2020 Mega Marathon - Nancy Drew #11: Curse of Blackmoor Manor

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hey there a Nancy Drew clue crew I'm are galumph this is the 2020 Nancy Drew games mega marathon welcome to my latest case the curse of Blackmoor manners so this is one of my favorite games choose gameplay overview game 11 the curse of Blackmoor Manor I really love this game Nancy goes to England it's just puzzles puzzles puzzles puzzle puzzles and I pretty much love all the puzzles in this game that's why I love to game so much it's it's just a puzzle marathon dear Ned greetings from jolly old England although right now I'm not so sure about the jolly part that's because I'm on my way to Blackmore Manor where the daughter of one of our neighbors is living the daughter whose name is Linda recently married Hugh pendulum of British diplomat Hugh travels a lot so the only people at the Manor with Linda are Hugh's aunt mrs. Drake and Hugh's twelve-year-old daughter Jane the thing is ever since Linda moved into the manor her health has gone downhill she's practically bedridden and no one seems to know why her mother is convinced something is terribly wrong and wants me to find out what so here I am about to be dropped off at a huge centuries-old mansion in the middle of a dark foggy more I can't tell whether the butterflies in my stomach because I'm excited her just a tad creeped out talk to you soon I hope Nancy knowing me good oh thank you sir okay so here we are on the moor Blackmore certainly very black yeah it's very dark cuz it's late at night not are all the castle walls painted black actually it really does look like the walls are painted black not a very cheery sunshiny place I would say who's there hello there's something out there where a child I mean something was out there come in I'm mrs. Drake I take it you a Nancy Drew yes and I really did see something mrs. Drake I heard something too people are always seeing and hearing things on the moor at night especially you Americans why don't you just go on up to your room it's the one with the moon on the door I'd like to see Linda if I could I'm afraid Linda is not quite ready to meet with you just now but please come see me after you've unpacked I'll be in the conservatory all right thank you so yeah that is creepy and and nasty there's some sort of monster monster werewolf outside back about to attack Nancy so I'm live-streaming this like I'm doing with all the other you know games in this marathon so who should we see first what should we do first which character do you do you people want to see first this is Nancy's mom jeans mom jeans mom jeans why does she need so many mom James seriously Nancy you do not need that many jeans right it's like she went shopping and bought all the jeans at the store do they fit I don't care I'll buy them I'll make them fit [Music] hmm a tripod for a camera maybe and I was kind of mean of mrs. Drake to go oh especially you Americans to Americans getting scared by monsters yeah I don't think being American has anything to do with being scared of being eaten to death like that is scary okay votes for Jane Linda Jane Nigel Jane Jane and Lulu Jane wins so let's meet Jane to learn this yes I'm afraid you do if I do well can we play a game yes but only in French we're in lessons right now oh we can't meet Jane she's in lessons right now I believe we have to meet Linda first and then we can if you want then some kind of husband you're proving to be it's not all in my head don't bother hey Linda I heard you were just fighting with your husband so you're in a good mood right I'm ready to talk to me Linda hi it's me Nancy Drew Nancy Drew our friendly neighborhood detective well welcome to Blackmore Manor I apologize for greeting you under such unusual circumstances I'm sorry to bother someone in your condition and I'm sorry to have to bother someone in your condition my condition what's my mother told you what her son-in-law keeps telling me that it's all in my head that I'm just an unhappy new bride that I just need time to adjust I'm tired all the time my mouth is dry my vision is blurry but that's not important here's what's important Nancy there are some doors that should never be opened there are some doors that hold secrets which must never be known that's everything you need to know now it's money can I come in no you're supposed to be in your lessons lessons are over I want to meet Nancy I said no Jane okay that was my stepdaughter she can be such a pest sometimes anyway I understand you feel an obligation to my mother but trust me there's nothing you can do you're welcome to stay but I strongly recommend that you go home as soon as possible so I'm a little worried right now because she's definitely sick she described some terrible systems symptoms and now she's basically self quarantined she is not going to leave this area for any reason whatsoever I I hope she doesn't have a terrible deadly virus please Linda just tell me what's wrong Linda okay I'll let you rest but I'll be back I'm here for you if you need me Portland poor poor Linda well she's not here but we can look at some pictures of her I guess there's her looking angry and then there's not her huh well let's meet Jane then now that Jane is finished with lessons honestly Linda just tell Nancy you're growing fur all over your body it will be fine Nancy won't judge you yeah Linda is definitely being an evil stepmother there that was not nice she's not being nicely to Jane I'm so pleased you're here I'm Jane I know you've come to visit my stepmom but I'd love it if you could pop by whenever you get the chance Oh we'll have such fun let's play a game Oh bye someone's thinking she might be pregnant oh well well that would be a surprise wouldn't it is are you turning into a werewolf no actually I'm pregnant Oh oh jeez I was way wrong with my mystery solution not right now maybe later I'd like to ask some questions first sure what do you want to know about mummy I mean Binda I do hope you'll help she's been a bit out of sorts lately yeah let's hear more about her sickness does she have the coronavirus when did she start getting sick I was playing in mommy's room when she wasn't there and when I looked up there was a lady all dressed in black putting something on mummys nightstand did you recognize the woman I couldn't see her face because she wore a cape with a hood the lady put a note on mommy's nightstand but I didn't read it that's when mummy started feeling poorly I don't want to think about that let's play a game it will cheer me up not right now but maybe later you can come in anytime you want even if I'm not here I've got some really smashing things I'm so happy you've come Nancy I hope you can make mommy feel better so that woman on the wall who's not Linda I think is this woman this one who's this that's my mum my real mum she's an opera singer it's not like she's famous or anything but she does live in Paris so Jane's mother I assume her parents are divorced she looks nothing like her mother by the way just not a thing like her mother doesn't really look much like her father either maybe she looks like some random member of the family we don't mean what is this book don't know really ever gave it to me she said it belonged to my grandfather do you think Brady Armstrong is cute total hottie I love him so this book has a bunch of clues for puzzles that we'll be solving later on in a game like this one that one's tough and then this one this is how all the things in the main hallway connect I don't remember what this one is and that's one of the final puzzles it's very difficult very very difficult so let's talk to Jane a little bit more hi Nancy have you ever seen anything strange outside once I saw my uncle Rogers toupee fly off during a windstorm about Freaky I mean have you seen a strange animal outside no but I have heard weird noises like this howling but not like a dog howling more like something human I don't want to think about that it's scary enough having to live in this gloomy place the lady in black you saw in Linda's room did she look like anyone you know like I said before I couldn't really see her face but she was kind of dressed like the lady in the Great Hall which lady Helen oh I know it sounds weird that's why I didn't want to tell anyone it's too creepy sometimes wonder if I just dreamed it all up mrs. Drake is always saying I have a rampant imagination okay I'll try to remember Eleanor when I go to the Great Hall cuz there are like a ton of people in the Great Hall I should get going come back soon yeah Brady Armstrong might be a total hottie Jane but he is not a very nice person I've met him in real life he was really terrible I totally love that show isn't Brady Armstrong so dreamy total hottie and what even is this show it's on the heartthrob Channel four petunia Highway so it looks like Brady falls in love with this woman who has a kid okay yeah I guess I'll have to say this picture of Brady Armstrong does make him look like a total hottie it he looks hotter in that picture than he does in Nancy Drew the final scene that's what I'll say you had a guinea pig yes but it died when I don't know I'd really rather not think about it all right so you could get an easter egg if you look on this ten times let's do it whoo ten times okay so that's two four [Music] what does Jane think of Nancy doing this over and over and over again I don't know I've been changed like you Americans all strange re lost count was that eight okay nine wait wait that could have been ten yeah we got the Easter egg everybody we got an Easter egg just Jay not hear that or dis just not in here looks like you're learning some interesting stuff that you wouldn't say that if you were the one who had to learn it people are saying Nancy was being very rude there about the guinea pig you had a guinea pig it died when when did it die I want to know that's not very sensitive Nancy that's my family tree ask me anything about anyone come on ask me who was Jeanette its janae I think he wrote plays maybe I don't know I forget you need to study a little bit harder Jane tell me about Garrett he drowned on his 19th birthday Oh who was Gillian she married the Duke of belling's fought but she stayed at Blackmore to raise her son Thomas who inherited this state when his grandfather Charles died tell me about Geoffrey I'd rather not I'm kind of bored wouldn't you rather play a game really who was Marge I forget I think she was no I don't know somebody is just really terrible at studying and does just does not know who any of her relatives are who was Helene can we stop soon Helene married the Duke of bhuva and died in 1760 end of story you're the one who told me to do with her what about Colin oh this is so so cool they say he was a spy for England even though he lived in France isn't that so very I'd like to be a spy that is so very who was tail feel he lived most of his life on the island of Mauritius and discovered like a million plants species Mauritius rhymes with delicious tell me about Martha she was completely daft she'd wear really bizarre outfits and she was one of the first women to ride on a steam train okay it looks like George and his brother on reed died in the same year what happened they were lost at sea I guess they traveled a lot to Canada especially to Oak Island who was the William who died so young he was Edward's little brother he named his son after him who was William he was an explorer just like his father he was kind of a whiner so I heard she's ouch ouch it looks like this person had seven kids Wow tell me about Rose it's a real sad story shin her granddaughter Rachel lived in France during the war and were killed what did Sofia do she was a big collector of impressionist artwork but most of it was destroyed in a fire who was Malachi he was a doctor of medicine and did a lot of research on icky skin diseases happily I'm blessed with perfect skin perfect skin who was Alan he was my grandfather but I didn't know him because he died when I was little I guess he was nice so when was Jane born so she was alive when Allen so when did this game come out again is this 2003 2004 yeah so let's say Jane is 10 to 12 years old let's go with that that's what I'm guessing here here's homework this is for a puzzle later on we have to know ruins well Nigel gave that to me when I was in the library once I think he was hoping it would scare me but it didn't I'm too smart to believe in that sort of stuff Kathryn lived for a hundred and one years my goodness so werewolves this is all about where I just might come in handy if you call this werewolf expert now I want to ask about this Kathryn who lived for a hundred years it wasn't here [Music] okay Catherine where are you I'm not seeing any captain oh here we go Wow Catherine sure lived for a long time she lived the longest of any penvenen I hope I live that long but not if I'm all like creaky and cranky what do you know about Letitia loves plants hates noise you can ask her about it she's usually in the conservatory with her plants okay so it's being confirmed this game was made in 2003 okay 2003 no 2004 sorry I can breed numbers I'm sorry mm mm [Music] I use that to make cakes for Lulu the parrot that's why the ingredients are so nasty like I would eat mealworms st. Jane is 11 okay so we've confirmed that information and here's a puzzle that was written by Charles penvenen way back in