations and algorithms the sixth youngest number one and he might be holding that position for quite a while just 25 years old and the 25th to be number one miss thanks to this kind of Genius action we've seen all week yeah [Music] but it is scrambling and wedge play it's just been perfect I mean seven is an opportunity you've got to take it you've got to put it down then if you did that [Applause] and then at 14. same deal you know that the saucer there put you in that little bit of pressure because you just don't want to miss it but along the way so many such great scrambling [Applause] his mom Diane is a lawyer she's in the gallery with his dad Scott who took him to all of his tournaments his wife Meredith they were high school sweethearts there you go fastest to number one that didn't take long once you turn on the win machine it hasn't stopped sisters Sarah who's not here but Molly and Cali are for children in the family the only boy I'm just gonna help you stand it up yeah yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay all right coming yep coming down perfect love it thanks Jim Doddy with what's happened with Smith no other choice than to put his foot on the gas here well last night in his interview he said that he would not likely go for it at 15 today the last hour has changed that this is seven wood freeze in 242 total it's hanging right okay land's nice and soft and just hangs on to get that portion of the green it's a good shot but it is all about Scotty sheffler this is all about laying up to a good number I believe it's got a nine iron in his hand got tree trouble too Trevor sure daddy looks like a longer shot this is curving around these trees this is the right Club wow what a beautiful strike from the top of the hill for a man that doesn't hit all that many drawers up to 17. Charles schwartzell gave us some excitement yesterday especially with that two at the ten here he is for a birdie at the 71st when he won in 2011 he birdied all four final four holes finally he says back one and here at 16 Shane Lowry monstrous cut come back a little please get Obed Clayton and Corey Connors he's going to have another top 10 finish here [Applause] to shoot 70. and a tie for fifth Birdie's the last two holes to 15. you know shuffler walks around the pound at 15. he's getting a standing ovation from the patrons it's funny how you start to see a pattern with things until this year the only time there were no Eagles at the 15th hole was in 1965 that year a 25 year old Jack Nicklaus won his second Green Jacket Scottish Scheffler now 25 years old trying to win his first to 16. and here's Shane Lowry this is for his part well executed Tupac and he remains in the tie for third with Colin murakawa 15. [Applause] it looks like Chef is good go ahead still needs to be careful here does not want this ball carrying too much speed as it reeks which is the putting surface can you get it about 10 feet past Trevor before it runs off again or not I I would say about eight feet is the maximum Nick and then it will start to feed down to the front of the green and we have seen players run it all the way through here from this spot so still needs to be very careful always played these little bump and runs so well just picking a spot on the On The Fringe he sure has those low Spinners that really check up on the second bounce needs to be looking well to the left of the hole remember you chipped in earlier today at the Third set up set up okay just stays on top and Trevor that's with no wind like there was yesterday but for right now keeping the ball right in front of him no issues at all four stroke lead played the par fives in seven under for the week [Applause] [Applause] so just one player left to see if he can make an eagle here at 15. [Applause] second half of this putt will be extremely quick that's good effort but it's a story of what might have been for Cameron Smith triple bogey six at the 12th a long list you don't want your name on do you right about that there's been so many over the years that have been caught out by that short par three a number of players Spieth kepka Molinari now those some of the players that were involved when tiger won his fifth green jacket in 2019. [Music] Chef look for birdie here to increase his lead to five Scotty sheffler gets it to 12 under par you may just have one arm in the green jacket with three to play [Applause] well he will make his way to the T at the 16th Scotty sheffler graduated from the University of Texas with a degree in finance back to 15. Smith for birdie preparing both 30 the power five that called Smith up into a tie for third is the head your way boom the conventions Scotty move to the Dallas area from Ridgewood New Jersey tutelage of Randy Smith he played his high school golf at Highland Park the nickname at Highland Park recorder of course Matthew Stafford played football there Clayton Kershaw pitched there the Legacy goes all the back to the mid 40s when Bobby Lane was the quarterback and doke Walker was the running back 80 total correct one of the better known high schools in the state of Texas that's a seven iron in his hand burn a whisker of wind coming in the right half use the slope foreign won the World Series in 2020. Matthew