2019 JIBLand 4: Tom Ellis Wednesday panel

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I'd buy that for a dorrah. Seriously though Tom has such a great voice, this would be an instant purchase for all Lucifer fans.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nagant1349 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

God I’ve been waiting for this since his cover of Sinnerman

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Travyplx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m still over here thirsting to hear his version of Shallow ever since I heard the first like .2 seconds on a random twitter video ;___;

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/yammdere πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Omg I hope he does! Love his voice!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/the-og-tee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 28 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great news but i think it will be more difficult than he or anyone realises to do it independently - - getting permissions and licences for every song is not straightforward. Hope he does though cos i would buy it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/smbar29 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I'm a back I'm always the one who's who subdues watch season for dirty binges I think it's in the last year okay I just I guess you don't know but do you think bitching helps better their social media or is it a combination oh I think it's I mean I think when it comes down to it the numbers on Netflix other things that Netflix are going to look at but the fact that people are doing their own watching on Netflix and then talking about on social media also helps and I'm not gonna pretend that social media doesn't help anymore it really does it's so precise it was lovely to be back here but this time last year yeah strange like I came off stage after one of these things I was going back to the hotel with the guys and I got called from Jones and the show being canceled and it was horrible it was the worst feeling in the world I can't thank you all enough for what you've done for the back if you want to stay on Netflix watching again and tell your friends hopefully fingers crossed we'll get season 5 thank you for being here awesome question I think season forest of us because you were directed by Richard Speight jr. this season a few things stories for us well I have to say that Richard I don't say this just cuz he's here I actually his episode of this season was my favorite episode of the season and Richard coming on and working on Lucifer was like putting on a glove these cysts he was perfect we absolutely loved him there and if we do a season five we'd quite happily have him back for obviously more than one episode should be great how many funny stories about Richard goodness me no I don't know on boringly no I don't really cause it was far too professional for his own good he was but he was just what I loved about Ritchie was that having known him already for him to come on and just for people to experience what a nice clever man is that was that was really quite comforting so there you go it's been a boring answer isn't it yeah reported everything really I don't I was wondering that we everybody noticed a very notable changing in your physical strain [Applause] I'm sure everybody appreciated a lot especially in some scenes of the forest right here drinking apple juice and so on so well and so I was wondering if it was a production choice or if you spontaneously decided I wouldn't know on a good shape for my fans it was it it was the truth stories that it's because I lost the legs to my trainer so my trainer Paulo is actually from Rome who trains lesley-ann and he trains Kevin on the show as well and he was like don don the Angevin they do men's health with a woman's health I need you to do it and I was like Hello you sure know how much hard work pays and now with time I need to do that and it was like ok if you do season 4 we do it and I was like ok so when we got canceled the one source and then we got picked up by Netflix I don't know if you know that literally the first call I goes from Paulo are you ready it was really funny cause everyone thought that blanket that people called it the Netflix body there was nothing to do with Netflix at all - the elitist inherited that because of an accident but it was something I saw challenge myself to do and I'm glad that we did it alone now it's all changed the way that I am of it I came here 15 pounds heavier than last year but it worked a lot we could we could see underneath yeah there was a wristband this could be dangerous if it was I apologize architecture I know I'm late late like I feel I love living in LA for lots of reasons but one thing I do really feel that I miss outside of my children of course when I'm done when they're not with me ISM is culture like with my bricks all the culture I mean our LA is an amazing place but it's such a kind of modern place in context of Europe for example and so you know it was really difficult for me when I first got there to sort of appreciate the city because it doesn't look that nice yeah I really missed that kind of my going to the theater and you know just conversations that aren't just about movies and TV [Applause] oh yeah become of this one down burning see sorry I didn't do it much curves on that one my question for you is why is during season four there's only a few singing and why [Applause] all the whiskey and the apple juice mean I apologize I'm sorry what's your question so why is there in season for only a few singing and why do you all decided in the final episode to to dance why is that so 171 song tell the question yeah I think well we only had 10 episodes now so in order to kind of service everything that we want to do in the show I think as much as it would be tempting to do a song every week I think it would I think we need to how do I say we need to pick our battles so I think we wanted to do a song and you know it's always trying to find the right place to do it so we thought we don't come with that but the darkness thing at the end that was just that came out a bill Dee's head she she'd seen that movie 500 days of summer to know that maybe yeah by doing it and there's a sequence in that which is about someone being in a great mood and when you know like twice robbing and doing all that sort of stuff and everybody was like I really want to open an episode like that so that's where