2021 NASCAR Paint Schemes Tier List

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how's it going y'all eric here and welcome to speed week that's right singular this year it's the week of the daytona 500 the nascar season is here and with a new nascar season comes of course an all-new fleet of nascar paint schemes we've been reacting to a lot of the trendy paint schemes in recent weeks but today i figured we'd look at every single brand new 2021 cup series paint scheme that's been revealed so far and i thought we could put them in a tier list of sorts you guys remember tier lists they were all the rage like one or two summers ago well i have made my own version of a tier list and it's called the groovy grid so i have compiled a list of pretty much every new to 21 paint scheme i could find i'm not going to look at schemes that really haven't changed from last year this year i'm not looking at that pennzoil car again we're keeping things fresh let's go through this list now and put these paint schemes on the groovy grid to keep things simple and organized we're gonna go in numerical order so we'll start with brad keselowski's keystone light car it's okay it's it's a rip-off of the bush bushlight car it looks the exact same as what bush beer has been doing this is a miller lite brand this it's kind of disappointing not going to lie i mean it looks nice the rendering's okay but we're not starting off that strong i'm going to put this in d tier it's just a worse version of the bush beer paint schemes all right austin dillon's got some new bass pro shops colors it's not bad it's not nearly as good as the silver uh trim car he had last year that he wanted texas with i hope this looks good on the track i hope that neon orange and the sort of accents and the streaks i hope those pop but man we're not off to a super inspiring start i got to put this in d tier as well just because it's not nearly as good as last year's bass pro shops game i love that that car last year oh and now a green car this is a little bit different than his hunt brothers pizza cars in years past but i i just don't really like the hunt brothers cars i don't know why i gotta be honest this is another d paint scheme for me i'm not a fan of it you guys know i don't love green cars and this one just i don't like it i'm sorry oh speaking of green cards like we're off to a terrible start i shouldn't have gone in numerical order uh you guys know i don't really like this paint scheme it's the exact same design as the hendercars.com hendrick has run for decades at this point i don't really like the blue and red on the hender cars version i really don't like the black and green here they could have done something different this is a hendrick sponsor you have nations garden youth you could have gotten creative with the designs done something great with it instead no you stuck with old reliable and just changed the colors i hate it this is an f this is a fail uh kyle larson i hope his his other paint teams are better than this one because this is not an inspiring start by any means so this is an f i'm really pessimistic this morning this is this is unfortunate we shouldn't have done this in numerical order this was yeah wow this this one's not great either remember when this one was revealed they teased it but they they blanked out the logo on the hood and everyone thought oh viagra is coming back it's great it's amazing and then it was you know kohler generation oh just no disrespect to them great to have a new sponsor in this sport this one's not that great this is uh let's just keep be consistent put in d tier as well i know there's some really good ones coming so i got to free up some space and those uh abc and of course the groovy tier there at the top here we go all right leave it to oscar meyer to get us rolling nice and good here it's bright it's colorful you all know i often like bright and colorful paint schemes this is just a rendering but i know based on last year's schemes and year before schemes what the oscar mayer cars often look like so i have a feeling this thing's gonna look delicious on the racetrack this looks better than last year's oscar mayer cars quite honestly because they actually have a hot dog clearly illustrated there they got the mustard streak i'm sure they have ketchup on here somewhere i need a better photo but uh yeah this is an 8-year scheme i love the oscar maya cars and i have a feeling this will fit right in with the best of them i was hoping we could get two in a row that we're good but no this one sucks this one is terrible f tier for this one i'm sorry it's plain white with like what light greenish blue what is wagonda you theory i don't i don't know what the sponsor is the design is boring it's no no i'm sorry i don't like this does not look cool this does not scream cool fast race car to me this this is an f-tier man we need something to turn this around something has to go well here come on there we go thank you goodness gracious from the worst to the best this is uh this is fantastic yep i think we might have our first groovy tier ranking of the day yeah i gotta give it to the this uh alan kolwiki you know the hooters car sort of loosely inspired by with the white and the orange of course they're working out of the same garage and they share the seven number now uh flame schemes when they're done right they're particularly special this one feels really really good so i'm excited the only thing i find a little weird about this scheme is the color temperature or tone of the number seven is a little bit different than the orange everywhere else on the scheme that seems a little weird to me i feel like that should match a little bit but i'll let it slide this is fantastic i gotta we