like the 1500s when I read it it seemed really familiar you know oh you startled me you must be Nancy I'm Jane's tutor Ethel how do you do how do you do Jane is very excited you're visiting you're all she's talked about for the past week Wow I'm so embarrassed wow I feel so embarrassed I didn't think I'd have a fan club all the way over here yes well I'm sorry but I'm in a bit of a rush I need to go over some things with Jane oh I guess I'll be going then it was a pleasure meeting you Nancy a paths will cross again I'm sure okay so that's Ethel the creepy creepy tutor who appears out of nowhere yeah okay oh my cell phone hello hi Nancy it's mrs. Petrov how is everything have you seen Linda yet literally speaking no but I did talk to her not that she told me anything I'm just about at my wit's end I've never known her to act like this the last doctor that examined her said that aside from a little dry skin which is not unusual for her she was perfectly fine maybe she's just unhappy here I don't know why I mean she absolutely adores you she was thrilled when they got married and couldn't wait to start a new life with him and his daughter they're in England something has changed her something in that house Hugh is just as bewildered and upset by her behavior as I am please get to the bottom of this Nancy you're our last hope who exactly is mrs. Drake she's Hugh's aunt she's taken care of Blackmoor manor ever since her brother died he was Hugh's father she's a bit of a character in what way the way she spent all her time in that conservatory slouching around trowel in hand murmuring to herself she would think she was burying something or somebody goodbye mrs. Petrov goodbye Nancy oh one more thing my niece is on call and her husband's out of town and and I told her I'd go over there and babysit if she had to work so if you call and I don't answer that's why bye so sorry to get distracted by random things but while that conversation was going on I looked it up this game came out October 25th 2004 now in the opening cutscene Nancy says the only one staying here is Hugh's twelve-year-old daughter Jane so if Jane is 12 years old therefore she was born in 1992 if she's 12 years old in 2004 born in 1992 I think that's how math works so let's let's get back to that Easter Egg shall we so we can use the Easter Egg to get this silly little thingy if you click the last button on the phone with the Easter Egg Oh Susanna don't you cry for me y'all come from Alabama with the banjo on my knee [Music] whoo-hoo okay and we can also use the easter-egg to set time and get a nightmare I blue weird nightmare so let's see if that works [Music] what is that nancy wakes up in the middle of the night - creepy chanting oh baby i'd better have a look around no but seriously you don't want to look around because it's just creepy chanting just creepy chanting so we'll set the alarm again I'll try that Easter Egg thing a little later on in the game [Music] I'll try it later I'll just just happen again he was Randolph's grandson and the first initiate odo did not have the proper qualities for Randolph's instruction because he was stupid no Jane it's because Randolph believed that the proper quality skip every generation we talked about that remember I guess Milo was a great soldier just like his grandfather and with his grandfather's help he was victorious at Conn that was a battle fought in 1417 during the Hundred Years War that's right but I don't understand something the Hundred Years War lasted longer than a hundred years right so why do they call it that why don't they call it the hundred and sixteen year war huh Oh My look at the time we need to go over your geometry please open your book to page 46 and read silently Ethel doesn't have an answer for that question so she's like oh we're gonna be studying something else here okay so now that it's been a day Nancy has survived her first night at Blackmore Manor that should impress Linda I'm sorry to bother you again but Jane told me about the lady in black what lady in black Jane never said anything to me about a lady in black that kid is so weird I just don't get her well maybe you could try to understand her did you receive a note or something that's upset you I did receive something but it's none of your concern you can't help me and that's that I'm sorry Linda you have to give me a chance everyone is so worried about you if you just tell me what's happened maybe I could help Linda Linda I made a promise to your mother and I plan to keep it I'm here for you when you need me ah so Linda's just angry and grumpy maybe she is pregnant doesn't realize it yet I I don't know hi Linda Nancy I can't believe you're still here I thought for sure that maybe you can help me haha I told you she's impressed because Nancy survived a full night at Blackmore Manor what did the lady in black leave for you on your nightstand all I know is I've awakened something in this house something that refuses to rest refuses to rest one day after Hugh left for Rome I inadvertently discovered a secret passageway I started to explore it and pretty soon I found this really old-looking message edged into the wall when I read it I realized it was some kind of ancient curse I try to laugh it off but it was kind of unnerving so I went back to my room and found a note on my nightstand and on it was written the exact same curse that very night I started to feel strange the curse has been coming true ever since did anyone see you go into the passageway no no one you see I'd been warned not to go poking around by Hugh mrs. Drake Ethel they all said the manor is old and dangerously decayed so I made sure no one was watching and even if someone did see me in the passageway I went directly to my room afterwards how could someone write down the exact same curse and get it into my room before I came back no something else did this something not human where is the secret passageway I can't tell you that I've already caused my own doom I won't do the same to you can you tell me what this curse said I burned it as soon as I read it I don't know why I bother telling you this you can't do anything for me I should have listened but I didn't and now what's done is done how well do you get along with Jane I've been giving it the old college try believe me but she can just be so strange sometimes maybe she's just trying too hard to get you to like her that could be part of it but she'll just do the oddest things like one night just after Hugh left she came into my room and insisted I read a book to her that doesn't sound very odd to me the book was on monsters vampire and werewolf's and witches I mean what kind of little girl reads books like that she fits right into this house that's for sure we read that book it's not so bad I'll see you soon I hope so I hope I hope so really do you really hope to see Nancy soon because whenever you see Nancy you get mad and refuses to talk to her I can't leave Blackmore yet yeah let's see we need to find the portrait of Eleanor so which one is Eleanor this one maybe I I don't know like none of these portraits are labeled any one of them could be Eleanor I would say huh mysterious well let's meet mrs. Drake just downstairs down the stairs looks like John pendulum may have developed some of the plans that are in here himself it would be nice if Linda just read a book to Jane that would be nice [Music] doesn't work the well is broken oh no this must be some kind of well but where's the water anyone down there hello that was cute yeah there's nobody there oh oh and death scene and Nancy can die a carnivorous plant Nancy will be eaten by this plant that's probably not a good idea [Music] pretty intense pretty intense messing with her plants is probably not a good idea come on it's fine so Leticia Drake she takes drowsiness she takes bends Alain for her allergies all settled in good I'm happy that you're visiting Linda but I know how much with teenagers like your televisions and loud stereos so I must insist that you act respectfully and civilly while you stay with us since my nephew Hugh is away on business I am in charge of this household and if there's one thing I cannot stand its noise Hugh's daughter Jane is staying with us and would very much like to meet you but please try not to distract her jezus studies and mustn't be disturbed during her lessons don't worry I'll try not to distract her do you know what's wrong with Linda Oh Linda's simply needs some time to adjust to her new living situation England is not the United States we do things differently or should I say properly here the doctor believes it's just a case of nerves her mother told me she refuses to let anyone see her is that true I don't know and the doctors don't know no one seems to know anything all I've been told is that Linda is unwell and that in her stead I must look after matters now please I really do not have time to entertain you you may have the run of the house but do not break anything and refrain from mucking about with items that aren't yours two rules Jane seems incapable of following and before I forget our kitchen is being remodeled so our dining situation is rather unorthodox I've made arrangements with a local restaurant to deliver meals to us there should be a programmed number for them on the phone in your room feel free to order whatever you'd like the picture book in Jane's room do you know much about its history my brother Alan found it somewhere in the house he was quite fascinated by it but he'd never let me look at it oh that's not fair what was your brother like he was quite remarkable he taught linguistics and computer science and won many prestigious awards he loved games especially pranks and was forever tinkering with this and that I do miss him sometimes but now he's gone he died a month after my husband passed away and ever since I've been here all alone until Hugh came back from the United States that is poor mrs. Drake trapped here and creepy Blackmore Manor for years this conservatory is very beautiful but why isn't there any water in the well I'm not quite sure we never really used it but it was always full of water that is until my brother died and then it just dried up most of these plants were brought over by my grandfather he was quite the adventurer I remember when he brought back Lulu from the Amazon at first mother wouldn't allow us to play with it because it had picked up too many unsuitable words from sailors but it gradually learned proper manners who is Lulu Lulu is a very old parrot she must be over 80 years old please be very careful with her especially if you feed her parrots have quite delicate constitutions you know this place must have quite a history where can I learn more go see Nigel in the library he's going to write a book about our family history goodbye run along all right so that's mrs. Drake who's ready for some mummies did you say something mrs. Drake not to you dear think mrs. Drake would try to fix that well in the conservatory and look at all these plants here they must need watering it'd be a huge pain not to have you know a well which is working see this thing should be working fine yep it is okay we'll be playing that challenge later on more people hey I think there's Alan with Lulu the parrot I could be I could be wrong I know wait maybe that's Alan I I don't know these these portraits need names they need they need they need labels hi okay so Nigel everyone its knowledge Elias are you here from the agency it's about time huh agency what are you talking about no I'm Nancy Drew a friend of Linda's how do you do I'm Nigel mukajee I'm researching the penvenen family and mrs. Drake has graciously open the library for me nothing much has been written about the pen villains until now sounds intriguing it might have something to do with their scandalous history or perhaps it has something to do with the family treasure oh my is that what you're going to write about I'm quite curious about their progenitor Randolph the read he was a brilliant soldier in the 15th century as a reward for his exemplary military service he was given the land that surrounds this castle as well as the castle itself some say the source of his military strength was a strange stone of course that's all legend but it makes you wonder doesn't it ma oh I know is that he was very good at predicting the weather he knew when it was going to rain Randolph the Red Nosed Reindeer so uh treasure you said something before about a treasure for centuries the pendulums have been very secretive some believe their protectors of a fabulous treasure or of some dark secret there are several skeletons rattling about in the penvenen closet take for example Eleanor penvenen tried and convicted of witchcraft in 1650 quite the height of the witch trials here in Essex it was rumored that Cromwell arranged the conviction but she wasn't actually a witch lady penvenen was a rather vocal critic of Cromwell's policies and helped many of his enemies flee the country whether she actually was a practitioner of witchcraft is unknown although many visitors to the Manor during her tenure reported hearing strange ghostly bells some even saw phantom hands floating about the manor tolling their charmed chimes that would be a scary scene right just hands floating around moving everywhere oh my gosh that would scare me when I arrived here I saw some kind of creature with red eyes outside perhaps it was the