2021-2022 - Kentucky vs North Florida (Game 6)

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[Music] with some more scc basketball 10th ranked kentucky on a nice little four-game run after their opening loss to duke taking on the osprey of north florida just one and five on the year dave neal alongside my partner the shooter pat bradley glad you could join us pat let's talk about some news we just found out that keon brooks who was going to be in the starting lineup was a shoot around today but just a moment ago was out here warming up but felt ill and the team doctors and you can understand the way we are in the society decided the best interest of everybody to shut him down for tonight so no keon brooks already out with uh david and misses out with another illness second consecutive game so what does this do for kentucky now well keon brooks is the most experienced player in a kentucky uniform he communicates to the other to his teammates what coach cal's expecting out there not to mention he's your most uh versatile defender at six foot seven and he gives you 14.5 rebounds so you're gonna have to find somebody to come in to have the impact defensively and also on the glass that he gives you well they're gonna go with damian collins in that starting lineup for mr brooks against albany in their last game monday night had a solid game 17 minutes played he hit two out of three from the field a couple of free throws finished up with six points three rebounds and also at a game-high three blocks so a chance for the freshman out of atlanta texas to make his first start in a kentucky uniform tonight so interesting you know you just uh time of the year where you're just trying to contain whether it's a flu bug or some sort of connection to covet you just don't know and so brooks not available tonight so anyway north florida comes in here from jacksonville florida they have been on the road it seems like the entire month of november [Applause] and a good start right out of the gates for mr collins who gets that blocked shot jumper no good the follow is good from collins making the most of his opening minutes and that's where he is going to have the most impact on the game running the floor offensive rebound state around the rim he's he's wrought physically talented you can see his father is actually in the audience now from atlanta texas here's an entry pass to jonathan a bar they'll kick it back out to jose blaser jose misfires here's wheeler back the other way [Applause] savior [Music] does a good job starting to break secondary tight ties got to step into that make that jump shot great ball fake from carter hendrickson who's coming back home we'll have more on that story actually we'll get into it as you look at the starting five for north florida out of doing a along with hendrickson james jose and jonathan avar you're five there but it's carter hendrickson coming back home grew up here in lexington went to lexington christian academy it is a big night for him he had to find 30 tickets [Applause] coming back here to play in rupp arena you know he's at a 10 right now emotionally right there's no question playing in front of family and friends at rupp arena where he grew up in the same town his family's all here and another great decision they've got to run this kentucky team has got to push the tempo opens up the floor for your shooters kellen grady ty ty washington but also oscar shebway attacking going straight to the block being big you can't miss him if you miss oscar she wave you're just not trying to work [Applause] so north florida he's done a good job of getting in the lane last couple of possessions great he fires no good and the rebound to the osprey it has been a brutal road for north florida to start this year at texas tech at texas a m at grand canyon at arizona state at ucla those were their first five games that sounds like a lot of fun a lot of per diem on the road no doubt just just like i thought all about the money for the shoot-up shibuy gets into the logo and he'll be fouled and head to the free-throw line let me tell you this damian collins starting this game take out first of all that was a fantastic follow-up dunk right he's active he's alert he's on the glass but he catch and shoot two jump shots in the corner he's ready to play at shoot around today him and cheatway with the last two spent about extra 30 minutes shoot i like that and he makes a nice pass to oscar in the paint so this kid's not going to say he didn't know he's going to stop but he's ready to play this game sheboy now 8 out of 11 at the free throw line this year great talking with him today the transfer from west virginia that he's really been working on that free throw i know he got one out of two there but coach really wants him to go up strong with the basketball get to the free-throw line he's got a nice soft touch dave does for a big fella you saw collins out there defending hendrickson going to have to do that on the perimeter now ty ties on him of course he's a really good shooter and he's going to be a matchup problem for most of his opponents in his lead there's the three from dory and james matthew driscoll the head coach at north florida been there 13 years told us today that that's what's got to go down they're gonna have to make a bunch of threes tonight at the end of the shot clock too that's gonna that's gonna help right use as much clock as you can not turn it over and get a good shot collins hangs in the air and offensive foul go the other way with it in a tie game [Applause] first substitution for kentucky is jacob thompson who's been out with an injury bad shoulders played just a little bit in the opening game but he is back on the floor now for the cats [Applause] collins there one dribble right nice little eight seven eight foot floater off the glass takes that offensive foul right out of play loose ball underneath last touched by north florida it will belong to kentucky i referees today you see joe lindsey there on the baseline jason baker and josue nieves round out the triumvirate of mint and stripes the men and stripes doing you see a lot of the same dribble handoff offense from kentucky [Applause] [Applause] before he passes into the front court gotta stay in front of him good job good hesitation jose averaging about 10 points a game almost three rebounds he really struggled with his three-point shot but that should come in time he's just 