2017 Winton 300 Full Race

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that's an idea so it's the formational that gets underway let's have a look at your starting grid for the Winton 300 on pole position for the first time David Jake showing the Decca decom lotus position tougher to the bright group jinenji be Seattle and Frank Burgess position tray on the creamy it's trevenant John Stehr Tyrian their meats fish yoga and then Michael Hall Emanuel Decker's the - watch deck speed in X 5 out of position for Andrew good sure a lot when the Brian would go from fifth position Scott and Trevor McGuinness not sure if that car is going to start out at 6th Gill showers and Nathan gear in seventh the best edition of their cars the MINI CHALLENGE entry of a maneuver was Barney Hogan out of eighth position Perry Aristarchus and meticulous in a tight position on the grid Daniel Reynolds and Matt Stubbs rounding out the top ten in their BMW m3 just outside of the top 10 we've got cancion and hey followed by Sewell and towns in cars where we think it can go quicker there in 11 and 12 Holland Murdoch the next two on the grid Dennis Miller and Bacchus in position 14 back then - Lisa Montgomery and Daniel Johnson out of the position number 15 the motor sports training is training use of Jordan boy Angelo 16 this foxy don't understand trading in the 17th position on the greed of bests probed an hour Helen sounds the best her brother Zack best their father therapist in a vacant position Wayne Williams our operations manager here at Winterland taught that boy Kevin stupid answers we need from getting Ross Subaru WRX out of position 20 and finally back to the back of the we Tanner and Johnson out of 21 Brian and love it out of 22 Hawkins left Reynolds out of 23 Kappa Perry rice Collins hop sort well Bell Reinhart and at the back of the grid is when and Davis here we go anticipation building lining up in side by side dream formation as they head down into turns 11 and 12 and the safety cars stayed out so the officials are actually not happy with how the fields formed up so they're going to send them around for an upper lap so the anticipation was building and the anticipation continuously now sexy Global Evo has gone pitch sight that's a car being shed by sagebrush a captain Thomasson yeah let's go on pitch sight so there's a drama for it on the opening lap by the look of it yeah yeah they were quite specific yesterday in the drivers briefing that they had to be all tight for the start and if they weren't they will continue around and this is what's happened so far these are not race laps are either starts at the green flag correct so the race is not started yet so it's just topping it up with fuel now the race is going to basically go for an extra lap here it goes yeah they're on their way back out of the pits again model something they have to wait there now until the race start & hué at the back of the field hot gavin holland sage murdock sage murdock of course has done the Australian formula for championship this year possibly not a bad strategy one of the things that we say is elite special Evo's can they be marginal on a fuel obviously you have to get 50 laps out of the tank to the arms to do the race on one stop and we have seen in the past that the Evo has been very wide ball so because of the fact that we have had that aborted start might have just made the decision I mean top it up Dylan Thomas of course who's calling strategies this weekend for that team is it's pretty switched on as far as all that goes just a quick rundown on manufacturers in this event there's five masters form it's a bit C's BMW have got four but there's a mini there as well so you could probably count that as a fifth one I owned I scored Alden was to eat when you got missing February - looky / Joe and now they've tightened up a fair bit on this one they've learnt their lesson better now so she only the third just side by side with a shilling on the left-hand side we'll have the inside running for when they get to turn number one Burgess car will be on the outside how hard you battle for track position only what we've often seen these endurance races it's not about trying to win the race in the first five or ten laps it's about buying a ticket to the last 20 laps that's when the real street races they must be on the lead be leading on the last lap would be enough well that's what Nathan just met you Thompson did in 2014 they only went one lap all day and then one safety cars in pit lane who failed was brought up in side-by-side formation 100 laps 300 kilometres around the nations extra track the Michael J Memorial Trophy up the tracks at the end of what's going to be a hot day of action on tweeted moment race my brain flag and the 2017 jaspera Quintin 300 is underway shall we and Burgess our two front row started side by side into turn one Burgess hanging tough around the outside we'll put him on the inside for turn number two this hill side by side and that battle still are going to be resolved when they get to turn number three eventually Burgess has the inside line and Spiteri follows through Seiden swells relegate our pulses to third the problem with our to running first and third is that they can blow whereas the current second maybe not be able to so they can go as hard if they like and why the look of the way they're going early that's what they intend to do further back in the field we can see the / shows got ahead of them in you've got someone off out of turn four by look of it someone really running wide down there and kicking up some dust oh and it's the Subaru WRX that's the Gavin Ross Kevin's statement and Andrew Williams car and a bit of front-end damage to that car as well oh and the shine tenor and Ben Johnston listen 370z off and blowing smoke as well shane tena through wrapped to race sponsoring division i this weekend but that's not an auspicious start for that car to be in drums after less than a single lap of the Jos Berg we turn 300 so we can't see what happened there whether they were involved in the same incident we're not sure at this point - isocost wife very early on with a conic find that inside position Wheaton is because it's such an open circuit in terms of accessibility cycling once I flee what we describe to track recoveries where they can do welcome your life bag actually ladies go safe to come on the raffle at number one and a Burgess from race later trippers fatir in second then Jake Shelley Thermal Ocalan McBrine in fourth position back to Nathan gear in position number five fired by Daniel Decker's Matthew last Nick can't see in a McDougald and Matt Stubbs the top ten and we saw there at the back of shop that the hot track recovery option is indeed what they're going to do the Shane Tanner and Ben Johnston car that was always he aimed now we're going to try and do that wherever they could to avoid a safety car and unfortunately looks like there may have been contact between the pit and the Williams just nail motivation keeps us well Shelly applying the pressure to stir teary and lots of things for us to keep an eye on through this race one of them is going to be the team they cars because we know that all they might not figuring out right play seats early on because they are going to spend five West minutes if it's if I don't move up using once we get instant cycle online and he Burgess leads by three point three seconds so he's doing 31.7 on that last lap so that indicates that he's making seven tenths off and here we see that chilly obviously doesn't want to let that car get too far further away from him and does go back into second position at turn three ahead of Spiteri with Dickinson for fanned McBrine v w of here in sixth position and cancion has already moved up from 11th to 7 so they've made some great progress in the early stages of this race in that bender in x5 x5 yes I can't see and up four spots for 11th up to 7:30 pretty clean he's got ahead of all the diffusion of a car so he's now up with the other teacher a cars that are also going to make two stops [Music] we drawn at McIlroy in the forum if J fountain and so Darren best involved in that stuff as well very different cars here we've got a sports car a big v8 and turbocharged car four-wheel drive of course can't even I that carves very quick and they were willing to try and make up deficiencies having overtaken Betsy up close back to my judgment once breaks out right Rob came back in 2013 on the attack what's the inside of Nathan Garrett turned one not quite close enough to make the move through fastest lap of the race board Jake Shelley unit 31 points for last time through their edging closer to that they breakout point which we don't want to see him do kill us in version 8 stops tenth position they're leading fast because they say the top seven cars are all in Class A so you see a that's Guinness how's it make 77 mr. layer so we go there leading this rice and now they don't want to be commenting on the pit stop mr. Shido by Darren best exams ancestors excess calories after running the to complete backside obviously some sort of issue as well and we've got the John McElroy car off the road as well and we also had the Subaru WRX Ross car great joining circuit lots of dust that you can see clearly dry out here today as we see here the best car is what's done a front axle or something look at it my breakfast rear axle on Friday you bought maybe a gearbox issue we'll be down in the pits or Lachlan will be more specifically will give us a rundown on what everyone's doing as the race on false passing moved there with Angelo going ahead of the Evo 9 as Jordan boys at the will of that car just passes Becca's bestest so that's yeah then it's fishy oh god the rich bestest Jason mule car I probably wouldn't expect that car to bake for up Jordan boys is charged his way up but well in the Falcon you'd start out at six days and they've left the Johnson powder [Music] and unfortunately their race has done so we've got one car that's been has pitted early we've got another that's not going anywhere now and the third car the best evo even if it's getting attention in the garage area on the radio today we are four point one seconds in front and thank you understand on the inside of Nathan day or as well humorous gets the coach I up to seventh position that could infer joy to i-5 doing very nicely indeed and a mcdougal it's not too far away either they're the two best division B cars at the moment turns out many third best cars BMW a forty two seats which was just there at the back of the shot and smell that stops the interesting point about that is that a Class B car is actually passed a Class A Car which means that gear mustn't be performing as well as it like I did a thirty five seven on the last lap we know it's capable of sub 34 so you know they're looking under the rear of this car as well so they've lost it they've had a drive issue Batta Batta feel of what we can see with both in jacked up and going the car so whether it's the center death or one of the axles or whatever we don't know they're just on your screen top six been challenged and Burgess League shuttle by 4.1 seconds with another 4.6 second spectres fury and then follow Snickers McGraw and cancion in position six so Nick can't see and there's a one that's been on the move picked up a eleven up to six on their last lap times are actually about where they should be in the pecking order the cars in front are just slightly quicker its although on that last lap Spiteri was actually doing about the same times both our leaders having to start negotiating that's traffic traffic management always one of the big talking points here at the Winton 300 because of the disparity in lap times that we say between the fastest and slowest cars if you failed and trying the slower cars even failed as well bit of a responsibility leaves not unnecessarily you take the faster cars now race leader in Adam Burgess coming through turn eight up to turn nine and obviously the weapon of choice for this although it can quickly break down we don't want that to happen this so they'll be managing their laps as much as they possibly can and make sure that they don't go under 131 with one strike against them already from yesterday so came in mind to pay attention a car's license the next two five units stop five minutes is 300 seconds 300 seconds over 100 laps equates to three seconds a lap if I'm there to be fast efficient their cars to make up that extra five minutes that the guys has then people owners Burgess goes faster again and Shelley drags out a minute third point 750 deputy comm motors so that car now gets its first official warning racism so both first and second are on one morning two more and they're out of the event thing there is the Jake show exactly drove of the weeds in 300 race about record there as well which was I mean @ 31.1 sit by Hayden coming back in 2011 but it's probably a wet reckless Changsha we doesn't really want Adam Burgess town of 31.2 on the last lap so he's not leaving much of a window over is he at this stage as we see the mcdougal BMW Joe CW car come through here this is the battle for second place in the division bang later of division Bay at the moment isn't that fuelers who still sits in position ice out right at times at the moment just to keep itself from official date but also capable delusion a cars twice enough so that you can have a chance to play actually the diggin starts today possible in the last box are they're actually closing actually have the guys feet the three leading Class B cars all in frame per show mini and BMW so that's an interesting fight Class C at the moment being led by top said like Brian and classic like Ross from outside actually some of the Class D causa that 42 at this stage but it is a long race they're not overstretching the jars or part from our race leader that is it just notice that both virgins and Shelia dropped down to 33 he's on the last lap I think they've been worn by their crews that guys you want to see this race out slow it down a little bit team is the one who'll be on the radio and Jake Shelly and the pond Jake shall we breaking out tripmurphy would have been yelling at the radio I won't even watch your speed we don't need to be doing that anymore so three cars now that have one official warning at some stage over the course waking the Shelby car and also akatsiya car addictively at this stage we have runners still circulating you know what will happen the best entry will get back out but not good with during which at the end of the second lap 31 for Jacksonian third just have to wonder if that dragons might be affecting supply tribe isn't it like fast enough but are going too fast well it's so easy to slip up and go under like eat the 31 4 I think he's dicing with death a little bit at the moment for Adam Burgess who with one strike you don't want another one you have another one now you would really but not but it's interesting apart from Burgess everyone else down to position six is doing mid 133 Nathan gay just punched out the theme don't use best mouth of the race so far - wait I'm liking the fumes dub cast yeah they need 734 exactly they're in a prime spot at the moment to assume the lead on the second pit stop for the class acres and go on with it Matthew was is thirty point two seconds off the flame after mine elapsed so he's probably about great seconds fire where he needs to be of course it's even quite that straight Stratego feedstocks themselves pure numbers for a second for that boners Adam burgesses just over three seconds from cars 75 that oh no the mini one of our ladies division bacon tenders aimed at Google and Barney Hogan that's between turns eyes and mine that car has come to stop and with that car in that position that could well trigger a safety car interruption and that's a shame because they've done a great job in qualifying you know it is in a precarious place it's a place where a car can run off if they have a step out of eight but that looks to me like a mechanical drama and we've got our first safety car now the key thing here is the people who does not actually open yet we've just completed a lap number 10 so there's still a couple of laps until people window opens this gets to be interesting he how long's this safety car going to be out for and will the people window be open by the time or will the safety car still be out I should say by the time the people you don't work and would you want to do money as tops I guess the class a castle 101 of their fuel stops out of the way how unlucky as well Gavin Holland who had just been laps behind the burgesses before that safety car comes out now the problem he's going to get trapped on the other division they cars the people who phoned back when it gets to going again almost on that advantage on yeah that's that could have cruel gentes and the gamble to actually start from pit lane for whatever reason they did that has not worked this press the failed obviously