gotta turn things around put this thing in the groovy tier we gotta get some positivity in this oh man are we ever gonna get two good schemes in a row this one sucks this is terrible you know with all the talk of nascar wanting to slide the door numbers back to make more room for sponsorship logos what the hell is lenovo rcr doing look at all this wasted space on this paint scheme that lenovo logo is tiny there's so much space they could be using that they're not even trying to use i mean the black and blue is fine but it doesn't match the red logo it's this is a bad scheme i got to put this in the f tier as well come on we need we need some good vibes here we need some good paint schemes come on nascar come on teams okay actually this one's not bad either all right i'll put this in a tier cheddars i love me some cheddars they got those croissants those buttery flaky croissants there on the on the front of the car actually going all the way across the side of the car that's pretty cool i like the the gradient from white into kind of an orangey yellow and then that dark reddish orange brown the color of cheddars actually i like this scheme quite a bit yeah a tier for this one all right okay can we get two in a row can we get two good paint teams in a row here no no why why this i should not have got a numerical order this was my mistake i asked for this why i'm sorry guys no matter what you say in the comments i will never i will never like these lumar schemes as long as they continue to put the random blue door and roof numbers what the heck honestly last year's alex bowman scheme was maybe my favorite lumar scheme uh in recent memory this one's not terrible in fact i'll put it in i'll put it in d tier i'm not going to fail it i'm not going to fail this thing that d tier is becoming quite quite busy down there but goodness me i still don't love these paint schemes i'm sorry guys all right all right come on here we go all right the champion's getting a little facelift that's right his napa scheme is getting a slight adjustment just kind of added some yellow streak some stuff there on the side skirt as well this one's pretty good i like his his traditional napa scheme this isn't too far off from that i'll put this in b tier i like that the champion's getting a small facelift and i like that they added some yellow but i don't know not a whole lot else to say about this game but it's b this is a decent one this is a good one okay eric gamarola oh i don't know what to think of this one see on one hand i actually kind of like that rustic uh checkered flag you know tattered pattern going across the contingency panel there but at the same time i don't like i don't really like the uh the hood the hood design like that doesn't pop nobody's gonna be able to read what that says nobody's gonna see the smithfield logo so that seems like a miss in my opinion uh i'll put it in c tier this is a very average paint scheme because some things i like some things i don't like overall it's not bad so it's average i'll put it in c tier got to put some cars and seats here now okay all right i almost said clint boyer but chase briscoe the killer bees look at this scheme very similar to his uh to his xfinity car from last year i like this one quite a bit as well you know boyer briscoe b i'll put this thing in b tier i think this is a good paint scheme this one's solid oh and speaking of the killer b's chris busher get out of the way bush i need to see this car whoa castrol i liked castrol's 2020 scheme quite a bit they had on newman's car i assume they'll be back on newman's car this year as well but maybe they're just on buscher's car this looks really really nice i i'm digging it i know i usually hate green paint schemes but i gotta give this one some love shoot i'll put this in groovy tier like the green and red giving me christmas in july vibes even though we're in february but it looks great wow this is surprisingly really really sharp all right fast and all okay this one's different than past years i like the the all-white hood with the the logo very clear um it's not not super exciting beyond that i'll put this one in seat here i think yeah this this one belongs in in seat here i think oh the auto owner's car is back and they've made some changes i like the two-tone the two different blues there on the hood also on the side sort of fades into the dark blue on the back i like this scheme a lot i saw some people on twitter hating on this paint scheme saying oh how'd you take that car and make it so much worse i don't agree i actually think this looks really really good i don't think it's quite groovy tier it's not quite as bright and eye-catching as my favorite auto owner scheme from a few years back but i'll put this in a tier the big resource logo on the side is is a bit out of place but other than that this thing looks sharp i'll put it in a tier to match to match the letter on the hood oh baby oh i know what's coming the christopher bell schemes the 20 card they are here this one's nice it's not that different from his scheme last year there's a little more red they got rid of a lot of the white and replaced it with red so i like that a lot i feel like this paint that this photo is making this scheme look way more badass than it actually is going to be on the track so i'm not going to fall for it and put it in groovy tier no i'm not gonna put it quite there just yet but i'll put an a tier we're on a roll right now we got some really good paint schemes coming out right now i'll put this in a tier really good but i know what's coming up next oh my babies the dewalt paints games yes the yellow and black has not looked this good really in in probably a couple of years i mean eric jones's car last year was