22 from behind the arm he hadn't shot in his own gym the whole entire season their last game was at home the only time they played in jacksonville this year foul on shebway on that loose ball that'll be his first 7-5 the osprey out with an early lead [Applause] florida with an early lead over kentucky seven to five first half basketball davey alongside pat bradley glad you could join us and inside that north florida huddle is their longtime coach matthew driscoll and coach cal got the jobs at the same time with their respective schools big hires both of them he won 21 games a couple of years ago tied for a sunbelt or a-sun championship with liberty but last year kind of fell on some hard times super young team and obviously with all the not the time as kentucky could certainly appreciate not the time to have a really young roster a year ago in terms of trying to get some team bonding stuff all worked out so they struggled last year at 8 and 15 flip it feels like those guys are back now they've had that time and feels like this is a team that can play for an a-sun championship this year they're older and these road trips brought this team together the chemistry i told you that there were some road trips i went on in college with my teammates it tore us apart okay it could go either way but this north florida team it has come together through all of the traveling and playing in the various arenas so it's been a good experience for these guys but we all meet up at the end it's all good i'm sure there are some stories that you will now that i'm going to ask about when this game's over here's hendrickson trying to drive to the right side little ball fake up and under ware who just came in by the way first time we've seen him in a while he's been out with a bad ankle he gets down to florida hurricane here's his chance topping with the pass to wear and surrounded by a couple of blue jerseys and the oscar back the other way love the temple running on opportunity for kentucky did a good job getting back now in front of uh for half court defense set that up didn't allow anything easy by the offspring there's a deflection by topping last touch there by jacob cruz it'll belong to kentucky we always talk about when teams come into erupt early on in the year they don't ever see the length that kentucky has and you'll see that effect throughout the game on north florida although they played high-level teams the last few weeks but kentucky's length is uncommon need to get tie-tai going washington over two from the field here's top and though baseline off the back of the iron and north florida is going to shade over to taitai's uh area and allow for we saw early on damon collins shooting the shots and now uh jacob toppin boy nice entry pass feeds jaden parker give that assist to hendrickson so far is getting the ball in the lane that's that's what's hurt ally oop to wear wheeler with the assists this is where it starts right here savior wheeler staying in front of plaza not allowing him into the lane which penetration is the most devastating move in all of basketball [Music] so hendrickson gets a friendly roll off the front of the iron knocks home that three tied tai washington back there quickly lost it top and we'll head to the free throw line great pass by carter henderson good finish that's not an easy finish right there and then of course savior wheeler push and push and push it makes a great decision lance weir i love big fellas that run straight to the rim right go straight to the rim now if it's if it's clogged up certainly you know you you don't have to go all the way around the value of a guy understand where strength is you know sofia is going to get it to you on time on top like tom brady exactly like tom brady i mean that was quicker that was a quicker tom brady reference that i thought were gonna come with [Applause] i got my jersey [Music] [Applause] you could tell that defensive possession by kentucky was it was going to be their best one of the games he stayed in front of their man communicated switched when they had to and that's like we talked about henderson he's not going to see the ability for defenders to switch as often as kentucky came during his regular season sheboy with an offensive rebound he pulls down almost 35 percent of kentucky's missed shots affected that shot nedway bounced around right into the hands of cruz a little euro step in the lane that won't go and washington out to wheeler alley-oop to top it oh put it down jacob he scraped the ceiling on that one he's missed that the last four games topping at 4.6 rebounds playing 23 minutes against duke played with played with an injured shoulder in that and just decided to shut him down for a little bit let him get healthy and it looks good tonight here's allen back to wheeler now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a couple of bad passes by kentucky we'll give it to the osprey [Applause] they're going to have to take advantage get up some shots because kentucky is going to rebound and run [Applause] take advantage of the turnovers and run right here you gotta attack on this though [Music] [Applause] good shot [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we played a couple of minutes here back and forth these guys breathing pretty heavy at this point they still got some of that turkey flowing through him from the sna problem lanier had his shot blocked by topping for he's tough out there at the top of that defense off the backboard goes jaden parker [Applause] and a foul there on jaden parker 14-10 the osprey just one and five but feeling comfortable to this point inside rough arena key part of this tie type washington gets that defensive rebound starts the break salvia wheeler you know he's going to get it on time on target to top it runs in the family he's just got those athletic jeans what a catching finish [Applause] hey tomorrow it's all about the rivalries 13 of the college football season starts off with florida and florida state at noon eastern we'll have a command center version with unique camera angles and stats and infographics that vandy takes on tennessee at kneeland stadium in knoxville and we cap the day with clemson squaring off against south carolina and our sec saturday night matchup all three games right here on the sec network and of course the espn app one app one tap so they just looked at that last foul a moment ago and was there two or three on