2021.09.19 - Bro. Bin Mutombo - Identification

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our bibles the psalm 139 thank you musician thank you the muthumbuster god bless you also i appreciate pastor foster and sister sharon to come and be with us here appreciate it so much psalm 149 verse 16 your eyes have seen my informed substance and in your book were all written the days that were appointed for me may god bless his word you may be seated father i know how to read but the revelation behind your scriptures does come from above may you anoint us this morning that we may speak only from you lord not for us but for your glory may you use my lips of clay for the god you know how limited i am lord lord you are limited god the lord we serve we love you we thank you lord and went to me you know how frustrated i am lord i don't have any word but wait upon you father and when just lord for your glory in jesus christ precious lord we pray these are not my people they are your people lord you have to have a message to tell them that will help them comfort them lord have their walk the prophets say we don't come to church to a good salmon we don't come to church to sing we don't come to church when we come to church to find where we are we fail and we can correct our life and walk closely to you help us lord this morning we wait upon you father god and you never fail as lord and we know you're gonna not fail as lord in jesus christ precious lord we pray with thanksgiving amen yeah thank you so much yeah i just want to talk about uh identification and the bible says here your eyes have seen my unformed substance the eyes of god so your informed substance that means as we are here we are just a substance but god saw that he saw us beyond the curtain of time he saw us and the bible says and in your book we're all written the days that were appointed for me in the book of god the days you have to live here on earth has already written sometimes we are surprised when trials and tribulations death come to us but to god there is no surprise amen our days the bible says in your book were all written the days that were appointed for me maybe god knew you're going to be here 8 million days or 8 000 days i don't know there is no surprise with our god but when he saw us we were just a substance and formed of substance you were nothing and you knew how many days you were going to live on earth but the bible also speaks in the first king chapter 3 verse 14 my son always read for me my bible can you read for me first king chapter 3 verse 14. and if thou would walk in my ways to keep my statutes and my commandments as thy father david did walk and i will lengthen thy days amen if you walk in obedience if you walk in the way of god these days god can lengthen them he's the one who wasn't the last word he's the one who can say okay i'll i'm gonna strengthen his day i'm gonna length his day i'm gonna keep him because of his obedience the way they walk with me psalm 102 102 24 says this rather longer can you read 102 verse oh my 24 take me not away in the midst of my days thy years are throughout all generations of all lay the heaven of the earth and the heavens are the word thank you sometimes god can take somebody in the middle of his days it's like we as a parent we have a children when the children doesn't follow the rule and regulation the father can say go to bed i don't want to see you playing time out time out and the kid is gonna go sleep while his friends are waiting out there to play with him but he's not going to sleep in the other house he's going to sleep in his father's house amen that's why we don't have to worry about what happened to us amen as we look yours look to yourself and say i'm just a substance he knew you there but when we come down this world something happened to us we lose our identity we don't remember anymore that we used to be with god we were god's subject we totally forget about it and the prophet speak about this in the message i'm spiritual nature paragraph 37 the prophet said this now this amnesia we are told it is a cause cause you to be to a place where you cannot identify yourself this is sickness and most of time is a sickness that attacks the believers the ended up having that disease without knowing that they are sick is my accent okay bear with me it is a sickness that comes an attack always a christians and we thank god for william browner because he went deeper to fund the cause of that sickness like doctors he was down he went deeper and found the cause of that sickness and the prophet said this when you have that sickness it takes away your identification then you don't know who you are and when we don't know who you are you are miserable amen brother branham said sister made her never take out money from the bank never done anything because she didn't have an id when you don't have a id you go to the bank you work for the money you deserve it they will never give you the money because you don't have your id hallelujah just there you are in substance amen and that means need to know who you are and for him to know who you are the authority must prove you first hallelujah the government must know who you are give you the identification then you can come you say it's me and this man is gonna look yeah it's you and they give you your money amen but sometimes you may have the id that is expired hallelujah you have the id but your id is expired they are not gonna give you amen amen most of us here we have our id you may say i'm a christian that's our identification that's why we are here is your id valid or it has already expired amen are you sure your ideas valid now the prophet said it is an unusually thing it don't happen too often but the goals is from shock shock cause does disease 2020 there was a big shock in this universe things were not expecting people start feeling just like that everywhere in the world it was a shock not only the people of the world we've been have been infected but even us as a christian that's why we want to talk about identification to see where we are standing the prophet said i don't