black moor Beast what's that it's a story that's been told for generations out here during the 1600s many of the villagers reported seeing a strange beast with red eyes and giant fangs prowling the Moors they asked the mistress of Blackmore Manor Eleanor penvenen to put a bounty on the beasts head but oddly enough she not only refused she forbade anyone from hunting the creature it was rumoured that the beast was Eleanor's husband whom she had cursed for finding out too much about the penvenen secret have you seen any ruins anywhere in the manor you mean like Norse runes no I haven't I don't really know much about them anyway dead languages aren't really my bag you knew I'm sorry dead languages aren't my bag baby who are all those paintings of in the Great Hall those are the pen villains who owned Blackmore Manor at one time or another I see you mentioned some kind of scandal with a pendel and family well having a family member burned as a witch can hardly be considered a mark of pride I dare say and then there's the whole business with the Blackmore feast okay so that's it with Nigel he has finished gossiping about everything he can think of I'll let you get back to your work belly haha and here's a mobile if I use this computer no not at all but it's very old feel free to use mine if I'm not here [Music] okay password bologna sandwich I don't know artists way no see oh my and here's the UH I doubt you'll find much of interest in there they're mainly law books Charles pen villain was a prominent judge in the 16th century sad to say he lost his son at a young age left his estate to his grandson Thomas so old box ha very fascinating those manuscripts are very old and brittle they date back to the 14th century odo pen villain collected most of them his father Randolph and son Milo were rather more interested in military victories than in book collecting interesting I'm researching phillipe pendulum and it appears that many scholars believe he was a pirate that would explain his source of wealth interesting indeed let's just check out all these books can I check out these ones no there's the second floor I wish we could check out the chicken gesundheit danke that would be cool second floor read more books I love books books are great those are mainly Penelope pen villains collections of French novels she was a patron to a raft of artists and her salon was quite popular she was quite the libertine even kept a maiden name after her marriage as I understand most of the pendulums kept the name pen villain after getting married that's because the pendulums are awesome what is this that picture is like Dracula of reading a book that is frightening I don't know about that that's that's that's some frightening times okay let's see Leo Thiam filly Oh [Music] they're declining some Latin so they're working on languages there let's go to when Jane is finished with lesson so four or five yeah what no I didn't lose that for let's go it lets go with for [Music] Nigel yes Nigel of Nigel is very sick right now he just keeps sneezing all the time good and I believe we could talk to Jane about a number of things that portrait wasn't Dracula it was actually your ex-boyfriend oh I see hi Nancy Dracula pen villain that would be great let me see lots of things I can talk to her about do you think there's a treasure hidden around here I highly doubt it I mean if there were wouldn't someone have already found it when I asked Ethel about it she said that it's the penvenen name and heritage that should be treasured yeah do you know of any secret passageways in the manor I found one but all it did was lead to this funny picture do you think you could show me where the passageway is when you rather play game with me I'm so bored I'll play a game with you after you show me the passageway No we'll play a game and if you win I'll tell you where it is oh I got this at this really neat Museum in the States it's supposed to be an original Maya game but don't worry you don't have to like kill people or take their hearts out or anything it's dots on the corn if no dots then you get to move five spaces you get two turns but you can pass on your second turn you just keep on going down this track and you can capture my person if you land on him whoever gets all the Warriors wins I'll be blue here we go so we need to win this game you can go it's basically the same as it was in Nancy Drew scarlet and I pass okay so I pass because I'm really far away from James trying to get her closer to me yeah she's within if she just like two or three away that's good that's good you can go ah poss that's generally what I aim for too I pass pass oh okay so here now in three away I'll go for another three yes rats whoo I pass it's 2 & 3 are the most common ones you get unless I'm totally mistaken I don't know how number 8's oh okay she missed me how good your turn I pass oh no way sorry oh come on not fair I pass you can go I pass pass yeah I just felt as her interactively using an old minigame from previous games it's different this time around because you don't get to control it Jane does oh no I'm secretive scarlet hand you got to control I'm orange and blue this time you're only controlling so it's slightly different your turn gonna beat me yes no oh well here I pass pass I don't mind if they reused a pop puzzle from a previous game if it's an interesting puzzle you can go but if it's something like the fishing puzzle the fishing maintenance they reuse in C I think it's game number 12 and then game number 15 and I don't really like that puzzle and either you can no no bites the dust I can't tell who's winning I think I think you can go yatin I pass this puzzle can be really infuriating because I think it's all just random lock right you can go sorry darn bad you lose do you want to play a game no maybe some other time I'll see you later toodles she's not gonna tell me where the passage is now hi Nancy I actually do have to beat her darn let's play that bull game cool I'll be blue here we go I pass you can go see if I can do this oh oh really your turn pass I pass your turn I need a one give me a one yeah your turn I'm winning pass I pass oh you can get close to each other I need another one your turn pass ah I pass so using my strategy of letting the other character get close you oh dear okay you can get maybe I can just do the strategy of rolling every single time another warrior bites the dust Oh you can go you can go Oh No yeah we're tied okay that's good I pass pass graduate when you've got a game like this where it's just your turn I pass pass I pass does take care several minutes if you feel this challenge don't you do a bad game it's just kind of long you can go yatin okay I'm gonna win this time come on three your turn pass I pass you can go your turn okay give me a - give me a - rats yeah I'm winning now I pass you can go okay it should be good one can you - pass I'm gonna roll none stop I pass you can go okay - okay one yeah you lucked out that time okay I found the secret path between the east wall that's the hall with the coat of arms on the door but it's not a very exciting secret passageway you're going to be totally bored wouldn't you rather play game with me instead mm-hmm no oh my gosh I just played games with you for like ten minutes come on have you ever heard anything strange at night that sounds like chanting no do you know what the password is for the computer in the library yes but I won't tell not unless beat me at skullenbones my friends you got bought this for me it's like go fish but you have to collect three of a kind of weird things like zombies and ghosts you go first have any ghosts do you have any ghosts go dig any bats fraid not do you have any spiders here you go that's a match whoo do you have any witches here you go fantastic do you have any two stones dig do you have any coffins go dig do you have any zombies here you go yes do you have any ghosts nada any haunted houses fraid not do you have any bones dig any haunted houses go dig do you have any skulls here you go okay which one should I ask oh let's ask tombstone again do you have any tombstones here you go yeah yes oh I am I am about to finish this game I have a feeling I'm just gonna clean up which is you have any witches nada any haunted houses go dig do you have any zombies here you go that's a match yes do you have any skulls here you go I got a match whoo do you have any ghosts sorry do you have any coffin oh you just from me know any haunted houses fraid not do you have any bones here you go that's a match do you have any tombstones go dig any haunted houses all yours any bats fraid not okay so let's see one of these three let's go with the ghosts again do you have any ghosts sorry got a caucus I'll come all yours you got a match good for you any haunted houses you're going to have to go dig darn do you have any witches here you go that's a man do you have any tombstones go dig would you happen to have any ghosts Oh yours might go good for you not fair any bats go dig do you have any haunted houses here you go I got a match do you have any toys downs dig that's a match oh I win I win you won good job well okay the password from my grandfather's computer is on his coat of arms plain as day which one is his I should get going come back soon okay well the passwords on the coat-of-arms plain as day it's actually this one Peugeot mentum exit so let's just type that out to welcome my adventurous friend don't tell my sister but there are ghosts in Blackmore Menna 13 of them to be exact the problem is they're very shy so they only come out when it's very late at night usually just after midnight and even then they only show up in quiet places like the Great Hall and the hallways and the conservatory what's worse they'll only come out for a very short period of time but if you can find in touch all 13 ghosts in the time you're allotted come back here and they'll give you a prize one which I guarantee you'll enjoy so who's ready to go in a ghost hunt oh dear my watch tells me that the ghosts are not likely to show up right now come back between midnight and 4:00 a.m. farewell till then okay so the ghost hunt will be at midnight in 4 a.m. so now let's check out that hidden passageway over here oh it's just a parrot no you didn't get Joe good job it's Lulu Polly want a cracker okay I get the point Lulu bye bird by bird by bird I need the key so the secret passageways in that room and that room is totally locked Jane do you have a key [Music] hi Nancy the east hall is locked do you know how I can get in it my great aunt took the key she probably thought I'd break something in there but I found another one yeah you can keep it if you want oh good she gives it to me without making me play a game wow that's so unlike her that is very much unlike her have you played that game on the computer in the library about the 13 ghosts why do you want to play some dumb old computer game when you can play a game with me no I've never played it I should get going come back soon it's a shame it sounds like e we need to remember this thing on the door left right all those various directions the hands move so was it left right and down something like this okay give me one moment here my notes should tell me how to solve this puzzle it's right up down down left and right that gives you the amazing burping dragon if I want to look around in there I'm going to need a flashlight no it's too dark I can't see anything in there it's very sad maybe mrs. Drake has a flashlight just ask all the characters maybe one of them has a flashlight for this secret passage yes do you have a flashlight I could borrow a what a flash light I'm sorry but we do not possess every new gadget simply because our American cousins do know you no need to be so mad I'm concerned about that thing I saw outside it was purely your imagination unless you saw a stray dog but I will not countenance any histrionic cebause this issue we have enough to worry about with Linda and please do not get any ideas about going outside to investigate I do not want you tracking mud all over this house goodbye good dick just talking to her plants again maybe maybe my friend Nigel will help me out here Nigel do you have a flashlight hello Nancy no I'll let you get back to your work belly flash lights is that poor mrs. Drake not knowing what flashlights are well do you have a lantern then Linda I'll see you soon goodbye oh nothing to say okay fine fine fine maybe maybe the parrot it's over here so did you find what you were looking for on that secret passageway let's just say you live in a very interesting house I don't want to hear it's so scary you think people can be looking about behind these walls but you shouldn't tell anyone about them either if you do they'll probably close them off and say they're too dangerous do you have a flashlight flashlight Oh Nancy flashlight is an American term in the UK we call it a torch I don't have one but I do have a whole bunch of glow sticks if you want one you have to play a game with me that's the rule this is a game I bought in Arizona you have to make as many matches as possible on your mark get set go okay let's see if we can do this so you want to make matches I see zero matches here I see one here actually I found one that's three in a row hooray and then this guy who's just grabbing his head yeah that's that's a match let's shuffle the pieces around I see this as a match