2021 Q2 Lesson 1: What Happened? (Apr. 3)

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[Music] good morning i want to welcome everyone here i don't see any visitors but i want to welcome anyone visiting online uh unfortunately we are not streaming again today uh it is being recorded but it's not being played out live so uh we offer apologies and our best efforts to to remedy that let's begin with prayer gracious heavenly father we thank you for this day and what it represents a day of rest a day of freedom day of renewal um and a day to contemplate your design laws and how and to compare your government to earthly governments now ask your spirit to be with us today as we study a new beginning new quarterly jesus name amen we are starting new quarter in our lesson being two weeks ahead the title of the quarterly is called the covenant before i before i get into this is just some quick announcements we still giving our we're still doing our giveaway up until the end of the month the giveaway is the meditation guide we have two different sizes the contents the same one is is basically magazine size and the other one is about 30 smaller uh but the the uh the language and content within the two are identical we have tim is off in one of his his first um first meeting since power of love over a year ago i think this is the first time i've taught in over a year uh he's in dallas at the american association of christian counselors event so we wish uh wish him well safe travels also we've got some big changes coming uh to our ministry here in the future big changes um first of which is going to begin first sabbath in april where we're changing the time we are uh we're going to begin at 10 o'clock on sabbath morning here going to go for the usual hour and then we're going to add i think a 20 minute question and answer period now when i teach that question answer period is incorporated into the class so if i happen to teach after april 1st uh i i can't guarantee that we'll have another 20 minutes but we'll see uh tim tim has such a wealth of information that he can stand up here and talk for days on end and then uh people are often reluctant to interrupt and ask questions or make comments the uh first lesson well actually i want to get to the introduction how many of you read the introduction ahead anybody any thoughts the introduction tells a story about um a english statesman named thomas hobbes before i get into that story i i want to i want to make clear that in order to in order to understand what was a remedy for mankind of which the covenant is a symbol covenant is a symbol of the remedy is to be provided for mankind we need to understand what happened in the beginning i'm not talking about the beginning of our earth the beginning of humanity the beginning of our solar system i'm talking about the beginning of when sin entered the universe and even back to before that the nature of the first created being we know is lucifer and how he indulged in pride and covetousness and sin developed the mystery of iniquity developed within him and he was so so intelligent and so crafty and so subtle his deceptions that one third of the angelic host who literally saw god face to face saw michael the being we know as jesus understood operated perfectly within the heavenly government and they allowed they surrendered their thinking to lucifer and were deceived we this week's lesson is about the quote fall of mankind but we understand the context within which mankind was created in the first place the universe was at war the fall in heaven had already occurred sin already existed in the universe and god could have just made declarations that hey i'm right get in line get on board or else but no he started providing evidence let there be light let the water separate let the land come forth from the waters let there be birds and fish and fowl then he let us make mankind in our image this is not proof this is evidence and the distinction between the two is important proof irrefutable proof can be coercive and there is no coercion in god's government think for a minute if if christ said um when he's on the cross and the scoffers are saying come down from there save yourself if you come down we'll believe you if he'd said okay and he unnailed himself from the cross hovered above the crowd and displayed his glory those if if any people had survived they would have believed but they would have believed out of fear they would not have believed out of a change of heart and mind character they they've been coerced into believing yes but didn't wasn't that the reason that satan rebelled was because god and christ together were planning on creating the earth and satan was jealous because he couldn't come in on the plans and so that's when it all started so wasn't wasn't the plan for earth in existence before sin was it was in existence um i think it's it makes sense to me that um that there was already a rumble of rebellion um within the heavenly courts before that that was that was certainly one of satan's arguments that he he alleged that he and michael were equal but were both angels and god had to god had to set the heavenly host straight say well actually michael is pre-existent when he is he's part of the the trinity he's been existent for eternity past he will be existent eternity future he is life itself unborrowed un-derived angelic beings are created beings god had to set forth those parameters so yes you're correct in that part of satan's jealousy with michael was the council's with creation but i think it's evident that god was there was already a need for god to set forth evidence in the first place well i wondered often about that because god knows the end from the beginning he does yeah so i've wondered if that wasn't the plan knowing satan was going to sin also possible i mean apparently this plan was in place from the beginning eternity passed yeah yeah i don't have any issue with