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wow would you look at all these flowers it is so obvious that spring is here what what is this what there's snow oh my good morning everybody how you doing today my name's andrew i'm dad i'm matt i'm daniel and i'm ralph and we're some of the veggie boys and we'd like to thank you for stopping by welcome back everyone we are in greenhouse number four transplanting this morning but could you believe it snowed last night so right now we are transplanting all of our early hot peppers for sales these are jalapenos and next we are on to i believe either hot cherry or serrano we've been working on seeding early varieties of peppers and tomatoes and as you can see we're getting a lot of them transplanted those tomatoes in the six inch pots they're coming up beautifully and now these peppers we're putting into the 806s there are trays that have eight cells in them and there's six holes in each cell um this is a pepper planting area what do you think you're doing sir why is this so spicy we just got serranos transplanted but look at these hot cherry peppers they are so tall and they look let me just grab one in here look at that plant that is a big old plant i am planting curly parsley he's curly he must be funny where do you come from so you're like impeding on our pepper planting area this is my greenhouse i am the boss you've lost camera flow features that's right daniel's finishing up on our last tray of peppers that we've got over here now i mentioned these are called 806s you can see matt is tagging the packs individually now these packs sell for 299 a piece so you get six peppers for 299 or if you want to get the whole flat where there's 48 plants in there we sell that for 22. i know it hasn't been too long since you've seen these tomatoes but just since the last video that i showed them they've already grown quite a bit the plants are about that big in diameter and they're really starting to get a nice firm root base they're going to start shooting up here very shortly and something else that's impressive is all the flowers that are starting to poke out on these baskets we don't want them to flower just yet this is okay early on but these baskets are going to get a lot of size to them now that we're done transplanting peppers we're going to help dad with parsley now when we're looking at our parsley here and we're talking about the root system very similar to peppers you don't want to break off any of those roots now with tomatoes even if you break the roots off you put the tomato in the ground it's most likely going to grow these parsley along with the peppers you want to make sure you have a nice little ball of dirt with your root system so you don't break off too many but something that i've learned ever since i was little as long as there is one little root sticking off there and you get it in the soil it's going to start growing you just don't want to snap them off here's a good example i don't even think you can see it but there is a tiny piece of root sticking off that plant if we do put that in the soil it will grow we are finishing up with the parsley mat is putting on the last of the tags we've got a lot of nice stuff planted over here as we go forward we're going to be planting more and more here in this greenhouse it's really nice to see everything start to come together we have a lot of empty space but as you guys will see that empty space fills up fast here i can give you a better example of how fast these plants are going look at these trays of red deuce wow really really nice size plants now you already saw we have our parsley in our 806s and these sell for 2.99 a pack now over here we have our single trays now these will sell for a dollar a pot and these go very very fast a lot of people don't need six plants of parsley so these individual pots are something that a lot of people like if you look behind me you'll see our sales varieties now this isn't even half of our sales just yet we sell to people who plant big gardens we pl we sell to people who plant small gardens so we like to have a little bit of everything and this stuff behind me this is going to go really fast when the time comes we just have a little bit of lettuce to transplant now this is simpson lettuce or this is a light green leaf lettuce see what this boy's getting one [Music] i'm just going to give you an example about how older seed doesn't germinate as well now we had these trays full of lettuce seed and this what was the seed like three years old yeah it was it was old seed and this is all we got out of those two 512s now we knew that was going to happen it's old seed and we only needed a few but we have more lettuce that we planted up top that was seed that we got that was pelleted and our cedar does not plant pelleted seed well lettuce seed is so tiny that it's almost impossible to plant by hand that's why they put a coating over the top of it to make it easier to plant our cedar doesn't like it however we got it all planted and it came up really really nice we're still in the number four greenhouse we've had a problem with this heater for like as long as i can remember we're trying to get it up and running we can run one heater in this greenhouse and it runs it just fine however having the second heater just in case something happens to the other one is really important to us so we're trying to get this other one fixed and running we've had trouble with this heater since it's brand new i don't know why but i am gonna figure it out we turned our fan on and it started running so that that's really good um we've just put a new exhaust fan on it and we think that's helping it run we just got it started we ordered the exhaust fan a long long time ago and it literally just got here so now we've got it fixed it was running it was pushing heat out it clicked on right away so we're very happy and we'll be able to use this heater this year now dad tell them the big reason why we wanted that second heater hooked up i was down here this morning early and the temperatures here this morning was in the low 30s and the temperature in the greenhouse was about 48 with the one heater running so since this greenhouse is much bigger i wanted to make sure i had the other heater