I can get the Sharks to match [Music] oh whoops and it's basically a little puzzle you just try to make as many matches as possible I'm trying to beat that high-score um let's shuffle I don't think you lose points by shuffling I think you just lose time when you shuffle oh let's see I think I've got five of these bird things like this yeah that's good okay so through these shuffle again one you're so very good here's your glow stick if this one goes out I'll let you play for another one okay I should get going come back soon so now we get to solve this puzzle game and I need a bigger mold so it was right left Noah's right right down down left up left and the right Thank You Dragon Nancy goes down here this creepy area she doesn't find a curse but she does find a puzzle that doesn't look like a curse barber and a picture of a parrot I wonder if Lulu has something to do with this okay let's go back to Lulu you're gonna need a bigger boat parisa t we'll just shouts random things whenever you walk by it's funny does the word barber mean anything to you watch the magic word please sorry that is incorrect know what magic word the word annoying comes to mind okay okay I guess I'll go try to figure out what the magic word is what is Lulu's magic word does Jane know I mrs. Drake no so I don't think Jane does hi Nancy do you know what the magic word is for Lulu magic word no I think you're spending a bit too much time with that parrot I should get going au revoir I'm not spending too much time with that parent maybe you're not spending enough time with that parrot did you think about that maybe maybe maybe you should be cooler to Lulu Lulu is a very nice parrot hello Nancy I'll let you get back to work goodbye we can't talk to Nigel about about Lulu yes would you have a torch that I could borrow no I'm afraid not Jane ruined all of ours with some sort of experiment she cooked up but I believe she may have some of those glue sticks for illumination do you know anything about Lulu's magic word magic wood oh yes you see my brother and grandfather would play a word game with Lulu I never understood how it was played but they'd play for hours Lulu would sometimes grow sullen and refused to play the game anymore unless they told her that what was it that they'd have to tell her it's perched on the tip of my tongue Oh they had to tell Lulu that she was a very very clever and beautiful bird goodbye good day madam hmm I think mrs. Drake just plays with her plants all day long in order to in order to avoid the creepiness of this manor with its evil secret passageways I know the magic word Lulu is a very very clever and beautiful bird easy Lulu you're hurting my ears what's your word barber Bye Birdie definitely more like a magic phrase than a magic word yes yes that is correct so it's left down down left and right Oh No well someday I'll have this this this memorized this one's right thank you for being Dragon okay so barber the word for barber is leech LD e CH that's how you spell the word leech and now the word is picture so we go back to her and ask what picture is not good stay away fail it what's not good what's behind me okay I won't [Laughter] does the word picture mean anything to you you very very clever and beautiful bird you a cake huh all right I'll see what I can do ooh cake making challenge everyone we're gonna make a cake for Lulu so I'll show what happens when you get this wrong I'm going to make another cake for Lulu that's okay help yourself say mealworms yeah we'll make a mealworm cake sure why not blueberries lettuce chocolate avocado salsa heavenly salami unsalted mixed nuts mixed beans and poly crackers squawking ly good mix it in the cruel Meister thing push the button [Music] yeah that's really nasty looking okay so what happens when we give Lulu the nasty cake Lulu won a yummy cake I don't feel something I'm telling what's going on it's Lulu I'm afraid I bet it's something I shouldn't have well UPenn villain just called to say that his little girl just called him she's upset which means he's upset which means well which means you've been uninvited to Blackmore Manor you mean call a cab dear you're fired why does Jane even have ingredients that would fill that is not a very good idea Jane so let's make a nice cake I'm going to make another cake for Lulu if that's okay help yourself I better get rid of the cake I have before I try baking another one okay so let's just do mealworms how's that just a mealworm cake I'm sure Lulu will love that [Music] interesting so that's what it looks like when you put a bunch of mill worms together good to know burger Lulu won a yummy cake all right then what does the word picture mean to you bye bird down down okay so picture the next word is book yay and then baby okay what word is baby Lulu you could try playing this game yourself and guessing what the word is or you can go back to Lulu oh very very clever and beautiful bird what's up with the word baby yeah yeah I know the drill attention from number behind the curtain Lulu is just hungry for cake today very very hungry for cake mealworms whoa I'm going to bake another cake for Lulu if that's okay help yourself Lulu just insist on having cake okay I'll just cook more of mealworms put it there [Music] tip the word for baby is in fact bonnet baby bonnet then I need a bigger bowl Lulu won a yummy cake okay Lulu tell me what's up with the word baby Lulu says funny things I like it okay so that's it for the creepy barfi dragon [Music] baby bonnets and then our our our our okay hopefully if Loula won't make us do another cake such a price what were you doing in there well what are you whoa you came out of nowhere scaring me I was looking at the artifacts they're quite intriguing oh I see well I didn't realize he was so interested in the treasures of Blackmoor it's a fascinating house do you think there is treasure hidden somewhere in the manor no not at all at least not the treasure you're probably thinking of the pen villains have lived here for centuries the house resonates with their presence any hidden treasure and Blackmore would be found in the family's history in the pen villains passions and deeds okay that's that's really creepy here let's talk to her about everything what do you know about the Mutis Lieber have you seen the book in Jane's room called the Mutis Lieber yes the silent book it's quite fascinating and very old Jane's grandfather left it with me to give to her do you know where it came from no I don't but he regarded it as an heirloom and insisted that it belonged to Jane and who Jane only interesting what you're teaching Jane looks pretty rigorous but interesting I believe young people need to have a well-rounded education and learn what every other pendulum should know do you know much about the pendulum family history only that they were very well respected and talented family many of my ancestors were tutors of some of the pendulums and I feel very honored to continue that tradition have you ever heard the legend about the beasts of Blackmoor of course everyone who grows up in these parts knows it but it's just a myth one that unfortunately proved to be quite damaging to the pin villains damaging to the pendulums well yes Eleanor pin Berlin was executed because the villagers believed that she had created the Beast things cannot get much more damaged Hinton hat no I suppose you're correct Ethel well I won't keep you any longer goodbye Nancy okay so that's Ethel you're such a very very clever and beautiful bird up at the word our means something to you yeah yeah I know the drill I'm having no luck with the cake oh my gosh I'm just getting cakes all over the place first attacked by Ethel then then more cake I'm going to bake another cake for Lulu if that's okay help yourself well it's nice we got to have a little bit of a conversation with that below I mean we don't really talk to her all that much in this game it's nice to see her briefly here's your cake Lulu Lulu won a yummy cake good so tell me what the word hour means to you bye bird by bird by bird right right down down left and right whoo thank you burping dragon so it's our last [Music] oh no we're not done with this yet she's okay okay okay and the next word is ant what's the word ant me to you uncle gender number behind the curtain if I said ant to the very very clever and beautiful bird it would say by bird by bird thank you Lulu yeah I need a bigger mole this kind of a pain having to solve that puzzle every single time my goodness anthill got it done solve the puzzle everybody the door has finally unlocked now we can go here for another puzzle it looks like the rest of this grid is on the other side of the wall unless I'm mistaken you want all the triangles the pointing upwards good cuz that's what it shows on the on the door so haha that's how we know we want all the triangles to be pointing upwards and we're done we're done with this secret passageway area now we can confront Linda because there's no curse here I saw no curse Linda crying that's when I heard someone crying Linda you okay Linda I found the secret passageway Jane told me where it is but I didn't see any curse in there how could you have missed it it was right there just waiting to be found wanting to be found I can't believe how foolish I was that's stupid gargoyle I hated how it's evil eyes would stare at me whenever I walked to my room so I moved it around changed its position kept fiddling with it but when that secret door suddenly opened I couldn't resist going in there which gargoyle is this what do you mean which gargoyle I thought you said you found the secret passageway so there's more than one Linda I think someone's trying to scare you off I think they thought you were getting too close to something that's hidden in this house you're right I did get too close to something that witch that witch that was burned at the stake she's cursed me and she's probably cursed you too I'll see you soon I hope so creepy okay so there's another passageway with the gargoyle and people are saying you know was talking about and it looks just like the one in that painting I saw I'll feed Nancy after playing with the gargoyle okay there's got to be an easier way to figure this out there's got to be an easier way too he's got to be an easier way to figure this out Nancy refuses to solve the puzzle by accidents you know Linda manager saw the puzzle by accident I don't see why Nancy can't do the same thing anyway let's let's call [Music] Boar's Head pub this is Tommy hi this is Nancy Drew I'm supposed to call you if I want some food right right Nancy Drew out at the old Blackmore Manor are you COO you must be Hank Marvin up there pity about your kitchen but we'll fix you up for some Becks in posh just tell me what you'd like okay what do you have we've got some loop-de-loop bangers and mash a real foreign pinky and perky and a delicious dogs army for cannot just rubber duck what why could you repeat that sure we've got some loop-de-loop bangers and mash pinky and perky and a dog's eye and they're all Robin Hood um okay ah off like I'll go with some loop-de-loop I'll have some loop-de-loop okay I won loop-de-loop Uncle Fred in Johnny Drama indeed okay alright then we'll come round and leave it at your Rory oh we've got no hot potato about so it might take a bit but we'll have it up to you in no time fishing titres I have no idea what that man says that any time very colorful colorful accents so what we ought to do is go meet Nigel via my friend Nigel he knows all about penguins so he can help us hello Nancy what do you think of Ethel Bosley I think she's an odd locked that one she has no formal background in pedagogy or scholarship I would be a much better influence on Jane where I her tutor but mrs. Drake insists on employing Ethel who is the man in the Great Hall with a gargoyle that's Corbin pendulum born in 1670 and died in 1741 I believe he was Eleanor's grandson and spent his life in France it was rumoured that he secretly returned to Blackmore to continue his grandmother's experiments in the mystical arts where can I find his coat of arms I didn't realize you were so interested in pen villain history I'd be happy to show you his coat of arms but I'm in dire need of a typist perhaps if you can help me out I can find that which you seek it's a deal what do you want me to do perhaps first we should see how fast you type this program will rate your speed just type the characters that appear on the screen if you're good enough I'll let you type up my memoirs and then I'll let you see the coat of arms okay eight eight and be one for Y is Z Q question mark K OTV n WK y this does not help practice you are typing at all this just helps your ability to see random numbers g RS g i8 z v w/h pu p i'm just i think just doing the capital letters helps a lot and then then the numbers oh so you notice some of them are just appearing and disappearing off of the screen before i can type them that's mean whoo I think I did it is that good a little school now here's what I'd like you to type up these are my memoirs I think you'll find them quite interesting [Music] these are the most boring memoirs I've ever read my life here done finally I feel like I've been typing forever Nigel Nigel [Music] so we can read Nigel's notes they're not very interesting check all these things Philippe started Penelope but I'm not allowed to Nigel Nigel are you going to be writing something