that either did you have a comment window or you changed your mind we do not have scriptural evidence for this correct so it's inspired inspired record but yes yeah the scr scripture is actually quite vague on the timing of of of the events of of the fall of lucifer's fall that's right if you take mrs white's writings to be inspired she has made statements which imply that the fall that satan's fall was much before the planning of the earth and then the planting of the earth was continued but it was a ongoing process it wasn't just oh now he's fallen let's let's make the earth by the way we need to we need to provide some the cause of his fall yeah i i think yeah i think that's also accurate but you're correct that it is not it is not it's not made it's not defined and laid out in a nice historical timeline in scripture um again from the introduction it talks about i'm not going to read this whole thing because it's a long droning several pages but it talks about english woman seeing the spanish armada she's seven months pregnant and the fear of the armada causes her to give birth prematurely the child his name is named thomas hobbs who became a one of the great european political theorists and his he advocated um he basically said that humanity in order to be effectively governed would need to surrender all of their safety all of their will all of their freedoms to a one governmental entity whether it's a monarch or a pope or a or a legislature a group of individuals managing their best interest um and certainly for the last thousand years we have seen and and frankly time before that as well we have seen that that's a that's what earthly governments have that's the path they've followed earthly governments want to completely manage uh the lives of their citizens and exact tributes from them and micromanage and exist to to uh protect the safety of government not the safety of the citizens okay and then the author of the lesson he starts comparing he's he he starts intimating that god's government functions the same way which i respectfully disagree with um he he conflates uh a hobbes he calls it a habeasian covenant with the um with uh god's covenant with abraham is this is this accurate yes also in his discussion he lives the reason for us loving god is because we observe what you know god saved us because we have to love him if you truly have thinking beyond that we love god because of who god is not because of something he did for me or could do yeah correct that's right yeah you know his whole the whole premise of this discussion is as we've talked about before your view of law your view of creation you view of who god is that's right i do want to read the last two paragraphs how does it all work it's as simple as an exchange christ takes our sins and gives us his righteousness so that through him we are accounted as righteous as god himself in this way sin is no longer attributed to us it is no longer has to keep us separated from him murderers adulterers bigots liars thieves and even the incestuous can all be viewed as righteous as god himself and this wonderful gift is accounting as righteousness comes by faith and faith alone hence the phrase righteousness is by faith but it does not end there murderers adulterers biggers liar biggest liars thieves and even the incestuous can through jesus enter into a relationship with god because jesus's blood brings not only forgiveness but cleansing healing and restoration we are through christ born again and through his experience god writes his holy law upon the fleshy tables of our hearts thus murderous adulterers biggest liars thieves and the incestuous can no longer no longer do the things they used to do from and by this inward law all of life is shaped for the believer these people desire to work out what god puts within them and the desires match with the promise of divine power here is the essence of what it means to live in a divine you know covenant relationship with god so there are there's almost contradictory um mutually exclusive language going on here uh on one on one hand he's right god does write his law in our hearts and minds and there is a transformation a healing that takes place in the sin in the sinful um we are encountered as why are we accounted as righteous um because we are thank you when chip does my uh my year-end accounting he doesn't account me as a billionaire because i'm not a billionaire i wish he would no i don't actually because then i would go out and spend money i don't have he he does an accurate accounting okay god's accounting is is accurate we're counted as righteousness because we are not because blood has been applied in a record book in heaven somewhere i got a question i'm still not clear on when it began this government the way of our church looking at our world is run the same way our government is run where it began in heaven yeah okay one of one of loose one of lucifer's allegations i mean our our church our when it when earth was created adam and eve sinned where did that system start well again backing up you have to back up to the beginning lucifer alleged that god's government was restrictive it was arbitrary that it he alleged god's law couldn't be couldn't be obeyed in fact there's a passage in one ellen white reference that says that to the angels the idea that god had a law was unthought of they just existed in heaven how reality works i love i love my fellow neighbors i love lucifer i love god i love michael i love everyone i've been asked to do i've been asked to do a certain job i i'm going to do that job willingly and freely and and happily uh the law of giving the law of truth the law of love the law of worship those were all those were all as part of god's government in eternity past the angels but the angels every and everyone thought of it as being a law until lucifer made started making some allegations about the law so this has gone all down through our history