a little pump fake and they decided that there was a foot on the line so it will be two free throws coming up for kentucky right here so north florida leading by four as we go to our second media timeout 10 42 to go here in the first half and the cats just not having much success offensively they are three for 14 from the field they're getting good looks this couple of bunnies uh some open jump shots although north florida's defense is sort of directing where the ball goes who's open they're doing a good job defensively in guarding tie ties not not a lot of space [Music] dante allen hero in a few games last year shooting the three so they're going north florida goes in that zone they're gonna be looking for dante a lot good job savior wheeler there close off that driving lane off the back of the rim allen [Applause] looked like he had his hand on it for a moment and good box out on the baseline and it'll be kentucky basketball he kept jayden parker from getting there so on that last three long shots long rebounds we know that guards have to stay involved in that rebound on the three-point shot for those long rebounds [Applause] like that attack by savior thought he was going to turn the corner and make something happen out of that [Applause] wheeler wide open for three off the front of the rim and that hit off the back it looked like a chasm near so it'll stay with kentucky i don't think i've ever seen a defensive rebound hit the defender off the back of the head in front of the head i see wow washington back on the floor here's carter hendrickson this team's leading scorer almost 14 a game he's had an unbelievable career at north florida last couple of years he's averaged 14.9 points per game [Applause] cheeboy catch and shoot don't hesitate big fella you know he can make that shot getting down on the floor that will be a foul against emmanuel etidoya as tata hustling ty ty washington has done multiple things to make an impact on this game without even scoring he on one end set up for a charge got a defensive rebound started the break from the top and alley oop he's made great passes on the half court [Applause] he just got to hit a shot he's over four he will he's gonna be ready catch attack get low [Applause] take yeah coach driscoll decided to put a little size on him a bart six nine defending yeah experienced guy and that's one of the keys going into this game was for ty ty washington to continue his offensive production just continue to get more comfortable in the offense [Applause] [Music] again no key on brooks tonight he was out here warming up and just moments before the game we got word that he wasn't feeling well the team doctors decided to shut him down for the evening [Applause] don't reach a wheeler intercepts that pass savior to the basket you see how quick he is man that's made up his mind he knew he had an advantage to the hole [Applause] jonathan a bar [Applause] shaking the rim [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] entry sheebway wastes no time getting that shot up it spins out of there [Applause] back the other way wow what a move inside out and a collision on the baseline but shebay grabs the loose basketball tie tie washington now [Music] brady blaser another rebound he's got seven boards were you surprised by that he's only five ten [Applause] hendrickson lost the handle scraps for it with tie tie washington it'll belong to the cats [Music] north florida still hanging tough on the road their lead is too great job savvy wheeler stepping in that passing lane sees the advantage with that lefty scoop shot and north florida does a great job great cut to the basket by a beard doing chin-ups on the rim leflard up four [Applause] don't forget coming up after this one it's the second game of tonight's double header as wichita state shockers in columbia take on missouri gonzo martin trying to get his club prime for sec play it's all coming up right here on the sec network of course you can catch it on the espn app if you are out and about but the story here is north florida team it's one and five and it's played some high level basketball to get this season started didn't have much success in terms of wins and losses but leading by two against john calipari's club and it's it's shocking to look at the rebound numbers right here north florida is plus five in the rebound department and you start thinking about this team rebounding they were out rebounded by 30 against ucla by 21 against texas tech 17 against grand canyon but yet they're plus five right now against the kentucky team that's plus 20 against their opponents no rebound there as damian collins almost busted his chin on the rim he was looking down for a while too he was looking down for about five seconds in the rim great pass dante allen great design play coming out a little huddle for coach cal [Applause] boy he just ripped it right out of the hands of jaden parker another rebound for shebway he's got four of those young man averaging 16 a game to lead the country as he said he didn't model his rebounding against anybody he just said i just always rebounded i'm just gonna go get it another turnover for kentucky and he does he he understands instincts he actually watches the release on the basketball to know if it's short if it's long and he's got a calculated where a shot from one side will fall on the opposite side of the rim 75 of the time versus 25 back to where the shot came from it's a lot of math man he seemed a lot smarter than you and i when we were talking to him just so you know i don't know if anybody explained to me i understood [Applause] wheeler with his second layup now a takeaway savir takes it himself and the finger roll is good back to back baskets in about 10 seconds for wheeler has given kentucky the four-point lead timeout osprey and that's been the difference 10 turnovers from north florida savvy will oh a little hesitation hook off right there under control he's so good in those situations his great body control he attacks and what makes him such a great patch you see another look off right there the defender what makes him such a great passer is he is a threat to score that is so important for somebody who's averaging eight assists per game his goal is to average ten uh you gotta continue to be the first to score he's so quick getting out in transition you know watching him on monday night against albany you don't really even notice it but when