2019 Kokanee Fishing Tips at Strawberry Reservoir

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hey welcome to ksl outdoors and welcome to Strawberry Scott Mitchell how you doing sir awesome how are you yeah Scott Mitchell former Utah quarterback NFL quarterback and now ksl employee and also our ASL coke addict as I like to call you that would be a great description if you like to fish with these they love to fish for cokes and all you have to do is take one bite of a smoked kokanee salmon and you are hooked for life right it's I've been coming out here my entire life and when I found these cokes I was like oh this is amazing I will drive whenever wherever I'll fish in crappy weather good weather absolutely love them awesome hey we're gonna steal all of the Scott's secrets tonight and we're gonna show you the guys here at strawberry Bay Marina have a perfect deal for you to get out here and catch some fish I'm hearing reports already of guys catching large numbers of kokanee we're headed out with cameron phillips on strawberry bay marinas newest acquisition to their rental fleet these cope catching polar craft boats we deal in a couple of wines of boats we've got pontoon boats that we sell and then we picked up this line of polar craft and so we've been impressed with it so far that's a quick little boat we've got a hundred and fifty horse motor on it and it scoops around strawberry with a couple of guys in it around 40 miles an hour 15 yeah yeah take it down to 15 we got down riggers they come pre rigged with electric motor up the front right there so it's ready to go for guys that just want to cruise shorelines and throw lures and and try and route fish out that way there's a biscuit whatever it is it's pretty good it's heavy come on get coke smoke and eat first coking today nice okay so this was on the fifty fifty fifty methods fifty feet of line out with you're dodging squid 50 feet to snap weight and then another fifty feet to your planer board not a giant coke but first one of the day nice chunk first one that season yeah right that's only about a fifteen inch fish but he is gonna eat well I'm telling you that's fifty fifty fifty method is very effective that was on a a wedding ring and a pink and silver rocking out tackle doctor get hitting white well next up if you can't chef power drill we felt like that offering a boat like this so people could go out and have an opportunity to catch kokanee on the reservoir was just a good deal for us and a good deal for customers to be able to have I'm a lot of people can't afford a boat like this and and so it's nice to have a rental source to be able to chase kokanee salmon have you always had this passion for fishing so I grew up here at strawberry and if you ever were to ask me my passion in my life it would be fishing and it really doesn't matter I've been all over the world fishing all different types of fishing fish love to come out here to strawberry it has great memories for me these kokanee salmon are just there they're incredible all right got this on the pink kokanee killer I love I love it I do a lot of action it does yeah and this one was down a little bit 25 about 25 feet it's more than we're really excited about it you know it comes with down riggers and rods and ready to go so you just need to rent it and show up and we'll give you instructions on how to chase the kokanee and catch them and I think once you try it it's just it's just it you're hooked you know it's a fun fun fun thing to do [Music] oh yeah he's jumping gone rods go off alright okay well he is we got a coke con oh yeah he's still there and we know it's a coke because he's flipping out behind us here welcome back to ksl outdoors you know we started our trip this morning in strawberry Bay but the kokanee fishing there is off so we moved both renegade and the soldier Creekside are fishing much better this early kokanee season so I really like these velocity Jared Johnson team kokanee rods they're real flexible help you see you don't lose the fish these fish have really soft mouth so if you don't have a really soft rod you're gonna struggle sometimes you'll lose them because they'll just rip the knife Asian the hooks right out of the mouth we play this fish right you might land this thing so hey I want to share a really effective method to catching Coates it's a way to manage lines better it's a way to get more lines out it's also a way to catch kokanee if you don't own downriggers on your boat called the fifty fifty fifty method it's a technique my buddy Brian Mosely taught me the fisheries biologist at Flaming Gorge it's really simple so fifty fifty fifty means your first thing you do is you put fifty feet out of your dogger and your squid in this case I'm running a wedding ring and it really helps you have to have a lie encounter on your reel so that you can know that you're going out fifty feet once you hit 50 feet then I add little snap weights or just basically banana weights that I've attached to still leader to a quick release now you can run anything from one ounce to three ounces even more I've actually got three ounces on here right now because we believe the fish are down about thirty feet that's about what this is going to get me at one point five one point six miles an hour so just clip it on your line okay once you get that clipped then you just let it out another 50 feet now this is gonna drop the line straight down I got to kind of keep it away from my downrigger line so I don't get tangled up sometimes helps you make a turn into your set keep those lines apart get to a hundred feet and then it's real simple you just attach a planer board out and go another 50 