absolutely moses through david through well it may not have been articulated that way where it really became where really became prevalent in my understanding is in in the mid 300s when constantine the the emperor of rome converted from paganism to christianity uh and then christian christian authors started speaking about the beauty of constantine's government and how it must be reflective of the government of heaven so i i think that's that's when that's when it really started uh filtering into church services and and christianity and gen in general and so we just at our church in particular we just adopted this same yes this this is what timber this is the line of babylon that's spoken of in revelation it has made everyone drunk on this idea that god's government functions like human governments but there was an argument and a mere split in our denomination over this very issue yes back 1888 1888 1880 okay where jones and wagner came out and and they disagreed yes okay okay and she was she was shipped to australia right and then our church rejected that as a hierarchy yeah that we we adopted the penal legal the lutheran model of of salvation and she was advocating for the righteousness by faith um yes but it's really just innate in human nature for us to think like that i i think by now yes it is encoded in into our little children think like that it's our genetics they just automatically think like that i think i think you're right i think that with the hundreds of generations that have have come since creation that um yeah by now it it it's it's part of our natural thought process in growing up and this is this is touched on in the seven levels of moral development and level one when you're you're a child your morality consists of reward and punishment that's it but that's that's the only thing that defines morality for you if you get rewarded i don't understand why things are done the way they are i remember when i was first having my first child and my girlfriend telling me whenever you tell your child to do something you always give a reason the child doesn't understand the reason but you want them to know that there is a reason and that's kind of a more mature way of looking at rules there's always i yeah i think i think something like not having children myself it seems reasonable that that type of a that type of an approach will pay dividends years down the road but reasoning with a three-year-old as a parent can be somewhat frustrating uh to to say the least but it's important to do it uh yeah again yes you could because you're investing in in what's going to develop in the character of the child on down the road but sometimes parents have to enact emergency measures like thundering on sinai and [Music] do what because i said so yeah sometimes it's because because mommy said so well sometimes we don't understand god either absolutely we know that he has a reason we have ample evidence for that yes and we do now as adults um 20 years ago i didn't necessarily know that again there's ample evidence for that we sometimes um we sometimes reject that uh so before we delve into sabbath's lesson i and i was having this con conversation with tina earlier i highly highly recommend the first four chapters of patriarchs and prophets as background reading for for this particular lesson there are deep deep insights that she has to offer regarding the uh why was sin permitted which is chapter one it talks about the beginning of why how and why sin developed in heaven and what god did or didn't do in response to that um talks about the creation uh why the the purpose of the two trees in the middle of the garden adam and eve's fall and and then the eventual uh promise of a redeemer to come to fix the problem so there's some some great great insights so from sabbath's lesson uh the memory verse then god said let us make humankind in our image according to our likeness so god created humankind in his image in the image of god he created them male female created he he created them um it's entertaining now that we can't use the term mankind because that's certain groups get uh offended or angry because of that i will use mankind so direct direct your rage at your gender studies professors so what exactly does it mean to be made in god's image is it is it two eyes and ears and legs and arms is it one mouth and nose and brain is it uh is it our abilities to procreate to bring forth life in our own image is it um is it our dominion uh also known as sovereignty over the earth is it the ability to give freely to freely give of ourselves to the betterment of others or is it something more than this when god created man it was before sin so he created man with the character that he had love for one another it was before sin on this earth right but for love for one another for caring for the earth for always reaching out instead of inward and that's that's how god is i mean he's a god of love and that's how he created us to be the thoughts let's read the last sentence again so god created humankind in his image mankind in his image ha in the image of god he created them male and female he created them the current cultural climate in the west demanding that you stop using sex-based pronouns he or she and start using sex-neutral ones it strikes the very foundation of a creator god and perpetuates the lie of evolution now how many of you are familiar that this is a this is a thing that now sex-based pronouns are a thing of the past and they need to be replaced this is a chart showing all the gender neutral pronouns you can't read it it's in the notes feel free to download them this is a this is a dizzying exercise in human foolishness in my opinion think of future books what they're going to look like oh yes well princeton university has already removed any gender or sex-based language from its admissions manual for students i won't be a woman having a baby what will it be um let me think of