2018 Carolina Crown UNLEASHES THE BEAST [4K]
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Channel: ThatWasLoud
Views: 662,204
Rating: 4.9560547 out of 5
Keywords: Crown Brass, Matt Harloff, Crown 2018, tuning sequence, inside circle, the beast, crown warmup, crown circle, DCI St Louis, DCI East, Allentown, Must see, crown trombones, crown drop hammer, DCI, ThatWasSexyPit, hornline 2018, drum corps, marching band, in the lot, warm-up, warmup, hornline fanatic, drumcorpstube, quality audio, [Quality Audio], flo marching, flomarching, santa clara vanguard, blue devils, bluecoats, boston crusaders, carolina crown, best marching band
Id: 39sMcJcyqYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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