[2020/12/24] chill among us ! (Among Us, Jackbox Party)

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how's it going guys i'm setting up among us because i'm a little late um okay um all right um all right give me two seconds guys i just gotta set everything up um okay all right uh we're here ellie time goopy and jenny thanks for the subs and jack thanks for the sub also and um salty uh merry christmas merry christmas well almost christmas for me um all right guys so i'm a little late we were supposed to start at four um but i'm i'm a smidgen behind schedule so also we got some bad news but that's your number do you have it to me unfortunately we weren't able to get corpses uh merch dropped bretman's number i don't know what happened well i do know what happened i waited in line and then and it just it didn't work so exactly now that's a tough one that's a tough one but that's okay can we make sure that proximity that actually works today yes all right here we go bad news yeah well that's bad news but i suppose that's sort of good news in some senses because because that just means a lot of people bought it okay uh one sec all right whoo whoo i feel like i'm barely ready um all right let's make sure proximity chat works um okay here we go really hope this works because if it doesn't this is gonna be awkward um the link that raised that is that right that we copy and paste into uh no not that one no you set it up before you should hear everyone without needing anything that's definite test test oh i can hear you hello hello hello all right sounds like it's kind of working right now oh i gotta change it's good like reindeer that's for the christmas thing hi hi um although it still makes sense today actually well i don't know how long we're going to play but we're just playing some among us who i feel um i feel like i'm barely ready okay um listen abe saturday sunday same thing what do you mean that's not the same thing it kind of is i have no clue what's happening but it's similar they just have s's in it okay anymore and then i message both posts yes we're just waiting for everyone to join but it should be working i think let's see i hope you feel better soon you can hear me wait what i'm i'm not sick or anything um all right no trolls feel better okay um mckenzie and scotty thanks for the selling strategy tonight hi um okay well we're we're pretty much ready i suppose celebrate on christmas eve let's see holidays can you guys see holidays and one whoo okay uh suppose you're ready hey can you guys hear me yes yes yes hello okay i'm missing oh lula risu thanks for the sub and yumi thanks for the sub also and m chan and r thanks for the subs all right well we're pretty much ready to go um yep oh let's see help scotty thanks for the five gifts up scotty that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch scotty oh um yes we're just ready to go pretty much whoo okay oh uh fiend thanks for the five gift subs fiend that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch fiend i'm excited are you guys excited christmas is tomorrow oh christmas sing us a song baby it's cold outside hello okay i think everyone's working more or less in california oh blazing thanks for the subs and audrey thanks for the time i i really can't stay carl okay but it sounds like it's cold outside [Laughter] should i be concerned or brooke left too you made two people leaving um i'm the worst i'm the host now and i don't want to be the host who did that um rachel thanks for the five gift subs rachel that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch of the most settings and celine thanks for the five gifts of celine all right oh i'm excited this is gonna be a good day yes we can just uh i'm so excited we can leave the discord thing we're not ready i feel like we're missing people okay oh mystery and braden thanks for the subs also guys sorry if i missed some subs just uh like just turned the stream on and we're still trying to set it up we said voice activity right well i still i think i actually can't hear her i can't hear her either right why have you betrayed us test i think it was just broken oh oh there we go okay voice voice activity all right i'm on voice activity now oh my gosh oh everybody do your keys come on okay two keys guys i guess we have to turn on voice activity how do i switch it give me two seconds guys [Music] and what if sometimes you wanna yeah what if i'm all right talking about others sean thanks for the five gift subs sean that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks so much well look look look i feel like i should at least use it just for that at least right [Music] you know just for that um now this is awesome because we're not doing anything i like this one i don't think so well i was running off to thank subs that's all um oh wow huffle you got there fast yeah how did you get here where did you come from just now you came from the other side of the window where did i come from oh man this is weird um well i guess i'll just make sure my settings are right looks pretty good um all right um zin and miss thanks for the subs this is going to be weird because i'm just going to walk around thanking subs now it's really weird i don't know i feel like this is a terrible rule pink and uh oh kooby thanks for the five gift subs koopie that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch this wasn't my idea i i prefer to you know do push to talk so um oh i i don't want to interrupt him uh jackson thanks for the five gift subs jackson that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch jackson okay well this is real awkward about it don't worry about it nothing jackson thanks for the five gift subs jackson that sounds like an imposter amount of gifts of seikuna what do you mean well i just i just well you guys want me to leave it on and i i just feel like i have to that's christmas yeah do you want me to kill you so that you can thank subs no can't i thank them while being alive well i'm gonna talk to him anyway because i i appreciate the people who show up so i mean i'll thank him anyway um okay close your eyes it's gonna sting a little bit what what the heck ray you wouldn't kill me i know you wouldn't kill me you know why because it's christmas and you wouldn't kill me in our first game of christmas projectile into your eye a sharp projectile has got to go why i i just i'm just thinking subs you know thinking thanking the old self um thank you sean it's not hafu i i already know that's not me either oh boring bye okay oh charles thanks for the five gift subs charles um and chawans and vods this is just weird because i feel like i can't um yeah it just feels real weird oh legendary thanks for five more gift subs legendary thank you so much oh jesus jesus is why i don't want to use open chat how's that are you thinking yeah right now guys like if someone gifts out like five subs what are you gonna do you just ignore them you can't just ign i mean thank you for the gifted stuff yeah right i mean it feels kind of bad i'm just just saying oh no we're gonna die we're gonna die wait why why uh we're all together what's wrong what's wrong they're huddle in the corner no um all right i'm right on top of you section though yeah abe i'll be honest it feels really weird oh isabel and me too thanks for the five gifted subs that's a whole bunch of gifts it subs thanks a bunch of bella me too um oh my god fifty dollars thanks for the fifty dollar donation cat um a hundred dollars jesus thanks for the 100 donation daikon and cat thanks for the 50. wow that's extremely generous you guys thanks a bunch um thank you so much for the 50. yep thank you oh hey i'll be honest ever since this open mic thing happened all i've done is thank people i think it's making people want to donate more because it's just awkward now um where is hofu's body oh hafu's death decontamination what are you talking about to the left you we said we were gonna scan i'm sitting here in the middle of a meeting okay i didn't stand because somebody's opening my eye does anyone hear that yeah someone like getting some popcorn ready are you reading chad i'm reading subs i don't i don't use twitch.tv i don't know oh right that's true you used youtube yeah are you an imposter no no of course not all i've been doing is standing here um oh no okay wait wait wait wait i was with cycling oh yeah me and abe were together in specimen where did ryan and hafu were together where did you guys go the lights went out yeah they went up oh this is my first time playing with ryan and you murdered hawful all right that's messed up dude what what am i doing oh you're good i've just i've just been i've just been thinking you know the stuff you normally [Applause] this is what you wanted this is what you wanted you made me do this i didn't want to do this foxtrot thanks for the 50 gift subs jesus that's enough to eat for a week thanks for the 50 gift subs fox i'll be able to buy food for a week well look look of course i missed stuff but i mean this is what you wanted i'm just saying um and it's working god i've gotten more subs than i've gotten in a week because of this and people are just doing it to troll me i'm sure if i should be happy about that or not they're just doing it to troll me carl should i be happy about that hey yeah something's a sub psycho no you're kidding me no that's that's true thanks carl oh my god no what did you do let me do likes let me do lights do not report said no trolling right we had to report it yeah but i was gonna do likes first oh that's true that would have been smarter all right well who did it okay oh i don't know but i did just i feel um look can i just mute for like two seconds it's carl isn't it yeah no it's not carl no no that's not what i want i just i do where's more subs oh no no oh no can i just a few minutes just a couple seconds just um this is really awkward called this meeting you better i did you did it oh right me and carl walked up on a dead body yeah yeah okay okay to be completely honest yeah definitely wasn't me it could it could have been carl but i feel like you know technically but you probably no you probably would have seen the body fall over oh that's possibly i came a little bit late so but it probably wasn't him that would have been a ridiculous kill on my health wait i'll be honest i don't have any information oh is that uh um what i think it's eight did you really i'll thank him after after the round i oh wait it feels weird to do it in the meeting hey we'll skip here brooke let's hang out i scanned without you you finished it i just hit skip i don't have much information so uh no oh my god look guys i'm i'm gonna have to run off into a corner after this round i'm i'm really sorry i just um yeah i'll follow you there to make sure no no you don't have to it's okay i'm just gonna be doing some stuff i'll follow to make sure you honestly if you're the imposter you can just kill me because i'll be busy so oh jesus thanks for the 69 that's an odd number but thanks for the 69 gift subs uh wow oh jesus abe abe look i'm i'm i'll be a little busy you really don't look ava if you're the imposter you could just kill me um i'm not the one but tongue thanks for the 69 gift subs that's an insane amount of gift subs thanks a bunch tongue wait what famous tongue and he gifted 69 gift subs yeah why well anyway math thanks for five more gift subs math that's a whole bunch of gift subs um oh i'm missing a lot of subs haley and minnie thanks for the subs and um bookworm conspiracy and talk a hundred fifty dollars jesus you guys are super generous today thanks for the 150 donation taco corpse leave me in the corner leave me in the corner okay just leave me leave me in the corner oh jesus taco thanks for the 150s leave me in the corner bretman oh jesus can i go back to push to talk this is just very this is just very oh ezram thanks for 10 more gift subs ezram and squashy thanks for 10 more gift subs and shadow thanks for thanks for 10 more gifts of shadow and me too thanks for five more gift subs and shadow thanks for five more gift subs corp stop get away from me get away from me this is weird oh god oh god um well thanks for all the subs and donations um i'm gonna go back to push to talk this is just of course i have to i have to tell you something uh oh oh my god guys i changed my mind i don't think it's um oh my god oh no guys can i mute for a second i just i i'm really sorry about this i'm really sorry i'll be honest i have no valuable information um okay i don't know who it is and i'll be honest i've just been hiding in a corner uh thanking subs so um and that's really all i got for you so you don't have any valuable information i really don't oh corpse is clear and that's all i got we've been together the whole time almost the entire time yeah carl and i have been together for a long time yep where is this ryan thank them after the reading i can't do it in the middle of the house i was at the cameras and then i passed toast near electrical and then the lights went out and i came back you came back to lights yeah i was while i was coming back i've got he was still in the vessel but he was about to come back okay wow wait he was in the vent what i feel like this this can only be ryan then right they can't or toast right i mean yeah why can't it be toast i mean it could but right it's not corpse if this isn't electrical it's toast is the last person i've seen by it no no no brightman who'd you vote who'd you vote yeah i skipped on seven too and i'll be honest i have no information amongst us bretman who do you think it is between ryan and toast ryan oh this is awkward i think it might be bremen toast no jesus i don't know all right well i'm gonna go back to uh oh let's see okay tgr thanks for 10 more gift subs tgr and forever thanks for five more gift subs forever elliott thanks for five more gift subs um haley thanks for five more gift subs haley and uh nilly thanks for another gift sub uh patience thanks for five more gift subs uh patience and also uh wolf thanks for ten more gift subs wolf that's a whole bunch of gift subs and kate thanks for the five uh five tier two gift subs that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch kate and shadow thanks for five more gift subs uh kiryu thanks for the ten um amelia thanks for five tier two gift subs wow we barely have any of those thanks a bunch amelia oh jesus my my thing's lagging it's lag um shadow thanks for five more gifts up shadow and uh wiki thanks for 10 more gift subs wiki and uh bakery oh oh hey what's up guys um saikuno is something else well what am i supposed to do i don't know just keep thanking yourselves and just go with me all right you don't always use your brain who's the other ryan wait we're on seven aren't we shouldn't we skip we should let's get second one i just wanna i just wanna know who the other one was like you know the earlier we finished the more subs um who else did i don't i don't know but bakery thanks for the [ __ ] what do you mean you don't know who'd you vote for oh i skipped i i don't know what's happening i've just been blindly thanking subs the entire time i think it's totally i i know it's not corpse it's not correct who do you think it is toast i'm a what i've just been reading subs this whole time everyone can vouch for that right backstabbing monkey what happened is first and then don't worry toast i got you oh jesus you guys are crazy all right let's grind up this task hey can i go back to push to talk yet yes you can oh thank you thank you i apologize for all that i was it was against my will oh jesus all right back to push to talk oh bakery thanks for five more gift subs and aurora thanks for five more gift subs gamer thanks for five more gift subs gamer and uh sasuke thanks for five more gift subs um and patience thanks for five more gifts what's happening um i don't know what's happening but rhiann thanks for five more gift subs rihanna that's a whole bunch of gift subs and mish thanks for five more gift subs meech and pumpkin thanks for five more gift subs pumpkin and tonka thanks for five more gift subs um and shade thanks for five more gifts up shade um and x-men thanks for five more gifts xmas and shark bait thanks for five more gifts subs shark bait oh my god and uh snoop thanks for 15 thanks a bunch and mitchell dora thanks for five more gift subs what's happening huh why should we not vote you out right now no you can vote me out i'm just thinking subs i'll vote myself out actually anyway doro thanks for five more gift subs doral and um lizzy thanks for the sub also and sam thanks for the gifts up and koto and houdini thanks for five more gift subs houdini and uh emne thanks for five more gift subs andy and ezram thanks for five more gift subs as room and flower thanks for five more gift subs flower and street thanks for five more gift subs and conspiracy thanks for five even more gift subs that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks kit kat thanks for five more gift subs kitkat that's a whole bunch of gift subs and daisy and noel thanks for five more gift subs um and sabrina thanks for five more gift subs and candle thanks for the 50 donation that's an extremely generous donation candle and uh adorable huh what's up you've changed um oh my god 50 more gift subs jesus adorable thanks for 50 more gifts up realzy imposter but i really was just standing there thanking gift subs um but thanks for 50 more gift subs adorable that's insane jesus guys this is actually more subs than i usually get in a month or something but thanks for 50 more gift subs adorable and twix thanks for 20 more uh uh 20 love the streams thanks a bunch brookstead and luke thanks for 10 more gift subs lute and vid vid thanks for five more gift subs um co taco thanks for five more gift subs and burning thanks for five more gift subs oh jesus ryan and yuki thanks for five more gift subs thanks for five more gift subs um all right so when do we start playing the game guys i'll be on barbaric thanks