2016 Norwegian Arctic Field Ration Reindeer Casserole Game Stew MRE Review Military Tasting

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Well shit, if you're deployed in the arctic region you should get a good feed.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

I have to admit it is the first time I've seen people mix the instant coffee and the hot chocolate.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheZigg89 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2016 🗫︎ replies

The field rations are really good. Sleeping in a small tent with your squad after chili concarne-day is not.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Propp91 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2016 🗫︎ replies
well for dinner tonight I'm going to be having a Norwegian arctic filled meal military ration menu number nine game casserole not exactly sure what that will be because in the English translation of the contents it says game casserole which doesn't tell you what it is an energy drink - protein bars dried fruits cocoa chocolate coffee chewing gum seems pretty simple product of Norway and it was produced January 29th 2016 best before April 28th 2018 brand new right all right let's check this thing out easy enough ok so we've got some hot chocolate now it's good apple flavored energy drink toffee protein bar made by or faux same company that packs certain snacks for the British operational ration packs very simple ingredients raisins 42 grams that Oh Columbian this coffee is really good protein bar toffee again so you get two of those that's nice this infection swab it's really tough antiseptic Talat oh wow look at this I got an extra what did it replace it said it was only two protein bars I cut three well that's cool right on bonus real energy chocolate 25 grand bar spearmint chewing gum thanks - I wanna bend it too much is time and you get your entree and this ziplock baggie keep your loose contents safe and dry let's see what this is that reindeer stew its reindeer stew I have never had reindeer before says here are four hundred sixty calories 19% of the lingonberries Wow look at the ingredients high quality ingredients this has to be one of the most fancy quality rations I've ever come across alright that looks good let's get this out onto a tray nice alright so first off I want to add some hot water to this entree nice hit check that out cool all right I want to let that do its thing and while we're waiting we'll check out these other items let me check out these drunks real quick starting with this apple flavor energy drink no food coloring I like that part or at least it looks like it right now when you add that water it might turn Hulk green who does we'll see in a sec here and it does not that's really cool they didn't go in whole us MRE using tons of food coloring never understand it check out that Colombian just the actual granules granules of it see what it looks like looks like a light to medium roast but we'll see it smells very fresh we're going to try out this coffee without the cocoa first just a little sip get a reading on what it's like and then I'm going to add the cocoa to it very crisp hardly bitter or acidic it's just very smooth that's some of the smoothest coffee it's delicious and you don't need creamer or sugar for it and in these parts that's how they do it in Scandinavian countries they normally don't use creamer and sugar but in this case we're definitely going army Mochaccino decadent all right now let's try out this Apple drink mmm I was expecting a very artificial apple flavor that tastes like granny smith apples that's incredible hmm Wow not bad let's try out one of these toffee protein bars next oh wow look at that thing that looks fantastic very soft and malleable oh my gosh hmm it's such a tender chew hmm with a nice natural toffee flavor and buttery that's the best protein bar ever had check out this raisins looking good mmm the nice and dry they're not listening like us MRE raisins and all that propylene glaze all these things are more natural mmm nice sweet dry raisins all right now let's check out that real energy chocolate this looks to be in perfect shape beautiful let's try out a bite mmm oh it's so smooth high quality textures perfect slightly creamy like milk chocolate but has a higher cacao content it's like Hershey's special dark only of actual good quality no faster she's mmm I got to try that with the army Mochaccino this is the way to go dessert before dinner mmm that's like heaven this is probably ready to go still needs to be mixed up a little bit that looks amazing look at that lingonberry even a lingonberry in there that's the coolest thing this is just incredible what a meal I've never come across a ration quite this exotic I guess you could say it is something else all right let's get this out onto the tray nice look at that it looks amazing check out that those lingonberries in there man what an entree it's exciting all right this gets a little everything that's what I want there you go mmm I mean this piece of reindeer Wow creamy potato and carrot it's like a light gravy almost like a stuffing white gravy base but the reindeer wow it's gamey just like they say a game casserole tastes a lot like venison which the closest thing I can compare to that would be like it's closer to beef and chicken or pork I'll tell you that but it's like hmm that has such a distinct flavor I can't explain it is savory wholesome filling I can't stop eatin it's absolutely amazing this one of the best military rations ever had the Norwegian hit it out of the park yet again I had that breakfast last time this time it looks like it'd be a perfect lunch or dinner and I gotta say I'm thoroughly impressed and getting the extra protein bar as a nice bonus mmm the reindeer has such a nice strong unique savory satisfying high-quality beef kind of flavor with a nice undertone of something else and I just can't put my finger on it's just gamey and you wouldn't know unless you add something like venison to compare or elk which I've had both those I can tell you this is very much like those it's like instead of having beef stew with beef your standard lrp or RCW MCW entree but it's much like the u.s. meal cold weather leaves dill but this is like three times better norwegian arctic field ration menu number nine real field meal game casserole those topic flavored protein bars some awesome nice dry perfect consistency raisins they aren't sticky that's another plus delicious dark chocolate move tweet and some excellent coffee and cocoa and mixing them is a great combination mmm well it's just so delectable the quality of that Colombian coffee and that chocolate that hot cocoa is amazing and a nice sweet not overly artificial Apple drink Mex nicely done alright this is Steve 1989 off memory infocom will be like the review all right cool see ya you
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Views: 1,090,107
Rating: 4.9486861 out of 5
Keywords: mre, ration, food review, steve1989, mreinfo, army food, military meal, norwegian ration, norway mre, mremarketplace, gschultz9, gundgog4314, kiwi dude, rc gusto, stickyfingaz745, reindeer stew, rudolph, military food, army meal, special forces, freeze dried
Id: 7fmLlkfGQ_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2016
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