amazing I hope so Nancy thanks for your work here's a sketch of the crest right right left right left left right okay does feel like oh yeah my action was sure that my name will endure to the end that was a little creepy I did it perfect that time didn't I well you did very well but remember this must remain a secret do not discuss it with anyone yes Ethel and don't forget you have a maths exam tomorrow yes Ethel and be sure to brush your teeth yes Ethel good night that's all so bossy bossy bossy so it's actually like 3:00 at night let's do this puzzle so who's ready to go in a ghost hunt remember you mustn't waste any time our little charms won't stay visible for long so on your mark get set go go let's go okay run okay so I need to grab all these ghosts that are hidden all over Blackmore there's one get one it's like one pretty much everywhere ooh there's one there's another one laughs here it is [Music] smells like oil great Nancy that's not what I'm trying to do right now oh there's one three down 10 to go whoo that's a lot okay someone buy the gargoyle no let's see there's another one and then one here I think there's there's there are like two here in the observatory run run run run run oh no no no no run run run run run oh and while mrs. Drake is gone you might notice you can take this maybe I should try feeding it something except she has a very very protective plant so we can't actually steal it right now I'll try to remember to feed the plant later okay get everything hopefully so I think you're like three in here there's one there's another one [Music] I'm one there yes I've already lost account so I think that's all these ones downstairs now let's go upstairs I don't know I didn't mean to take a look at those okay upstairs ten down three to go three more okay three more okay one one's gonna be by Nancy's room and then the final one's gonna be up here on the singing stairs yeah those number 13 that's a puzzle you what you need to do is pull these levers in order to make the sound effects bad caddie whew that gives me the key the key to Jane's room but I can't actually open it yet I need the key I'll hold on a second I use the key a key fits but it won't turn I need to put some kind of grease in there first yes I need something greasy she's probably sleeping Jane is sleeping let's get our food what's our dog that I ordered no loop-de-loop ah loop-de-loop otherwise known as soup an Uncle Fred and Johnny Rutter Mel's delicious is plain old bread and butter and Uncle Fred and Johnny Rutter are just plain old bread and butter [Music] Lucius that hit the spot so I believe we learn more about cockney rhyming slang through Nancy's computer oh not here yet not here yet okay well in that case we'll worry about it later I think we might need to talk to mrs. Drake about it first okay so the butter goes in here yes and loosen things up in there things up and I put in the key so now we can go over here for a sliding puzzle what you need to do is slide everything in order according to the thing inside Jane's room so first we're gonna have the moon in the bottom left-hand corner let's see how am I gonna get the moon in the bottom left-hand corner get the moon in the bottom left-hand corner above the moon is Atlas that very strong guy who's holding the world and it's based on those words on that poem in Jane's room so I think this one's charity um Joker I guess and then next is going to be this one let's work on the things in the bottom right-hand corner shall we so it's gonna be the Sun in the bottom right-hand corner the Sun somewhere nearby so it's the Sun and above the Sun is going to be the gesture yeah it's called a gesture not a joker okay next we're gonna have so we got this charity then we need to get the night it's gonna be a toughy let me see how do I do this it's gonna be something like this I love the night into the bottom right-hand corner why not tonight in the bottom right-hand corner and then just sort of shove all these around until night follows follows that so that and night next we need charities so this would be the hands so those are all in place after that is the angel so let's see like this angel there and here we go that's the solution it's like a 50 step puzzle solving it gives you the lightning bolt so let's go downstairs go downstairs now that I finished the ghost thing right what did Ellen wha congratulations to all of the few people who have seen the 13 ghosts of Blackmoor Manor as a reward I'm going to let you in on a little secret interesting if you're facing the green dragon looked to the left and pulled below the VARs with the tree but a word to the wise if you're wearing a hat hang on to it have fun mm-hmm yes it's very important to have notes while you're playing this game I mean Nancy Nancy does have notes but I don't think these notes are as comprehensive as you would need in some cases pay no attention to number behind the curtain so pull on that thing and that looks like so much fun I guess I should explain I see you did not heed my warning I realize you're a very curious young woman but know this these passageways can only lead to misfortune for the uninitiated and I am NOT only speaking of physical peril uninitiated what are you what are you you seem to know an awful lot about these passageways why is that Nancy I know you're a good person and mean well and I understand you feel compelled to discover what is happening to Linda but I also have certain duties which may inflict with yours I will not interfere as long as I am prohibited from doing so but know that the instant I receive the word you will no longer be welcomed in Blackmoor good day very threatening yeah so that that slide is really fun yeah but Ethel Ethel is not Ethel is frightening okay my heart my heart rate needs to come back down after after that scare oh boy so uh here's the lightning bolt I believe we're moving the pipe like that we want it to match the picture in the Mutis Lieber the one I said earlier matches the six pillars in the Great Hall those six pillars oh and there's a death scene this must be mrs. Drake's room let's do it mrs. Drake is that you hello mrs. Drake are you in there mrs. Drake I didn't arrange for you to visit Blackmore manners so you could spend your time scaring the Wits out of elderly women but I really had no idea mrs. Drake would react like that I mean all I did was not gonna door it was the dead of night what on earth were you expecting for her to get up and have tea with you I'm sorry mrs. Petrov I guess I wasn't thinking well unfortunately what's done is done and there's nothing more to be said well there's one more thing I'm fired bingo no mrs. Drake is that you enter it mrs. Trant dream is kind of hilarious just total overreacting okay so I'm gonna try to hit the target got it whoo and what's this yay it's a thingy okay so I believe that is for here looks like a piece is missing looks nice looks nice fantastic okay so um the coat of arms we got this this is why I like the game so much who knows there's a bunch of puzzles that you can solve them and basically any order you want so I that's why I like it's just a ton of puzzles and you're not being forced to do things in a very specific order unlike midnight in Salem for example where you pretty much have to do everything in the exact same order or like treasure in a royal tower which is a fun game but you have to do all of Dexter's chores at the start of the game in a very specific order i I just find that not as much fun when you replay the game because you have to play basically the same way every time so check this out we look through here I can see into Linda's room and it's Linda's row werewolf hands yeah I don't think she's pregnant I think she has werewolf fans that is caring looks like it's time for another glow stick no micro stick is dying just what I was about to finish this puzzle only the blameless shell prefers reverse all others shall transform into beasts tooth and nail shall grow long and hair shall turn course till their aspect be as loathsome as their cold hearts prove thy worthiness and memorialize here the innocent ones so wrongly condemned for saving lives else consider thyself right and truly cursed ok let's go oh that's a person whose name where we're trying to write let's see if I can do this with just the one glow stick or if the game will be really mean to me and say no you can't do it see if I can do this in time ok turn all these things up no oh oh okay darn I think my I think my time is up I will have to get another glow stick shoot here we go again so now I have to navigate everything in the dark forward forward forward right forward turn around forward forward go left left left again forward forward forward forward got got it Wow I got out of there in the dark whoo hooray oh my gosh that was somewhat of a killer whoo okay that is creepy and I want to see if I can get a nightmare I believe we can't get nightmares so I'll set my alarm clock yes that's not a nightmare that's just Nancy waking up early in the morning ha ha ha ha so now I'll try to get that Easter egg now looks like Nancy wakes up normally so let's see us set the alarm for 6:00 seemed to be not getting this so let's see so that your alarm with a 6:00 p.m. with the egg is the cursor wow it's really dark at 6 p.m. huh and then set my alarm to 6 a.m. [Music] see if this Easter Egg works [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that was terrifying that was just incredibly terrifying and now let's talk to Jane so let me sum to her lesson sir was at 4:00 p.m. [Music] hi Nancy could I get another glow stick yes but you know the rule first we have to play another game on your mark get set go oh okay this game again actually I see I see five of these so I could go like this yeah there we go I see four of these okay good I feel like the game is having having mercy on me extremely easy matches because it knows I'm so close to solving that one puzzle okay only a few more I don't see any more matches off the top of my head got it whoa here you go Jane I saw you and Ethel performing some kind of ritual what were you doing huh I don't know what you're talking about in the middle of the night you and Ethel were pouring oil or something down some kind of drain coup you're a daft one imagine me and Ethel running around in the middle of the night pouring oil down drains I didn't say anything about it taking place in the middle of the night well isn't that when weird rituals usually take place in the dead of night anyway you were probably just having a bad dream believe me this castle can sometimes give you nightmares I should get going Tata she's such a liar such a liar okay let's let's go over here so it's left right okay yeah there we go it was right down down left right so on this side of the hidden passage [Music] turn these upwards got it okay so now both sides of the puzzle are up revealing this hidden area Wow looks like I won't be needing any more of Jane's glow sticks now we have a creepy glowing Rock so we don't need any more glow sticks and here's the well let's go inside I'm at the bottom of the well my dear little Jane just a quick note enclosed is what you requested I hope it will help you all guinea pig it certainly helped me all the best sums of rolled yeah so Jane asked for something to help her guinea pig how curious and I believe that's it for the well this reminds me of that picture I saw in the Mutis labor I'm supposed to press the button under the blue triangles I want to move then press the one under the group I want to move them to until I wind up with a group of just four triangles so I want just four triangles I see so if I get to here so I've got two over here on the right and then I put five over here in the middle and then I move five to here there's four in the middle [Applause] yep what would uncle roger be giving to help a guinea pig how very odd oh my gosh the room is moving that's the fastest solution weird symbols maybe knowing what that snake symbol means will help me figure out what the others mean so now we escaped yeah you're supposed to solve the puzzle see that picture and immediately solve the puzzle backwards oh the rotating I'll show up that puzzle later on how's that we have to talk to Nigel here my man Nigel he'll tell us about that snake Nigel over here hey Nigel I've got a creepy glowing stone do you want to see it yes do you know what the symbol of a snake eating its tail signifies the Ouroboros it's a very old image and is usually associated with alchemy you really do come up with the strangest questions Nancy I'll let you get back to your work Tallyho so we can look that up on Nancy's phone alchemy alchemy is now on Nancy's phone [Music] excellent excellent so you're supposed to look that up to get the solution to the puzzle but I have the solution memorize no no I don't have to I have the solution to the gargoyle puzzle memorize the solution to the alchemy puzzle I've got written down so I'm going to go there and just enter my solution it is so much complicated oh yes and I promise to show what this puzzle looks like legitimately so there's like an inside room here if I can find it yeah here we go so I wonder through this maze until I find that inside room oh no that's not an inside room that's an outside room some of the doors don't have anything but behind that sometimes they do sometimes they don't here's the inside room found it so this gives a