2021 Star Wars Updates!

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[Music] uh [Music] yes great [Music] oh hello star wars fans hey there's just 274 days until christmas 2021 and today uh on thursday we do our joint show with a magic maker from reimagining star wars and uh he is in a uh area of the country that's getting some pretty severe storms today he's headed uh to his home and uh will be bunkered in his basement uh likely a good portion of the afternoon uh last week they got hit with some tornadoes in his area and uh they have tornado watches and warnings active right now uh today in that area as well so a magic maker will be joining us soon and uh until then i thought we would uh just cover a couple bases so uh first of all mike porter oh first one in today thank you so much for coming i love having you here and gray uh but one of the main staples for me uh i really really love you being here thank you so much and uh it's great to see you guys and i know some other folks are coming and we've had some growth in our discord server uh the last couple of days and that's very exciting mark welcome oh thanks for all your help uh so our discord is growing we're uh getting some folks in and we've had some good discussion uh even this morning it's been very very helpful um and i recently joined another paywall discord uh server and one of the first things i noticed on there is they have a channel for mental health check-in and uh i looked in it this morning and i saw some wonderful uh back and forth in there and i thought that that would be a great channel to add to our discord because uh mental health in the nerdy community is an issue uh we know amongst gamers and uh people who are involved in uh that community uh suffer greatly from it it becomes a form of escapism and it can lead to all kinds of problems so um i added that channel this morning we've had some great dialogue in there this morning and i want to welcome you to uh please uh check out our discord uh we we are uh friendly place to be we're positive uh generally it's a great place i mean we're not we're not uh forbidding any uh complaining it's just we're friends and it's friendly place to be and uh it raises a point that i wanna discuss uh briefly only because it's uh relevant today uh as yesterday i had to uh make a little bit of announcement in uh the diamond lounge inside of the dinner nerds discord server that uh i have muted that uh server uh i've not left the den of nerds by any means i'm not planning to leave the denim nerds anytime in the near future i'm in uh daily conversations with the uh uh mods there and with the uh eps i had a great chat yesterday with lavish black man and lavis is just a wonderful human being i love him oh i really really do like him uh a lot and hey spencer and jumping jamie thanks for joining uh so uh what led to what led to me having to mute the server and it ties into this mental health channel that i started on our own discord is it was affecting me in a very negative way there's one particular person in that discord server who uh anytime i try to post anything positive uh regarding star wars it becomes an attack piece and uh they come after me and it's not in a friendly uh let's have a dialogue and i'm perfectly fine with people who want to disagree with me and i we talked about this the other day right uh oh santa has some hot takes maverick pilgrim oh my goodness thanks for joining great to see you here santa has some hot takes that are unpopular oh uh and and i'm fine with people saying santa you are crazy um that's in a in a positive way not like in a mental health way but but uh santa you're wrong uh and those discussions are great that's what makes the injectors debate eight a lot of fun as well is that we have fun and they're talking about how uh everybody has bad opinions and uh it's a lot of fun so i don't mind people saying uh your opinion is you know i disagree with your opinion because but but it's done in a friendly manner but when you come at me in a way that is uh aggressive in a way that is tries to shut down conversation rather than uh continue conversation in a way that makes your opinions factually uh true and my opinion is factually wrong then uh then it begins to build tension within me and it has led me into some uh discussions i'm not proud of that i've had in the den uh it's led me to be uh kind of uh distance from my wife uh the other night she's she complained that uh i was being uh distant and uh and um non-conversational with her and um i realized it was because of the discussion i was having in the denim nerds and so when uh that discussion begins to interfere with me uh in a mental health kind of way in a way that's non-productive for my family and uh and for in and interrupts my sleep as i'm worried about uh some conversation i'm having about star wars and somebody disagreeing with me and that escalation and trying to de-escalate and trying to be a uh positive uh and happy uh uh presence in uh the community uh i realized this isn't something that uh i should continue and i needed to take a break so uh right now i'm on a cooldown period a self-induced cooldown period for me uh this isn't me uh saying uh i have to have my way or uh i'm leaving or it's not me uh uh hey a magic maker is here we're gonna add him to the stream but uh i just kind of finished this talk this isn't me throwing a temper tantrum or uh demanding i get my way this is me taking cooldown period for myself and to reassess my mental health and my position within that specific discord community as a whole if it's going to continue to cause me these kind of problems within my family so uh as long as that becomes something that i can't balance that's a me problem right and i'm my way of dealing with that is the channel and to remove myself from that discussion until the dust settles and things become a healthier uh community for me to participate in uh i'm not trying to again i'm not trying to force my way at all i have no bad blood between myself uh the mods there or the executive producers there or josh or anybody uh there is one person in that discord server who um who whose rhetoric is inflammatory to me and so i can't uh interact with that person and however that has to happen i just had to take action on myself so please don't read that i'm uh you know having any kind of feud with the den of nerds that's not true uh i'm uh i'm still a supporter and i just cannot participate in the discord as long as it's uh the way that it is okay so there's there's the the show note and what's going on again mark uh thank you for posting the link to our discord we've had some great discussion this morning and uh and it's been a great place uh to be this morning maverick in the word of indiana jones everyone