for five more gift subs barb barry and termina thanks for five more gift subs kari thanks for five more gifts up um and kyler thanks for the five more gifts and angelina thanks for five more gift subs um pac thanks for five more gift subs and uh azusa thanks for five oh wait that's ten ten more gift subs thanks for ten more gifts and suga thanks for five more gift subs and um ak thanks for five more gift subs hey maya thanks for the gift subs five five um gift subs elizabeth thanks for five gifts subs was just thinking subs the whole time oh you think i'm done i'm still not done yet if you don't want to play we can replace you wait what what well guys look look at least i can afford my water bill this month start the game please god what you do if you want to impossible no don't kill me don't kill him don't kill me what the heck what the heck yes oh you can't kill me now if i'm the imposter um or look guys maybe we should start playing the game guys um maybe we should start playing in the game but let's just speedrun mj thanks for the five gifts those midstar valor aminty um lizzie moon knight thanks for the five gift subs all right guys i think that's all of them i kind of speed ran that but that's okay we can finally play the game oh hey hey ray um you got a lot of that subs the thing look ray you can't kill me because i'm the imposter so i'm just gonna keep thanking subs and nobody can stop me because i'm the imposter this round oh my god wait i was joking oh my god i tried to intimidate her well um bakery thanks for 10 more gift subs bakery that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch bakery and little bee thanks for the tier two well that was a tough one um unfortunately i was not the imposter she was the imposter but at least i can thank all the gift subs well that was awkward that was awkward um that first game that was a rough one that was a rough one and i'll be honest i'm pretty sure people subbed more because we were um we didn't um what's it called everybody could hear oh this is weird because now we aren't getting gift subs anymore so well now we're now we're just dead well either way thank you very much for all the gift subs guys really appreciate it and um the water bill is most definitely paid for this round i can't hear someone um but now we're just dead and have nothing to do so that's awkward is brooke um oh yeah brooks i hear bro oh let me control r i can't hear her hello oh bakery thanks for five more gift subs bakery okay i don't think it's corpse or hawfu or it is prob maybe both of them okay i don't think they i don't know okay oh and may thanks for the sub too also i definitely missed a lot of uh a lot of subs but i just i just you know what can you do to toast your videos i don't know if addictive means that's vindictive [Music] i don't know what's happened play properly now i can't i'm dead but you know that's okay it would totally be so messed up if i just voted oh becks thanks for the five gift subs bex and isabelle thanks for five more [Music] thanks for the 10 gifts of zoo and ttr thanks for five more gift subs ttr that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch tgr and uh sasuke thanks for five more gift subs hey what's up you put it back on push to talk didn't you yeah you want to hear everything uh i wanna hear everything okay all right so all right um well uh massey thanks for five more gift subs mashie and um sasuke thanks for five more gifts of sasuke thanks sasuke oh my god 20 gift subs ernie thanks for 20 gift subs ernie that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch ernie and that's a whole bunch of gift subs and hails thanks for the thousand bits hails that's a whole bunch of bits and um infallible thanks for the thousand bits oh oh jesus oh jesus barbaric thanks for five more gifts and eddie thanks for six more gift subs um that's a whole bunch of gift subs and uh miki thanks for five more gift subs miki and jake thanks for five more gifts of sauce barbaric thanks for watching if we gotta stop this ape they're gonna kick me for not playing the game mate they they're gonna kick me for not playing the game that's good you're dead it's like no it's fine you're dead well i can't pay my water bill at least so who's the real winner here right um anyway uh legendary thanks for five more gift subs legendary and um and uh friend thanks for ten more gift subs friend that's a whole bunch of gift subs jesus this is actually and jakey thanks for five more gift subs jakey oh jesus this is a lot of it just keeps going abe that got us calm down wolf thanks for five more gift subs wolf and autumn thanks for five more gift subs autumn and severely thanks for five more gift subs wizard thanks for five more gift subs um euna thanks for the five more gift subs um why are you laughing this is just so funny well look look i've been playing for 30 minutes all i've done is thank subs and get killed and yo honestly it doesn't feel too bad no it doesn't feel too bad not gonna lie um oh god it's the open mics like you know it's the open mic i gotta turn it off fave this isn't right this isn't right i gotta click i gotta turn it off i don't remember oh spangle thanks for the five more gift subs starks bangle things oh jesus oh dana thanks for wait helmet a hundred a hundred gift subs jesus jesus dana sen that's that's a hundred gift subs that's that's an insane amount of gift subs thanks for the 100 gift subs uh dana dana i don't thanks a bunch for the hundred gift subs and april thanks for five more gift subs april and chocolate thanks for our chalky thanks for five more gift subs chalky and justice thanks for five more gift subs and thanks again dana for the hundred gift subs that's insane that's an insane amount of gifts and jewels thanks for five more gift subs jewels that's an insane amount of gift subs jesus i don't know thanks for five gift subs cool thanks for the gift subs guys oh and moon knight and isabelle thanks for five more gift subs moon knight and isabel um and emerald thanks for five more gift subs jesus that's too many gift subs guys all right look guys actually actually look look look there's two reasons you should stop giving me gift subs one is i can't play games with my friends because i keep thinking subs and the other reason is look guys i've got plenty of gift subs to pay the water bill so don't you worry okay it's christmas and you guys should just buy yourself something that'll be even better than if you you make me lose air because i keep thinking subs um so but thank you very much for the gift subs guys i do really appreciate it um and davillian thanks for five more gift subs but it's really it's really okay guys i really appreciate the gift subs but you really should buy yourself some instead oh jesus carl i appreciate psycho carl i'm gonna go back on push to talk carl i can't do this anymore who killed you um that ray did she killed me at the spawn i knew it was rey you're right carl you knew and i knew you knew but did you know that oh god and sprinted away you know that dusty angel and kane thanks for five more gift subs from egypt i'm sorry carl i can't do it anymore i gotta go back to push to talk carl i gotta do it i can't do this anymore i can't but thank you very much for all the gift subs guys i do really appreciate it that was way too many gift subs i really really appreciate it um but you really should save save it for yourself now and um that's that's um thanks a bunch guys oh and bread thanks for 25 more gift subs bread that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch all right but you really shouldn't anymore guys you really shouldn't but thanks a bunch we were having our conversation and we're not even a part of the hawaii girls club so i just not go back to available um probably back to push to talk at least um at a minimum why do you think it's me and what why why do you think that corpse one second um brooke is just waiting i toast you were there for that i saw hafu like by herself right uh hoffa usually fix his life what do we do now rey's being the sus is [ __ ] i think she literally took it i think slides ray's quite suspicious just remember adam thanks for the subscribers she always does it and she's probably the one that closed the door on me wait wow they voted on seven okay [Music] stop reading guys i'm dead i have nothing else to do i have nothing else to do guys um there's only murdered my friend he deserved it big brain wait why kuno doesn't deserve anything but happiness um what do you mean why so wait check it out i want to show you guys how to get out of the map what well we're ghosts we can just walk away can't we um perfect little hiding spot huh uh-huh oh hey ray oh okay um tori thanks for the sub okay all right guys um perhaps too many gifts but you know i ain't complaining i'm just saying um right and two votes on me and two skips so the two imposters it was valkyrie and one other person voted for me that should be all right um what happened um nothing i we just got a bunch of subs i don't really check [Music] a little loud for me but oh my god is it ha i wish i could give you it's it's really okay guys but thank you very much for all the gift subs i really appreciate it guys whoa all right oh wait it wasn't okay um the whole time oh good round everyone good round you should kill sakura okay of course i did oh my god yeah i was marinating [Laughter] oh god all right all right i'm i'm ready to actually play now um all right oh eowyn thanks for the thousand bits everybody do keys don't forget keys right here i'm doing keys all right let's control r just in case all right see you guys later looks like um we're not the imposter and we're ready to go man i hope i don't die first this round hey let's go no i did my turn [Laughter] hey ryan are you an open mic again um i don't know how to change that i've just been holding it down oh wait so you've been on push to talk this whole time yeah i've just been holding it oh so maybe i should do that you know i don't see why we need to have it the other way because then they're gonna hear you know when you talk out loud yeah yeah it's kind of makes me feel a little awkward you know yeah i'm sure they're okay with it yeah probably probably yeah i mean how can you really tell you know how can you really tell yeah they won't know unless you can't the imposter oh i see you oh my god okay thanks for watching what okay why why wait come on what happened came from the bottom okay yeah i was with carl where do we go now let's go check vitals maybe who was that who oh hey bretman oh my god you scared me i did oh i wasn't trying to um what you up to oh i was gonna fix the lights but somebody fixed it already yeah yeah someone already fixed it don't kill me carl i'll [ __ ] you [ __ ] kill me last time carl oh wait that's true carl hasn't even been imposter what do you mean he killed you um well i mean it's not both of us it's not both of us if you kill bretman i won't tell a soul oh please i will be a part of your pack and everything in between what wait wait i'm not i'm not the imposter guys wait why is carl what are you doing don't be kidding me carl what are you wait don't move don't move what are you trying to no come on um what happened okay you're trying to mix your colors together i'm trying to make it so that it says he's dumb what's not working oh you're trying to overlay the the hat right oh let's do the lights guys oh jesus the lights are closed or off the door's closed inside me i got it i did it i did it i did it i did it oh hey ray all right oh you guys we went to lights and we fixed it with carl and then when i walked back down i found the body here and then i saw a saikuno there okay i am just saying when i turned on lights ray was to the left of everybody and she definitely wasn't already in there oh yeah me bretman and carl were all i didn't go into the lights room yeah oh okay then i'm just wasting time installing wait how come i can't hear everyone i can only hear him press control try control r on the thing for here i did already hello hi i'm streaming right now what [Music] [Music] specifically [Music] oh hey ray what's up if you want revenge you can kill me cause up people are assessing me come with me come with me ray seikuno i won't tell anybody if you murder ray right now i can't but here's what i think carl um see how all three of us are nurse in this room yeah one of us might not be leaving i hear you chasing me oh jesus it's toast it's toast oh it's toast oh how do you yeah how do you know it's toast no i'm gonna talk i'm gonna die i'm gonna know you did the thing what's the thing yeah the thing that imposters dude oh he killed someone yeah he did the thing oh oh okay okay but why aren't you reporting it that's trolling remember are we not allowed to travel anymore no captain oh jesus i'm done with tasks all right well you heard him no no captain you gotta kill toast now right babe if you know we can't we can't cap anymore we gotta kill toast now according to the rules we'll bust the cap in toast come on call the meeting abe call it cap do it all right eve why would you call that a second we can't look we can't cap abe caught one of the imposters so i i heard um through the green fine that it was toast yeah but i hope you're wrong that's what i told you i mean no abe said he saw you vent and i thought wait what i didn't say that you saw him kill you said you saw him do a thing that only imposters do no i said he was doing the impossible thing which is which is chasing people abe's a vicious murderer i could hear toast chasing me while he was breathing guys also i actually think um i think that cut might clear toast actually yeah yeah that's that's what i think too i think that like since yeah because i think abe voted for him and then the imposters might have jumped on him i think so too oh corpse i i um i tried to order your merch but it uh bugged out i cut you one it got it wait really yeah i i tried to order but it lagged and i was waiting in line hand deliver it oh no what sign it really is they're live that means oh that would be pretty that would be pretty cool that would be cool um yeah i tried to order on the website but it kept lagging um oh that's kind of cool okay abe look abe i need to tell you a secret where did you guys come from we can't cap right no trolling right okay but if i like you know role play threaten you as the imposter and say oh okay okay wait but i didn't do that because i'm not the imposter wait wait okay so come here oh right i was honestly just meaning it's not me yeah cap no it's it's really not me a um i have a hunch who it is though i'm not gonna lie i have a hunch what was it i think it's not toast oh i saw two and oh two on um oh would you think there was a dead body in here yeah maybe i'm going to fix lights oh i don't know how to tell you this but there's actually three of us in here yeah well now i know there's three of them no i mean the one dude in the vent oh damn i was trying to i was trying to debate her it didn't work should i do some tasks i've only done like two of them um what well they're all on the right side and i've done all the ones on the left side i usually like sweep one side at a time so i did all the ones on the left side i only have the right side left okay um over here wait where'd he go guys it's what is it carlos you know what to do right abe i heard him all right do you think carl and corpse would accuse each other if they were both imposters no vote corps no no no no you know exactly what to do right guys can i be honest i wasn't even sure that i saw you i skipped toast toast was innocent iger was like carl just hopped out of the [ __ ] vent wait guys let me explain what we should be doing here let me explain what we should be doing here so corpse and carl one of them's innocent for sure right carl yeah i was with abe the whole round which means we should just vote off the other imposter right right no no right ray yeah i already voted corpse i already voted we'll do that i already voted why well well now we have to i have to go carl then oh god what do we do who do you think it is out of me and corpse okay our plan's not going to work we have to we have to guess now abe what do we do [Music] i think it's raining corpse i think it's rain course you guys i was gonna vote for ray and then when ray turned on carl oh jesus jesus okay ray should have gone with my plan i think i feel like it's ray and corpse now because ray turned on carl which is kind of hold on with with no reasoning either let's just let's just push the button um and get a second time we're dead guys we're dead we're dead carl you're innocent aren't you carl it's gotta be raincourt she turned on you oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh man oh man i knew it oh we should have gone for rey no that didn't work out um i feel like we should have gone for rey and then when rey turned on um ray turned on carl i was like okay it's definitely rape and corpse then right um uh he just had to restart oh okay okay i like it make sure you all right that was unfortunate um okay uh oops oops there's a dead body over here when he ran straight to the door well that's a tough one um you knew it was corpse um did i oh i thought it was like oh that was a good plan it was a good plan until until we got a panic vote and then he went against this i don't think we would have gotten it because it would have tied on two so i thought we had to guess on one of them after carl locked in his vote that was kind of my fault carl's yeah but i didn't know what happened here they were 50 50 what i was gonna say but i don't know why i said carl oh oh i thought it was ray after she said it was carl because i was like what if she said yeah if i would have said corpse i think you would have voted for him never know keys guys don't forget keys oh brian thanks for the 10 gift subs whole bunch of gifts thanks a bunch all right guys um i'll see you guys next round well we're all doing keys oops all right ready to go all right can i