that c s s i e what c is is she or z or xe changing our language yes or zim zem is is the masculine you can't get away from it can you so which combination on that chart can give birth yeah now stop using facts man stop using logic okay he has no place in this argument but scientists are telling you this oh yeah this is this is science as a nurse i was thinking about this in nursing how in the world would they make medical books and stuff to study human body male and female i mean how would they word it there are scientists who have objected or tried to provide scientific evidence that this is nonsense yeah they they've been castigated defunded d platformed uh fired from tenure the the president of harvard university in 2007 wrote an email saying that there are biologic differences between the two sexes harvard university whose motto is veritas is latin for truth he was fired in 2007 2007 this happened wow from an email okay so anything coming out of harvard now has to be taken with a a truckload of salt okay this this these are these this exercise of of uh of lunacy this is a result of years worth of debate and then who knows how much time and money in academia that higher education come up with these new pronouns simply to avoid reality we're doomed yes how are they going to deal with nature well nature's just a social construct i mean are they going to change that too for the animals what the animals when you when you believe that everything evolved from gases and and and molds and pond scum and then evolved into different type different type of mollusks and echinoderms and etc etc amphibians and then one fish decided hey i want to walk on land i'm going to grow legs and then over millions and billions of years eventually an ape uh was developed and and that it became human they would just say that thing had a baby when you surrender it when i mean when you you decouple yourselves from from reality this this is this is the inevitable result if you surrender yourself to believing a lie or rejecting truth a lie is the only thing left to believe okay i think i think about this for a minute if if these zealots within the religion of equalism can get us to to get humans to admit that there is no male and female i mean one more foundational truth do we recognize as humans they can get you to admit they can get you to give voice to any lie so they're trying to make people change excuse me change the way that people think and they can't really tell you what to think they're trying but they're not going to tell you and me what to think that's right look at look at them look at the tactics that they use jordan peterson is a a professor at a university in toronto i believe um and he he is he is infamous for standing up to these zealots and saying you know what no i will not use gender-neutral pronouns i will use he and she and he gets shouted down he gets death threats he gets bags of urine thrown at him at speaking events it's all sorts of crazy stuff simply from saying you know what and i don't know what i don't know his religious background is i don't know what his i don't know much about him he's he's he's coming at this from a free speech angle where he's he's saying to these zealots no you will not tell me what words i can and can't use so at the end of the end of the lesson uh sabbath lesson it notes that at the end of the creation uh things were perfect what happened yes what happened indeed uh from the bottom what does the bible teach about origins what kind of a relationship did god want with humanity what was the purpose of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil tina take that one what hope was given to adam and eve immediately after they fell well my question was you know first of all these are good questions and do we have the answer but is scripture the only answer to the question of origins or the science uh and our understanding of reality is that harmonize what scripture tells us well not the signs we just talked about no male no female all right first paragraph in sunday's lesson oh okay this is the uh the turtle story it didn't make sense yeah right at all so uh if you haven't read it let's go through it scientists will have just lectured on the orbits of the planets around the sun the orbit of the sun around the center of the galaxy when an elderly woman in black tennis shoes i don't know what that has to do anything rose and said the earth was a flat disc sitting on the back of a turtle the scientist jesting asked what the turtle said on she responded and sat on another turtle ma'am the scientists continued joking what does that turtle sit on she answered another turtle but before he could ask what that turtle said on she wagged her fingers and snapped save your breath sonny it turtles all the way down so now we're talking we're bringing the lessons bringing back in the uh the flat earth thing so we can we can look forward to being bombarded with emails from the flat earth contingent and over the uh littering our our social disease media message boards with the idea that the earth is indeed flat um on further down on the lesson the lesson alleges that god does not attempt to prove he's creator he expects us to take this on faith this accurate just think wendell he goes back to your definition of faith faith being a trust in god based on experience in a relationship yes it yes it be based on faith we have a relationship here we believe him we walk with him so yes it is faith but it's not the faith of incredulous blind stupid credulity is what is the the ellen white quote which i love you know yes it's it's faith based on evidence it's not a leap in the dark correct it's a trust this this idea and this is from the the second paragraph now third fourth paragraph it's below the uh says what's interesting about genesis 1 1 or other texts the lord does not attempt to prove his creator no elaborate arguments to make the point instead is simply and clearly