2021 Nashville Race 2 - Stadium SUPER Trucks

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team excitement green flag here we go robbie gordon adamant about putting on a good show does not want any turn one wrecks all drivers in the driver's meeting that struck to get through turns one and two cleanly fall in line go single file once they hit the bridge gloves off game on they'll lay these things out here upwards of 150 plus miles an hour over the top that is ricky johnson hoping for a better run here today a little too much turning break one round ago turned it sideways stout got in the back of him and then he had a mechanical towards the end of the race so we'll see if he has a better run ricky johnson a quick learner by the way he's qualified on the pole in one of these things as well going back to 2013 it's finished as high as second we're really going to start to see these guys get racy as they come back over the other side of the korean war veterans memorial bridge because it's going to fan out it's going to get wide it's going to get fast and they're going to be looking at turn nine and gordon has already picked off one truck and he's starting to make his way up through the field here he comes yeah great stuff these things will punch a huge hole in the air so drafting is a big part of the game here as the two crosley brand trucks are going at it already oh watch him smoke those tires into breaking getting into nine yeah they unload that thing to the left a little bit they call big wreck right there that was beau lamastas nowhere near making that turn gets it just smokes i think that was a sign of jacob no that was ricky johnson just smoked he just center punched him and crossley the man i'm sorry crossley bowler masters the man behind the crossley brand taking out one of his own trucks that he paid to have here in a highly decorated driver inside of it i'll tell you what rj is lucky the safety features of these things are as good as they are because he took a heck of a shock man r.j was absolutely no luck here today ricky johnson i'm telling you ricky r.j is a feisty dude and he knows i got to walk away and if beau lamassis is smart by the way he's been in this scenario before butler masses will leave rj alone so i we saw beau lamassas at mid-ohio and bill hines we talked about that before things got crazy and beau is trying to explain that he thinks he can still there still might be a chance for these trucks but rj's thinking otherwise man that was one of the biggest shots we've seen all weekend here it is again i mean some ken carlinks back didn't hit the brakes until another 40 or 50 feet after jacob and ricky i mean i don't know where he was going with that one but certainly not around the turn he's lucky he hit him not in the door but oh yeah oh man door punch would have been uh would have been not good i mean there's a ton of safety here in these trucks and the door bars are there's a bunch of them in there you know but it's just a big hit i mean it's a 2 800-pound truck coming in at speed and not even close to making the turn so after a spectacular round one round to go we kick things off here on lap number one with a full course red and uh and jason by the way jason smith the race director for musac he's he looked at robbie and robbie said we need one more round like that jason said we have a good round like that usually day two just doesn't go quite as good he called it right off the bat man people get antsy it's sunday you want to go and but you gotta you gotta be patient we go back here again great pass here by the way by jacob abel uh good run there on ricky johnson nice clean inside ricky runs it down there pretty deep closes up on the back of him and bola masters could have almost turned right missed ricky he would have still collected the tire wall but at least it would have uh saved the truck and rj uh rj had not been in a vehicle in in some 10 weeks just had some wrist surgery done from his days in in supercross motocross desert racing on motorcycles as well and had a couple of uh some reconstruction done to his right wrist and said everything was feeling good was excited to get back in here in the truck today and things just did not go well for him here all weekend long had a mechanical and qualifying and like i say parked it uh parked it out there and yesterday for just a moment stout had nowhere to go and gotten to the back of him turned him all the way around the back of the pack he went but then uh had another mechanical and not sure if it was from contact from other trucks or not but either way it goes uh that guy right there has had an incredible career as you well know we've watched him win countless races uh the original bad boy if you will i mean he's literally he literally is the original bad boy and then that logo that you saw i mean that's that's a ricky johnson thing from way back in the day and yeah he gets sporty in a second yeah and all the oakley ads that were done over the years and and the fox ads and stuff it was all so cutting edge yeah with ricky johnson you know and that's the thing about rj he's been so cutting edge tremendous as a racer but he was one of the first in the 80s it really got how to self-promote and market and and do that sort of thing and really took it to the next level and expanded his notoriety if you will he's brandon uh away from what he was doing on the racetrack even though he was super successful as a motocross and supercross champion teammates with jimmy johnson back in the day as well and uh hopefully jimmy can get back out here i know he had a tough practice session there this morning so hopefully uh he can get back out here and it looks like rj is going to climb back in side of that truck i don't know if it's raceable but if it is he'll give it a go that's for sure he's yeah at least the left rear looks like it's down there ken you know he's probably gonna have to at least limp it around