Stafford with the Rams won the Super Bowl the same day that Scotty shepler won his first PGA Tour event now here's cam Smith same club for cam still fighting on well we have mentioned about the walking 18. [Applause] this is second most goals [Applause] and the Applause from the patrons will only build as Scotty sheffler nears the 16th let's go to 18. and schwartzell you saw him throw his arms up in the air when he made the birdie at 17. can you get another one here yes the three hold second shot at 10 yesterday for eagle he did not make another birdie until today at 17. alas the arms up it's about time but a fine showing for schwartzel who came here out of form in recent months tied for temp back to 16. one of the great Traditions at Augusta those manually operated school boards and at the very top you see the name Scheffler and under the 15th hole the number 12. Dottie you got to give this guy a lot of credit he's played in the last grouping the last three days the uh the microscope has been finely tuned on this guy and he every time you think he's going to Blink a little bit shakes it off and just digs in deeper he does it in such a in a quiet confident manner got this uphill we know it moves left [Applause] that should be manageable can't think of a comparable elevation in any sport from winning your first and within six weeks almost two months to be ranked number one in the world but it hasn't changed him hasn't changed his demeanor has it changed the way he looks at people hasn't changed the way he talks to people it's phenomenal yeah remember back when he hold the the shot of the third we talked about his Equanimity and this same demeanor regardless of the circumstance well he's got two holes to play and he leads by seven by five McIlroy at 700. and one has to feel a little bit for Cameron Smith right in the fight he's not the first that's been mentioned who has come to grief at the 12th go in and let's go to 18 and this is for five for Thomas bogey the first three holes on the second side and got on the 30 run with three in a row but closes with another baby Ninth Place showing 17. made their way up we've got the 50-yard walk from 16 Grand cam Smith with the birdie will be first to go and it's Vernon alluded I want to feel for camp at uh triple bogey six at the 12th stole away his dream put his foot back in the last few holes with a great couple of birdies can you finish it off in style [Music] [Applause] hasn't driven it as well today Dottie he drove it great yesterday his Miss for the season if you look look closely [Applause] may have a little opening over there but it's something I think he's going to need to address Scotty did not hit driver here yesterday with the swing [Applause] if they win today it'll be fourth in a 57 day span the shortest spoon from first win to Fourth win in tour history he's on his way better nature this Final Round has certainly had its fireworks Harry Higgs competing in Augusta for the first time had this shot early today into the second got the perfect release [Applause] very nearly the fifth Albatross of all time at Augusta but this one was so huge as Shepard was off to a shaky start pulls it for the party of the Third they're gonna be the chip of the decade isn't it question this one will always be remembered as well McElroy did everything he could to catch up to shuffler at the 18th The Impossible [Applause] and more akawa though playing with him [Music] the two of them today combined 13 under foreign 64 for Rory and hugs all the way around and now we're at 17 One Missed to the left one to the right and you're there to sort it all out yeah Scotty they're having a look walk up the hill Jim to see what he's got do we pitch it out get it out in the Fairway try and get from there he doesn't mind the cut body no he actually likes the cut you know I can't give Teddy Scott enough credit we've talked about it a lot I know one with Bubba Watson two times this is just their ninth event together and Teddy said the first thing you have to do with a new player is to adapt to their personality learn what motivates them what frustrates them you don't want to become a part of the problem and Teddy has done an unbelievable job getting him to believe in each shot that he hits well you know like the way it gives him the full visualization you know it's not just the flight it's like it's gonna land here it's gonna spin here it's going to finish there so he's painted the complete picture which is really important and Ted himself is an excellent player Nicky always relied on on Fanny's advice so many great caddies out here Stevie the rooms with tiger and Adam Scott when they won yeah it's a big part of the team it's a huge you've got to learn you've got a bit of communicate really well and you know and Under Pressure the caddies are under pressure today I'm not just doing the math is I think most of the guys checking his fingers out yeah just no no I love her that right hit it about 60 right there I don't say he's trying to put this ball out so he's got a full wedge I think it's very smart yeah I agree smart play it up get a good number a healthy Kitchener get it in clay knock it on the green Tupac [Applause] another Texan and good friend Ben Crenshaw won