stated with no attempt to justify explain it or prove it i think the i think the lord provides ample evidence that he's created and has provided ample evidence that he there's a designer uh and the god that i now know uh provides ample evidence and he invites me to examine the evidence he invites me to question the evidence and more than that he leaves me free to accept or reject that evidence consistent with his government of of liberty all right monday's lesson the image of the maker again what does i ask what does it mean to be made in god's image i want to solicit some uh opinions here we were created not just in his image physically but spiritually intellectually socially everything okay i mean that that's that's a that's a statement i agree with but what what unpacked that some well what what qualities or or what things about creation of humans makes us created in god's image well like yeah like i said earlier created to love other people to care for this world to care for the people within ourselves to put other people first i mean okay to and spiritually speaking to honor him as the creator to worship him as the only god i mean we were created in his image knowing that he is the only true and true god of god before all right any other thoughts he wanted us to be friends he wanted to be friends with us and he still does and some of us just don't get that he's a wonderful god and it takes a lot of time and prayer i think even prayer and studying and reading different books to know him better all right i have three dogs these dogs love me they love me scratching them behind the ears they love it when i feed them they love being taken for a walk to the student park um they love me they may view me as a dog i'm not kidding their perspective is is here this is our leader this is our alpha he provides our food if any of you have had a pet you know the pet loves you so but we're created with the power to choose to choose right from wrong to reason okay now now we're now we're getting somewhere all right so the the the lower order of animals and don't have reasoning capabilities which which it's hard for me to believe in some ways if you've seen a picture of the dog with the stick across his mouth carrying it and he's going through this opening and he can't fit through there that sticks too wide so he turns the stick around and drags it through now is that not reasoning i don't know look at look at a rat look at a rat learning a labyrinth maze to get a uh to get a some morsel of food or to get a hit of cocaine there's a reward at the end of that for him but this dog there's no reward except that he gets the stick through the opening trust me that's a reward can do that that's true there are some dogs that keep bumping up against the door but i'm still saying that seems like reasoning to me is that not reasoning i don't know i agree with you i think they have a limited amount of reasoning i know tim doesn't agree with that either but they can't go in why would a dog go in and save somebody's you know why would they train the dogs uh to smell where the dope is in in the airport or somebody going to have a seizure and they can warn the person before they ever have it so i think they have a limited amount but they can't reason like human skin of what is really right and wrong unless they've been taught they can be taught that but without teaching really you think it all can be taught right from wrong yeah i do and that well it's i don't i i think i think that i think a dog dog operates on a classic classical conditioning reward and punishment a level one moral development window it depends on what you think about what thinking is okay and what our nature is it's the nature of our being to adore and worship god but it's the nature of the being of creatures to adore and worship god in their own realm right the the cardinal revelation 5 13 and behold i heard every creature in heaven on earth in the world below and in the sea all living beings in the universe and they were singing to him who sits on the throne coming from above wait sorry it flipped too far anyway so yeah each creature offering praise in its way whether it's a plant or correct in his way in their abilities or whatever so okay well that's this is this is good this this continues clouding the the picture of what it means to be made in god's image which is fine i don't have a i don't have a great definition um some people say that the ability to bring forth life in our own image is is what distinguishes uh is what really is the keystone that makes it uh i thank you some you know some bacteria do that um but what's what's nature's primary force in procreating wasn't but but is driven by something so survival instinct preservation of self preservation of the species okay is that what drives humans to procreate for those who are saying no you haven't been in the dating scene lately okay instinct is is a big driver of what uh she called it fair enough that's why we don't date yeah okay we talk about when i was when i was going over this i it called to mind the the text from say ii peter talking about those driven by instinct especially those who indulge in the flesh and his corrupt passion and despise authority reckless self-centered they speak abusively of angelic majesties without trembling whereas angels who are greater in might and power do not bring a demeaning judgment against them before the lord but like unreasoning animals born as creatures of instinct to be captured and killed using abusive speech where they have no knowledge will in the destruction of those creatures also be destroyed suffering wrong as their wages of doing wrong so are we not called by reason called to use our reason guided by a clear conscience and discernment to engage our wills in order to choose to act in accordance with god's law design laws for human procreation and everything else see if this quote from patriarchs and prophets adds any