let them take a look underneath he's not far from the entry to pit road yeah it looks like there's a good bit more damage than a flat tire there yeah bose truck is uh operating okay it looks like so he might be able to continue on here and that's of note by the way because if you lose your hood at the end of the race it's an automatic two position loss and i would say the hood on that 42 is most likely to come off as well at some point in time if he continues well i'm surprised that uh bowdoin at least go into pit road just um for safety you know as as the words were coming out of my mouth i thought to myself no no i'm really not because it is as you said it's bo um but he probably should have wanted them to at least take a quick peek i i would agree with that it doesn't the truck does not surprisingly seem to be fluid i mean he punched him right so the strongest part of that truck there is what he what he tagged ricky with and one of the weakest parts of ricky's truck i mean dead center you know rear axle and that's gonna that's gonna tear up you know the trailing arms and all of all the links in there yeah i mean it would break an axle and just all kinds of stuff that can go wrong and you center punch that thing and it's gonna shock the entire diff so yeah i can't imagine ricky's able to continue they're down there looking at it now well the thing with ricky too and i know this was part of it as he got out of the truck i'm sure it stunned him and knocked the wind out of him and that's the first thing right man what were you that hurt what were you thinking you know so that's the first thing that went through his mind and uh as an old motocrosser and super crosser trust me he's got a lot of aches and pains that he's already dealing with he's not trying to be an adrenaline was a big huge shot of adrenaline so he wanted to get out and settle things right away is what he wanted to do and now the pain is probably setting in yeah yeah he's one of the one of the greatest guys you talked about before he's so switched on very personable one of the best driving coaches you could ever want to put your son or daughter with coming up through the ranks and he does a ton of that in fact he's also instructed for uh the elite armed services as well so highly involved in that he's just he's very good at explaining what you should be doing and reading data game on baby here we go so that puts jacob abel out in front and i don't know how stout did it we were not we didn't have camera on him on the way through there but stout already up into fourth place somehow through the mix of all that stuff keep in mind he started off in 11th and now outside look at him pull away there because he wants to get rid of that side draft and drives out and around lamassas we'll see if he can stay clean here through this break zone is that lemastis i believe it is and it looks like uh maybe the hood a little loose right here on our third place truck the 31 truck there as well stanton barrett up inside of the top five stanton who started off on the pole before saw max gordon coming through without missing the hood on his machine there's robbie deeper in the field he's got matthew brabham behind him and robbie gordon still back in 10th maddie back in 11th so stout able to make huge gains here in that opening lap and the other two guys in the back with them not able to follow through stout right on the back bumper again here i believe that's zach van mader or oh it's ari line dyke the vp truck and ari very fast as well he's no joke so stout i believe that move right there was up into second place oh gotta settle that truck before you hit those ramps ken absolutely you gotta set that left front tire back down and if you do it too late it'll really sling the truck the other way it'll unload one way you'll hit that ramp it'll squeeze it down and then launch it the opposite direction here comes robbie gordon pitching that thing sideways and that number seven it's that lavender colored tootsie truck is what robbie's in typically that bright day glow orange there they come roaring up the front straight away in front of nissan stadium here working their way around the concrete canyon 2.17 miles and they think hard about where they're going to put those ramps oh for sure i mean they they're they're very strategic in where they want if they get them out there too far as stout's looking for the lead here on the back bumper trying to take advantage of that draft pulls to the outside this is for the lead of the race stout with a clean pass here needs to get this thing slowed back down here but the left-hander was very fast in this section of the track one day ago and now the the key for stout is to manage the brakes he can get out front he can set a pace not have to stand on the brakes after making a pass like that really hard try to take care of them because these trucks experience huge brake fade if you really lean on the entire race the 22 truck of zach fan made her still hanging in there doing a great job turn that thing over and practice slash qualifying on friday they had to do a lot of work to it to get it back out here but they did so and sticking with the plan here now big gap between first second and third i believe that's lemasters still in third max back there in seventh trying to pick his way forward here comes max taking a look and that is the number four that's warty in the crosley brandt's truck lion diego so many of these crossley brands dropped the 25 is running up near the front we try to take a look at that ticker we have as well and that's warty in the number four yep warty's in uh showing a little bit further back barrett in the 31 bp truck smacked right back behind him stout in the lead here jacob abel following him learning so that's lion dyke in a crosley branch truck and typically he's in a vp truck that's what was throwing me off there right no he's having aries having a really good run and