is lost except me oh you don't know how true that is maverick pilgrim uh that's funny when i was in high school this is a story i was uh i did some volunteer work at the ohio state fair one summer and i i'm like a sophomore in high school so roughly 15 years old and uh we were we were going around picking up trash on the fairgrounds and so we we had vests and all this stuff and off i go i'm out i'm picking up trash picking up trash i got back at i don't know sometime in the afternoon after picking up all you know a whole day's worth of trash and they had sent out a search party to find me oh i wasn't lost i knew exactly where i was but that's that's a great yeah everyone else has lost me i knew where i was i wasn't lost at all and uh magic maker uh thanks for joining the chat good to see you here i see you're muted so uh unmute yourself and uh introduce yourself and we'll get started i think everybody knows me you just introduced me and i'm sorry i keep making you mad i apologize you know what every time we're gonna get off josh's server no you and i are going to go at it again today i can feel it we've already had some build up this morning it's going to be great and i watched i watched josh and darren wood last night they have a new show they're doing on wednesday nights and josh was trying not to fight with darren too much but you know people like it when uh their friends uh argue with one another and so i i fully anticipate uh having a lot of fun uh arguing with you today i'm sure we will we're always kind of uh um you know ameniable about it though yeah we are we are uh yeah let me just make sure i'm i'm caught up um yeah uh yeah mike thanks so much uh yeah it should be a safe place it should be a fun place right we go to the our nerdy escapes uh to escape and you know a lot of the complaint about uh some of the content has been that it brings real world stuff into our escape and um while i understand that and each of us have different kind of thresholds that's what's happened in discord for me right so yeah santa does have some hot takes uh my my hot take today we'll get your opinion on this a magic maker quentin tarantino is an overrated director that's my hot take today what do you think i agree that's great that's great uh i got i already got some pushback on that from van jecksher adam adam was like oh that's a that's a hot take santa well do we want to walk down all the screenplays he stole from foreign movies oh oh you're going in that's great that's great that's great um so there you go just because you all like pineapple pizza i wouldn't come at you right i don't like pineapple pizza either but there you go there's there is for me there is no context in which pineapple on a pizza works but that's that's that's a shame because i love pineapple on pizza well there you go um so there we start 2021 show updates there's been some recent discussions going on to give us a little bit more context a little more uh speculation about what we might be be getting and so the first one is the bad batch um yesterday our friends over at uh the uh uh i just went blank on their names dad got it uh corey and uh uh corey van dyke and noah outlaw on kessel run transmissions my goodness maverick pilgrim he didn't steal them it's called amish [Laughter] that's what it's called now we're paying homage to them and what they're doing by doing exactly what they do and not crediting them not crediting them it's homage it's homage yeah so kessel run transmissions they were talking about how uh the the rumor is still there the speculation is there that grogu is going to be in uh this season of the bad batch and uh and how it will be interesting to see an animated grow group when he was first introduced as a live-action character uh but there you go um what are your thoughts about grogu in season one of the bad match i won't be surprisingly briefly see him i mean i don't think he'll be a a major part of the story but i mean some aspect of it will be there we've started a whole thing on pineapple and pizza and and i love the battlestar galactica uh reference there i fracking love pineapple on pizza and mike's mike's uh if i want dessert pineapples on them fine but don't they put him on it yeah they do put ham on it and it ruins it yeah we've got all kinds of pizza talk you know it's lunch time guys uh so yeah i i absolutely see them doing it in uh you know some of the speculation regarding rogue in there is that the babbage may be actively involved in uh rescuing or taking grogu from the temple during order 66 and seeing what the bad batch was up to during order 66 at least at the beginning of that series before we get into full space 18 mode yes b team bt oh by the way uh i'm glad you mentioned that if you guys haven't gone to the magic maker server and seen her youtube channel uh reimagining star wars the link to his youtube channel is in the description here if you've not gone and seen his uh uh intro video of the bt it's the 18 you know uh music put to uh bad batch with a full bad batch intro uh you guys owe it to yourselves just uh for a bit of lighthearted entertainment today to go watch that intro clip that should be the app absolutely should be the intro to uh bad batch series lucasfilm should go ahead and pay you for it and just put it on there i pick out all the icons they represent too so it was so good it was so good it took me to a happy place uh because uh it was it was really done excellent like mike porter saw it he said it was excellent yeah it was great uh so thank you for that content of magic maker um yeah so before they go full b team a team mode uh then i do think we will have a few episodes of order 66 it'll be a uh a story arc right three or four episodes i i think that order 66 will be taken care of in one 30 minute episode yeah hey trinity's here oh uh mark hamilton do any millennials know what the a team was that's a good question um they probably look at us like we're crazy and uh gray don't even try it gray i know you know what the a team is you shush [Laughter] she's she's trying to pull herself off as if she's a millennial but we know she's one of us the movie came out they did the movie they did that yeah oh yeah there you go with bygone yeah hannibal uh isaac hello there oh mike zero should try to join krt oh man i don't i don't know about that yeah uh maverick uh 18 that's bradley cooper movie isn't it you know i don't know that i've seen the movie uh and uh uh coachella uh lopez uh this is the notification hello thanks for being here that's fine we just kind of got going uh and we've talked about the bad badge and uh involving grogu we think the first part of that series will probably be some sort of uh order 66 story arc uh that'll take over three or four episodes uh and we'll get