and we have now completed a level inside the window we're like now if the class a car comes in at the end of the next lap for fuel will they have enough fuel to do the remainder of the race with just one stop so yes I what have we done we all the website still got 88 to go which means that provided you can get four to four laps out of a tank I think most of the division a cars can do it on 44 laps out of a tank well let that swings the whole race back in their favor doesn't it effectively if I can do this stuff under safety yes [Music] we wait and see as they go through and the best car good news here it looks like it's back out and running family of bests in that car Alexandria and exact the sister and brother and of course Darren the dad I've been running around in production cars over well not so much for Zach this year but certainly in the past years he's been running production cars elexander best ran with Mick gray and I still leading their class despite having a DNF down at Phillip Island back in September but here's our race leader at the moment it's Adam Burgess and we wait to see now that the pit window should be open at the end of this lap should or not should be open now yep so there's the recovery crews there so they're getting ready to towed that meaning out of harm's way now the interesting thing here is that this might they quite a short safety car because I don't think it'll take them too long in fact they're just way here through a gap in the traffic to start towing that many out of harm's way and they're going to take the opportunity to retrieve Shane Tanner and Ben Johnson car as well so the thing is if you pull into the pizza and the safety car only goes to say one more lap you might not actually get to complete your entire compulsory pit stop under safety car conditions and what you will lose as well of course as track position so I'll come back out if they do choose to come into the pits obviously with no track position so this is going to change the whole complexion of the race we saw it in 2013 and 2014 and as well where we had a safety car pretty much coinciding with the start of the pit window and Byrd just stays out shelling stays out well that's c4 stood mmm I wonder if that's because the people know us and efficiently Ivan until later actually people showing people open and get Pittman know is open but that's the start of this slap by look of it they're saying that we've just finished we're coming up to finish the 12 lat ah so the later has to actually complete that yep that's a bit of a technicality but yeah so they'll have to go for another lap now save the race ones to restart next time around they'll be stuck all of a sudden these safety cars really bad news for the air vision a cars because it wipes out all of the margin that they'd been able to extend over the division of a cars it's interesting and just so you aware where we're at at this stage the top 12 cars have completed 12 laps therefore anyone else below that sorry it will make that 14 cars the next a lot of cars have only completed 11 so they can't actually pit until the following lip here they can because the pits on rellenos later so they are okay so 14 cars on the map yes 14 cars on the lead lap the first car off the lead lap is Gavin Holland which we talked about when he just got passed just prior to that safety car John McElroy in the Falcon Bryan Reynolds Bryce Reinhart thought well Davis Williams McDougal are all down a lap all MacDougall's effectively out of contention as is this car the Johnson Nissen one of the things that endurance racing though is that you should never give up so well depends if they led to bring the cars back into the garages so they can get back out so if it's something relatively straight forward they might still be able to get that car back into the race you can see that there's lots of important decisions and Steve Shelly looks like he's getting ready to either get in the car or assist with a fuel stop so if the safety cars still out it looks like they're they're going to bring that car in so we'll let mean the purchase will follow suit or lay stay out maybe might be a good move to stay out given that if they get these race conditions going again they're just some of the technicalities for being in the pit stops 40k speed limit for crew plus a driver assistant as maximum one trolley Jack no work while we're feeling less naturally enough driver out of car for refueling as well all fuel stops minimum Trent transit time of five minutes and we said even to roll from one end of the pits the other takes 32 seconds so basically you stopped for four and a half minutes there we go bird you see and show me you know the cycle cars staying out so we will do another lap under the safety car both of our front running with dimension icons quick connects this two-tier car is going to come oh just seen shall we in the Tara comes into this well Daniel Decker's has stayed out so Daniel Decker's leads the race from Nick cancion Nathan gaya at this point Laughlin McBrine in position number 4 Matthew all this goes up to p5 and the deputy comm team and the Advanta Foreman sprite print group near the team fitted right next to one another now the driver must exit the car before refueling can take place so even if he's continuing in the race he has to be out of the car before he can get back in and looks like they're gonna do a driver change anyway you might in the course of some of these pitstop see a cover put over the rear wheel depending where the reef fuel tank is that's a wet blanket to stop any sort of drip on to hot brakes and what-have-you yeah there's big penalties two and a half minutes penalty yes kills as well that is something that and you can't have that blanket dripping wet over because officials can't tell the difference between fuel and water on the ground from a distance so you have to be very carefully something emphasized during the drivers briefing yesterday the risk associated with having fuel spilled on the racetrack and the no fuel for Burgess thumbs up though there's nothing that says that they they must refueled now so it could be that they're just going to sit there for five minutes and get their stop out of the way yep while the Shelly car has actually had a top-up it must be fairly warm in the car by the way that that doors been worked so they've just opted to do the stop without a driver change without taking it on fuel whereas we've seen the Shelly car have a driver change in a fuel top-up and the safety car is inside back under way so it's half sort of worked isn't it under this basis and what's interesting here the end of the cue is not the race leader race Alina Daniel Decker's mess the mx-5 is actually fourth in the queue and put job there from all the drivers there's not any overlapping we were passing for meat until you get to the start/finish line and everybody will behave there and Daniel Dekker the straight down the inside of the number 45 theme w8 30 knife and day according said he's going to get a spot on can see in here well judged passing maneuver they're using a lap car who advantage and Nathan Dean will move up to second down ride in the race relieving can see in of that position brought awareness of the traffic to Nathan dia but things now guys have to contend with the lapped cars as well he goes to the outside of John McElroy it turned five you'll go around can't see and follow-through like when we ride in the blue BMW in there as well and meanwhile the Burgess and the Shelley car both still have to be in the pits for almost another two minutes yeah it made it very it's a half work strategy and a half not worked one but look at it like putting done those cars believe you kids collided with another lap or two under safe one lap down go two laps down this time true so the guys they by the time these stocks complete about two and a half laps down on the division B cars and with the same number of stops two guys that they basically got 95 laps to make up two and a half of X so and also advantages compared to their rivals in fly say if we don't get another safety car then they'll be low losing more time I can't race leader and I can't race second will be totally disadvantaged the next time they come into pit you you are right that it can work the other way as well because if we would get another safety car and it was today a longer safety car then actually help the guys who haven't stopped yet in Division I so much to play out in this race 15 laps complete this would be the slowest five minutes of a whole time I would imagine as well for these guys that I just have to wait and wait and wait and you would expect Burgess will go first because they were in first if they have time this correctly 25 seconds more on those cars so their guys Daniel Decker's around the top end complex so it's got to be about 2 and 2/3 and laps down that they will be look at that Adam verges he's already left his pit bay and he's just going to sit there on the pit apron and white that's the time to all that see now she's gonna be ok off here we go the 5 minutes is now on laughs they can exit now folks they're going to get out a couple of seconds over the 5 minutes 5 minutes and 3 seconds for Burgess 5 minutes and 3 seconds for Shelley four minutes 59.7 for steering so he's actually gone three tenths of a second short so they'll have to do another another pass-through pit lane pit lane penalty you think so so that'll add 32 seconds to their race time so you don't have to miss by much but three seconds or three tenths of a second is that what we figured three temperatures hints four minutes fifty nine point seven right words it under so many lonely safety can I was shaken up the race water so Daniel Dickinson leads by 2.8 seconds permit keep can see and Nathan do give third position Laughlin that Brian's fourth those top four cars all individual eight all yet to pit master was position five fest at the division of a cars Matt Stubbs units its second best to the division three cars twin towns in seventh third best at the division B cars join of boys Regent Vasquez and Chris Hawks head rounding out the top ten Chris Cox head then Thomas McCrady gained a big advantage of that safety car because they were the only class sake are not to blame lack so they gain almost in time on the good stead for the remainder of the rates as priority class goes what's the highest a Class C Clara finished in the event we have had them in the top 10 in the past back in 2012 Queensland husband and wife combination Peter and Robin Lacey came 7 o'clock people for us so we have seen them lovely don't say it right when everyone else was falling over correct head and fraidy are already there and after 17 laps so that's been a great job for them in the 50 motor agnostic mx-5 yeah masters very popular choice particularly their little sporty mx-5 whoever it be turbocharged or not the boys proven to be popular for this sort of event and again we're seeing it happen here today obviously with them running first and second on the road just hearing one as well that it's Franzen breeze suspension damage for the Shane tenner and Ben Johnson decent 370z which is the carry out of the race and that's the raising that code back to the pits a great shame for them but strongly suspects that they got caught up in a bit of an altercation with the Adria we gathered Ross and Kevin stupid WRX but I've verified that when I get down to the pit seat about time the other question you could ask there too is if it's got front and rear damage did it it was one part of it caused by one car in another part caused by another car yeah yeah because there could be a potential drama for another car if it was another car when you always get that constitute effect on you opening for your laps where people are breaking and trauma some are particularly on that I'm the first couple of corners of a long-distance race like this so the closer they are parking your safety car and it's all lives forward you're not really looking what's happening or energy over here well it looks like the Andrew Williams cars back out there and running around so they weren't in the pit set too long but they they're actually hitting Burgess and shilling so what it could damage was to that car it's obviously not something that it's a two series for them so they're able to fix because they've got this unshaken stop done you basically five minutes screen at the moment just to get a certain certainly a bit different looking Subaru than the manufacturer intended is Burgess q7 Burgess till the wheel that carrot is put yeah now the other interesting thing there is that out of Burgesses stayed in car one seven eight however at the deputy comm team they've changed drivers so it's now steve shelley who has hopped into car number seven now the interesting thing there is that jake shall he got into the car after 13 laps so keeping in mind sevens maximum so they another driver change steve shelley has to get back out of that car sometime before number 83 yeah and you have a car gathered two drives or just what's left depending on when safety cars will be around but certainly plenty going on to play out yet we're coming up still almost 150 distance it's going pretty quick at this stage we've been going for 33 minutes me up to 20 just coming back to the Shelly's it's well so steep Shelly has to get out of the car before about a three but not before that 43 because then if Jake wants to get back at you before that 43 they'd say no they do I have to do another stop I could do a trace topic which we had same work while the race they both of their compulsory pit stops hunter safety carp and they had food keeps life changed wrong yeah and in there's no five-minute minimum stop for that food stop ever unless you do fuel if you put fuel my parents five minutes if you don't you're in there too whatever it takes to do a driver change deckers leads away can't-see-'ems in second gear in third with brian forth we've got Kempton in pit but that's not that's one for for its Micmac tell us and to us Pirjo who's up in that position who continues to lay claim to be shouldn't think it's actually pulled away as well from that Stubbs it's that safety car race done it's open up a leaders about three and a half seconds on at the bmw m3 to us and our starkest looking very good in division day in day though absolutely over the moon after Hong Kong in the top ten great strategy that car is looking stronger and stronger whether we go into this race 20 laps complete so we are a fifth of the way through the Joss pregunta 300 17 then you'll deck us through a great job in the race late it's actually pulled away even though that massive x-files naturally aspirated spy was pulled away from the turbocharged mx-5 of cancer and so this is a strong drive for Daniel Decker's however you know that why perform because it made quite a squeaking that car is what Dickens has so far displayed in Chris Cox it has done he's fastest lap of the race and nowhere near blowing out so that's good news for them in doing your one 3807 on lap 19 and as you said they've got a quite a march on their rivals class to this point though the gap between taught me from featuring on the road and only separated by appoint something of a lap it's a bit hard to determine when the timing is only to the race leader's car 75 our race leader negotiates turn 11 down to 12 to Hydra wash as to mx-5 doing a great job out in front as we alluded to earlier there's no more safety Carson there's not much chance that they can beat the likes of the cars that have already hit it you know so they'll be praying for another safety car actually Michael port when I pulled up it's just started its race said we're ordering a safety car somewhere between about about 30 or 40 generally when you order safety cars they usually turn up well will they turn up because you close the places that's not what you want no there's the shilling loaders on screen since that pit stop it's like showing slop around they face with Adam Burgess Burgesses extending a fair margin at the shelter yeah they're currently running in 20th and 21st respectively materi in 22nd but we refer as those material may get a drive-through penalty or undercutting the prescribed minimum lap times big time this is for position on screen so Matt Stubbs in sixth position and up the inside game Townsend nice moves and in fact Matt Stubbs made that very easy for he that turned number seven so when Townsend goes to into sixth out riding race second now out of the division with a cars that Lotus and weren't happy with that car at all yesterday after combined Anthony saw Center as an absolute handfuls of drivers just not doing what it wanted it to they made the decision to put it on treaded tires with racing I stated that times well that's a sensible move push it tires are unrestricted in what you can use but you have to have your mark set for the race of course but whether you run trailer tires sleeps or racing racing and