it don't happen too often but the cause is from stroke it is somebody that don't even know who they are you fund it from walls sometimes soldiers get it sometimes people get it another thing causes it it's worry people stay there and start worrying what am i gonna do i'm gonna pay my my mortgage where am i gonna i lost my job and the more you think about you worry about it you just find yourself in amnesia and don't forget that nature bring lead you to lose who you are your identification but the prophet said this worry has no vision to it there is no victory in worry amen you may worry worry worry remember there is no virtue in worry [Applause] you may worry two years one year all night one week there is no rich in that it's destroying you he's pushing you to the spot where you are not gonna know who you are just skip worry the prophet says just skip worry and accept faith amen skip worry accept the faith someone say well now what if you are going to be shot in the ice what uh well what if you're gonna be to be shocked the prophet said no don't think so if they're going to shoot you tomorrow morning don't worry i say what he could do nothing but make me worse we worry too much brothers we don't know tomorrow what tomorrow brings we worry too much and what it makes things worse for us amen forget about the worry get faith what he couldn't do nothing but to make me worse well what good is to going to do what good is it it's going to do to have faith i said it might deliver me hallelujah [Applause] faithful might deliver you but waste worry makes things worse and that's right see so worry about you to it at all but faith has all virtue amen believe now worries sometimes cause it and the prophet said and another thing that caused it among the people is getting between two opinions you don't make a decision your decision is your judgment and when you don't make a decision you are between two opinions the prophet said that will cause amnesia you don't make a decision you you be between two hadiya's two opinions and you get sick i don't know how many people are sick here we're from nature i don't know i don't want you to ask you lift up your hand you've been two opinions you cannot make a decision the double-minded person unstoppable unstable amen two opinions can i go can i not go can i do this can i do this can i give this can i not give this boom amnesia abram speak about a young girl two boys were one they wanted her they wanted to marry her she loves this one she loves this one she doesn't love this one she doesn't love this two opinions in the mirror and she lost all of them amnesia and it gets you to a place where you actually what you have done you have lost your reason you have lost your mind can you imagine that sickness you lost your mind listen when we serve god we serve god we fail our sound mind we don't save god with different things we save god without sound mind and when the devil comes to attack he attack our minds amen and when your mind is attacked you are sick when you stay between two opinions you don't know who you are that's why as a christian we have to make a decision god is not going to make them for us we have to make our decision that's why i say your decision is your judgment through your decision you judge yourself what you want to become and you do that through your sound mind a sound mind is a disciplined mind amen sound mind is a disciplined mind the prophet said you have lost your mind you can't make you don't know who you are you can't identify yourself you can walk around it and everything but you still can't identify yourself you have got your scholarship education and you can same education you had but you don't know where it comes from you don't know who you are where you belong that's amnasia so we are taught when amnesia comes step in you lose your identification you don't know anymore who you are the same message prayer of 83 the prophet said it was with moses when he went down in egypt i was with moses at that the beginning bush the burning bush if you are a christian you are identified with them bible character in the bible character you are identified with them in every situation you are going to go through there is your position there is somebody who went through that yes you cannot look at us oh he went through this everything maybe you don't have a girl babies in the bible there are some ladies who didn't have babies maybe they treat you unjustly but in the bible somebody was also treated that way how did he come out amen there is some things in the bible about you amen the prophet said with them bible character there is a character in the bible amen and we can learn from them and the prophets say don't forget it that just little wait don't forget it i was with moses when all the people turned against him amen sometimes as pastors you see people just come and start fighting you for no reason moses went through that maybe you baby in the family your husband and or your wife such trouble in the house somebody was there in the bible they went through that how did he handle the situation you can learn from them somebody was loaded with death and how did this come out of that you can identify yourself to those people and you will go you get a result i lost my house i was working i have a nice job and one day the lord told me to leave oh god how come i went to talk to my supervisor he said no been you were trainer of trainers you train our employees but you could not leave who's gonna do it i don't let you go go talk to your wife i want to tell my wife i don't want to listen to that don't don't don't tell me that okay it was not easy i went back i started working just two two months later my job ended and i came back honey today was my last days oh thank you lord you can now rest you've been working so hard you can rest and say praise god and through that i lost my house and i could have stayed say lord if they would chase me they put me on the street everybody will say pastor bill is on the street where is this god i went left and right i didn't know where to get money to it was impossible but how god provided