look at what he's slinging it around getting the feel for it huh he's coming back and he's got stanton baron right on his tail so yeah that is ari there in third place great run for him so far as uh one day ago he had a sway bar link break on him so was struggling with that truck to get it through the turns but looks like he's got a good working truck here today and then right behind max here comes robbie hanging it out might lose robbie's going to lose a spot here to grab him yeah he sure could so hanging it out there at the that soft right-hander at the end of the bridge when they're at max speed and hard on the brakes and it cost him a spot to one of the best in the field robbie the second winningest driver in this series matty the third winningest maddie trying to close in on that stan barrett's got his hands full he's got max gordon coming around on the outside on him the young 13 year old max gordon incredible right yeah but papa's on his heels here comes robbie robbie's caught matt brabham he's got him just about handled nimbrello finds a little bit more speed they're all going to nine three four one maddie brabham sends it way down in there trying to get under and he does he picks up near three spots how did he do that i'm telling you maddie brabham is the smoothest driver in this series and he's got another gear man he is magical on the brakes and i didn't see a wisp of tire smoke did you do well i think he was all the way to the left he was able to square it up get good braking force on both front tires which really helped him out because he needed that right oh robbie's going to force his way past stan barrett here back on the start finish line grab i'm trying to pick up another one now we should be getting close to a caution shouldn't we i thought we would have seen it honestly the last time over the bridge is supposed to be three full laps or three and a half laps i should say and we'll see a competition caution coming back over the bridge and then that'll set up a barn burner of a finish so we'll see sometimes they will adjust if they have a red flag like we had in that opening lap they'll make some adjustments says mad max does a makes a nice pass right there good ron got a good head of steam there on zach van mater oh here's robbie robbie's looking inside too and he's going to pick up a spot and bring a couple with him zach being very respectful the other drivers that were down there underneath him trying to do trying his best not to make any contact of course and look at him hike up that left front tire man as that truck just articulates through those left-handers and the torque of that ls power plant it picks it up i mean a near foot off the ground leaders checked out here for now and we'll see if we see that that competition caution or if they've completely changed the format here we were initially to see two of them and there it is there stout off the pace massive gap so stout should have been able to take care of that truck to some degree and he's still looking for wins number one in the series yeah he's a rookie in the series his first podium one day ago he's been in the top five and a couple of fourth place finishes but finally broke through and got that podium and uh as you recall i mean it could have been a win it could have been second it could have been third they were all duking it out they were just nose to tail side by side through the final turn it was very exciting and that is uh ricky johnson out there rolling around they did get that thing back together and get him back out here in competition a little check of the brakes right there to see where the bias is so listen i know you're totally professional broadcaster i've worked with you for years but that is your kid leading this race looking for his first win how your nerves man i've been through this dance before but uh you know it's one of those things i don't count i don't get nervous until it's the middle of the last lap because we've been in this game so long we know how quickly it can change right but yeah i tried i try not to to say that you know and call this thing as as equally as possible but it's pretty cool he's got you know for ricky johnson to come up to you and say hey man your kid's a wheel man he can drive it's it means a lot coming from somebody like that here we go and our guess is as good as yours now with how many laps it says four to go down here so i'm guessing they'll just run all four i don't know if they'll throw another competition and and split that up and maybe have a two lap shootout we'll see what race control has decided to do one thing we know is the elbows are up the elbows are up for sure and the comps for the drivers are not all that good either so there's a good chance they don't know what's probably exactly going to happen as brabham goes to work here he knows he's got to get to the front quickly boy wardy tried to turn in and brabham was right there here comes max gordon too it looks like uh bradley's going to get that spot there yeah max follows him right through right a little mistake out of warty and max said thank you how about that young 13 year old well he is a talented young man and very mature for his age chatting with him last night in the hotel lobby he's got it all figured out yeah and don't count robbie gordon out i know he's in the back of the pack there now but he's got another gear too when he gets ready to go it's a game changer and he's already making a pass back there it's a combination of points from qualifying moto one and this moto here today for the overall win and winners it's a ten thousand dollar paycheck so you know these guys are hungry brabham with a nice smooth turn in there as is robbie the 50 back there bill hines still hanging tough has that win from 2018 stout still out front jacob abel behind him ari lyon dyke is no easy guy to pass as maddie brabham goes to work on him and we'll try to get up on the inside of him