road tires is up to you and a lot of people base their strategy around keeping the cars pace under control by what tire they select you kind of like to sing Glen Townsend and Anthony's song get a half-decent result out of this race this afternoon because they've had so much bad luck 2013 I romp target for a podium finish from the car conked out with a few pickup issue inside the final 10 laps 2014 they had mechanical problems when they were running in the top five 2015 they qualified on pole would crash key they spun off the circuit on several occasions take position so from a motional towards you my certification some we need the pointy ends design hasn't been able to shake off stubs at all once he got past him I left earlier so there's still running nose to tail air so probably from stubs point of view it's probably a good benchmark to run with him for a while so capillary Michael price rates Collins Commodore came in for a pit stop of 5 minutes 46 seconds so they're in no danger of thing penalized okay you don't want to go below 5 minutes and risk a penalty but you don't want to be too far over 5 minutes because then you're just losing time Daniel Dickerson it can see both punching out their personal best maksimka brace on that 23 minute 32 point 1/2 Daniel D cos they've had serious pacing that - wash those 3x5 this weekend you can't see in a thirty two point four 5.3 seconds the margin between those two cars Nathan they are just fighting back and thanks now 11 seconds off the lead Brian sitting in for burns john spitieri dropping all four whales off the racetrack out of turn line the other thing as well as the burgesses of the Shelly's not making huge inroads on the ninth moment is to mill over two and a half baths off the main of the motor race I'm all those two cars that have people only if they work hard and the go she ate their way through traffic actually making up that much ground on the other division car zone we've got the Shelly car in the pits car number seven the deputy comm load us back into the pits on lap number 20 now there's no safety car so you would have to imagine that this would be an unscheduled stop what is to go with car number seven well hopefully we'll have a camera down there we'll see what is happening with that car but that's not good to be pitting again this early in the race no I can't imagine that they another scheduled pit stop it's too early for Jake Shawn's get back into the car there's no safety car so it doesn't make a whole lot of strategic sense wormans be they were in position in 2120 drop down in the meantime and the Burgess cars back up to 16th and just two laps off our leader so they're making good inroads into getting back up towards the front of the field here we're watching Spiteri and car six there it is in the pits Wow that's not the smoke billowing out of the exhaust of that car that looks like it could be an engine issue there's Jake shelling there leaning in the passenger's side of the car unbelievable so could this be our sixth retirement from seven races for the pole sitting car there's there you go right on cue up comes the graphic on the screen showing us the results of the pulsating cars had the best finish of 19th for the car that started on pole position in 2012 a day and F's five out of the six winter 300s that we've had since 2011 and Trent Murphy is there Jake showings on the scene the rest of the crew were looking at the car trying to work out what the problem is but all of this time that they are losing in the pits it's not going to they helping their cause and whatsoever and you would have to say that they even if they could somehow get that kind of back out into the race their chances of outright victory in the SoCs moon or even an outright podium finish rapidly fading away a lot of news items for me to chase up and light into the area busy boy down there for sure yeah the you wonder whoever it's actually detonated something in Android or blowing a head gasket it's got that look about of a head gas it gone with first could be steam coming out the exhaust though they are stable yep Jake yeah their race is done their day is done yeah well was not to be expected that they would be out so early but you've put the macaron I'm again lucky we've been bond pole position leave the band I can't think of any of the motor race in Australian motor sport where the pole seating car has had such a rut of outs as the weeds and 300 it's drawn right back out on tracks for Terry's on screen at the moment that's Trevin Spiteri currently running in no it's not driven at see other superior image on it in position 20 so we think that they may have a drive through at some stage or i wonder if they could just add it on to their next stop is that the possibility yeah that is a possibility no can see currently sits in second position seven point four seconds off later race these map types just treated back a bit that's probably because he's working his way through traffic at the moment thirty four one four can see the last time through possibly the good news at the moment is that Andrew Williams is back out on track as is Zach best so whatever their dramas were they have resolved them or worked around them and got themselves back out into the race and now to say that Adam Burgess of last laps of 31 six so they're still hanging around that cutoff point and you wouldn't want to go too quick someone's overstep the track limits air at turn one only marginally so it gets underway which would have probably one of those cars up ahead of them six come streaming cancion goes true so there's the Burgess car of mine so it's it's in position 16 it's the best of the division a cars that start a pit stop and it's gradually pegging back laps and there's a couple of cards it's racing that it's not actually in Wales well combat with a moment obviously there's the other division a cars they've not stopped yet there's also Canadian contingent of to be should be cars fewer Senate's darkest pirjo Townsend Saul Lotus stars Reynolds entry and we've got we're gonna have another safe to come here we do ladies strange I can get the Holland car which is stopped any circuit safety car number two so the problem here and a sister will oh wow it's just gonna say the problem here is we've not got to let number 30 yet so it's too early but but here Decker's and cancion should bow in Geier and McBrine should get in now straight away that way they'll they'll get an advantage over Burgess as a result because they won't be able to complete as many laps under full and it's going to take them the five minutes or more to get this car back due to the pits but how many times has a one of these sexy global Evo's lost the wheel if that's what indeed it's done there looks like it has sown it can't see it's not Peter so Pantheon stays out late to the race the other three division a cars are wrong in the Decker's horn car is in side to the gayer showers car and the McBride butcher car all in for their first compulsory pit stop so cancion continues tonight now had a fewest towns in Stubbs now what does the genetic do here because it's too early for data oh yeah it does you're right it stays out I was just about to say Adam Burgess it's not yet complete and he's a minimum number of laps in the car so it probably doesn't quite work for them to make their second compulsory stop now unless they wanted to do a quick driver change that also be you'd have to say trying to get to the end still 72 laps to go well 74 in fact it is for them on a single tank of fuel they're pretty tall order you would think so they do indeed stay out I'll tell you what we're safe safety cars are fallen and the drivers and teams that have chosen to take them or not take them these are shaping up some hair really really fascinating strategic race good strategies are playing out for Sunday sure I'm surprised that cancion and hey that stayed out when they won the race in 2013 my on one of the opportunists who chose to pit under early safety cars so not sure why then not taking the opportunity to do so this year how far is that will moved away from where the car was so that's ended up all the way back down over the fence want someone to turn number three Wow and so look at that the recovered for his guy had some marches all the way back I was weird the car is now the if he was for Tier II wouldn't you if you had a pit lane penalty to serve wouldn't you do it now yeah we're still not sure that they've been given one though piece of pizza no they haven't so maybe there that was three tenths of a second there is I know that when the people aimed a restriction signs are compared to where the timing looks our track there is a parity yeah and sometimes the officials to give you a little beef and all the 3/10 tiniest beautiful Manian seen yeah so they might be okay just yeah as you can see does now Keith all that Liza and thanks steve shelley weird the engine when our day is done he's just messaged me the curse of p1 yep you have to feel for them big supporters of these 300 times your it's races but I'm not been taking any further part in the race so confirming that we do have our sixth znf from pole position from the seven weed and 300s that we've had since 2011 Mathew us now leads the race out right Class B cars are now running one two three four and five Class C car should effectively move into p6 with cops head so there's a good chance this RC car could be very prominent towards the end of the race yeah so I reckon that Decker's gear and McBrine they're going to get out of the pits in less than 60 seconds time they're going to join onto the back of the Train behind the safety car I think Bobby lilipop almost Burgess car so by actually delaying their stop the fact that the safety car is gone for a bit longer it could actually play right into their hands Class D car in I know to see a car two three three which seems a bit unusual though they haven't gone minimum driver yes they've got Freight drivers in that car as well so that make sense Rikka yeah yeah one third distance so that's the driver change Caitlin Hawkins Richard laughs and John Reynolds sharing that the a commodore SS that's probably that means that rentals will be out stink done for the day so here we go we're about to have cars leaving the kids very short where you would expect yep so Daniel Dekker this is out in five minutes and eight seconds these well it's really ok Michael Hall now scorning that car here comes the gear and showers car the dried and butchered car about to leave as well yep it's on its way and usually they are two or three seconds by the look of what we can see the lights are still on on the safety car so we're not going to restart this time around and so yes indeed they are going to be by the time they join onto the back of the queue almost the latter hand of the burgesses Wow and can't see and we'll get out to before the race goes green as well while look about two minutes 46 47 seconds in the pits and what's a safety car lap about half yeah so they should be fine after three so they might actually beat the safety carry out he comes the way all the damage to the left rear the CJ and I perform it's just join revamp her off well so what this is going to do as well as it all end up will have more cars probably on the lane lap months and it stops in finance I met your snail mates kawin towns and ii met stubs the jordan boys and started this race from 16th on the green up to fourth position drank performance from the dunlop super to series driver richard baskets in position number five and they're basically the five cars through on the lead lap head and Montgomery had been lapped by can't see enough before the safety car came out so they're just on the lane left there at the front of the Train rotten safety car and they're holding it's an issue with that car down at the end of the pit lane car two three three that's when we spoke about the Class D Commodore it is stopped so dramas for two three three and their first driver change it's weird I'm not sure what they're doing inside that car at the moment in other news Gary we have completed 30 laps so that means you're off on keep bound so I'll talk to you from down in pit lane very shortly right look forward to hearing all the tales of woe that have been going on and meanwhile did that car get going that was at the end of pit lane and we're just about to see the Kantian car rejoined as it heads back out and the Commodore has gone so good news for the two three three the Hawking's car Caitlyn Hawking set the wheel and we're still under safety car here at the moment with safety car actually left the track now so we've gone back to greens this will be the completion of lap 31 our second safety car period now comes to a close we're back under racing conditions again if we see them get underway now race is back underway for the second time and there's a little one fall for perch Oh leading the way Matt Chile's at the wheel trying to find his way through the traffic he wasn't that the head of the cube they do try as much as possible to get the leader but it's not always that way and we said a bit difficulty getting past McIlroy Falcon at the moment which would have a fair bit of speed in a straight line and Matt will have to work his way around that car and he does so really outside of turn 5 that's going game he's got away with it and set sail towards the front of the pack so Class B cars currently running in the top five positions Julis leads away with Townsend second Stubbs food boys fourth and bestest in fifth position the first of Class C cars e6 in cotton then we go back to Montgomery in seventh hole in a tradition effectively a lap down but that will all change in the insuring time with Phil showers now in the number five BMW 9 butcher intense hey eleven boy we just seen on screen second in Class C up the fourteenth and another car stopped and that's a Subaru that's been in trouble since early on carnival 12 and dreams at the world it's moving back down the back straight towards turn 11 so effectively it shouldn't be in harm's way if it gets back with our dramas but it has been a race fought with difficulties for that car we think involved in an early incident and number 27 missin and then possibly through ongoing situation more dramas but no back underway again so whatever the drummer was they seemed to resolve it on the fly or he may have just been getting out of the way of the traffic steaming through on him and as we now look at car 73 on the screen and a good job as well and can you sue and plain Townsend Lotus is potentially our fastest car out there at a buddhist Ginetta as we said currently running in was imported up to spots on that lap so it's up to 12 so it's bordering on getting back into the top 10 we continue to watch the towns in carrying p2 at the moment trials our race leader by about 2.7 seconds so not a lot in it their lap times about a second part of the moment chills to the 54 7 on that lap for seven 10 to the second between the pair of them and still a long way to go effectively where one further the race complete 33 laps done 67 obviously to go Carson Oakland Townsend through there that's been going quite strong since the first safety car any in a very prominent position in the BMW and continuing on in second position third position Jordan boys Chelsea Angelo in the VIU Tracy Ford Falcon Luke obviously the most people's training Australia students work on this card they've done a good job Angelo's first raced in the year after completing various times in our ministry and the development series this is her first run initially drug boys is currently in the car has been running in the tomatoes factory car series and also done of the development series opportunities he's getting a more linear miles under his belt will be a new castle in a full time for the final round two officers you know Commodore run out of image racing murdering along in fourth spot and there's more trouble for Williams now almost out of stop again having drama so if having possibly limp made issues they were having them yesterday Kevin supermoon was saying that he was in the car it was growing fine there it down at turn eight while the look of it or approaching turn eight and that is not a very good position to be in one would suspect it could possibly be a third safety car because of this it's a factor the car going generally speaking they're going didn't Nick mode what you have to do we like to use the computer technology called control-alt-delete in other words just switch the engine off and rewire it in some cases when it's happening in some of these modern cars you can do it what that straight movement so you don't lose much space I had to say what's happening okay we gotta cross over like a mantle for a first update on what's happening in pit lane Alex your cars been in and out of the pits all day what's gone wrong exactly the dismount was loose we thought the different broken but just amount was quite lowest it was clunking