map of the room so I'm currently here and whenever I close the door this outside thing is going to move along with all these doors that have circles on them so the outside thing moved so did all the doors that have circles on them I want to reach the angel so I'm going to try to go north see which room I am in now okay so I'm not in the angel room but looks like I could turn right and get to the angel room eventually oh now where am I oh no I turned in the wrong direction okay definitely a tricky puzzle oh go back to that main room shall we okay turn this way I'm gonna be trapped forever aren't I yep I'm gonna be trapped forever okay so I could go oh no I can't okay so check this out these are maps together so I can go into the mercury door the one that's going all the way around the screen now I'm in the mercury room and I could just ride okay that was not the door to the mercury room oh boy okay get myself back to the starting place here we go say can't go left or right here see that's probably gonna leave me nowhere so I'm not gonna take it great so now I'm in the rotating room great so instead of taking this exit to death I'm just gonna turn around open the door but not go through it and then I'll go forward here to the exit so that's how that puzzle works that's how you do it if you're trying to solve the puzzle legitimately and notice it takes a forever long time okay so this what we need to do is select these symbols one two okay one two and then this one three times one two okay then this one and this is the difficult one okay two three four got it can you access the web from down here yes you can okay so that helps cuz you can use that to go back and forth between what these things are so you need to know what the symbols mean and basically what the combinations are let me put that down and Here I am in the ancient this looks like some kind of medieval look like a chunk of metal whew so we need to light the Forge in order to melt the metal to make the kitchen looks like some kind of ancient mold in order to make the key for this this thing a keyhole yep so we're gonna make the key with the ancient Forge we've got some papers the journal of charles penn jillette decree an initiative a larval cool stuff over here at the top yeah we've got giant gears I think they're for moving this fellow one big drink of water aren't you oh my so handsome what's this guy alias master of the wind just random noise by random pendulums Penelope pen Volyn Wow this letter was written more than 200 years ago so one's a really big book that explains everything I thought this one yeah this one okay so it's got a map of Blackmoor cool let's also explains pretty much every pub well every temple and writes their own and made their own puzzle fantastic what a dream so it looks like every other pen villain basically discovered this cool the school history and made puzzles so here's the shortcut through the moving rooms the one that I will use it's just you turn around and open the door twice and then you're done you're done so it solved this one puzzle right here Alice master of the winds well sound like the big guy at there just took a step this actually happens happens in that room looks some winds are stronger than others [Music] hmm for a list you just got blown up words I'll try to go down words and try to capture that way that is kind of a creepy see if I get the one on top I guess let's get this one on top just move into my area mr. Winn got it now let's get this wind over here on the right oh it sounds like air is going to the forge salted if that's one of those puzzles I hope you don't mind me reading every single puzzle out loud it kind of takes forever to read puzzle out loud and I've solved several done already the solution was open the door don't go through it open the door go through it and a fast solution through that puzzle so one of the puzzles was let's see over here you play the bells see this thing occasionally during library we're gonna move we're gonna move mercury maybe this was some kind of security system that Eleanor devised when she was helping Cromwell's enemies get out of the country I liked making him scream I'm sorry that's that's a mean thing to do okay let's make him face the proper direction he needs to be facing me no I don't need to see his but wrong direction okay finger number watch good and finger number one here you can't really see his eyes though you want to get his eyes in the proper direction as well so this is just guessin check really and they're only four positions his eyes can be in so let's hope we got the correct one hey Ned what's up I could say I've been studying and needed a break but the truth is I've been dying to hear from you what's going on there what isn't going on here I'm listening this place may look like a stayed English manor but it's really just one big funhouse why do you say that because every time I turn around there's another door that I have to figure out how to open this one door went to a slide that took me back down to the first floor okay and behind the last door I found I discovered this Old Forge Forge isn't the thing you used to heat metal and make swords and stuff right so what are you going to do now well actually the forge looks like something I saw in the string book Jane has in her room which means I should probably check it out more thoroughly that's the thing it looks like it has been used recently I mean relatively recently certainly within the past 50 years or so what would someone be using a forge to make in this day and age there was also this big keyhole in the lab what about a key no key well there you go maybe that's what has to be forged the key that goes in that keyhole that'd be my guess good guessing Ned I think Linda may be turning into the Beast of Blackmoor in the 17th century eleanor pendel and was rumored to have turned her husband into some kind of creature for discovering something that he shouldn't have she was later executed for witchcraft anyway while I was looking into her room through this people I know well sort of okay so maybe I was but the point is I got a glimpse of her hand and it was old Harry you're kidding me frankly it was pretty shocking and if the recipe is anything like her hand well it's no wonder she won't let anyone see her I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation I have no idea what it could be but I'm sure there is one Linda stepdaughter Jane she has this really weird picture book in her room what do you mean a picture book I mean pictures are all that's in this book no words just these strange hand drawn images and that book is old like it's been around for centuries drawings huh maybe it's a some kind of an ancient instruction manual you know for people who didn't know how to read could be when I asked her about it Jane said her grandfather gave it to her and then and then what and then she changed the subject hmm sounds like that book may prove to be pretty important I'll talk to you soon I'm already looking forward to it well that was nice of Ned okay let's not forget to feed mrs. Drake's plants you need to get some pinky and perky for that should we call Hugh pendulum should we call the werewolf expert hi this is Nancy Drew I'd like to order some food sure we've got some loop-de-loop bangers and mash pinky and perky and a dog's eye and they're all Robin Hood I'd like some pinky and perky please good choice Uncle Fred in Johnny Drama know I'll be eating alone thank you all right then we'll come round and leave it at your Rory baked potato [Music] please just take it away but why can you expect to feel better if you don't eat properly and from now on just bring me what I ask for a healthy digestive system cannot do without roughage you know yes missus hmm interesting mrs. Drake what are you doing what are you up to mrs. Drake what was that what was that mrs. Drake see if I can find her I think she's right here yep have you seen the will is filled up again it's very curious but quite wonderful can't we talk to her about that weird thing she just did Oh goodbye run along let's solve this puzzle first then okay hold on maybe we're supposed to look at that charm she put above Linda's door I'll zoom in on that charm and then I'll confront mrs. Drake about it okay charm over here ah can I can I see it here it looks like some sort of charm yep yeah you need to take a look at it before you can talk to mrs. Drake about it and that's all the froggy frog we set this up so they could use this squirt gun to hit those tiles over there let's go over there go over to the princess without being attacked by crocodiles alligators no monsters no no I got eaten by one okay oh no not even by one again this is just a random challenge the crocodiles tend to change position every time let's see I might make it yes yay I did it [Music] and it gives us a night head nice yes I think Ethel is trying to recruit Jane into some kind of secret society Oh heaven's sake child where did you ever get such nonsense I saw Ethel and Jane performing this ritual in the Great Hall in the middle of the night poppycock a ritual in the middle of the night young lady I will not abide such wild stories imagine Ethel botany recruiting my grandniece into some kind of secret society next thing you'll be saying linda has been cursed by some roving spirit or that we have guests prowling about oh yeah you do have ghosts in the manor why did you put that charm above Linda's door what I fail to see why that is any of your concern but if you must know I was only trying to help Linda oh I am at a loss as to what to do about her a complete loss sometimes extraordinary situations require extraordinary measures I thought that perhaps a charm would help whatever it is that's plaguing that poor thing I spoke with mr. Tucker at the Boar's Head pub but frankly I'm not at all sure what he said yes his language is quite colorful isn't it he's cockney you see my brother Alan and I love to make up cockney rhymes when we were young we drive our governess quite batty haven't got a pot of glue haven't got a pot of glue how we teased her had a clue a clue dear haven't got a clue rhymes with blue you see goodbye good day so now I believe we can look up on Nancy's phone the cockney rhyming slang it works like that things that rhyme uh you you use them to replace other words so let's see here it is come on come on I want to see it so Mickey Mouse can mean house baked beans jeans nanny goat boat Uncle Fred and Johnny rudder bread and butter tea pot lids means kids also god forbids can mean kids I can't like that one better hickory dickory dock clock I've got some here so let's see ball of chalks who would say hey take a ball of chalk that means walk or go away scram get out of here let's see strike me dead can also mean bread okay so Tift ER means hat that's tit for tat if you say I took off my Daisy roots and plowed the deep all the flying kite you mean I took off my boots and went to sleep all the night too much rabbit about is whistle means too much rabbit and pork about his whistle and flute or too much talk about his new suit that seems very long and complicated and it's very seems difficult to me so bugle and Irish Rose both mean nose it's kind of difficult because lots of words rhyme with each other right right so Fred like how do I know that means bread it could mean bed it could mean said it could mean lead or dread I'm filled with dread I'm filled with my Uncle Fred I'm filled with dread yeah I don't know I don't know so um we solved that puzzle and I don't know what time it is let's switch by wood I ordered looks like pinky and perky is Turkey I knew that this smells delicious that's some turkey hmm that is despise some delicious food oh my gosh okay see if I can get that frog Easter egg I mean the Frog nightmare I'll try that once more so was it setting it to 6:00 p.m. and then setting it to 6:00 a.m. we'll see we'll see I could be 100% wrong about this apologies in advance if I have this wrong I did it hey it's the Frog how about we just shake this stuff off and go to the mall Easter Egg nightmare gotta love it okay so that is the Frog Easter egg nightmare that's the one I was trying to get earlier with the Easter egg and now we've seen it hooray so it's 3:00 a.m. nobody's awake especially not mrs. Drake mm-hmm so now we can see what fancy things she's hiding over here give that Turkey the creature yeah mrs. Drake concerning your recent in Cuevas is a confirm that according to the rules of inheritance - which old nephew Hugh and Berlin agreed when he assumed ownership to back more mana any wife he takes must reside in Blackmore mana for six consecutive months in the first year marriage should she fail to meet this requirement half of the estate will pass to the next heir specified in the will of your brother Alan as you know you are that heir I'm sorry dear Hugh's current wife Linda's been ill well change of scenery might be good for her she must stay at the Manor for another three months - she and her husband wish to retain full possession of the Blackmore state please convey to her my sincere hopes for speedy recovery and if I may be a father service to you please do not hesitate to contact me yours truly Harold tea bottle B mm-hmm senior partner yeah so Miss Drake inherits if Linda can't stay here for another three months so Linda's already been here for three months I guess the wedding was three three months ago