away and when he provided the way i remain with a 147 000 dead and i look in the bible so what people did i did the same and one day the lord told me call these people of the bank i called them oh mr mutombo not even five minutes we have your file on our desk we made a decision to take that debt away from you amen i have a paper 147 thousand dollars i just pay just little give him tithe and offerings he said this is what i'm paying it for and write down the seed name and i get that result from that time my credit went up higher why god favor [Applause] when we recognize who we are nothing is impossible nothing is impossible god is great three things shock worry double opinions when we come out of those how god will do great things for us but i'm saying the message the seed shall not be be here with the the shack say 87 if you don't know the word of god and the plan of god you can be easily shocked amen if you don't know the word of god and the plan of god you can easily be easily shook but when you see god's plan his program then by says you know it is god and god identifying himself doing just what he did in the other times walking [Music] proven you have to know the word of god you have to know the plan of god and the program of god because when the devil comes he found that you are not loaded with the word he will shoot you automatically you lose your id you don't recognize who you are you start wondering going up here complaining and the prophet says when we are complaining we are blocking the channel of faith your complaints broke your face amen don't do that you are a christian that's why so rob babe were able to look to the problem to the mountain who are you mounting before the rubber bar the mountains our problems amen and we have to know who we are if we don't know the word of god and the plan of god you can be easily shook but when you see god's plan his program then by faith you know it is god and god identifying himself doing just what he did in the other times walking proving that the reason moses could not be shook he talked to face to face with god and god told him i am the one that was with abraham back yonder i'm the one that made this promise i will be with you [Music] the prophet said how are you going to stop that man then amen we are christian we know who we are when god appeared to moses he talked to him he gave him a mission moses said who am i he wanted to know who he was amen he was there between two opinions why you are telling me this what who am i in little home he asked god if i go there they tell me who sent you who are you he want to know what's talking to him amen the power of identification who are you who am i amen most of time when we believe the message we come to church because our father believed the message and the children just out as our father's church they get baptized they are there they sing and but they never know who they are and who is god they don't have that experience there is a power be beyond your identification you have to know who you are don't say i'm a christian no you have to know who you are did you meet him did you meet the pill of fire did you know with god the prophet said how can trouble stop a man like that he knew who he was who was god that's why he took just a little stick 80 years old going back to egypt he said i'm gonna deliver the people of god hallelujah because he knew who was god [Applause] there is a power in beyond your id there is a value beyond your id amen the bible says in psalm 119 verse 130 the entrance of your words gives light it gives understanding to the simple the interests of your word gives light when the word of god you in your heart not in your mind in your heart it's bring what gives light you don't walk in darkness you walk in the light it may be night but you you see where you go every step you lead you you know where you step you know who is god give you understanding amen just give to everybody but to the simple that's why the people get understanding people are willing to learn understanding to give them revelation amen the prophet said among all the the gift god give to the church on earth the first gift is wisdom it's wisdom the bible say wisdom is our sister somewhere the bible says wisdom is our mother you know how mothers take care of their children to protect them they don't want them to play with this they're always there for them that's what wisdom does for us and the bible says wisdom as an address and the address of the wisdom is among two stressed streets discernment and the reflection discernment is a gift that god gives to the body to the bride and wisdom will never come along it will always come with understanding he said you may be pastor you may be doctor you may have a knowledge the prophet said what can you do with your knowledge if you don't have wisdom [Music] and wisdom is just a gift from god if you want to get it the bible says ask wisdom doesn't look for age you may be 72 years we may be 12 years old wisdom will come to you that's why jesus christ was a little boy and talk to 80 people people they would say this boy is very wise amen when we have a wisdom you have riches the riches of wisdom are forever and when wisdom come to you he gave you that discernment to know who you are open up your id identification the bible says with wisdom kings reign not with education not with decrees with wisdom amen and when we have that wisdom who know how to guide your life you know who you are and what we say the entrance of your words gives light light and darkness light can be measurable you can measure light but you cannot measure darkness darkness is the absence of light amen most of us as a christian we fear darkness while darkness is nothing amen there is a time of darkness coming and we fear listen the bible says god eyed himself in dark when darkness comes if you look properly you see god in that that's where god hide himself in dark because in darkness that's where there is a development when you have a seed you put it on the ground the seed will start growing there in darkness hallelujah in touch time that's where the glory of