the game's over he finished with 15 points seven rebounds and seven assists in that game oh he's triple-double he really is and one against uh had one with georgia a year ago but those turnovers you're talking about as north florida has turned it over 10 times they have led to 12 kentucky points here in the opening half the cats now are out in front by four on a 6-0 run i like this pressure kentucky's putting on love coach cal a lot of times when you want to get your team's attention focus energy effort defensively it's not even a press right because then they're going to be engaged they're not waiting in the half court for the team to bring up the ball one north florida basketball 15 on the shot clock 5 31 on the game clock [Applause] their leading scorer carter hendrickson just one made shot it was a three-pointer second time they stepped on that sideline same side on the floor washington still looking for his first basket [Applause] allen catch and shoot couldn't tell if dorian james got a piece of that or not but he chased it down she boy battling kept alive there and collins making his impact known staying around the rim that's the offensive rebound we're accustomed to watching these kentucky teams [Applause] filling it for keon brooks that's where brooks would have been i love taita's intensity good recovery that's a little two-man game right there parker gets that one to go down parker's had a nice first half six points and north florida gets the basketball back as xavier can't hang on to the basketball so see these are the things dave that kentucky has got to clean up they mental focus just a little later that's the second time they've tried to take it in they hadn't counted for north florida sticking around to try to defend that and it's those little things that add up over the course of a game in the open floor in double figures with 10. washington steps inside the yard got it his first penis [Applause] kentucky feeling it right now oscar sheebly steps in that passing lane to damien college skye puts kentucky up 26-18 we will see just a few at the half dorian okay patrick young number one south carolina on the women's side cruises no problem we'll show you that also big football game missouri and arkansas sam pittman's team finishes a great season what are you seeing from uk here a little bit of a slow start but they're finding the groove getting down the fast break and hopefully the second half they'll run away with it that's it we will see you here in just a few [Applause] times around our last timeout they trailed 16-14 so a nice little 10-2 run right here by the way i gave dante uh or excuse me damian collins an extra basket he's at eight points i gave him the extra two uk started this game five of 20 from the field but since then they are six of eight [Applause] [Applause] double team and that'll be it so another turnover by north florida that is number 13 of the first half kentucky's got their field goal percentage up to 39 percent they still have yet to hit a three over six from behind the arc [Music] allen gets it to wash step back three sheebway taps it to wheeler dante allen wide open three that won't go sheboy another board he's just a monster down there hicklin got it that's a three [Applause] [Applause] washington man what a night he just can't buy one that was halfway down the cylinder little floater this time goes [Applause] sheave way with that rebound oscar now with seven boards allen will try for three no good sheebway this is incredible watching him rebound the basketball tata finally he says finally his first three in the first three for the cats after they missed 10 straight to start this game [Music] [Applause] offensive foul and it's ty ty washington taking the charge the second time he's done that second on parker boy has just been a monster on the backboard all season long continuing here kentucky has taken the rebounding edge they're now plus four in the rebound department [Applause] [Music] stolen away by the osprey back the other way is adedoyen or excuse me that was hicklin who ball faked top of the key off to hendrickson carter trying to find a little bit of room boy topping has just done a nice job on him tonight [Applause] long three sheboy the rebound okay i can't hear him dave or myself [Applause] wheeler into the lane okay i can't brady with the rebound that's number eight that ties his career high he's done it here in the first half not bad for a 511 guard who then takes it to the rim right over top [Applause] shebway offensive rebound now with five points and 10 rebounds [Applause] kentucky getting this pace where they want it up and down sheebway and he just owns the paint here's wheeler going left nobody can stop him shot clock is turned off kentucky struggled out of the gates offensively having a tough time making shots sitting right around 40 sheebway free throw line got it [Music] oscar with another solid performance he will finish with seven points 11 rebounds a couple of assists in that first half a monster in the last 10 minutes on the backboard [Applause] as kentucky takes the 14-point advantage after 20 minutes of play so that'll do it for the first half time to get it to the studio take it away guys kentucky with a 14 point advantage north florida came in here got an early lead and well then kentucky does what kentucky does they started pushing the tempo rebound the basketball and things changed quite dramatically but still a little slow start for kentucky the fact that keon brooks just was removed from this game just moments before tip because he wasn't feeling very well what kind of impact that has on the team damian collins came in did a good job was active made an impact on the glass defensively and that's really what turned it for kentucky when they got down in their defensive stance didn't allow dribble penetration by north florida who'd done a good job and ran off of those turnovers that was gonna that was a huge concern for north florida was the turnovers and then kentucky uh uh turning that into points which they were able to do at a high level and certainly north florida came in here they were not intimidated they got some early baskets and led this thing 16 to 14 with about eight minutes to go in the first half juan was another fine first half he had eight rebounds as well matching his career high but then the cats started running and jumping and that is what savvier wheeler excels at running