that came from and I have to say that is the most fun I've ever had at work that day that was over I love Santa question yeah I think you better today [Music] so try not to spoil it for a while I didn't see the entire season who hasn't seen the season yet I've seen all of it my thing is you people see where a lot of body makeup let's imagine that is actual body makeup and imagine that is CGI and ours it's preparing it's actually there's not a body makeup because that is all CGI the only body makeup I have is on my mom just you know some kind of a shading in there and I mean yeah it was I don't know how much you can express when you have these and thoughts on you and how much does it change because what I really AM like about and your acting is that with your eyes for example you can really feel emotions it's my favorite my question was can you express them well it's a good question actually because this is the first season where you've ever seen Lucifer with the devil face talking and expressing and all that is down to the fact that the technology is advanced a lot in the last few years even since we started shooting the show so when it comes to shooting a scene where he is devil face or devil body we shoot it without any CGI we shooting so when they edit it they can come back to the bits where it's just my face without the devil face and then there will be look a break in filming and it takes about it didn't take too long actually takes about 20 minutes to put all the dots on and then we come back and we just film the scene again but this year with with the dots on the face they were able to kind of track my expressions as well as Tom and then put them onto the devil face so I don't know if you noticed but the devil face was a lot more expressive this year yes so much a question so first of all congrats on your nieces birth she looks really adorable so I guess be on the other end of the spectrum you as like a creative person how would you design the perfect character death maybe not on Lucifer but maybe for a different character that's a really good question for this time of day attaining a lot of persuading obviously this one's open all Granny Smiths how when I create the perfect character death I don't know I mean I think if I was thinking about the very end of Lucifer when we end the very end of Lucifer had many thoughts about how we do that but I think it ties in with the fact that I think it ties in with the fact that I've always had this thought have you seen the movie Charlie in the Chocolate Factory welcome to the inside of my head thought about the only Lucifer right so in Charlie in a Chocolate Factory there's that beautiful moment in that in the first one we gene Wilder not the one with Johnny Depp and that that moment where these really means a Charlie at the end and Charlie's about to leave and then he goes and puts that Gobstopper on and then Gene Wilder's face like somebody goes you want Charlie because Charlie you want and it older and this whole thing comes about it basically he passed this test that Willy Wonka was doing for it I always kind of feel that the end of Lucifer would be that Lucifer somehow has passed the test that Dad is put in front of it and I think that test is obviously something to do with Chloe and something to do with love and it's always to do with redemption of forgiveness so I think all of that will tie in at some point with the hopefully within of when we get to the end emotion okay charisma sorry don't let me excited okay so I have a question for you and it's about the most difficult scene you had to shoot in season four and just another one you had more chemistry with Laura or with you bar well I'd like to think that Lauren and I have got good chemistry and we sort of took that forward this season with him bar was so much fun so I had to come and join the show and just do what she did and like make so much of that character I just thought she was fantastic actually she was so much fun to work with in terms of the hardest scene gosh I mean there was a few this season but I think when you know we were really getting down to it on the emotional stuff this season though I think you know filming that last thing with Lauren was really we both were really emotional during it because it you know it was a real kind of climax in our story so that was tough I mean gosh there are I enjoy going to work every day on this because there's so many different things to do and what what some people might say is a difficult scene I kind of like relish I look forward to doing stuff like that so there was nothing that was like particularly tricky or too difficult to do but there was I found myself like emotionally in a different place this year after a lot of scenes but I think that's because where we where our story and on tape thank you thank you all your t-shirt was a saying hello hello hello detective also I'm sure yogi has been many times but what's your favorite part of plato's affair I mean in this system because I feel like he's more much your English twisted way so mmm what is your favorite part of his personality to play with it ooh I mean I always win the star I'd loved having fun with the character because he's a character you can just you know you can go and comment on anything that's around him unless as a sort of fun aspect so and we've always loved they've always been good with me and lambie's sort of improvised slightly in those moments as well so I always enjoyed making other actors love when they're not expecting something the most enjoy I mean the most enjoyable I spent more just by this season but just generally playing Lucifer is that I get to do so many different things and I get to do fun stuff I get to do singing or I get to like drive a really cool car I get to you know do lots of fight scenes there's just different things to do every day and that's such a gift for me because I kind of you don't get that on every job such a multi-faceted kind of experience every day so that's kind of you know that's I'll always think that about this job that it was the job that let me do so many different things why do men don't just a quick thing yeah we all know lots of things about Dan do you think about Kevin Daniel well people who know me and have met me and Kevin together know that we are really really good mates I here is one of the most wonderful human beings I mean I say that about what I cast I mean it just got really lucky on this one I'm surrounded by really great people but Kevin is um Kevin is an absolute joy of a human being