god is don't fear darkness god is beyond he may hurt you he may hurt me but god is behind god is dead if you can have a discernment god is there you may not understand it now but later on you say yes lord thank you for that moment [Applause] it is in that moment when we make decisions we don't make a decision on the top of the mountain we make a decision when we are the voice [Applause] amen and light can be measured that's why we can talk about voltage we can talk about what there is nothing compared to that in darkness that's what the interests of the world bring for flight permanent light permanent light in your soul and give also understanding you have a discernment you know where you are standing and you love god you love god whatever you go to you love him the prophet said this in the message talking paragraph 4 147 love love he said love him amen love him see what he done for you bro branham begin humming i love him he said it is by love [Music] he said love brings obedience we fight for people to come to church for people to be obedient for people to do this because there is there is something that is missing the love of god [Applause] the prophecy love will bring obedience [Music] when your children rebel there is something that is missing love show them love amen show them love you will have them war show them love because if you don't show them love somebody out there will show them love and they will leave you there is no love without the sacrifice love work with redemption he loves us so much he came down he paid the price love cannot come with after paying the price you have to pay a price they will do certain things that will hurt you she will do certain things that will hurt you he will do certain things that will hurt you but you go beyond that because you want to redeem them and the result will be tremendous you see love bring obedience love will bring good sheep amen love will bring coach you know somebody who loves a girl maybe she that girl she's a nurse in the hospital that men will be sick every day just to go to hospital oh she's the how are you i just want to say he was not sick because of love how can i see i have to go there just to see love bring coach and the prophet say love bring marriage and he said that's where we are headed marriage supper of the lamp i hear my savior calling that he loves me too oh me too just all your heart just feel something really strictly coming into you and that's the holy spirit because he first loved me and purchased my salvation on calvary when we loved the love of god we know we are god will do great things for us but the prophet said but a man got to be convinced first and the only convincing things is the manifestation all the identify of the gospel being identified in you the gospel must come in us to be identified when the gospel is in us when you see that you have passed from death into life and become a new creature in christ jesus does the identify of the holy spirit that's exactly right you have to feel it in your heart that the gospel is in me the word the entrance is in me the word is in me then you can be identified that's exactly right how can the holy spirit write the bible and turn around and deny what he wrote he cannot do it that's the identity of unbelief that's the identity of unbelief but the identity of belief jesus said these sons shall identify those who believe in me we have even signs that have to identify the believers the sign will show who you are everywhere you be everywhere you whatever you touch because you are a believer the prophet said if you say i am a christian and do not believe in doing and i believe all that god say is true then live any kind of life after that see your life speaks louder than what you test him your testimony does we are being identified by the works we do the life we leave how you treat other people how you teach your wife how you teach your husband how you teach your pastor how you teach your neighbors we are being identified by that the way we look alike most of people want to identify with the world look the generation we are living the basketball players they have a hair like that like a pyramid going up there and receiving a christian in the church they have those they don't know what they are it's so shameful it's because of this generation we are living in we have to be identified to the world and our ideas being expressed by the the behavior the life we live how we walk today we have a sisters we have a long hair the long skirt plus a long tongue long time they can say anything they want and we have a men who are afraid of that i just want peace i just want visa i don't want the trouble brother abraham said you are not a man thank you brothers for saying amen amen we have to know we are in that light we are living in the evening time time is no more as a man we have to stand in our house we have to show our true id we are believers we are christians if you say i'm a christian i do not believe in doing and i believe all that god says through then live any kind of life after that see your life speaks loudly than what your testimony does i preached last week in my church brother i'm saying the message be still you say 85 percent of people in northern america a word they are mentally challenged included i don't know me you oh america and canada 85 percent mentally challenge all of us you take a profit to see that and when we are mentally challenged we lose our heidi we don't know anymore who we are when situation comes where is that god where is that god and you know you you know that's one of the greatest hindrance that the church of god has the bootlegger the gambler then people we won't know which way they are headed and they know themselves but they follow that profess to be a christian the woman that professed to be a christian and then leave something different it it is the greatest stumbling block that the outside world has got when we say we are christian and we don't leave the way of god it's a stumbling block for the world spirit not to even call ourself we are christians when the brothers are there you speak like a