hear you a second what oh yeah just making sure oh okay i was just kind of chilling um wait can i are you still thinking subs nope nope that's that's i'm playing games now um oh okay okay yeah sorry about that no no worries man i loved it i love it's it's spread you know it's awesome it's christmas time oh thanks corpse um yeah no problem yeah merry christmas was this door closed oh uh no why why is the oh you think it was targeted is what you're saying oh that's weird you must have run in and vent it out huh that means this person what's happening up there bretman what were you doing up there [Music] they're a dead body no no i was just singing roman holiday by me i don't think i've ever heard that song huh well let's head on down here she's taking forever [ __ ] you carl oh no okay carl didn't scan by the way he did not come on okay what did that poster say what poster yeah what does that say i have one more you want to come up with you can't really see anything [Music] oh now your name is covering it okay oh sorry i was doing the card swipe because i'm a crew mate something's fine why would you see that corpse is here he's gonna kill them now that's kind of like guys christmas also what what um oh no i just look at the poster it's cool so see something say something last time merry christmas everyone i don't know i've just noticed this [ __ ] i know oh jesus hi brooke how far you've come i just came back to admiral brooke you wouldn't kill me first right nope all i do all i want to do is sing christmas carols oh what's your favorite one um hey bye guys i don't know christmas carol wise probably uh i like jingle bells i think oh yeah that one's gonna go classic you know yeah you're not gonna kill me right nope i'm just admiring portraiture passed away we were just with her no but she was just with us in a large group of people why did hofu croak carl shut up wait do we have any information oh my god is it is it do we have information what um it wasn't cycuno yeah it wasn't me or brooke ryan medscan all of us are cleared yes broken yes we did ray brook hold up no cycle [Music] yeah slip me in there i i feel like i met skan2x all of them also okay wait wait so wait you know i think this game's glitched i don't think there are any imposters yeah there are none maybe hawfu just slipped and fell what wait i guess it's a mystery so i'm going to hit the skip button um all right carl [Applause] you guys voted for carl what just happened where are you guys sorry i don't think jesus carl okay um well i have no clue who it is i'm too lazy to open doors i'm gonna hide on the other side of the fence like a maniac and glare into the light's room i got it don't worry guys um thank you who did the lights oh okay oh hey toast oh you had the same strategy as me come here yeah what's up let's do delta alpha uh okay perfect perfect oh hey carl and ray and abe what are you guys doing what's up ryan what's up ryan oh my god now they know now they know what they know what do i know abe carl and ray what's up ryan um oh hey toasty oh wait that's you no no no wait can't wait here ok wait corp stand right here in this corner to prove that you didn't have to watch this ray let's listen i think you can see their faces look at you it's wearing the sticker let's get him guys i heard it's carl is it carl he just did it again oh my god what just happened oh i believe you oh i believe you oh um so it's quarks who killed cycuno oh jesus jesus oh alone i split off from wherever you guys are and there's a body in between you guys and it's me somehow i'm in lower like bottom left of the map wait okay i believe wait from where we should repeat the first five okay let's see so you're saying that i was alone with brooke no no before that before that oh wait wait wait wait what do you say what did he say i don't remember i'm just trying to i'm just trying to know what's happening oh okay okay did something happen wait so broke scanned uh-huh that's uh stream miss you on spotify let's get closer oh he was trying to tell the story of what uh they accused him of saying why me who is voting for carl i mean he did kind of kill so um that just happened um that happened that's tough that's tough um okay it's voting for me corpse and ray again really oh look at the literal honk okay let's see what happens oh ray uh don't move don't move don't move okay wait look this way look to the right you're trying to put the dump sticker on my face carl is it for you yeah no yes you just said yes what the heck i'm the one that um for corpse to be out out of here all right that's true do your tasks right you do your tests what is toast doing he's not talking my last one was um how did you do it the whole time okay because i'm epic and really cool is ray the imposter guys does he know it's her um i mean some people said it's her but i'm not i'm not 100 sure um yes she is oh okay all right all right wait what carl's gonna die carl's gonna die um [Laughter] ray do it do it ray the tasks are almost done even though i'm barely doing any of mine um maybe he's okay an hour and a half or two hours i kind of want to see if he dies though oh hey yeah totally oh i think two hours actually how is he still alive he's still alive somehow we're actually really killing it right now i can't believe she's kept him alive this whole time it's crazy why did corpse die they voted him off because um he was an imposter toast knows it sure seems to oh she killed you carl i can't believe it it's like wait who's the other one yeah she literally had um thanks for the five gift subs yeah she vouched for you and then killed you and you were the only other sus one too yeah oh oh yeah a lot of people got school oh jesus she's oh my oh my god um okay oh my god raise a maniac raise out the game she's a maniac um yeah so he's that laugh uh huh oh man that was close um crazy oh [ __ ] um where is this okay this is the on the way to the lights and what's going on oh what i went on that path okay i didn't see a body but when i double backed but there was a body but before i even went on that path i checked vitals and broke was already dead oh okay that's crazy wait wait how does that make sense i hope so too but we'll see i didn't choose to be but i was there all right um well if that's true then it has to be wrong skip here wait really we should all skip it's not right [Music] i couldn't send my package to you but this gives me more time to work on it that's okay uh but thanks a bunch floral it's very nice to you oh and litten thanks for the sub and oh game thanks for the 10 000 bits that's a whole bunch of bits thanks a bunch game that's that's an insane amount of bits thanks for the 10 000 bits uh game oh hey carl why is my name higher than yours for no reason yeah i think it is i don't know why i just don't know if they're still two imposters like couldn't they just i don't know they could have just like killed a thought ray doesn't know if they're still two imposters it's not me ryan there's nothing kill toast and i'll have to defend myself and then like see if i can i invented in front of brooke i wanted to like [Music] oh wait okay not all the tasks are ours it's me and someone else probably um all right i guess we'll do a couple there's a bar so one bar is one person so i think some of the tasks left definitely half of them are probably ours um okay um taro thanks for the sub oh and char thanks for the 10 gift subs charm that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch jar all right not this way okay all right over here um did you get corpses merch i unfortunately was not able to but corp said he could get me some um i hope i don't know how hard it'll be but it doesn't come out for another month or so so oh well it's most definitely ray um if we weren't sure before we're pretty sure now oh oh wisteria thanks for the sub and envy oh hey ryan where is he going yeah what is he doing up there oh my god ava's gonna think it's bretman oh my god ava's gonna think it's bretman because he just walked over the body and ran up there yo what's up um girl don't oh my god don't even try it's gonna look like it's it's really gonna look like it's bretman the lights turned off right oh no i turned it on i mean i can see why abe would think it's him because he just walked past the body and then like going to the left but i'm on the left side so i'm going to come to check and bretman's coming that looks pretty bad reactor that was not me okay that was not obviously we were asking right she was the imposter we were running around and [ __ ] and suddenly ray went missing and then me and ryan separated i guess he went into cams and i went into the room above cams i think she might win i think she's got a solid shot at winning yeah and that's where abe saw me so i'm thinking it's either a hooray let's see okay it's either a beret but i don't think it's ray now because oh okay it's over um i think it's just it's just over isn't it um she needs to secure the vote it's just over that way piper thanks for the five gift subs piper all right man we have more [Music] um mg thanks for the 500 bits mg i'm not quite sure what's happening exactly here mary thanks for the sub and um md thanks for five more gift subs all right i'll be totally honest i don't really know what is happening here 40. yeah there's just like a swarm of ghosts following them merry christmas ray ray we know it's easy hurry before someone does their time everyone knows already what what is she doing all right i counted that now what do you do wait okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait do it ready one more time you weren't ready okay finish your task i don't have any tasks left to finish um i feel like i'm being trained to see who's done it okay he probably did i don't know what took her so long to now count to 40 and then uh come to the bottom left one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven is that how you count is that how you count oh okay wait how fast um what mississippi okay um he counts fast he counts real fast all right wait right right might be making herself sucks right now do it i mean yeah she should just get it over with now right yeah [Music] we have like a swarm of ghosts just watching he just killed him right not the killer oh god this this never works it just ends in disappointment and frustration i think guys i've never seen this strategy work i've only ever seen it end up in disappointment and frustrate has this ever it's never worked before some people have gotten close but nobody's ever [Music] just waiting for it almost everybody knows it's ray by now but i i just numb okay right right [Music] done with mine there's no task [Applause] oh my god okay um i don't know why i guess uh char thanks for the five gift subs chart god who's done it i don't care who wins or leave me yeah i'm just waiting for something to happen um i literally [ __ ] counted 240 three times i feel bad for bretman he's been counting this whole time all he's doing is [Music] if i was the killer that's what i would do but for some reason neither of them are used why okay so what do we do so oh my god all right toast can you say something i'm about to give up on you uh oh my god honestly i don't even care who wins i just want this to end at this point um i don't think it's toes because you know what me and toes okay he's right he's right um yeah but that was three months ago okay okay i didn't see toes okay all right i'm voting ray can i just go hey yeah yeah just go for this oh my hey it worked out um it worked it would have worked out if you just killed me and saved everyone five minutes that's true that's true you did this before you think i picked this up i don't know where this is floral thanks for the five gift subs floral that's a whole bunch of gifts wait so she could have just killed toast and gotten away with it anyway [Music] okay sammy thanks for the stuff it's not me so what are you still doing down there y'all really could just kill each other i feel like bretman was just dumb no thank you okay oh my god oh this is ridiculous thousand rounds all right um sopher thanks for the sub and harlow i mean we can't complain you won so you did it um it worked i suppose replace you with toast bread oh my gosh at least all right at least you won yeah i was i was desperate for the back-to-back corpse let's see you can go party i'm sorry carl i'm sorry what yeah bathroom break let's go potty all right all right guys um sounds like it's time for a short bathroom break though to be honest i probably should have gone during that round but i didn't want to miss it in case it was crazy but i'll be right back uh right by right back guys i'll see you guys when i'm back where is it so don't listen thanks thanks aronis and and terrified space and terrified space thank you and digital digital twins thank you so much and to all my youtube what is it called my youtube subscribers my youtube members thank you guys thanks for becoming part of the valkyray family thank you for thank you for subbing to the original oh geez is that the ryan higa spam the squirtle emote because i see that one a lot the squirtle wait are we supposed to leave yeah we're yeah but half of them are afk right now oh okay i'm gonna tell them oh oh i see it all right i'm so proud of you i don't believe you i don't oh my god is that your mic carl we're switching maps i'm here to tell the afk people that be right back okay batman we're switching maps the new code is in discord all right i'm back did you go afk all right guys i played some ads didn't miss a thing i was just in the bathroom huh what what happened every everyone's done oh everyone's everyone's done no we're going to a new map oh okay thanks for waiting for me yeah that's why i'll let you know uh-huh it's in the discord now i'm just waiting for aid oh yeah that's what i was doing too um so you killed me back at the spawn again huh yeah i did yeah i thought what happened to turning a new leaf i was um vigilant what was the word toast used um verge what virgins you know never mind it's fine don't don't even worry about it anymore it starts with a v i was i was volatile i was hello hello i'm back hey there's a new lobby yeah a new lobby abe okay let's go i'm gonna just uh i'm gonna just go um i need to learn how to do it backwards oh ico thanks for the five gifts of zach what's that [Music] elf thanks for the five gifts up zelf that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch vermont all right ready to go okay no capping looks like we're a crewmate all right catch you guys next round we shouldn't have switched maps because now we lost our imposter yeah you're right that would be crazy if we got a three could have had it three times and then you could wait you guys both got it two times tomorrow oh that's right i just trusted ray because she marinated me and then killed me for no reason oh don't worry carl you can trust me this round carl i won't say anything about our place now i can't marinate you anymore bretman you're too good for tycoon yeah you can trust me for sure carl okay i could trust you two seconds yup but but i'll tell you who to look out for i already think i know who the imposters are oh tell me come on all right i have a hint a hint the way they moved off the spawn oh i think one of them could be rey uh-huh that's that's all i got why is it did she turn off lights um no but she's about to see yeah that wasn't me that wasn't me i i know the timing um the timing pretty bad yeah the time the time is uh that was ray that was rage just like i told you um okay anyway you can trust me right trust each other no matter what huh yeah that was that was some strange timing but that that wasn't crazy timing yeah yeah one second wait you stay over there i have to i have to uh i somebody rated me and i have to thank them i'm sorry okay well i'll go kill someone else instead then that was a joke i'm not the uh okay well um oh man um what was that i can hear you toast oh wait how'd you guys see me guys um all right i'll catch you guys well i'm pretty sure carl's clear we were back at the spawn together um you're pretty sure carl's what clear uh we were at the spawn together and we're pretty safe were you hiding in the vent no why okay i saw saikuno van fine i saw this event flip open oh and wait this one slipped open what you thought i came out of it or no no i you went from this one to another one yeah you went to spawn oh no no no no me and carl were at the spawn together right carl come on okay i'll be honest i thought you guys were imposters because i was standing in this hallway and you saw me um i'm gonna go do some tasks let's go this way let's go this way oh wait i don't have any tasks in there actually yeah neither do i toast right now for 12 minutes oh 36 seconds all right 12 oh yeah it was tough it was tough wait there was a little line on the website there was a line yeah i was waiting in line i took a picture and and it just it didn't did you get anything no i i tried to get two hoodies in case i accidentally lost one and then and then i it didn't go through though um i wear a medium but are you asking for my rings i'll go do the lightning you i don't know what happened um i could tell you one thing it's not redmond it's not bretman ray or corpse i'm pretty sure oh me and brick weren't reacting were you there back yeah oh jesus i was trying to talk to you but you weren't wait ray was anyone else in the area you were talking to me i was hunting the whole time oh my god no i don't think it's sakuno well i wasn't even close to the body i reported it before i got close to it i'm so confused how he just died right next to us yeah me too well we were talking about the the merch and then and then i said i'm gonna go fix the lights i ran up and then there he was um i have no idea well i know for sure it's not ray bretman of course it's really unlikely i barely did it i trust cycuno i trust me too okay wait so brooke what did you guys see i i was in reactor and i was humming and i stopped hearing brook