i think i think it'll be one might you got me um so i just think it's gonna be one episode i think we're seeing a lot of the first maybe two episodes at most and then it'll be dealing with them uh setting up what they're going to do so so probably a three arc episode where you have evidence we have order 66 maybe going midway into the second one and the third one showing them what they do from that point on as they as the empire is now established oh that's that's what i think it's so great gray is clarifying yourself i'm not a millennial people but due to upbringing not having tv for a check i do not know what 18 is oh well great you have you have missed it uh uh a team were a bunch of vietnam vets who uh were out doing mercenary for hire work and we had uh mr t uh from the like the rocky movie right mr t was on there and uh and all the characters you saw in the bad match uh story arc of of uh season seven of clone wars are copies of characters from the a team they're they're it's almost a direct one for one copy and um it's heavily drawn upon that and when you read the description for the bad badge about them being mercenaries for hire it it reads exactly i mean oh it is such a microchip to it yeah it's almost a word by by word uh copy of the a team's intro mercenaries for hire out there trying to do things and all that so uh that's the 18 it's an old uh 70s uh weekly uh series and uh those folks were on there and if you hear that noise uh a magic maker is on the road uh and they've got some bad weather in his area uh yeah i'm trying to outrun tornadoes yeah you've taken on tornado spotting as a as a hobby right yeah that's it in this case it's tornado racing tornado racing very good yeah uh if we get a bad batch 18 style montage but yes we we definitely need that and that's what a magic banker has given us it's fantastic and bob hello he thinks tamira morrison should play all the bad batch characters in live action [Laughter] oh that's great so uh the second update uh that came out is about star wars visions so there was a book announced that's going to be released later this year uh it looks like yeah called ronin right there's no cover art there's nothing associated with it but in the description uh it leads us to believe that visions is not going to be what we initially uh maybe thought uh which is a it's supposed to be anime influenced them by some of the top anime artists in japan uh uh bringing to life stories in star wars and originally we thought they were going to be retellings of some of the stories that already exist just done in anime style and maybe uh somewhat expanded upon but with ronan and the description there it looks like visions is going to be all new material uh maybe uh anthology style right um where each uh episode explores a certain character right well i mean it could still be a re-exploring of old material just through alternate characters maybe and so it's um i think that's kind of where they're going it's kind of the uh the pov kind of thing so it's like the telling of uh you know the new hope from tarkin's view yeah well very well could be news stories in the same timeline right right so that's kind of what i'm thinking it is i mean i don't i mean that could be way wrong but i mean uh i mean we're starting to discover that there were more jedi around during the uh during the civil war period so maybe that's that's what it is you know we're dealing with those points of view of uh so it's new stories in the same period so it's a new look at the old trilogy yeah yeah it very well could be it reminds me of those there's there's a series of books out there for star wars uh content that happened with that run side by side with say the original trilogy uh there's sort of an expanded storytelling alternate uh stories um and that was escaping me right now what those books are called uh there's one certain point of view yeah that's it it's a certain point of view and uh those are pretty good um so we got to talk about that bad badge here oh and park outdoors if crosshair survives in that batch we could see him in kenobi um possibly i mean who knows right they could bring in pretty much anybody there you can see cal kisses who knows who knows but you know uh it leads to some speculation that uh for me anyway has raised my interest in visions tremendously before i was like yeah i'll check it out when i have time here or there but now i'm like wow uh i'm i'm anxious to see it i want to see more previews about it i want to know what's going on and uh i'll be there to watch the first episode as soon as it releases yeah i mean i'm interested too and one i i enjoy that kind of uh artwork and that kind of animation so it'll be fun to watch and see yeah i agree and then yeah the last the last bit of information uh is coming out on the book of boba fett and this morning star wars meg put out a video and i guess it's afternoon and her time but uh she put out a video about some uh speculation about what the book of boba fett might entail some rumors that are kind of uh getting some feet that uh it might involve a bit of a hit list kind of thing so the book of boba fett might involve his book of of uh revenge right and uh people who that he has perceived have done him wrong uh could be uh you know things the things he has to settle i think uh mark said it could be similar to kill bill right uh and it could make sense with robert rodriguez being involved so uh i think that makes a lot of sense it could be uh his his hit list yeah that makes it his little black book but people he's going to cross off the list right and each episode could be titled with a a particular target yeah that would be very interesting to say the least yeah and uh she also speculated that uh it would involve some flashback scenes of a uh teenage or preteen uh younger boba fett uh sort of like clone wars era what about that that would be fascinating it could be really good super saiyan hello welcome good to see you here so yeah i think uh all three of those series uh sound like uh they're on the right track things that uh have me excited uh to turn in trev oh oh goodness to you here uh uh and i think that my interest in all three of these is rising and that and it's happening at the right time right because poco boba fett comes out in may uh we have of course the new record comes out in may our batch my brain across lines there you don't you don't want to cross streams oh oh it could be bad but yeah um i i the ghostbusters taught us that so uh no the the bad batch is coming out in may and of course we've got the old uh series being released in april but uh come may i think hype for bad batch will be uh continuing to increase and uh disney plus is going to uh see uh more more subs so there you go super saiyan i think