interesting interesting I I didn't know I thought they were more recently married [Music] okay so got a couple of puzzles let's go back to the time when Jane when we had our lessons because I think she sings the clue to the next puzzle we're in lessons right now oh no I just wanted to hear some singing singing pack sack Sarah Noah nostra again pack sacks Eric's hola no one knows drop I don't know what that lesson is some language I suppose oh yeah we didn't finish with this puzzle my mistake I forgot to check this so mercury is looking down meaning I can't take the wand oh wait I stole the wand from Mercury even though he's looking down hahahahahahahaha and we can use Nigel's computer he's he has slightly different notes this time now as the time as the game goes on he makes new notes dig up dirt on UPenn villain oh that's not very nice Nigel it's not nice at all [Music] vilius v figlio film that's more language work and the winner is pay no attention to the bird behind the curtain pay no attention to the do you by any chance know Latin waste a robotic been a B D G simple I'll take that as a yes would you mind translating something for me fire away Oh das is Fortuna yo but fortune favors the bold by Bert this is not a good time very good and now the plur weary who air Orem Paris burrows new song who said it is sown again new song who said so many lessons looks like she changed his lessons whenever you turn around that's the same lesson again yes we to a good again hmm well it doesn't look like I can get that song it's all very sad I don't want to disturb her I do [Music] so this this puzzle is generally the Bridget song it's supposed to help with this particular puzzle and it's supposed to help also with this this this is the second part of that puzzle but you're supposed to do is match the song what you're supposed to do is match this this thingy to that in order to get the solution what's that here's a song I so bright looks toward heaven at midnight on the longest night of year that's the one she holds most dear sorry friends she's often her to say how I wish that I could make you stay she knows though they can't remain time will bring them round again that's a beautiful song Bridget with her friends [Music] time will bring them round beautiful beautiful people beautiful I love it so much okay so let's actually solve the puzzle now now that we've heard the song now now I feel very happy okay so it's gonna be red and it's gonna be missing the left fourth so that's the lion red left fourth gone dragon just needs to be a mall red and then the Lynx is gonna be all black so cover it up all the way [Music] turning it aside we have the rabbits which is gonna be green and missing the left half and the fish blue missing the left fourth let's see is that not it did I miss something here John pendulum here's a book about the Frog by the way we already solved the Frog puzzles oh haha so yeah okay well let me double check my solution yeah okay so dragons Red Lions red missing the right fourth the dragon was all red I'm not missing anything links all black so I think that's everything all covered up fish is blue missing the left fourth rabbits green missing the left half [Music] see where did I go astray unless my notes are wrong yep okay so let's see [Music] it's just one dragon Allred and then we've got the lion was just the red missing the right fourth whoops not left for landing for that's where I messed up okay got it so this goes on the end of the telescope according to that picture actually goes in two places yeah yeah see so it's the right port that was red and then green half blue blue left fourth so this goes in two places place number one goes there down here this is the Zodiac puzzle what you need to do is look up the solution on your phone it will tell you the order to press these buttons in nine ten eleven and twelve job so many puzzles this gives us the moon thingy so not we have the telescope lens Nancy really really does need a telescope she will get it from Jane lessons over for going with four o'clock again what was that yeah putting all the clues back in place and resetting everything oh man what a pain that would be resetting all the puzzles in the banner oh man that would take forever Nancy I'm so afraid someone just sent me this horrid message look at this this house is now mine so of this be warned thou hast angered me and shall soon be gone on the other side that symbol is a room right-side up it means protection like a shield but there it's upside down it means I'm in danger I wouldn't take this seriously Jane someone in this house is up to no good and I'm determined to find out who it is are you really I mean none of these weird things started happening until you came to Blackmore how do I know it's not you who's behind all this I think you can trust me I think not I don't think I can trust anyone right now I wish I'd never come back to this place it's old and cold and I hate it and I hate I just don't want to be here I know you're upset but please you have to trust me I'm on your side Jane did there used to be a telescope in my room mmm-hmm I took it outside to look at the Stars but if you want it back you'll have to play a game with me I knew you were going to say that okay what's the game let's see how quick your reflexes are I'll time you if you get the puzzle done in time I'll return the telescope if not then you'll have to try again on your mark get set go yes this is a jigsaw puzzle I don't know why Jane finds this fascinating - why I mean somebody else do a jigsaw puzzle in five minutes but she does okay so move all these pieces out of the way they're all covering each other making it impossible to see where I'm putting anything as usual for jigsaw puzzles it's so much easier if you put the outside pieces in first let's see that's that's a corner piece that's a bottom piece this actually looks like a corner piece - no no no oh dear Jane okay with that out of the way I don't know what to do about this oh you right click to rotate oh well nice yeah because I'm on senior mode okay right I'm on the senior mode okay making this way more difficult than it could be oh boy okay there we go um this is a bottom piece oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear me there we go okay good okay got the left-hand side completely finished this is just a weird this is a really weird jigsaw puzzle period good okay yes gonna do it three minutes ah there I think that's it okay that piece didn't go there evil bunny in the middle and here there you run dog show I'll put this go back in your room first chance I get Jane just needs so I should get going I'm a computer just play computer get the Internet just play video games on the internet all day long as opposed to having fun watching Nancy play jigsaw puzzles Nigel covered this up because he's scared of it I'm sorry to inform you that I shall soon be leaving Blackmore I just have a few things to take care of and then I shall bid you adieu why where are you going I have good reason to believe this place is genuinely haunted there's no way I'm staying here one minute longer than I have to thankfully I've finished most of my research and have enough to start my book I'll let you get back to your work good bye so Nigel's leaving I see telescope should now be in Nancy's room excellent we'll put this at the end of the telescope and look through it okay I'm gonna have to take notes on this so one sad one two three four five so when is the sad face four are the flutes five is happy phase two is a parrot and three is a liar oops three is a liar fantastic so those would be symbols for that machine downstairs [Music] actually wait Nancy's room is attacked right scratch marks like something was trying to get into my room Blackmore it stopped working I broke it yeah no so mrs. Drake will help I hope yes do you believe that Blackmore Manor is haunted no of course not I've lived here for many many years and I can tell you without a doubt that absolutely no ghosts walk these halls an occasional odd creak here and there yes but no ghosts but I do sometimes wonder if those who have passed away remain with us lingering on I miss my brother terribly and I sometimes wonder if he's in some ways still here oh poor mrs. Drake I'd like to play the card machine in the Great Hall but it's broken it's not broken I removed its crank as it was proving to be too much of a distraction for Jane I suppose I could see what it's gone to but in the meantime be a dear and do something for me would you sure do you see that hodgepodge of plants over there there my prize are there I had them perfectly arranged in that box so I could easily move them about to catch the light unfortunately Jane took all of them out when I wasn't looking and now for the life of me I cannot get them back in the box so that they all fit why don't you give it a try while I see about that crank if we both succeed we shall both be happy if you catch my meaning remember they must all fit in that box so it's this puzzle yeah it's just like that puzzle from a few games ago haha danger on deception Island yes we needed to get all those books to fit into a place now we need to get all these seedlings to fit into a place a little bit of wiggle room not too much ah okay come on can I do this here there we go okay great so that's kind of a little bit like 1/2 over that line on the far left I can rotate these pieces I don't think that would help there we go okay so it's gonna fit in here just a bigger piece no this oh that's too large okay this piece maybe no yeah it's gonna be difficult yeah there we go this is where it's like oh hey now I can rotate the pieces now it's actually saving me some space yeah and then maybe here is just some small pieces there no I don't think this is it I think I messed up I think I failed I don't know maybe not let's see yeah no I failed okay not enough for him to get these small pieces in okay let's try again try again why can't Jane solve this puzzle yes Jane would love to solve this puzzle I'm sure if I rotated this no not so this one isn't a square though that's why I find it very strange when I try to rotate it the game says no you can't rotate that piece it's a square it's not a square okay this looks good left-hand side entire left-hand side completely done [Music] put that here perhaps yes looking good so far and this is a big piece so I'll maybe move here and that piece like that there yes baby so any one of those pieces fits into that small spot there no of course not why would that be the case here why can't I turn this piece so it's sideways though that's just not fair I should be able to turn that piece sideways I think if I turn this piece sideways I'd fit it it would fit comfortably in this spot don't you agree with me and then yeah I I believe the same with this piece okay well that is just just not fair in the slightest yeah big things out of the way okay I can move this one sideways a fit moving this one sideways ah this one doesn't go sideways like this perhaps then maybe move that just a little bit further down and then no that won't work okay this this is impossible okay it's not that impossible let's move everything down just a little bit if I can move everything down just a touch giving me giving myself a little bit more space to work with no no no okay trying again trying again [Music] see those those three together that looks good that looks good I'm sure I'm like doing the exact same solution I had earlier aha except now I'm just moving the bigger pieces because I had like a pile of three on the side correct now here we go this might be good yeah so I got all the big pieces on the right-hand side here you rotate these smaller pieces please tell me they fit together no yes yes they're done whoo okay solve that puzzle and now I just need to leave and return it and mrs. strake will be there just get mrs. Drake some time to leave and get that crank and then go down downstairs yes I managed to get all those seedlings back in the box wonderful and I managed to find that Creek there you go great thank you goodbye good day good and now we're just going to run this over to the area where we were why look another shoot what a good philodendron you are [Music] right yeah those symbols look familiar so is one sad to imparied three lire four flutes and then five happy maybe she'll give that to me if I win yes so we have to play go fish with her so to eiope no Calliope she had parent i don't have any parents to have any Cleo's no okay got that okay any parrots or Worlds I don't have those have any of these yes [Music] his parrot world no sad face I'll have any of those okay what about those nope so she has parent world sad face oh and she took all my weight no what oh she took all the sad faces and now she's taking all my happy faces as well okay I'm losing this one don't have any parents okay last for clyppi again hey I have that one and she has it oh oh but she asks for me for it right away no Pegasus okay good let's try this yeah no come-from-behind victory for me oh wait yes hey I got a match and she got a match - uh I got this one I can ask for it I think she has it yes yeah she's winning 3-1 okay she's still winning three two one um let's try this one again yes three two - let's see I just failed on the Calliope so let's try this one hey I got a match okay three two three yes for the parrot okay I just failed on this one so let's try