around a lot in the moment we've got a vibration in the car let's access monitoring it's all from our rear axle ranking on the Friday afternoon to practice is it something that you think you can manage for the rest of the race and still get to the end when are you planning to get into the car all things going well hopefully you guys could get to the end and bring home the cooler side for vanilla she's Gary back to you thanks lucky man let's hope they can run all day without further dramas in the meantime it's been nothing's happened with car 12 down a turn eight I think they did get it going again and it looks like they got it going again so fortunately no safety car which is what we were aiming for the entire truck has gone in and we've got the commodores looks like I might have had a lose there but it's got it going again unless they're having a similar problem and having to switch off its captain walking to the world at the moment Venice is the early session in it but not what you want to see classy car currently running in 19th position some 5 lakhs of our leaders as Matt Ulis finishes his a 36 lap six point six seconds ahead of Townsend and almost nothing now between Townsend and Stubbs they fight it out for second position in the race boys just in there as well another something around the lines of 5.3 seconds in arrears of this Jason Miller and we gonna get back down the pitch from floki here with Lachlan Brian who's complaining that he's opening Steve him the bmw m3 how was that one - yeah she's pretty warm out there lucky it's tricky for everyone you know got out and just sweat pouring off he didn't realize how hot I was in the car till I got out but it's tyres are starting to go off of it now and everyone's gonna have the same problem so it's just just about managing how hot it is and managing your energy and the car all the way through this race till we get the last 20 laps or so and see how we go from there now we all did that second safety car work for you strategy-wise yeah that couldn't have been any any more perfect for us we the the first safety coming in knowing whether we'd come in after that but made the call Lockheed goons made the call to leave us out and work perfect it was the end of what we wanted in terms of window wise that was good for us and reporters in the car now obviously the plan for you to get back in for the end yeah I'll be getting back in we'll see how butch goes he'll be he's really good in these endurance conditions just for driving around nice and gently and you know preserving the car and doing nice consistent laps so I'll get in later on and see where we stack up or I think you can walk wouldn't go well for the rest of the row thanks a lot cheers thanks lucky we're back live with the action so getting all the updates from the pits makes it very easy to determine how it is and it's obvious that the heat is an issue at the moment and you can see that not only the drivers affected by it but the tire wear could become prevalent towards the end we were talking about the Bacchus Miller evo 9 which is up in five we're going back down to the pits and Lachlan again yeah the interview is coming thick and fast down here in the pits Gary because there's plenty of news for me to chase up down here with Nick can see and Nick you're going pretty quickly at the beginning of your scent but Daniel Decker's was pulling away from you towards the end of it yeah we were gone alrighty out there we had a few problems yesterday bit dirty fuel and yeah we went too quick in qualifying so we're a bit nervous so that's so we're just trying to keep under the 131 and we know that deckers couldn't go any faster so we could keep a gap between me and him and not catch him too much we knew we were going to go under the time so I was just trying to you know keep behind him and keep a gap keep the car cool and so far so good we've seen that when your car runs four alive where you generally finish in the top three here house is holding up mechanically so far it's it's running really well it's getting a little bit warm when you get close to the other competitors if we can keep a safe distance and just keep it on the lap after lap consistently with our gun under that time you should come up pretty well at the end how long has Rob expecting to stay in the car for well we had a few problems with fuel we'll use them too much we were using e85 so now we've put normal 98 in it I'm so gonna use a lot less so we're gonna try and run until it gets near empty as long as we can make it home on the last fuel stop that's when I'll jump in or on hold the best for the rest of the race thank you very much thank you lucky that's already an indication he said hand out the window signaling acknowledgement of a pit window that's Rob hey in the car currently running 10th out right started the race 11th and got right up to the lead of the race so they've been one of the charges in this race at the moment but interested in here that they're their concern will be fuel whether they can get through just one more stop or they may have to do is they can't do a place you've got to be there five minutes and if that's the case that might put me lucky again one of the cars that unfortunately he said problems in this race the MINI CHALLENGE car of a mcdougal and Barney Hogan and you're running so well but then the car conked out on the track what went wrong are you were traveling pretty well and then the crank angle sensor let go so we've just got to a spell one in and we'll just go out and see Sammy laughs we can do and see see where we shake out at the end pretty Jana Lucky's ever find you like that when you were running so well with in Class B yeah we were sitting pretty comfortable there were three of us kind of lapping about the same pace everyone watching each other so was we brought to a really good battle and back in pit lane about an hour earlier than I was planning so never ideal but we'll push on and see where we end up hopefully we'll see you back out there soon yeah I don't think we're far away so let's get back out there there we go there is the news on the mini Gary thank your lucky all cars in the pits as we speak the Andrew Williams Subarus back in there Caitlin Hawkins is also back in the Commodore we've seen stop a couple times once on the way out of the pits in recent memory has been in the pits as we see transfer Terry get a little bit wide out of turn nine so more stuff for lucky to chase down particularly the Hawkins car there's obviously an issue of Z with that car the Williams car we suspect is because of the damage caused early but no problems for this little beast at the moment the Peugeot 205 GTI of Matt chillers and and a starkest at the moment it's Julis at the wheel and they're just powering on there's 7.5 seconds up the road from glen townsend with another two point two seconds back to Matt Stovall Sanford spot Jordan boys is closing to because now big party he sees about seven seconds further back but top force five spots at the moment Hill boy Class B cars the first of the class-a cars is car number 75 that's Michael Hall cheering Samantha mx-5 with Daniel Decker's who is another that's put into me really good early laps in this race to get up to the pointy end of the field and they're currently ahead of the Adam Burgess Ginetta yet to have a driver change it's been Adam Burgess from the start they've back up to P 11 so good recovery from those guys even though they've got two class competitors ahead of them the safety car the first one just didn't quite work for them they were in the pits when the safety car period was over so they got to about half right I guess you'd say but at the moment now have them do chase down their deficit all the time mindful that they have an issue and I think we see a 30.9 from Burges so that would make for their second strike on lap 31 they've had their second strike so one more strike and that car will be out of the race there's a quick rundown on your screens if you are watching on the livestream Shoeless leads away from counting stubs and boys and baskets and Hall and Hall is the leader of class a while the cars ahead of him overall in Class C still with Hawkins and Williams in the pits some of the others are more terminal we're expecting the MacDougall mini to come back out there saying that the crank angle Center was the issue of that car so that means that they can get going and we're going to go back down to Lachlan in pit lane an update for you Gary on the problems for the two Commodores so there's the Hawkins rice and Reynolds car sorry that's let me get that right again Hawkins laughs and Reynolds so John Reynolds who is actually David Reynolds dad did the opening stint and I came into their scheduled pit stop but then the stationary time the clutch fluid got really hot and boiled and it means that the clutch hasn't been working so they've had to come back into the pits to get that address the other Commodore which is the capillary rice car fuel pump problems for that car so they're trying to fix that at the moment okay thanks for that it's great to have those updates on what's happening with our competitors running here so it hasn't been easy going for some of them and certainly you don't want to fry your clutch around here on a day like today with the fluid that's the butcher's BMW Andrew butchered well Lachlan McBryan who did the early session and it's expected to maybe jump back into that one because of the earlier pitstop but currently running in ninth eighth position 40 laps completed leaders completed 42 so they're effectively two laps off our race leader's still a long way to go and pit stops to come as we get towards the halfway mark and it shouldn't be that far off having to do more pit stops and these could potentially be under green race conditions you'd be really hoping that you'd get a safety car about now that would bring the whole field basically in to undergo their second stops and perhaps send them off for what baby and non-stop run for everyone to the finish 5:55 the Suzuki Swift Michael hop and Peter saw it well in for what would be their stop at the moment they using the wet cloth and wet to blanket the theory they fill that up driver has to be out of the car and you can see that the personal doing the fuelling making sure that there's no such issues for fire conditions this would be their one and only mandatory stop so they can run from this point onwards to the end of the race and at the moment pit it sort well would be out of the car Michael hop to get in for the second half of this race just slightly over second half not much in it and gambled that perhaps it may not be a safety car they can get desktop out of the way and then run on at the moment they're running good Farsi but the good news is two laps down on the leaders so effectively list put them back towards the pointy end of Class C there can't be in 18th position three minutes and 20 seconds he does that stop cussin t3 it's bringing them down karley sharing with Anthony Sewell as I said they decided they run treaded tires for this events in order to remain in Class B and not blow out at any stage on that time of course the way the classes work if your car can lap between 131 and 134 you're in class a fit on a pretty poor to 136 there's a Class B car so if you're in B and you blow it up and go under 134 then you get penalized for it Class C is under 139 cluster he's under 142 in Class E is over 142 as your minimum lap times and again we're going to go to and a local man song down on pit lane well approaching half race distance for the 2017 just through wizard 300 with Perry Aristarchus and Perry the little car that could is leading the race how are you feeling I can't believe it things are falling our way it's fantastic Matt flawless is doing a fantastic job out there very proud of him very consistent laps and it's got a hot Lotus Exige chasing him so it's gonna be good we just need to get to the finish pit strategy can you give us any ideas when you might they plantings come in for Matt to get out and you to get in yeah a little car doesn't use any fuel so we're starting to approach our pit window hopefully we get a safety guy if not we'll be getting around say 55 and I'll be in the car I know how long you've supported these events for and how much this means to you now especially would it be for you guys to finish on the outright podium this afternoon we've done a top 10 yesterday milestone number one we're leading at a 300 mile so number two if we finish I'll be happy to there we go I think that the gist of everything down here Gary seems to be that a lot of those division B cars are hoping that there will be a safety car sometime between now and I'll have 70 so they can do their compulsory pit stop yeah I agree if you're they're lucky who I we sort of hope so too it'll really spice up this race and make some of those Class A cars think about where they're at that it's a gamble and it may not work in the end you you might you're not going to lose anything if there's no safety cars but you must pick before lap 70 to meet the driver minimum requirements of time behind the wheel and yeah you wouldn't not afford at any stage that this car could be a potential podium finisher the way it's been traveling no they've done a fantastic job setting up wearing out that offside rear tire most of those left-handers which is good as it continues on Matt Ulis leading the way and just pulling away from Glenn towns and it's 15.6 eighty seconds now they cap and it would be a great storyline to see this this team witnessed race and there's like he alluded to with talking to Perry and Osaka see wouldn't be good for someone who supported the event is such a long time to to get a win out of it from an unlikely source and would that mean that in any disparaging way they've just done an amazing job and consistency can can always be a name I won't say too much more commentators curse and all that but we just revel in what this little car has done so far and he's kicked off two two of these like at least options to this race one to go and that's the finish the race and bonus if it finishes well up the order which is likely to do it to say so checking whether out we've completed 46 laps I'm 47 now race leader is 16 seconds will bid over a head of towns in which dubs food basket fourth Hall up the fifth spot in the first of the class a cars ahead of showers butcher Burgess now up to eighth spot but still two laps adrift and getting that two laps back it's not going to be easy hey in ninth cops head to Class C leader is in 10th and boys now in the pits and Bacchus in the pit so we've got Class B cars locky coming into the pits from good ones to keep an eye out on we thought they might hang out a bit longer but someone who have taken the option of coming in now and getting that stop out of the way so because this is a turbocharged car they are allowed to leave the region running wild the pit stops taking place and that's obviously so that the turbo doesn't overheat so I'll just talk you through this pit stop as it gets covered so the driver has to get out of the car while the refueling component of the stop is taking place so Richard Vestas is out of the car his steed is done this is one of the team's that's actually using a dry break for refueling system but a lot of the cars in this event don't have the drive ranked refueling equipment so that's the reason that there's the five been a time minimum on the stop so that the people without the dry break refueling systems have plenty of time to refuel the car safely so once the fuel is topped up then we'll see what other work they do on the car sometimes on the Evo's we see them changing tires but in this case they don't have any other tires ready to go so looks like they're probably going to try and do the rest of the race on the tires right so the fuels done that part of the stop is complete they're just making sure there's no spillage they removed the wet blanket and now Jason Miller the incoming driver has got to get into the car and Richard Vestas the outgoing driver will help get him strapped in for the run home thank you lucky back here in Maine comma tree point and in case you wanna knew that was standing at the front of the car that's Jamie Miller former sport sedan racer super touring development series driver as well father of Josh Miller who is a wool ski champ as well and having a go at mater racing for a little while now and believe the sister who is a very good Scarah as well an Australian champion their car of course the ex Helen east Evo 9 the car that David wohl and John Bower raised at Bathurst in the six-hour last year and came home with a very good result a little bit of controversy towards the end with a bit of a dust-up the end of marriage corner but got at home so this cars apparently placed 10th and they've been in the pits food stops done they just have to wait the rest of the time car 59 and car five two BMWs at a 59 of course is a