lamp when they are not there you split like a dog what is your id is your id available yeah i expired that's why sometimes our ideas already expired we don't realize we don't know because when the devil comes so sneaky come the way you can't even realize you forget who you are that there is in the outside of world anywhere it is worse than anything the world can produce is a person that supposed to be a christian and then leave something else different from that god help us lying stealing cheering and doing things that he want not to do it is just a discredit to his testimony when you take people that do those things here and they are there our character is molded in there by the life that is in us the character is modded by the character by the life we live your character is not a gift it's a victory your character is a victory you have to be challenged because god wants real people not fake people sister there is a way you have to fight to become victorious and god can count on you amen god can count on you say oh i trust him i have tested him you overcome i read this to him you overcome oh i love him i can comfort him and i can position him somewhere that's why the prophet say your position is your power a man of character let the world know you a man a woman of character because you're being identified you can look yourself in the mirror and say i'm somebody god trust me brother it is not easy when you say you are christian you have to go through a test god will test you it's not what you confess but the life you live beyond your confession that's what identify you 2020 february 2nd i was in my house studying the world it was a saturday for sunday morning service one of my sons here called me daddy i wake up my brother for us to go to church it doesn't wake up i called the ambulance they came they moved him they moved him it was tough people were coming to church that sunday morning to hear the same one from pastor beat and saturday usually i don't sleep i work until four or five o'clock in the morning and my message that night the title gift god gave me was a power of darkness that's i was supposed to preach in the morning and people were there in the church others were on the road coming to fellowship and i received that message that my son is no longer there after he graduated from university what a test what they try us it was my counsel it was a good friend of mine i told all my children you can go to your places but emmanuel will stay with me i'll give him a piece of land he's gonna build here stay with him forever in him and his wife you know things we love the most that's what god loves to it was a test he told god lord i love you i came in this world without anything you gave me this kid i don't know what to tell you i want you to give my other children faith maybe they will rebel against you to see what is happening to their friends my children are very close it was a tough i have to identify myself as a christian i call my kids we put arm together and we say we are christian let us stand for god glory when you are christian you will be tested you don't know the test you receive in make a decision if you don't have your id it's going to be hard before my son departed two weeks because we had a meeting family meeting after everybody talk it was this time daddy i need to get a passport we were supposed to go with him to africa we went we get a passport he knew and he is telling me and the word is the family i'm going home and we knew we are going to move him to africa say i'm going home daddy i'm going home and when i go home i don't come back something struck me why is he speaking like this say a man where why are you speaking like that where are you going which one he was telling us i'm leaving you brothers there is a home you need your id you need to be prepared you need to be ready then when the trumpet of god sound you stand there in the presence of god we need our ideas our character is molded in there by the life that is in ours but oh let me give you a more beautiful sight is to see men and women who were made in the image of god to be his character yet housed into things and out in by the traps of the wild see a beautiful young lady coming down the street such real such a pretty woman and a pretty hair all cut off see a face with a pretty shaped face with so much point on it it's so beautiful we have to know who we are and why god called us for daniel paul said there was a man called an afghanistan the king of babylon one day he woke up in the morning he said babylon i have met you i have built you you saw those big powers big buildings and and they say oh i have done this. pride came to his heart because of his achievement the bible says as soon as he said that he lost his mind he lost his identification sometimes god will bless you do something for you it's because of his measure of grace and just i have done this i have done this i have done this can we see the consequences and brother branham say pride is the most the bad bad evil he say when pride comes in the church god leave the church when pride come in in the house god leave the house say pride came in the kingdom of the israelite god left to the camp for 400 years think of it 400 years he left them it's a bad evil god gave him chance when he lost his identity he become he was given a heart of a beast he started hitting grasses we you know his conditions for seven years said a christian is a mature person is not a baby when we become a christian we are matured i trust you a matured people because you love the word and the brother branham said as a christian when we come to church we come to receive a spiritual strength that's why we are here to receive a spiritual strength and he said i have traveled all over the world i have seen only three bliss who are spiritual three place they say one of them just fell and another one has associated themselves to an organization apart from that is random tabernacle you see what make us special it's not because we come we sing we praise we do this it's not because we come here we are big number but we have super spirit when we