um insights man was to bear god's image both in outward resemblance and in character so apparently the two eyes and two arms and legs and facial features are similar and in character christ alone is the quote express image of god refugee referencing hebrews 1 3 of the father but man was formed in the likeness of god his nature was in harmony with the will of god his mind was capable of comprehending divine things his affections were pure his appetites and passions were under the control of reason he was holy and happy and bearing the image of god and imperfect obedience to his will thoughts did i clear any things up and put anything up about what it means to be made in the image of god i wonder how long before man sinned how long he was in the garden before he sinned that's a fascinating question it's one i've i've pondered quite a bit my my guess is it wasn't very long my educated guess is it wasn't very long tim always says he thinks it was less than nine months well i think it was it was much less than nine months because because cain i don't think cain was conceived in a sin sin by sinless beings the first murderer i think already had the defective dna of sinful adam and eve so i i don't think eve eve wasn't pregnant when when she fell i don't think she was pregnant the evidence is is on the side that she had not she was not pregnant now the marriage may have been consummated but i don't think pregnancy had uh i don't think pregnancy was established thoughts well no in my reading and stuff on that like you saw it's fascinated me um it would just seem like if it was too short a time that they would not have really had a chance to get to know god well enough maybe to trust him completely where it would have been easier for eve to sin or to fall for the serpent i don't know it just yeah we're going to get into that a little bit and i think thursday's lesson in my reading i also have a tendency to think that it was longer uh because you have to have time for adam to to get even over the garden yeah for it to grow yeah and for a period of time because if if god is coming to them and say well don't you know don't go the truth you know and that's going to be fresh in their mind but after a time you forget and you you know well i don't think that they weren't forbidden to go to the tree because the in the center of the garden the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so every time they went to visit the tree of life they saw the it's it's pretty clear that they saw that you get a little bit more i don't know and also when adam worked in the garden it was no thorns no thistles none of that stuff and for him to train the vines and stuff like that unless because of the time it was things were instant i don't know but i've often thought you know for him to train the garden train the vines get used to all that because then when sin came and all the thorns and thistles and all the weeds and stuff it was so heartbreaking to him because he had worked the garden before all that to me that seems like that would take time well part of our problem is we can't i can't envision a garden without weeds and thorns can't do it i thought i'm looking forward to seeing that but i can't i can't adequately conceptualize it a perfect flowers perfect you know weedless gardens and all right and yet when you pick one of the flowers they begin to die that's the garden i'm used to um so i [Music] i think things happen a lot faster as far as uh growth and as far as whatever uh tim's of the mindset that he thinks that they can control they can control the growth of things simply with a thought well then if that's the case then why would it have taken nine months for a baby to develop everything else is like that but then all of a sudden the baby takes nine months to develop um i don't have an answer for that i don't know yeah this is fine this this is good we're we're spitballing here right real simple thing because we know that um it's because of sin that conception was multiplied so god said i'll multiply your conception god what god didn't mean for women to have babies every year didn't you say your your pain will be multiplied and your conception will be multiplied yeah i don't i don't recall that uh it'd be in genesis uh 3 probably 12-ish [Music] the um 16 is where he talks about pregnancy and pain read it for us please well which version you want i don't care so if you go 316 um this thing's jumping sorry [Music] turning back to the woman god said as a result of your disobedience you will not have children without pain you will desire a partnership with your husband but he will be the hit no it's not the king james this is the clear word king james says unto the woman who said i will greatly multiply thy sorrow and my conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee okay thank you i wasn't aware of that dawn without sin we don't need this much conception well i don't think we need it in a world with sin um well because of death it's because of death that we needed oh until until the eradication of smallpox there was always danger that the human race would die out sixty thousand people died of six excuse me 60 million people died of smallpox in the 18th century wow it was a bigger killer than anything we can imagine today right exactly yeah well i have to hear what you have to say well there's there's two things that are interesting about creation that we hold today and and is proof of creation over science or over logic i don't know if you call it logic but logic is involved in it in proving that there is a creation and that is procreation do you know that almost 95 of all animals insects chickens whatever take a weekly cycle to mature a chicken is three weeks you know a dog is nine weeks and it's all in weeks except for two or three abnormalities you know and that's another proof of creation i think because there's nothing except the seven day week and procreation that goes on