feet like I said this really is is all about wine management and getting the as much as possible out in front of these kokanee you were allowed two rods per person so you want to have as many opportunities to catch those fish as you can the other thing this does is when Fisher when company you're running shallow a lot of times your boat will go over the fish and that will disperse them out well they're gonna kick them right - these plaintiff boards today we caught I think three to one planer boards versus downriggers this works really good early season works until about the end of June and maybe the first few weeks of July after that usually the fish go pretty deep and you have to have down riggers to get down to them but this is a really effective way to catch kokanee here at Strawberry the 50 5050 method and keep in mind that this 50/50 rule those numbers are not hard set if you think you need to get deeper just let out a little bit more line you know if you think you need to adjust it to 75 75 75 try that do what works for you practice different things and see what works and I guarantee is gonna catch some coconut about the average Kok this year yep yeah I think a lot of the time the early season fish are a little bit smaller yeah we'll start to see some better fish towards the end of the year but this is just about perfect for the pellicer good yeah same same Dodger this one was on a on a squid though so pink again alright Scott come on you got to represent it's active [Music] that's code little earlier in the season it's okay I think accorded a bow just we've talked to the okay to let these smaller fish go when the water warms up though these fish can really struggle and so places like strawberry and Flaming Gorge you probably should let let them go early but this later in the year you probably should should add them to your limit and just keep them because mortality is really really high on these fish when the water warms he looks charged up off he goes in years past we've done a fishing contest this year you guys are doing what so we've got a we've got a just a smaller contest running this year we're gonna do some cash prizes which everybody loves cash for people who rent our boats so anybody who wants to come up and rent a boat you're automatically entered we're gonna do a monthly giveaway thousand dollars for the biggest fish in June July and August and so if you come up you rent a boat you catch a big fish bring it into the store either here at Strawberry soldiered Creek renegade or Aspen Grove get it recorded and if you're the biggest fish for the month and we'll send you a thousand dollar check [Music] that's it this might be a coke alright we've been catching a couple small little cuts that we finally may have a coke on by length or by weight we're gonna go by weight and it's only four rainbows and kokanee please don't bring us a cutthroat we can't count those the state won't let us run any kind of contests on on fish that are regulated and strawberry has a slot limit on the cutthroat so make sure that - you know how to number one identify the fish and number two know which kind of bring it to us keeping speed big enough is nice cam hill smoke well the size of the little down this year it seems like but maybe they just need to grow the size of kokanee this year seems to be down just a bit we did catch a few bigger fish over in top-hat near renegade here on the soldiers Creek side they seem to be a year younger about an inch or two shorter there we go see what it is I'm going crazy you like that last one no oh now he's fighting now he's figured it out no it is a coke nice that's three on that wedding ring a lot of guys using the gulp maggots but here at strawberry bay marina now you can get this shoepeg it's called fire corn the down are finally coming through as you've seen we're catching kokanee and 10 to 50 feet of water we're showing about 1.5 miles per hour little cutthroat once you find them on your graph circle back and trow through them again you're not catching fish you need to make some adjustments let him go right back to the water try different depths different speeds change out Dodgers or colors of your lures and if that doesn't work you need to try a new location and find active fish company well he's a good one dude that's a good fish come on coke stay buttoned up that's a good coke that's the biggest coke of the day hopefully some of these tips will get you more kokanee they are addicting to catch and especially addicting to eat whatever it is it's pretty good on it heavy come on be a coke smoke and eat good day yeah for early season like this and they be able to get you know three or four limits of cochineal is good it's only gonna get better yeah it's gonna get really good yeah I'm excited well now you guys you're prepared Cameron to offer these guys that don't have boats a chance to come up and the boats already launched ready to go yep yeah we try make it as easy as possible for people it's we don't want anybody to walk away from here without fish and so we can do something to help that than we would definitely will hey I'm Matt amico love my buddy Scott Mitchell the Phillips family reminding to get out your family your friends get up here catch some kokanee the season is just kicking off make some memories outdoors we'll see you next weekend good night
Channel: KSL Outdoors
Views: 23,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KSL Outdoors, Adam Eakle, kokanee, fishing, Strawberry Reservoir, Strawberry Bay Marina, 2019, konakee boats, rental, 50/50/50
Id: o_aW0GcXvWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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