people will wait for bad match right you think yeah i do i think that uh unlike with what occurred with season uh seven of the clone wars where people couldn't wait to see what happened i think bad batch will be like well i don't know and then and then what you'll see is if the first episode so they're going to come out of the gate and be really good in my opinion because if they're oh i certainly can't see that i see you i mean so so some of the folks who have uh suspended their subscriptions put it that way right they've suspended their subscriptions uh might wait for an episode or two or three before they activate it uh again to catch maybe all the series and you and you could reduce it that way that maybe just a one month sub and get the whole thing and still be current during the last half of it so maybe you're you know two or three episodes behind uh you can watch that in a day easy and then then then catch the rest of it with only pay him one uh one subscription month right yeah i think that's what you're gonna see and then if if lucasfilm is smart and dizzy smart about this visions will drop once a month so you have to be if it's new stuff though people will love to see the once a month deal and they'll do that and they'll trickle it out until uh that starts trev is is is hot today he's taking mike porter's lines uh but mike trev said a ghostbusters coming to star wars per santa right so here you you heard it here first and trev said someone has to take care of those force ghosts you know you know that's a that is an unaddressed issue in star wars we've got these sports ghosts out there messing with things and nobody's out there trying to contain them so we need we need star wars ghostbusters out there just to help contain those horse goes from mucking with things right that's great now we know why luke didn't have any visions [Laughter] oh that's great i love it that is great uh park outdoors disney smart uh trying to overwhelm fans with content so they're forced to say sub you know that's a that's a great point park outdoors because right now you've got the falcon and winter soldier you've got loki coming right up you've got uh fab batch uh and you've got um then the the announcement that they've pushed um black widow to a disney plus simultaneous release with theaters so that carries you all the way through summer right through july um that's a that's a really smart way to go and then it backs you right into uh visions which uh has a um uh perspective release date of the fall right so maybe august or something like that that's what i'm thinking i'm thinking the end of august is when it's been released yeah so and like i said if they're smart the way i would do it would be one a month until the book about with that props yeah yeah uh you guys uh what what is um so falcon winter soldier goes now through um april right then when is when is loki uh released you guys will have to help me out i can't remember when loki's release date is trev knows because trev knows everything travis prev's uh an encyclopedia oh all the santa coal is coming trev you wait and hopefully xr is here so he knows that we're going to be taking his coal uh there we go super saiyan that comes on june 11th okay so uh so we've got uh falcon and winter soldier now that's uh march april you've got bad batch in may uh to the beginning of june uh june 11th comes uh the release of loki july comes uh the black widow and then august you get into visions and that leads us right up to uh the fall and then book a bow with that coming right at the end of the year yeah aren't there a couple more uh marvel movie releases in the fall uh there are a couple but i think we haven't seen that those um marvel releases in the fall are gonna be yeah september is shang chi but yeah i don't know if shane cheese gonna come out the same way as black widow with that simultaneous release but it does raise a very very interesting point because um and let me see if i can pull this up and share with the folks here we talked about this just a little bit before uh the stream i saw this tweet this morning let me pull it over here i don't know how many of you guys have seen this we finally have a little bit of information let's pull this over so you guys can see it about disney plus uh premiere and subs so uh a third-party company has come out and they've done some research and you see that purple line across the bottom uh that kind of raises it you know it's kind of uh up and down it is the the monthly sign ups disney plus sign ups you see from the release of mandalorian through seoul there's a general upward trend on that up and down so mandalorian was definitely drawing in subs we see that's that's quite clear following the mandalorian and souls release they're still the up and down but it's a general downward trend right and i think the up you see is it is is it the beginning of each month so most people sign up at the beginning of each month oh that could very well be and then you see uh each of those pay-per-view or pay-per-view or you know uh premier access uh have these spikes so mulan had a great big one back in september and then it fell off very rapidly which which is indicative i think of the view cycles now right so people uh come in hot they want to see everything the weekend that it releases so that they can be uh active in their nerdy communities talking about the you know all the nerdy fun uh so mulan came out boom they had a huge number of subs or purchases uh that we didn't really see subs start going upward and then mandalorian spikes soul spikes so it wasn't a pay uh service juan de la uh wanda vision uh one delorean [Laughter] yeah sorry wanda has a tiny spike but then you see raya came in uh again with a lot of purchases and with these purchases again disney is is just cashing the checks right park outdoors wanda woman 84. [Laughter] yeah but like you said you sell that you know it's trending upward all the way to seoul and then it's trends slightly downward in uh after that and uh i think that's probably true all the way and i do think that maybe ryan those are lower in their premier purchases because i we do see that like i talked about last week a significant decrease in uh people and subscribers gained to the uh to the service but when they met when they hit 100 million so that number went from going about 6.5 million joining every month in the year of 2020 to uh it going to about 2.5 million joining every month in the first two months of 2021 and i think that's probably because people left we were pissed off when they left and uh mandalorian was over so they weren't going to stay anyway more likely than not right and so you know so what you see is that offset i think they're and we see that their increase did decrease a little