2018 06 25 제68주년 한국전 참전용사 감사행사

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[Music] today's ceremony with mr. Brian Lee providing his opening remarks Brian if you would please come up Brian is the president of the Arizona Korean Association both people who sacrificed their lives as you know six to eight years ago there's nothing in Korea without your help we cannot be here as fly-in so I really personally thank you very much and make sure you guys be healthy and be happy this is my message thank you [Music] [Music] some 200 remains are to be soon returned from North Korea to the United States I know that many families are waiting for the return of their loved ones after all these years and I pray that this will only be the beginning of so many more that needs to come home so please join me in a moment of silence and remembrance of all who sacrificed their lives and in remembrance of those who are still missing that aircraft engines develop problems and the crew bailed out many of the crew were rescued but captain Carlisle was never found please pray for captain Carlisle and all the cream were missing heroes to be found and returned to their loved ones so I am so grateful for the honor of knowing the car my family and to have gone to Korea to recognize what he did for the crew our lives that we pause listen and observe the stories of our Korean War veterans listening here how perhaps the only thing worse than the enemy was the weather and about their gallantry and resilience so mr. Dietrich wanted to also express his gratitude to mr. MA for his many years of devotion to the Korean War veteran I wanna honor you with this plaque in a Korean American or War Veterans Association so to all of our creamer veterans and families of fallen heroes we are truly humbled and grateful that today 68 years later we as Korean Americans have this honor of knowing tsunami let's say they were to disappear he knows when you're in a way out and finish American
Channel: AZ KOREA POST 아리조나 코리아 포스트
Views: 48,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 애리조나, 아리조나, 피닉스, 한인, 참전용사, 한국전쟁, korean, Phoenix, war, Arizona, veterans
Id: wL3mt_9i4Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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