Calliope no oh no that's for the period again oh come on I don't mind this puzzle it's just so slow especially we're gonna fail it and there we go she wins okay we'll try again so she has no Scrolls okay no no nevermind I mean she has scroll and she has pillar when I was just taking all my pillars and winning just give us the arrow Betty no it's just sticking that one away from me I know she has happy mask now just Pegasus happy mask and the other one okay give me a new card I'll ask for it yeah scroll one two three let's go spare it again okay and she has those those ones on the far left um I know a sad face I don't really like it when she deals out a card to me and then immediately asks for it and gets a match like that that's what I feel is it's sort of like cheating oh hey and now she got a match to with Pegasus well that's cute hey I got happy face maybe I can get a match there I'll get a happy face match finally get a get a point on the board three two one hey and I got another match oh that's cute hmm let's go with the world again ooh I got one of those things okay and see she hands it out to me and then immediately takes it this is no fun yep and there she cooks she got a match on that and now it's just getting a parrot match while she's doing this I guess I'll just solve this point have different plugs I can create different patterns in the mold done okay so let's try Gap [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is such a cheater okay so I did pretty well playing this game against pain earlier all right we got another Cleo thing [Music] no Pegasus for her we know she has terpsichore was it my turn okay she keeps asking for terpsichore that I don't have let's get a parrot do good I think I'm doing well this time yes on the board first everyone victory is mine I've got like two two two and then one yeah yes to nothing way to go me now darn oh and then she gave me the happy thing to immediately take it back from me very sad and now she got three in a row there let's get Pegasus no Pegasus and she gave me the Calliope to immediately take it back and now she got all those oh let's go with ya I got three in a row okay so then let's go with that one yay okay then it's her turn again I suppose okay let's go with so it's four to three this is tough okay it's a it's a coin flip let's go with that yay okay I think I won I won yep I want it everybody got really lucky there at the end haha i won oh right Betty pay up pay up Betty excellent excellent okay so now I need to see which ones I'm missing so I have the mercury one here excellent did I have the moon yes I haven't put the moon in the place yes I do have the moon [Music] and then the arrow goes here [Music] excellent and I done the night head yet I think I've done them all I think I think we've done it I think we've done it okay have I done this one the time looks good [Music] say Nancy talks when you get it correct so I'm going to guess that the one I got wrong was the moon and I had it upside down sounds like I did something right there we go next we need to light the Forge by pressing the wand to all three gargoyles how do I start I start by pressing the wand here say where's the gargoyle I start with this one that one you have to do it within 10 seconds so it's not a whole lot of time this one probably works through magnets fortunately we have this awesome okay light all three of them and then poof whoa something tells me I just succeeded in lighting the Forge yay all right so we're getting close to the end of the game I think we've got a couple more scary scenes that we can see what was that where do I come in Doom shall come on swift wings to thee who has seen forbidden things this looks like it came from a wolf again yeah there's another scene late at night so let's see if I can get that one if I can set the alarm clock for later at night [Music] yes who is that hmm I wonder if these are what made those red eyes I saw outside the night I arrived this is how the culprit made those red eyes appear we know with those dogs that were it looked like the the werewolf was about to talk attack Nancy it was those light up red eyes that was it I think that's it I don't think we have anything to talk to anybody else about so let's do the end game challenge gonna see who the culprit is momentarily this puzzle again same cheat as before [Music] okay am i doing the cheat wrong okay yeah open the door once open the door a second time oh yeah and I forgot to call the werewolf expert whoops oh look at this beautiful scenery this is Palicki hi my name is Nancy Drew could I ask you some questions about lycanthropy I'm sorry I'm about to leave for a seminar and I'm very busy besides I've written two books and twelve articles on the subject if you have questions perhaps you should try reading one of them it's just that your writing makes you sound so knowledgeable that I felt compelled to talk to you your attempt to win me over with flattery is as transparent as it is feeble but it works what do you want to know what do you consider to be the definitive signs that someone is turning into some kind of animal symptoms are relatively subtle dry mouth a fatigue impaired vision and reduced blood flow to the skin is this person pain I can't say she won't let anyone see her she just lies in bed all day behind this curtain and night-night I can't be sure but I do know that I saw something outside the night I arrived some kind of animal and when I asked to see my friend I was told she was unavailable this sounds very promising you don't really believe she's turning into some kind of creature do you young lady I believe the human mind is capable of far more than we can ever imagine pale skin but I mouth fatigue the human mind is perfectly capable of causing the body to exhibit such symptoms yes it is so motivated what if someone seems to be growing a lot of hair like on her hands what do you mean by a lot I mean a lot to tell you the truth psychosomatic hair growth is extremely unusual in fact as far as I know it's a hair tough but it's still probably just a matter of mind over matter or should I say body right almost certainly but you might be well advised to keep an eye on her and please call me if anything happens if anything like what happens your mom is bro but you all know what would motivate someone to turn into an animal most lycanthropes are under a great deal of stress do perhaps to the death of a loved one marriage divorce a relocation that sort of thing they're emotionally vulnerable which means they're particularly open to the power of suggestion someone suggests they become a lycanthrope not in so many words of course somehow they get it in their head that they're destined to take another form they see something they read something someone says something to them somehow they come to believe they're supposed to undergo a physical metamorphosis and so in their weakened psychological state they do so yes you could turn into a werewolf just by thinking about it hard enough do you think thing an ancient curse would be enough to send someone you know over the like anthropic edge absolutely of course a person cannot morph into X Y Z if that person has no idea what X Y Z is she has to have some prior knowledge of the creature she thinks she has been condemned to become a book a website a movie a play a casual anecdote any number of things could provide her subconscious brain with clues as to how she is to look feel and behave at her altered form thanks for your time a good day all right thank you dr. Blakey and I don't want to solve this puzzle again yes I don't think I can't solve that puzzle again great ok click Wow molten metal there that looks right and the key looks amazing beautiful beautiful key so let's put it into place to figure out who the culprit is it's mine I'm the pendant and not you besides I would have found it before you did if I didn't have to sit there all day learning all that other silly rubbish what is that I think it's the penciling family treasure that is a pendulum treasure Rock 600 years of secret a mystery and puzzle all because of a stupid rock no way there must be something under it no don't touch it I told you you're gonna drop this trap on us and kill us both so that's a second chance know what you're supposed to do here is back away [Music] it's shocking I can't see anything get me out of here please I'm sorry I was meeting you before I'm sorry for everything what do you mean by everything it's my fault Linda sick I mean she's not really sick I just made her think she is I left that curse in him room and gave her allergy pills and put her medicine in a hoist erisa yeah and she also made Linda read the book so window Linda would start acting like she's a werewolf you made her think that she's changing into the Beast of Blackmoor didn't you I just wanted to be daddy and me and mummy my real mommy please don't let me talk anymore Nancy there's no hair in here I can't breathe I've got to figure out a way to get that box off of her fast way to get the box off of her is to use that really really strong man he can take it off Thank You ælis thank you dear Ned well there is a beast of Blackmoor Jane she made poor Linda thinks she was turning into a monster by putting her uncle's hairy story in Linda's moisturizer she also slept mrs. Drake's allergy pills into Linda's food so she'd feel woozy all the time an extremely dangerous thing to do needless to say Jane's father was very upset especially when he found out Jane had done it because she still wants him and her real mother to get back together after Jane apologized to Linda and Hugh apologized to both of them they all resolved to do whatever it takes to become a real family as for Blackmore Manor ever since I told him about all the passageways and gadget REE I discovered Hugh has become fascinated with his family history and has asked no ordered Ethel to teach him what she's taught Jane and while he doesn't believe for a second that the meteorite in that old alchemy lab has magical powers he has encouraged Jane to come up with a puzzle to help ensure its safekeeping just as initiates have been doing for centuries which reminds me the pendulum swore me to secrecy when it comes to all their traditions so don't tell anybody any of this okay Nigel suspected something was up when he came to get his laptop and it's been hounding me ever since this is just the kind of stuff he'd love to include in that unauthorized tell-all he's trying to write if he calls me one more time I'm telling on him too mrs. Drake that'll teach him ever yours Nancy [Music] hey sassy detective congratulations on cracking the case you've been awarded the title of obscure iam passage iam you found your way in the dark yes I did find my paths pathway through the dark yeah the year is 1930 and everything is on the rise unemployment government red lines and organized crime in the midst of it all a hero in his barn armed with only a flashlight of blue roadster and a spirited resourcefulness a 16 year old detective will go on to inspire hope in the hearts of young girls and kisses upon the lips of evildoers everywhere her name Nancy Drew [Music] so Nancy Drew is gonna be 16 in the next game interesting yes okay so the next game takes place back in the 1930 but for now we are finished with this game as fantastic yes we managed to beat the the curse of Blackmoor manor at about three hours [Music] yes it's pretty fun that was kind of crazy though how Jane was tricking her grandmother into thinking and that grandmother not her career no no no is tricking her stepmother into thinking she's becoming a werewolf so Jane really did a good job on that I guess she read that werewolf book very thoroughly and just read all those steps also also putting hair growth stuff so that must have been the thing that Uncle Roger talked about in his letter he said hey this helped with me hopefully it will help with you we do know Uncle Roger is bald his toupee went flying in the middle of a windstorm after all so he had miracle hair growth which works on hands [Music] okay here's the cast Lonnie Mandela as Nancy Drew and Lulu the parrot Amy broom hauls mrs. Drake Connie a learn as Jane pendulum Jen rosamma as linda pen villain sarah Papineau as a felony Steven Steven Hondo asthma Nigel Mukerji door Alania as mrs. petrov scott-carr Diaz Ned Nickerson Jonathan spookiness who penned villain Tommy Tucker and Alan pen villain Alyssa kinas Polly kavadis and then max whole check as the 1930s radio and Elsa it also hoes at the very end of the game [Music] doo doo doo doo doo that I could make you stay how I wish that I could make you stay she knows though they can't remain time will bring them round again yes that's that's Bridget's song there in the background [Music] so it was a fantastic game I hope you all enjoyed my livestream for Nancy Drew curse of Blackmoor Manor so have a nice day I hope you enjoyed it see you later Guv'nor [Music]
Channel: Arglefumph: The Nancy Drew Dude
Views: 46,148
Rating: 4.928 out of 5
Keywords: Nancy Drew: Curse Of Blackmoor Manor (Video Game), Her Interactive, Nancy Drew, Blackmoor Manor, Curse, Werewolf, Jane Penvellyn, Linda Penvellyn, Ethel Bossiny, Mrs. Drake, Nigel Mookerjee, Curse of Blackmoor Manor
Id: llntJWHp9qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 58sec (10918 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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