but also isn't he a protector this season did you think I'm coming all really good it was like you mean the full-on devil at the end of this season yeah not the witch might happen if people haven't seen it at that why haven't I was really excited actually because when we were started talking about because we'd only seen the face and all that's what stuff so far I was really excited about that prospect so I kind of i sat down with Joe and Hillary and we sort of talked about how we were going to physicalize this this character and take it from you know the page onto the screen and I just thought you know it was it was a lot kind of it was we went a lot further than I expected us to go to be honest but for the betterment of the show I think I think it's just it was it was a nice surprise that that's the direction we were going in but it was what I saw the artwork for them the devil and then when I saw it on the screen I was like oh thanks [Music] hi there I wanted to first say I just finished watching it's fantastic such a wonderful season my question I'm sorry for someone to ask this already I was stuck in the line outside for a little bit my question is about whether you've seen the the bench report ratings that just came out I saw stuff yeah you guys beat Game of Thrones is pretty cagey with the public about how they're doing and how much they watch do you get any info it's been out a week though I know there was Katie with me as the owner you guys know the victim by little I've heard little bits of kind of a I know that they're really blown away actually from the social media kind of response to it I don't think this is new territory for Netflix when they took one place before I didn't know I don't think they realized the power of the Lucy fans so they're a little bit like oh my god this don't texting this was happening but I think you know I think it's been a nice surprise Netflix I you know I think everything's pointing in the right direction I don't want to speak out of turn but that means report made me very happy so consistently for the whole thing I mean we're trying to lift when I've been working out on the come on I don't think we would have been allowed to do without ropes and everything is well below thought and they actually have into the comedic nature and secure bees to be honest because when nobody was like and then I kind of got this idea that dances Lucifer and then you know that being dirty dancing I was like or on the same page here but the funniest thing was that we rehearse day and no one had really thought about how we came out of that moment but Kevin was on his life pulley system like when wouldn't it be just be ready for me if I just like just disappears it didn't make the Edit because it wasn't quite appropriate at the end of the scene least of all the police station and we got it on film of Kevin just dropping from the sea that's only outtakes because they already made something that really clicked for me once is a lot of moments when people do bad crap and they bring it on the table like the devil made me do it and Lucifer always goes well I don't make you do anything like I'm just living my best life here and it kind of got me thinking about people blaming the devil for their own actions in their own free world and sir my question to you is how has playing Lucifer influenced any sort of well in church and so that was basically my life until I was 18 and I think because I grew up in the church I didn't I didn't overly think about it which is part of my life but we never talked about Hell or the devil or anything like that we we talked about although well I think are the nice things in Christianity like peace forgiveness power no you know the nice stuff the stuff that Jesus was all about but I think what I would say is that I what I love about the take on this show is that we use the carriage of the devil to hold a mirror up to humanity and say you guys stop thinking that someone's made you do something take responsibility of your own actions and you know I think that there is goodness in the world I really do and I think kindness wins every time but unfortunately that's not the stuff that gets reported it's all the bad stuff but I honestly believe that you know I'll now I would say all non-religious person now but I I understand the principle of religion and goodness that comes out of religion and I think that's all good but the device in this and all that sort of stuff that comes out of it best as human stuff that's not about spirituality or anything like that and you know my personal take on it now is that it all lives with inside each one of us our choices and our you know the way we are with people and our actions and you know to suggest that something outside of your body made you do something bad I don't buy that anymore it's like you did it so what you gonna do about making it better that's what Lucifer would do okay who's next [Music] sorry for my English it's been Italian I promise you that's very very young coins [Music] it was fantastic it was it was also a worthy understand major happy saga of called the spangled Adam happy major well happy there is awareness among attempts together give it to me [Applause] there are everyone doing shall wear my wig from Merlin [Music] you're gonna take me okay fantastic can you help me I'm a bit lost and yes I'm gonna say yes she's gonna help you solve your question [Laughter] you're waiting there for me but a little more on because it's probably two Thrones now there's any chance this uses on her for me a person women Oh Ginobili into a secrecy emailed me last week sister say leave me alone remember last week we've told where I see all those fears we talked about doing a couple of special episodes to sort of see what's happening weave around on Gary and potentially the kids so I think I think there's something we would like to do in the next few years it just depends about scheduling and time and all that but I've always said it's something I'll go back to and I you know I will continue to do that because it was a huge part of my life thank you you're welcome yeah I'm sorry too but my question is why at the end you go away you have angel wings again anyone else who wants for that question oh look basically it's a bit toys even this with their self realizing and I think that moment between Lucifer and Chloe the end Amoy said in that moment is the thing that brings back his angelic nature you know thank you I alone during this four seasons new sufferers make me messages if you had the chest to change