have a super spirit good mind then we can be with god every time there was a man he was a blind the prophet said bartimaeus when he was growing the grammar was telling him my son my grandson there was a god he spoke was training that little boy and what the grammar was telling him have a place in his heart and one day he gets old he gets married he had a daughter in the message the cruelty of sin and the penalty that it caused paragraph 162. he said there was and hold the blind man in the bible by the name of bartimaeus all the blind bartimaeus he had the two little dolls we are told by history that these little doves used to sit out and do little tumblers over another and the people will hold there he hold his cup and then when the people will come by they did watch these little doves do little tumblers and they drop in in cones for the other blind beggar has these two doves he go in the corner of the street and they put them he didn't have income that was his job and when people come they watch they see that wow they're so beautiful they will have some cons they put in the bucket and in the evening they will take him by this the hand and they'll lead him to his house and you give to his wife annie you can go buy food you can eat that's what he was doing that was his source of income even though he was a blind he knew who he was his grandma was teaching he was telling him what to do the prophet said he was a married man and had a little girl he had never seen the little girl in his life he has a girl but he never see that girl she was about to 12 14 years old at the stage that we were fixing to enter to his life now and he was sitting one night said his little girl got sick and he went to the lord and he said lord if you only just heal my little girl i will sacrifice my true doubt for you i told you where there is a love there is a sacrifice lord i love my girls so much she's now 14 years she's almost entering in our life now she's almost dying lord please if you can heal her i'll give you my two dove that's what he has i will sacrifice my two doves for you tomorrow i want her to be here now tomorrow i do this so the the lord healed his little girl he sacrificed the two dolls that means the job is over no more income no more business but the love he has for his daughter was so powerful he have to make a sacrifice and god evaluated the sacrifice everything you do god evaluated it and they will pay you back by the prophet said after a while and the first things you know his dear wife got sick and she thought she was they thought she was going to die now his wife now also gets sick now my wife is gonna die lord what can i do so he goes out to the lord in the night filling his way along the side of the wall of his house you down in the field and say god god if you will just pay my wife's life tomorrow i will sacrifice my lamp for you he he was a man of sacrifice you know we are the people of the open book the mystery that was hidden have been revealed to us and there is no way we can save god as a man in the house in the family to not stand for hours every man must stand for his family every pastor must stand for his church because we talk about the open book and when we look the book that was open the first things it was the lamb was slayed before the foundation of the world the blood was there we can rejoice that we have the revelation seven seals are being revealed and seven trumpets yes by the condition for us to become partaker of the open book we have to be able to do sacrifices when is our sacrifice there was a sacrifice because the lamp was slayed and the second one was humility when christ finished the work he said now i want to identify my people listen i want to identify my people i don't want the devil to come and touch them the eyes identification jesus gave to us was the washing of our feet how can i wash past the prophet if i don't love him how can he wash my feet if he doesn't doubt that loving him how can you watch somebody something sometimes you say that black man how can i touch his feet i don't know where he's coming from but with that laugh he said oh my brother because you see behind the veil that's why jesus came he fell down in john 15. he called his disciples he took a towel he put on his clothes his body and he fell down he wanted to wash him said doctor you don't have to wash him he said you don't know if i don't wash you your feet you are not you can't become a part of me we have to be identified in christ jesus hallelujah we have to be identified in him we cannot be part of him sometimes that sister don't she's just talking brother and you stay away from her you cannot wash your feet you lose your id that's the condition of the open book people and the third condition is the paying of your tithe and offering identify you like a son and daughter of abraham is your id valuable or expired you know the struggle your past is going through say here and the first things you know his dear wife got sick and she thought they thought she was going to die so he goes into out to the lord in the night filling his way along the side of the wall of his house kneel down in his field and say god god he knew there was a god somewhere we have to know there is this god somewhere something is coming to my mind right now brother brahma speak about a couple dads died after a while the mom died they have a little boy was four to five years old and his uncle came to pick him up he said because your father and mother died i take you and they took that care little boy and every time they were touching the boy the body know how to defend himself so my mom used to give me breakfast with a big bread now these people they're suffering me and because of the age he didn't know what to say one day the boy remembers saying my dad and mom they were praying all the time when situation were hard he went in the bush behind the house and the boy fell down at his feet he lift up his hand start praying to god hey b c [Music] d a b c d and when he was crying praying to god he said lord i don't know how to pray i just do this alphabet you can put the word together