class that's a change of leading Class eight that happened right about that time yes so and Burgess has now jumped the pair of them so Adam Burgess is up to five butchers in six showers and seven high eighth so we're finding now that Burgess is fighting their way back and help me elapse Adam Burgess done in the mid-40s 13 ones closest being a 31 to 2 a breakout but hurt and then they've done fours and sixes and fires so so Terence green as it puts another lap on Commodore captain Hawkins at the wheel just really running it as close to the threshold as possibly can as far as lap times go and still one more stop up it's also the interesting part about this is now that the Class A charge because they pitted early back to the head of the pool if the remaining Class B cars which is Julis Townsend and Stubbs effect airs stops any time soon maybe they're going to hang out as long as they possibly can but halfway through the race now and at the moment Shoeless leads by twenty point seven seconds over towns in with another seven seconds vector Stubbs Paul in fourth spot there's a lap down as he purges and get a gap between 75 which is C which is the hall and Decker's mx-5 and the car running here on screen in front of us and dramas before another one of them Evo's looks like the exhaust system as the Spiteri car class a car looks like the exhaust has fallen down at the back john spitieri was it the world that was one of the early pit stoppers so this could effectively be their second paltry stop as they fix this problem with the Evo they can feel it here do they drive a change and you would wish that they would get it all done in time to get back out on the 5-minute mark by 75 it's one we've been talking about the hall deckers mx-5 currently running in position for leading class aid that the gap coming down and we're just trying to swim get a visual on where the Ginetta is in comparison we've had that cargo here it comes now so it's not that different so start/finish line to about quarter number three it's a gap between first and second in Class A and going on their last lap times a 34 5 from 75 and a 31-6 so it's about three seconds a lap faster than the leader 8.4 seconds the gap between those two as they continue on their way still watts to go through in this race with Julis lead now after twenty three point five seconds and 5.2 seconds back to stop so they just killed us has increased his margin but I think it's more the fact of countin his lost time somewhere on that lap because the gap between first and third has remained fairly stagnant over that period again we watch this battle as we see the leader in Class A coming up to perhaps take a position off the third-place Class B car no there's a lap between them at the moment about two seconds a lap difference in their speed as well so what the mx-5 will be doing and will be trying to get a lap back off the BMW in third spot Burgess should be in the background somewhere he's closing in quickly on these two and Townsend runs Stubbs runs wide out of turn seven allows that car to go through it seems to be the way they they're racing they're not fighting the opposition now because they're in a different class but they just allowing as and then follow him around for a few laps and gain some advantage from getting their toe as you can see the Ginetta coming up behind the duo there that were just locked in a battle for track position rather than outright position now we watch Adam Burgess should go past ought to go past hasn't quite yet and we've got the BMW mini off the road again I had a crank angle sense ago on this car earlier as it happened again and we'll it triggers a seesaw we go to Lachlan in the pits down here we with one of our landing Class C runners the Thomas McCready and Chris Cox heads cars going really well Thomas some of those safety cars worked out really well for you and gave you almost a laff advantage on the other Class C cars yeah it actually worked out really well for us we actually didn't notice until probably after the safety card finished and then we looked at the screen and we're worried that they were right behind us but we're full lap in front so we're doing really well so far considering it's creases first time doing a race start you'd have to say that he's done an exceptional job yeah it was a little bit nervous at the start coming down the main straight and I thought it might have been him that spun right at the start but turned out we're all scot-free so yeah we don't really well any reports from him on the radio in terms of how the car is performing the cars it's going it's going hard the tires are holding up the brakes seem to be okay hopefully we'll leave me some for when I get in I think he's just getting a lot a bit hot out there so we've got the water red to go alright well we've got a safety car so we might let you go think about doing a pit stop no I says well Lucky's just about to get very busy then because all the Class B cars will do their stop now I imagine the Class A cars that still have scheduled stops would be in as well this is the one that the Class B cars were praying for get him in the pits down since already in he was right near the pit entry at the time so car 73 the of the first of the frontrunners to come in and they will get quite an advantage out of this and it disadvantages our class runners because they'll gain nothing from it you know where that BMW is parked is obviously down at turn three there it is car number 22 unfortunate for them after such a brilliant effort in the early part so effectively with going to have almost the second half of this race run the pit stops which isn't really interesting as their race leading a car I mean did they all fit together they have so it wasn't actually in the lead of the class it was right behind the class leader in he had a bird just getting out of that car and while the fuel will go in remember too that they didn't put fuel in it at that early stop five units to undergo and sadly you can see the rear of the latest HPE they went out with a blown engine earlier their major rivals as it turns out now chillers to stay down put your stayed out hey stayed out showers has already done their stop so they're in a fairly good position to take over the little race it's a little bit surprised that maybe they were past the pit entrance to affect their stop last time around and we'll do it this time so the pit lane will become very congested by the time the safety car comes around again because I would imagine you'd want to be in there to finish off that requirement for mandatory stops various different fuel strategies some anyone using a NASCAR style tune won't be allowed to after this year they've been outlawed this is the last year so you've got the hand driven pump and the gravity driven fuel mechanisms to use some have one or the other we've seen a car 20 the Miller entry had a gravity and dry brake system obviously design our children is in effectively our race leader in and that will be you know I would suspect butchering hey so Phil showers should effectively take over the lead of this race although it's like car 59 the state yet it has its Andrew butcher Lachlan McBride entry and I think that they have done their stop so they might be okay as well although I'm thinking it maybe not Phil showers in second hopefully we'll get an update on who's who has been it I didn't see the number 59 do their stop but locking was talking to lock them at Brian a little bit earlier so we should get an update on that as well more cars coming in in the background I that's at one of the towed cars coming back bottle good at their back here and his what was our race leader and still is actually because the butchered car is actually just completing their lap that will bring them back onto the leader lap one minute in so they will lose the lead if butchers and showers stay up towns in as well second in class being currently in sixth position will gain out of this as well so just to give an update before you Gary from down here in the pits so the situation is that the two BMWs that you refer to the butcher McBrine car and also the gear shelves car they've both done one of their to compulsory pit stops playing Division I cars but I don't want to do another stop just yet because it's too early for them to do another driver change so that's the reason those cars have stayed on the racetrack the other interesting thing is that the anistar cousins car stayed out for a lap and got trap's behind the safety car so this might be bit costly for them in terms of the battle with the Anthony saw Glen Townsend car and also the Matt Stubbs and Daniel Reynolds car I think the that's all towns in car might actually end up pretty well placed out of all of the division Bay cars at the end of this pit stop cycle thanks for that lucky yeah and there's a good chance that we may go green before we're going green now so that that was a very quick pitstop but it'll it'll catch you out a few of them who won't have gained all that much out of it the first one will cross the line won't necessarily burlap the race leader try and pick up where they are in the queue and it's there they are there nose-to-tail 59 and 5-2 class-a cars yet to make their second stop the thing is that some of the ones that are in the pits of class I have their second stop underway will see the Burgess car obviously dropped down to build the coulis and a starkest car will as well but no more stops for them no more stops for basically everyone that Tina Pitts won't have to have another stop that cars on the track that's a different story Xul's car back out car 73 he's watching our leaders so ty changes on the little Peugeot front tires obviously that's the drive end of that car and not taking any chances tension wrench after the drill or gun is another car off the track that looks like the Subaru again in dramas in the background of that shot over towards I think would be about turn 10 perhaps over 25 there it is there yep it is off the track at the moment and it has been the day they probably rather forget we stupid Ross car looks like it's going off somewhere between four and five and it's just making its way very slowly back to the pits and as we speak butcherin car 59 has extended that margin Andrew put you first over five cool showers that was lead away nice mp3 third position at the moment let's see MPD so when counts in the latest AG's running in Class B so we have class a cars running first and second be in third fourth and fifth and our first Class C car at this stage is number 8 which is Chris cop said and Thomas pretty whom we knew we know that going to lap almost out of that first ad can be quite strong suits the Russian gas industry that's yeah with all that's an emptiness or of course within the counting car now so he should be okay to go to the end of the race what and if the thing to believe the past leaders it'd be with desktop out of the way is probably good news for them knowing that the cars in front of them still have a stop to go and although he is one lap down on them at this age but with a five minute pitch requirement there's a good chance that they can go back to the lead it's just who else is in the picture Perry Moustakas making out on the track and the gap between those two who is there on the same lap but it's a fair bit of a lap that's a difference between 15:8 Evo Burgess in six after their two stops but again two laps behind our race leaders who will effectively two laps at least with desktop so the budgets are not out of this at this point nor is this car that now will not have to stop again present remainder of this race and continues on very strongly at the moment and as we said before the fastest lap of the race so far was by Adam Burgess the kind of prey previous now I mean it was a blowout lap so they've got two strikes they can't afford another one I had one in qualifying now have won the race so they'll be very mindful of where they are from this point onwards that was very early in the race on lap 7 they thought that this is a carving saying on screen at the moment just in behind the metal Roy Williams Falcon because track manager here at Survey just kidding some bracelets here and allowance of urges to go past we're going back down to rocky mantle in pit lane Jordan boys an excellent first step for you in the motor sports training Australia for June driving from 16th off the green up into the top four but now it's back in the garage what's gone wrong in qualifying yesterday so all the boys and girls here at the motor sports training Australia crew they did a really good job to get it repaired but unfortunately hasn't held for the full race but it's been a good good learning experience for them and great day overall really but you know spiders for listener is that day done now for you guys I think so yeah I can't say it's getting in getting it repaired I think I'll load it back up onto the truck and they've got an engine to rebuild now I think that's a shame for your co-driver Chelsea Angelo who was got a very competing her first race it's Homebush Dunlop Series last year she now doesn't get a drive which is a bit of a shame yeah it's a real bummer and you can tell she's pretty disappointed so understandably so but yeah that's just likes to kick you all you down but yeah it's all good yeah hopefully come back next year a little bit more reliable a little bit quicker we'll give this thing a good crack thanks Jordan unlucky mate no worries yeah bad luck for those guys thanks lucky another class week out of the event just trying to see who have really got in terms of numbers I think there's about 21 going and again Lachlan have someone to talk to down midlane yeah down here with Glen town senators hopped out of the car after a pretty big first stint handed over to Anthony saw you guys have strategized you're waiting for a real legal position but I know you won't want to speak too soon because you've been in similar positions here before that's it locking nothing personal but I don't want to jinx myself look we have we pulled it back from Division one we're stroking the car along we've been here before with eight laps to go and trying to make a very good position so fingers crossed the car is going really well I'd like to compliment all the other drivers it's really clean this year so congratulations to everybody else but fingers crossed for car 73 all right we wish you and Anthony all the best for the rest of the race I think at the moment you're the best of the division B cars that doesn't have to do any more stops and I think you just about a web for here the burgesses that is correct we're sitting position three out right first in class so it's looking really good or on fingers crossed for you for the rest of the race sorry I'm miss Ellen fingers crossed for you for the risk of race thank you so much great thanks lucky we wish them all the best as well you're right they are in currently in position three their class rival in the Perry and its darkest and Mac duelists are also on the same lap so that'll be the car that they'll be racing against and the the Jason Miller car is also on that same lap as we see Phil showers now bringing the number five BMW out of position to into the pits this will be their second stop and the one that should take them to the end as well but because it's a five-minute regular to stop they will certainly drop a few places at least two laps as you can see they're wheeling out the petrol drums for that one there is the car currently running in p5 which will move the p4 and again on the lead lap but look who's all right behind them it's great Burgess also on that same map and there's a change of position so Weber just goes up to fifth Miller now drops back to sixth position so it's changing all the time and just a Heather them looks to be car 73 but it is a lap in advance so all the boot all that Greg Burgess will do on the same lap as what they are which should translate to the lead lap when butcher pits whenever that they're guys laughing of constantly three years obviously there's been a little bit of touching and rubbing but a look at that indicator lamp hanging out of that number five BMW part and parcel of what goes on in car racing especially on restarts where everyone's all locked up together him Burgess a little bit squirrelly coming out of going into turn three as he has to go off line to get past their number 73 Lotus on that occasion we'll keep an eye on the Burgess times a 31-7 so he's laughing around about as near as he can without breaking out and he can't afford another breakout so fuels finished for the BMW number five Phil showers Nathan Gaia and build departing the driver seat Nathan did the California mr. Champak in it was filled showers has been involved in turning our masters in the past in a rapid escort and has done quite a bit of racing over the years Craig Burgess continues on now will effectively move this time asked Fitz Justino here butcher he's completed 