a weekly cycle and it all started at creation i don't follow that at all well you don't follow anything i said i mean this weekly cycle is the only thing that we have that proves creation we look back at that and say there's nothing in the sun moon and stars that marks the week so you're talking about from a time perspective where yeah but the week the weekly the seven day week is something that transcends uh all cultures all cultures observe a seven day week a repeating seven day week is related to that is that when animals and humans and birds procreate it's on a weekly cycle rather than on monthly or you know quarterly or yearly uh almost everything is a number of weeks or well i guess i never never considered that and the human is what 40 weeks 39 we know is nine months what how about an elephant weeks two no elephants like a year yeah 52 weeks explain it well i think what he's saying is that the consistency of a seven day week um that science acknowledges that things are on a weekly cycle including gestation uh and it's the consistency of a seven day week and not it's not an hourly cycle it's not a a monthly or whatever it's the repeating seven day week he thinks that's the prime evidence of of creatorship even though each animal may have a different number of weeks you can divide it by seven days to get that's what you're saying yeah so i mean biology and all animals almost you know like 95 of them are on a weekly cycle for their gestation a sun cycle or moon cycle or some planetary cycle right yep let's move on um so the lesson monday's lesson asserts that um adam and eve were made from the same material is this accurate what was adam made from dirt dust beer earth was eve made from red living tissue tissue what do men relate best to all right you're projecting what do men relate best to they relate to the world they live in they test it they experiment they explore it all right they relate to the earth what do women relate best to relationships men i.e relationships okay that's true think about it yeah that's good i think i think that it comes from the origin of the substance now okay you could say he was made from dirt processed dirt believe was made from living tissue taken from the side of adam there's a great symbolism in that she was taken from his side to be a equal partner not to be trampled on underfoot or not to be uh set that they had in the leadership and guidance of adam but she was made from living tissue she was made from man whoa man the mail watch it can consider and again this is again a quote from patriarchs profits he was created from a rib taken from the side of adam signifying she was not to control him as the head or to be trampled under his feet as inferior but stand by his size and equal to be loved and be protected by him what did eve need protection from in a perfect creation it was already an enemy adam already had a job as a protector did he she says she said he failed his job did he for did he force eve to stay by his side should he have forced eve to stay by his side no but you could almost say that he did protect her because he took of the fruit too had he not eaten up the fruit then god would have had to create him another help meat that's a conjecture maybe um so i don't know that he living in a perfect environment a lot of marriages like that [Laughter] this is good stuff yes ma'am jesus would have died for one why would he have not died for eve okay i i think that's a fair question but anyhow it in jewish mythology eve was um adam's second wife his first wife was named lilith lilith this is a jewish mythology but now think of this if adam lived in the garden and he lived outside of the garden there would have been no more human beings because eve didn't have a helper and he didn't add them to have you not heard of saturday night who heard a saturday night the um it's almost moot to consider what would have happened if adam hadn't uh taken the fruit as well because he did and here we are yeah so [Music] was not for her protection i don't think so i i think i think there was actually a selfish motive for him he didn't want to lose his wife his love he didn't and he he willingly took the fruit he did not trust god correct and he loved eve more than he loved and trusted his maker that's correct then how was that throwing her under the bus [Music] yes they have that's right what he said women have had great influence over men ever since i think men have been selling selling their souls for the for the temporary approval and appeasement of a woman ever since adam in fact i think that gets passed down in our dna think about think about scriptural references of men listening to their wives and and causing a whole boatload of trouble abraham what if he said you know what sarah i'm not going to take hager into my bed okay in fact the only the only person that i can recall that didn't listen to his wife was job job's wife said why don't you just curse god and die now i sympathize with her she she lost her children lost her her wealth she lost a lot so i can i can i think that expressed that that that lament came from a place of a broken heart but he didn't listen because you can also you can also think of men that should have listened to their wives like uh pilot or um who his wife you know he died you know when he fell backwards and broke his neck [Music] i thought it was eli that broke his neck when he or his sons were killed are you thinking of abigail's husband okay yeah i yeah his name began with an end but i can't i can't recall it but you're right nabal thank you yes yeah he should have listed his wife when when when abigail said you know we need to treat david and his uh and his band with kindness so all right uh tuesday's lesson god and humankind together so god tells adam and eve to be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth and subdue it again if eve needed protection before their fall what needed to be subdued in the