here twice and his caddy Carl Jackson has become a big part of the team Scheffler giving advice around here as a long time caddy he also picked the brains of Jordan Spieth that have been Crenshaw Kim's got a window High 144 total [Applause] eye she was ever so gently feeds back to the front of the green just enough slope there there still planning for birdie I'm sure everyone at home is uh distressed for cam back home in Australia so many chances over the years and still only the one Green Jacket Adam Scott and 13. this is a gap wedge middle of the green that's pretty much where the flag is just give yourself a pile take the bunker out of play like that just like that unbelievable short game leads to field in scrambling his wedges have been exquisite is putting as well that's what it's all been about the Scottish Apple this week 69 67 71 300 today leading by five [Music] beautiful day here at Augusta National God it's been a more pleasant walk for you and a more pleasant to visit in that 17th tower for you too I know you all were freezing up there yesterday only two layers today Donnie it's a magnificent day he's a fine young man Scotty sheffler giving him a little clap as he walks by my position up here and they're a great team both of strong faith team Scott Ted Scott and Scotty sheffler sounds like a pretty good team to me [Applause] that gap wedge study was as good as he could have drawn it up envisioned it that intense competitive attitude of his up to 80 and Shane Lowry as this property that gets him to five under and that card included a triple just look now he fought all day with seven birdies including one at the final hold for a round of 69. Nate's very silly to the Mages FBC open champion and you couple back at the PGA last year back to 17. well as I said it's been a disappointing day for cam Smith but uh you mentioned it earlier Jimmy a fifth the 10th and a second in five starts here still a young man only 28. something tells me he's going to put that jacket on before long I think so too it's got all the right tools if he puts the ball in play just a smidge more and I think he learns from 12. yeah maybe hit a little eight iron to the middle of the green next time come on now [Applause] thank you oh you know I think it was the right Club at 12 to 99 he just just hit it it didn't have the same tempo I guess it wasn't smooth and relaxed no I mean that's his trademark to help and I asked him a couple of days on The Practice Facility to just keep the same tempo back and through same amount of force and that when he gave her a bit of a dig and mishit it it's interesting you say that his coach is Grant field and Sunshine Coast in Queensland Australia and he said that's what they work on just Tempo and simplicity timing nothing fancy just keep keep working the dream keep working what you work on constantly over time it's been with you many years we all first saw him at the Asia Pacific amateur when he was a little kid always one of the most Lively in the bunch wasn't he Dottie he was but when he won on the PGA tour for the very first time he couldn't speak the microphone went to his mouth and nothing came out just that the change in him now he's very comfortable in public at the change has been remarkable yes he was a big part of the team running at the Tokyo Olympics brought the whole team together he and Mark leishman and the caddies and everybody shot out of meddling there just a shot out of bronze medal opportunity might be his last Olympics either here mark leishman will be a part of that again to tap in for par as his dad said I'm happy for you son you're number one in the world but your number one person in my eyes you're a good man and a great son and you head to the last at 12 under par a five shot lead and you're going to have a green jacket on your shoulders instead of that gesture alone yesterday all right take it away Jim and Nick and Ian spoke of his unwavering faith and he and his Man Ted Scott really got to know one another on the PGA Tours Bible study program they both have participated in here they are sharing the walk on Palm Sunday looking pretty calm throughout too they got tents at several places Nick but you would never know it just looking at the countenance on the face of uh Scotty shuffler there's Tiffany you know he short game the putting especially you keep popping them in as obviously kept him relatively relaxed you need one more beautiful t-shirt just aim at those bunkers and just hit that power fade yep forget about what happened here yesterday off the team just Let It Go make the march to the cabin [Music] today [Applause] all the way through that helps still carrying that yardage book cover from Whistling Straits as a member of that Ryder Cup team that glad he mentioned how large that was for him to be accepted by the upper echelon for the player that he is nope jump start his remarkable run through the first 100 days of 2022. hey guys [Music] other than that shot at the third today which we'll be watching for years the other moment that defined Scotty shuffler's Journey but yesterday at the 18th well it's an extremely rough weather it was freezing cold at that late evening this was just again off the chart a laser shot yes semi-blind up a hill