2018 06 22 Gold City Reunion In Time, On Time, Every Time & It's Still The Cross

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the story slinging his name [Applause] [Applause] you know [Music] one of the owners in the crowd [Music] helping anyone let's reason okay Wireless my access it's a very reason that you just saw when it arrives that question you just found that bothered that's silly I'm not paired them with me on all our books well he reprobates the miles Leonard wanted poker that good is not a pseudonym to come up here thank you come here he's never up time you got Sophie I'm trying to call me to get me right now I would like you to sing a song when I first met this young man he they won't have to be pretty quick like he was about this side right here and he said yeah and I was like what about four or five yeah and I remember vividly in sitting in my lap and I read a book to it the reading part had to have been a good I've had a friend that day cause he still can't read but made a friend that they have been a friend ever since their and daddy has he's always with had a special place in my heart and not because he took my place when I met hope city before cause we were buddies long time for that and as a kid myself and he was just a little boy growing up he loved his music and when I was with the container quartet I've been with us with goat city until then come outside and he likes this particular so he got sent back to it yeah that can I take it off he don't say no city songs he wants to say to think those and I told him well it's cause he likes good music you can't like me [Music] but there was an album that we did while I was a part of this ministry and it was the first time I'd ever heard daddy sing a song with this kind of power and I realized that day that that part of her the music had grown stronger instead of getting weaker it's over he got there a lot of young people know that's kind of stray away from this stuff that his love for the lyric in this song I could tell exemplified his love for the music that he was singing I don't even sing it for you tonight [Music] it's not a serve or however their interpretation you see our setup [Music] it's about we money it's [Music] that [Music] Jesus instead we can justify sweets the songs you will [Music] [Music] [Music] say [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] standing out here and a little water
Channel: Eric Lonna
Views: 4,568
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 02 2018
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