2020 Intel Mac Mini RAM Upgrade || START to FINISH Installation Guide

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so if you want to save a bit of money carry on watching this video hi folks welcome back to the channel if you're new here my name is Ben I'm a photographer and videographer based in North Wales along with photography I'm photography goes computers we all need them unless we're doing it straight on our phones which I wouldn't advise I'm talking of computers this is my brand-new 2020 Mac Mini this is the absolute base model with the core i3 c5 6 gigabyte solid state a whopping 8 gigabytes of RAM I got a decent deal to beefer I got this for 750 pound on Amazon I suppose to the 800 pound on the Apple website I'll leave a affiliate link down below just in case they still have the offer on and aside from the 27-inch iMac behind me that is my main Edison machine I had been using a 2016 13 inch MacBook Pro again base model is a to Google hits I 5aq around to five six solid state that it wasn't great I have to say but again it was just being used for the odd email web browsing a few YouTube thumbnails stuff Allah but I decided I wanted a nice smaller desk set up in my bedroom just so I can watch Netflix and stuff a lot in bed at night because this is a shared workspace I find it very hard to concentrate on anything when anybody else is working in the same room so I fought Mac Mini it's the cheapest computer that Apple sells it'll do the job so I'm sure eight gigabytes of RAM might well be enough for some people if they literally are just web browsing sending emails that sort of thing but if I need to if this computer breaks on me for whatever reason I would quite like to be able to run Lightroom on Photoshop fairly easily as well as potentially even final so quickly one thing that is user upgradeable with a little bit of work is the RAM in the 2018 and 2020 Mac Mini so we're going to go through step by step first off I'm going to tell you what you would need to do this job so first off a nice soft cloth or a towel anything will do just so you're not scratching the top of your brand new Apple computer next you'll need some tools so I picked up I've no means to get one of these little kits for ages other than why haven't them until now this is the iFixit essential atronics tool kit it cost about 20 quid on Amazon I'll leave a affiliate link down below and in here we have silica pouch and everything that we could need to do this job mainly being tox driver with C 6 C 10 and C 5 bit heads a little plastic pry a spudger I don't what the word is for them to be honest some nice strong long tweezers and the little pokey thing that might come in handy that's about it next is somewhere to put all the screws are you taking out of this so you'll see a lot of people they love magnetic nuts I do not have one of those I do have a magnetic Bowl dish so one way I could do this is just marking on the metal which screws were in which order or on the inside of the lid of the iFixit kit there is a bit of a grit you could just quite easily use those and go through in order we'll see how we go I'll use one of them at least and then finally you'll need some RAM so after a little bit of research unless you've up five minutes of research I discovered but the 2019 27-inch iMac takes exactly the same run modules are the Mac Mini how handy in the previous video I've already upgraded the iMac from 8 gigabyte to 64 gigabyte of ram it's a 2 minute job it's a lot easier than the Mac Mini but I've noticed that I've never used anywhere near 64 gig everyone even well I've been transcoding 4k s logged soup Sony footage whilst also importing Lightroom catalogs from weddings and stuff are up or exporting mass quantities of images I don't think I've ever used even 36 40 gigabyte of RAM at one time so just for I'll take two of the 16 gigabyte cards out of the iMac I'll put the original 8 gigabytes buck in so that still has 40 gigabyte in there I'm going to swap out with the 8 gigabyte inside the Mac Mini 432 cake every round so in the iMac I've been using 2 different types of rum they're both the same spec but one set is from crucial euro set was from Corsair Vengeance they're both two six six six megahertz so dim ram 260 pin modules I just made sure to take out the two sticks are the same there's a general rule of thumb you want to have matching sticks in whatever machine you're using but I'll leave links again to this kit and the Corsair kits as well they're both roughly the same price that the price goes up and down arms and anywhere between hundred ten one hundred and fifty pounds so far up for the first two gig of ram which on the Apple store could cost you 600 pound so if you want to save a bit of money carry on watching this video so I'm going to switch cameras so I can have a downward facing rig you're still have my audio and then hopefully I'll see you at the end with a working suit gig of ram Mac Mini let's go okay so the very first thing that we want do is simply turn the mic upside down then you also want the writing to be the right way up as its facing you so you can clearly see here it says Mac Mini looking straight others first tool we'll need is the blue plastic spudger or prior whatsoever it's called very simply stick it underneath the edge of the black plastic cover give it a bit of a wriggle it should just pop straight off next we're gonna need the t6 or tr6 Torx driver so the six screws on the back of the Wi-Fi antenna plate here these are two