the break getting his guys to run with me run with me right there again jacob tophan great athletic jeans and damien comes i hadn't seen a guy since sky walker get up like that another alley hoop good to see topping back on the floor as well ware got a couple of minutes in that first half both those guys have been out last four games look at those first half stats kentucky struggled from the floor early on they missed their first ten three-point attempts they finished up one for 12. but really changed the dynamic they were down they were minus five in the rebounding department at the 10-minute mark of the first half and that was one key for north florida right compete on the glass the other thing was not turning over kellen grady great job he's the shooter he's gonna have guys attack him off and make him get off that three-point line that floater isn't easy man that's sherm douglas floater from the corner look it up folks let's see what he's talking about grady had a good second half on monday night for kentucky in their win against albany boston kid very excited to call his game love it that's what we had talked about before more players if they learn how to we call it the jump stop ten foot poppins stop and pop that shot right there takes away the offensive foul high percentage shot [Applause] here's parker he'll kick it out nice drive to the basket by james see right there that's north florida caught kentucky a couple times in the first half [Music] on that inbounds play wheeler in that first half had five assists sheboy misses los air back the other way hendrickson catch and shoot no good hendrickson needed to have a big night tonight if this north florida team was going to hang with kentucky struggling with just three points cheeboy another rebound wheeler for three and james with the rebound shocking sheboy didn't get there that's right and that's the value he he is a secondary pot of this off just his offensive rebound getting extra shots for this team and we know offensive rebound kick back out three-point line is amongst the highest passes for a three-point shot make [Applause] foul on [Music] collins that'll be his second collins gets the start tonight the freshman out of atlanta texas the 13th ranked player in the country five-star performer out of high school gets the start for keon brooks and there's one thing this kentucky team is is going to get better at is you got to know where kellen grady is at all times because he's such a good shooter you want him to have the ball in his hands to be a threat as many times on the floor as you can belong to kentucky and you know coach calipari was telling us explaining us today you know brady he's a 2 000 point score in his college career big time he is at the top of scouting reports and you're going to have to your guys are going to double team you they're going to they're going to put your best defender on you and so he's got to work a little bit harder to get those shots and that's something that coach cal's been preaching to him outwork the defender he had a lot of experience doing that right there that's the kind of shot okay get the nice roll carter henderson we talked about north florida staying in this game getting back in this game gonna make god to make some threes what's your point with killing grady if he's open you gotta get it to him not that he has to shoot it every time he touches it but he is such a big part of the scouting report for the defense you'll find yourself open right off cube well he has come out firing here in the second half under control hendrickson tries again and he hits the deck no whistle looked like collins just took him to the deck loose ball if underneath sounded like a foul that definitely had the sound i didn't see it clearly but i heard something [Applause] boy matthew driscoll over there can't believe there was no foul on hendrickson he's still chirping about it [Applause] see this is why i love this kentucky team man two shooters all right donthay allen right had some great shooting games last year great shooting games obviously we know kellen grady can shoot the leather off of it ty ty washington another really good shooter this is uh there's more shooters than i've seen kentucky having in a few years [Applause] jayden parker with another basket for north florida good offensive set there and just hard to stop that guy oscar sheebway boy he when he gets it now that's something we've watched kind of just happened here in the park seat he gets it and goes to the basket there's not much delay there no way great pass great position oh never touched the floor dave neal well carter hendrickson coming back home lexington christian academy a couple of threes tonight more on him when we return [Applause] back inside kentucky leads it by 18 now 48-30 cats shooting 44 from the field one of the one of the reasons that there has been some separation it's been tough for the leading scorer for north florida to get cranked up carter hendrickson and you know he was really looking forward to this game carter the fourth year junior out of mount sterling kentucky went to lexington christian academy his mom anita his dad mark there interesting story that matthew driscoll was telling us is that he wasn't really highly recruited but his parents were looking to get out of kentucky wanted to move to florida retirement right word got out that this guy one of the assistant coaches for coach driscoll saw some tape found out that his family thinking about moving to florida and said you know what we better go take a look at this kid he's kind of developing he gets there and he says he didn't have a real good game when coach driscoll saw him play high school games it was not very good but he could tell he could play and then over the next couple of weeks other programs started to get on board and every time you'd see a coach he goes yeah it's just this kid i don't think he's going to amount to much telling the coaches the okie doke hoping back hoping hoping that carter would come to north florida and he ended up getting them and it's been a great run he was first team all a-sun last year second team two years ago uh and has just been a fantastic performer and it's just all worked out for everybody yeah and he's a match-up nightmare nayson because he can shoot it he's big can take it in the post his parents can go to every game you know it's had to get 30 tickets 30 tickets today that's right