we'll go down on the annals Nick of Augusta history as one of the great bogeys ever made well it's just so important because you know we we all talk about momentum and what you have to deal with especially when you've been leading and to just get out of it with with not too much damage fans come straight out today and make an amazing chip at one for an up and down and of course the one on Three which will be part of the Masters history and then other than just these green side saves some of these wet shots including the one we just saw at 17 to save par I mean shots from 100 plus out for one and two yeah seven for example seven and fourteen yes he's had three perfect wedges to to almost kickings number one ranked golfers again this goes back since they started the list in 1986 the Year Jack won this one had all began but woozy was number one when he came here and he was the first to be number one and win the green jacket then Fred the following year this thing his 30-year anniversary of his victory tiger and o102 Dustin Johnson in 2020. thank you another thing he's going to achieve and this was not smooth sailing as far as the weather goes and competing in all sorts of wind and rain he's going to break par in all four rounds Nick which is uh was the only player in the field to do that yeah people were never really appreciate unless you were here how brutal at times those gusts were here on a you know an extremely cold yesterday we just Club selection pulling the right Club constantly and missing in the right place man the scrapping skills absolutely I'm you know I'm in all of it it's absolutely amazing the grain yeah yeah pull uphill I feel like an iron stuff to get to pass that front let it fight the stroke while they discussed cam will be first as he digs in tied for third coming here 172 play more like 180 87. back shelf's in play from back there use it climb up there solid shot yeah a mayor and schwarzer have made that putt yes a few years apart 98 2011. win their Green Jackets and now what is he going to do here just keep it low with a cut and another nightmare come on down it's white Meredith High School sweethearts married in December of 2020. it's time to embrace the champion wonderful Jesse from cam Smith uh foreign how all he does is win when he gets going and how 190 some odd tournaments in the north Texas Junior section averaged wins in 66 point seven percent of his starts well since he won back in February this is going to be four out of six I think that's right on average I don't know how long to keep that base out here but he's just getting started Nick absolutely in this career my goodness what a rocket ship yep yeah shooting stars never stop even when they reached the top I mean this man is this is extraordinary run I mean to get find the conference come here is the in as the favorite and defend everybody off beat the elements and really handle Augusta National so beautifully all week [Applause] with the magic in those hands I'm surprised he's going he's probably gonna hold it that's exactly what I thought yeah for your whole sit my goodness we still have Cam to finish up [Applause] well just like tiger in 97 as the 25 year anniversary was celebrated this week he's going to win in his third Master's appearance tiger had appeared twice as an amateur before winning in his professional debut in a major appearance though number three this is going to be also his fourth career tour win against Cemetery for Tiger it was his fourth PGA Tour win yeah look around look around at the scene um trust it's probably everything that you envisioned it would look like in those dreams that you were forming years and years ago cam Smith now can take third alone and shoot even par if he makes it [Applause] huge respect for Cameron Smith who now has the second and today a tight third on his uh his resume here at Augusta we know he can play here he's just 12 we'll haunt him for a while I'm sure he'll come back and exercise then in another year now the time has come here the last to hold out on Friday afternoon Saturday evening and Sunday evening it's okay still got a few to play with Ted comes over and gives him just one quick word of encouragement about 7 11 11 under you okay we haven't seen any of this come on folks lift them on your shoulders this is just the emotion overtook them Nick [Applause] [Applause] Scheffler outshines them all at Augusta thank you for this game's difficult or cheap affection but maybe that was the perfect 10 10 end of them congratulations young man that is so impressive oh scary oh Scottish women enjoyed the world you do you do [Applause] it thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] can you imagine how special that walk is the first to hug him after Meredith was two sisters of brother-in-law and his mom and dad finally got it in the hole it didn't matter how long it took he had earned the right to be there for a while Ted Scott's been on a winning bag for a third time kudos to him we asked one of his sisters yesterday tell us something about Scotty that we don't know something that the world should know there's a big charitable side to his heart that you're going to learn about because he's going to be a star for a long long time but in the end