bit but not like not significantly so it really is people leaving so they i would say they probably did lose about nine to ten million subscribers in the uh those two months from people who had previously been a part of it but it was overcome by new uh by news subscribers yeah and we we do see the new subs what i'm curious to see is with the marvel content uh being back to back the way that it will be uh between one division now uh falcon and winter soldier and then followed by loki uh in june uh how much marvel fans will push the numbers back will they draw subs up and i think trev got a really good point uh said if disney needs to come up with a nice cadence for uh disney plus like and he put like show show movie right you got a show show movie show show movie each quarter right um that becomes a nice cadence and it draws people to stay right yeah there's gonna be pretty big events i mean you know i mean if i'm gonna if i'm gonna join you know i'll probably just join the end of the quarter every time i'm gonna leave that way i'll be back for one month catch up on the shows and then watch my movie and then be done yeah well i mentioned my my boss at work uh he's a huge marvel stan right he loves marvel he's deep into the marvel but he won't purchase disney plus until he can get all of it at once so i think uh he is likely in july to sign up and get all the marvel like all of it and then august he'll be out you know uh and i think that's i think that's kind of pattern you might begin to see here and there but you know as a whole people don't tend to do that okay people they turn on 99 or 799 just doesn't it just starts it's not worth the trouble right right and if you have kids like you do and like uh like mark hamilton i know he's got kids and others uh gray has uh some fantastic kids though those all um she's got a a kid and friends but uh in any way they they uh they'll keep you running on the disney plus just for that content right because they're they're switching back and forth i mean they go from netflix to uh you know disney blastpin heck you know i have to keep them off of youtube i mean it's like that's right and martin is watching this for it's not even a story and mark brings up a good point these are all new signups so what we don't see is the overall subscription total but it is cumulative right and it compounds right right and so as you're mentioning maybe they announced in february end of february mid february i can't remember when they announced 100 million yeah i think it was into february but uh so uh so yeah i mean all i said was that you know it looks like that while they had a decrease if it trended down it didn't turn down too significantly so with what you saw with them that slow down when they're hitting 100 million was really just people leaving after the mandalorian was over in december more likely than not that they've canceled those restrictions yeah and that's what i think first and will morgan from meta egg oh thanks for joining uh will puts out some fantastic content his energy i wish i could match even half uh i i love the way that will morgan's uh mind works and uh his his content has been great but he asked a question uh it might be a dug question have you guys heard of admiral karius i don't know admiral carius do you know no i don't he said i'd like to see him in in uh live action i i have to know i don't know what good series was in i don't know i don't know uh uh uh mike porter first big thunderstorm in this area uh maverick pilgrim had to go oh thanks so much oh isaac release the one delorean cut i want to see that too oh my goodness you guys are great uh yeah uh hey jason good afternoon good to see you guys uh very good um great with a netflix subscription you can watch most new shows at a time disney plus gives you one show basically playing a subscription to watch one show a week uh that's almost true gray um it's the same with hbo max and all of those uh they've really got to build up a huge amount like netflix is throwing a bunch of junk at you every month right right and they built it up over time i mean they were out ahead of the curve on this they they were and but a lot of that netflix stuff is is garbage it's terrible and uh we'll see what happens over over time yeah disney disney plus just added a a a dollar to the subscription right uh let's see uh quality over quantity yeah sure uh mark uh kids most watch disney plus shows a dog with a blog [Laughter] you know you gotta love it when your kids latch on to something that's not good and then you have to watch it and then what they'll do is they'll make you watch it like 10 times a day which is wonderful you could you know we had a we had a door in the explorer cd that we had to play in the car every time we got in oh [Laughter] oh my goodness it's a killer uh great my kids watch pbs i'm very good park uh 50 times for 200 minutes giving you about three hours 20 minutes content from disney plus each month oh there you go uh what i'll say is my kids also watch pbs content but it's all on netflix oh mighty ducks on disney plus come out this week uh there's a new uh mighty duck series coming out uh there's also uh yeah yeah that comes out pretty soon i think it's in april though mike uh so maybe maybe as much as uh next week oh uh that that admiral is invader immortal look him up because half cycle so we've carried over a couple here that i'm a little bit ignorant because i don't stay up with ryan kennel i know who he is i've watched some of his videos but i don't keep up with it and super saiyan is here yeah it's been a while uh since i've watched one of his but uh he and super saiyan i think uh had a bit of a a a skiff a couple weeks ago and so uh we've got like jason here apparently knows what's going on super saiyan here so it's good to see you guys yeah uh it calls him super sawyen so apparently apparently he's rubbed uh ryan the wrong way but hey uh we appreciate you being here super saiyan you're very welcome uh very welcome uh yeah it's a show yeah um so let's get let's get back to uh our star wars content here i'll share that and we have started a new uh oh a magic maker got dropped or those tornadoes being caught him we'll we'll hopefully he gets uh back with us here uh we have a new segment we're starting on the show called buckets of coal and i took the name off of the buckets of blood character from the high republic and uh we were adding a segment called buckets of coal it's where we discussed some of the rumors that have uh been started by uh making their rounds through the youtube uh sphere and we're rating them on uh the level of false information there's hey you're back yeah i had an alert yeah that that tornado getting closer it is the the national weather service was telling me hurry up