2020 Slingo Scratch ticket w/winner!!

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what up YouTube thanks for coming back we are on another session of Sling go I'm not gonna call it a chase session because we're on tickets eight nine and ten from a different machine so we're still hoping to find some of these shooting stars and more than one line so we're back to plainness lingo games we have tickets eight nine and ten I'm gonna try to blow through this video so swing go and sort of like a bingo game if you never played it before I mean what we're trying to do is get line straight across to the back this is what we're looking for here vertical line horizontal line or a diagonal line or a complete blackout which is $30,000 if you can get every number on the bingo card so if you match one line is three dollars two lines five threes ten fourth 15 five is twenty six is thirty seven fifty eighths a hundred nine is 1010 lines is three thousand black on is thirty thousand and then there's a bonus legend which is between one and four stars one is five dollars two is ten threes twenty and four stars or fifty bucks take a number great chances of winning are one and four point two four so I got mrs. scratching for cash here with me today she's gonna do the scratching this is like her favorite card so here we go you get four free spaces I'm like a bingo card I think you only get one line in the center one in the center look at the nail polish very sparkling yeah gotta change that up soon so starting off with our four free ones and off we go we're gonna scratch off the fruit which gives us a number and we scratch up the number up top if it's there so we got oh wait 19 nope 42 yep so we're not off to a bad start 50 73 no 73 on think we have any subtleties at all 13 we have 14 and 15 22 yes we do so we're starting to get some somewhat Oh some lines but this can be very tricky because it seems like once we get to the end of the fruit okay keep going once we get to the end of the fruit sometimes it's it kind of throws you you think you're gonna get it and then it's just not there 62 don't have that oh no nine already that way all right twenty-eight yeah well she's scratching these off if you don't mind hit the subscribe button like and leave a comment if you want if we miss a number anything on here you want to leave out of comments we definitely appreciate it however we do take all the cards up and scan them just to make sure that we didn't miss anything because you know everybody can make a mistake so you know this is a growing channel for us so we appreciate all your support comments and if there's a card in PA where we live that you want to see scratched it hit us up in the comments you know we'll definitely do our best to try to find that card and scratch it for you so let us know again thank you for all your support all right 75 so here we're looking for like a 39 at 58 55 we got a bunch of possibilities on here number 12 no 16 for me no 46 no 68 yep so you can get six seven numbers on here that you don't have on your card do have one so we're looking for these stars right here that's what we would definitely want to try to find it the stars on this card is like multipliers on other cars it's few and far between as we haven't even seen we haven't even seen one but I was talking to the the vendor up at the store I get our cars from and uh she says she has not seen any shooting stars you so hopefully we can find one I know it's a newer game so if you have any success stories with this card please let us know I'd love to hear them all right so we got 30 okay so 15 at 39:58 we have a lot of possibilities on this card right now 57 now 67 no last row 14 yep so we're looking at least if you can get a one match would be great it's t than us right now 33 in the middle 56 no last 164 no all right so ticket eight is a bust moving on to ticket nine rate the amount of time I wanted to be at - you know my name is gonna supply this card not to be a little bit with you there we go all right knocking off the four rivo freebies they give you and you never know maybe we'll find one of those elusive shooting stars I'd like to get four of them for a quick 50 bucks so number 10 no 10 we do have an 18-49 can you see them that fast yep I figured out something about this game - I'll tell you yeah as you're going down these lines mom you'll see ten nine seven you stay in within the line it all goes within the line so you don't have to look all over the cars like in bingo I just figured that out so it makes it scratching faster now I like the old way before I knew yeah kind of thought they were everywhere so much easier I guess I mean I guess you still should but I think it pretty much stays in line C 5 and then teens and then 20s I do zoo and then 30s and 40s running into each other and then forties and fifties and sixties and seventies right just a little fYI of her scratching so you could literally go down each row yeah like one second I still like doing it this way we have four so now we need a 28 28 so technically we could've just scratch straight down and see if we had a 28 yeah but I don't know makes it makes it easier honestly cuz then you're not like second gun owner so I guess that's where the names come from slinko used to be on the Internet a long time ago I don't know if anybody remembers having WebTV shed my age there but slang that was on Web TV been a phone game - this will tell us if we know I need a 61 to win anything and it's a 74 so no on this one okay I'm just stating the Freeland free spots do you want me to try straight down once every week if you don't like doing that just if I don't I want to do it like that's hello and - anse lingo 31 yep funny is this card has really good odds I think smile again hmm yeah probably the person right before us or right after us it's not winning for me on these you mean it's it's fun yeah I like don't like scratching them I mean don't get me wrong I want to win you know obviously but I think they like us perhaps in part I'm happy getting our money back so we can buy more I can't believe I didn't notice that if you just go down the lines yeah I just I only realized it today and we suppress like 20 of these corners then we'll be like okay we don't want to do this credit like a penny week we're gonna be moving up to some more expensive cards we're just starting off our channel and figured we start off on some of these like I like these cars are pretty cool I know you can win more money on the bigger cars obviously you can also lose more a lot of faster on those cards as well which parent I know all too often I've lost plenty of money on them but we'll be moving up to them just so everybody else don't have to take the gamble we'll take it I'll also take the winnings too but we will be doing some giveaways on here as we hit a bunch of subscribers like you know old Dave milestone giveaway yeah milestone giveaways and we've got some really cool stuff to give away too but you know we're gonna kind of keep that under our hats until we did you know like our first thousand subscribers we have some really cool stuff we already bought for everybody we just need to get some people in here checking us out so you know if you've got any friends that are into scratch-off tickets and like watching people strats and please send our you know our link to them and let them sign up check out some of these free and against free and if there's any cards that you want to see a scratch you know let us know we have times of PA scratch tickets we could even take them with us and see if like people want to vote on which cards we buy you know put it in a poll yeah I'm try to start mixed enough we were just trying to chase this fling go-kart since we really haven't won anything on it it's kind of my fault because I like this clerk will be switching it up probably tomorrow I'll grab some different ones plus one is this car just it's a forever scratcher and it doesn't seem to be giving us like anything back and there's three cars right now it's just mine here's a big possibility there we go he's sitting right there so we must one line T lines two lines now let's get more exciting hey 63 is 63 6 yep all right so we got one two three lines which is the first time that ten bucks and box so we miss anything except we have a nine or a six nine or six what about an 18 how about you call the numbers and I'll tell you nine or six no cross here no I'm gonna go straight down okay no no no good whichever sorry no six no 18 next room no 33 no 48 no okay that's it so we did mastery lines the 110 bucks this was a nine dollar session so we actually profited a dollar I think it was our first profit first profit so thank goodness please again make sure you subscribe like leave a comment hit the bell for notifications what we're gonna be doing tons more tickets and again thank you for your support we definitely appreciate everybody so as of today they saw the new subscribers yeah thanks for new subscribers we did not hit on tickets number eight or nine you did went on ticket number ten which is the biggest one night no $10 doesn't seem like a lot but to us it is a lot because we've never hit three lines on it thinking yet maybe next one we'll find some of these elusive stars but we will get a blackout or blackout anywho thanks for coming by and we'll see you on our next visit
Views: 101
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: eRzK97hsrAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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