61 laps Infini Harry Anna starkest Craig Burgess Jason Miller are all on 59 laps and we see the coroner petsy dry out showers turned now completed 58 laps but with the second stop out away so Burgess has they've done their second stop they're cleared to the finish as is the Class B cars basically yeah basically Gary if we don't have any more safety cars it's shaping up as probably the salt ounce endcard the anistar Casillas car the Burgess car and the bestest Miller car if we get one more safety car for butchered but Bryant make their second and final stop that puts them in the game as well so Burgess is just to unlap himself from Saul so he's basically got 39 laps to make up a lap to try and get himself back to the front of this race is shaping up to be a pretty tense finish at this stage you're right luckier considering that once put your pits then we have four cars five cars on the lead lap that gives you a fair idea of going to a but you'd have to say then that the Burgess Ginetta would be in the Boxee car we've got on screen at the van it has the pace that it could pick up anyone in 30 laps you would think if they hang out until lap 70 with the leader and continues on its way the only worry is that they do not break out but on that last lap was the one 3803 must have been held up by traffic and it was actually slower than the cars in front which are all on that lead lap and we won't get a really effective idea of where they are in comparison to each other until the butcher car stops once we every butcher pulls in seven laps then we'll have an idea just how far away all these cars are on each other you know verges we have to put a lap on a car that was leading the race not that long ago just show how quickly things can change in this race meantime both from the trying to get past the Suzuki Swift from the keys years and getting between barrel and get that spot away which Craig Burgess does [Music] so someone else's decided to test out how much Dustin whatever is off-track here [Music] that will see race leader so what's happened there is it purchases have basically left themselves off the race leader and two laps behind the leader who has a pit stop to go so whether there's a safety car or not that won't be enough for them to hold on to the race lead and nobody got six laps very cool too do that man 3 stop remembering to that the compulsory pick we know finishes at lap 88 we're on lap 63 at the moment butchered continues the lead one minute thirty seven point two nine nine seconds ahead of school who's leading the charge one lap down basically native Anna stockist burgers Miller Sydney a little bit that said they and start w is going through been hanging around all day and still will effectively be on the lead lap once the leader is in pit lane go back and have a look down the order and see what everyone else is doing after we talk to lucky in the pits thanks Gary down here with Michael hall from the Hydra washtech Speedmaster mx-5 Michael Daniels started the race then you hopped in you did both of you compulsory pit stops but we saw that you just came back in for a third stop is that so Daniel convened the car for the fish that's good that wasn't cool suits a great idea when they work there like an extra jumper when they don't pretty hot conditions out these they'd be driving around without a cool suit I would imagine yeah it's like an extra jumper then apart from that how is the car and how is your steam disappointed but I was shown faster than last year so that's good because of the rain last year obviously but Donna we're up in Division one we've never been there before saying I was there we go Daniel was really quick in the first since so what are you expecting for him in this second stim you see how much he can put up with I think it'll be fast until he melts wait and see but we practiced in Queensland two weeks got a lake side so it was hot there too so he might be used to the heat or on all the best for you guys to the rest of the race thanks man thanks lucky those that team currently in class I overall in class I [Music] stop out of the way yeah don't envy not having a cool suit not working on a day like today quite warm out there as we continue to monitor what happens here on lap 65 we're expecting that Andrea butcher will at the people sometime between now and lap 70 there they are race leaders Foundation as it continues to move on so quite a good lead at this stage almost a lap you had to say on their current feeder we'd be able to second off putting a lap on the second-place car which is that one there Anthony Sewell blood fountain and the Lotus and there they go but this this could be a telling point also we've taken for the lap it may help their cause but their upcoming pit stop won't if it's under greens but it probably at a desk won't help them white understate the car ever safety car all that kids stop doesn't lose you great enough Vantage at the front to keep that leader there goes the lap put on auntie sue tempted to buy garner anything outside of a lotus of turn eight means to pull it off so our race leader is effectively finish off another lap in front of the clear with that and on the pair of them is Jason Miller he's Class B evo and then butcher runs wide out of turn ten and surrenders that back so sue gets his lap back while holding off the AVO nine whose sips a dream in turn eleven so a change in position we go back to lucky down on pit lay down here we've had him Burgess Adam long first it for you interesting timing of those safety cars and it's made you work pretty hard with your strategy today yeah we look everybody plays the safety car game but yeah look it has made us have to crawl back a little bit but at the same time it's given us time to sit back and evaluate what we want to do the strategy that we're on now dad's basically going to run to the end we didn't plan on doing that initially but yeah look what it's gone with the race with the number of reps that there are left and the time that you have to make up to the cards they're waiting if there are no more safety cars can you catch them by the end of the race it's hard to say there's a lot of variables I think the other thing here is you've already recorded a couple of division strikes so you cannot afford to break out again yeah I've been a bad boy slipped up a few times but look I was watching the - the - let me down a couple of times but look that's racing so dad's just like I said out there now he knows obviously that there are no more lifelines so he's just gonna get into a rhythm as years and just drive and hope for the best shaping up for a pretty interesting finish that's for sure yeah look if there's a couple of laps to go and we're all within a good pack it will be good obviously there's a couple of quick cars that'll probably be on the last few laps together so it'll actually be a good little mind game because we're going to be balancing thresholds with breakout times so look it will be good coming to the end up that main straight all right fingers crossed for an excited finish to the 2017 just group Winston 300 well just while we're there with the promise for our leading Class B car Anthony Sewell vent Townsend Lotus very slow down the back straight towards turn 10 dramas don't know what problem is there but very slow limping around that padded corner looks like they've done a reset got him gone again but not what they wanted and still going very slowly white flags out in the background as you can see this is dramatic sad that such a great effort can come to this because of mechanical ways and just going back a bit on what lucky said with Adam Burgess I think they can win this race from here when the leading car does Andrew butcher does pit as we see Anthony Sewell heading to pit lane so we might just get lucky to keep an eye on that one that's a dramatic development and effectively puts Perry and a stockist in second position and a leading Class B we're following his car into pit lane so in verges will now move into position three for the race second in Class A and we're all just waiting for our leader to pit to this for this race to level out to see where we're at but they're going to the rear hatch on this car to see where the drama is and it looks fairly warm in there but that's not unusual so something's not quite right there really see anything as being an issue he's got no high tea that's an indication you fray your hands in the air it's over in astonishment or you just don't know and I suspect for a Bissell they don't know the cars just obviously lost power and they've had to crawl back to the pits with it what a shame but in the meantime great news for Perry Aristarchus and met Julis second on the road and leading Class B and ahead of Craig Burgess in a Ginetta that Adam Burgess started out in Jamie Miller up to fourth spot and Reynolds 78 is our race leader on screen must be very close to making that last stop for them and tried to hold out as long as they could but I suspect me oh they must not be far away from me they can go through we're going back to locking in a bit late yeah here with a very disappointed Anthony so Anthony were in such a good position what has put you out something to do with gearbox I think it just lost the clutch making a terrible grinding sound so sure once again another weeds and 300 gets away from you unfortunately yeah we had a good a good lead I guess you know we knew Adam was in front but I mean for be leaving the B Class B Division B and we knew we had a pretty good guy to get at least the podium or something so but it's a shame to rush a panel of mine [Music] that just shows you the disappointment with retired took the region 300 in such a good position yeah you just got a grin and Barrett sometimes having yeah and it could be always out of your hands when it finally you cannot go any further what a shame for them not the only story of way today as we continue to watch our race leader and we're expecting that he should pit at any time to avoid over going overtime on the driver minimal time and a janitor off the road so bit of a drama for Adam Burgess was traveling around in 134 s but looks okay I mean may have been just trying to get around traffic there was a in a bit but doesn't seem to be any ongoing issue because of it is here car running second Harry and a stockist at the wheel and car that Matt Julis started out in it's always been up near the front we sort of suspected yesterday that this car was in contention but whoever it can hold out the Ginetta in the final laps 30 laps to go and it's on the same lap you'd have to say probably not the evo 9 of Jason Miller in third spot and as we said before car 78 the Daniel Reynolds met Stubbs BMW in fourth spot doing a great job as guys he always see running at the front of Victorian formula V races making a transition to tint ops pretty successful and they've done it for quite a while butcher now completes he's 70 flap on 71 and already with a pit stop under Undertaker but one more to go these guys are cool to the end and probably the bad news for them and said the Burgess car is cool to the end as well even though their last lap was actually slower because it ran off the road at turn 10 and the long shot they're down a long pit straight into the breaking area it's been a great performance from this little car to take on some of the more powerful bigger cars 19.3 seconds between second and third that's a gap between our race leader race second position in ana star casino purchase inferred and that car will effectively be our last lap there was 3.6 seconds between the pair of them so that gap has coming out of come down a fair bit and that gap ball just disintegrated a fairly rapid rate of course it doesn't run off the road again but I think these guys get a second outright in this car that'll be an amazing effort for a Class B car and for something then I don't think any of the form guides that predominantly la Clemenza would have come up with would have figured to be a top runner prior to this event certainly from qualifying yesterday we did see that it's a sad sight so the guys looking in the engine bay of car 73 Anthony Sewell and Glen Townsend very disappointing that their race ended with just 30 odd laps to go he would continue to see this great race or run off the roadway and his darkest wasn't be expected doesn't have too much for drama I think you may have just seen that car coming up behind him in and got put off by that but continues on tire aren't affected by the look of it in second position that what I would have done is given Craig Burgess a bit of a free kick in to pulling more time out of the gap between second and third as we continue to watch and that was a car that probably might have just thrown him off a little bit now there's not without dramas itself during the course of this day pit lane shock for you and there's our race leader into the pits Andrew butcher Lachlan McBride it'll take fuel they'll do a driver change and give Lachlan a bride to run to the finish they're using the cold blanket technique and a pulley system to fuel it and I'll have been a time up their favor keep an eye on how far they drop down but a little picture we give this car the race lead it'll put it on the same lap this time passed and there we have it they're both on the same lap so when the Peugeot comes around next time it'll be the race leader providing this card up to deposit of course which is currently in second position and he looks like around 3.9 seconds behind the race second-place car so that's a great fight back you can see the red Peugeot in the background of this next shot and Jeanette are looming up on it and this will be for the race lead the next time they cross the line got lucky back with us after having a stood down in the pits the longest stint of anyone there I guess apart from the cars that are out of the race race suit is practical in terms of thing I'm to keep it clean yeah we've got to get that gear pink but yeah let's get Lord dry see well let me right keep one again but you have to say that the burgesses the only safety cars really didn't work for them but still managed to fight themselves quite back into a position where they can win this race and this is really not working for a drug butcher and a local McBryan the fact that they're having to do the second of their compulsory pit stops um through flag conditions so a long way to go in this race 29 laps remaining another thing to think about here is the race record so I've complained of 2 hours and 8 minutes and race record currently stands at 2 hours and 50 minutes so basically we've got 42 minutes left to complete the rest of the race we've had three safety car interruptions so far Everage excellent so we don't have another safety car we'll have a race record we're on for a race record exactly right good justice cannot afford to break out again I've already had that choice here's our battle for the race lead now with Terry ana star casino purges the gap half a second and as you can see it could change any moment superior performance of that to class a Ginetta over the Class B geojo but as you said when you spoke to parry earlier in a day he'd kicked two of his bucket listen on track to get the three ticked off he comes out of turn line the straight line performance of the genera sees a glass pasture cause I won't run down into turn ten in the end it's a fairly easy change for the lead there so the Jeanette which led the early laps this race that one through until it came in under safety car feeling early on in the races taken until now fight its way back to the leg with 27 laps remaining in the jaws for win to the 300 and a stockist that's yours second place outright would still be an excellent result for that car you have to feel for Glen Townsend and Anthony salt because they were weak the margin that they had over the burgesses it would have been okay the burgesses might've caught the thing would have been close yeah I sort of thought that the way up Andy as soon as and Rhea butcher pitted that the verges were in the boxy they had because of the way the cars were all on the same lap and with 30 laps to go you'd think even before most to lap deficit they were going to make it up if they have to three seconds of a lap they could have done it in or two seconds or that possibly it means nothing now they've just got to get to the finish and at this stage they have opened up our one-second lead a little bit more than that but let me stage the top four cars all on the label that and then we have two one one two three cars one lap down Reynolds sorry prop hey Daniel deepens named Virginia and Andrew butcher all wailing that down Andrew butcher and falafels Brian who's now returned to the drivers see if the number 59 BMW from the run home the Dakar that's stuck up on us to is Class C Ford Falcon GT of Wayne and Williams and John McCoy up to 12 spots there any second in Class C but they're the leak of the McCready ox-head cars ahead of