earth why why was there a need to subdue the earth it was there was a malevolent force on earth seeking adam and eve's destruction successfully i might add they needed to subdue that force they needed they needed to encounter the tree of the knowledge of good and evil see it every time they went to the tree of life and reason and trust and understand that hmm we're not too we're not to take that we're not to taste that fruit i wonder why maybe we should and they exercise their will and the avoidance of it in genesis 1 29 god tells mankind he has given them every plant yielding seed and every tree that has fruit yielding seed from their for their food in genesis 2 god told adam they can eat he can eat from every tree in the garden except one tree of knowledge good evil and do these passages ring any bells regarding their eventual fall think about that for a minute we're gonna get that in wednesday's lesson god initiated the relationship with mankind and this is from the lesson and and i couldn't agree more absolutely he introduced eve to adam and presided over their wedding he came and talked and walked and talked with them in the cool of the evening uh they were visited by angels who educated them regarding the falls fall of lucifer and that lucifer was seeking their ruin educating them on the the laws of heaven the laws of earth uh and again i've included a uh i've included a passage from patriarchs and prophets i'm not going to read it um in a while time disappeared uh all right one more thing whimsy of the tree it's important that our law we review our lawlens when we contemplate why god placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil evil in the midst of eden a design law perspective well excuse me if we have an opposed law perspective then the tree was just an arbitrary test of loyalty and obedience if we have a design law viewpoint then the tree was necessary it was critical for the uh development of character of our first parents in accordance with the law of truth the law of worship the law of exertion the law of liberty and law of love and any others that i haven't thought of it's such a simple task don't eat the fruit yes yeah trust me you do not want this knowledge and consider consider eve's ques excuse me say uh lucifer's question to eve in the form of a serpent and again ellen white says that had he appeared in the form of an angel she would have been on guard her her defenses and alarms would have been raised but no he appeared as a serpent and then we look forward to some point in the future where he's been portrayed as an angry devil a fork a a cloven hoofed horned pitchfork carrying monster for thousands of years as a serpent he's going to appear as an angel of light fascinating uh juxtaposition but consider his question to eve quote did god say you may not eat from any tree of the garden it's a brilliant question if you're wanting to deceive someone that's a lawyer exactly that's exactly right an opposed lawyer question implied in this question is the premise that god is stingy he's selfish he doesn't really care about his creation he just wants to lord his sovereignty over it that's what's implied in the question so eve corrected him from the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat but from the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden god has said you shall not eat from it or touch it or you will die so here we have eve has recorded the first human to lie about god there's nothing in scripture that says that god had pervaded them from touching it now it's reasonable that that that would be venturing onto really really thin ice by touching it and and examining it and juggling it or whatever but according to scripture there was no there was no nothing to forbid them from touching it they were forbidden from eating it uh in fact there's a passage in patriarchs and prophets where satan used that argument again against eve when he handed her the fruit because initially he handed her a piece of fruit she held it and didn't die and satan satan said well you're in sea you're not dead you've touched it and then she picked one herself and ate it and then went found her husband and who knows how she got him to eat it eating it signifies internalizing it good that's right that's exactly right yeah yeah great symbology there in harmony with with the communion system we're internalizing the blood and the flesh and making it part of ourselves uh all right so uh thursday's lesson you guys can download the notes um one more one one more point um eve was deceived into sin she believed the serpent um say what you will about that she she was earnest in her belief but she believed a lie adam sinned willingly does the law of gravity care if you're tricked into jumping off a cliff or if you do so willingly no it doesn't do the laws of health care if you're deceived into eating a uh 4 000 calorie a day diet and refusing to exercise or if you do those things willingly the laws of health don't care god's design law treats treats male and female black and white rich and poor uh intelligent and stupid the same they treat they treat humanity with equality it's powerheads gracious father thank you for the lessons that you have provided for us in the fall of humanity and more than that we thank you for the remedy that you uh promised the uh coming messiah who has come once and whose second coming we uh we wait patiently please continue to mold and shape our characters to like christ so we can hasten that event in jesus name amen thank you [Music] you
Channel: Come And Reason Ministries
Views: 6,048
Rating: 4.670588 out of 5
Keywords: come and reason, sabbath school, god's character, truth, liberty, freedom, Evangelism (Religion), bible study, Gospel, Salvation
Id: 1JDyzxwYRGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 52sec (4072 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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