and his teammates stepped up helped him out right [Applause] some pressure from the cats i was down in jacksonville tournament there the saltiest water i've ever went swimming in that ocean i don't know something about jacksonville it was like the salt lake sticking to it it was i still remember how uncomfortable it was getting stuck right now crevices of you if your teeth arms teeth legs you name it you know you're not supposed to drink them another great job kentucky made basket get up the floor oscar chief wait establishes his position gets big and when you get as big as him you have to throw him throwing the ball he demands it airball out of the corner with dante allen [Applause] a bar back on the floor that'll put parker on the bench wheeler back on tie ty washington we'll take a seat for a moment vince really short for cal you know we were talking today too about the team about playing 10 11 guys this year he says you know i want to get that down to eight maybe nine well he doesn't have a decision today with two guys mints and brooks not available he's got a built in nine right he does this is a great five right here you got two great shooters jacob toppin is we know how athletic he is but he understands the game he fits in could defend any position very compliments the bigs with oscar shebway and obviously the shooters and the server wheeler is the ultimate general out there reminds my old teammate kareem reed left-handed attacks can score amongst the trees fearless so severe is a great get by cal and the transfer the game's changing right before our eyes with these transfers i've always said if you get a guard severe wheeler let's say and my teammates three was like this they could affect the game based on how they defended they could get the opposing point guard out of the team's offensive set not let them to get to one side of the court or the other it's devastating i've seen it many many times a point guard can make that big of a difference defensively on the whole overall outcome of the opponent's offense [Applause] catch shoot hendrickson with the offensive rebound [Applause] [Music] gore had nowhere to go ran right into a couple of big men and collins in shebway washington got it before the ball got past the floor great hands it was already kell and grady set up for a three tie type washington was already set up for a three and chibley had already gotten down the floor boy wheeler just grinding out this possession boy savior bringing some energy to the floor game change do you get a guard like that that can harass the other team's guard change the whole game just off the defense they have opened it up to a 22 point advantage 24 point advantage their largest of the game [Applause] and just a moment ago savior wheeler good effort on defense is rewarded with the basket on the other end that's been the difference savior has gotten in side those opposing guards not allowing him any space almost got a turnover early in that possession came back and just the influence and the effect of that because it's tough enough to score against kentucky but if you're the opposing team point guard you're flossier or any one of their gods now you gotta worry about severe wheeler picking you clean and setting up the offense that's tough so that's why it's so important now you have to be the best conditioned athlete in the country severe wheeler for him to play this way has to be the best condition to athlete the country the other thing i love is uk all five guys are sprinting on offense rebound sprint get down the floor where in the game now for kentucky and out of the timeout jonathan a bar throws one down they've done a good job of finding him open in the paint against some aggressive kentucky defense off that screen here's where coming back from that injured ankle up an under move good strong move stayed with it kept his balance finished with the left hand love they gave him space to work they gave him time to work too north florida shooting 33 from the field just 4 16 from behind the arc [Music] a little too strong where the rebound run run run wheeler going left looks like he might have got hit across the bridge of the nose [Applause] he's normally finishing that play he attacked had his two wings kellen grady to the right tie ty washington left found himself in a one-on-one situation oh yeah he caught one good i'd have been on the floor for about five minutes xavier shaking it off down screen tie tie goes the opposite way little crossover pull-up jumper tapped around and collins can he get off the floor in a hurry he's long but he gets a quick pogo sticks [Applause] [Music] the more pump fakes we saw on one play than we've seen all preseason wheeler the other way [Applause] here's collins a little too strong hopkins steps on the sidelines hopkins getting a couple of minutes here in the second half [Applause] well this young man we're going to say his name a lot mr collins i'm going to call mr collins mr collins is sitting up in the stands his father ben collins damien collins playing around the rim where you need to be for an emphatic two coach calipari in his 13 years here at kentucky the one thing you can say about him we say a lot of things about him but he has been active in the community here in lexington and again yesterday taking his team out to the salvation army giving out hugs and food and just letting his team get out in the community on a very special day he said afterwards the players were all really great with everybody and they went back to his house for a little thanksgiving dinner and then when the food all the food that was left over he went back out and gave it to other folks well this he's the perfect guy for this he understands this community he loves doing it he loves talking to people it's a people business when it comes down to it we're dealing with your players dealing with the community dealing with the school and nobody does it better than coach cal after a slow start tonight they have cranked it up lead is 26. again they trailed 16-14 with about eight and a half minutes to go in the first half and since then they have not looked back in the second half they really played with an edge maybe they didn't start the game with and they've been back on the glass 15 offensive rebounds now to their average that's severe wheeler i'm telling you the effect he can have just start right there north florida now out of everything by the way another