but i did all of my simon says brooke brooke where'd you go wait you were not on simon says i was i did the drag up one and then i did the uh numbers one and i didn't see you working i think one of them's the imposter brooke or hafu it has to be hoffa brook or carl yeah probably we can clear that oh you guys voted for hafu oh jesus yeah because i i didn't i think brooker hafu one of them is probably the impossible we need to have a word something we do about what you say yes so you and i think it's each other yes carl carl definitely it's one of them i don't know who it is oh ray figured out the trick paying attention dang it ray figured out the trick um i know let's see what carl does um all right so ray i believe knows the trick brett moon and corpse are innocent so basically since we narrowed it down to three brook and hafu are accusing each other right which means whichever one carl says it is probably the innocent person is the trick she figured out unfortunately i want to help carl out hey what's up carl i'm saying yeah i trust you hey man yeah how are you doing um hey i trust you yeah i mean you didn't kill me at the spawn um exactly i can get med bait i can't believe toast died right in front of you oh i have med bay too yeah oh check it okay um he died right in front of us so where'd you go carl did you just run down or something oh hello huh no no i was at the med bay with carl um i was scanning did did carl met me um no he was waiting for me i think or like yeah he was behind me um i think i think then it i called do you have medscan yes and i checked and cycled clearly did you finish med scan nope i still have it okay so we should we should check yeah okay um wait you have scan check yourself corpse take care of that i'll go with tycoon i don't trust it let's all go and watch it all of us i trust corpse more than here wait wait you don't trust me well court or sakura you're going to have to wait carl can vouch for me two of your hoodies man yeah oh is that a good thing oh jesus no you can't tell it sounded like you were yeah with hoodies are you threatening me surrendering we're making this are we skipping or oh god listen i'm not doing anything in front of anybody except for psycho because we're all following you i'm shy i'm not doing it unless it's only tycoon no you're gonna do it okay i'm not doing it then all right okay okay kuno and carl are a pair well i mean we were together last round but nobody died if you don't get on the mat don't do that you think i'm innocent that's straight up ratchets you think i'm innocent how do you know corpse how do you know wait right you don't think it's me i just did some evil laughing deductions it's just the only reason why i feel like it's not you is because you the way you gasped no what about me laughing maniacally after you said i'm innocent oh okay brooke what did you do what all right it's it's uh it's coral it's carl it's carmel it's who harold how was it sprinting away from psycho saying what did you do and then oh i didn't see i saw brooke run up from the north side and i thought she was trying to like slip in a slick kill or something you see carl running away um no did he come from the bottom or the top what are you talking about don't do this it don't make me feel like i'm stupid wait brooke i was i was like brooke you saw it north of the y i was north of the y where were you guys i didn't see something on the y okay we're on the y okay wait so where is the body okay okay look wait so let's go one more time i think this is carl corps i just said i would go get scanned and then you didn't wait a minute wait a minute i think it's okay wait corpse you remember the trick right i went to this i'm voting hey no i'm voting brook here wait for a kill i know that you're trying to get a free kill wait listen corpse hear me out i swear to god i'll get we're on six corps corps hear me right now i'm getting scammed i think we vote for hoffman i think we will go for hafu i think why no no no no it's not me i'm thinking ha carl and brooke are 50 15. i'm literally telling you it's because the only extra person right you told me you voted for brooke wait no oh thank god oh thank god look i think it's between brook and carl but i'm pretty sure one of them is hafu wait wait who voted for hafu and why what is the reason well you see carl why did you watch them there was three people that were suspects you broken you're right wait was she near saikuna and brook oh no but the reason we vote for her is because if you and brooke accuse each other you're probably not imposter partners literally brook and hopper were against each other if we don't win here let me explain god let me explain i'm pushing okay corpse gets my i think that you can unlock this i'm voting brooke here and then hey corpse i'm voting brook here and then all right we're making it nine buddy get out stop no oh you know what don't make it nine hoodies please corpse well what is nine wait wait listen listen stop don't vote yet don't vote yet i'm voting brook and here's why because you just said we can't vote on six for this colonel now you just voted out who you think it is so i'm saying we vote brooke and then i'll get mad corpse but if we didn't lose doesn't that mean corpse was right yeah that's when i was against you so i wouldn't get my foster duo out that's because it was either i just i just sent you some [ __ ] upsetting words i'm really mad at you did you why oh oh oh oh okay let's hear it but vote vote brooke and then we'll hear it in the next round oh man i don't know i don't know if corpses have got a ten hoodies no ten hoodies ten hoodies i wait corpse i thought you were upset i voted for him because i thought you were i really like you you're a good guy i thought you were upset oh wait that's pre-recorded i didn't say that oh you didn't send him not me it's not me wait hey corpse i thought you wanted us to vote for him i mean that's that's corpse all right that's that's correct i told you it wasn't me bretman vote curry he tried so hard he tried so hard but it just didn't um okay gracious that was weird where did you get that recording i'll be honest yeah where'd that recording come from um i really don't know what just happened they're not gonna lie who's been dying too much oh my god this is so true yeah wait i've been dying a lot ray i've been dying a lot all right i'll protect you i didn't die last round though they call me valky shrimp i did what it was my own phone i trusted hafu oh my god ryan that's a savage toast ray we gotta protect toast too we can't just leave him here yo ray i sent you a message on discord what am i in trouble are you in trouble why is that the first thing you toast is she in trouble is she in trouble toast oh no it's okay oh no oh jesus wait you said oh jesus does that mean i'm in trouble oh carl what's up guys i have intel what do you have i watched corp's event and then he sent me this audio message what [ __ ] that was a clean recording but i why do you have these yeah i'm telling you he just sent it to me carl do you think on corpse yeah you think we would turn on corpses the three of us line up guys line up we gotta stand in a line wait i can't really see that the light i can't see i think he's still there look line up i think he's still in front of us he's next to me i'm standing on top of this vent what i don't want to go over there all right no one will hurt i can't we're back i don't want to go okay back to back formation shouldn't we check on him what if he gets vent killed back through vaccinations no jesus guys i have intel i need everybody to be completely quiet right now don't do anything okay okay um who's clicking who is that that's brad just now just now just how that clicking it's bretman um i heard that next to the body based off of their click wait wait guys i think corpse is on to something okay i'm voting bretman but i'd also like to say i think but i watched corpse vent and then he sent me this audio message you watch corpse events [Laughter] um i'm telling you wait wait i know corpse is innocent okay wait i want to point out that i never said that it was private how do you know that i thought that was his colleague i know corpse is innocent because carl's a really kind person and if he knew it was corpse he wouldn't call him out right away okay you don't believe me that's pokeman everybody guys i think i think um the only two people that have background noise either oh my god why do two people keep voting for me who's voting for carl dude when people vote for me hold up wait when people vote for me i'd be like one second let me get the clip man he's just i think he's got a sound board i think he's just got a corp sound board hey bretman it's not you is it i didn't vote for you brettman yeah i didn't vote for you either um why did people vote for carl dude it's it's process well i'm gonna go do my tasks i suppose all right so fast how can you tell well check check yeah oh jesus jesus up here this is awkward did he see me oh maybe his vision doesn't go up that high oh yeah his vision doesn't go up that high well that was scary um who can we kill around these parts weird yeah because venting go for gary get out of there get out of get out of there get out get out wait how do they know cycle get out the vent what the heck come out right now mister okay everyone man watch this hold on wait guys i'm not an event what are you talking about looks like you know it's like you know get out of the venue mister no no i'll never come out i'll never come out of the vent you can't make me wait get out of there no toast toast you wouldn't you wouldn't stitch on me toast i trust you get out of the bed i'm not getting out of the bed you guys won't report me if i do right right get out of this guys don't report me don't report me okay i'll come out of the vent if you don't report me okay okay kill ryan i won't say if i kill ryan right now you won't say anything all right all right i'll come out of the vents okay i'll come out of the vent kill ryan wait kill abe no kill ryan ryan that was clean that was clean oh my god that was so good what do we do now what do we do now ryan that was that was so cool though that was so cool that was so cool but what do we do what do we do what do we do right right wait wait kill cooldown kill cooldown ryan oh jesus oh yeah yeah what's the kill cool down i got i got three more seconds three more seconds oh jesus oh okay jesus oh jesus thank you um not my little present what what's up okay so what happened before i went to reactor to fix reactor okay look it was worth it because it was a cool kill it's just you're just saying toast is just yelling get out of the van in the greenhouse jeez you can't you can't expose my skirt but then i left i left i left you and i came back and you killed them what okay you actually killed them oh wait they're dead that's why they stopped talking oh oh i'll be honest i was i was okay so i was in the greenhouse and they thought i was in the vent so i i started trolling by pretending i was in the vet i could confirm this just sounds too meta no it's true you saw me there right huffup yeah he was he was an event he was outside the greenhouse wait so you think i actually came out of a vent and then killed him i think you just walked next to them and killed him what no no i would have popped out of the vent for the meme tougher that's how you know i definitely did not walk up i would have hopped out of the vent to kill him it'd be funnier that way i mean it's true though you deserve an oscar like all i did was tell the truth i really would have hopped out of a vent to kill him which is exactly what i did but all right um hey huffy you really think it's me you saw me talking to them over the the wall yeah yeah like look halfway listen like i troll a lot hawfu i troll a lot right control um i was just doing that to me i knew it would make me look suspicious but wires done i just wanted to jesus carl i just you know i'm i'm here for the funds you know the funds controller one well i'm going to go do this down here if you want to do it oh my god who's what happened i got killed okay so i actually just i can clear the two people yeah me corpse and bretman are clear so it's ryan carl array i suppose and it's not carl because corpse can attack corpse and hawfu could have attested but now just corpse that i would who was like med scandal it's ryan what wait whoa whoa can we get some evidence first corpse what is the body what happened who's this i'm inclined to believe at least one of them is ryan here i voted ryan uh how can you tell like no because i'm you're epic to blame it on me and brettman wait wait or something hey corpse it's from the other round i'd hardly cleared him you and hoffman no no our partner's gonna die okay so you can hard clear me for that double kill you know they had me alone double kill didn't kill me carl ran up past the body where the body is with me for this kill that leaves ryan do you have a defense right next i was right next to you guys at the bottom oh no the sliding doors i didn't see that anyway well it was dark i did see the doors open um then had a juice yeah i finished i didn't see it i heard you guys and then i came out right when i got are you italian all right let's just um oh my god oh my god jesus bretman do you think we got the right person i don't think so what do we do we could take a second shot what do you think we should do do you think it is i don't i think it's between car well we were together so it's been carl how did that door open oh jesus how come you guys didn't push um oh oh it just came up right now oh okay who we voting oh i think corpse is definitely innocent yep me crips and bretman were all there carl jumped on ryan so he did because wait can i explain my reasoning yeah no no that means that means he's probably innocent no that means you're innocent carl oh oh because we wouldn't we have just lost if there was two imposters yeah yeah i'm just really good at this and actually the only people the person that was backing him so i'd vote yeah but i think we skip here because it's between it definitely could be me are we skipping it's definitely not wait why wouldn't we skip we might as well right oh i don't think i already finished my time that's fine oh sure we know they're all skipping oh jesus you voted for me i never received you you voted for yourself wait i i i didn't saw someone voted for me i i fear for my life now ray did you vote for me ray no i skipped wait really who voted for me then bretman voted for you bretman you voted for me how could you no psycho i was literally with you why would it be me come with me bretman let me show you this task i can do look you see this laser task so if you look at the bottom left by those clouds over here um you can actually see that i'm the imposter it'll happen maybe next game wait what if i was right i just don't think you were you know what let's vote him out anyways wait who are you voting out no carl carl don't vote me out what do you mean you're you're actually gonna vote me out carl well i mean to be clear it absolutely is you sai kuno but i'm talking about it's definitely sick oh yeah it's it's definitely me could you guys do me a favor really quick just come down here um okay yeah um like like ray can't find out okay just just don't let ray find out don't let ray find out like corpses it's it's over it's over toasted no simping or shrimping shrimp oh that's true but but look look um i mean don't look uh how does that door open on the right oh my god there's two people that jesus no oh well i think's corpse is clear if you push this button right i think it's like hmm yeah i think that's like who knows what hello you're cutting off yeah i think that's like corpse i also think the cycling what are you guys doing oh my internet's broken um look guys they all knew it was me they all knew it was me corpse corpse did you hear me let's see who corpse votes were the reason i voted for myself and i'm pretty sure ray just voted for me i i was lagging and i got a message from the grave no oh god you guys actually voted for me because i actually killed him why'd you vote for yourself huh whoo oh man guys that was a tough one that was a tough one that was tough yeah but that vent kill was funny right so that was pretty funny i called that that was a good kill hey maybe it was and it just glitched the vent kill is funny right guys the vent kill is funny i i think it was worth it um um i don't know how they knew i was an event but honestly it was just funnier for how long people are playing for because uh toast has to leave at six same same ryan okay yep uh oh okay oh so did we just end at six yep corey thanks for the five seven huh and moon and sandwich thanks for the subs all right guys looks like we are not the imposter so i'll catch you guys later all right lord as hell girl i'm waiting for the noche buena dinner this is what no chip went on me you're the only like turner do you get to eat something you know what that means i think noche is knight and i don't know what that means what'd you think of that kill with the vent that was funny right wait oh my god i'm putting on toast's clothing you know the one where oh yeah i was pretty clean that was funny right that was a good one right ryan yeah it was pretty good yeah i think i do it again toast what's wrong he's leading us back there so he's gonna kill us no no he can't kill all of us everyone's here get millions of viewers i know oh yeah i would watch that too literally people just want to listen to your beautiful voice yeah you're really funny too why do i always wait for this to like go i can just go right there oh that's true you can just almost done you could finish it so you have to come back thanks for joining me oh no ryan ryan it's not you right you hang out with me when you're the imposter i'm innocent oh check i'm doubling back oh my god bretman you're you're kind of right actually that's true that's not true and the only reason she talks to me is