2017 Ohio State Drum Major Tryouts
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Channel: Konner Barr
Views: 2,388,797
Rating: 4.7446189 out of 5
Keywords: Ohio State drum major, ohio state marching band, tbdbitl, 2017 osu drum major tryouts, drum major tryouts, osumb, drum major, tryouts, osu drum major, konner barr, john Lavange, tyler nichols, morgan davis, kris hamilton, joshua guesman
Id: RZq8UvIsUec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I watched more of that than I would like to admit.
It is weird to see them do this without uniforms on. I am used to seeing this with big puffy hats and capes which make it all seem more "normal".
When it is just some guys in khaki shorts and polos it look so odd.
This bothers me for some reason..
John LaVange won since the video doesn't show who won. Konner Barr won in 2018 though.
Well, I won't be shaking that tune from my head today.
America's weird.
Wool uniforms in August make this more impressive.
Or interviews for the "Ministry of Silly Walks."
would have watched the entire thing but the ohio state fight song enrages me. this was pretty cool though!
This looks like something that would be in Family Guy
This is just an untapped well of fresh memes here