2019 Teen Missions Trip to the Philippines

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traveling with our big group was a lot of fun we were laughing constantly um traveling with a group of thirty people is actually way easier than I expected I was fun Charlie the big group of people they were so organized the travel memories with their group was a lot of fun I really wanted to go on this missions trip because brother Chapel has been constantly telling us um the verse that says mine I had effected in my heart I was very scared like we're really scared but then God gave me his peace before I went I really wanted to go on a missions trip because I've never been to a third-world country before and I really wanted to see how the people lived when my sister went she came home telling all these stories so I heard that you know we were doing a trip I got really excited and I decided that I should go and see what my sister experienced because she came back changed [Music] when we got off the flight I'm the first thing I noticed because we were in the airport it was a sea but we got that air for you it was just hot [Applause] the humidity was like filling you just got splashed with water that humans do you hit it super hard he knows I've never been in a human like that right we walked out the airport it was really humid but by the end of the trip I liked it there we go it's the first cheeky ride [Music] for ministry opportunities we had configurations but we all split up into groups it changed each day so it gave us opportunity to work with other people and serve alongside different friends so all of us got a different opportunity each day so the ministry opportunities we have in Manila were first we went to a special needs school I was with the extension ministries with brother Ben something that stuck out to me when we were soul-winning was how easily it was to talk to people like we could literally just go walk up to them and they would listen attentively to what we had to say like Leslie was able to lead someone to the Lord we didn't like the first 10 minutes a girl got saved on the side of the street and it was really cool to see and then every time we'd walk they would just take the tracks from us and they were just really open the people they were so open we got to soul in and door-knocking and just being able to talk with the people kind of just out and about the people were really open one lady was like grabbing the track like she really wanted it brother Bennett introduced me to a college student and we were just talking I sort of just kind of went through the salvation message with them and of getting saved at the end [Music] so my group was with pasta Napoli he was super super nice really really happy that we were there you can tell just by what he has accomplished there at Bethany just out of the College in the High School in East the buildings and other missionary rooms that he has you can tell God has worked there and he's just been very faithful [Music] [Music] do I get you guys trying to think knew what you like as soon as we landed we went to prison which was really eye-opening [Music] Prison is what most of us would say like the lowest some people lives and then they got the best news on their worst day it was just amazing to see how God used that we came there and we're sharing the gospel to them and brother Chapel spoke on how both sides of the bar were bad people but yet Jesus Christ gave us the same hope brother Chapel was able to share the gospel with him and they got saved they just started crying and when they heard the name Jesus they just changed and it was so beautiful to see the gospel shook them they were crying you can tell the Holy Spirit was just working it was amazing absolutely amazing my favorite ministry opportunity in Iloilo was just the kids we'd visit public schools and it was just so touching to see but just seeing how excited they were thought we were there and then when we were able to go and see them and take pictures with them and give them candy even just giving them a high-five it totally made their day um I got to preach to these kids in a bigger setting and it was just really touching to see all hundreds of these kids are sitting here they don't know about Jesus sin we got the opportunity to come there and preach God's Word we were just strangers and they would reach out and try to touch our hands or grab us diminishing you that we though we went to the public schools we did deep knee routes those are fun instead of a bus route you take a deep knee and I really like kids so it's fun just to go see the kid and sing songs and then a lot of them got saved the one thing I won't forget was the faces on the kids while they were listening to me tell them about Jesus so it was really nice to be able to see their reaction to what Jesus did for them and how he changed their life so brother Martin he was a really funny guy um really as soon as we got there he was really hospitable greeting us literally asking us all our names what we do at Lancaster and everything to be with pastor Martin it was a very humbling experience pastor Martin was hilarious it's not really what you'd expect I think he's gonna be kind of like strict and uptight but you get to know who and he's just very laid-back and just funny [Music] oh you're gonna cry you're real emotional they're mocking you Wow Jersey sign there Wow no one else rick martens definitely could have been a comedian he's hilarious and you can tell he likes what he does and he loves the people in the Philippines especially in ela ela walking into the dump year on an overpass and then the sort of a trail down and it's right next to service stream and I thought the stream was like the dump you just starts up in there but as you walk down the trail you see these like little shacks made of scrap metal and then the more you go you get into the dump and then there's people living in the dump it's just it's it's very humbling to see you know [Music] [Music] it's the smells bad the living condition is terrible and the houses I think are literally made out of the dump and the scraps they found off the floor some of them don't even have clothes the babies are just hanging from the ceilings of hammocks because the parents are God looking for some scraps to eat in the dump the kids are just having fun playing with the trash the people just gone with life as it likely have there's nothing else I can do about it so just go on living life that night after seeing all this I was just thinking how we could fix their lives because it was just horrible but then God gave me peace that and their home isn't here but their home is found in Jesus because those kids got saved it's crazy to think cuz when I moved out here I would have never thought I would be considering being a missionary that is if you ever told me that back in ninth grade out of laughs I've always had a heart for missions but this trip really made me want to go I'm more like lord please send me I want to go as he got closer I didn't want to go you know I didn't want to fly 11 or so hours and being a different country I felt like I would definitely be uncomfortable and out of my comfort zone but as I was there I every day I was just more thankful that I want you know just the blessings I got to see every day I always thought missions was kind of you're in a jungle in a forest but really they're just in cities walking around basically doing what we do every Saturday but you know there's just somewhere else I don't really know where God would have me to go but there is a huge need for missions and I feel like he changed my perspective in that that I want to be involved with missions why am I so bold over there but when we come back to the States it's more we're more confident I want to be more bold when I'm witnessing it doesn't matter your age anyone could need someone to the Lord God worked in my heart personally just showing me that no matter where you are trying the Philippines if you're here you can live for him he definitely showed me to be thankful for what I have obviously I used to think America you know we can we people weren't receptive out here but that's what I believe but I realized it wasn't that was I was just not bold enough and my witness and being a witness for Christ I want to thank pastor Chapel first and foremost for allowing us to go on this trip it's like I think it's one of the best things I've ever done in my life and it's one of probably a crucial moment in my life where God got a hold of me in specific areas so I'm just very thankful I mean one thing my parents for letting me go and really supporting me for all the church members that gave I definitely don't regret it it changed my life and I'll never be the same again I really want to be a missionary now is really cool but those people need more people to tell them because there are so many people there and not enough people to tell them [Music]
Channel: Lancaster Baptist Church
Views: 12,880
Rating: 4.9260969 out of 5
Keywords: lancaster baptist church, lancaster baptist, baptist church, paul, chappell, paul chappell, pastor paul chappell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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