when she's impostor too that's not true it's because she knows she can lure me into a corner and get a free kill because i'm too trusting i will never vote against her yeah say insane she knows that's what bretman you have voted against me all day today yeah and i will do it again but still okay listen how can you improve my innocence look great come with me come with us yeah i'm just hanging out yeah you know you do seem innocent right i really what what's the difference like let me tell you you have um you have a tell right you have a tell when you're innocent read out the numbers of your card right now nine nine two two zero nine nine two two zero nine nine two two zero one eight one three two per what was the last number what was per what was the last number like period like purr oh oh i've never quite heard um right hurry y'all have never heard of her no well i've like i've met some cats before but i've also met some cats before i actually i don't really know how to be hip i'll be honest uh the girls are saying her these days so when you're done when do you hurt it when you finish a sentence it's like oh corpse your merch is pretty cool per um i was trying i was trying to do what bretman said no was that wrong well carl liked it i loved it thanks carl um okay maybe maybe i didn't use it right yeah yeah cycuno wait a second huh saikuno took off his cat ears the second i joined his stream what's up oh no this was this was yesterday when i was opening some packages um the gifts the gifts you get are so awesome oh yeah they are people are super nice oh toast oh i don't know sorry killed toast she's right i get a bunch of super nice i actually have a bunch of gifts right next you guys are criminals i don't know if we'll be able to open it up today though because i think we're playing jack box with us for a long long time he did you did tulsa ended up going to the the whole um either brooke or who did i pass i was talking to brett let's see brett it's brett brooke or oh it can't be bread it can't be bread one more okay this might be hard to believe but i was reading logs i don't know what i was reading but i was reading wait what names did you see what name did you read bretman that is where me and brooke separated i saw a lot of brook brook shields in there brook so i'm not saying it was brooke but she is saying that she was talking to me but i have reasons to believe that she wasn't because if you say purr after yelling at her name i'll vote for her yeah i think it's miss brook oh it's brook it's gotta be brooke he said hold on we don't have pinkies in among us we don't even have hands do we wait wait no how do you do your tasks i don't do them i just walk around talking to people um like i'll be honest i really don't do my tasks i just talked to people so i where was the body ryan it was right literally right here right here i'll be honest i thought the purr would get them i wasn't reacted the whole time hey corpses oh hold on one of the killers might be following us um oh let's keep going look bretman you know he he has um you think it's brett yeah oh no no i think it might be brook perhaps i think he might be broke you have to do him at the same time okay here we go i don't know who it is but bretman said it was brooke which makes me think it was brooke oh what's up guys you guys just chilling he really likes this idea tell me what ideas yeah go for it cat girls are ruining my life the squeak will starring alvin and the chipmunks and corpse actually oh that's a good one carl yeah wonder who it is oh i see guys look at them where is the squeak um i want to hear theodore oh oh oh oh my god event it was event they got carl what you know what i'm okay with this wait what do you what the squeaker the squeaker i saw who did it too i just walked in and reported who is it ray should we call him out where is it or should i say call her out who it's rey no no it's not rey it's not rey what but you ran from left to right i'll be honest i didn't see anything i just guessed i thought it was brooke all right wait wait i have a message yeah you know i think i saw hafu too i think we got her we caught her guys we caught her it was a thing i didn't see a thing but i trust was in the cafeteria yeah i was just in captain yep and how did she get up here where me and ray both saw her venting is the only possible way yeah which means she must be the impossible i i want i was i didn't see a thing i'm just i'm just going for it um i couldn't hear the evidence i think coffee was there in cafeteria but then she vented from hallway too and we saw the vents open too i walked in from the cafeteria that is impossible all right guys this is our last free shot i think me and ray caught her in the air he caught her in the ass guys if not it's rain dude i was with ryan just now oh wait well i'm not that sure hold on i have a confession i i actually didn't see anything i just trusted ray um oh god oh jesus i'm pretty sure oh jesus no no it's okay it's psycho don't you oh jesus you were on to it this week oh ray i really didn't see anything i just trusted you i would see her yeah we caught her you saw her right you you actually saw her right from left to right along the panel right why would she run what did you guys see wait you saw her on the panel okay yeah so the vet opened i was standing right here and i saw her run from here to here okay okay oh she was trying to jostle out of our vision no it's like no ray i have a question i have a question yeah remember the last round when the reactor went off and we were at the reactor together right i was the first one there was hapu in that group she came in a little bit after i don't remember was ryan in that group too yeah i was initially and then i right when the you guys went through the doors i went actually got caught on the other side i'll be honest i don't even remember reactor going off yeah yeah i'm quite confused no clue who it is but ray said she saw hafu and i know it's not rey oh hey sorry i was just doing my task uh because i'm a crewmate the leaves yep the one with the leaves you got that one too um nope oh jesus i knew it i knew it oh god i knew it was brooke guys i knew it carl car or was it carl brettman bretman called it out first round he even said purr i knew bretman was never wrong when he says purr okay i'll be honest i kind of made it up but they ended up being right i'm just saying so was ray right about hafu because i really didn't see hafu but um i did know it wasn't rey i've checked everywhere guys it's always broken apparently we were with hafu though abe was with her too oh she's very suspicious you guys are so sus i don't know oh man what's happening uh john and idk thanks for the sub she was right about hafu oh man ryan let's get serious what do you think it is well abe and ryan are attacking you remember wait what i would have just vented out what bretman are you lost no i'm just trying to look for tasks because i can't find anyone trying to look for his task for me i guess okay um they don't remember saiku well they haven't seen that i'm dead yet they probably think i'm just doing my own thing um potato pesky and chic thanks for the subs oh wow see oh wait oh my god corpse is dead too corpse died too wait corpses oh wait from the mix just died and he reported the body who is it wow thank you like a fool now abe a fool is what you're doing why okay the body was dead and then uh died as he was reporting the body so there's either still two killers or the kill cooldowns are there two killers no we got hafu right um well i still think it was tofu no no no i can't it's literally not possible because there was a double wait they don't think it's brooke didn't you just go with the race yeah how did corpse report that not with ray oh he must have died just as he reported oh no wonder he slammed his table oh it all makes sense my apology is on hold for now oh okay hold on brooke where are you okay um it's brooke well i know because brooke killed me where did you go i'm with bretman yeah i was with ray asking her what she got herself for christmas she said nothing it could be them too or it's broke by herself okay um okay we clear we're together you know it's not me now yeah yeah let's see brooke's the only one not with her hurry yeah that's true she was busy killing her wow you said that there was two if there's something yeah yeah if it's either ray and brett or um koi fish thanks for the five gift subs coin well i'm sorry okay well that was intense oh man honestly maybe brooke can win this hi guys what's up wow did you hear my message yeah i heard your message all right what was the message yeah i'll pl i'll play it again actually it was one one zero two it was one one zero two you're joking well first of all it's five you're singing or something there is only one left right oh okay um that was carl attempting to wrap i believe attempting to rap i think it album okay i think we have to kill ray though why well because whatever split up a pair ryan saw me finish bombs and um well we're still safe right because if we have to get out one there might be just the two of you killers it's the safest killing right they're just they're killing rey no it could have either been a double kill or oh my god they killed her who voted for me oh they actually got her bretman you called her out in the first round with the purr yeah with the purr though yeah one more toast one more one last round don't kill him first guys don't kill him first in his last game no kill me first yeah all right i'll protect you toast i'll protect you don't worry girls kill me or no balls what kill me don't worry toast i got you covered i'm not i'm going to protect toast do it huh you won't you guys don't kill toast it's his last game it's his last game guys protect him st everyone stack on him together stack on him together i'm going to fix life by myself i'm going to i'm going to i'm going to no get away i'm right next to him um i'm gonna watch a nice all right surround them nice job right uh i'm innocent you can say all your friends [Music] check okay ryan like reading his numbers out um okay it's cold outside oh where's toast toast toast guys we lost toast he's gonna die where's toast oh no we lost him right we lost him i think he went down what if it is toast oh jesus where'd he go wait a second oh there he is oh i heard him he was he was uh he was north north toast oh there you are not a clicking task what oh no she wouldn't kill him while chasing him down ray ryan um where's ray hm huh where'd they go guys i'm in the storage room cycuno's with me um oh wait oh are you doing that strategy i don't know oh you want to go 50 gift subs thanks for the 50 gifts sabotage cubs what wait there's one person that sabotages comms i know who it is only half of what i'm watching i was gonna say hafu or brooke probably brooke doesn't know how to do that what no she's a deadly killer brook's a deadly killer really uh-huh so it's not you then all right nope is it you nope but dark thanks for the 50 gift subs that's an insane amount of gift subs thanks a bunch dark for the 50 gift subs really appreciate it um oh hey corpse oh all right hi i'm doing uh upload what's here right i'm doing i'm doing upload uh-huh yeah you didn't have to tell me that i sorry oh wait oh hey toast i was checking on corpses he's currently doing the upload okay i i finished upload uh-huh um let's go in there i can't do it do it do it i can't ryan i can't what do you guys think that was so ominous yeah i'm just proving i'm innocent if you kill someone right now i won't say anything go in there that's not a good job there's three of us here go in there okay they oh all right look hey stay here okay i faked it i doubly back did anyone else see that oh all right doing doing my leaves just gonna do some leaves here brook brook don't do it don't do it this time it's leaves i don't know brook listen listen listen bro sorry about last no no listen it's toast last game you know i just want to be there when when he wins you know yeah absolutely it's his last game did you see that vents open oh my god okay um who was it um no no you you misheard that actually oh it's bretman no i was standing with bratman so i was standing on top of the vent with everybody everybody left to us i assumed do a reactor and so it's only me and abe in there and i say abe okay if you vent into reactor i won't say anything like if i run down go to deacon yeah i remember this i was listening and then i left and then right when i left i guess he he died and now i'm getting blamed for it which makes me think this is the person so it's it's bretman brooks cycle no corpse as a pear no it's definitely not it's definitely not bro it's definitely not broken i was with brooke the whole time oh brooke's like he said kuno yep couldn't be brooke clicking on this weird glitch where like i saw someone and then i greeted tasks with you alone oh my god you guys voted for corpse three people voted for court wait doesn't doesn't this make him seem innocent then no i didn't ray you voted for yourself didn't you oh that's a funny one ray that's a funny one right you voted for yourself didn't you it's great right you think we both voted for you only got one vote okay toast which have you voted for me what what makes you think one of us voted for how convenient that your wires is to the left of the y's you just did oh right look ray i have i have to tell you something ray what is it um oh she's gone oh you're gone oh gosh what'd you say wait where's ray oh i was going to tell you about one of your tails look um you're you're a crew mate aren't you yes and when you're a crewmate and someone votes for you it like activates your like you know you like penis no no no you go like it's squeaky no no you you play better it puts you in like like you know intense mode and then so usually when your crew mate i'll randomly vote for you once or twice because it makes you play better so you voted for me to activate my powers yeah it makes you go like ko10 times 10 or something you know yeah you're right you're right yeah you feel i feel inspired uh-huh uh-huh you're gonna find the imposters now what happens just like what oh hey afu um did you see reg go down yeah she went she went down and she was yelling yeah i heard bremen and ray running someone suspended someone's at the event oh jesus jesus someone's in the bed right below ryan are you an event no no you said you're going to logs you were never at logs ever yes i was because i can recite it bretman and brooke went up north and then brook went southeast and bremen was missing so i was going north to find the body and the corpse came by but i couldn't find bradman's body in the north and then i found him batman's alive yeah where's the body from live wait carl's dead too he reported the body um i know i know but this way i can't hear all right let me control r right bretman yes okay my mic wasn't working for the first time uh oh yeah i couldn't hear you where was the body batman hello i heard him but then it went out yeah same control r what's important is that he confirmed my story at the last hello kitty so who do we think it is then how did you guys know someone was i saw i saw the vent move and i know it wasn't corpses icuno yep i know it wasn't awful either oh then it's crying all right because i'm cleared by bretman and myself i don't think it's ray she seems very crewmated look look you ever seen when goku goes super saiyan 3 i'm just kidding [Music] [Music] i'm not really sure who it is but yeah there would be two votes okay so okay that's true okay hit the meeting his mic worked for a little bit oh it was working i think his microphone's broken how about we test this right to prove it's not sakura voting for ray how about he actually votes for her and then ray votes for herself too oh yeah that's a good idea oh no and then we all but he logged out and he accidentally closed uh crew link so i don't think he'll have voice for the rest of this game oh oh oh see can't wait this might be an issue well we should speed run it all right who is it ray look great we got a speed runner for bretman and i know you've been powering up who is it ray toast is your name ray yeah yeah ray ray give us the name ray oh wait what look at what bremma said i only saw me and brooke and heard ryan ryan you've been trying to turn it on me ray do you think it's ryan it could be i think it's brett and toast hey ray i've been powering you up with my votes you should know by now for the first round it only could have been corpse brook sacuno bretman and if corpse and cycuno are cleared by then i'm voting bro no i'm not voting for ryan brett meant snitch got ryan you think he would snatch wait wait what you just said oh that's true that's true read the chat everyone read the chat um it's hot red so it's ryan that's foolish okay i guess oh my gosh what wait toast you you said you you said guys it's toast wait isn't that done oh jesus what if it's toast ray how did you not figure it out i've been powering you up this whole game i am powered up i am figuring it out you did you didn't say a name i just went with what toast says well i mean i wasn't i was in a panic but look if we haven't lost yet maybe it's not over yet oh jesus oh no it's so over isn't it okay okay i'll fix reactor the coffu i don't think toast was wrong like toast is pretty good at this game oh my god it's oxygen i'm a fool um spamming r on you oh jesus you don't have to i'm i'm impo i mean i'm innocent i'm innocent you're an imposter no no no no no i i meant to say innocent um what uh i'm gonna vote oh wait we didn't lose i don't have my button oh yeah right i thought you were pushing the button i didn't have my button so i left wait corpse why are you voting for ray well because she didn't press the button i don't have it no she just forgot she didn't have the button did have a button you didn't button this game i [Music] you guys i can't i couldn't push the button i was waiting at it you weren't waiting at it oh man let's