double double for chibwei he got that too collins nicked that [Applause] hopkins lost the handle gave it right back to north florida and brady getting up off that kentucky bench in a hurry [Applause] these games though for damian collins hopkins to grow they need these minutes the only way you're going to get better is play gamemakers and in some you're going to make mistakes you've got to learn from you got to make mistakes everybody can't be like dave neal mistake free trying to show up just show up just show up and be on point to show up and win man dave nielway [Applause] i love we come to the gym everybody ask you about your arkansas days nobody ever asked me about my peace tree road methodist church league days nobody ever and that banner is still up there right dave neal went here one more swing quick oh he saw it the idea was it was the execution that was a little off [Applause] almost do it right to coach cal coach cow's gonna be ready to shoot man step into a coach cap did he clinch did he flinch i think he did he's gonna step in he's gonna step into that come on coach good college basketball player himself i don't know if he's known as a shooter good job switching look at lance warehouse defending the perimeter hands high [Applause] [Music] shot clock come on man that's a great defensive possession cal is going to be pumped about some of the defensive possessions he's seen out of his team under 10 minutes to go [Applause] cats on a nice little four-game winning streak trying to push it to five during the stretch they've allowed opponents to just 58 points a game during this four-game win streak they gave up 79 that first game to duke but since then they have been a very good defensive team dave to locale's career he's been able to put out some great defensive teams of course you've got the talent you've got the size the athleticism [Music] [Applause] and that travels that defense you know you can take that annie rini not shooting well some of you guys obviously they got two guys out mints and brooks are out vince missing his second game because of an illness and for brooks was out here shooting before the game and didn't feel well so they sent him home grady flying to the basket he's had a fantastic second half [Applause] hendrickson he's now just two of 12 from the field but james picks up the trash hendrickson a tough time finding the range from behind the arc running at kellen grady doing a good job of that pump fake one dribble pull up a lot of college basketball minutes he understands keep my hands high as he does right there in the passing lane no hesitation sprints out good strong finish with the right hand a lot of people think kellen grady comes in yes he is a great three-point shooter but he's a scorer more importantly there is atta doing knocking that home his first basket is a three-pointer brady four out of five here in the second half he was scoreless in the first half he came out you could see it in his eye he they ran him off three-point line a couple times nice couple pull-ups oh hey now washington spinning in traffic he shot that from his waist hendrickson can't get that to go with an easy two points that's what pushing the basketball does for you because he had kellen grady open on the on the wing he had knew he could attack and get shibley open on dropping it down to him washington now with a dozen points to mass shebway for team honors [Applause] high ties sweet feet washington with a two-handed shot from the waist getting creative tight watching kentucky a bit it's all about the rivalries in week 13 of the college football season florida hosts florida state at noon eastern and then we'll have they'll actually have the command center version unique camera angles and stats and infographics should be a lot of fun for that one and then of course mandy and tennessee play i couldn't get guys doing that game that game can't go on unless i'm there that's right i've done so many of those over the years and i'll do another one tomorrow 3 45 start there and then we'll wrap things up with a good one clemson in south carolina it's our sec saturday night matchup all games right here on this network and of course on the espn app take a look at the leading scorers tonight all four of those guys starters tonight and grady has eight so they could have back-to-back games all five starters in double figures if you can get one more basket i think he's turning that way hasn't made a three only shot two i have a feeling in the next seven minutes i'm sure he'll find a way to get an open open floor shot possibly right here nice steal by the big man how about this had a chance shibuy battling underneath loose ball taken away there by jacob crews here's parker takes it to shebway hold on damian you know it's coming down damien with that 7-5 wingspan has the second best vertical jump on the team at 42 inches he just couldn't resist man it was just right there get up young fella was that close it was close that was close it's scary that he it was that close he could jump that's still going up that was at the could have been right there at the pinnacle of it six nine with a 42 inch vertical that's not fair no he just jumps as high as he has to not as high as he can savior wheeler with his sixth field goal of the game six out of 12. has eight assists tonight right on his average again they're like quiet assist they really are yeah and to the free throw line goes jarius hicklin [Applause] wheeler picks up his second surprising the first trip to the free-throw line hadn't been a lot of free throws in tonight's game yeah kentucky five out of seven and this as you mentioned the first free-throw attempt of the evening for north florida and it's a good one from hick leonard now two out of four on the air at the line and cal's teams traditionally don't get beat on the free throw line they're good long defenders they don't get any cheap fouls a little strong breeze coming through on that shot up ahead deflected and wow give the basket to allen how did that get through the hands and the arms waved in the air great concentration presence of mind knew where he was right when he caught it went straight up with it a little english little spin off the glass with his right hand too hickling can't get it to go sheboy with another rebound here's where kellen grady can set up for a three to go inside though to college with the easy two do you see sprinting up the floor though