different sizes of screws so to start with we're going to look at the 12 o'clock four o'clock and eight o'clock screws these ones are slightly bigger and slightly longer they are still very short so it doesn't seem much work at all to get them out and then we'll move on to the two o'clock six o'clock and ten o'clock screws now do be sure to keep these separate from each other and label which one is which as well because they do need to go back in the correct holes at the end now we can gently lift up the Wi-Fi antenna plate lift it up to the one side as you see I'm doing here and as you're lifting one end up try and just drop the end closest to you into the chassis because there is a cable connected here you can see there's never t6 screw holding the Wi-Fi antenna cable in place you can just go ahead and unscrew that one keep it to one side just like the others and then using either your fingers if your fingers are small enough or just a little prior or even your tweezers you should be able to easily just pop off the actual antenna cable and now we can just pop that to one side so the big black circular thing you can see in the middle of the chassis there that is the fun this is what we're removing next there's another four c6 or tr6 screws holding this in place so it's two connecting it to the logic board and two connecting it to the exhaust I'm gonna go ahead and remove the logic board screws first these are a little bit tighter and longer as well on the previous t6 screws again do be shorter put these separately and label them if you can so that's the logic board screws removed and then the other two screws in the side of the font you don't necessarily need to unscrew those all the way out you can't actually leave these ones in place and they shouldn't go anywhere now that we've removed those four screws we can lift up the thumb from the side closest to you and just like the antenna plate for the Wi-Fi this is also connected via cable to the logic board this is again quite easy to pick up you can either use a pair of tweezers or just your thumb and finger I should just snap straight off like so and there we go that's our fan removed and again we can just set that to one side now in some guides that have seen the next step is to remove the cable for the power supply I found this to be quite tricky as it's positioned because it is partially covered by the chassis itself so I decided to just leave this and wait till a further step to actually remove it but what we can do right now is remove the cable for the LED indicator this is very easy to remove again with either your fingers or pair tweezers try and grab it quite close to the actual connection and give it a little bit of a pull and should just clip straight off next up you can see two larger screws these are t10 or TR 10 Torx screws and these are what are actually connecting the logic board to the chassis itself so these ones are quite surfer you do need to put a little bit of effort into these ones but hilton's group just like the others and then sentence one side now at this stage we can turn the muck around so you just want to flip it 180 degrees so all the ports the writing that you see at the bottom is facing away from you and then we can just use our two thumbs to push gently on the exhaust there we go logic board is loose now we do have to be careful because we still haven't yet detached the power supply so don't try and push it any further you may in fact as I did have to pull the logic board bucking a little bit to be able to get a good purchase and well up there we go is free and now there's nothing else plugged into the logic board we can just slide the whole thing straight out it does still blow my mind at times just how tiny all these components are so this silver perforated shield here this is our RAM shield whoever answers some sort of heat shield or heatsink I'm not so sure but it is sat right on top of the CPU so I imagine that might be some logic to it so connecting this to the logic board our 4 t5 screws or tr-5 screws so we need to attach our TR 5 driver and then these will simply unscrew set those screws to one side we do not want to lose any of these and then once they're all detached and safe we can just lift up the metal Ram guard up I'm for word as you're looking at sit here it will come straight off revealing our two RAM modules on either side of the RAM modules you'll see these two little black rubber guards we can quite simply pull those off to one side and upwards which will also dislodge the RAM modules which means that they're free and we can just lift them straight out so there are our two four gigabyte RAM modules that's standard this is probably the easiest part of this whole exercise so on these sodium Ram modules there is a little notch along the pin side of the module just make sure that it's in the same place ie in the same organization as the original RAM sticks and then you can go ahead and just place the new sticks straight in there there's one and there's two so now we can just push back each card while pushing aside each of the retainer clips and they should just clip straight in now we're on the homestretch we're putting it all back together again so first off we need to reattach our two little black river guards these actually slide in from the top you'll notice looking on the inside there's a little groove so these will slide on from the top of the card sliding down and then I also notice there's a little bit just on the side but I just use my