one of them which one would it be and why I think I mean if he was gonna change any decision in the last season I think they probably wouldn't have jumped in with a Eve what he did cuz he quickly regretted I love the fact that when they peeps that they are they waved to me last year they were like she's great she's the first woman but they just becomes on the crazy ex-girlfriend and I was like that's great but no I mean I wouldn't change that because he was fantastic and I think that story was great but so ya think about question I wouldn't change anything about this season I thought it was honestly I really enjoyed this season thank you hi first please become the king of Italy now second and we've seen I've seen a little special that's an ethnic spirit after the season with a Q&A with dr. Linda yeah and you were talking about last year in here in Rome and hearing you telling the story of while you were on your way to the dinner and they found that was heartbreaking again because you probably know but we learned about it quite immediately yeah and we were all heartbroken and then you'll save yourself a campaign started on raging on man you are so enraged and passionate about it and I wanted to know if first we wanted you to shower you with all our off did you how many missing it was I remember saying goodbye to Daniela last year and just I was so floored and just like he but his turn to her when will you really help me back next year I was a mess an absolute mess it was weird no I got unfinished in Rome and I knew about it and and no one else knew about it you guys were still asking what's happening what's happening and it was so bizarre though I there was 24 hours later and I was leaving Rome and still there was no news no no one had said anything about it but we knew it'd been canceled so I got back to London and I just didn't know what to do and it was Rachel dr. Linda that called me and said I think we owe it to our fans to announce it because for whatever reason Fox on and I was like I think you're why wait and and so I I basically broke the news before Fox did because I just thought [Applause] I was just I was gracious about their decision by I just thought if you're gonna make that decision at least tell all the people that are asking but I have to tell you I I didn't know whether it was the wisest thing for me to do but once I did it was the moment I started feeling better because that's when my my phone just went absolutely crazy and I felt the love the rage because I thought you know I've been coming to this for a couple years I've done a few conventions I was like I feel like I'm with a popular TV show but for some reason folks don't make me feel like that so you know ultimately I would say this folks did us the biggest favor in the world by canceling the show because I now think we have the best version of rusev or Owens my morning tell just attend I was wandering among of them the enemies for the villain Lucifer once again so in the four season when did the challenge in a losing himself what was there Armas today are those for you the honest enemy enemy or challenge for yourself I think it's a good question I think one I have to say that the enemy that I think I feel most fondly about what I think about Lucifer was actually Malcolm it was things in one because I thought Kevin ranking was just so creepy important as well come on I mean each each year is more a different challenge so you know I thought it seemed like Mars enemy in season two but it turned out it wasn't and you know that whole our story with Tricia was you know one of my favorite moments I think it's coming back to NASA but what challenges was was having to kind of like believe that Tricia health or was my mom a challenge because I never normally fancy one that was but weirdly after a while both myself and DB felt like Tricia was on now I can sort of call them which I think she hates accidently just me and the cats thank you and one my favorite is supernatural and that was if I trust the internet and I don't really we share the same stuff man after fella like you I think I come together yeah so if you have a part in the show scenes clock is ticking see the 50 indicator to be finalized yeah well I was at a convention a few weeks ago and I saw Montana green on my children he said he was a really nice man actually frustratingly nice oh god I don't know I mean the clock is ticking his name I mean I'll take anything on supernatural if they won't win well we need it needs to get that power back first I don't know I mean any suggestions what can i play on supernatural number seven somebody say no more time soundtrack of the official soundtrack okay so always just been talking to Jason banks tasers there is no official soundtrack release for the moment and a lot of people are asking will there ever be a release of the songs that you do on the show and all that so I think I might take this into my own hands and say we can do something [Applause] it seems to me the way these days no we're not spotify and streaming and stuff like that we might just record them and put them out there [Applause] we've got five minutes left what we do oh this is home we have a mic send maximal behind you [Applause] [Applause] lesson yeah okay right I don't have a camp oh so I'm a little bit restricted on what we can do there's something [Applause] so [Music] there's a singer called James Vincent McMorrow that I Love Lucy is Vince Ezra temps why do I bother miss nothing mention nothing has changed [Music] be looking for something [Music] move to the coast swam in the ocean santΓ© [Music] don't suck our winners for the [Music] we don't eat until you come at the table we don't drink until the devil's turn to dust never once has any [Music] have a little trust [Applause] [Music] desperation mess I was home [Music] before [Music] [Music] and so if I were you I have a little broken trust [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we done gonna vote me off the wrong explanation boy stood on the stage to do something any of the new Damien Rice [Applause] Tracy Chapman you know it because you started a revolution so let's go again [Music] don't know the talking back revolution [Music] [Music] [Music] there was [Applause] talk about a revolution [Applause] thank you very much [Applause]
Channel: Kreespa
Views: 75,915
Rating: 4.969512 out of 5
Id: RiKeS9sRVqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 23sec (2903 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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