fantastic he just didn't run the dewalt colors that much really all the yellow and black dewalt schemes throughout history have been almost perfect universally i love the black and yellow i am biased because i grew up a matte kenseth fan and the yellow and black dewalt colors still feel nostalgic to me but this whole list is biased i mean it's all about my biases these are my paints paint scheme opinions everyone's gonna have different ones yeah this is a groovy tier without a oh my god the erwin tools i don't know if this one's actually different than last year's but either way the rendering looks gorgeous yeah oh that's perfect oh dude stanley tools as well i forgot about this one give me a old school dollar general matt kansas vibes as well this one some people were saying ah jj are you missed with this scheme i don't agree it's simple but oh my gosh is this thing gonna stand out on the racetrack yeah i know this is great as well fantastic the only thing that might have made this better and i don't actually know this but if they made the 20 on the side black i wouldn't have matched the other schemes it might not look as good as i'm thinking in my head but that might have been really really cool the craftsman car yellow red blue all the primary colors represented perfectly by the craftsman dewalt stanley family of brands my goodness yeah put them all in groovy trees put them all together these are beautiful these renders are gorgeous i hope these cars live up to the hype on track this is yeah craftsman tools or when all the tool companies man killed it absolutely killed it this year i am floored doordash for bubba wallace i like this scheme pretty well again it's very simple the big doordash logo is super prominent on the hood looks really clean a few people pointed this out after i reacted to this on an out of the groove episode and i didn't notice it at the time but they're right what the heck is the deal with the number on the door being slanted one direction and then that little white you know design being slanted against it so you get the logos and the designer like this together why would you not you know point them the same direction have them like this i feel like that was a no-brainer they must have tried it and maybe it looks weird or something but that's the only thing it feels like they're clashing a little bit with how the logos and the door numbers are angled and everything but i'll let it slide this is good i'll put this in a tier actually this looks really sharp the other 2311 car this is ty dillon's car for the clash it's not bad i mean the orange is kind of kind of grungy a little bit it's a very dark uh orange i'd say not bad uh it's again it's very clear the logos are very clear on it it's it's simple but not not bad at all i know it's not great commentary i'll give it a c i'll put it in c tier ooh hello liberty university trying something a little bit different this year i forgot about this painting this looks pretty good as well of course the red white and blue that's their colors that's their thing the flames i like that liberty's you know still sticking with the flames uh in a very subtle way but a very clear and and very clean looking way that looks nice i also kind of like the red glow or shadow the drop shadow on the 24 on the side that that looks pretty neat as well uh i'll put this this will sneak into a tier i was thinking b but no i'll put this in a tier that's not bad oh yes this scheme got a lot of people talking a few weeks back i like that they're trying something different i like that they didn't just stick with another jeff gordon flame scheme rip off they tried something a little bit different here the matte black with the shiny colors on it does look pretty cool in some of those uh promotional videos they posted um that being said like i said on my out of the groove episode i don't think this is a better scheme than the flame scheme i just like that they tried something different and there maybe this will grow on me throughout the year maybe it won't i'll put it in b tier it's still a good scheme i actually like it quite a bit but uh we'll see how i feel about this thing in like august you know once we've seen it a few times and and maybe they'll adjust on it a little bit i i like it though bt for me austin cendrick this is another b tier i think you know not as colorful as the last one but very bold again the logos are really clear the design is simple subtle but effective and i like the again i like the red outline of the 33 car on the black paint scheme that's pretty that's pretty cool as well this will be yeah this is a b tier scheme for austin cinder hopefully we see this thing a few times this year okay i immediately immediate reactions are i like the the logo on the hood it's super bold and clear i like the black number on the door also that's pretty neat other than that it's kind of forgettable i'll put it in i'll put it in c tier it's not a great scheme it's certainly not a bad scheme it's an average one i'll put it in c not bad certainly not bad all right oh this car forgot about this car dude wipes for anthony alfredo this looks like the uh the one that noah gregson's going to run the daytona 500 i guess i can react to both of those at the same time they look kind of similar uh but this one looks cool i like the light blue i like the black i wish i need to find like a better photo of the hood but this is okay i'll put it in c tier as well and same with that noah gregson uh 62k yeah for a beard motorsports it's you know this is a familiar paint scheme it's not my favorite scheme in the world i do think it's cool it's not in this photo but noah graxson's putting mark beard's name above the driver's side door of course the team owner