she said you know we're just normal people we're a loving family we do everything together and that's who we are [Music] that was a family affair wasn't it behind the 18th today [Music] that's right you are number one you didn't need to validate it but you did with shots like this at the third skits and crashes into the Flagstaff with a shot they gave him that boost of confidence he needed early then he hit this approach into the seventh yeah this is so important when you've got these opportunities you're a little bit under the pressure because you know you've got to make birdie and start with that one at the seventh a cup of chocolate great up and downs great up and down to 12 after pulling it well left but again it's in its Sunday traditional position and you can do this [Applause] thank you [Music] at 15. needed this one for the cushion feel good about just this one was just perfect and a final stroke [Applause] he won the Arnold Palmer Invitational last month and received the red cardigan sweater like the ones that Hardy made famous and he said later how he related to Arnie with his quirky swing and a follow through that's very similar and may be different than what people think but it works for me and how much he appreciated the king I know the king would appreciate it very much what he saw this week and especially today [Music] foreign [Music] 57 days one of the great spans we've seen in golf Take On The World and Conquer it that's what he's done there you see the final standings McElroy with the only bogey free round of the entire week by anyone today comes up with 64 to finish runner-up Shane Lowry Cameron Smith Share third and Cameron's with Amanda right now damn it so many positives to take away from this week but right now how do you process what happened in this final round um just too many mistakes uh I feel like maybe my two boogies on the front nine weren't quite deserved um kind of uh I guess halted the momentum a little bit got off to a really good start birdie in the first two and then two burgers to to uh to follow that uh yeah it just really slowed me down and um yeah poor shot on 12 and and there was a tournament that Birdie on 11 was amazing the patrons were going I have to imagine your adrenaline was going as well so talk me through walking to the T on 12 and then what happened on that swing yeah no it was it was all fine uh it was just a perfect night I know I just uh it's just a really bad swing uh probably one of the worst swings of the week and uh just at the worst time of the week so um yeah just unfortunate but uh you know I'll grow from this and be stronger for it there always tend to be learning moments here right and it seems like Dottie said it's a matter of when you put on the Green Jacket not if you put it on so what are the learning moments you can take away from playing in this final pairing on Sunday afternoon um I don't know really I feel like I've played some of my best golf around here it just hasn't quite been my time yet um you know a couple of Lucky breaks here and there uh and I'll be putting the green jacket on I'm sure one day I I feel really comfortable around this place I feel like it's a place that really suits my game and um yeah I look forward to coming back here every year and playing good golf we appreciate the time thank you thank you Jim can't help but admire is on a statement money takes away from all this and looks into the future of right now the present future belongs to Scotty sheffler soon he will be in Butler cabin wearing a green jacket [Music] thank you well it was just a beautiful day here at Augusta so many stunning moments The Ovations coming up 18 earlier in the day the salute to Tiger and then of course at the end the welcoming of a new champion Scottish Shuffle and in the middle of all that there were whole ounce of Chip ins brilliant signs of imagination which you have to have around here [Music] is waiting for Scotty shuffler to make his way down the butler cabin and link up all of our world feeds as take a look here at the top 12 and ties all of whom are extended invitations to the 2023 Masters [Music] Cameron Champ today with a fine round of 70. [Music] it was the kind of day befitting of an Augusta Sunday winds mist and rain and a week that began with all that emotion on Thursday morning The First Tee when chairman Ridley at the tournament week started with the introduction Gary Player Jack Nicklaus and for the first time Watson [Music] any of the patrons getting in position now to get a glimpse later on of the outdoor ceremony that will take place it was a beautiful walk though through the human tunnel Scotty and Meredith who in the world could not relate to that that was just magic [Music] so now everything's in place get everybody wired up and ready to go here as we're about to one more time go back to that time-honored tradition of the presentation of the Green Jacket I I don't know what to say at the moment it's it's uh [Music] start to talk having to be such a tough quest to finally win it feels that much better you know I've never played an entire tournament with my A-game and this is pretty close I really am so proud to have won this great Championship it's the most nerve-wracking golf course in the