slowly rolls in right there and grab him with elbows up man yeah he's super smooth but he's not afraid to be aggressive when he needs to be well with three to go he knows there's no more time and here comes robbing robbie's next and that could be a nice little conversation under the tent when everybody gets back don't get me wrong well that's the thing you don't go back to separate haulers you all go to the same old tent yep it's the singles the same tent no way to run nowhere to hide and jacob abel doing a fabulous job by the way staying on the back bumper stout stout rolls it in there and cooks the right front tire just a little bit but abel clearly picking up the speed here very quickly after just one race very impressive how much abuse these tires took yesterday and these guys seem to still have all the traction and braking that they needed with the tires yeah they are extremely tough of course stout sponsored by continental tire and these guys put those things through their paces we saw that a day ago we were wondering if they were going to survive i mean they're roasting that right front tire hard on the brake for better part of a hundred yards lap after lap after lap these guys will take the right front swap it over put it on the left and say say you're good to go man you're good for another race coming back over the bridge here one more time robbie said they were bumping two lights there on the shift bar which was oh man maddie barely hanging on to that one max should roll up behind him magical job of saving that one but with two shift lights on in high gear said it was approaching 150 plus miles an hour over that bridge so stout and gordon were tied up in the points at 13 a piece at the end of yesterday leading with a total of 15 was brabham they get points based on how they finish and exactly how many trucks are here so if you win it it's 13 points and right on down i don't know how beau lamas would send it up in front of stout but he came off a pit road there clearly oh man quick work of him wanted to make that happen as fast as possible to not get caught up in that he knew exactly what was going on two to go here working two to go next time around should be a white flag big gap here for stout trying to manage his uh his pace here not overuse the truck not slow it down too much able still back there a couple of car lengths that's lion dyke and ward back there right through here yeah warty on the number four truck dewana right there behind ari both crosley brand trucks i don't know what robbie and max are going to do about matt brabant because he is just driving the wheels off that thing sometimes he pitches it in sometimes he just works the pedals beautifully it's been a masterful performance from that driver in that silver and blue machine it is awesome and he has a bunch of laps in here on the two-seater as well by the way given rides in that two-seater yeah it's incredible how hard he can drive it and whatever that truck does he's able to catch it and encounter it and maintain that big speed to carry it through stout by the way one race to go did have the fastest lap of the race so certainly on pace with him out front there as they come around here one more time working their ways through 9 10 and 11 complex here another jump in the midst of that complex and headed over here to the final turn of the 11 turn track here at the music city grand prix crossing grand stadium super truck oh that's checkered black so we missed the white flag graphics at the bottom said two to go he said one to go and checkered flag flies robert stout picks up his first career win with the stadium super truck series and a magical smooth drive might have been the smoothest drive he's had all year and victory doughnuts to celebrate and i was all ready to tee you up and say dad call your boy home they stole it probably well they didn't put it yeah we never saw the white flag the graphics said two to go that was amazing way to go robert stout it's probably good because you just fumbled all over yourself with emotion and everything but instead it's a fantastic finish and you folks got to see robert stout get his first ever stadium super truck win here as part of the big machine music city grand prix wow that's awesome thanks buddy i gotta do a little bit of math here run down and do that uh that podium action and it's been a lot of fun up here calling this one for sure well you can come back up here join us a little later on we'll see you again before the day is over those stadium super trucks are gonna make their pay slap around or their cool down lap we should say just to thank everybody for all the cheers and the encouragement over the weekend but i guarantee you're going to see a bit of a thrill show now too get ready for some two-wheel hijinks out there from some of these guys like robbie gordon so as i do the math here i've got maddie brabham with 11 points 15 coming in that's a total of 26. stout with 13 points coming in 13 points with the win here it's a tie at the top for 26. it goes moto style whoever finishes in front of the other and the in the last motor the second moto is your overall winner robert stout will take the overall win here this weekend that is awesome mom and dad here to celebrate and enjoy and watch that and way to go buddy we can buy you dinner tonight all right i'm liking that okay thanks guys got a couple places in mind come to think of it now that you say that that was the exciting action and what a big hit the hardest hit of the weekend boy these guys have provided so much action and stuff to talk about the craziest finish the biggest hit first time winners it's all coming your way this weekend with the stadium super trucks here at the big machine music city grand prix
Channel: StadiumSUPERTrucks
Views: 64,379
Rating: 4.8741574 out of 5
Id: xgwtWoyQibY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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