flatten out the defense damian collins does a great job working that baseline i think severe thought he's gonna throw him a lob too [Applause] another rebound sheboy 15 tonight allen long rebound top here great looking for three on the way no good boy kentucky just can't find if it's the guys they want two to two grady and allen [Applause] all night long stepping in the pass lane great job kevin grady and severe wheeler good concentration dante allen with the little english off the glass boy brady goes to the bench he had a couple of really good wide open looks at three he didn't go down he'll head to the bench one of six from behind he's gonna be thinking about those excuse me over four from behind the arc tie ty washington now with 14. yeah that's going to eat at him until monday night's game for [Applause] sure those are like layups to him [Applause] the cats are three of 19 from behind the arc tonight rebound to dante allen [Applause] bryce hopkins just his second made three of the year these are great minutes for him [Applause] and i like that he's he's got to catch and look for him look to attack look for his game how he can make an impact [Applause] hendrickson and you see how he can be a nightmare in his league right because he can shoot the three strong enough under control can take it in the post backs down he's up to eight points he has put up 14 shots made three of them [Applause] five rebounds for hendrickson but you're right when they get in their league again it's it's incredible to think what their schedule has been as matthew driscoll talks to his big man coming home to lexington and we'll get a nice round of applause for the folks here in rupp arena [Applause] not the night he wanted no it was a tall task to come into ruff and the experience of his family being here growing up here and obviously playing on this court he'll remember that allen with the dump one final thought on carter henderson coming home kudos to coach calipari and coach driscoll for getting this game done easy lay-ins right there from this was a game that north florida didn't need they have to go chase some games for money they had already got the money they needed for their season and this was in addition to those so nice job by those two coaches getting together to make this one happen yeah that's a once-in-a-lifetime experience this savvy wheeler again running that break bryce hopkins steps back and knocks it down playing really good minutes today bryce hopkins plays the time with their family they look full huh yeah they must have been after dinner they were a little slow this morning they were a step behind this morning great recovery just need a little bit of that caffeine i got me i got one and a half cups i spilled on my shoes and i got and i got one cup in i thought one and a half on your shoes the other half on your pants that's right and then you look people need to understand that you know people know kentucky knows that high reeds is right next door to us and you tried to bring three cups of coffee i don't have two hands i'm trying to get to three seconds you spilled it with three cups of coffee trying to open up a glass door and it was all the time say go like this oh kick them out [Music] that was good coffee though man great coffee height regency 3 20 to go in this one and it has been all kentucky since about the eight minute mark of the first half jordan priester getting some minutes the youngster transferred in from bethune cookman that's his first field goal mate of the year is it really i was going to say that's a beautiful catch and shoot looks like he's been doing that a lot more than one time this year 0 for 8 from the field how about hopkins making the most his second three-pointer of the night kentucky's made five threes washington has two hopkins has two the value of him getting these game minutes and a lot of it yeah keon brooks is out dante allen feeling it boy now they're starting to get it and wheeler with another assist that is 14 assists for severe wheeler that is a career high for him allen at the rebound run get you one more we see [Music] [Applause] bryce was looking for his record-setting evening too [Applause] nice pass and the throwdown from jonathan avar give the assist to priester a bar is making a living down there in that pick and roll if kentucky's missing it that's one thing coach cal is going to be able to break down on the tape a beer has had three dunks on that pick and roll nobody's rotated over they've stopped the ball but left him open shebway with a double double tonight another one 12 and 16 for him that's working in small spaces [Music] [Applause] [Music] allen the rebound [Applause] yes seven boards a dozen points tonight for allen coach cow wholesale changes tata with 14 points will head to the bench he leads the team in scoring five rebounds couple of assists severe wheeler with 12 points and 14 assists tonight make that 15 a 14 assists sorry 14 assists for savior that is his career high [Music] 22 assists tonight for kentucky on 36 made shots creating passing lanes we talked earlier about getting open right kellen grady i think was the conversation we're talking about getting open if you want to score you want you have to know how to create a passing land there are some players who you say wow that guy's always open well he understands how to create a passion from so breester just checked into the game here last couple of minutes and making some noise couple of made baskets he said coach give me some minutes i gave it to kentucky i gave it to them all they wanted coach zan payne oh good reach sam hopkins round to watkins oh you got to give the crowd what they want come on watkins put it up [Applause] and fires and that will do it for this one kentucky explodes in the second half and they win this one by 34. it has been a tough road for north florida games at texas tech at texas a m at arizona state at ucla and at kentucky all in all good night for the cats they win their fifth straight after that opening loss to duke that'll do it from here at rough arena so for pat bradley the rest of our crew i'm dave nielsen so long let's get you to dark in the studio
Channel: O__BALL__O
Views: 13,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MFjH-3_v2OM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 8sec (4328 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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