and get inside okay we'll keep your foot on the accelerator and make your way home uh stay fine yeah and do it safely uh so uh buckets of coal it's a new segment and i'm looking if if anybody wants to do a little three or four minute three to five second intro on buckets of coal i'll play it as we go into the segment and uh just keep in mind the the uh santa theme that we have here with uh uh star wars santa and uh the star wars theme and buckets of coal i would love to have a little uh intro so uh yeah trev be careful that's right uh be careful out there uh a magic baker we want you to make a home safe so uh buckets of coal last week we talked about uh a couple days ago we talked about a uh four bucket uh uh false information we have a five bucket scale one being on the lower end of uh false five being a a completely made up uh uh rumor and today we've got complete things just taken too extreme like yeah it could be like they're like i think like some things could be low but they're taking like there might be some validity to what they're saying right they get to an extreme or just put a little bit of a um spin on it right so the information might be uh it says what state does the magic maker live in uh you're in alabama right yeah yeah yeah yeah he's in alabama tornado alley oh uh so uh so yeah something that has a kernel of truth but then has been put a little spin on it uh it might be a a a low number of buckets something completely made up for your own narrative like as a george lucas cut of the rise of skywalker which clearly never existed like that was complete ludicrously uh that would be a five bucket uh uh of coal five is right out yeah five is right out it's like you made that up out of thin air uh there's no uh foundation of truth in what you just said so there's some of that uh mike porter lives in georgia uh north of atlanta he's getting hammered will morgan's in alabama hey you guys down south uh the weather is coming this way this afternoon here in ohio we've got some storm warnings coming in and some high high wind advisories we've been getting for days so you guys all take care of yourselves i appreciate you being here uh while you're getting hammered in these storms so we have two two buckets of coal uh uh discussions uh burke the nerd hey you made it i'm ups okay listen but but hello okay well thanks for being here burke uh bert the nerd uh uh so um the the first rumor that uh is on our buckets of cold discussion for today and uh we'll get some feedback from the chat for how many buckets do you think magic baker give us your opinion as well how many buckets does the rumor uh deserve the first is another rumor has come out talking about multiple timelines in the ahsoka series or in the filoni verse that that lucasfilm is going to start exploring uh multiple timelines throughout all of these uh series so not just say ahsoka but it will have impact across the the uh star wars universe and have uh multiple timelines being explored through all of these series uh what say uh is that is it about a two or three actually i think there's some validity to it um i don't know exactly to what extent it's going to play out but i think there's there is some validity i mean i don't think it's as big as rewriting or retconning the sequence really or anything like that but which is what a bunch of people want i think there's some validity to it very good so uh uh a magic maker gives the multiple timelines two to three buckets of coal and a magic maker was suggesting me i should do lumps of coal because of santa giving lumps of coal but i wanted to play off the buckets of blood and so we've got buckets of coal uh look for that to uh perhaps evolve over time but right now we're sticking with buckets what goes uh because it's my show there you go but don't do whatever you want i could do that that's right you're not the boss of me um there you go and i won't i don't want any coal in my top there you go there you go uh so hey uh lunch is ready gotta go thanks for being here uh that's great uh so yeah kathleen kitty's trying to ruin john favreau's plan right so bob we talked about that one earlier in the week we gave it four buckets of coal after um after uh mark did some research with our kessel run transmissions folks and then i searched it down through uh through the paywall side of uh another uh site that was supposedly the source of it uh we determined there was no truth in that so it was a four bucket uh uh and and uh if you guys see uh xr kuhn around don't tell him we're still in his colt because xr has uh laid claim to all the coal uh and uh santa keeps taking it from him so uh so yeah so that was a four bucket of coal uh with this one let's see uh wait what do we got here uh mike uh mark says it's a personally he he thinks it's uh five but some people want to see it happen uh it's clickbait call let's see what else uh uh and mark is quick on the five buckets by the way we we have these discussions every time i have something with him he's like that's a five bucket i'm like oh calm down it's a four so so uh personally on me on the uh multiple timelines uh i tend to lean towards my mark on this one i think it's a five buckets of coal uh so uh we have some variants uh i don't think that it's gonna happen i think some of the descriptions that we've had from uh dave filoni and others uh indicate that the world between worlds doesn't create a multiverse and so the concept that was out there and it's a really strong argument for it i thought they did a really good job of supporting it i don't think that uh uh there's there's truth in it so for me it's a five buckets but we will sh we'll see i think uh magic maker and i were having a discussion earlier that a lot of this you won't know until after the fact for sure but uh i am giving it uh uh five buckets of coal uh and i think uh two or three buckets is a fair assessment as well so there you have it yeah i think you're blowing way out of proportion i think it's i won't be surprised if you start seeing some uh yeah so the second rumor the other thing we have to say is uh and it goes right off of what we're talking about with the 2021 show updates is that there will be no new series in star wars for some time because they're all getting canceled so mandalorian season three uh canceled uh and um arrangers of the new republic canceled uh and so the this came from one of the uh notor uh notariable uh notorious uh uh uh youtubers who uh who is known for making stuff up like there's a there's a uh lucas cut of the rise of skywalker uh he he says that uh there's there that these shows have been cancelled and so again i i'll throw it over to you uh what do you think that uh infamous there you go trev you got the word i was looking for infamous uh um how many