who unfortunately passed away uh last week so that's really cool that greg's and beer motorsports are doing that scheme looks decent they look very similar the 38 and the 62 look quite similar i'll put them both in seat here together cold custer haas man we're on such a good roll but this is a dud yeah this this goes in d tier i think it's just boring i mean maybe that gray that silver is gonna really shine and look fantastic on the track so perhaps i'll regret this this ranking but just looking at it in the render it's not very exciting i missed the daniel suarez sort of glitchy uh pixelated version of the scheme that was much more black and red focused that was a really good scheme the silver i hope looks good i'm not confident well i bet the wrapping and it's probably gonna look really dull but maybe i'll stand corrected on that oh this is a new sponsor new colors giving me new york yankees pinstripe vibes it's kind of like it almost looks like the pattern or the the texture is like a wood paneling sort of and then there's kind of the faded baby blue this isn't bad it's it doesn't scream you know super fast hardcore epic race car necessarily but it's i'll put it in seat here this one might grow on me as the year goes on though we'll see how many races he runs it in this is not bad not i forgot about this one this one should surprise me oh oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness revealed this week we have an early contender for paint scheme of the year eric jones's daytona 500 car wow oh they finally found a fluorescent orange scheme to match the ridiculous fluorescent orange roof number that they insist on putting on all of their paint schemes and often ruins them wow armor all is an stp brand so that's why the stp sticker is very prominently displayed as well this looks super super super nice yeah this has to be a groovy tier my goodness this is gonna be a tough one to beat holy holy moly bush clash car for jones also not bad very pretty blue similar similar looking design down there on the like the the side skirt area a little bit different i guess you got the orange roof number though and see it looks a little out of place here um this one's good i'll put this one in in b tier b tier not quite as exciting as the last one certainly not as exciting as the last one but still a solid sort of almost petty blue style scheme that's pretty cool what is this okay i like the hood i like the design on the hood it's really simple the kroger logo is super clear but what's going on with the side of this thing you got two different streaks going two different directions at two different angles two different colors i i see what they're doing here it's a nos energy scheme from the back half you know the back the side of the car on back so that's why there's red but it just doesn't match this thing looks no it's not good i'm gonna put this one in the f tier i'm sorry it's no i know we're gonna probably see this scheme a lot this year so that makes me a little has me a little bummed out oh yes oh boy alex bowman's ally scheme i'm sorry jimmy johnson fans this is the best you know main ally scheme that has been run in nascar i love jimmy's silver car this last year and a couple of the other one-offs they ran but as far as his main primary the main ally scheme that we're gonna see most of the year this one takes the cake a lot of people didn't like the greenish blue you know trim and highlights and everything i love it i think that gives this thing a retro feel that's unmatched by many many other cars in the nascar cup series it looks great and this rendering doesn't fully do it justice you need to look at like a real photo yeah like this where you can really see what the base purple is gonna look like that's gorgeous that is gorgeous easy g groovy tier for me i hope he runs well this year this scheme looks gorgeous oh and speaking of pretty purple cars what the rick wear racing drop and some dimes where did this come from i wish the design on the side actually looked good because the yellow and green there looks kind of stupid but the purple is really pretty just because of the purple alone i gotta put this in beat here you guys know me i love some good-looking purple race cars and this one i mean i got the purple right the rest of it's kind of wrong but i'll put it in b that's enough for me to say it's in b tier that's pretty hey josh balicki look at you with the oh black and yellow you'll know i like some black and yellow this one's pretty good too i gotta put this in bt i gotta show rick rare racing and those cars some love as well b tier for uh for belicky here uh timmy hills 66 okay this this is a kind of a low-res photo but it the red seems kind of dull on this it feels like if that red was popping a little bit more i would put this higher but because the red looks kind of dull i got to get put this thing in in d tier i think the design's pretty decent i just i just wish the wish the color was a little popped a little bit better you know if you have a bright red you gotta take advantage of it this photo's not doing justice maybe oh gosh the spire cars what is going on here these i see what they're doing the blue and the black are basically just swapped on each scheme i don't know something about this isn't really working for me i think it's the blue and the black are are too close they're too similar in color that that gradient just seems out of place this just this does not look like a paint scheme you'd see one of the top teams running it's just something about the scheme looks like it looks like a spire scheme i i don't know how to say that it sounds very derogatory but it's just this doesn't i'm sorry i gotta put this in f i don't i don't really see what they're trying