you see my heart and by the time he was praying a priest catholic passed by and the word he said boy what are you doing here and the boy said i'm going through tough times what i do here i was praying to god god of my father and my mother will put together the word the alphabet in the word and he will answer my prayer whatever we do with our children if we are not there they will do it again and that priest become a blessing to that boy let branham say that now but mias is praying now i say god god if you just spay my wife life tomorrow i will sacrifice my name for you now i have seen blind men led by a dog today they trained those dogs to lead them in them days they trained sheep to lead people and so he had the lamb that led him around the lamb he wanted to waffle was the lamp that was leading him because he was blind around that was the guide he decided to offer it to god and he said lord if you just heal my wife well then tomorrow i will sacrifice my lamp to you and his wife got well and the next day he was going up to the temple and said the high priest kephas stood and said blind bartimaeus where are you going he said i'm going up to the temple oh high priest to sacrifice my lamp he said you can't give that lamb but image because that lamp is your eyes that lamp is your eyes it's been trained for years it's used to you i don't want you to sacrifice that he said i'll give you some money and you buy you a lamp with the seller in the temple but bartimaeus said oh hi priest i never promised god the lamb i promised him this lamp i promise him this one i'll give you money you can buy another one this because this one is your eyes that lead you you are blind they say i know i didn't promise him that life i promised him this one i promise him the lord i promise the lord if he will heal my wife i will give my lamb he said you can't give that lamb but a mess because that lamb is your heart said i will give you some money and you dubai you were lamb with a cell in the temple but bartimaeus said oh hi priest i never promised god a lamb i promise him this one oh my i wonder if we have made promises like that amen if you see that all sufficient slam tonight think lord if you will let me get well i will promise you i will save you how many times we say that to the lord i will do everything i can if you let my baby leave oh when you stand and your mother was going down in the grave or your dad or your loved one oh god how we met them how we met them again i wonder if you really meant that i wonder if this easter is going to come and go without you fulfilling that what you have a promise to god he went on up and offered his lamp come back someone leading him around so he said them when he came back he said bartimaeus you can't do that the priest that went to take islam he said you can't take this you can't sacrifice this lamb said blind bartimaeus do you know that lamb is your eyes he said yes i know that but i promise god and god will provide a lamp for blind baltimore's ice amen when he did that god provided a length for it for him no longer after he was shivering in the cold one day they heard the noise god had provided the lame for blind bartimaeus eyes he came along the street he said what is all this noise there is a usually noise where he was at said what all this noise he said one jesus of nazareth passed by he sacrifices islam and god provided for him a lamb and when jesus came what he did he opened his eyes amen when you know who you are you identify yourself to the word god will do something for you [Applause] amen we have to be identified to reserve power beyond identification problems speak about a certain point i'm all gonna close soon they say you know when they scout they are being trained to identify their ways back power of identification the scouts are being trained to identify their ways see if you go in the bush what they do they cut trees if the two ways they'll cut it through here so when i come back i remember i cut the tree here this is the direction i don't have to go here they're being very well trained and one time some scout went they wanted to go somewhere the people of that forest told them you know what we we don't trust you you don't want to let you go alone we want to give you a guide the guider will go with you because they are they are really born with that amen like this man since i know him sometimes he may consider he's a younger i always see wisdom i always tell my wife as man is very wise you have to hear him speaking i was with him friday when he was speaking i i see are we in africa we are in america a guider is anointed and his job is to guide people he's born with that that is his nature amen and the guidance those scouts say you know they are young they say no we don't need a god we are being trained we went to this formation we went in this school we know everything man we we don't need any guide amen sometimes you want the message too many years you will start now considering that you you know everything more than a pastor i can i cannot come to you were just a scout amen and these people went in the bush the guide said okay let them go they will come to the point where they saw the tree they cut a tree they come somewhere they say they put a sign on the ground they go here they put some stones say all right let's go good number of them and after where they reach where they were time came for them to come back they look in the sky the way they change snow starts coming down all the sun they put on the ground covered you are covered you know i take you back the snow covered the the sign the stone the snow cover the tree where they put the signs here they are coming how was it left or not right they get lost that time no telephone no cell phone they waited for them they never come back because they refuse to be identified with their guide the police went to look for them they send aeroplanes everywhere they didn't fund them brother branham said all of them perish their issues to be identified and a guide when you refuse to be identified in christ in the holy spirit that you're gonna perish there is a power behind