votes delayed i believe that this should be a delay and you know we talked about this and not not because that uh there's problems necessarily but you've lost your character that forces their rewrite that rewrite forces delays and time and uh and so and then they only have they have windows of book time for uh for for highway studios and the uh and the big surround um you know uh set so uh because of that if they miss their window because it was delayed and that pushes it back a couple of months and uh and then it's a matter of of uh matching you know all the actors uh schedules again and that correct issue so i'm sure they're trying to push to try to make their time and and i can't hear you at the moment of magic we can hear you're getting hammered i can hear the rain and the thunder in the background so uh i hope all is still safe and once we can hear you again we'll let you continue your thought um oh you're back for a second you're coming in and out for me but i also hear the rain pounding and the thunder it is interrupting your phone uh but if you need me to go that's fine but i'll say this one time as far as the cancel is concerned it's definitely a five it's not going to be cancer i think that there's a good possibility of delays if they were to say it was delayed i would give that a one delay just because i would believe that that's a high possibility right because of rewriting the script right and jason i got your point here he's making a joke here rosario dawson fire ahsoka series canceled wonder woman three one one one four the end of the world right yeah you're exactly right so this the the level i also give that uh as far as cancel goes that's definitely a five buckets of coal um for delays i think that they're pretty far into uh the schedule to do anything as far as pushing um season three of the mandalorian although you mentioned to me earlier maybe they'd just flip that with obi-wan if they can get the actors schedules and directors everybody uh flipped around but yeah i think that's right i think that's what they're trying to do you know i heard i heard a rumor about a month ago that obi-wan was bumping up yeah and it and i could see maybe something like that trying to happen but not not uh not sure at all not sure at all world war not wonder woman wonder woman before i i i got to jason uh yeah no it's you're right and um i if it were that they were being delayed i i agree with you maybe a one or two but uh canceled is an absolute five absolute five uh and i think as far as release schedule we're probably still going to get stuff on a regular basis um and and trev here the one that the one that i think has the most um most likelihood of of possibly ever being canceled would be rangers but i don't even think they're canceling that i think they're just retooling it yeah i think that's exactly what happened i mean i i think this this the rangers was originally a five part five-piece uh ensemble on harrow's um ship the ghost and i think it's gonna continue to be to just retooling who the character on that ship is it's not like they're relieved of interacting with them yeah yeah yeah jason you jason you're cracking me up today your your sense of humor is spot on today uh and uh what ryan kendall's a good great adult jason syndulla oh i'm just having fun uh you guys are great so uh last on the agenda today was muppet casting road one now this is something we carry on over in the discord channel but we had some great input yesterday i want to bring it over and uh show you guys some of the muppet casting we had for rogue one i even put this out yesterday on star wars explains discord to get some input and i want to show you guys a video that was shared with me uh i put it in here but we'll go up and uh we'll talk about some of the muppet casting we had uh for rogue one so rogue one just a reminder let me just make this bigger i see that uh it's pretty small for you guys to uh here in the chat so i broke one we've got jyn erso and cassie and andor well those obviously have to be kermit and miss piggy right yeah you can't you can't really get away it shouldn't be miss piggy because they don't hug until the very end well she's just not going to take second billing so i actually think in this one uh miss piggy should be uh should be vader no p i had a good recommendation on star wars explain server uh he said that uh uh where's uncle bob but yeah bob was here earlier uh jason i don't know where uncle bob went bob's your uncle uh he's he's been here in the chat um but uh they they recommended they just for the hallway scene alone uh that we should cast uh mont uh uh uh animal as vader i was just i was just thinking that uh that we we placed the uh the hallway scene in a different place for that one and she's like what and just starts doing her karate chops on everybody that's a good point too yeah so bob's your uncle is still here everybody's uncle he's here uh so uh yeah so we had some really good ones uh of course there's uh gonzo as vader that already exists out there uh that you know some funny uh uh molds that they made but then there are some other good ones here uh uh somebody asked can we throw sesame street muppets in and i said oh that's a that's a good one so he's he's feeling oscar the grouch is chewbacca uh yeah my uh this i don't know i think big bird would be chewbacca maybe big bird would be a better mon mothman right but uh if you guys haven't seen this video sesame street star s'mores the star wars parody it's on my discord channel here that is gold because during the whole time you've got uh a han solo as uh cookie monster and chewbacca is the cookie and and han solo is trying to eat chewbacca it's it's gold it's got like 10 million views on it uh if you've not seen it uh that was given to me yesterday on uh star wars explained and i i shared it over here uh jumping jamie has given us some wonderful wonderful recommendations he put walter as krennic so there's walter i think that's a pretty good one uh uh bunsen minus the glass is this charoot and i thought that's brilliant because the guy's flying with these glasses on you take the glasses off perfect right that's absolutely perfect obviously you gotta have somebody that'll be the uh you know the two scientists you know i mean you have a group of scientists there that are creating the uh the you know the death star and everything so trying to think what's his name uh or so uh i guess it was dad yeah galen yeah so we got another sesame street when here rico is k2so i think that's a really good one and uh tommy banana uh recommended sam the eagle is some imperial uh because of his patriotism and and uh but then it was later recommended we could do a gender swap on on uh on uh oh you know because we we love gender swaps done in