listen to what toast has to say okay we voted out ryan right yeah and bretman just died who fixed top oxygen i did corpse did yep all right and i fixed bottom oxygen nobody came where did breadboard go yeah i think it is ray it has what are you seeing on the path so it's corpse or raid then right but corporate it has to be right and if he killed bretman we would have seen him on the path i think yep so it would have to be someone who wasn't on the main oxygen path no because we checked it yep i don't have a button i thought i did but i don't ha foo i'm down i voted ray first i don't think it's right because she sounds very cool who can give it the other i don't know i don't think it's ready oh jesus okay i'll be honest um i think i think it was ray because we would have seen bretman's body because everyone else was on the main path to all the oxygens and nobody else saw the body right so i feel like since rey was missing um and she didn't hit the button i feel like it had to be raped she was the only one who could have done it unless there is some crazy kill that bretman got killed in do we do our tasks we probably should but i'm afraid of dying um he pulled her out of suss and put me into it with her what okay no i was but and for this last round everyone else is accounted for toasted bottom oxygen corpse did top well look we must have our running to get it no i agree with you i think that i think that ray was one of them i think that toast oh yeah oh you do but he did the oxygen then we would have just walked yeah wait hold on shouldn't i be the most suspicious looking because i didn't do oxygen and i was just running around but like but if you're wait but you're toast and you should know that only rey could have made that kill yeah no you guys actually you do not know the whole time yeah most of the time he was with you the entire round then i don't know what's going on we were together most of the round i will say there was a chance i could have killed because i saw toast go to bottom oxygen and i ran back up i could have killed him right there ran into hafu and then said that a million percent sure that ray didn't actually like that ray did have a button and she didn't do it wait wait wait wait it was rape we've only had reports we haven't had any buttons this game it was rape of any offense right here look guys we got to make something happen um i know the imposter is not me so i'm going to stay just kidding i don't want to do that someone else stay at the button and the rest of us don't do it no okay let me get my info out if it's ray plus one of us here okay they would just win it probably should have been over yeah which is strange because something weird must have happened yes which leads me to believe that it's not right who do you think it is then i think it's corpse as i said last round so you think i had oxygen alone because when i was supposed to get a double kill theoretically so i kind of who do you think it is um i'll be honest i i thought it was ryan um we think it's between corpse and toast right oh we do uh yeah that's what i thought too yeah all right shall we knee corpse and toes watch what no no no you you should say that yes i want to be the dead one okay wait wait it's like you know it's like toast how about we go into a corner somewhere i want to hang out with toasted corpse my buddies i don't want to i'm not doing it i don't know if you guys are smart you can figure this out i already did it why don't you guys think it's me it can't be a second now no no i'm suss i'm suss i could be the killer toast all right here's a challenge for you all right i'm gonna run to the button and press it you better do something before i get there all right well even if he pushes the button what's gonna okay okay half fluency if you guys work together the whole time in your vodka all right i wouldn't want to use this time for hot glue to just decide on who is going to do the 50 50. yep second is because i'm gonna skip i don't know halfway in fact i'm voting for health oh jesus jesus okay please jesus button left i don't want to do it why don't you want to do it no you're going to make me third and post i don't know who it is hafu i thought it was ryan i trusted ray until she looked like she was the imposter i don't want to do this i don't want to do this oh let's go listen come on oh jesus oh jesus what toast corpse i said oh jesus you did you did hmm that that was a menace it does wait you guys you got to tell me something all right i got ryan out how about that i get killed let's just i got ryan i fixed bottom oxygen uh-huh you did wait but corpse fixed top oxygen you both fixed oxygen but i also caught the killer um corpse corpse what do you think okay corpse why aren't you saying anything he wants you to pick with his heart what does that mean okay well i don't know how to tell you guys this but i have a secret weapon you guys thought i was standing at the button right i snuck up and i was an admin i was listening the whole time so i know exactly who it is all right because i heard everything i don't believe you oh jesus i didn't hear anything i just heard corpse laughing wait guys like i actually don't know oh god i just clicked randomly i thought you would expose yourself after i i'll be honest i'll be honest i just kept i actually just started clicking left and right randomly and just waited for it to land on someone of course yeah i believe that yeah oh god it takes two clicks oh oh that's true but i just spam it until it until it hits something you can check the vod it works also i heard corpse laughing when i was listening in admin does that make you think it was him huh no he wouldn't kill someone and laugh this corpse were talking about that is messed up he would never well he's never done it when i've seen here's exhibiting okay um i'll be honest guys i really did kind of guess but all right [Music] i think people are leaving soon anyways oh yeah okay are we still playing um that other thing yeah i know some people are doing jackpots oh god poor toast guys i honestly i just guessed but also i heard corpse laughing at the end and i was like i feel like you wouldn't kill and then laugh as a guest um sure if everyone else is playing right i have a squad you never answer me okay um let's see on twitter it was obviously toast i wasn't super sure but um um i had a weird feeling that i haven't read yet um what's it called i had a weird feeling that corpse knew who the imposters were at least early on i don't know why though just the way he was acting will be there too beware what's happening i think so saturday saturday saturday saturday oh saturday the thing yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah the thing that's already been leaked right yeah it was leaked okay it was leaked so therefore i tweeted about it too oh um yeah yeah that's so easy yeah that just came out i was like secret yeah okay let's see you're right i i wasn't sure but i had small hunches and also i heard them and i was like i don't think you would laugh randomly after killing someone right yeah if that's okay yeah yeah that'd be better for me because i got i can't stall for that long you know oh okay perfect perfect yes that's all see in the discord yeah yeah um i might make a call so oh okay yeah that's fine too that's fine too um sweet all right all right bye yup see you in a few minutes oh well he's gone um either way guys we are um what's it called i think we're playing jack fox for a little bit with carl and some of his friends um and that's pretty much the whole plan you're smart i really wasn't sure and i just started spamming left and right um but i did have like some small hunches but they weren't very good weren't very good yeah not gonna lie um all right um teresa thanks for the sub good tactics i don't think they were good tactics but i did think um yeah it was kind of that was a it was a 50 50. um okay let's see um i guess carl's making a call maybe um i think uh moon and adam thanks for the subs let's see cycuno what's your sub count ad i usually don't talk about this because i don't even keep track of that um but it's definitely over 500 subs i can confirm i have more than 500 subs you knew it was toast i thought it might be i wasn't 100 sure um and then i thought hard about oh god okay but also i just really spam clicked left and right so um olivia and barm and jet thanks for the sub this is going to be funny is it i'm not sure um let's see he said not to shrimp yeah it was tough it was tough um i don't know what carl's doing but i guess we're just getting ready um what do you like getting from fans like in the po box i'm not sure not sure um hmm let's see do you get 500 per stream uh no i don't get 500 per stream that would be crazy um sarah thanks for the sub and corey and uh arie and madam i think this stream we did because people are super generous and gifted a bunch um but i think typically we don't um typically at least i don't think we do i actually don't even know how you checked that um so we're just waiting for we're just waiting for carl to set up among us and we'll be doing that um okay i i i guess we're just doing jack box party pack um but i'll be completely honest i'm not sure exactly what we're doing or how we're doing it because carl hasn't really told me anything yet so ellie thanks for the sub and layla um who do you think's the best imposter it's kind of tough it really depends on the game because it's so situational you know there's no like imposter who's just amazing every round because sometimes you just you get caught they double back or something um oh greasy thanks for the five gift subs greasy and um corey thanks for 10 gift subs coy that's a whole bunch of gift subs and twirly thanks for the sub again and whoa yan elm uh meru and ditzy thanks for the subs and um jen and sergeant thanks for the subs also and uh mew thanks for the 50 donation that's extremely generous thanks a bunch mew merry christmas uh merry christmas to you too all right well um i guess we're just waiting for carl i really don't know what else to do i couldn't get corpse merch neither could i it was it was tough it was tough i couldn't get it either um i tried i tried to get it i tried to order two hoodies and just i just stuck in line um goat and uh justin thanks for the subs goat and justin um okay uh do you want to do some unboxing no we're about to play jack box with carl so oh awkward sloth thanks for the five gift sub sloth so i don't know how long it's gonna take to uh to for it to set up i'm not sure um oh mew thanks for the five gift subs meme that's a whole bunch of gift subs oh what corey thanks for the 250 donation what the heck that's crazy you guys are like super generous today um thanks a bunch corey for the 250 that's insane um thanks a bunch corey and miss thanks for the 50 love watching your streams thanks a bunch miss and thanks again corey for 250 that's crazy um and yoshi and uh solar thanks for the subs happy holidays thanks a bunch uh solar okay and mikey and mud and aaron thanks for the five uh gift subs uh thanks a bunch for the gift subs aaron all right guys so we're supposed to play jack box um i would make the cam bigger but i think we're legit like about to play so um i'm thinking we just kind of you know we just kind of play um because i'm gonna have to set it up in like a minute anyway i think we're supposed to anyway um hmm let's see is quackity playing i'm not sure uh carl invited me and just told me um what's it called carl just said let's play a little bit of jack box for like an hour or so after uh the thing's done and that was it um foxy and quesadilla thanks for the sub and uh peace sign um yeah i'm not sure exactly who we're playing with so we'll find out after oh um seth thanks for the tier three seth barely have any of those thanks a bunch seth for the tier three um well i'm not sure where not sure where carl went oh he sent me a friend request um okay he needs to add me to the call i guess um all right um all right tell him he's added tell him he's added um let's see gator and uh pan daniel vile and right thanks for the subs thanks for the tier two vial are you gonna wear cat ears um i'm gonna give it like a maybe oh carl called me okay did we say hi oh hey carl hey saku no um rambu quackity king's really good oh wait we can't get um we can't get bubbles because we're doing a call instead of a channel merry christmas eve to everyone in the planet so we aren't gonna have bubbles this time because it's a call i'm just waiting on james charles to add me back on discord but he's playing with us um i actually haven't mattered you want me to adam yes yes okay um but salmon thanks for the five gift subs salmon that's a whole bunch of gift stuff and j ray and mochi all right so we're playing with um quackity we've played with them before um james is coming too apparently all right why is no one answering me is it oh merry christmas merry christmas um celebrate christmas oh no i was distracted sorry i hated it like what's going on here i don't know i don't play these games i don't know who else is playing though oh mia thanks for the five gift subs mia and um thanks for the sub and beanie thanks for the fifty dollars that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks to bunch uh beanie um well we definitely got the water bill paid for thanks a bunch guys [Music] um hey guys it's ray joining i i know ray was thinking about joining but i don't know if she uh okay it's crazy where i am hearing gunshots is she joining three minutes oh no yeah oh maybe she's busy because i was like are they trying to kill somebody she's not okay okay fireworks oh we'll just play for a little bit gunshots connor um i'm kind of overshadowing you i don't think i could play for super long either because my wrapping x-mas gifts oh man guys my family doesn't do presents i need the context i will be opening p.o box stuff probably tomorrow because we're doing more stuff than i expected today um guys guys we can we can make new friends right we got carl with us we've played with quackity a few times um that could be the situation that you next trigger yeah a lot closer than you thought what oh sharai thanks for the 1500 bits shirai welcome back to the stream sharai wait do people do fireworks on um what christmas is that a thing fire it's just fireworks for everyone dude i'm so excited i'm gonna win a bike is on my first he's gonna win what why awesome all right so we're just gonna be playing jack box and that'll be it um i don't know how you how do you stream jackpots do you have a driver's license i do but i don't have a car right now because what is it i don't really go anywhere how do you get it you get nominated by a very elite force of pants um mia thanks for five more gifts mia and uh jassy thanks for five more gift subs i do actually and then you pray that you win okay we'll just play a few and we'll see how it goes you just stream it um from what i understand it's cool oh wait maybe i have but hello hi oh someone's here who um hey all right so you playing with uh connors and james what's up oh turn my mic up um yeah yeah this is yeah no we're trying so we're trying to do a stream here you know like turn it louder you're a king yes um okay all right turn up turn it louder i say we start out with a game called split the room hi james how are you okay i don't want to turn it too loud yeah yes hi james hi all right oh hey james up great great i'll see you guys everybody hi sakura i miss you james happy holidays to you too i'm also here though james james is friendly you miss like he didn't say i miss you oh property and carl i miss you both equally attacked wow um don't know how to respond to that after that one okay i'm sure so i guess we're playing a couple of these um i think we need to watch the stream um how do we do this i swear i'm gonna leave something are you streaming yeah yeah do i i just stream your stream of the disc is that okay yeah yeah i'll try my best not to leak anything but if i do i'm just gonna pin it all on you so i'll tell you when to switch to full cam is that okay how about that full full cam or something very so there's a point in time where have you ever played jackpots oh yeah yeah oh i have to hide the code yeah yeah yeah so yeah okay perfect uh i'll tell you when the code is about to go live how about that we got this guys just give me two seconds is it gonna put inappropriate images in the chat so that you're inclined to be more careful that's not it that's definitely not it where is happening everybody keeps asking where savnap is if he ever shows up to anything all right i got it set up but i don't want to leak anything wait so what game so for fear of the only one that i've ever played on jack box is he actually just post a strange photo of himself i want to play on the rhyme game oh you you actually sent a photo of yourself i i didn't think you were serious um i'm sorry saikuna that's the price to pay that's a price to pay for streaming we all run the same chances of getting banned so we do that's all i'm saying please okay i don't know what quackity's doing he's up to something i'll put it on this game called split the room okay do i do i play my phone or on um i recommend on their phone because then you can i can use my phone call you pepperoni thanks for the five gifts all right so i i guess i'll use my phone guys um because split the room is fun but it is a little a lot of people recommend the phone i've never okay i've never used attention up so oh yeah good because i was actually i'm so confused what would you do without me carl he's always three times [Music] yeah sorry guys we just got it we just got to set it up so you got to give me two seconds yeah yeah yeah all the funnies but it's so hard because all the answers are always um they're not organized yeah this is kind of just a random thing we thought of problematic as possible we're probably not going to play like super long but i figured we'll just try okay uh ready you're about to have to hide