our identification blind bartimaeus identified with the word his grandma told him he get his victory he didn't know god was gonna provide that way but he did this is the time we are leaving him say this and the church age efficient church he said seven gold candlestick in exodus 25 31 it said and they shall make a candlestick of pure gold of beaten work shall be candlestick be made his shaft and his branches his balls his knobs and his flowers shall be of the same the true church of jesus christ listen we are the true church of jesus christ the bride is liking to pure gold a righteousness is his righteousness a attribute are his own glorious attribute a identity is found in him our identity is found in him what he is she is to reflect what he has she is to manifest what he has we have to manifest it there is no fault in her wow and the bride there's no fault in her she is all glorious within and without from beginning to the end she is the work of her lord and all his works are perfect in fact in air is summed up and manifested the eternal wisdom and the purpose of god how can one phantom it how can one understand it though we cannot do that we can accept it by faith for god has spoken it amen she is identified in christ no fault in her there's no fault in you you can just accept it in by faith if i don't do that lord i know i'm part of them i'm one of them i'll make it why because you are identified amen i want to close with this a testimony sometimes back in men i was working big time six to six six days a week i wake up in the morning sunday then i come home i i wash my body and go preach and i told god no lord it's too much if you can give me chance i wanted to start a little business and i see what you will do for me i went and took all my 401k out of a saving place and started a little business almost 40 000 and i sent a ship back home and lost everything and i was crying say lord the people i use are my brothers and they said what happened father god or cry cry cry and one day i was taking my son mutombo to college it was his first year to go to college and in my car i avoid speaking to me when you drop your son go on the mountain i want to meet you there i was with him he didn't get anything me i hear that say all right say lord i went and dropped him and i came back just the same spot where god spoke to me he spoke to me again called to that mountain i want to meet you there is a place where i always go pray but one time i went to pray i was praying loud and opened my eyes the police were before me they told him there is a crazy man who's crying out there he's a religious and i was under anointing shout man you know like in africa we are very free we can shout man and uh when i was shouting hello they need you father and they opened my eyes and here's somebody are you okay look it's a policeman they would say oh man policeman what no they told us there is a crazy man here he went crazy religiously that's why we've come here it was far close to the ocean and i told them why i was praying and they look in my car i have my little joseph can't sit there they say oh he's a father yes and they let me go and god told me to go there pray again say lord i don't want the police to go and arrest me again say no just go okay i say lord this is a foreign land for me i have only my wife and my children if you want me maybe to be in the prison to go speak the word to somebody father watch over my wife and my kid i'm willingly to go and save you and i decided to go and uh i started praying when i started praying just five like three five minutes i again a movement i said oh the police are already here i don't want to open my eyes the police are already it's oh five minutes they are already here that's me they were following me and some things just opened i opened my corner to see i looked down there was a black bed running around me running running running oh lord you told me to come here why black bed i don't want a black bed lord i want you to send me a white dove if it's you or white dove and i keep on praying that noise went away after three minutes i hear again the voice around me the noise around me i opened my eyes the wise there was a white duff i wish you could have put the hand together man there was there was a white dove look at that i didn't know what to say i feel very deep deep love to forgive what my brother did to take my stuff away and i told god lord i so don't have left they went on top somewhere there and i told god lord i want to go buy a camera or come and take a picture then i can give testimony to people i went for 35 minutes and when i came back the dove was still there i took a picture and i said lord i'm not satisfied maybe the picture will never come out can you allow the dove to drop a feather i can have the fader and everywhere i'll go i'll testify about it brother the dove left the way that it was just came and stayed just there was a little uh tree beside me and the dove stepped stopped there and i told the dog dove in jesus name don't move i went i took the fed with me and when i came home i said lord i'm gonna die i never see things like this is it a reality what i won't start looking in the message and and it feels like that happened to brother branham too i said oh thank you i called brother lonnie he was a good friend of mine he said oh brother ben thank you so much your testimony i was sick just here i'm healed now i'm ver i can feel the strength in my body and god has just vindicated you and i'm telling you my brother god never lie and this is the feder i took from that tough amen the god we serve is not history as a reality it's a reality the problem identify yourself in his word and it will do wonders it will wipe your tears you comfort your broken heart you give you strength and you hold your hand god bless you and keep thank you so much
Channel: Literal Life Church
Views: 274
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: FPtE6kedsKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 9sec (7569 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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