in hollywood with uh on on mon mothma and put general uh put sam the eagle as as a gender swap uh uh mon mothma so take that uh park outdoors said uh dr tooth has saw guerrera that's a pretty good oh the count oh yeah yeah yeah yeah he would be great it would be great yeah uh isaac uh put in the chat uh what about melissa mccarthy is uh cara dude what do you guys think so put that in the chat converse with isaac there but we'll keep going uh uh jumping jamie if piggy is gin then link has to be galen and that is brilliant jumping jamie that is brilliant you put in link as uh as as her dad perfect and then uh let's see what else do we have uh lips is booty that's a good one uh oh mark hamilton count so you do uh the count is tarkin that's a good one new zealand uh as bail organa that's absolutely great park outdoors who is mon mothma oh i think you're asking who would who would you put in for mon mothma and that's where baymax uh said gender swap sam the eagle in is samantha so you're just having to be a uh a fluid right so where would snuffalofungus be if you if you go with uh yeah if you go with the uh uh sesame street characters right yeah yeah so uh we we uh carry on these discussions on our discord server we we just like to have fun over there and uh mark if you would give us a discord uh link in the chat again uh so we have that as we start to close out the show here and invite you guys to join us over on our discord uh it's it's a fun place to be and we're having some uh fun discussions in the channel about uh like muppet casting and some other news and i love to see you all there we've had some growth recently and um it's really good so there it is there's the link in the discord thanks so much uh mark and uh again a magic maker i know you're getting kind of of uh uh hammered there but tell us about your uh discord what you're doing there and uh your youtube channel so yeah if you like uh star wars fan fiction that's what we support and that's what our our server's there we also have something we call the fan inverters unless if you want to write in a specific timeline in the alternate timeline because it you know we have our own uh our own world between worlds there and uh and so we can create our own timeline and alternate universe as it were and uh and so we have that and you have your own but either way we support fan fiction and that's what our main thing on the server is and then the channel is is uh we we try to deconstruct stories or look at some classic stuff and have fun with it and we tell our own fan fiction and if you have your own fan fiction and you want it to an audiobook version or you would like a little video for it we're more than glad to support you and help you do that so and we encourage it and and that's what we we love about star wars because we can create our own little pieces to bring it all together and you know the really healthy thing about that one of the things i love is it becomes a positive way to vent your frustrations right so you know there's something you don't like about star wars come up with some fan fiction write something that's compelling that people can enjoy and you could uh get some help over on a magic maker's discord and you can even create an audio version do some audio recording that you can put with uh your fan fiction uh to tell your story i think that's a wonderful way to outlet your your invent your frustrations uh it's it's really good uh mike says it's calmed down there a little bit is it how's it doing for you there magic baker i mean uh i'm in the eye of the storm right now okay okay and bob i appreciate the comment uh if the more people the world would be better place you know i try hard and i mentioned at the very get-go uh that i i've had a little i've had to put myself on a little bit of an exile cooldown period on the den of nerds because it was bringing out a bad side of me and causing me some uh some some issues in my own personal life that i didn't want to cast on to others i really want to be somebody who sees the glass half full uh that's not to say that i see everything with star wars is great oh oh far from it uh don't get me started on the prequels and uh and i even have my complaints about the sequels even though i like them a lot but and and i can go back to the original trilogy and find faults with it that i don't care for but you know that's what's brilliant about the fan fiction is we don't have to just pile on one another we say you know what i didn't care how this was executed i would have liked to seen it done this way and you can kind of expand on that you can build a story around that and uh share it with others and it's a way to find other people who share your same frustrations and and uh channel that into some positive energy um and to that note too that's why i love girls with sabers uh they take their frustrations and they try to channel it into positive energy so uh there's a lot of good out there folks uh i encourage everyone be good to one another right let's you could disagree with santa you can take me to task uh trev loves to do it trev loves to be a foil for me and i love him for it oh we have a great community and i very i appreciate it in the magic maker you have to love in order to hate so yeah every every week that you actually have to love in order to hate yes that's true that's true uh and uh and thanks my uh mike and mark i appreciate it uh but you guys uh bob my fan face would be me and ahsoka being a couple oh oh she is a grown woman now there you go and jason i appreciate you got my back buddy i appreciate that but you know it's uh it's it's it's great to uh be friends and and to be able to be here every week a magic maker has been doing this with me for over a year we're pushing two years doing this uh and uh being uh friendly uh combatants on the field and uh santa wins a few and loses a few so here we go uh it's great to see you all again today trev knows that he's trev knows he's he's in my you know poking the bear from time to time he's great uh you guys i hope you have a wonderful day i'm going to be out camping this weekend with mrs claus the weather's supposed to pass and we're going to go camping so i definitely won't be here tomorrow but i hope you all have a wonderful afternoon evening a great weekend enjoy uh your weekend and we will see you back here next week where we can talk more about star wars a magic maker uh you can sign off all right may the force be with you all and merry christmas everybody bye-bye now
Channel: Star Wars Santa
Views: 48
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: DdiTqtthUbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 58sec (4198 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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