them by about a lap in a bit but that's been a pretty interesting come from nowhere and drive for those close to be 12th and also Michael pop and Peter sort well in the Suzuki sweeps Lane in Class eight car currently runs it is this cool thing that's been a very good performance from them to work their way up to play 14 out right as well Rob Haney can't see him back in the pits two out of position number five well that would be an unscheduled stop I would imagine yeah the bonds going up on that car also Rob hey is going to get outside and it can't see it'll get back into that car to drive at home with the way that the safety cars have fallen and the facts that teams want they're fast driver on board for the final state or the fact that the minimum and maximum number of wets for each driver hasn't quite matched up with Wednesday perform when it's forced sometimes into doing third stops yeah in terms of nightcast good to see that the Class D Commodore rich laughs at the world at the moment has been on been going okay had a couple of glitches it stopped at the end of pit lane early on and then had another moment down at turn seven but apart from that has been going fairly well fort loss through the remainder currently running in 19th position and the best family after their early dramas with vibration and happy garage Dakota chicken to where the problem may lay there now currently running in eighteenth but see you see what since I got back out there there's stoop Minh Subaru they've they called the boots they've had dramas from the opening life really I'll be on their way back to Melbourne now love you Mikey yeah so retirements from this race Jordan boys and Chelsea Angelo we know they're out after their car dropped on to seven cylinders Kevin stoop and Gavin Ross and Andrew Williams they're out as well gap Holland inside field office Jago stay Jake Shawn first part struck again tires blown engine that car and they were out on lap number 28 to go and Barney Hogan it looks like they finally called it quits as well Ben Johnson and Shane Tanner were out as were scott McGuinness and Trevor McGuinness without completing a single lap yeah that's right arrived at the hardest or the easiest not getting a lap in or going out very early or going up very late I mentioned going out very later be harder to take and going out early you can accept a early departure with what a late one especially when you're in a good position as well you see Baptists Miller car still circulating they've done a good job there they looked like they didn't have pace early but they're currently running in position three that's been a solid effort we've seen them get passport quite a few cars early in the race but then they've solved it on and done a pretty good job of it to be in third spot a chart leading race class because the second third and fourth and then we've got a class cars 5th 6th 7th and 8th the class character in an a class car just for tier II in test button I don't feel we're but they came in for their second stop they had been exhausted falling often at that point so that cost him a bit again now we're in a similar situation to the Burgess and Chile's in taking that early option that didn't quite figure out for them as well as it did for for say the Burgess okay which now has a 13.8 second lead as there complete 76 laps three-quarters of the way through this race fast some of the fastest cars on the racetrack at the moment are actually mean further back Daniel Decker's in position five has just punched out a bit of 32.4 he was actually the fastest driver on the racetrack last time through and Nathan gayer the 33.6 doing pretty quick perhaps at this stage as well so Daniel Decker's I don't think he can find his way back onto the lane laughing to battle back and a half down at the moment but it's definitely a chance that you can maintain that sort of pace and picking up a couple of spots and maybe continue to run out like podium by the time we get to the end of this race yeah well he's got big class cars in front of him so that's that's quite possible it's pretty sure he won't get to the Verge's car unless it has a drama of some sort and continuing back to our class seek and it is that's it standing through that box and tie 45 which is lady class-d is that's amazing yeah that's the BMW 830 you've just drawn and Jamie with the lovers first race ladies lows wise that's a very very strong performance make you want to come back mmm we got the Suzuki importer inspire which really speaks about not long ago probably though was not good news for them we've got cars on the same line on screen at home Daniel Brennan cement stubs car which is the last car on the lake back at the moment before the record for the most finishes on the lane map in the weeks in 303 which we've achieved three times in 2013 2014 and 2015 so if the Reynolds car can stay on the lane lap all the way through the end we would break that record however they are actually not far behind it's not unheard of for cars to have mechanical problems Nathan bus with a cyber Gary 2014 David read add some shine off and near Mazda mx-5 started blowing smoke just doesn't relax to go not but we wish battle like upon anyone that wants to go a lot of time for more and more drum to unfold just take thinking back to the crazy people 24 hang rice and thousand people like it does at the moment where everything is just sorted sent him down you knew you felt me knew how it was on going to play out and then we had 10 laps at the end that could only be described as pandemonium that's what we waiting for that word to come along and it has well done lucky yes I remember I think I was watching it on the livestream as well back then and that certainly did have its moments commentators got really wild about it near myself and Zach cave in your Pompeii definitely the speech that we've had to the reasons for on screen at the moment Daniel Decker's who continues to punch out the minute thirty twos currently the fastest driver on the racetrack that car sporting a bit of front-end damage so it's obviously leaning back of somebody else at some point during this race but doesn't appear to be affecting the performance too much at the moment Kraig Burgess you can tell them he's just managing the gap I think point four seconds late but he has over Perry Aristarchus closest finish that we had a good meeting 300 words last year but the race finished under safety car so that gave us a bit of an arc officially close finish the closest green flag finish was 2013 and we found 11 seconds from you can see in Mexican coffee with the checkered flag the the benefit Class B honors although perry and osaka sleeves at the moment the gap he has over jason miller is thirty four point three seconds and we've got 20 laps ago and at the moment last lap at least he was well over two seconds faster so we'll keep an eye on that one that could come down to the line but two seconds a lap is there's 40 seconds and that's more than enough to get him to second position overall that would be a amazing finish for them as well you know with Reynolds the next one in line he's fast he's not as fast as Miller but he's faster than in his darkest so keep an eye on that one and as you mentioned before certainly Daniel Decker's the one thirty two five nine is faster than those three cars in front of him but he also is a lap behind them Nathan gain going with him as well 4.4 seconds separating fifth place Decker's from six twice nathan Deal rockland look dry and the other comments on that same lap in position number seven and as you can see and Daniel Johnson Thomas McRaney rounding out the top ten Daniel Gilles in a Malaysian Montgomery had stayed under the radar as well they like tricks the way up into the top ten yeah I noticed that one of the excels out there to car 86 in 15th position has done a reasonably good job - Nathan bill and Daniel Reinhart right how'd I know from Formula and here we go so Reynolds and Stubbs why he who should try and stay on the leg that compared to Krag Burgess but that might be a task that's just a little bit too hard to achieve Burgess let's switch back shake you move up the inside actor number nine and Reynolds goes all that down yeah where he tried to get out of the way and then realize that the Ginetta was on the outside of him rather than inside just one of those situations where you got caught out at the wrong place at the wrong time but there is our race leader now safely in constant leader the 27.6 second margin which will probably go out further on this lap it just seems nothing that can really stop him at this point as he puts another lap on car 13 here as well the Daniel Jillson Lisa Montgomery machine and it's darkest he's last episode 38 zero no and we just see what does his time round for those times have fallen away bit not to do it the heat from the wear of the tires and all the rest of it and Webern Miller can continue he did 37 zero well keep an eye on a gap because that's important now Miller would have to do at least one half if not faster times and what this car is doing to get me back for a second out right they closed run themes to see if we get to the race record if we have any more safety cars I would say that we definitely won't they breaking the race record guys drained for the rest of the race there's a slight chance that we might break it which would be an amazing considering that we've had three safety car interventions this year Miller's again gone faster and 1/2 seconds faster on that lap and the gap now it is 30 point 3 point 33 point 1 second so it has come down that that is a race the moment second a third outright as well as the individual ee-yup refrain and this is the car that's making the inroads again a quick look at some of the stats from the race that you put together lucky this is a bit of an update actually so once again big thanks to our stats booing Shane Rogers so Class B cars in contention pole position car has never won that trend continues in 2017 ten retirements so far 27 cars so that's actually you'd be above the average attrition rate for this race three safety cars three teams on warnings the burgesses who know I've got no warnings left and in terms of pit strategy the burgesses managed to overcome an early disadvantage they lost a lot of track position with that first pit stop they made under the first safety car intervention but they managed to get that back through sheer pike we know that the Edra butcher LACMA mcbride car really love but the bird just car off the road at turn mine now is that just a mistake or if they got a problem no the bird just car it's back on so it's heading to the right-hand side of the circuit at Latura Wow that would have been a high him both mouths moment for everyone down at the DPG team then the dragon a diverges car off the circuit in the dust at turn number 9 and it's able to continue on without coming unless he's second off since he's been in the car as well so is he doing their best to make this as exciting as possible for us City here and that lap was a 142 8 2 so about 10 seconds he lost because of going off the track but it hasn't cost him the lead there was a 33.9 second lead obviously it's come down probably about 23 seconds or there abouts but yeah continues on luckily nothing more than just a off-track excursion out of turn 9 and we're kept an eye still on this race for second and third and the starkest here twenty six point four seconds didn't lose a bit of that learning gap not that it's really important and a 35 for 4 from Anna starkest that's more like the pace they should be doing how was Miller responded can he get into a 34 and continue this drive towards the front of the field wait and see we did say this 33 and for a second now to come from the 35 7 so in actual fact and the starkest went quicker on that lab and the gap is near 30 2.1 seconds [Music] so it's not all over as yet and anything can and sometimes does happen of this moment for the team they're an advanced form of seeing that generic running often turn mine just goes to show that it's never over until it's over interesting that Frank made a mistake they're just having a look as well the knick can't see in and Rob hey that's the mx-5 car entry is back in the pits and has been for almost five minutes so further problem thomasgoescal car number six and that's now sweeps all the way back to 12th position well I did have the bonnet up the last time it came in so once I guess it may have been issues they thought they could get around that haven't been able to class the second-place car the Evo going past the second place Class C car in the Falcon and that Falcon of way minions and John McIlroy if nothing for the top ten outright just behind the head Macready class leader there although there's a lap between them as well and we know that lap came very early on with the first safety car they gained that lap advantage by not being lap while the rest of the the class had been and they've maintained that advantage for the rest of the race you can actually in their lap times have been fairly similar for the course of the day the fastest lap from both was actually in favor of McCready and Cox it still good effort yeah baby ended up almost - that's the head of Williamson McElroy yeah largely by virtue of that they have extended the the the gap between them and the second-place car you job dramas here for car 15 to Commodore cooking oil or a power steering I was wanted to maybe power steering bottle look at the color although you can't see it coming out underneath it doesn't seem to be coming from the engine it doesn't look quite dark enough to be engine oil but what it will do will mean a pit stop which it won't be allowed to continue doing that no and you what are they following that car particularly closely at the moment that's the shoreside would they keep bound at the end of this map no question about that it's capillary at the wheel at the moment and that cars currently scored in 20th position that cars been in and out of the pits all day we saw it in earlier with the fuel pump problem and it doesn't seem to have any oil out on the track where those where front it's come through here's our classy wedding car to improve as well apparently placed ninth and the race is certainly not over yet so could even advance further on the 86 of 100 race it's gone over race time of two hours and twenty nine thirty minutes say for the sake of an argument Daniel Decker's continues to absolutely fly in car number 75 the Hydra wash deck stayed messy mx-5 think continues that the sort of pace that he's doing at the moment he's every chance of getting that car onto the outright podium he's rapidly catching Reynolds and Stubbs and he's not an insurmountable amount of time behind Jason Miller and Richard Vasquez so watch out for car number 75 yeah I was wondering one point two laps away from the lead of the race but when you look where Miller is is one minute and three seconds off the race 82 sometimes here yet every chance if you'd get to third he is the summary of outclassed leaders later Division I first outright adamant Craig Burgess later experimentation team in second position right Perry ana star casino us later division say ninth position out right at the moment for Thomas McCready and Chris Cox and leader of division at D this stage Jess is dry in the BMW e30 sitting in at position 11 outright leader of division a Michael hop who's on screen at the moment of the Suzuki sweeps that he's sharing with the penis went well sitting in the 14th position in terms of the overall placings yeah the little Suzuki caused a few dramas and a Phillip Island that the last round of the Australian production car series went into a tie Barry it turned to it took more time to repair the tire barrier and actually did the repair the car and it was able to keep it out and keep running and unusual situation is seeing all the cars lined up on pit straight well they temporary stopped the race to affect the repairs to the drive area means on screen at the moment just a drawing and Jamie Lovett the BMW a 31st right those guys they have done a sterling job there just outside the top ten outright that BMW 8:30 same speakers guitars that contain that was a next question I was going to ask action and lapping quicker than some of the cars in you know completed classes - so just passing the Class C car there of Wayne Williams and it was a challenging position so Jesse Brian actually decided to play leanings and that was corresponding the top ten and into the top ten outright there's an interesting stat about the BMW e30 that every time we kind of thing EMW 8:30 start and we've done 300 it's always come home in the top 10 out right now just an amazing finishing record with those cards having an ability to work their way towards the front of the field through pure reliability and consistency if not necessarily outright speed well that consistently consistency does rule the roost doesn't it and how you're