world isn't it it's been such a long time coming I can't tell you how fortunate I am to win this tournament I'm probably as happy as I've ever been in my life to win The Masters tournament is just an amazing feeling I just really don't know what to say that come back down out of the clouds one of these days I never got this far in my dreams to talk I just couldn't be more excited and you know I'm kind of at a loss for words I give you a talk [Music] [Applause] and we welcome the world to Butler cabin what a pleasure it is to be here with chairman Fred Ridley and another fantastic week hard to describe it really is it sure was Jim after two historic years it was wonderful to have all our patrons back it was great to hear all the awards out there today oh there were plenty there certainly were and we're joined here in the cabin adequi matsayama last year's winner about to present the Green Jacket to your new Champion Scotty shuffler Scotty your play today and all week was spectacular I thought the third hole was really a turning point when you hold that bump and run from below the green you had to be really excited when you heard the reaction of the patrons yeah I was very excited a bit surprised too you know I was definitely uh about a shot I expected to see go in but you know it definitely changed you know I wouldn't say change the complexion of the day but it definitely got things rolling for me and you know I played some really solid golf after that you sure did how did you stay so calm that's a good question you know I mean I've looked or I may have looked calm on the outside but as Hideki knows you know it's a it's a long day it's a tough day and you know I just try to keep my head down and you know just execute shots and there were as chairman mentioned there were so many Roars out there today did you pay any attention to them at all not really you know I was fortunate to put myself in a position where I was in control of the tournament today so I didn't have to worry about what anybody else was doing out there if I took care of my stuff and played good solid golf I felt like I'll get the job done and so that was the goal going into today was just keep my head down and um I did see at one point that Rory posted seven under I believe and then um Cam and I were kind of getting a little tight there after he birdied 11 I made a huge part putt there and then after that you know he made the mistake on 12 and I had a nice up and down and after that you know just just played some good golf when did you first start dreaming of this moment to be wearing that jacket that you're going to have here in just a minute that's a good question you know probably the first time popped into my mind was Friday in the afternoon after we got done you know I never really make it this far I always just you know dream of being here and competing um you know I can't put into words what it means that I'll be able to come back here for a lifetime hopefully and you know I can't I can't speak highly enough of this place where do you go from here you've won four of your last six starts you're a Masters champion what's next I'm gonna go home I'm pretty tired right now and you know we're gonna go home and celebrate a little bit and honestly Joe I don't know um you know I'm really at a at a loss for words right now I'm kind of glad I I had a little hiccup there in the last hole maybe a little less emotional so I get through this interview but um you know that was uh it was a human moment it was and that was such a sweet moment with Meredith walking to go sign the card and all your family there until and I know for this family it is all about family inside the chef we're a clan isn't it yeah I mean I can't I can't thank my family enough my parents and my sisters have made so many sacrifices for me over the years and you know we've all dreamed about just making it to this tournament it's an emotional just getting in the field and so to have the honor of winning the golf tournament is is so special and for them all to be here with us and you know Meredith's family was here as well it was you know that was a really special moment well Fred it's that time Hideki your play last spring was an inspiration to so many people especially in your home country in Japan you've been a great champion and we look forward to watching you compete and wear that green jacket for many years to come and so now we'd be honored if you place a green jacket on our newest Champion Scotty shuffler thank you Nikki oh yeah children work so good here we go that's great congratulations thank you very much proud of you thank you thank you Scotty shuffler there was a motion in there after all it just has a great way of hiding it doesn't he hmm came here as the number one player in the world and he showed us why and now he has the World of Golf at the highest level in the palm of his hands he is the Masters champion [Music]
Channel: The Masters
Views: 248,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Masters, Tournament, Golf, Augusta, National, Club
Id: wz9F07Mwaa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 302min 51sec (18171 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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