it okay i'm not even showing it yet so oh okay perfect good that works awesome um this is awesome what a great christmas eve this is oh my god oh my god it just shows the code right there my best friend james um it just so i just joined on my phone yeah or you can do it on your browser or you can all right no let's join on the phone spontanium thanks for the sub and ally all right guys so i don't play this game super awesome is there a specific code to type in yeah all right let's try i don't really know what this is but oh oh my god oops got it you're good all right how many people do we have oh my god oh my god i'm so unfunny on quidditch what's happening uh we're playing jackpot are we not going to watch no no i just don't want to leak the code right on my phone because it'll it'll leak the code if i show you guys right now oh this is going to be after it's starting how long does it take there we go um okay now you can show the screen god i don't know how to i got it without being oh jesus it showed the code i remember no now you're under the bathroom now i'm not going to until this one it's okay that it shows all right our chats can join the audience now man this is going to be here all right guys i don't know what i'm doing but i will try my best to do this good um what is whiplash is this i mean i'll just play a couple rounds because i wanted to play with carl and stuff do i have a p.o box yup it's right under the stream all right good luck good luck weirdest wait can i get you guys to help me the weirdest ingredient in trail mix um what's the weirdest ingredient in a trail mix um oh my god nuts nuts aren't that weird those are normal the raisins are awesome oh god uh oh god i um how much time do we have left um oh god i'm scared oh my god what what's um no this is so bad okay i can't think of anything i can't think of anything um oh no all right i put peanuts the worst thing you've um you just refresh your browser and then join the same way no wait no i'm i accidentally clicked out of this oh just kidding figured it out okay oh my god this is so bad this is so bad well look i'm not gonna lie guys i don't really know what i'm doing i do know that this is real bad and i'm not good at this game um i'm a little concerned not going to lie well i hope this works um becky thanks for the sub and school he's saying sapnov is too quiet he's not even here wait was he yeah i didn't even hear okay um that was interesting all right this is wait i can barely hear the game yeah turn it up a little straight up oh yes the weirdest ingredient to put in trail mix peanuts literally what peanuts i just don't know if peanuts is that hard but i i put peanuts straight up you guys told me to put allergies wait you guys told me to put peanuts oh wait i i won did i win oh no i didn't i didn't win at all i'm glad you guys liked it um oh the audience can vote yeah the correct audience can vote the audience decides the funniest poor follow-up to the experience well look guys we made our friends happy right so i mean maybe the audience didn't like us but oh my god what is this oh my god oh that is that is actually that is quite creative i'm going to put this one just to stay safe who said this i don't want those [Laughter] i didn't think that would be james oh jesus um okay um a name that would make a teacher laugh um just a random politician i knew the audience what is happening james how do you play this game um james not gonna lie guys i'm a little lost oh jesus there's the right answer you know i've always wanted to see joe penny what happens if you just don't answer oh god i i just i'm not i'm not going to vote i'm carl carl carl this just makes you look so some of them a little differently not they don't want to judge too hard uh why oh both awful answers i didn't want to go too far with this one yeah no who answered come clean come clean before you what do you mean they're both getting pretty bad it's done clean dude it's been too long on the first one had five seconds on this one you guys i wish i had those problems what would you put uh oh they like to kick me options perhaps you're here oh i didn't know they like that that was considered but i just we did it guys we got a lot of points um now that i've seen what a good answer is i feel a bit more comfortable let's see what's this become one who's choosing these who's who's choosing these oh my god that is not even i just had to go for you know the uh thanks ikuno yeah no no no you no that that was so good um well i'm not last i was third wait i'm confused all right um all right round two what if you um this is um oh my god jesus christ my prawn okay um [Music] let's see okay i got it i got it i'm done i got great ideas the best of ideas oh probably not the best of ideas i'll be honest with you um oh james are you already submitted oh yeah yeah i got some i got some pretty good ideas this time or maybe they aren't maybe i shouldn't say that because if they're not that good um then it's just sad uh-huh it's okay okay well let's do our best guys let's do our best you know i mean we got a chance i submitted too quick last time um okay here here we go went too fast last time huh all right um well let's see how it goes hmm how weird is this going to be guys it can't be more weird than last time right oops oh am i leaking something which is a star probably not oh [ __ ] oh we got it guys we got it that was close i clicked safety on accident safety on accident oh no this is my god this is all right you know i'll be honest i expected something bad sounding true that's a good one okay but it's also warm that's not that's that that's four words i don't i don't know about that and also social blade he's being problematic i don't know what that means [ __ ] you guys funny thing to do in a grocery store oh my god these are drastically different there are two different kinds of human different nature i i'm gonna go with jesus christ let's go with each other eating's not very funny because it's kind of stealing james james i i feel like i'm seeing a new side to james i just i don't know what's happening um i mean he seems so friendly all the time not that he's not friendly just uh i i i just um oh god okay what honestly oh man i i think the first which one of these is james which one of these is james do i hide this look one of these is james i think right neither of them was james i i thought that was a pretty pretty bad one carl uh good good one i i'd imagine would be not a good day okay yeah yeah i thought so too the worst thing is oh probably like a shark or something right that's not a pool slightly used bongos isn't a bongo a type of water isn't it either like that much to pin the safety clip [Laughter] i didn't answer it doesn't make any sense i knew that my answer was really bad that was pretty good yeah it was funny that was the bongo okay thanks for the tiered threat thanks for the video the [Music] [Laughter] there's many carl i just never expected i feel like this game's bringing out something in people guys it's bringing out something to people i i don't know what to say um oh my god that's like we're dealing with coloring but i kind of like it well okay look guys i'm just going to tell you the one on the left i thought morning it was funny um it's so ballsy this one is so ballsy i liked it like you know i like your head was that oh thanks thank you you know i didn't like it i think mine was better these are yours pretty good um thanks yeah mike is your name mike no no okay um you should say the name but mike mike yeah mike and then hawk oh hawk yeah but like together i'm not falling for it guys oh right right there it is the realization all right um wait what's word last this one's three answers three answers oh hmm round three whoa new website um beard um what i can't think of anything guys guys give me something give me something guys um i oh god um oh what it's just one answer yeah oh mine is so stupid mine is actually so uh i thought it was three uh oh no wait did we put the dot-com or not all right i'm gonna lose this guys i'm not gonna lie i won't take off points and you do i'm gonna lose this one honestly i'm a little ashamed of how bad my answer is i i tried so thank you thank you well we'll just do it and we'll see how it goes i am so embarrassed 18 because it sounded the least strange beard is it like bear death how many beards you have or something i don't understand it sounded like the least strange like i'm not voting for that one and then it's not beard i don't know what that means so that's an inappropriate website name i just tried to vote for the least strange one i don't know i understand why but i don't think i know you guys aren't gonna get that i don't know i didn't even guys mine is the bread i put in the bread um did i get anything i just put in the bread oh wait it was fairly even he doesn't get it wait i don't get it what happened whoa i got 2 000 yes yeah we did pretty good pretty good guys we got 2 000. i'm so good at this game oh my god beardly that's why i get that subs right i don't understand just like some group of no period no oh my god james you stole that from me cheers james i never expected i thought the rap game is going to be so good i never expected crazy how james is a thief all right all right one more i want to leave we'll we'll do one more we'll do one more guys um well look james has a crown on i i feel like i'm a little i'm a little out of place but you know we gotta make new friends gotta make new friends right all right leticia thanks for this i heard bretman rock do it all right it's work to one it's a new thing no all right um answers on the device what the hell is this what does this mean [Music] let's see what unicorn flatulence smells like um um i don't know new traffic law what kind of um i'm out of ideas um skittles that makes no sense okay the next one is a new traffic yeah hey chad's gotta be cool this time oh boy oh boy carl okay i got it guys i got it people will love this one it makes no sense but i i think people might vote for it anyway i think oh god this is my strategy zadence thanks for the five gifts up zadence oh no one of us getting canceled tonight look at what should i hide my screen no no no no no no i'm dumb joking okay just i know i should be you know we've seen some weird ones lately um oh he put his phone down he put his phone down oh did you hear me all right well i thought it was like who knows on a different level guys i've got a plan for this one and i think we've got it i think we're going to win this one like i practiced the last one this time we got it um trees think when we take their sap what oh my god i'm not gonna lie i i do like minecraft i'm gonna go with the minecraft one i'm not from oh my god i know that was a connor one thing i really thought i had the audience with that one um that one was just a bunch of screaming or something oh this was mine this was mine guys i think i put corn jojo oh i never watched that anime i've never seen that anime i've heard it's really good though i like one of some of the music from jojo um but i've never seen it so i don't know i chose corn that anime i've heard it's really popular now i feel like a girl yes everyone likes uh maybe i have to watch it um oh my god wait they're not talking about the anime the dude the dude the stand it's really fun okay i'm very confused but um oh god oh oh my god you guys okay oh my god i'm gonna close that um okay well i know which one i'm voting for um what is happening here which one carl carl you that would scare somebody else guys what i see mods added carl's usually super nice i feel like i'm seeing something different from them that is a terrible thing to say oh this one's mine champion oh my god all right you guys can probably guess which way you did apostrophe s um wait people are not funny what the heck oh james you [ __ ] up you said something so mean oh dang it guys i thought people liked that one apologize you know thanks thanks carl i think pog champion with all of my heart it was free oh god zia thanks for the three um that's funny that's funny that that should be in a joke book i mean at least this one's not that's right the second one get it at least it's not strange right um because it's made out of cheese get it yeah uh-huh there it is no wait there it is i don't even get it there it is um okay okay how did you oh my gosh i'm so confused that's such a call because the moon is made out of cheese oh tempest thanks for the [ __ ] you prompt life hack double down the first one um what's the melon oh oh it's like the ice cream thing i understood it possibly i don't know what is ice cream thing thanks for the clarification james i okay um okay oh my gosh well um zeke thanks for the sub oh are we winning well we're not in last i think yeah barely [Music] so easy this game is so easy uh-huh um all right let's see a warning that should come with spray-on cheese um no it's funny um something funny something funny uh cheese um this is so oh oh i know um oh this is so bad i can't come up with anything um all right i got one i got one guys um hmm all right [Music] um oh vixen my unhippie thanks for the subs oh bingos you're right i'll just put bingas on one genius terrible prompt i just put bingus on it there's no way you can go wrong with bingus right the audience loves bingos so you see i found out that our points aren't actually worth that much it's the audience points that are worth the much the most the most um i couldn't think of anything you just go with stuff the audience likes and that's all you need right oh sign ash thanks for the five gift subs okay i don't know what to do for this one oh no yeah you might have gotten the same prompt as me um oh i don't know i don't know these are these are awful problems we're okay right we're okay we're okay um i think let's [Music] since when is in free game come on man oh it's crazy i don't even know what these are i'm sorry i don't know what i do i chose finger because the first one felt rude oh my god i i don't know like before you finger you look at your finger you just realize um i the first one felt mean so i'm sorry okay let's see what does this mean the fine print i love coupon like i didn't know what a love coupon was i mean this is what was made for a different thanks for the 50 gift subs that's a whole bunch of gift subs thanks a bunch game whoa was close that was closed yeah i mean that was a terrible prompt i'm gonna keep it a buck um yeah okay let's see a warning that's oh this is mine this is mine guys oh oh my mine's the one on the left wait what do you guys think oh my god nacho you know when people say not your cheese but they say nacho cheese really like it's different i can't even figure it to explain it's the most disgusting thing on the planet earlier um nacho cheese i thought that was one of those jokes oh thanks carl wait i thought it was funny um oh man we're not good at this game we're we're not good guys um it's i don't want to vote either of these i'm just confused third party what oh oh i'm just not gonna vote i'm not gonna vote um oh are you kidding me okay the body is nothing come on audience not funny um um thanks for the five dollars i couldn't think of anything i really couldn't that was good okay um hardest job oh this was mine too i think when i choose i chose bingus this was the one where i put bingos look people love bingos people why people love bingos what kind of job is vengus he's not i just thought people would like bingos i just thought people would like it hey thanks james it worked we did it it was the binges well it kind of worked out not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie kind of worked out kind of worked out just saying um oh wait guys i forgot about really funny all right we have one thing i need to post really oh my god this is why we do the rap one this is why it's the great prop i don't know what this is but cinna thanks for the sub the prompts guys i have a fresh picture of bimbus um and he's sitting in front of a christmas tree i was just an all right probably post that wrong um the prom i mean i'm probably gonna post another one you can work around that prompt you can you can do some word play there um oh there's round three bimbis pick yep he's sitting in front of the christmas we have to make another website all right um all right i uploaded it guys i uploaded fresh picture of bimbus oh acro what is this hey guys did it did it pop up um hng oh my gosh what um it's how do you come up with um uh hi nice sorry juliana what oh they didn't even stop you guys we need something here we need something here guys um i didn't post a big picture of bimbis though um on instagram so that's kind of cool let me see if it's there oh yeah he's chilling there he's chilling there guys nice picture of bimbus um yep there's a tree oh it's kind of blurry but you know it looks nice oh wait i didn't come up with something um i what's h okay um okay we got it guys guys we gotta think of something here i don't know um i just don't know yeah i can't think of too much either yeah it could just be me also there's five seconds left and four people haven't submitted so maybe maybe it's not just me i'm starting to think it's not just i'm out of ideas i'm gonna vote for carl's i'm gonna vote for carl's i got i s mine is help no good quality cause i just i just have no idea i i really i just didn't know what to put i really i just these are these different tough prompts sunshine um i'll be honest i just i couldn't come up with anything so i'm sorry um that was a tough one it's just a tough one guys but hey look we got that fresh picture of bimbis let me um like post it all right everyone look at my picture of bimbis it's a great picture of me he's a great dog um all right let's see you know mine's not doing too bad i think this is the heart that's just a bad problem yeah yeah this is a tough one this was a rough one i didn't even think my answer was that funny oh wait wait a thousand oh i didn't i didn't even do that bad shockingly