going and we've seen Craig Burgess have the odd problem but still maintaining lead here he comes up on the back of these two cars will certainly put a lap on them very shortly guys through turn three currently on a lap 89 of this race it's been an interesting race it's had its moments the strategy has welcomed into place 80 cars have played their little part in it as well half affected some cars and haven't affected others so on screen at the moment Daniel Decker's sitting in position number five lapping more than three seconds quicker than the two cars ahead at the moment so he's making up time on Reynolds and Stubbs every chance of catching them before the end of the race what's all them you quite get to the back of Mueller when the bestest car which is a bit further up the road position Michael form comes forth again I think he'll just about going signed he's come four more times I reckon than any other driver in winter like field three hundreds without thing on the podium fourth here a couple of times in a row for for the Wakefield three hundred earlier this year as well Jason Miller and we can get potentially yet another fourth place peach Decker's actually did his fastest lap I'm not paid him for so that's not that long ago and he's still circulating around about the same pace Yura comes up behind Daniel Reynolds now keep in mind that Daniel Reynolds is a division B car and it's only had the one compulsory pitstop but can not go in ICU the 34 Daniel Decker's he's you know a Division I car so I can go faster but has done an extra pit stop just get a single out to Decker's ten laps to go and we're not sure if it went out to Decker's or it when you have to read all say they settle down a bit look at that guy Reynolds didn't even fight the position in fact he opened for his indicator on cement Decker's no to go through on the right hand side so Daniel Decker's moves up into position for well speeding way of the BMW drivers all day with stubs and Reynolds in that car they've just allowed they haven't fought off anyone fooled position allowed and go through and then just follow him around for a couple laps and again it's this consistency that seems to be the way they go because it's where they're sitting there 15 a race and third of the class because he's out outright race leading car coming into the final ten laps Jocelyn Wheaton 327 teen classic performance its thing for Adam frag Burgess they've had to drive that car and without going underneath the minimum lap time they've had to make up a lot of time on cars that have been in the pits for five fewer minutes and yet when it counts that's still recent to the point you need to say on what a performance it despite a couple of off-track excursions as well certainly doing the job at the moment they lead forty four point one three seconds over Perry Anna starkest and a little Pirjo with Jason Miller birds like the gap between second and third we'll get it give an update on that because it was coming down and then one lab and the status did enough to get back out there he did a 36 seven on that lab should be somewhere in the region of 20 yes probably 300 seconds for a drift and mindful that tickers will be the car that's closing in on you but now we you'll complete that laugh it's got a fair margin over Decker's home just depends on these last 10 laps mine laps and Miller goes through five six days only one-tenth faster on that land 24 went 7.5 seconds the gap between second and third we just been shown and another gap that isn't big as between seventy-eight and car five yeah Daniel Reynolds and Nathan gaya' so that's the battle for positions five and six so Nathan Ganga was 3.1 seconds quicker than Daniel Reynolds the last time through so they don't become a pretty hot contest in the closing stages of this race as well but Brian in car 59 again they were probably more affected by the pit strategy than anyone certainly dropped them from the lead Gilson in eighth spot in nine and don't like them he attached that class beaker but Brian is actually lapping about the same speed is the cravings that there was two laps between them yep so there we go five and a half seconds from Daniel Reynolds back to Nathan gaya on those numbers day we'll catch Reynolds before we get to the end of this race we just gotta miss out on the race record I reckon all about two minutes short of having a race record time Jason mewling punches out that cars fastest laughs - place on up 91 third place Mitsubishi Evo maybe they've they can see like the the carrot out there and maybe they think they can run down that pirjo the gap will be the significant part of that whether they can do it or not this car off the road so if this brings out a safety car this certainly puts a Class B cars in jeopardy of maintaining their positions doesn't it to some extent it does but the thing is that there's only three cars on the lane website Daniel Decker's for example doesn't really get any advantage at all because he doesn't get to catch up to the cars ahead of him but it's well they're on to at the moment 19 I think you know they're all on their lap 92 completed lap 92 so Anna Stark is the Miller that gap will come down to nothing Decker's will close right up on it as well and then you go gear coming on the back of rental so there could be some quite a few positional changes in the last - if we get a safe to go we haven't got one yet so let's not count it though that I know if it pulled to the other side of the tire Barry would have been okay last time we had a safety car this close to the enemy's 2014 on that occasion we had to change from the outright race lead and the very last laugh 2013 we had a lead change in the final five laps as well so I'm known for it to happen it might be because we are so close to the end I might just leave that car there and the local yellows from the end of the race little B no passing zone through at the end actually where that flag point is I still had the green light going so maybe that just had the yellow out for a lap to let everyone know that it was there and fifth positions changed as well Nathan Ganga has relieved Daniel Reynolds played five in car number five [Music] continues to negate that gap to and a stockist as well she's interesting 3875 for Ana status on that last lap still waiting familiar that come across the line the other interesting thing he expected Daniel deficits got on board not only is he catching up to Jason Miller but he's also catching the janessa so Daniel Decker's is a chance of unwrapping himself from Burgess before we get to the end of this race that's interesting says it's just three cars on the lead lap now according to the timing that's Burgess in a Sarkis and Miller then we go back to a lap behind Dacus gear Reynolds McBrine and then a to black magic vectors juicy MacCready and then three cars on 87 complete allowed such Bryan's the teary and Williams Falcon 12 six max guy was good another lat and this is the stage of the race where you start to hear all the different noises same here in the car so close to the home fifty five point six seconds he's made over and a stockist so they can really afford just back off the first home it does not need to take any risk whatsoever and there's about 21 and a half seconds back to Miller inferred so that gap has really come down in the last few laps he's our class thing later Thomas McCready Chris Cox said they've done a pretty good job in that to get that advantage earlier it fortuitous maybe but certainly come on strong in the second half of this race second place more Perry Anna starkest and let feuless that really is a giant killing performance for those guys well we're hearing that the best car has run out of fuel Wow unfortunately so that's why it's park really so they can't go any further now at all but I think he could turn it on the start about it for a full lap could you courtesy of Michael Gray who passed that message through of course Alexander best Michael gray have been running the Toyota in Class D of the Australian production car series as it heads to its final round next weekend at Wakefield Park that other venue that you won't want so much lucky yeah not will be there next weekend as well as we see this theory by which is bit further back after a couple of unscheduled pit stops has just worked its way up into the top ten we were waving Jesse Brian and Jamie the Lovett of 10th position currently on lap 96 or before to go it didn't in this one I'll just miss out on the race record I'll tell you what if we'd have one few citecar for one lap unless under safety car we would have been definitely what is the race record two hours three hours 50 minutes Craig Burgess continues to lead the way fifty nine point nine six seconds in front now anise anise darkest in second Miller inferred that gap now is twenty seven seconds so it's come down a little bit further to Miller and then of course we've got the lap back to dicker skier Reynolds and a stop for McBrine oh yeah out of position seven there it is now well unfortunately I got caught out by the safety by pitting under greens that cost him time either you punch up a me bring a jack under the left-hand side of that car and a tire come here so I like puncher for that car now that we're getting very close to home a few taste stats to run through Gary something Burgess has been they'll become the second team to win both Wakefield 300 and the wins and 300 in the same year the last time to do it Steve at Jake Shelley in 2015 and also become the first six cylinder car between the region for a country reads the 300 up till now that's been my wife he was still in the car trying to get a v8 up there next year here's our second place car Perry anistar consumers they can hold on to the second position of the final four laps finish second outright I'd be very surprised if you don't say some more emotion from Anna starkest the podium because he is a driver who puts his heart and soul into these 300 kilometres so the long leaves and rates the new cities but a longtime supporter of the gap is now just seven was 20 seconds it's come down a little bit further but it shouldn't affect with just three laps to go you think they'll be home in hose by now given that dull finish on the way that's three cars on the lead lap that equals the best performance in the past but you can't really take it away from the birches father and son duo Kenya they've done a pretty good job we're in tricky conditions given the speed of that car and maintaining that they don't break out more times than they should they break out twice and a third one would have cost him the race yeah Craig Burgess is driving since we at this point just cruising around and occasionally stress on the car not going to he's getting damaged 14 states he nice things got me 60 seconds for the next car so eventually ended up we're going to end up with 10 retirements from this race that's a record 17 finish and so the attrition rates been high which I think given the hot weather conditions the long grain running that we've had between safety cars we only has tested a lot of mechanical components in what are in a lot of cases largely production-based cars absolutely insurance and the only issue that he may have his lap traffic obviously for Craig Burgess says he starts his penultimate lap in this what has been a fairly entertaining and in falling race it's it's been a racist strategy not the time to go for a bit of a squiggle down at turn three is it hasn't quite throwing up the lot busters finish that we've had here I mean a couple of times that it was run but you don't stage with the race only when you betrayed interesting strategies unfolding tales of woe for some of the teams that retired with mechanical problems the lotuses proves vulnerable today but the lotuses in the race retiring only the engine failure when with the gearbox problem there are our official margins at the moment one minute five point four seconds and then Miller behind his class C Class B rival in Anna's Tarkus that gap there is what less than 18 seconds you can see it 17.8 to be precise so the gap has been coming down but it's a managed gap and that's the important part and as you said for Perry Aristarchus who's been a longtime supporter of this event this is the culmination that you would really say of I've actually done my best job ever and they said they qualified in the top ten they've been competitive they wanted to win the class and they a podium would have been a bonus we got all three yeah that's an excellent performance name why not let to go in the 2017 jost group weeds and 300 and in the way cleaning ups this race I wrote an article about the storylines that this races almost thrown up every year since its resurrection into 2011 we've had some classic performances we've had some blockbuster finishes we've had some weather affected races heartbreaking retirements tales of elation tales of woe everything explained this weekend no question that it hasn't been without a bit of controversy especially the division situation but one team despite some of the challenges involve hurdles that has been presented to them that's been a classy performance from fraggin Adam Burgess the father-and-son team j15 the good news is McBrine is able to get back out and has a lost position but has dropped a lap so that's that's good news for them still ahead of Gilson MacCready years materi intense but now two corners left to go he come out winners race freak one doesn't like it broken this year but from the second time ever there's going to be a team winning it both of the endurance races for the banana Auto Club fraggin Adam Burgess they have done the double in the genetic g50 they take the race victory after two hours 52 minutes and 7 seconds and in the end of big margin back to second place and I've been well over 75 seconds but what a performance giant-killing performance than this car qualified in the top 10 outright sensible consistent driving from both its pilots all day it was a contender in the bay main a couple of years ago that just shows you the improvements in performance they've made to it since then they are going to finish outright runner-up in 2017 what a performance and on the web yeah what an awesome performance for Perry Ennis targets and metals they will be enlightened those damn fruit turned 10 for last time and I guess it's a little bit it would probably be worse for Perry if he wasn't in the car but the fact that it's his car and he's in it is probably the the great point about this he gets to be in the cars and correct the chair flag I made the decision to start Matthew or seen the kind of like change perry ana star casino car gets it subscribe that car across the line in p2 great job guys of true grassroots Motorsports and coming home in third after starting the race 14th on the grid in a car that they only drive that Wakefield karke last week for the first time get that car onto the podium Jason Miller and Richard baskets finished third outright but they're our winners Craig and hadn't Burgess first win for them even the Winton 300 if I go back to back with the blank the old 300 which they won earlier in the year and a stockist Miller then Daniel Dickinson Michael Paul in fourth position Nathan gainer and Phil shouting for position 5 Daniel Reynolds and met Stubbs 6th rockland McBrine than Andrew butcher in seventh Daniel Jellison and Lacey Montgomery in 8th position Thomas McCraney increased Coxon in ninth and Trevin and John's Patera grounding out the top 10 in terms of our division winners kraggen and Burgess win division a Perry ana star casino at Sheila's wind division being the division same win goes to thomas McCraney and Chris Cox said the division Dean ween to Jesse Bryan and at Jamie all of it and division eights and Michael hop and plays a sort well brilliant race great strategies 16 finishes out of our 26 starters some interesting stories to go around tonight but certainly very happy winning duo they were just congratulating instead still getting out of the car of course and if you giddy on it if it sitting down for a while I mean one of those some of the other teams as well good staff and there's the Shelly's down there as well congratulating them which is great to see as well they are good nights off the track and even though the showings race into disappointment still be very happy to say that there just is crossing the line between those guys over 300 kg rows great scenes okay there we have the Josh group went and 300 podium presentation come up shortly but from us here Lachlan Mansell and Gary O'Brien and all the crew here plenty line TV we're going to say farewell from Raceway
Channel: Blend Line TV
Views: 38,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Winton 300, Winton Motor Raceway, Blend Line TV, Winton
Id: jFuOnthk5No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 21sec (10881 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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