running because it's supposed to be in the teens tonight 20 degrees and we have probably 300 hanging baskets in here so we're talking nine ten thousand dollars in hanging baskets and uh then we have all these tomatoes and peppers so a lot of money in here we don't want it to freeze we got finished with lunch and then dad and i went to the hardware store we had to pick up some stuff so that we could build out the exhaust vent and greenhouse number six the heater in there is working fine it's just we want the exhaust outside of the greenhouse so that's what we're working on we're trying to get that fresh air pulled into it and that's why we got this stuff check it out guys our makeshift door working pretty well it's probably about 60 degrees in here right now sun's coming out 65 i don't know it's nice in here all that matters is the hanging baskets are still up and our perennials they are looking really good we just got our heater all finished we got our new pipes put on the back we did have an end on it but it wasn't the right size we really wanted to make sure we put that exhaust vent on because all these plants in here could be affected by the carbon monoxide that the heater would put off it's something we really have to look out for because one year uh we had this greenhouse full of plants and all our plants were turning like yellow they didn't look as nice and it was because of the carbon monoxide and just in hanging baskets we have over ten thousand dollars worth of plants in here just in hanging baskets so we really want to make sure we take care of this stuff that's why we wanted to put the new exhaust fan on that heater and make sure all of them were running okay and it's probably not good for us to be in here breathing that in even though we're not in this greenhouse a lot we still want our plants to be okay and we want to take care of ourselves now i feel like just last video we were here looking at these cabbage plants and oh my word look at this taurus that taurus has grown like crazy and i could talk to you about our plants that we have for sales over here but it's just so obvious that they're growing so nice just a few more weeks and we'll be planting all this stuff out in the field i'm getting excited in greenhouse 4 we're just checking on all the plants that we had checking on our heater that heater that we got started has really helped out you can feel the difference in temperature it's amazing how just an extra heater like that can take care of a lot of the problems that you were having hey dude hey i think there's a cold front coming i feel that cold wind i saw some snow coming i told you we live in the north pole come on autumn i got the door for you don't you know it's cold no it's freezing they're saying it's freezing out it doesn't look freezing in here not in here it isn't it's beautiful we got our cattle trailer hooked up we just got a call from one of the local dairies he's got three cabs for us to pick up now we're gonna go pick up those three cabs sometimes we'll just take the truck and we'll put the cavs inside as you guys have seen i get peed and pooped on it is what it is we're not gonna complain about it but with three cats we're gonna take the trailer look here the master at her craft it's a holiday weekend coming up we used to bake every weekend but it just became too much for us um grammy has got a lot going on here you can see all these apple pies apple crumb i think there's even some cherry crumb down on the bottom tell them dad we're not going to try and fit three calves in here with us not this time nope we have the trailer this time now these were the calves that we just picked up these are the two heifers this is the one bull calf and as you can see everybody over here is a little excited right we're a little excited by what's going on so i just spent the past like 10 minutes looking for my camera because my dad hid it on me uh he wasn't recording anything he just hit it on me to hide it uh these are the italian cookies that lauren and i baked the other night we've got them all sprinkled up we've got the icing on there and now they're ready to sell although i think i think most of them are ordered so i'm not sure i probably should have made more but i was tired the other night and i didn't feel like baking cookies well there you go italian and that's for like that's for a family of four tracy it's really good it's cream cheese roll it's delicious it's kind of like a um croissant with the cheese in the middle what are those called danish cheese dash kind of like that this is what matthew has been up to he just got his island in place look at that now matt tell them how much of this stuff did you do in here all of it this is matthew and tracy's kitchen now look at that it's got the island got all those cabinets up this grass is really starting to get green who's gonna have to mow this here your mother oh yeah mom usually mows the grass alrighty where where's my wife i think i'm just getting hungrier this is becoming a really bad habit i just get so hungry that i forget to tell you what we're having lauren made ziti bake tonight it's basically like a ziti with i think there's zucchini in it and some onions and it's really good thank you baby do you see what i have that's all i got yeah look at all the mess on his plate yeah don't listen to him guys don't listen to him she went like this and then put it on my plate and then that's all i got yeah but look but this is where we're gonna end the video today so i want to thank everyone for watching and i hope to see you next time bye bye subscribe
Channel: The Veggie Boys
Views: 47,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegetable farming, the veggie boys, theveggieboys, vegetable farming videos, vegetable farmers, family farm, family of farmers, real farming, how to farm, farm vlog, farming vlog, homesteading, homestead, farmers, greenhouses, hot house, high tunnel, greenhouse work, planting vegetables, planting flowers, soil prep, starting a greenhouse, filling containers, filling flower pots, potting flowers, greenhouse tips, greenhouse farming, raising flowers, how to grow flowers, garden
Id: f2jVFxZQmds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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