damn um i got the third round on this the voting screen connor won that just happened um no no i was in first yeah i got owned what dude i'm excited i'm excited to get the wrap let's do this this is about to be the best thing ever i don't know i actually have to go eat dinner with my family oh man know if he's going but i'll try i'll try to be back in a bit oh better what's more important family or i just go should i just go i mean if everyone's going right you're right all right bye that was kind of cringe oh come on jesus i would never i mean i would play one okay because i feel i can't just leave all right last one for me too carl by the way i would never care let's do the last one guys because this game is better right this game is better with my family look guys oh yeah guys carl's super nice we're gonna try our best for carl last game last game all right last round for me okay mm-hmm all right guys no worries we'll do i think we're doing the wrap oh my god we have to hide this did we hide it oh it's already happening perfect okay we're good we're good we're hiding what this is i've never done this really where you rap against other people in the call james so it gives you prompts and you have to put like it's a wrap mad lib adjective and then it gives you a line and then it's too late guys what could possibly go wrong oh wait i have to leave never mind oh he showed the code he showed the code get ready probably anything silly oh yeah i got it hidden um so probably tomorrow we'll open packages i don't think we're doing it tonight because we played this let's go let's go let's go oh no what do you mean guys we're playing with our uh so you know friendly um this one's so good okay all right ready to go no idea what's happening me neither but we'll do last round guys last round i'll be fine what could possibly go wrong i don't know um carl leaked he did leak it but it's okay all right is everybody it's the last round guys 10 15 minutes that's right wait wait take that long yes all right ooh someone's going to battle against the bot it tells you who you're going against by the way at the very top well i think it's some sort of a rapping game so we'll see i don't know how to wrap do we actually have to rap or do we um dara thanks for the sub okay who are we against all right i can't i can't tell you um what's up with your blank face what oh is this a tutorial um i think this is the tutorial i believe it's really quiet for some reason but that's okay you actually have to rap like you have to sing it what's the code it's in the top left you can join in the audience now um you don't actually have to rap do you oh jesus we can't see the code gene in this oh it's hp gx oh whoop sorry about that guys so my window capture is actually slightly cut off yeah um what's happening here no no no no i don't know what's happening um oh um who's gene who the heck is gene um [Music] i um let's see oh i've never played him i don't know oh jesus how much time do we have oh no oh no i wasn't ready for this i just typed in a random word um um um um um oh jesus i typed in a random word oh no this is bad this is bad guys um it's a robot um let's see ever um [Music] uh well um um let's hear the wrap okay so it said insert a word and what oh my god i put it in hugs so hard it says i've never met an opponent i couldn't hug and now i have to rhyme it gets easier but i don't know how to do that like do i cheat no just go um um a bug okay um i okay let's see a noun a magical being uh um um um a magical beam that's what's magical being like a a slug isn't a magical being i'm going to the bathroom this is brave um what um okay oh all right this is so bad this is so bad this is real bad guys this is i don't even know what i'm doing look i wasn't ready i didn't know how the game worked i just chose a random word i chose a random word guys i'm i'm confused you're against her um how do i know well um oh god mine's gonna um okay wait where is it did you know i'm fluent in english no i didn't that's cool [ __ ] you see i thought i was okay i'm sweeter than candy sharper than a dog that didn't make sense but it's kind of [ __ ] what the heck i'm so i'm so sorry conor i thought i was going again so sorry i got more bling than a housewife of france your entire brand is based off of eating pants i swag when the sun rises and when it screams no one cares about the pansies not even in your own streams who's going against the uh robot oh i think i went against it um oh okay okay connor where's the robot someone in carlson i'm only here for carl saikuni quacked out against the robot can sometimes be funny oh okay that's the homophobia for me oh here it is james against i'm not much of a streamer what if you think you're good at makeup you're just a dreamer my lines are deep like an episode of friends owning you better hope your ego mends oh um i'm voting for carl um okay it sounds like he doesn't know how to play the game either um carl james was good oh no i voted for carls oh my god oh man the audience did carl went i'm so confused i don't know how to play this game um they are gonna vote oh man did carl wait oh that was steven oh wow that was even wow i thought i was going to get oh it was even huh that's crazy that's actually crazy oh man i voted car i voted for carl too because i was confused by the other one oh here it is okay i rise to new heights i'm a master crawler i hear lebron james is a fairly good baller what what i'm riding high on top of the jello what when i look down on you we actually have to read ourselves oh god like i just i just i didn't know the rules so i just kind of i don't know i believe in you okay uh i've never met an opponent i couldn't hug everyone i meet i hope i don't bug i'm practically a magic a regular dragon my friends are so great i feel like bragging oh my god i don't know how to play the game i i i didn't know you're supposed to flame them for me that's the most like rap i've ever seen oh god i couldn't have just won that more than anybody's ever won more oh god i didn't know how to play the game i just chose a random one to roast somebody gene should apologize honestly i'd feel bad what um well this is awkward do we win oh oh we're winning we're winning we did it guys did we do good um hey guys i think we did i mean we were against the mpc right so it wasn't very fair um not very if anybody goes against cycuno they have to just do a shrimp off if you will well we're in first place that's going great uh kaylee thanks for the sub do i have to go against james again wait there's another round oh no all right this time we know how to play give me an adjective a positive adjective um is hungry an adjective um cool okay cool doesn't help that you're not very cool what wait no no that i didn't mean to say that um um because uh you're oh jesus wait wait it debated me um what rhymes with cool guys i need some help what rhymes with cool um i don't know what this means um i i fool we can't call him oh i don't oh my god i want him rule how am i gonna use that let's see um oh god oh this is so bad guys this is so bad um give me a verb a verb phrase starting with an ing verb what um um okay give up your dreams cause i'm eating cake what um uh i wha how do you wha what kind of strange what rhymes with cake um uh oh jesus how much time do we have left 50 seconds okay okay cake cake lake um if uh um i've um i'm taking a while on this about to reach the 30-second marker um um um oh jesus jesus i i don't know what to say i don't know what to say um um daydreaming oh my god i'm just i don't want to battle against um it's boring um um ten seconds if you don't submit it it's really cringe the line that it replaces it with oh jesus true true true you might as well put something unfinished and nothing at all oh jesus i pushed the wrong button oh jesus i pushed the wrong button oh god i pushed the wrong button on the last one i instead of entering my thing i i just click the other oh this is awkward oh no i pushed the wrong button oh jesus hopefully oh no we pushed the wrong button oh we messed up i'll beat you all day and twice on thanksgiving hopefully begging you to be on your twitch show with worth living oh [Applause] okay um you can't beat me so don't even throw i won't talk about your drama you already know throw in the towel you've seen your last coachella what the hell i saw that i had enough fella um like guys who won i don't know what's happening um i don't know what to okay um it looks like it was pretty close it's pretty close um shammy thanks for the superman i love you you're late to the stream that's okay we're probably not going to be streaming too much all right i'll do gene all right it's your wake-up call time to get shaving baskin robbins has the sweets i'm craving okay oh my god i'm the 21st century you're the 80s quantum leap aired then it's the great ease oh jesus there's no way you can lose i hear you like to spar with james more useless than conor they should call you go to you at the game what oh my god i wanted to leave this call as soon as connor wait are you are you against connor i don't even know what happened there completely misplaced jesus jesus guys oh connor wasn't even a part of that one i'm literally just sitting here oh okay um i still voted for quagmire oh that went some kind of way um yeah oh my gosh easy way oh god okay well quackity won of course because against the robot who doesn't really the robot doesn't do very much right oh god oh god cycle oh no i accidentally hit autofill on mine mine messed up for sure so little talent so much beefing what if anyone hurts tycoon i'll get you briefing you're so broke you can't afford to run what that line was a lie seikun was also actually lots of fun wow thanks carl i wish i didn't mess up my last line um i wouldn't be surprised if psychiatrists stuff at me at this point [Laughter] it doesn't help that you're not very cool i didn't mean that sorry you're real you're really wrong give up your dreams cause i'm eating cake let's settle this with a price around the boys i hit the wrong button i started the wrong button um the race around the block if it wasn't me um that's very sweet that you wanted that what happens when you oh that is very nice okay well look we don't get a vote right because it's ours i wonder who they're gonna they're gonna vote for carl right carl's was good i think carl's was actually good what wait guys i didn't even finish fine i didn't even finish mine you should have voted for carls that is that's crazy that's crazy what happened oh oh okay man wait i'm i'm actually winning yeah man well i mean i ain't complaining i'm not i'm not complaining i didn't i didn't even finish oh there's a last there's another round um oh jesus okay this time we're not gonna mess up something harmless um um a leaf just like in among us i'm not afraid of you you're like a leaf um what rhymes with leaf oh no i should not have chosen something um should not have chosen something what rhymes with leaf guys leaf beef grief um defeat does not rhyme with um um i'm against quackity okay okay um uh guys look look it's not um you uh let's see okay okay it's um okay does relief count is that cheating um oh come on james how hard are you going i i feel like that's the same thing and we're all friends let's see a singular land or boring okay did anyone tell you that you're like an that you're a oatmeal this makes no sense um i what rhymes with you're an oatmeal i i uh what rhymes with oatmeals bone meal real um let's see um i deal um you uh um i'm out of ideas like oatmeal how do you say someone's like oatmeal um 21 seconds um um um um okay um um good for um uh what i can't come up with anything it's over it's over oh jesus mine is so bad i couldn't come up with anything oh no i couldn't come up with anything oh this is terrible this is terrible uh blue jean oh gene oh connor let's see like you're on the cover thanks for the sub well guys you were selling an expensive hammer i'm the cream of the crop you're a pot of twix i really get chilly when watching netflix oh my god i don't know if there's anything you could say that's a hug the worst thing to go up against actually the worst thing i've ever seen i don't i don't even know i really don't even know what to say to that one um possibly one of the worst i've seen i'm an elegant heart not gonna lie this is literally just a robot kind of a slog i hear you talking like you're quackity uh-huh can't keep me out of your mouth it's a tragedy okay that was a that was a bit of a stretch but it's gone uh lolo thanks for the five gift subs lola okay um not quackity oh no we're against quackity guys we're against quackity all right i'm gonna vote for connor um i guess because i mean let's be honest the robot's not very not a very competitive pick not gonna lie he he caught you with the expensive hammer you know what i'm saying the the hammer yeah yeah connor connor oh my god okay jeez that's crazy i mean of course he's going to win last place in the first round so that he could play against gene that's true that's true low-key that might be the one which one yeah bonus points for last round look at you now thinking you're all yummy punched your mom and kissed your dad on the tummy less hype than the grand opening of purple bell put dimelios in your video or the trending page you know what oh my god carl oh my god james okay guys i think i'm seeing a different side of carl is that you i got away from carl's unfrequently visited i'm voting for carls um okay um i'm gonna have to vote for carl on that one i think i didn't actually punch his mom oh carl i didn't actually he punched his mom my mom's currently in the hospital on christmas eve because of carl you guys um oh man i'm mine is bad guys i just feel bad about mine now he almost killed my guys not gonna lie mine just i just feel bad nice carl thank you oh my god thank god guys twitter is roasting after crackity's rap because on the trending page for james charles they put sapnap in it oh that's awkward um okay all right oh god we'll see what happens in the star wars universe you'd be jar jar binks in my next video i'll do nothing but plus links quit looking at me with that face so mean just kidding when i wake up your face is what grace is my screen wait that was good oh my god yeah wow that was very nice take that oh jesus i'm gonna lose oh oh god i'm not afraid of you you're like a leaf but you make people laugh it's a great relief did anyone tell you that you're a oatmeal you're good for the health and really help you [Laughter] wait vote for quacking his was good he can beat psycho i don't know quackity's was really nice too oh god like we could get a split vote oh what's about 50 50. holy cow that's crazy oh god oh my god has it ever been that glorious no no you did great quacky i was impressed you were you did way better than me what we did i beat everyone else's asses [Laughter] you should have taken that but everyone else [ __ ] you i don't know you you're great you did great really good you know that was kind of fun close um oh very close where's quackity's rap career without all right um oh that wasn't too bad guys that wasn't too bad oh man that was crazy do another i really should really do that um i probably should go eat dinner but um it was great playing with everyone thank you so much for hanging out thanks for thanks for inviting me carl yep bye cycuno see you guys next time [Music] all right guys we really gotta go eat dinner um gonna go eat some dinner with the the the young bimbis and stuff i did post a new picture of bimbus on instagram um i'll try and take another one with his his uh christmas outfit that one he's just sitting by the tree and it looks wait corpse responded to it oh all right well guys that's probably it for today i was kind of chilling today but i wasn't really i was just kind of chilling today all right well thanks a bunch for coming guys really appreciate you on hope you guys enjoyed it i think among us was pretty fun and um that was more fun than i thought it was really manga s really manka s not gonna lie but it was pretty fun um pretty fun but either way guys that's probably it for today thank you very much for coming to the stream guys really appreciate you all and i hope you guys enjoyed it um i know i say this every single stream but you know it's christmas and stuff so i should say it even more thanks a bunch for making my stream fun guys um i think i don't really get presents for christmas anymore but i think the best present i've gotten isn't even something i got for christmas something i've always gotten the entire year and it's everybody showing up to the stream and making it more fun for me so thanks a bunch guys um really appreciate you all i hope you guys have a great christmas um i definitely will i guess today's christmas eve or something but thanks a bunch everyone um really appreciate you all and hope i see you guys next stream um we didn't open any boxes today because we had extra stuff to do but we'll open it next time um that's it for today guys thank you very much for coming really appreciate you all and um i do think i'm really lucky that so many great people show up and i do think i'm really glad i started streaming because of all the friends i've made and all the people that show up to the stream to make it a little more fun for me so thanks a bunch everyone um really appreciate you all hope i see you next time all right let's um let's rate carl all right um he invited us to this and he played among us with us well that's it for today guys thank you so much for coming and i hope i see you all next stream all right bye guys see you next stream we'll try and open some po boxes and stuff but uh yep bye everyone um thanks for coming
Channel: Sykkuno VODs – Unofficial
Views: 18,241
Rating: 4.9713602 out of 5
Keywords: sykkuno, Twitch, VOD
Id: 5sblF513fOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 39sec (12759 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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