little plastic poker thing just to push it into a little notch and then there was secured properly so once the guards are back on we can reattach the sink or heat plate so these are the t5 screws again going back in now you may know already but it's always generally a good rule of thumb to do diagonal screws first just lightly and then once you've got all of them in that's when you can tighten them down so once the run guard is reattached we can just slide the whole logic board straight back into the chassis I decided to just give it a quick little go over with my blow rocket just to try and detach any loose little bits of dust or anything that I've picked up put off the cloth or just in the room so this is quite easy to do I just held onto it at the exhaust slid it back in do be sure not to catch the two loose cables inside so while the logic board is still a little bit loose I think this is a good time to reattach the power supply cable like so and now we can slide the rest of the logic board straight back in give it a little bit of pressure and you'll hear it click into place next up is to reattach the LED indicator cable you don't need any tweezers or anything for this really I'm just using them really to point it out but you can use them just to hold them in place and then push it down with your finger until you hear it click next step is to reattach the logic board screws so these are the two bigger t10 screws so do just remember how tight these screws were in the first place you can tighten these ones in quite far and then next up is to reattach the fun so what we need to do first is reattach the cable this is a pretty easy one to do you don't need any tweezers - simply hold it into place and then push down with your finger and see you hear it click into place then we can fold the fun down into place just make sure that it's roughly in the right place we have all the screws and such actually notice with this one screw got the little rubber washer I want to call it from inside the funds screw hole actually came out with the screw so I just pushed that back into place before trying to screw it back in so again slot the fan back into place and then we can start putting our screws back in so again with these ones I'll just loosely screw them in first because they are quite long runs and then once all four in place and I've made sure that the fun isn't displaced in any way I can then tighten them down next up is the Wi-Fi antenna so exactly like before we can just hold the panel upright and into the chassis pushing the antenna cable into the socket with your finger and then we can just reattach the t6 screw I found it easier in this case what she flipped the muck around so I'm looking down into it properly and I'm sure it's probably easier for the camera to actually see it as well so that is just me pushing down the internal cable into place and then you may need to twist it just a little bit but we can then screw in the t6 group and then once the cable is back in we can just reattach the in-center plate again just flipping it around so the right thing is at the bottom of the muck facing goes so to start with we're going through the two o'clock six o'clock and ten o'clock screws these are the slightly smaller screws followed by the twelve o'clock four o'clock and eight o'clock screws these are the bigger ones so again just screw these in so far until they're all in and then we can tighten them and then we'll just give the plate a little bit of a wipe it can't be a bit of a magnet for fingerprints and such and then finally we're going to replace the black bottom plates make sure that it's the right way up so we can read Mac Mini as its facing this and then simply apply downward pressure I just use one hand on top of the other and you'll hear it click straight back into place that is it guys I now have a Mac Mini with 32 gig every realm honestly if I wasn't filming reading my own instructions which it barely legible I probably could have done that in 15 minutes 15 20 minutes if you're completely terrified that they've playing with computer components then maybe ask someone who does know how to do it to do it but every wise if you've got the right tools and you've got the right instructions it's a very simple job really and I'm very happy after it I'm positive it's going to give me quite a boost in performance especially in RAM heavy applications like Lightroom and the can't wait to get using it so thank you very much for watching I hope this tutorial helped you as I say I'll have links both to the Mac Mini and the iFixit toolkit in the description below as well as the RAM modules as well if you do buy anything from those links then I get a small kickback and it'll cost you nothing extra at all so thank you very much for watching I hope it helped hope it was of some use to you and so on next one be good stay safe get creative get tinkering and I'll see you in actually do [Music] you
Channel: Famau Media
Views: 67,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mac mini, Mac mini ram, ram install, Mac mini ram upgrade, 2020 Mac mini, 2018 Mac mini, ram upgrade, Mac mini ram install, 2020 Mac mini ram install, 2020 Mac mini ram upgrade, crucial ram, corsair ram, how to install ram, how to, Mac mini upgrade, Apple computer upgrade, Apple Mac mini, Apple Mac mini 2020, Mac mini 2020, Mac mini 2018, ifixit toolkit, ifixit tools
Id: MYw85omihGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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