to do here it doesn't i'm sorry it does not work for me maybe i'll disagree this one just i can't really put my finger on i think it's the black and the blue this one doesn't work i'm sorry spire hello all right live fast motorsports this one's interesting you know the bright blue and the green it's okay it's not really my style but it's okay the one thing i i do question about this scheme are those black stripes those streaks there on the hood you know how like it looks like the car is damaged you'll see like teams bring out big pieces of tape and try to tape down the hood after they've been in a wreck that's what this looks like so this car looks like it's damaged a little bit on the hood because of those motorsport games black and red logos but other than that the scheme's not too bad i'll put it in i'll put it in c tier it's got my boy rusty on the car as well that's fantastic all right we're getting near the end here the 96 of ty dillon with bass pro on the hood you know i'm not a big like camo guy like the camo style pattern isn't really my thing but this looks this looks good it matches of course bass pro shops it even kind of matches black rifle coffee speaking of taking advantage of the space look at how they did this on the side here the bass pro shops logo is there on the contingency panel that black black rifle coffee logo is taking up the entire side panel that's that's how you do it right there take notes who was it earlier that failed at this who was it rcr lenovo whoever it was you know but i'll put this in seat here it's pretty solid it's not bad it's not great i just i'm not a big fan of the camo colors and everything but that's just a personal thing overall it's actually pretty good i think this is a decent scheme oh boy we're going out with a bang we've made it to the 99 i like this one a lot i do wish like i said on my out of the groove episode i wish they'd committed to the colorful pattern and just kept the colors going instead of the black hood and the black roof i wish i wish they just kept the the pretty colors of flow and that being said this still has to be i know he has some really good ones coming i'll put this in b tier just for that reason by itself but i know these next ones are pretty special oh wow yes oh hits me every time i see it k1 speed like i've said these cars all these paint schemes look very modern they look like modern race cars which there's some good and bad with that but i love that the k1 speed logo is super clear that red oh i hope that red looks as good on the track as it does in this render right here because that is deep that is beautiful i think we have another groovy tier nominee right here groovy tier for the k1 speed car this makes me want to go drive go-karts for sure pump it up this is a riskier scheme i'll say this i think the white spoiler on this game a lot of paint schemes a lot of cars just go with black spoilers doesn't matter what the paint scheme is can be super colorful they'll just slap a plain black spoiler on it going with the white spoiler here actually i think enhances this paint scheme immensely of course there's all the colors on the side and everything that's pretty cool as well we'll see how it looks on the track i'll put this one in a tier the spoiler helps it out a lot i don't know why i feel that way but it's very subtle but that's how i feel and lastly i believe this is the last one i fly red white and blue look super duper nice again a very clean modern stylized design going on here this one also belongs i think in a tier a lot of great paint schemes coming out of track house here to start the season but i believe that's it i believe we've made it through the entire list wow alright so there you have it we got a few beautiful schemes here in groovy tier i mean all that corey lejoy the the flame schemes gorgeous all of the christopher bell dewalt stanley cars are perfect eric jones and the orange armor all that's great i love the allied car maybe some others will disagree so we do have some absolute bangers that are set to hit the track here at the start of 2021 but uh also some some less lesser great ones lower down the list let me know in the comments which of these you agree with which you disagree with give me your grooviest paint schemes of the 2021 season so far there's still plenty more schemes i'm sure will be revealed as the year goes on new sponsors get signed new designs get finished but a pretty great start we started out really bad in this video but finished extremely strong so i'm i'm feeling good i'm feeling very very good whoa guys i was wrapping up the video and we have another late entry denny hamlin has a new sponsor that's right fedex is not sponsoring every race this season he's got a new scheme wow ooh offer pad wow all right cool new sponsor as for the scheme i i thought i thought we were ending this one on a high note now i'm just now i'm just confused i kind of like the orange on the hood uh the dark grayish greenish blue oh yeah i wow this one really makes me feel weird i don't i don't know where to stick this one so we're going to end this episode on a confusing note not a high note not a download we're all just confused let me know what you think of hamlin scheme down in the comments my goodness that's what a way to end it thank you all for watching subscribe if you're new we talk nascar daily and now the season is starting business is only going to pick up i'll see y'all in the next video take care everyone thanks for watching you
Channel: Eric Estepp
Views: 70,455
Rating: 4.7544379 out of 5
Keywords: NASCAR, paint schemes, Out of the Groove, news, 2021
Id: VunWbpUtX8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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